June 4, 2021 Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston Vol. 52, No. 23

Statement from Bishop Brennan on Father Szabo Ordained Lifting the Suspension of the Obligation to Attend Sunday & Holy Day Masses

June 2, 2021 My brothers and sisters in Christ, While God deserves our worship at all times, as our Creator and Redeemer, He Himself has set aside certain days for our common worship. He commanded the He- brews to honor Him one day a week: Re- member to keep holy the sabbath day [Exodus 20:8]. For them, that was Saturday, the last day of the week, and they were forbidden to work on that day. For us Christians, Sunday, the first day of the week, is our weekly holy day, because it is the day when Jesus rose from the dead. Like the Hebrews, we should avoid unneces- sary work and shopping on Sunday (mod- ern conditions can make this nearly impos- sible) but, following the practice of the ear- liest Christians, our principal way of wor- shipping God on Sunday is to gather to cele- brate Mass. After changing bread into his sacred Body and wine into his sacred Blood, Jesus said, Do this in remembrance of me [Luke 22:19]. We respect the Lord’s wishes when we assemble to hear his Word proclaimed and to offer to our Father, together with the priest, the Savior who has made himself present on our altar and who offers himself as food to us in Holy Communion. John Sherwood Photo It was a hard decision to close our Bishop Mark Brennan ordains Father Phillip Szabo to the priesthood at St. James the Greater in Charles churches to public Masses for two months Town May 29. With them is seminarian John Soplinski. last year. It was done for everyone’s protec- tion until we could figure out how to cele- brate Mass safely. I lifted the obligation to go By Colleen Rowan “The Lord has been faithful to joyous moment for him and to Mass on Sunday and holy days of obliga- n his 45 years of priesthood, me these 45 years,” the bishop for the diocese. More than 20 tion so that Catholics of tender conscience Bishop Mark Brennan said he said in his homily. Speaking di- priests concelebrated the Mass, would not think they were sinning by not Ihas never regretted it and rectly to Father Szabo, he said, “I the majority from the diocese going to Mass. never looked back. The bishop pray that you may have that same who came to welcome a new Now, however, with the pandemic shared these words with those abiding trust in him as you begin brother priest. Also present were seeming to subside (although it is not gathered at St. James the Greater your priestly ministry.” priests from Mount St. Mary’s over), I am removing the suspension of the Church in Charles Town May 29 Father Szabo’s family and Seminary in Emmitsburg, Md., obligation of Sunday and holy day Mass for the ordination of Father Phil- friends joined clergy, religious, the seminary Father Szabo See “Statement” on Page 2 lip Szabo to the priesthood. and many others to celebrate this See “Szabo” on Page 5

Inside: Pope Promulgates Revised Canon Law Sister Rachel Blais is New Provincial Councilor for on Crimes, Punishments, Page 3 Sisters of Charity, Page 9 2 The Catholic Spirit June 4, 2021

To Report Suspected Cases of Sexual Abuse of Children Statement of the Bishops of the To Report Suspected Cases of Sexual Abuse of Children: The Di- ocese of Wheeling-Charleston encourages reporting to civil authorities first and foremost if a crime has been committed. We also encourage utilizing Province of Baltimore and the www.reportbishopabuse.org to make a report about any bishop in the U.S. If you have reason to believe that a bishop has engaged in sexual misconduct or has interfered with an investigation into sexual misconduct, please con- Archdiocese of Washington tact civil authorities in the applicable jurisdiction and visit www.reportbish- opabuse.org. Lifting the General Dispensation from the Obligation to Attend Mass To Report to Civil Authorities: Contact your local law enforce- ment: numbers will vary based on your location. If you believe someone is We, the Catholic Bishops of the Province of Baltimore and the Archdiocese of in im- mediate danger, call 911. To confidentially report any incidence of sus- Washington, give thanks to Almighty God for the progress our country has made in cur- pect- ed child abuse or neglect, including sexual abuse, contact the West Vir- bing the coronavirus pandemic. The average number of new cases of COVID-19 con- ginia Bureau for Children and Families’ Child Protective Services by calling tinues to decline due to the observance of safety protocols and the increase of the avail- the Child Abuse Hotline at 800.352.6513. You may report anonymously to ability of the vaccine. At this time, many places in our region are enjoying a return to this hotline if you prefer. some sense of normalcy. To Report to Diocesan Authorities: The diocese encourages report- Therefore, we are lifting the dispensation of the Sunday and Holy Days Mass obli- ing to the appropriate civil authorities first and foremost if a crime has been committed. The diocese also encourages reporting to the appropriate church gation in the Archdiocese of Baltimore, the Archdiocese of Washington, and the Dio- authorities. To report suspected cases of sexual abuse of children by person- ceses of Arlington, Richmond, Wheeling-Charleston, and Wilmington beginning on nel of the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston to the Diocese, contact one of the Saturday, June 26, 2021 and Sunday, June 27, 2021. We welcome and encourage the following designees at 1.888.434.6237 or 304.233.0880: Mr. Bryan Minor, Faithful to return to full in-person participation of the Sunday Eucharist, the source and ext. 263; Mr. Tim Bishop, ext. 353; or Very Rev. Dennis Schuelkens, Jr., V.E., summit of our Catholic faith (cf. Code of Canon Law, canon 1247 and Catechism of the ext. 270. You may also call the Diocese’s Office of Safe Environment at , n. 2180). 304.230.1504. You may also call the Diocese’s sexual abuse hotline at This obligation does not apply to those who are ill; those who have reason to believe 833.230.5656. Complaint forms are available online at www.dwc.org, click that they were recently exposed to the coronavirus, another serious or contagious illness; “Diocese” on the menu bar, then “Offices,” then “Safe Environment”, then those who are confined to their home, a hospital, or nursing facility; or those with serious “Download Files and Forms.” The form is titled “Complaint Form for Alle- underlying health conditions. One should consult his or her local pastor if questions gations of Sexual Abuse of a Minor.” The form may be returned via U.S. mail to: Office of Safe Environment, Diocese of Wheeling- Charleston, PO Box arise about the obligation to attend Mass (Canon 87). 230, Wheeling WV 26003. Safety protocols and other liturgical directives in each diocese remain in effect until To Report to the Diocese’s Victim Assistance Coordinator: modified or revoked by the respective Diocesan Bishop. please call Dr. Patricia Bailey at 304.242.6988. Let us continue to be united in prayer for one another and for an end to the global In addition to the methods listed above for reporting sexual abuse, the pandemic. Diocese also has partnered with Navex Global to offer the EthicsPoint plat- Given on June 2, 2021 form to report other, additional concerns, such as suspected financial, pro- fessional, and personal misconduct of a priest, deacon, religious, or lay em- Cardinal Wilton D. Gregory Most Reverend William E. Lori ployee of the Diocese or any Catholic or school in West Virginia. The , Archdiocese of Washington Archbishop, Archdiocese of Baltimore EthicsPoint platform can be accessed via www.dwc.org, under “Accountabil- ity”, then “Report Misconduct” or by calling 844.723.8381. EthicsPoint is a third-party reporting system that reports to civil authorities where applicable Most Reverend Michael F. Burbidge and Diocesan authorities, and the identity of the person reporting is pro- Bishop, Diocese of Arlington tected. Links and information: WV Department of Health and Human Re- Most Reverend Barry C. Knestout sources: https://www.wvdhhr.org/report.asp. West Virginia State Police, Bishop, Diocese of Richmond Crimes Against Children Unit: 304-293-6400.

