Business cards, flyers, invitations and more! Contact 042-552-2510 (extension77315) 227-7315 VOLUME 14 NO. 15 APRIL 2 − APRIL 8, 2020 SUBMIT STORIES TO: [email protected] STRIPESOKINAWA.COM FACEBOOK.COM/STRIPESPACIFIC FREE The Outsider nth of th rating Mo e Military C I am not a military child. eleb hild I live life apart from military bases, C From uniforms and airplanes and barracks, From people, always coming and going, Never around long enough to know. Gone too long to keep knowing.

I live apart from my country. When I return I am not the same. I understand the world more, Little by little And understand them no longer.

I live apart from the country in which I reside, A foreigner in familiar lands, Lands more familiar than my own. I’ve moved only twice, But call nowhere home.

The world is vast. At 18, I’ve seen a lot of it, More than I ever thought I would, More than most ever can. The places I’ve been, The people I’ve met, Friends I’ve made, From everywhere, Every way of life, I would give everything To relive it all with them, In lands, far and foreign, Rich with history, With culture, With fun.

Soon, I return to the country I can’t call home, A new chapter. – Valerie Carrasco, 6th Grade, Lester Middle School I won’t forget the friends I’ve made, Each one different, vibrant and extraordinary. Each with an impact on my life I can’t calculate. Maybe they didn’t stay long, Dear U.S. Marine Corps, But they stay with me now. Hello old friend, it’s been a while when I went through my terrible almost time to say goodbye. I don’t I won’t forget the stores, since we last spoke, but in two years middle school phase. know if I’ll be ready to let you go, but The shows, The culture time I will have to move on without You knew that I always liked I know this is a part of growing up. Of South Korea. you. You’ve been there for all 18 hanging out with my mom’s friends Will I be able to make friends without I won’t forget the sparkling waters, years of my life, and I just want to rather than other children, so you you? Will I be able to settle and be The food, say… thank you! It was because of always gave her people who liked The blue skies, normal in two years? No, I don’t WKHҖRZHUVRI2NLQDZD you that my mom and dad met, and hanging with me too. I think you think I will, it’s not how you raised I won’t forget the rolling hills of Ireland, I was born. It was because of you gave me issues with talking to people me. I may not be able to settle for a The architecture of England, my mom and I met so many amazing my own age, or people in general very long time, but I will always try The boat trip in the Philippines people, and it was because of you (besides my sisters) because you Where men leapt into the water to leave a little joy before I go to the And pulled out eels for us to pet. that my family has grown so big over made me different, but I’ve gotten next place. the years. better over the years with your I will not forget all of the fond I take it all with me, You are what made me who I support. You are one of my best memories we shared, and I’ll even To my home country unfamiliar, am today: sweet, understanding, friends. We may not agree with some With a new life to live, cherish the sad ones. I am grateful A lifetime of stories to tell, ҖH[LEOHDQGVRFLDOO\DZNZDUG

Check out more military children stories at: KIDS, TELL US Send your Month of the Military Child YOUR STORY! submission to [email protected] by April 15! 2 STRIPES OKINAWA A STARS AND STRIPES COMMUNITY PUBLICATION APRIL 2 − APRIL 8, 2020 MILITARY CHILD POLL

Max D. Lederer Jr. Publisher Kids sound off on family PCS moves Lt. Col. Richard E. McClintic Commander Joshua M Lashbrook LESTER MIDDLE SCHOOL Chief of Staff Chris Verigan Teacher Kendra Migita polled 62 students from Lester Middle School on Engagement Director how they feel about moving as a military child. Here are the results: Marie Woods Publishing and Media Design Director Chris Carlson Publishing and Media Design Manager Eric Lee Advertising and Circulation Manager Scott Wheeler Okinawa Area Manager Kentaro Shimura When it comes to moving, Production Manager Rie Miyoshi is it better to leave or be left? Engagement Manager Denisse Rauda Publishing and Media Design Editor Publishing and Media Design Writers ChiHon Kim Shoji Kudaka Takahiro Takiguchi Layout Designers Mamoru Inoue Yukiyo Oda Yuko Okazaki Kayoko Shimoda Multimedia Consultants Max Genao Doug Johnson Brian Jones Jason Lee Hans Simpson Chae Pang Yi Gianni Youn Robert Zuckerman Graphic Designers Kenichi Ogasawara Yosuke Tsuji Sales Support Kazumi Hasegawa Hiromi Isa How many times have you moved? Ichiro Katayanagi Yoko Noro Yusuke Sato Saori Tamanaha Toshie Yoshimizu

For feedback and inquiries, contact [email protected] To place an ad, call DSN 645-7419 APRIL 2 − APRIL 8, 2020 A STARS AND STRIPES COMMUNITY PUBLICATION STRIPES OKINAWA 3

&ɰȵɰʍUDʤʖQɒɰȵɰʍUDʤʖQɒɰȵɰʍUDʤʖʍUDʤ ɒ ɒ 0ʝQʃɓԷʃȱɏ0ɵʙLWʋʢɨ&ʕɵOɍ

Lester Middle MilitaryMilitary children School travel around the globeglobe they never know where they’ll go . It’s a sad moment when you have to say 6th Grade “bye bye bro” on to the airplane to the unknown on to the airplane to the unknown We miss our friends Ms. Burch and sob but hopefully stay in contact with them when we go. Every Editor’s Note: Take a look at these Now and the we have to say goodbye and so about three years until we say “bye bye” wonderful drawings and words from – Luke Arocha Ms. Burch’s talented students. Awesome job, kids!

– Genesis Mendoza.psd

– Chloe Cadang

– Alexander Kube.psd

– Angelita Hernandez

– Breanna Esparza.psd

See more from Ms. Burch’s class on Page 4 Child submissionby April to 15! – Gabriel Martinez.psd Send your Month of the Military – Lydia Johnson [email protected] 4 STRIPES OKINAWA A STARS AND STRIPES COMMUNITY PUBLICATION APRIL 2 − APRIL 8, 2020

&ɰȵɰʍUDʤʖQɒɰȵɰʍUDʤʖQɒɰȵɰʍUDʤʖʍUDʤ ɒ ɒ 0ʝQʃɓԷʃȱɏ0ɵʙLWʋʢɨ&ʕɵOɍLester Middle School

6th Grade Ms. Burch

– Miranda Norwood

– Lyndzi Jones military children stories at: militarychild.stripes.comCheck out more

– Mia Perez – Yoshinosuke Esparza

Celebrating Month of the Military Child 1st Sullivans Elementary School grade Editor’s Note: Mr. Cox is extremely proud of his group of talented 1st-graders. Folks, take a look at their wonderful drawings and words!