Most Reverend Mark E. Brennan Bishop, Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston Sexual Abuse Awareness Training The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) requires that all Dio- Most Reverend William Francis Malooly ceses/Eparchies have in place a Safe Environment Program for the protection Apostolic Administrator, Diocese of Wilmington of children and young people. In accordance with these requirements, the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston’s Safe Environment Program consists of the following components for persons seeking employment or to volunteer—di- rectly or indirectly—with children: background check; receipt of the Diocese’s Policy Relating to Sexual Abuse of Children; and sexual abuse awareness train- ing for adults. Sexual abuse awareness training may be completed online or Statement ... via live workshop. For more information on the Office of Safe Cont’d from Page 1 Environment,please go to www.dwc.org, click “Diocese”, then “Offices,” then attendance. What does this mean in practice? “Office of Safe Environment.” The precept to take part in Sunday or holy day Mass is serious. It means that healthy persons with the ability to go to Mass should do so. While the precept is serious, the Office: 1322 Eoff St. Church has always been mild in its application. Among many situations that could im- Mailing: PO Box 230 pede your going to Mass, you may be taking care of a sick person or fear bringing home Wheeling, WV 26003 an infection from Mass; you may be traveling a long distance on Sunday (perhaps 100 (304) 232-0444 miles); you may be required to work on Sunday and no local Mass fits into your schedule. Fax: (304) 233-8551 In these and similar situations, you are excused from taking part in Mass. But sitting at Web site: www.thecatholicspiritwv.org home watching a live-streamed or televised Mass, when you are healthy and could easily Diocesan Web site: www.dwc.org go to Mass, is not sufficient to fulfill the Sunday Mass obligation. Those who ignore or June 4, 2021, Vol. 52, No. 23 scoff at this obligation are certainly not respecting God nor honoring the Lord Jesus. Publisher: Bishop Mark E. Brennan...... Going to Mass in-person is simply better. We should be with our fellow Catholics to Executive Editor: Colleen Rowan, Ext. 347 ...... [email protected] hear the Word of God proclaimed. We can only receive Jesus Christ in the Eucharist by Advertising: contact Colleen Rowan being at Mass. The Lord himself said, Where two or three are gathered together in my name, Freelance Writers: there I am in the midst of them [Matthew 18:20]. We are not isolated individuals, but Martina Hart, John Sherwood, Babette Pascasio members of a people and that becomes more real to us when we are together. Member I urge, then, all our Catholics who do not have genuine excuses for not going to Mass Catholic Press Association to join us once again in our for Sunday and holy day Masses. Do it to honor West Virginia Press Association the God who made you and the Redeemer who suffered and died for you. Do it for your National Press Photographers Association, Inc. own benefit and for that of your fellow parishioners. We have missed you and very much wish to see you with us again. Refresh our hearts and your own by coming back to Mass. Published 24 times per year. All issues sent to each registered Catholic May God abundantly bless you and your loved ones! household free of charge. Donations to help offset the cost of producing The Sincerelyy in Christ, Catholic Spirit are welcomed. Out-of- diocese subscriptions are $25 annually. The Catholic Spirit intends its news reports to be fair and accurate in every re- gard. The opinions of correspondents do not necessarily reflect the opinions +Mark E. Brennan of The Catholic Spirit. Submission of news releases, stories and color photos Bishop of Wheeling-Charleston welcomed and encouraged. Not responsible for unsolicited material.

June 4, 2021 The Catholic Spirit 3 Pope Promulgates Revised Canon Law on Crimes, Punishments By Cindy Wooden, Catho- ligious order in handling alle- While church law applies rieta, respectively president other forms of sexual abuse as lic News Service gations are more stringent. to all Catholics, the pope said, and secretary of the Pontifical “an offence against the Sixth VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The revised canons also in- for bishops, the observance of Council for Legislative Texts. Commandment” — You shall A series of laws and procedures clude new references to the at- canon law “can in no way be In 2009, Pope Benedict had not commit adultery. promulgated by now-retired tempted ordination of a separated from the pastoral asked the council to begin the The continued use of the Pope Benedict XVI and, espe- woman and to a variety of fi- ‘munus’ (service) entrusted to revision project. Sixth Commandment to refer cially, by to pro- nancial crimes; like with the them, and which must be car- The revision moves the to any improper, immoral or tect children, promote the in- new canons dealing with sex- ried out as a concrete and in- canons about the sexual abuse even criminal sexual activity vestigation of allegations of ual abuse, they rely on lan- alienable requirement of char- of children — on the part of a “is traditional” in church law, clerical sexual abuse and pun- guage from laws promulgated ity not only toward the priest, religious or layperson Bishop Arrieta said, and for ish offenders are included in a separately over the past 20 church, the Christian commu- working for the church — out Catholics its meaning “is heavily revised section of the years. nity and possible victims, but of the section on violations of clear,” which is necessary Code of Canon Law. “In the past, much damage also toward those who have the obligation of celibacy and when drafting a law that will The revision of “Book VI: has been caused by a failure to committed a crime, who need into a newly titled section of be valid on every continent Penal Sanctions in the perceive the intimate relation- both mercy and correction on “Offenses Against Human Life, and in every culture. Church,” one of seven books ship existing in the church be- the part of the church.” Dignity and Liberty.” In incorporating recent that make up the code for the tween the exercise of charity Over the years, he said, it It adds to canon law the church law regarding abuse, Latin rite of the Catholic and recourse — when circum- became clear that the code’s crime of “grooming,” calling the new code does not refer to Church, was promulgated stances and justice require it — description of crimes and pen- for penalties, including dis- abuse of “vulnerable” adults or June 1 and will go into effect to the discipline of sanctions. alties needed to be “modified missal from the priesthood for “vulnerable persons” as Pope Dec. 8, Pope Francis wrote. This way of thinking, as experi- in such a way as to allow pas- a cleric who “grooms or in- Francis did in his May 2019 Rewriting 63 of the book’s ence has taught us, risks lead- tors to use it as a more agile sal- duces a minor or a person who motu proprio, “Vos estis lux 89 canons, the revision ad- ing to a life of behavior con- vific and corrective instru- habitually has an imperfect use mundi.” dresses a host of issues that trary to the discipline of mo- ment, to be employed of reason or one to whom the Bishop Arrieta said the term have come up in the life of the rals, for the remedy of which promptly and with pastoral law recognizes equal protec- “vulnerable person,” while un- church since St. John Paul II exhortations or suggestions charity to avoid more serious tion to expose himself or her- derstood and recognized in the promulgated the code in 1983. alone are not sufficient,” Pope evils and to soothe the wounds self pornographically or to take law of many countries, is not The descriptions of crimes of Francis wrote in “Pascite Gre- caused by human weakness.” part in pornographic exhi- universally accepted as a legal sexual abuse, including child gem Dei” (Shepherd God’s The revised book was pre- bitions, whether real or simu- category of persons deserving pornography, are more ex- Flock), the apostolic constitu- sented to the press June 1 by lated.” special protection. Instead, the plicit, and the required actions tion promulgating the Archbishop Filippo Iannone However, the revised lan- new law refers to people whom of a bishop or superior of a re- changes. and Bishop Juan Ignacio Ar- guage still refers to rape and See “Law” on Page 6 USCCB President Explains How Planned Discussion on Eucharist Was Set By Dennis Sadowski, Catholic Bishop Rhoades chairs the bishops’ first be asked whether to issue a doc- It outlines three parts, subtitled News Service Committee on Doctrine, which would ument on a particular topic. Bishop “The Eucharist, A Mystery to be Be- After receiving an unprecedented draft the document if approved by the Rhoades took such a step by asking the lieved,” “The Eucharist, A Mystery to be letter from 67 bishops appealing for a full assembly. Administrative Committee to include Celebrated” and “The Eucharist: A Mys- delay in a discussion during the Archbishop Gomez’s memo came in time on the spring agenda to discuss tery to be Lived.” bishops’ upcoming spring general as- response to a May 13 letter, which was such a question. The committee Each part has three topics that sembly on whether to prepare a teach- obtained by Catholic News Service, to agreed. would be addressed including, respec- ing document on the reception of him from 67 bishops who asked that The process, the memo explained, tively, the real presence of the body and Communion, the U.S. Conference of any discussion on “eucharistic coher- involves the creation of an “Action blood of Christ in Communion, unity, Catholic Bishops’ president explained ence” be removed from the assembly Item” for the bishops to consider. beauty and identity as the “fount and in a memo the procedure followed in agenda. “Importantly, the Action Item does apex of the whole Christian life,” and bringing the question to a vote during The Pillar, a news and analysis web- not ask the body to approve a final moral transformation, eucharistic con- the June 16-18 virtual meeting. site covering the Catholic Church, first statement, but only whether drafting of sistency and missionary discipleship. The back-and-forth messages follow reported on the bishops’ letter, which a text may begin,” the memo said. The letter from the bishops was sent on an increasingly public debate among cites May 7 correspondence from Car- It added that if the action is ap- letterhead of the Archdiocese of Wash- the bishops about Catholic politicians dinal Luis Ladaria, prefect of the Con- proved, the doctrine committee would ington. The archdiocese did not re- who support keeping abortion legal gregation for the Doctrine of the Faith begin its work, subject to the confer- spond to a CNS email seeking com- and whether they should be denied ac- at the Vatican, to Archbishop Gomez. ence’s “usual process of consultation, ment. cess to the Eucharist. The bishops wrote that “we respect- modification and amendment” when The bishops said the serious nature In a May 22 memo to fellow fully urge that all conference-wide dis- presented for consideration at a future of “eucharistic worthiness” and other bishops, Archbishop José H. Gomez of cussion and committee work on the general assembly. issues raised in Cardinal Ladaria’s letter Los Angeles explained that the USCCB topic of eucharistic worthiness and “As you will note, the focus of this requires the bishops to “forge substan- Administrative Committee approved a other issues raised by the Holy See be proposed teaching document is on how tive unity,” something which they said request from Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades postponed until the full body of best to help people to understand the is “impossible to address ... produc- of Fort Wayne-South Bend, Indiana, for bishops is able to meet in person.” beauty and mystery of the Eucharist as tively in the fractured and isolated set- the discussion on drafting a document Four cardinals are among those the center of their Christian lives,” the ting of a distance meeting.” to examine the “meaning of the Eucha- signing the letter: Cardinal Blase J. Cu- archbishop wrote. “The high standard of consensus rist in the life of the church.” pich of Chicago, Cardinal Wilton D. Archbishop Gomez’s memo in- among ourselves and of maintaining The Administrative Committee in- Gregory of Washington, Cardinal Sean cluded a draft, dated May 14, of an out- unity with the Holy See and the univer- cludes conference officers and all of the P. O’Malley of Boston and Cardinal Jo- line of a possible document with the sal church as set forth by Cardinal committee chairmen. It set the spring seph W. Tobin of Newark, New Jersey. proposed title “The Mystery of the Eu- Ladaria is far from being achieved in assembly agenda during its meeting in Archbishop Gomez said USCCB charist in the life of the Church: Why It the present moment,” the prelates March. rules require that the body of bishops Matters.” See “Eucharist” on Page 4 4 The Catholic Spirit June 4, 2021

bishop Wester said, noting that the Ad- clear from it that the USCCB’s plan to In a May 26 statement, Archbishop Eucharist ... ministrative Committee must set the discuss and debate this important issue Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City, Cont’d from Page 3 final agenda for the June plenary as- is warranted and encouraged.” Kansas, the U.S. bishops’ pro-life com- wrote. “Moreover, as the prefect’s sembly. In contrast,” he continued, “ the mittee chairman, said he also supports sound theological and pastoral advice Archbishop Wester said the letter publication of the letter calling for a Archbishop Gomez and the opportu- opens a new path for moving forward, was “meant to create unity among the halt to discussion at our June meeting nity for the bishops to authorize the we should take this opportunity to re- bishops” in advocating for a better on this vital issue risks creating an at- doctrine committee to prepare a draft envision the best collegial structure for time to have this discussion. The June mosphere of factionalism, rather than of a “timely and much-needed doc- achieving that,” the letter said. meeting will be virtual, which means unity among the bishops.” ument “on the meaning of the Eucha- Cardinal Ladaria in his letter urged that 275 bishops will be in a giant Archbishop Cordileone said he was rist in the life of the church.” the U.S. bishops to proceed with cau- Zoom meeting, he said. “deeply grieved by the rising public ac- Because of COVID-19, Catholics tion in their discussions about formu- The ability to talk both formally rimony among bishops and the adop- have been deprived of the Eucharist for lating a national policy “to address the and informally with brother bishops is tion of behind-closed-doors ma- a significant period of time, he said, but situation of Catholics in public office “very, very constrained on Zoom,” he neuvers to interfere with the accepted, even before the pandemic, “there was who support legislation allowing abor- noted. The November plenary session normal agreed-upon procedures of the evidence that many Catholics do not tion, euthanasia or other moral evils.” of the U.S. bishops’ conference is likely USCCB.” understand or believe” in the Real Pres- The cardinal also reiterated what he to be in person, which Archbishop “Those who do not want to issue a ence in the Eucharist. Many people had said he had told several groups of Wester thought would be more condu- document on eucharistic coherence need to be re-catechized about the gift U.S. bishops during their 2019-2020 cive for the kind of extended discus- should be open to debating the ques- of the Eucharist. We need to foster “ad limina” visits, namely that “the ef- sion envisioned by Cardinal Ladaria in tion objectively and fairly with their what St. John Paul (II) termed ‘eucha- fective development of a policy in this his letter. brother bishops, rather than attempt- ristic amazement.’ area requires that dialogue occurs in Meanwhile, two is- ing to derail the process,” Archbishop “In addition, we have several prom- two stages: first among the bishops sued statements May 25 in support of Cordileone said. inent Catholics in public life who pro- themselves, and then between bishops keeping the discussion on a possible He said he was looking forward to fess to be devout Catholics while act- and Catholic pro-choice politicians document focused on the Eucharist on “serene dialogue,” as Cardinal Ladaria ing in a manner contrary to Catholic within their jurisdictions.” the June general assembly agenda. urged in his letter, during the upcom- moral teaching and in violation of the Archbishop John C. Wester of Santa Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila of ing June general assembly “so that we most fundamental of human rights, Fe, New Mexico, one of the 67 sig- Denver and Archbishop Salvatore J. may discern ‘the best way forward for the right to life,” Archbishop Nau- natories of the letter to Archbishop Cordileone of San Francisco called for the Church in the United States to wit- mann said. “Whether intentionally or Gomez, said the correspondence was work on a document on eucharistic co- ness to the grave moral responsibility not, they are sowing seeds of confusion not meant to be divisive, but was in fact herence to continue and the discus- of Catholic public officials to protect about Catholic teaching, especially “in keeping with Cardinal Ladaria’s ex- sion to take place during the bishops’ human life at all stages.” among our young people.” hortation for an extended and serene June spring general assembly. Archbishop Cordileone issued a He also said, “It would be a failure in dialogue.” Archbishop Gomez has followed pastoral letter May 1 focusing on the our responsibility as bishops to neglect “The letter is basically a direct re- the correct procedures to facilitate unborn, Communion and Catholics to address in a timely manner these sponse to Cardinal Ladaria’s interven- “this critical discussion as a body of in public life. It emphasized that challenges to what is central to our tion,” Wester told CNS May 26. bishops,” Archbishop Aquila said. “those who reject the teaching of the Catholic spirituality.” “The letter asked Archbishop Without citing who, Archbishop church on the sanctity of human life Contributing to this report was Gomez to share it with the Adminis- Aquila said “there have been some and those who do not seek to live in ac- Greg Erlandson in Washington. trative Committee. It is trying to use who have misrepresented” what Car- cordance with that teaching should the processes of the conference,” Arch- dinal Ladaria’s letter said, “but it was not receive the Eucharist.”

Sacred Heart Parishes of Bluefield & Princeton, West Virginia

and Father Sebastian Devasya, pastor, offer our heartfelt congratulations and prayerful best wishes to our dear friend, Father Phillip Szabo,