Sophia Gabriel Alexa Nola Neyah

ore military out m eck h ren stories at C child : child.stripes.c itary om mil


&ɰȵɰʍUDʤʖQɒɰȵɰʍUDʤʖQɒɰȵɰʍUDʤʖʍUDʤ ɒ ɒ 0ʝQʃɓԷʃȱɏ0ɵʙLWʋʢɨ&ʕɵOɍ

They joy of getting you toys Lester Middle SchoolThey are good, exciting, and overwhelming A Great Adventure As you capture the sight of everything you own Moving is a big part of the great adventure of being a military Then the sight of it all in your new house child. I have lived in San Diego for three years and now I live And the sight of all your favorite toys Ms. Migita in Okinawa, . Moving is a great way to experience new You will never forget that one feeling things and meet new people. When I moved I thought I would make Editor’s Note: Every year Kendra The Joy of getting your toys no friends. I also missed my old friends but it turned out I made – Collin Graniero Migita’s students enlighten us with a lot of new ones. A fun fact about Military children is we have their prose. This year is no exception. RXURZQҖRZHU,W¥VD'DQGHOLRQEHFDXVHLWUHSUHVHQWV¢WKHSODQW Take a look at what they have to say. puts down roots almost anywhere, and it’s almost impossible to I think moving is a part of life. I destroy’.” Our color is purple. We wear it to show support and have to pack, live, pack again, and WKDQNWKH0LOLWDU\\RXWKIRUWKHLUVWUHQJWKDQGVDFULҕFHV%HLQJ then leave. Then the whole process a Military child is a great respect to have and I’m proud to be a starts all over again. Everyone I Military Child. meet, I’ll probably never see again. – Cinnamon Escamilla I have to make new friends, start a new system, and make things seem like they’re normal when they Being a military child is not as bad as it sounds. I I am a military kid aren’t. Everything and everyone know that there are a lot of stories of people who because my dad is in around me is different. There are GRQ¥WTXLWHҕWLQWRJURXSVZKHQWKH\PRYH$QG the military. Being a different customs and traditions I have to get used to, like when I know that some of these stories are true and PLOLWDU\FKLOGLVGLIҕFXOW -DSDQHVHSHRSOHWDNHWKHLUVKRHVRIILQVSHFLҕFSODFHV,MXVW others are made up because of the military child because I need to move end up in a world of confusion from what everyone is used to. stereotype and people feel bad. But there is one around many times and I think moving is different for everyone. Some people have thing that I don’t like about being a military child meet new friends. The to be left, while others are the ones that leave, but I think in the is that everybody treats you like that stereotype excellent thing about end, everything gets better. For example, I get to meet people like “ Oh you poor little thing you must be so upset moving around is that I’ve never met before, see more places like Japan and Spain, that you left your friends behind and I feel so bad I can go to new places and even try new food like sushi. for you” And all I can think is “person Excuse and learn about new When I move I feel that I can see the world through the eyes me but my life is amazing I get to travel the world cultures such as in of many different people. I can live like how other people live with my parents and they serve the united states Japan. I needed to get and enjoy their customs. To me, moving is a gift, and I am so of america the greatest country in the world. used to eating different glad to be a military child. My parents get paid enough to feed me and buy foods but they were – Eiva Maizano a house. I am anything but sad I am proud. I am delicious. The rough thing about moving around is that I need proud my Dad defends my country OUR country. to meet new friends and leave my other friends behind. My And yes I am sad about leaving my friends but H[SHULHQFHDERXWPRYLQJHYHU\\HDUVLVGLIҕFXOWEHFDXVH I can always call them or text them so they are I need to learn the other peoples culture and adapt to their Think never truly gone. And so I don’t think that being a culture. I don’t really want to move around because I would Have you ever seen a military child’s reaction when asking military child is that bad. need to get used to the environment all over again. Another them “Where are you from?” I’m going to tell you about what – Jedidiah Goebel good thing about moving is I get to meet heaps of new most military children have to go through when being asked that people. Since my dad is in the military I am a military kid and question. Military kids are always on the move, so when being As I look to my window, sometimes he has to go on trips to other places since he is a DVNHGWKDWTXHVWLRQLWLVGLIҕFXOWIRUWKHPWRDQVZHU7KH\WUDYHO IRRGVHUYLFHRIҕFHU+HKDVWRFKHFNWKHZDWHUWRPDNHVXUH I see a world full of hate. around the world to many different places that they may not I see no smile it is potable, which means to check if it is okay to drink. My want to go to. I, who have experience, understands how they feel GDGJRHVWKHUHIRUZHHNVVRPHWLPHVDQGLWLVGLIҕFXOW Nor a laugh because I too am a military child. But we military children have I only see black without him being at our house. It is stressful moving because quite a few stories to tell about our adventures in the outside I pick up my stuff I would need to get ready to move 6 months ahead. It is world. We take pride in your adventures that you had. We have For today I leave stressful being a military child because I have moved around more protection while we are moving around. We can make more To go across the world many times. As a military child, I know what it feels to move friends while we are away from you other friends. But remember Do I see a point to go? around many times and need to meet new friends and learn that we still need to be careful. We can still be kidnapped, No. I see no point to go. new cultures that I haven’t ever learned before. poisoned or, made sick with a virus. In places, certain people I’ll just have to pick up again – Mina Hyatt don’t like the military and cause riots. And leave my life behind. – Israel Alvarez-Giron – Rebekah Roundy

See more from Ms. Migita’s class I am not a military child, but my friends are and here is what I see. Being a military child seems to be rough, but on Page 6 according to my friends and the people around me, there’s wonders and impressive experiences. In my opinion, I think How to Leave and Make Friends when Everybody PCS that being a military child and also the parents in the military 3&6LQJFDQEHYHU\GLIҕFXOWIRUPDQ\FKLOGUHQVXFKDVP\VHOI have a hard time getting used to the environment after Most military children have to moving to a different place and before moving too. What is leave their friends and when they it like to live in a military community? There is enjoyment get to their new school, they are and sadness and depression too when your best friend isolated from all the other kids. goes somewhere that is far away and sometimes there’s no When military students leave chances to keep in touch. In my whole life, I have been the WKHLUIULHQGVWKH\VKRXOGҕQGD one who is left out because my friends were moving way to contact them or they can Say bye to old friends DZD\,DOZD\VIHOWH[WUHPHO\WKHҕUVWWKLQJ,GRLVWR say “Hope we meet again.” If the And hello to new ones met talk to an adult to help me and understand me and FKLOGGRHVҕQGDZD\WRFRQWDFW This life feels like it never ends IHHODOLWWOHEHWWHU7KHQ,UHVHWP\PLQGWRҕQGLQJ them, he or she can request for Yes, we all get upset new friends and also help other new students to support and comfort. Of course, But our life is the best the school and make new friends, so it’s not they should probably ask their We don’t have a true home only the moving kids that need to make new SDUHQWVIRUVXSSRUWҕUVW7U\LQJ Each place is a new quest friends but the left friends need to too. to make friends at a new school Everywhere we roam It’s not the people that leave are having can be hard. What the child can do Is new and better than the last problems but the people left are is include themselves in different Sometimes the new place moves slow having problems too. activities such as signing up But other times it moves fast – Tiffany Ferguson for clubs, sports, and etcetera. But where ever we are we know PCSing is hard, but the most can This is the life we live Child submission to someone can do is seek support. And we wouldn’t trade it for the world by April 15! Send your Month of the Military – Matthew Ian Delacruz – Peyton Steele [email protected] 6 STRIPES OKINAWA A STARS AND STRIPES COMMUNITY PUBLICATION APRIL 2 − APRIL 8, 2020

&ɰȵɰʍUDʤʖQɒɰȵɰʍUDʤʖQɒɰȵɰʍUDʤʖʍUDʤ ɒ ɒ 0ʝQʃɓԷʃȱɏ0ɵʙLWʋʢɨ&ʕɵOɍ Ms.M Migita

Lester Middle MySchool dad ppyputs on his military uniform +HSXWVRQKLVҕJKWLQJERR+HSXWVRQKLVҕJKWLQJERRWVS WV He puts on his dog tags He puts on his combat hat Military Kid +HҕQLVKHVSDFNLQJKLVPDULQHEDJ Hi, my name is Nevaeh Gilbert and I am not a military kid. I am totally the opposite. My mom is a teacher so 7KHQZHDOOVD\RXUҕQDOJRRGE\HV we mostly stay in one place for three years or more We are all sad but it’s part of his job as a Marine before we move. I am the kid that is on the other end In the end I may not wear a uniform when a Military Child leaves. I am the one who gets But I still serve as a military child. left behind. Sometimes my mom and I don’t even try to meet people that are in the military because we Evervday I would put on clothes and eat breakfast know that we are going to see them eventually leave. And get on my backpack and go to school This is why my mom says to make friends that have a Just like I do with my dad. teacher parent because we know they will be around It’s my job to help my mom with keeping our for a longer time. Whenever we have these activities House clean and spotless just like we would do at school to write about your experience as a military kid and have a With our dad there. chance of getting your work in the newspaper I feel this does not include – Jonah Preston me. The whole activity is about military kids but the other people in that class might have a teacher parent or their parent is a civilian. Most people focus on the kids who have to move many times. I am not saying that is a bad thing but I think we should also know the people that get left behind. It is just as hard to leave as it is to get left behind. That is all I want to say thank you for taking your time to read what I have to say. – Nevaeh Gilbert We are everywhere We shed tears We say goodbye We’re gone for years Across the skies We are everywhere

We make a friend It is all a process until the end We will bless We do the same thing over again Don’t want it to end – David Sanders We are everywhere – Dominic Zagone

Leaving We move from place to place meeting new people, leaving other people. For every lost there is a gain for every gain there is a lost. When we drive, I feel the rushing wind on my face it’s chilly- cold. We drive my dad to the airport and say farewell. We see the airplane go bye. After six months go by, we will see him. I miss him already it feels like a year, then he comes back home. We missed him, but now he is back. An the cyle repeats. We move, people leave, dad leaves, dad comes back, and the cycle repeats. We move, people leave, dad leaves, dad comes back, and the cycle repeats... – Nicholas Stahler

Being a military child is hard but it’s worth it when you look around and see how great your life is. When it comes to bills like water, and electricity, as well as medical expenses your parents don’t have to pay for it which ultimately means that you get more items or things you would like to have. And this overall takes anxiety off your parents while nine times out of ten if none of your parents were in the military there would most likely be lots of more stress in your house simply because some expenses aren’t covered by the military, therefore, causing stress and while stress is doing its job it causes arguments and arguments cause divorces. It’s kind of like an algorithm. Military family = less rate of divorce While on the other hand, Ordinary family + stress ie argument= high rate of divorce. My point is that we should be grateful for what we have and for the rates of unfortunate things are simply lower. – Jaden Love APRIL 2 − APRIL 8, 2020 A STARS AND STRIPES COMMUNITY PUBLICATION STRIPES OKINAWA 7 8 STRIPES OKINAWA A STARS AND STRIPES COMMUNITY PUBLICATION APRIL 2 − APRIL 8, 2020

7th Yokota Middle School Grade Celebrating Month of the Military Child Mr. Whipple

Editor’s Note: Matt Whipple’s so long. It was my dad’s voice, I had my dog. Then My parents life, but I moved to japan. My have to leave friends and places students have a lot to say. So, sit calm, soothing, and kind. I was said “we’re not taking Sierra with mom told my siblings and I that that you have grown to call home, down and give their short stories listening intently when suddenly us” and I was sad. I ask “why do we were moving to Japan and being a military-connected child a read. Kids, thanks for sharing my ears picked up, “We’re moving we have to leave her I don’t want when she did, I felt like my heart is also a very unique and interest- your thoughts! to leave her” my mom said “Be- to Japan!” My jaw dropped. I felt skip 3 beats. I’ve never thought ing experience. Living here in Ja- like I was falling down a waterfall cause I don’t think we can take that I’d move to japan. But when i pan has been an awesome experi- It is an honor to be a military as fast as the speed of light, the dogs to Yokota” I said “WHY” my did it wasn’t as bad as I’d thought ence for me. I’ve gotten to try new child because I know that my cold water splashing my face, and mom said “Because I said so” so it would be, but I’ve been to many “parents who are in the U.S my belly feeling filled with excite- then we left our dog in Yokosuka. other places like Guam, Germany foods like Okonomiyaki and Udon, ARMY are helping this country ment. I knew that life had hit its The first day of my new school I and Hawaii, so I was used to going and visit cool places like Mt. Fuji to help make this a better place,” excitement peak and there were made my one best friend named places out of state for my mom’s and Kyoto. However, when I start Aneshka Malave says with pride. I going to be many adventures to Kenzi. I would always ask my job. I really find it interesting be- to feel homesick, I can always go also try to help this place by being come. Being a military child had mom saying “Hey mom, can Kenzi ing a military child. Living in a lot back to Yokota Air Base. The base respectful, asking how I can help, never been better. come over to play” my mom would of places or going to a lot of places isn’t a complete replica of the having a smile every day and say- - Brisa Mills say yes or no. Then in 2nd grade is pretty cool because I get to ex- States with its plain brown roofs, ing good morning because that Kenzi moved and I was very sad perience what it’s like to travel a bland peach walls, and a massive can make someone’s day. There t’s sort of ok. My family and because there was nothing I could lot. runway not even a mile from your was this one time in Germany, K- I have to move every 3 years, do and it felt like my heart was go- - Leanna Flores town there was this teacher and Iwhich is the exact time as ing to fall out of my body. Being a house! But it’s close enough so she was tall with black hair and soon as I get settled in. But then military child isn’t bad but, when feel like being a military- that you don’t feel too sad every big glasses. She was always mad I get to travel to new places like your friend is and had to leave it connected child is hard. I time you move. When my family like a gorilla, but when I smile California, Japan, Guam, and Ger- is sad. Iremember my mom and dad and I first arrived I remember my and said good morning, she would many. Also there are bonuses like - Jai Fitzgerald Bailey picking my brother Paul and I up surprise when I realized, “Mom, smile, and her smile was as bright free dental care, slightly reduced from school. My parents took all of they’re driving on the wrong side as the sun. I’m also very grateful taxes and no hospital bills. And hen my mom told me us to a frozen yogurt shop called of the road!” We experienced because I have a roof top under when you say, “Oh, no I can’t pay that “We’re going to Yo-Tea-Go. My mother said “How much more culture shock in our my head and great food, which for these overly expensive read- move to ,” I was W would you guys feel about moving first few weeks but after three many kids don’t have so, I hope ing glasses!”. Guess what? Free surprised. Back then, my family to Japan?” at first I thought she and a half years here, I’ve gotten that those kids get the privilege eye wear, too! And also there are and I had been living in Aomori, was joking. Then I realized she used enough to it to call it home. to have and do the things I’m able bonuses for living on a military Misawa for around four years. was serious, my heart stopped. I Being a military-connected child to do. That’s one reason why I’m base like free heating, no electric Misawa was WAY different from had never moved before let alone so grateful to be a military child. bills, free running water, free base Tokyo. Afterall, it was not a large overseas. My brother and I both has been an amazing experience I love going to places too like housing, andWhat every time some- city. I don’t even remember itis hav- it for me and I’m going to make the agreed that we would be fine with France, Germany and much more. thing breaks, the base mechanics ing a mall. In winter, pure white it. After we moved I was very sad most of it before I move on. I want to say thanks to all those come and fix it (eventually). But snow would cover everything I had lived my whole life in Clovis - Frank Petty soldiers who sacrifice their lives then