for his Ordination to the Priesthood! June 4, 2021 The Catholic Spirit 5

Szabo... Cont’d from Page 1 attended. It is God who calls men to the priesthood, Bishop Bren- nan said as he continued his homily. He said that God told Jeremiah, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I ded- icated you, a prophet to the nations I appointed you.” Turning to Father Szabo, Bishop Brennan said, “God, in a loving act of divine prov- idence, called you before you John Sherwood Photo were aware of it to be a pri- Father Phillip Szabo prostrates himself before the altar during est...” his ordination to priesthood at St. James the Greater Church The bishop continued by in Charles Town May 29. saying that Jeremiah protested that he was too young and did not know how to speak. “You members of the laity, which is time for prayer, for rest, and are not too young,” the bishop most rewarding. Bishop Bren- recreation and enjoyment of said to Father Szabo, “and God nan shared that he still enjoys friends. has already strengthened you the friendship of married cou- “Most of all you must go to John Sherwood Photo to speak his word in two lan- ples from parishes he has the Lord and find strength in Father Phillip Szabo is vested by Father Timothy Grassi. guages. And he will continue served. him,” Bishop Brennan said. to uphold you if you are faith- “St. Paul also says that we “That applies to all of us, but ful to that saving word.” priests, like himself, are en- certainly to the priest.” The bishop pointed out gaged in a ministry of reconcil- Pointing to the Gospel of that St. Paul, in the second iation,” Bishop Brennan con- Matthew, “Come to me, all of reading, exhorts all to not live tinued. “We are ambassadors you who labor and are bur- for themselves but for Christ for Christ through whom God dened, and I will give you who died for everyone and has reconciled the world to rest,” the bishop said to Father was raised up. Bishop Brennan himself not counting people’s Szabo, “That is a promise the reminded all those gathered transgressions against them.” Lord makes to you. I can testify and all those watching the li- In a very broad sense, he that he keeps his word. Thus vestream on the diocese’s web- said, a priest’s ministry in refreshed in the Lord, your giv- site that this applies to all of preaching, teaching, and ing of yourself will, in God’s the baptized. In a particular counseling ... is often about way and time, bear fruit. ... way, he said, it applies to a pri- reconciling people to God and “We must be patient and, est who has committed him- to one another urging them to like the farmer who sows the self to serve God’s people step back from the barriers grains of wheat, wait without whether convenient or incon- they have erected to loving anxiety for the harvest.” venient. The bishop recalled a God and their neighbor. In a “It is a privilege to be one of time in his own priesthood more restrictive, fruitful sense Christ’s priests, but he is the when he had to cancel his va- this reconciliation, he said, high priest,” Bishop Brennan cation because he was needed takes place in the sacrament of said. “We simply participate in to fill in for a parish in need of penance in which sin is man- his priesthood. We do so in a a priest. This was in addition to ifested by the penitent and ab- way different from but com- his job as a full-time vocation solved by Christ through the plementary to the laity’s par- director. priest. ticipation in it. For you also are “St. Paul also says that we In his own priesthood, the priests of the new covenant regard no one according to bishop said, he realized, “My through your baptism, but the the flesh,” the bishop said, job was not to solve everyone’s ordained priest is ordained to and that all are sisters and problems or pretend to be a serve you.” brothers in the Lord. Here, he master counselor. My job was In concluding his homily, said, celibacy poses a chal- to forgive sin and to reconcile the bishop encouraged Father lenge. When the bible says it is the penitent to God and the Szabo to know that in bad not good for the man to be church. Now, I find that mini- days the Lord takes care of all. alone, the bishop said, it states stry most satisfying as I hope “Have no fear,” he said to a basic fact about human be- you will too, Phillip.” Father Szabo, “Christ has ings: “We need one another. In the gospel, the bishop called you, and he will walk No one should be alone,” he continued, the Lord says: un- with you all the way.” John Sherwood Photo less a grain of wheat falls to the Following the bishop’s said. At the end of the ordination Mass, newly ordained So, how does a celibate pri- ground and dies it remains just homily, Father Szabo stood be- Father Phillip Szabo processes in front of Bishop Mark Bren- est avoid becoming miserably a grain of wheat. But if it dies it fore the bishop and promised nan. lonely? the bishop asked. produces much fruit. This, to serve the people of God as a “First, by letting the Lord Jesus Bishop Brennan said, relates priest. This was followed by hands upon Father Szabo’s his palms with holy chrism. be your friend in prayer and in well to what St. Paul says about the Litany of Supplication as head as well. The bishop then presented to worship,” he said, “encounter- living not for oneself but for the people prayed for Father Father Szabo was then him the paten of bread and ing him in his word and in his the Lord. Constantly giving of Szabo while he prostrated vested with the stole and chalice of wine. The bishop, people.” oneself, the bishop stressed, himself before the altar. As he chasuble by Father Timothy followed by the priests pres- Second, the bishop said, is can lead to mental, physical, then knelt before the altar, the Grassi and Father Giles LeVas- ent, then gave him the kiss of to have good priest friends — and spiritual fatigue and worse bishop laid his hands upon seur, two priests of the diocese peace. peers who are living the same if one is not careful. “Seek a Father Szabo’s head, and who have played important Father Szabo will begin life. Priestly fraternity is a great certain balance in your life,” prayed the prayer of ordina- roles in his vocation discern- his first assignment with support, he noted. And finally, he said to Father Szabo, “so tion, consecrating him to the ment. the faithful of Morgantown he said, forming wholesome that along with faithful service Lord’s service. Priests present Father Szabo then knelt be- June 22 as parochial vicar of St. and lasting friendships with to your people you have some also came forward to lay their fore the bishop, who anointed John University Parish. 6 The Catholic Spirit June 4, 2021 Appreciation Dinner for Deacons to be Held in Morgantown

By Colleen Rowan A total of 39 deacons serve in the diocese, pro- Deacon Breiding said. MORGANTOWN—An appreciation dinner viding outreach to the poor, ministering to indi- Deacon John Yaquinta, deacon at Our Lady of in their honor will gather the deacons of the Di- viduals in prison, working with young people, Perpetual Help Parish in Stonewood, remem- ocese of Wheeling-Charleston with Bishop Mark visiting the sick and assisting priests in parishes. bered that in formation deacons rarely got to- Brennan June 10 in Morgantown. The diocese also has 10 retired deacons who serve gether. To be held in honor of St. Ephrem, a fourth when needed. “The St. Ephrem’s Dinner allows them to century deacon and a doctor of the church, the The deacons are expected to gather for on- gather together, with brother deacons and their gathering will begin with Mass celebrated by the going formation three times a year and a yearly wives, to share a meal with the bishop, and just bishop at 5 p.m. in the St. Theresa Chapel at St. retreat, Deacon Breiding said, and an awareness enjoy each other’s company,” he said. “I am very Francis de Sales Parish in Morgantown with the came about that it would be nice to gather with thankful to Msgr. Cincinnati and St. Francis de dinner to follow. the bishop. Sales Parish for hosting the event.” “It is a time that we share our life’s journeys “St. Ephrem, one of a few feast days of For more information, contact Tina High, with one another in faith and fellowship,” said deacons in the liturgical calendar, was se- secretary to the Episcopal Vicar for Clergy, by Deacon Doug Breiding, director of Catholic Cem- lected to gather the deacons and their wives calling (304) 233-0880, ext. 271, or by e-mail to eteries for the diocese. for a Mass and dinner with the bishop,” [email protected]. Leadership Retreat Set for W.Va. Catholic Teens Applications Open to Serve on Youth Board By Joyce Bibey register for the event. The retreat is lead others closer to Christ; they work to strengthen the spirit and WEST VIRGINIA—Final open to all teens who have applied have been transformed and voice of teens in the Church,” plans are being set for the 2021 to serve on the Youth Board or are equipped for this mission by God; Petter said. Youth Board Leadership Retreat considering serving. and they are designated to lead by This application is open to all for Catholic teens across West Vir- “The board is made up of teens the grace of your baptism and yes incoming high school sopho- ginia slated for June 29-July 2 at called, transformed, and desig- to the Lord.” mores, juniors, and seniors “desir- John XXIII Pastoral Center in nated by God for this important There is no cost for this event! ing to grow their relationship with Charleston. mission,” Petter said. “The focus of Please register for this event God and are dedicated to leading Jessica Petter, of the Office of this retreat is our teen leaders. We by June 16 returning registra- others closer to Christ,” Petter said, Evangelization and Catechesis for want them to know that: they tion forms available at: adding students should, “Consider the diocese, said it is not too late to are uniquely called by the Lord to https://dwc.org/diocese/ministries/ where they believe God is calling youth-and-young-adult-ministry/ them to serve.” youth-ministry/teen-leadership- To register to serve on the Youth Diocesan Official Appointments retreat/ to [email protected] or send Board complete the forms avail- via U.S. mail to: Attn: JESSICA able at: https://dwc.org/diocese/ Bishop Mark Brennan has made public the following appointments: PETTER, Evangelization & Cate- ministries/youth-and-young-adult- chesis, P.O. BOX 230 Wheeling, ministry/youth-ministry/dwc- Msgr. Paul A. Hudock has been granted a sabbatical beginning on May 31, WV 26003 youth-board-application-2021- 2021, and ending on August 18, 2021. The opportunity to serve for the 2022/ Father Carlos Melocoton, Jr., has been granted a sabbatical beginning on 2021-2022 year on the Youth Board The DWC Youth Board will be May 31, 2021, and ending on August 18, 2021. is empowering spiritually, Petter comprised of Catholic youth Father Phillip R. Szabo is appointed parochial vicar of St. John University said. representing each of the six Parish in Morgantown with residence at the parish rectory, effective June 22, 2021. “Rooted in prayer, both as a vicariates in our Diocese (Wheel- Father John Rice is reappointed as chaplain of the West Virginia State Coun- group and individual reflection, ing, Clarksburg, Parkersburg, cil of the Knights of Columbus for the Fraternal Years 2021-2023, effective imme- the work of this board is important Charleston, Martinsburg, and diately. This is in addition to his current assignment as pastor of St. Francis Xavier to the diocese as these individuals Beckley regions). Parish in Parkersburg and St. Monica Mission in Lubeck. Father Paul D. Yuenger is retiring from active ministry, effective July 14, 2021. Law ... In consultation with Father Edward Przygocki, provincial animator of the So- Cont’d from Page 3 ciety of the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles, USA Province, Father Harold F. the law recognizes as deserving of the same protection extended to minors and Dunn, M.S.A., is appointed temporary administrator of St. Vincent de Paul Parish those with “an imperfect use of reason.” in Wheeling and Our Lady of Seven Dolors Mission in Triadelphia, effective May The revised law also foresees penalties for “a person who neglects to report an 31, 2021, and ending on August 18, 2021. offence, when required to do so by a canonical law.” In consultation with Very Rev. Joseph Thottankara, M.C.B.S., provincial super- Bishop Arrieta said that provision refers to the obligation to report serious ior of the Missionary Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament, Zion Province in Ker- crimes, such as sexual abuse, to church authorities, not civil authorities. If criminal ala, India, Father Tijo George, M.C.B.S., is appointed pastor of Our Lady of Fa- reporting to the state is obligatory, the state will enforce that, he said. tima Parish in Huntington and St. Stephen Parish in Ona with residence at the par- The revised code also says, “Both a person who attempts to confer a sacred order ish rectory in Huntington, effective July 14, 2021. on a woman, and the woman who attempts to receive the sacred order, incur a In consultation with Bishop Remigiose Inchananiyil of Thamarasserry (Syro- ‘latae sententiae’ (automatic) excommunication reserved to the Apostolic See; a Malabarese), Father Thomas K. Kalapurackal is appointed pastor of St. An- cleric, moreover, may be punished by dismissal from the clerical state.” thony Parish in Charleston and Our Lady of the Hills Parish in Elkview with res- Given that Pope Francis in April 2020 formed a second “Study Commission on the Female Diaconate,” Bishop Arrieta was asked why the revised canon did not idence at the parish rectory in Charleston, effective July 14, 2021. specify priestly ordination, leaving open the possibility of ordaining women to the diaconate. Canon law, he said, relies on the current state of the teaching of the church. “If we come to a different theological conclusion, we will modify the norm,” he said, CONFIRMATION SCHEDULE Spring 2021 just as was done in January when Pope Francis ordered a change in the wording Bishop Mark E. Brennan, Celebrant of canon law so that women, as well as men, could be formally installed as lectors of Mary, Weirton – Wednesday, June 9 at 6:30 p.m. and acolytes. St. Anthony, Fairmont – Friday, June 11 at 6:00 p.m. June 4, 2021 The Catholic Spirit 7

Colleen Rowan Photo The Blessed Margaret of Castello Eucharistic Adoration Chapel at St. Ann Parish in Shinnston is pictured above.