there are downsides to liv- like a blanket, and it would be New Mexico, that’s what I called hard to get around places in Mi- every day and in other ways. So, ing on base such as, no airsoft, the home. I was also sad because I had was at my friend Keke’s house I’m proud to say and call myself a base police are really “jumpy”, sawa. I had heard about Tokyo, left all my friends which were the when my Mom and Dad said, military child. youlike have to bring your military and downtownto Tokyo, about howbe people I grew up with.a One hard “We’re moving sometime in - Aneshka Malave ID everywhere to do anything, there were LOTS of people there, I thing about moving to Japan was September 2020.” I was so sad, I and the fruit is horrible overseas. and that there were tall buildings the culture shock. Nobody in my while back in time, I lived Then again, we are totally safe (I that looked like it reached the felt like my life was ruined. My family knew what to expect and friend was devastated when she in a beautiful, big house think). That is my experience of a sky, that I have probably never no one spoke Japanese. After a heard this. I didn’t know what to Ain Belleville, Illinois. This military lifestyle. seen before. I was excited. On the while though we grew used to liv- do. “No you’re not.” said Keke. house had everything! Its walls - Nate Frazee other hand, though, there were ing here in Japan. I still miss my were a dark, deep gray and the military-some tough changes for me. Until friends and New Mexico but I’m “Keke, I am moving, I have been front windows overlooked the or me, living in Hawaii was moving here, I had gone to Japa- glad we moved to Japan. here since I was 5, ”I said sadly. lush garden in the front of the if living in a good dream. nese speaking schools; Japanese - Jessica Franks When you’re a military connect- house. The backyard was large FMy parents, sister, and I kindergarten, and Elementary ed child you move from place to and bright green during the sum- equally loved Hawaii. From the school up until around half of sec- here was a time in 2017 place. Moving makes me sad, but mer from soft grass. One day, in food to the culture, it was if my ond grade. I was told that I would when my dad had told me, I know I’ll make new friends. this house, my family and I were family hit the jackpot. Hawaii be going to an English speaking ¨Hey, kiddo, I have to tell going to eat dinner, an assortment was theconnected best for me, and in the school after moving, so I started T - Carrera Schmidt-Webb you something¨. At this point I al- of Japanese food. We normally did time there, we as a family made getting a bit anxious in the pit ready knew something crazy was o be a military-connected not have Japanese food, but that many good memories. But, in the of my stomach. On my last day about to go down. We went outside was what my mom brought home military, as time goes by, you, too, child is the best because I of school, I said goodbye to the and sat on the porch and he told that day. Mom, who was tall, lov- must go. Like the seeds of a dan- friends and teachers that I met get to see all different plac- me that we were moving to Japan. T ing, and had blondish - brown hair, delion, we must plant ourselves there, it was sad, and upsetting. es like Germany. In Germany they My mind was filled with so many started taking all the food in sty- somewhere new. As for me only It was also my first time moving, child?thoughts, I didn’t know whether had a big pool with the best water rofoam boxes out. All my siblings’ being seven, I just thought it was where I actually knew what was to be sad, mad, happy, thrilled or slide. Also, the pool had two diving eyes as well as mine lit up. There an extended vacation. “Muscat, happening. That day was a good scared. That day, I went into my boards, one of them was tall and was dumplings, noodles, sushi, Oman” were the words the pilot day with the sun shining into the room and thought to myself, “All the other one was short. I would and eggrolls galore. The thing said when we landed. We then windows of the car. I remember the friends and places and peo- go on the tall diving board like a was, all the chairs had their speci- went to our house, knowing that my mom, again, telling me about ple I’ve met are gonna be gone.” thousand times. And one time I fied owners except one empty one this was a new beginning. A new Yokota Air Base, she told me “The I felt like I could cry water bags. who’s owner was not there. Its hello. base that we’re moving to is a went on the tall diving board one Two months later were packing owner was my dad. He was away - Maui Marquez place where there is a cross road, too many times and then my head up ready to leave. The day felt on a trip soon to figure out where “ and that got me even more ex- started ringing close to my ear, gloomy, the sun was gone, clouds we were moving in the summer. y family and I lived in cited. The trip on the road took my but I kept go on the tall diving filled the sky, no one outside, not Terra, my older sister with brown Japan, and being a mili- family and I about 2 days, stop- board until I had to go home. And even the kids that usually play in curly hair, dove into the food first, tary child isn’t that bad. ping at a hotel in between. As we M their lawn. It was a sad day. We in the car, I said, ‘’Mommy, my ear ignoring the empty chair. She has My name is Jai Fitzgerald Bai- got closer, there began to be more went to the airport and got on the hurts.’’ My mom said, ”What did always been the one who craves ley and I was born in Yokosuka, cars, and a little more buildings. plane and all I can see is the place you do?” I said, “I think I hurt my the taste of Japanese culture right Japan, and then 4 years later we Moving here, Yokota Air Base was I felt welcomed, secure. But most head on wail on the diving board”. on her tongue. About halfway moved to Yokota, Japan. When a big change for me, but also re- of all, Loved. Being a military So, then we went to the doctor a through the meal, our bellies about my family and I were packing, ally exciting!! child isn’t the best, but it prepares to explode from so much food, my my sisters were sad because they - Aoi Brinker week later and the doctor said “No me in life to adapt to my changes mom called my dad so we could had to leave their friends, but I more diving boards for six more and to always be ready. talk to him. The phone rang three wasn’t sad because I didn’t have he first time I moved I was weeks because my ear drum ex- - Antonio Mccraven times. Ring! Ring! Ring! Finally I any friends because I didn’t care in Elpaso, Texas. I was liv- ploded. So, I was sad for six weeks heard the voice I had missed for about making any friends because ing in El Paso for my whole because I didn’t get to go on the T eing a military-connected child is like being a leaf diving boards. But at least I can Send your Month of the Military Child submission to Bin the wind. With constant still swim, so I could still go on the [email protected] by April 15! factors blowing you this way and big yellow slide. So, I went on that that, you never stay in one place a lot and nothing happened. for long. Though it can be sad to - Ethan Shields APRIL 2 − APRIL 8, 2020 A STARS AND STRIPES COMMUNITY PUBLICATION STRIPES OKINAWA 9 Amelia Earhart Intermediate School 3rd grade