Adoration Chapels Reopen

By Colleen Rowan more than two,” DeMarco Now that the chapel has interview with The Catholic “Join us for the blessing doration chapels in said. reopened, adoration will no Spirit in 2003. Father Wo- and to see the changes made the central region of Parish officials stated, longer be held in the church hinc served as a beloved pas- to the chapel since the lock- Athe state and the East- “Anything that is touched hall. tor of St. Ann’s from 1984 to down in March 2020,” par- ern Panhandle have re- must be self-sanitized, and a The Blessed Margaret of 2012. A plaque honoring ish officials posted on the opened to adorers. mask is required if you are Castello Eucharistic Adora- Father Wohinc for making parish’s Facebook page be- The Blessed Margaret of not vaccinated.” tion Chapel offers the Cath- the chapel possible hangs fore the opening. “It’s a Castello Eucharistic Adora- DeMarco added that for olic faithful the opportunity inside. beautiful space thanks to tion Chapel at St. Ann Par- safety, any reading material to spend time with Christ. For more information the hard work of our main- ish in Shinnston officially adorers bring into the “It’s quiet and peaceful,” De about the Blessed Margaret tenance and art staff.” reopened May 23. chapel must be taken with Marco said. of Castello Eucharistic Ado- Hours will be the same “Welcome back!” parish them or disposed of upon Adorers come from ration Chapel or to volun- until further notice. The ca- officials gleefully said to pa- their departure. around the area, through- teer, contact DeMarco at pacity of the chapel is lim- rishioners in the announce- With the onset of the out West Virginia, and other (304) 669-2057, or Cindy ited to two persons or one- ment of the reopening. COVID-19 pandemic last states and they are invited Bee at (304) 709-2908. family. “This is the opening year, the chapel was closed to sign a visitor’s book. Adoration also resumed The parish thanks all for stages,” said St. Ann parish- along with all churches in Located next to St. Ann in the Adoration Chapel at their patience during this ioner John DeMarco, who is the diocese. When churches Church, the chapel opened St. James the Greater Parish time. also a member of the reopened last May, adora- Oct. 24, 1999, as one of in Charles Town May 31 “Our faithful adorers are chapel reopening commit- tion was held in the church more than 1,000 perpetual with a blessing before the 7 thrilled to be back!” parish tee. “We’re limiting it to two hall. adoration chapels in the a.m. Mass. officials said. days a week, and then hope- Father Chris Turner, as- U.S. The chapel was ded- fully build it back up to sociate pastor of St. Ann’s icated to Blessed Margaret seven days a week. “ and of St. James the Apostle of Castello, patroness of The chapel is now Parish in Clarksburg, said people with disabilities, opened on Sundays and St. Ann’s is pleased to have the unwanted, and the un- Wednesdays from 6 a.m. to reopened the adoration born. midnight. Covid-19 proto- chapel on the limited basis. “In this world where cols will still apply at this “This endeavor is due to there are many who are un- time: no more than two the incredible amount of wanted, especially the un- adorers are allowed in the hard work and sacrifice of so born, I thought that she building at one time. “Un- many of our dedicated par- would be a good patroness less they are from the same ish family members,” Father for the chapel,” said the late household, they can have Turner said. Father Karl R. Wohinc in an 8 The Catholic Spirit June 4, 2021 Catholic Distance University Offers Affordable Online Degree Programs to West Virginia Students

CHARLES TOWN—Catholic ates of CDU’s AA degree program CDU’s robust Catholic commu- educates teachers and learners students seeking an affordable on- with a GPA of 2.8 or higher who nity is fostered through a vibrant worldwide in Catholic theology, line degree that provides guaran- have not matriculated at any online Student Life Center that is the liberal arts, and faith teed transfer opportunities to APUS other institution of higher educa- the online equivalent of a development for the growth of and Shepherd University need look tion are guaranteed transfer admis- campus-based student union and faith, ecclesial service, and no further than Catholic Distance sion to Shepherd University. A provides access to resources that leadership for the New Evangeliza- University (CDU) in Charles Town. maximum of 72 credit hours from promote student success. In the tion. In keeping with its mission, Since 1983, CDU has educated CDU are allowed toward fulfill- SLC, students engage in conversa- CDU also offers noncredit continu- thousands of students worldwide ment of the 120 credit hours re- tion, discuss theological issues, ing education courses and certifi- who wish to deepen their faith quired for baccalaureate comple- pray together, and enjoy fellow- cates. while earning degrees that develop tion. ship in the chapel. A faculty advi- Known for faithful transmission critical thinking skills that em- Through the Graduate School of sor and a student life director an- of the teachings of the Church, ployers value highly. The first and Theology, which is accredited by swer questions that arise and foster CDU is the only online university only exclusively online Catholic The Association of Theological discussions. recommended by The Cardinal university in the U.S., CDU has Schools, CDU offers two graduate CDU’s mission is to communi- Newman Society, an organization provided online education for degree programs in Theology cate the mind and heart of the dedicated to promoting faithful more than 20 years. Bishop Mark and Theology and Educational Church in a digital world. Using Catholic education. Brennan serves on the Board of Ministry. Three graduate certifi- distance education, the university To learn more, visit cdu.edu. Trustees, and Archbishop Timothy cates are offered as well: one for Broglio of the Archdiocese for the Catholic educators, one in Sacred Military Services, USA, serves as Scripture, and one in Church chancellor. History. Credits earned in the cer- Tuition is affordable, and stu- tificate programs can later be ap- Your gift to the dents receive personalized atten- plied to the degree programs, tion from the well-credentialed and a “Fast Track” MA program al- 2021 CATHOLIC SHARING APPEAL faculty. The AA degree in Liberal lows undergraduate students in Arts with a concentration in good standing to earn an MA de- supports Blessed Carlo Acutis Youth Camp! Catholic Studies is ideal for recent gree in less time and at less ex- high school graduates who pense. wish to complete a degree online Many CDU graduate students while saving money by living at are working adults juggling career, home. The BA in Theology degree family, and volunteer responsibil- completion program is open to stu- ities who seek the convenience of dents who have earned at least 18 asynchronous online classes. undergraduate general education About 90% of graduate program credits; no previous theology alumni serve the Church in some credits are needed, and transfer form of ministry as do 80% of un- credits are generously accepted. dergraduate alumni. The program is ideal for students Deacon Adam Walk, a recent who began college but took a break MA in Theology graduate, says he and now wish to complete their de- enjoyed CDU for its sense of com- grees. munity: “I have never met a single DONATE TODAY AT DWC.ORG/CSA. CDU maintains an agreement one of my professors or fellow stu- Your gift will help young people grow in the infinite with the American Public Universi- dents in person, but I can say that ty System (APUS) in Charles Town, I felt like I was part of a community love of Christ in the beautiful hills of West Virginia. which offers over 50 undergradu- that is both faithfully Catholic and ate degree programs completely eager to learn.” online. Graduates of CDU’s AA and “This was encouraged by the BA degree programs can transfer all professors—the second great as- of their undergraduate credits to pect of CDU—who were passionate the BA degree program in APUS’ about their subject matter and School of Arts and Humanities. Fif- committed to the learning experi- teen credits earned in CDU gradu- ence of their students,” he con- ate coursework are also transferra- tinues. “Assomeone who has stud- ble to the APUS MA in Humanities ied most of his adult life in one Program. form or another—face-to-face and Students also benefit from online, undergraduate to doctoral CDU’s articulation agreement with level—I can say that I have never Shepherd University, which offers had a better collection of teachers 53 undergraduate majors. Gradu- than I had at CDU.” June 4, 2021 The Catholic Spirit 9 Sister Rachel Blais is New Provincial Councilor for Sisters of Charity