y name is Emmalyn Ayim and I live in Okinawa, Japan. also mail each other stuff. Ask them their information before Second,If your parents get divorced you can make the best M I moved here when I was 6 years old. My mom is a they leave. Crying will help you get your emotions out. You out of it and think positive.Also you can go to your hape plas. teacher and my dad is in the military. I live in Okinawa City. have TONS of other friends, so don’t scream if you visit them. Lastly,be nice at your new school and try your best. Here is some advice that I have for other kids like me. If one of your parents are deployed or live far away, you For more advice, ask your parents First of all, when you are bullied you should tell them to can remember the best times with them and stay in contact. – Francesco stop.Then ask a friend you can trust for help.Last you should Call each other every day. Send them photos and look at let a teacher know that there is a bully bullying you. old memories. But also, if they’re gone, think of the good y name is Lily Mae Fason and I live in Okinawa, Japan. Second, Be yourself. Be possibilities. YOU CAN SLEEP WITH YOUR M I moved here when I was 6 years old. My mom is GSR¿HIRX&IEKSSHWXYHIRX&I MMOM OR DAD! No dark can overcome you becoming a teacher and my dad is in the military. I live on kind to others. now! Camp Shields. Here is some advice that I have for other kids Lastly, Never be afraid of If you are new to a school, you should like me. trying new things. I’m saying Editor’s Note: ask people their name and spend time First of all, it is fun moving because you have a new house this because if you practice you with them for the rest of the school day. and a new room that you can decorate however you want and will get better. I know being a Jennifer Honnold ;EPOLSQIXSKIXLIVERHXEOIEWIP¿I you make new friends. military child is hard. But you Tell them about your old home and what Second, if your friend is leaving make a card or show how need to try your hardest. has some talented you did. much you will miss them then say good-bye and go home. For more advice, Go to a youngsters in her For more advice, ask other military Lastly, now do you think being a military child is not that counselor, a family member or children. Ask their parents. Ask your bad? a trusted adult or your friend class. Take a look at parents and your siblings. Remember, your For more advice talk to mom, dad, sisters, brothers, for help. what they have to say! teachers, principles, and counselors are teachers. – Emmalyn Ayim tthere too! – Lily. M. Fason – Eizen Tagama y name is Grace and I live in y name is Dallas and I live in Okinawa, Japan. I moved M Okinawa, Japan. I moved heree when I was y name is Jaxon and I live in M here when I was 6 years old. My mom is a jewelry 4-2years old. My mom is a House wifewife and mymy dad is in the M Okinawa, Japan. I moved here when maker and my dad is in the military. I live on camp shields. military . I live in Awase. Here is someme advice that I have forfor I was seven years old. My mom is a Here is some advice that I have for other kids like me. other kids like me. teacherte cher ERHQ]HEHMWE¿VI¿KLXIV-PMZIMR/EHIRE First of all, you might think it is going to be absolutely First of all,it’s alright even if you move you can make new AirBase. Here is some advice that I have for other kids like horrible and miserable but it can actually be very fun. Once friends. me. you get to your destination you should be able to make new Second,when you move, ignore your inner critic. First of all, You can make friends if you get used to the friends. Once you move 2 or 3 times you should have friends Lastly, let it all out . time you get up.You will be friendly to others for other people all around the world. For more advice, talk to people. to like you.As you progress, people will get used to you and Second, make new friends. These are some ways to make – Grace will like to be friends with you. RI[JVMIRHWFIRMGIERH¿RHWSQISRIXLEXPMOIWXLIWEQI Second, Don’t be afraid to walk into the wrong classroom, thing as you do! You could also just be yourself!!! But if you y name is Christian and I live in Okinawa, Japan. I it’s what sometimes that people do it’s normal and don’t be are going to move and miss your best friend just ask them for M moved here when I was 8 years old. My mom is a afraid. their email address. substitute and my dad is in the Air Force. I live on Kadena Air Lastly, duck your head and look around observe the Lastly, before you move make sure you know what you Base. Here is some advice that I have for other kids like me. TIVMQIXIV-X·WXLI[E]]SY[MPP¿RHSYX[LEX·WLETTIRMRKMR are going to do and how you are going to make new friends. If you are moving to a new country, try to learn that your perspective. Oh and if someone is new, you should try and include them language and try to be friendly to a person that has a For more advice, Ask your students for what they have been because I bet you know how it feels to be completely new and HMJJIVIRXGYPXYVIXLER]SYERHEPWSXV]XS¿RH[LEXXLI]EVI through. They might have been through the same thing but embarrassed. interested in and maybe you and that person might have the don’t ask new students. For more advice, if this did not make any sense to you, then same interest? – Jaxon Belcher you can either ask your parents, ask older siblings or you can Be yourself. Don’t try to act different and if you act the ask a military child that has gone through the same thing you same you might have a friend that is just like you If you act y name is Camryn Cominski and I live in Okinawa, Japan. are going through right now that I am trying to teach you the same. Also, if you are scared of moving don’t be scared M I moved here when I was two years and give advice so that you will feel because you get to make new friends and and get to go places old. My mom is the Lester Middle School better. you have never been. when you see a bully just ignore them GSYRWIPSVERHQ]HEH¿\IWGSQTYXIVW – Dallas Mauricio because if you ignore them they will probably stop bullying at Lester Middle School. I live in Chatan, you. Okinawa, Japan. Here is some advice that I y name is Devon and I live in Lastly, If you move away from a friend keep in touch so have for other kids like me. M Okinawa, Japan. I moved here you can still remember them, and also when you move you First of all, if your friend is moving away, when I was 6 years old. My Mom usually make lots of friends. Maybe if a new kid moves to ask them for their email. Then you will be MWERSJ¿GI[SVOIVERHQ](EHMW your school and they are scared try to help them out and if able to talk to them over email. Before you Marine. I live in Orchid Valley. I ]SYEVITVSFEFP]XLI¿VWXXSLIPTXLIQSYX]SYQMKLXFIGSQI let your friend go make sure they know how much you are know how hard it can be to adjust to being the new student really good friends? going to miss them. Make them a card. But if that’s too hard in class or the new kid in the neighborhood. Here is some For more advice, go ask your MFLAC because they move just give a big hug the last time you see them. If you need to, advice that I have for other kids like me. to a lot of places. Ask your parents they will have lots of it is always ok to cry! If you know your friend is moving away First,whatever you do, you need to make new friends. You advice and that all I have for you. don’t act like it is the end of the world, make new friends! should spend as much time with them as possible. You may – Chrsitian Mendez Even if it is hard, in the end it is totally worth it. move again soon. Second, if you are switching schools, try to be positive. Second,you should learn the culture of your state or y name is Makayla and I live in Okinawa, Japan. I moved Don’t let it ruin the rest of your day. Try to make the best country. You do not have to be in Okinawa or overseas to learn M here when I was 4, 5 or 6 years old. My mom works at out of your new school. Make some new friends, the more culture. Each place has its own culture. Learn as much as you the hospital and my dad is in the military. I live at Kadena Air the merrier. It can be hard adjusting to your new school, but can about each place you live. Base. Here is some advice that I have for other kids like me. if you really try to make the most out of it, you will feel so Third, ask your parents to allow you to play sports. It is a First of all, you should stand up for people who get bullied. much better. good way to stay in shape and meet new friends. If anyone is mean to you or others, you can ask them to be a Lastly, talk to somebody if you are upset or feeling Finally,remember to be yourself. People will always like that little kinder. If they are kind of mean, you can tell a parent or stressed. It makes you feel worse if you don’t tell people how about you. a friend. you feel. If you think about it, when something happens it – Devon Stevenson Second, if someone is bullying you, you can tell a teacher, a can be stressful. But if you don’t talk about it, where does all parent, or a friend.If they don’t respond you can tell someone that stress go? When I think about it, I think about it like y name is Arianna and I live in Okinawa, Japan. I moved else. If you don’t have someone at home and you have Santa’s toy sack. If he is putting too much stuff in it, the bag M when I was 7 years old. My mom is a home mom and someone close to you,that would be your opportunity!!! SZIVÀS[WSVI\TPSHIW8LIREPPXLITVIWIRXWJEPPSYXSJLMW my dad is in the military . I live in Okinawa city. Here is some Lastly, try your best to be yourself.What I mean is try to sleigh and there are no presents during Christmas. That’s why advice that I have for other kids like me. not act like other people.If you do for a while to your friends you have to tell people how you feel. First of all, stand up to people who bully you. You could say and your friends think that person is a bully, your friends For more advice, you should talk to your counselor. They can you will never make me feel hopeless because I will always won’t like you that much. help a lot with anything. You can also talk to your parents. look at the bright side and be happy. For more advice, you can ask your parents, your MFLACs, They know exactly what has been happening in your family. Second, don’t act like someone you are not. Always be you or principles. A MFLAC is a good choice because their whole They might have some really good tips. and be happy for who you are and don’t care about what job is to work with the military children. If you are having – Camryn Cominski people think. HMJ¿GYPXMIW]SYWLSYPHEWOXLIQ Lastly, don’t give up on your dreams. When people say things I hope you have learned a lesson! y name is Francesco and I live in Okinawa, Japan. I like give up or you can’t do it , don’t listen because they just – Makayla Stemick M moved here when I was 8 years old. My mom stays want you to feel miserable like they do. home and my dad is in the air force. I live on . For more advice, ask your friends, teachers or parents. y name is Eizen and I live in Okinawa, Japan. I moved Here is some advice that I have for other kids like me. – Arianna Miravalles M here when I was 6 years old. My mom watches my baby First of all,make new friends but if you want sister at home and my dad is in the military . I live on Kadena JVMIRHW]SYLEZIXSFIRMGI%PWS¿RHETIVWSR Send your Month of the Military Child Air Base. Here is some advice that I have for other kids like that likes the same things as you.If you want submission to me. to have a sleepover with your new friend you If a friend is moving away, you can call and text each other could ask your parents to meet each other and [email protected] to stay in contact or look at photos you took together. You can plan a sleepover. by April 15!




Send your Month of the Military Child submission to [email protected] by April 15! APRIL 2 − APRIL 8, 2020 A STARS AND STRIPES COMMUNITY PUBLICATION STRIPES OKINAWA 11 USO Okinawa staff spotlight

Aubrie Owens, left, and Yuko Nesbitt prepare bento lunch boxes for needy Okinawans Feeding the children STORY AND PHOTOS BY bentos, 220 pounds of rice and AYA ICHIHASHI, 90 beverages to children and STARS AND STRIPES Published: March 13, 2020 single parents in Uruma City, Nesbitt said. „ NAME: Ashley DeBerry that may seem simple or easy to us, like a URUMA CITY — Donations of Help Oki, a volunteer group „ POSITION/TITLE: Title: Center Manager homemade dinner, birthday cake delivery, or bento boxes for local school- of military personnel, their „ TIME WORKED AT USO: 1 June 2018 to present a free greeting card to write to loved one back families and locals, has been children missing their daily „ CENTER/OFFICE LOCATION: USO Hansen home, is a wonderful reminder of why I love lunch brightened an otherwise helping the less fortunate on coming to work every day and being a part of the island since 2014. Chris gloomy Mar. 12 in Uruma City. this amazing organization. Since Prime Minister Shinzo Nesbitt, a retired Marine ser- Tell us about them: Abe asked that schools across geant and New Jersey native, Ashley was born and raised in Seattle, the country close during March and his wife, Yuko Nesbitt, are Washington. As a young adult, she had a What is your favorite mem- to stem the spread of coronavi- the founders. great ambition to become a fashion editor. At Q.ory of working at the USO? rus, some children on the island When schools closed in early 18, she moved to Los Angeles to study Fash- My favorite memory was from our prefecture are going without March, Help Oki contacted the ion Design at the Fashion Institute of Design A.2019 USO Holiday programming. Our their only healthy meal of the local food bank, government and Merchandising (FIDM). She lasted three team surprised 750 children at Bechtel Ele- welfare offices and other non- day. months in L.A. becoming incredibly homesick mentary School on McTureous with ice cream American and profit organiza- and broke. Ashley moved back to Seattle, met treats a few days before their Winter break. local volunteers tions, Chris Nes- EXCLUSIVE NEWS FROM: her husband (whom quickly afterwards joined Dressed in elf costumes and armed with ice stepped up to bitt said. the Army) and continued to follow her pas- ease that need “It’s my pas- cream, their faces lit up when we strolled into sion for design at the International Academy by collecting 126 sion to help oth- their classrooms. Based on the many huge Japanese box ers, and I don’t of Design and Technology, where she gradu- smiles and big hugs, I feel like we made a last- lunches, called feel like it’s a ated with B.A. in Fine Art. In her senior year ing impression on our military children and bento, along with 10 cases of work to me,” he said. “If you do of college, Ashley landed a job with Nordstrom families that day. fruit drinks and 30 pounds of what you love, it’s never work.” in Downtown Seattle where she spent the rice and distributing it at Grace On Okinawa, the prefectural next six years climbing the corporate ladder. Which program do you Asia International Church. government reported three Burned out and ready for a change of scen- Q.want to feature from the “When I heard of the school people tested positive for coro- ery, Ashley and her husband transferred to closure, my immediate concern navirus of 196 people tested as Okinawa where she exchanged heels for flip USO? was those less fortunate chil- of Mar. 12, according to its web- flops and took a job in scuba. Before coming to LEAP (Learning, Engaging, Activity dren who rely on the free school site. the USO, Ashley spent five years working for A.and Play) is a monthly program creat- lunch,” said Chris Nesbitt, di- A third of Okinawa’s chil- MWR at the Torii Beach Scuba ed to provide families with chil- rector of Help Oki, on Thurs- dren, 29.9%, live in poverty, a Locker where she managed the dren a learning-based and play- day. “For those kids, school rate twice Japan’s national av- retail operations and occasion- based activity facilitated by the lunch may be their only nutri- erage, according to a study by ally acted as the dive guide for Marines and Sailors throughout tious meal of the day.” the prefectural government and Camp Hansen. The purpose of The delivery was just the lat- released in March 2019. the Whale Shark Tours. Ashley the program is to unite our ser- est. Last month, Help Oki made [email protected] loves the dive culture – but even and delivered more than 190 Twitter: @AyaIchihashi more working with our military vice members with our families community and being a part of and challenge them to create their journey here in Okinawa. something educational together while having fun at the same Fun Questions! time. LEAP is now offered at 2 locations! Join Favorite spot/activity on Okinawa: Anywhere us at USO Hansen on the 3rd Thursday of ev- north of the island/scuba diving. ery month from 1130-1230 and/or USO Camp Favorite vacation spot: My backyard – the Foster on the 2nd Wednesday of every month beach! from 1130-1230. For all the details check out Hobbies: Running, Dragon Boat, Paddle Board- ing, Scuba Diving, Reading Finish this phrase: “I can’t live without coffee USO Hansen’s Power Hour Beach Cleanup; a 1-hour cleanup held on the 2nd Saturday and the ocean.” of the month, a new location is selected each Why do you love working month. Groups and individuals of all ages from our military and local community are invited Q. at the USO? to participate and support this monthly en- The genuine thankfulness that we, vironmental cleanup effort. Site and details A.our staff and volunteers, often receive are available on our Facebook page at https:// from our military community for something 12 STRIPES OKINAWA A STARS AND STRIPES COMMUNITY PUBLICATION APRIL 2 − APRIL 8, 2020 Butler spouse selected in national competition


Camp Butler spouse was selected on Mar. Other Okinawa A 9 as the Armed Forces spouses lauded Insurance Military Spouse of the Year. Four other spouses based in David Carrera, a Windsor, Okinawa were also recognized as Connecticut native, is married Spouses of the Year. They are: to U.S. Navy Lt. Cmdr. Flores- Carrera with U.S. Naval Hospital J Kati Poston (Army) - 2020 Okinawa. Armed Forces Insurance Torrii Carrera was selected in the Station Spouse of the Year military branch round to repre- J Elizabeth A. Castro (Marine sent the Navy. The next round is Corps) - 2020 Armed Forces In- an overall Armed Forces winner surance Camp Courtney Spouse which will be announced in May. of the Year & Top 18 and Top 3 Carrera is an avid volunteer Finalist for the Marine Corps in the community, dedicating his time to coaching military youth J Tracy Steele (Marine Corps) soccer on island, volunteering - 2020 Armed Forces Insur- with a dragon boat team, school ance Marine Corps Air Station PTO, and Help Oki, a non-profit Futenma Spouse of the Year that service orphanages and J Jordan Lambay (Air Force) - women’s shelters here in Oki- nawa. 2020 Armed Forces Insurance “It’s important to let our host Kadena Air Base Spouse of the nation of Japan, and those in Year Okinawa know that we appreci- ate and celebrate their culture, David Carrera, center, with his wife and son. Carrera was selected as the AFI MSOY Navy Spouse of the Year. Courtesy photo “said Carrera on his AFI MSOY candidate profile. group for supporting male mili- Okinawa feel more like home. According to the AFI MSOY rounds voting to determine He also assists service mem- tary spouses with their PCS, with The support and meet ups we website, more than one million the overall winner for all U.S. bers and their families by serving getting jobs, and even emotional create, help build a sense of com- military spouses support and Armed Services. The announce- as a sponsor, providing transpor- support. Carrera says, “Depres- munity and strength.” maintain the home front while ment of the overall AFI MSOY tation for those who have larger families and pets, and running sion, anxiety, and homesickness Founded in 2008, the Armed our service members defend this will take place an awards dinner a YouTube channel in which he are a real part of a spouse’s life Forces Insurance Military great nation. in Arlington, VA slotted for early explores Okinawa to celebrate here, with our Manpendent sup- Spouse of the Year (AFI MSOY) AFI MSOY nominations are May. unique sights and culture. port group, we try to bridge the award honors military spouses made by the civilian and mili- With information from the Carrera leads a Facebook gap and open doors to make from all branches of service. tary community. There are four U.S. Marine Corps. APRIL 2 − APRIL 8, 2020 A STARS AND STRIPES COMMUNITY PUBLICATION STRIPES OKINAWA 13