GREENSBURG, Pa.–– Greensburg, and Pittsburgh adjunct professor at Fordham ing hunger. Prior to her mini- The United States Province of Dioceses from 1963 to 1989. and Loyola Universities. stry in West Virginia, she the Sisters of Charity of Seton Sister Donna Marie was From 1989-1997, she served served students in the Dio- Hill announces the election elected to serve as General the Sisters of Charity of Seton ceses of Phoenix and Tucson and installation of the 2021- Councilor of the congrega- Hill as Councilor for Mission in Arizona and the Dioceses 2026 Provincial Leadership tion from 1989-1997. She was and Ministry. Sister Mary Jo’s of Greensburg and Pittsburgh Team. Sister Mary Norbert principal at Bishop McCort dedication to serving the in Pennsylvania in roles that Long, SC, was elected to a High School from 1997 to Church was recognized in included religion teacher, five-year term as Provincial 2006. Her administrative tal- 2009 with the Manifesting campus minister, youth min- Superior. Joining her on the ents were recognized in 2006 the Kingdom Award. ister, and director of religious Provincial Council are Sisters when Sister Donna Marie was Since 2001, Vice Pres- education. Donna Marie Leiden, Mary Jo named President of Institu- ident/Provincial Councilor The newly elected Provin- Mutschler, and Rachel Blais. tional Advancement for the Sister Rachel Blais has ex- cial Council is responsible Members of the United States Diocese of Altoona-Johns- tended various ministries of for the administration and Province gathered on Sunday, town and again in 2007, compassion in West Virginia. leadership of the United May 23, 2021, at Caritas when she was appointed as Currently she serves as the Di- States Province, which Christi, the congregation’s Director of Education for the rector of Saint Ursula Food numbers 125 sisters in active motherhouse, for a special Altoona-Johnstown Diocese, Pantry and Outreach in Purs- or retired ministry. Another Liturgy that included the Rite Sister Rachel Blais, SC a position she held until glove. From 2006 to 2019 196 sisters serve in the Korean of Installation. The Most Rev- 2018. Sister Donna Marie’s Sister Rachel was the coor- Province. erend Larry J. Kulick, JCL, zona Catholic school system, dedication to serving the dinator of the Rite of Chris- The Sisters of Charity of Bishop of the Diocese of and several civic organiza- Church of the Altoona-Johns- tian Initiation of Adults and Seton Hill is an international Greensburg, was the presider tions. Along with Arizona town Diocese was acknowl- visited parish shut-ins at apostolic congregation of and homilist at the Installa- Governor Janet Napolitano, edged in 2004 with the Prince St. Mary Church in Morgan- women religious who are tion Mass. Sister Mary Norbert was a Gallitzin Cross Award, pre- town. She was employed at present in three countries, President/Provincial Su- 2008 Girl Scout World Award sented to individuals who West Virginia University as a five United States dioceses perior Sister Mary Norbert honoree. She was presented embodied the “hardy, faith- field education coordinator and one United States arch- previously served two consec- with the World of Learning filled spirit of the Prince-Pri- for social work students and diocese. Sisters of Charity utive terms as a First Coun- Award for her tireless work est of the Alleghenies.” as a campus minister at St. have traditionally ministered cilor/Treasurer for the United with the youth of the Saint From 2014 to 2019, Vice John University Parish, the in the areas of education, States Province. In that capac- Mary-Basha Catholic School President/Provincial Coun- Catholic parish of the univer- health care, pastoral care and ity, she was responsible for community. In 2012, the Dio- cilor Sister Mary Jo Mutschler sity. Sister Rachel volunteered social services. For additional the legal and organizational cese of Phoenix recognized served on the General Coun- at the Federal Corrections In- information about the Sisters matters concerning steward- Sister Mary Norbert for “mak- cil of the Congregation of the stitution in Morgantown and of Charity of Seton Hill and ship of resources and spon- ing a profound difference in Sisters of Charity of Seton served as a board member for their ministries, visit sored ministries of the prov- Catholic education” with the Hill, which oversees both the Empty Bowls of Monongalia www.scsh.org and www. ince. She has 58 years of ex- Guardian of Hope Award. United States and Korean County, a non-profit organi- sistersofcharityofsetonhill perience in Catholic educa- Vice President/ Provincial Provinces. A noted educator, zation committed to alleviat- generalate.org. tion with 43 years of service as Councilor Sister Donna Marie Sister Mary Jo was the assis- an administrator that include Leiden currently serves as the tant superintendent of ele- six years served as the Super- administrator of Caritas mentary schools for the Dio- intendent of Catholic Christi, the motherhouse of cese of Pittsburgh from 1997- Schools for the Diocese of the congregation. Through- 2014. Other educational roles Tucson. As the Superintend- out her religious life, Sister include teacher, middle ent of Catholic Schools, Sister Donna Marie has enthusiasti- school principal, math- Mary Norbert was a member cally embraced the challenge ematics curriculum director, of the Arizona Catholic Con- to continue the mission of elementary school principal, ference. Sister Mary Norbert Catholic education. Her ex- and educational consultant served on and led numerous tensive experience includes for the Dioceses of Pittsburgh committees, boards, and ad- service in the roles of teacher, and Greensburg. She was the visory councils of her reli- principal, vice principal, and director of the Greco Insti- gious community, the Ari- guidance counselor in the tute, Shreveport, La., and an



VISIT US @ MILLSGROUPONLINE.COM 10 The Catholic Spirit June 4, 2021

A Special Six-Part Series on the Diocesan Pastoral Council Archer, Velloso, DeChristopher to Serve Faithful of Clarksburg Vicariate on Diocesan Council

By Joyce Bibey staff,” he said. “In a time of CLARKSBURG—The global crisis, the Church is Clarksburg representatives being renewed and called on the reestablished Dioce- forth to renew each other san Pastoral Council (DPC) and the world. The DPC is a look forward to assisting small part of that but none Bishop Mark E. Brennan as a the less an essential one!” voice for their region. Charlotte Velloso is a pa- Jim Archer, of Fairmont; rishioner at St John’s Uni- Charlotte Velloso, of versity Parish in Morgan - Morgantown; and Perri town. She was raised Episco- DeChristopher, of Star City, palian, but her family con- not only hope to strengthen verted to Catholicism when Jim Archer Charlotte Velloso Perri DeChristopher the Catholic community in she was 12. West Virginia in their roles “I committed myself per- on the DPC, but also hope sonally to the faith while I that I can look to the saints, and that I understand events, kitchen fund- their leading by example en- was an undergraduate in Church tradition, and that my priority is to God, raisers). courages others to get in- college,” she said. She is Church teaching to guide then to my husband, “This was a great exam - volved in their parishes and very active at the Newman me,” she said. “It means and then to my future chil- ple for our family,” she communities. Center at WVU, as she is a that I am invited to partake dren,” and she concluded. said, adding that her own Archer has been a founding member of a chap- in the most precious Body “Being Catholic has trans- family enjoys serving Mass member of All Saints Parish ter of the Thomistic Insti- and Blood of Our Lord Jesus formed my vision of the as altar servers and ushers, in Bridgeport since he tute at WVU and helps lead Christ at Mass, as He himself world, how I interact with as well as helping with reli- moved to West Virginia in and organized the young instructed us to do so the others, and my ultimate gious education, whenever 1991 from Brooklyn, N.Y. women’s ministry. Cur- night before His crucifixion. purpose.” needed. “Although a cradle Cath- rently she is working on It means that I can regularly Velloso will serve on the “Not only is service a olic, when I was 21, I had a starting a Catholic young participate in the sacrament DPC for two years and sit on wonderful way to help with life transforming experi- professionals group in Mor- of confession in order to the Lay Life and Ministry the day-to-day activities of ence of the love of the gantown. Being involved grow in a more intimate re- Committee. our church, but it is also a Father poured into my heart and strengthening the lationship with Our Lord The third Clarksburg Vi- great way to meet and build by the Holy Spirit which Catholic community is and to shed habits of vice. It cariate member on the DPC friendships with other indi- caused me to surrender my “vital” to Velloso. means to belong to a Catho- is Perri DeChristopher. She viduals and families within life to Jesus and things have Her Catholic identity is lic tradition and heritage will serve for three years on our church,” she said. never been the same since,” an integral part of who she that is rich, ancient, and the council and its Justice “I was encouraged to Archer said. “As I started to is and how she chooses to vast. and Peace Committee. She pursue participation in the attend mid-week prayer view the world. She values “Being Catholic means sees it as a way to give back Diocesan Pastoral Council meetings, Mass became a being not only part of the that I don't have to figure to the parish family she by my family and friends, living sacrament and the Church of the future, but out how to correctly inter- cherishes. and particularly my Eucharist the foundation of also the Church of today. pret every passage of the DeChristopher is proud mother,” DeChristopher an intimacy with Jesus.” “It can be difficult to live Bible or every theological of the fact that she has been said. “She and other senior He says his spirit is out one's faith in our secular issue, and instead I can rely a member of St. Mary’s in members of our local “formed by the heart of God culture, so through God's on the tradition and teach- Star City her entire life. She church had become disap- to share His heart!” grace, I would like to help ings of the Church, dis- and her husband Chuck pointed and saddened with Over the last few dec- build a vibrant, flourishing, cussed, contemplated, and Porter are raising their chil- the most recent alarming ades, Archer has served his and authentic Catholic established by brilliant dren, Sydney and Chase, in activities discovered in our parish as a prayer group community where Christ minds throughout the the parish. Her love for her Diocese. Seeing parishio- leader, parish council has planted me,” she said. ages. parish family is evident in ners who dedicated their member, adult faith forma- “I believe that lay voices “Being Catholic means her reason to serve on the entire lives to supporting tion team member, and lec- are valuable to our Catholic realizing that God, in His DPC. our church, crestfallen at tor. On a wider stage he has hierarchy and that lay goodness, gave humanity a She said her parents the revelations disclosed, been the director of The Ark people have an important Church that — though filled and the longtime members motivated me to seek any and The Dove Retreat perspective,” she said. with sinful humans who err of St. Mary’s are great Cath- position where I can en- Center in Gibsonia, Pa.; and “Often, lay people who are — is complete, coherent, olic community role courage transparency and a member on the National involved in various parish and consistent in Her models. Prior to COVID laity involvement in all as- Service Committee (NCS) councils or diocesan posi- teaching of theology and restrictions, her parents pects of our church and the for Catholic Charismatic tions are middle-aged or morality. Being Catholic continued to be active Diocese of Wheeling- Renewal. He is currently the older. Young people have a means that I am able to em- “in all things of ‘social Charleston. I am elated at development manager for lot to share and contribute, brace my vocation — to service’ to the church (fu- the opportunity I have been the NCS and its council; and and I don’t believe they be a wife and a mother — neral dinners, special provided.” board of directors member have been heard. I hope to for the Gibsonia center. help fill this gap by bringing He said he is honored to the concerns of college stu- be serving on the Diocesan dents to the council, to en- Pastoral Council and chair- sure that lay Catholics of all ing the Pastoral Concerns ages and stages of life are Committee for the next able to build up our beauti- year. ful Catholic diocese.” “We have been hard at Velloso considers being work to begin the process of Catholic – part of the listening to parishioners Church that God Himself and making recommenda- created is the highest honor. tions to the bishop and his “Being Catholic means June 4, 2021 The Catholic Spirit 11