The 2019-2020 Kadena High School Wrestling Team, from top left, Coach Dave Compton, Ty’ Asiah Williams (manager), Halley Russell, Axel Shepherd, Joey Puterbaugh, Nick Neary , Caleb Wise, Nathaniel Hartman, Elle Campion (manager), Coach Joey Wood. Next row, Coach Simon Reilly, Coach Christopher Miller, Kevonte Speight, Kurt Chapman, Garron Lee, Gabe Barrientos, Liam Amiot, Paul Maskery, Larry Carver, Oluwabukunmi “Jojo” Adesuyi, Head Coach Scott Maskery. Front row, Mizuki Sato-Marsh, Thomas Frye, Mirai Sato-Marsh, Aiden Russell, Joshua Dodge, Dominic Farris, Nathan Rowberry, Jorge Mendez, Donovan Navarro. Colonel teaches more than wrestling

STORY AND PHOTOS BY assistant coaches invested more MARK A. KAUFFMAN, than 1,600 hours into their wres- STRIPES OKINAWA tlers in preparation for their fi- nale, the DODEA Far East Tour- AMP FOSTER — Col. nament at Osan Air Base, South Scott P. Maskery, Army Korea. C and Air Force Exchange KDHS was well represented Service Pacific Region Head- on the podium at the tourna- quarters commander volun- ment as sophomore Kurt Chap- teered his time and his expe- man took 1st Place in the 125 rience to coach Kadena High pound division, freshman Aiden School student-athletes, the Russell, 108, took second place, proper techniques and rules of sophomore Mizuki Sato-Marsh, competitive wrestling. 101, and the only female to place, More than just wrestling, took fourth, sophomore Crisean Maskery wanted to teach his Covington, 135, took fifth place, team about discipline, commit- while sophomore Joshua Dodge, ment, hard work and respect. 115, and junior Nick Neary, 168, “I truly believe sports and took sixth place. being part of a team helps edu- “[I am] extremely pleased cate and prepare them for life,” with how he progressed through- said Maskery. “It’s about teach- out the season,” said Command ing them discipline, the value of Sgt. Maj. Dennis N. Dodge, U.S. hard work and the importance Army Garrison-Okinawa at of teamwork and being a good Torii Station’s Senior Enlisted teammate; those are the traits Leader and father of Josh. “In and qualities I want them to Col. Maskery’s words, ‘He didn’t learn.” Coach Scott Maskery, AAFES Pacific Region Headquarters’ Commander, gives a congratulatory handshake to Oluwabukunmi know the difference between Last season, Maskery vol- “Jojo” Adesuyi (158 weight class) after posting a victory Jan. 15 against the Kubasaki Dragons. hitting a take-down from order- unteered as an assistant coach ing a take-out’ referring to Josh but this year was promoted to when he first started but now the challenging positon of head he has developed a passion for coach. wrestling.” “I never thought I would have “I truly believe sports and being part of a team “Mentoring the student wres- this amazing opportunity [to be tlers on life choices and goals, head coach] while serving as helps educate and prepare them for life” the importance of academics, an active-duty Airman or at a and how to treat others with school where my son, Paul, is a respect, was just as important wrestler,” Maskery said. through their outstanding abili- nine returning wrestlers along wrestle each other every week. as coaching wrestling to Coach As a husband, father and ties allowed me to be away from with seven experienced volun- “I think our season could Maskery,” said Dave Compton, a Commander of AAFES PAC the office for a couple hours-a- teer coaches with accomplished have been better, but a big part teacher at KDHS. “His zeal and Region, Maskery’s daily duties day in the late-afternoon,” said resumès including former De- of that is the lack of [different] love for the sport as well as the are quite robust even without Maskery. “I also have a very partment of Defense Education competition on the island,” said young men and women who par- the added responsibilities of supportive wife, Jennifer, who Activity (DODEA) Far East Air Force Staff Sgt. Christo- ticipated this year was obvious being head coach. From mid- picked up a lot of ‘home duties’ Champion and former Indiana pher B. Miller, Cable/Antenna from day one.” November to mid-February, he during my busy days.” State Champion. Maintenance Supervisor and As the 2020 wrestling season juggled his schedule to attend Last year, KDHS had 15 Wrestling on Okinawa as a volunteer coach. “They need to came to a close, the foundation their practices and matches. He wrestlers, one head coach and DODEA student-athlete is much face a plethora of different op- for next year’s team has been would come to the office early, three volunteer coaches. different from being on a wres- ponents.” planted. work late at nights and work on This year, the first thing tling team in the U.S. where ev- Throughout the 2019-2020 “This has been a great sea- weekends, so he could be physi- Maskery did as head coach in- ery match, wrestlers are paired season, the KDHS wrestling son, both for wrestling and indi- cally present to lead his team. volved recruiting students and up with someone different. team had their shares of highs vidual maturity,” said Maskery. “I’m extremely fortunate coaches to become members of Here, there are two DODEA and lows, ups and downs; all “I can’t wait to see what the next that I’m surrounded by very the Panther’s wrestling team. high schools; KDHS and Kuba- part of the growing pains of season holds for the Kadena competent military and civil- Maskery’s team was compiled saki High School, which are being a young wrestling team. High School Panther wrestling ian Exchange personnel who of 14 first-year wrestlers and about 10 miles apart and they Maskery and his seven volunteer team.” 14 STRIPES OKINAWA A STARS AND STRIPES COMMUNITY PUBLICATION APRIL 2 − APRIL 8, 2020

Try a traditional Japanese comfort food with updated twist

STORY AND PHOTOS BY SHOJI KUDAKA, been elevated with different gar- forward to the standard roasted STRIPES OKINAWA nishes and toppings, both at home green tea, ginger tea or orange Ochazuke Café NODO and in restaurants. hibiscus tea, it was their signa- „ GPS: N 26.323170, E 127.750480 t wasn’t until toward the end NODO, a café which opened ture item— ochazuke— which of the Muromachi period „ Hours: 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. (Wed – Sun) last October near Sunabe Sea- convinced me to step inside. (1336 to 1573) that tea, or I wall, adheres to its “Tea, Relax, I went for their Umami Dashi „ Instagram: ocha, would solidify its place in Healthy, and Beauty” concept. Chazuke set (1,500 yen or about *Parking space available by the café Japanese food culture. Though it was early afternoon $14), which includes a salad, *English menu available According to major Japanese and rice bowl topped with kelp,  0HDOVLQFOXGHDUH¿OORIVRXSVWRFN food company Nagatanien, as tea and the café was full of ladies became widely available, con- having tea, the calm and relaxed shiitake mushrooms, green pe- sumers began to try tea poured atmosphere melted away any rilla leaf, and chili threads. The over rice and as the dish became concerns I had. Its fancy interior set had another bowl, which was When my ochazuke set ar- served on the side added a nice popular, it would adopt the name with its wooden shelves, sleek meant be used to mix rice, dashi rived, I was pleased with its neat kick when added to the soup “ochazuke” or “chazuke” (rice tables and soft leather sofas, was (soup stock), and vegetables and presentation, similar to dishes stock. Of all the combinations, with tea). just as polished, yet cozy, as its other ingredients which were served during a traditional tea the takana and umeboshi were It’s a simple dish. And it is Instagram account photos indi- served up on a plate together. A ceremony, or Kaiseki Ryori. my favorite. that simplicity which allowed it cated. few pieces of chicken breast were Kaz, an assistant manager of Soon, my ochazuke was all to quickly become a comfort food I happened upon NODO on a sitting in the bowl, waiting be NODO, delivered my tray and in- gone, but it was time for des- after a night of drinking or as a search for a good cup of tea, and joined by other food. dicated I should pour a little bit sert. I ended this lunch on a hearty breakfast at home. Some I wasn’t disappointed with its I also opted for the drink and of the dashi in the accompany- high note with a refreshing cup love ochazuke so much, it has variety. Although I was looking cake set for an additional 400 yen. ing tea pot in the empty bowl and of hot green tea and a small enjoy the taste with the chicken slice of creamy okara (soy first. After I tried the savory pulp) cheesecake. The cake’s meat, he suggested adding a little restrained sweetness was a de- bit of rice and some of the veg- light. etables for a richer taste. As I sat and reflected on the “I recommend that you enjoy delicious meal I had just de- this as a mini voured, I won- ochazuke each dered: “Is it time,” kaz said. okay to call a There were dish ochazuke many ingredi- if I pour soup ents to cater stock not tea the flavor of my over the rice?” mini ochazuke Nagatanien every time, in- notes that the cluding dashi- method of eat- flavored okara ing tea and (soy pulp), butter-sauteed ren- rice together has its roots in kon (lotus root) and ninjin (car- suihan (rice with water) or rot), pickled nozawana (turnip yuzuke (rice with hot water), greens), fried takana (mustard which were consumed since the greens), daikon pickled with time of the Heian period (794 – wasabi, and umeboshi (pickled 1185 or 1192). plum). Plus, while ochazuke is “Umami (savory taste)” was mostly consumed with tea in the word kaz often used to de- the Kansai area, having it with scribe the dish. True to his ex- hot water or soup stock is com- planation, the soup stock had monly seen in other areas, ac- a mild but rich savory taste, cording to Nikkei newspaper’s which was extracted from Nikkei Style website. chicken farmed in Itoman I enjoyed my meal at NODO City, kelp harvested in Rausu and had no clue ochazuke had in , and flying fish such a rich background. And caught in Nagasaki, according now that I’ve had it once, I’m to the café’s website. ready to seek out other varia- Every time I mixed rice tions of this ancient delicacy. and ingredients with the soup Taste the history for yourself stock, the dish created many and some great tea, too, at variations of colors, textures NODO today! and umami. The sesame sauce [email protected] APRIL 2 − APRIL 8, 2020 A STARS AND STRIPES COMMUNITY PUBLICATION STRIPES OKINAWA 15 Stripes Sports Trivia

The last 5 NFL teams to lose one game or less in the regular season have all failed to win the Super Bowl. 0RVWQRWDEO\RIFRXUVHLVWKH3DWULRWVWKHQGWHDPWRHYHU¿QLVKWKHUHJXODUVHDVRQXQGHIHDWHG


The Weekly Crossword by Margie E. Burke ACROSS 1234 56789 10 11 12 13 1 Reading aid 14 15 16 5 Crosswise, on deck 17 18 19 10 "Now hear ___!" 20 21 22 14 Song for a diva 15 Pigeon's perch 23 24 16 Utterly detest DID YOU 25 26 27 28 29 17 Small brook 18 Book you can't 30 31 32 33 KNOW? put down 20 Speed 34 35 36 22 Mind-boggler 37 38 39 igan is a seven-day Buddhist 23 High cost of leaving? 40 41 42 memorial service held three days 24 Slinky's shape 43 44 45 46 Hbefore, after and on the spring and 25 Margarita fruit autumn equinox (Mar. 21 and Sep. 24) to 26 Grocery store 47 48 49 50

honor loved ones who have died. Many haul 51 52 53 mainland Japanese visit family tombs to 30 Stephen King's offer prayers for deceased friends and home 54 55 56 32 Netflix offering family during the period. On Okinawa, 57 58 59 33 Sib for sis families traditionally gather at their 34 Not tricked by Copyright 2020 by The Puzzle Syndicate ancestral tombs for the Shiimii Festival, 35 Bartender's which occurs every year during the third mixer 2 Animated 31 Green Gables 42 Like Roger lunar month in early April. 36 Urban eyesore mermaid girl Rabbit 37 Till bill 3 Tiny metric 32 Lament a loss 44 UCLA player 38 Soupy "Oliver volume 35 Turncoats 45 Likewise Twist" fare 4 Trigger was one 36 Neighbor of 46 "Caribbean 39 Slug's trail 5 Skiing specialty Poland Queen" singer 40 Third in rank 6 Birth surname of 38 California 47 Dog in "The Thin 42 Horsewhip Warren and slugger Man" Kanji of 43 Picnic hamperer Shirley 39 Close with a 48 Fishhook feature 44 Boastful display 7 On pins and bang 49 Uppity one the week 47 Part of AWOL needles 41 Versailles 50 A ___ a dozen taberu/shoku৯ (Eat) 50 Like many a 8 Bio bit agreement 52 50 Cent piece? rescue 9 Rapid, as a rise 51 Place for early to fame Answers to Last Week’s Crossword: 20th century TB 10 Word before Language Lesson patients ride or seeker TIDAL MIST STAR 53 Tethered toy 11 Send to the AR I SE OBOE PARA 54 Fox or turkey gallows COMBUST I ON OPEN follower 12 News tidbit KNEE COSTARR I NG SCAR BETRAY Hang in there! 55 Flaxlike fiber 13 Hospital fluids PASTEL SPLAY 56 Minute amount 19 Band together ACCOMPAN I ES GAS 57 "Dear" advice- 21 Command to Fido REUSE GOT SHAKE giver 24 Object pettily EDD THERAPEUT I C 58 Pass, as time 26 Brooklyn's CEASE ASCENT Gambatte! 59 Soon, to a bard _____ Island THEORY DISK 27 Responsibility HEAVYLADEN STAG DOWN 28 Type of lily RAVE ONEATAT I ME 1 Newly-hatched 29 Rotunda feature OVER FELL SEVER insect 30 Like some points BEST TW I T PRONE

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STORY AND PHOTOS BY SHOJI KUDAKA, reservations. If you visit in the winter like I did, the cucumber, mustard and lettuce. A touch of Nam pla STRIPES OKINAWA inside seating will still give you a great ocean view added a nice tropical taste. The roll was a different and the café’s food is tasty no matter the time of year. delight to the fondue, but I’m glad I ordered both. ith convenient access from Kadena Air For a starter on my visit, I was thinking about or- Other popular items on the menu are the pizzas, Base, Sunabe Seawall draws divers and dering the camembert cheese “fondue style” with spicy curry with tandoori chicken, grilled salmon surfers for a quick adventure with beauti- W toasted bread (900 yen, approx. $8.23, inclusive of with porcini cream sauce and the grilled meat com- ful fish, coral and a nice wave to catch. tax), which owner Itaru Maeshiro said is a popular bo. Transit café’s vast menu spreads to great tropical It’s not just those in wetsuits, however, the seawall menu item. Feeling hungry, though, I could not take brings in. On the shoreside, a relaxing atmosphere drinks like lemon and peach soda. my eyes off a deluxe set (1,420 yen or about $13), Everything about Transit Café makes it a great invites joggers, walkers and strollers. For me, this which comes with fried chicken, vegetables in ad- spot for special occasions and quality time spent side of the Seawall is a happy-place I turn to when dition to the toasted baguette slices. I followed my with friends or a loved one. I enjoyed the relaxing I need a quick pick-me-up. Better yet, having tasty appetite. vibe and a delicious meal. food there surely helps me leave the stress behind From the look of the food, I expected the taste to and a smile back on my face. be similar to ordinary cheese fondue, but the cam- The restaurant is family-friendly and while there This mood carries on into Transit Café, a fusion embert flavor was surprising. With cream mixed in, is no kid’s menu, they do adjust to tailor the flavors restaurant where Italian, Mediterranean and Asian the sauce wasn’t too cheesy, had a good balance on and meals if requested. Transit Café also offers party cuisines will make you feel like you’re in Greece or the richness and had a nice kick. It had the kind of plans. on vacation at a beach resort. flavor you want to dip all your food in. I was glad that Maeshiro opened the restaurant in 2003 and said Transit Café’s terrace is especial- I ordered the deluxe set. he and his staff are committed to providing the lo- ly popular at sunset during the sum- I also tried the summer roll, a Vietnamese- cal community a great dining experience. At Transit mer, making it difficult to style roll with shrimp, Café, you won’t have to go far for nice getaway. snag a table without prior ham, cream cheese, [email protected]

Transit Café GPS: N 26.329583, E 127.743916 Hours: 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. (lunch, last call at 4 p.m.); 5 p.m. – midnight (dinner, last call at 11 p.m.) Te l : 098-936-5076 Website:

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