In the Stillness of Prayerful Meditation Weirton Woman Finds Courage to Share Her Gifts

By Joyce Bibey Jacob, Justin, and Jonathan, me,” she said. “Not only was riting has always with the same mindset. I putting my writing out there been a fond pas- Two years ago, Horstman for critics to possibly make Wtime for Cathy remembers sitting alone and fun of, but I was also being Burns Horstman, but it praying. It was at this mo- vulnerable by uncovering my wasn’t until recently she ment when she felt moved to feelings and beliefs.” knew it would be a way to go out of her comfort zone to However, the voice inside give life to her faith. help others. As a registered her kept nudging her to keep She grew up in a family nurse in Pittsburgh, she made going. Maybe it was the mo- that cherished three things – a career of helping others, but ment she flipped to one poem faith, family, and education. this feeling was pressing her in particular, “My Hand.” Horstman has been a to do more than that. Right there on the page, in member of St. Paul Parish in “I clearly recall reflecting her own words she specifi- Weirton since she was six and asking God if I should be cally wrote about the respon- years old. Her father Bob doing more and what would sibility to use our hands to Burns worked for Hancock that be,” she said. “Then the serve others like God. County Schools and her thoughts came to me that I look at my hand and what mother Bette Davis Burns God gives everyone gifts and do I see? taught preschool and even- talents, some are blessed with An instrument God has tually became the principal at a voice that when they sing given me. St. Paul School. For her and everyone claps for them, and I look at my hand and what her seven siblings, they un- some have a voice through do I know? derstood to be successful in their writing. I rose my head My heart will decide which life was to embrace being a and my eyes went right to the way it will go…. lifelong learner and keep bal- spot where I kept my folder of And so it began, Horst- anced by leaning on the all my writings.” man pulled five poems out greatest teacher — Jesus She brought the folder out and sent them to Christian Christ. and went through it. Faith Publishing for them to She and her husband Jim “I’ve been writing as long consider as the basis of a short have raised their three sons, as I can remember,” she said. inspirational book. With the “I would write poems and publishing house’s endorse- short stories for people to lift ment, she spent the last two their spirits or inspire them years weaving together her when life threw things at works into her book “God’s Courtesy Photo them that they didn’t plan.” Poetic Moments Within.” Cathy Burns Horstman She knew it was time to Once her book was in share her talents. print, she received a note of As she contemplated the and allowing it to grow in the “I never thought of my affirmation as if a sign. The idea of the book the interpre- glory of God, she said. writing as a gift I should share note was completely out of tation of Zechariah 4:10 came Through her story Horst- with a wider audience,” she the blue and from someone to mind “From small begin- man hopes other Catholics said. “What I write is personal who mentored her writing nings come great things.” will find the courage to share or inspired by an individual talent, she said. She knew she had to rely their gifts to inspire others or circumstance. But as I sat “When I opened it and on her faith to make this deci- and, moreover, make it a there and sorted through read his sentiment, I knew I sion just as she had through- habit to sit in silence, praying each one in my folder, I real- made the right decision to out her life. and letting God speak to ized what I wrote about are listen to that prayerful “As an adult I find great them, “because He will. You things so many others experi- prompting,” she said. The hope in Psalm 91,” she said. It just have to listen. ence — loss, depression, new note was from her eighth- is a prayer of someone who “God wants us to have a beginnings, relationships, grade journalism teacher puts their trust in God no personal relationship with parenting, (etc.)” Dwight McUmar. matter what the circum- him,” she said. “You can go to She admits coming to a “Even when you think stance.” church every Sunday and Courtesy Photo quick halt in her thoughts God’s not with you, He is,” Her hopes for the book are read the bible from cover to Pictured is the cover of Cathy and became very apprehen- she said. “He cares. My words what she felt at that moment cover, but it is not life chang- Burns Horstman’s book, sive about the idea. are reflective of life and re- of medication two years ago ing until you realize that He is “God’s Poetic Moments “Sharing such personal minds people of the hope “to give hope. I know this is there waiting on you to have Within.” writings was intimidating for God gives us.” what God wants me to do. It the personal relationship is my mustard seed.” By shar- whether you are in eighth ing it is putting it in rich soil grade or a mature adult.” Global Catholic Tours of VA


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CCatholicatholic CCharitiesharities WWestest VVirginiairginia Madonna Student Organizes MIISSIONSSION MOOMENTMENT Effort to Aid Texas Families Creating a More Struggling after Winter Storms Accessible Space

By Colleen Rowan in April: “We just wanted to By Trina Bart- WEIRTON—After seeing news thank you all so much for think- lett, CCWVa East- reports of the suffering that ing of us, all the way in West Vir- ern Regional people in Texas had endured this ginia. We are so appreciative. So Director winter with extreme cold and many of our kids’ families right Imagine you power outages, a student from here in our area are still experi- have an in-person Weirton’s Madonna High School encing the effects of the winter job interview and wanted to help. storm we had two months ago, need clean clothes Anna Backel, a junior at the so we know they are going to go to wear, but you can- school, organized a clothing drive into good hands and our kids are not afford to go to in March for Houston Children’s going to be so happy to receive the laundromat. Charity. them.” Perhaps you have “I just felt bad seeing the The representative thanked four school-age chil- kids like that,” she said in an inter- everyone for their support and dren and your water view with WTOV News. “I just Anna Backel said: “Thank you Mrs. Canella has been shut off. thought we needed to do some- for organizing this, and Anna Maybe you are ex- thing.” you’re amazing and your leader- periencing home- Courtesy Photo Backel learned about the organization ship skills are out of this world!” lessness and do not A contractor widens a through Maria Canella, an English and lan- have a place to take a bathroom doorway to be guage arts teacher at Madonna whose son shower. accessible for all clients. lives in Houston. Backel then enlisted the For many of our help of fellow Madonna student and friend neighbors, these are real situations. Fortunately, our Gabrielle Orecchio, and got to work right staff in the Martinsburg office has been able to address away. them by offering free shower and laundry services. “Anna came to me and she asked me if I Unfortunately, the washer and dryer unit, as well as want to help, and there was no way I could’ve the shower, have been on the second floor, which is said no,” Orecchio told News 9. accessible only by a narrow stairway. Additionally, Canella helped organize the effort, and the shower stall did not accommodate people with Backel created a flyer to inform her fellow stu- physical disabilities. dents and the community about the need in In the fall of 2020, Catholic Charities West Vir- Houston. ginia received a $29,835 Women Investing in Shep- “Due to unusually cold temperatures that herd (WISH) grant from the Shepherd University the state of Texas experienced this winter, the Foundation to modify the bathroom facilities on the Houston Children’s Charity is in desperate first floor to add a handicap accessible shower and to need of certain items to be able to help the accommodate the washer and dryer unit. Remaining children of the area,” the flyer stated. The grant funds will be used to purchase laundry deter- flyer was distributed at school, and classes gent, soap, and shampoo, and to pay monthly water were asked to bring in certain items. The bills. freshman brought in underwear and socks, Many individuals seeking assistance from Catho- sophomores collected gym shorts, juniors lic Charities and other social service agencies have collected T-shirts, and seniors donated throw mobility issues, with many using wheelchairs, blankets. walkers and canes. Additionally, some individuals are By the end of the clothing drive, more than arthritic or have oxygen tanks. By moving these serv- 70 boxes of the needed items had been col- ices to the first floor and ensuring the facilities are ac- lected for the charity. Courtesy Photo cessible to people with disabilities, services will be A representative of the charity sent a thank Madonna High School students pack available to more people. you video to Canella, Backel, and the school boxes for Houston Children’s Charity. To learn more about Catholic Charities West Vir- ginia, visit www.CatholicCharitiesWV.org. The Mission of Catholic Charities West Virginia: Guided by God’s love, Catholic Charities collaborates with community partners, parishes and families to Principal Needed provide caring and compassionate services to people in need and work toward lasting and meaningful change. St. Patrick Church of Weston, West Virginia is seeking a Principal for St. Patrick Catholic School, pre-school through eighth grades. · The Candidate must be a practicing Catholic in good standing with Church precepts and act as an example and motivator toward the fulfillment of the Catholic philosophy of the school. · The ideal candidate must have an earned Master’s Degree in Educa- tional Leadership or Administration or begin the process of completing de- gree requirements; or hold a valid Educational Leadership certification from the state of West Virginia or be eligible for such certification. · The candidate will have a minimum of five years of successful educa- tional experience with preference for administrative experience. A resume with three references may be emailed with all attachments in PDF to Rev. Father Douglas A. Ondeck at [email protected] or mailed to 210 Center Ave., Weston, WV June 18, 2021. June 4, 2021 The Catholic Spirit 13

The Year of St. Joseph March 19, 2021 - March 19, 2022

Family Embarks on Pilgrimage to Churches Consecrated to Diocese’s Patron Saint By Colleen Rowan about their pilgrimage in journals or the Year of St. Joseph, the for this special year, Jacob said. In Mannings of Wheeling are their writings about the visit to Fdoing something very special Proctor, the girls shared their as a family. Jacob Manning, his wife thoughts about the Mass and their Adrianne, and their three children impresssions of the church. Sarah 12-year-old Ellie, 10-year-old Sarah, liked that the parish has main- and 3-year-old Declan are visiting tained the stone stations of the churches in the diocese named for cross through the cemetery, and she St. Joseph. On their family pilgrim- thought the grounds were very age, they will attend Masses and pretty. Ellie thought it was nice to discover each churches’ beauty and see a church that was different than uniqueness in this year dedicated to the cathedral. She also thought it the patron of the universal church was interesting to see the older and the Diocese of Wheeling- parts of the cemetery. Charleston. “St. Joseph in Proctor is a beauti- “Our goal is to visit each of the ful example of an older church in churches in our diocese conse- the diocese,” Jacob said. “We were crated to St. Joseph,” said Jacob, welcomed as visitors by several who is one of the 22 men in the di- people after Mass, and we felt very ocese currently in formation for the welcome.” permanent diaconate. He and his As for the rest of their visits family are members of the Cathe- around the diocese, the Mannings dral of St. Joseph in Wheeling. do not have a set plan. Some of the Their pilgrimage was inspired by churches are a bit of a drive from Bishop Mark Brennan who, at a pas- Wheeling, Jacob said, and they will toral council meeting at the cathe- have to plan for that. There are six dral, mentioned that he hoped more churches in the diocese conse- there would be pilgrims visiting the crated to St. Joseph that the Man- cathedral during this year as well as nings have not yet visited. They are: the other churches around the St. Joseph the Worker in Weirton, state. St. Joseph in Huntington, and the “On my way home I thought this Chapels of St. Joseph in Mason, would be a great way to travel Pennsboro, and Whitesville. around the state and do something The Mannings’ visits also will special this year,” Adrianne said. give them the chance to see more “Jacob and the kids loved the idea.” priests they know, and they are Making these pilgrimages as a looking forward to that as well. family would not only be a prayer- “Our longest drive will probably ful opportunity for them, but be Martinsburg,” Jacob said, “but would also be a memorable time to- we are excited to see Father Tom gether. Courtesy Photo Gallagher.” “Obviously, we attend Mass to- Jacob Manning, his wife Adrianne, and their children 12-year-old Ellie, 10-year- During the pandemic, Jacob said gether weekly, so we always enjoy old Sarah, and 3-year-old Declan are pictured at St. Joseph Church in Proctor. the family watched livestreamed Mass as a family,” Jacob said. “Pope Masses from a few these churches, Franics, in declaring this the Year of “and we are excited to see them in St. Joseph, emphasized among lemnity of St. Joseph at their home “Going to Proctor made for an person.” other things St. Joseph’s role in the parish, the cathedral. Bishop Bren- early morning,” Jacob said, “but all The Mannings also are consider- Holy Family. We thought a good nan celebrated the March 19 Mass of us were excited to go not only to ing visits to a few other churches way to celebrate that would be to officially opening this special year visit the church but also to see Msgr. outside of West Virginia, such as St. spend additional time as a family for the diocese. Quirk. We did contact him in ad- Joseph Cathedral in Columbus, going to Mass together, seeing parts It was then on to the Mannings’ vance to see if he could point out Ohio. They are also considering a of the state we haven’t seen, and second visit in their pilgrimage— his favorite aspects of the church, visit this year to the National Shrine seeing how parishes around the the historic St. Joseph Church in and he obliged.” of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Mary- state celebrate St. Joseph.” Proctor, which is the oldest church With nice weather that day, land, which is commemorating the There are eight churches in West in the diocese consecrated to the Jacob said that he and his family 100th anniversary of her death, Virginia named for St. Joseph. The saint. Msgr. Kevin M. Quirk, pastor, took a walk around the grounds “and since our daughter’s name is Mannings began their pilgrimage welcomed them to a Sunday morn- after Mass. Jacob and Adrianne’s Elizabeth,” Jacob said, “we may attending Mass together on the So- ing Mass in April. two older children are writing make a pilgrimage there.”

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Declaración del obispo Brennan sobre el levantamiento de la suspensión de la obligación de asistir a las misas dominicales y festivas

2 de junio de 2021 Mis hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, ran o se burlan de esta obligación ciertamente no están respetando a Dios Si bien Dios merece nuestra adoración en todo momento, como nues- ni honrando al Señor Jesús. tro Creador y Redentor, Él mismo ha reservado ciertos días para nuestra Ir a misa en persona es simplemente mejor. Deberíamos estar con nues- adoración común. Él ordenó a los hebreos que lo honraran un día a la se- tros compañeros católicos para escuchar la proclamación de la Palabra de mana: Acuérdate de santificar el día de reposo [Éxodo 20: 8]. Para ellos, Dios. Solo podemos recibir a Jesucristo en la Eucaristía estando en Misa. ese era el sábado, el último día de la semana, y ese día tenían prohibido El Señor mismo dijo: Donde dos o tres están reunidos en mi nombre, allí trabajar. estoy yo en medio de ellos [Mateo 18:20]. No somos individuos aislados, Para nosotros los cristianos, el domingo, el primer día de la semana, es sino miembros de un pueblo y eso se vuelve más real para nosotros cuando nuestro día santo semanal, porque es el día en que Jesús resucitó de entre estamos juntos. los muertos. Como los hebreos, debemos evitar el trabajo innecesario y las Insto, entonces, a todos nuestros católicos que no tienen verdaderas compras los domingos (las condiciones modernas pueden hacer que esto excusas para no ir a misa a que se unan a nosotros una vez más en nuestras sea casi imposible) pero, siguiendo la práctica de los primeros cristianos, parroquias para las misas dominicales y de los días santos. Hazlo para hon- nuestra forma principal de adorar a Dios el domingo es reunirnos para rar al Dios que te hizo y al Redentor que sufrió y murió por ti. Hágalo por celebrar la misa. su propio beneficio y el de sus compañeros feligreses. Te hemos echado de Después de cambiar el pan en su sagrado Cuerpo y el vino en su sagrada menos y deseamos mucho verte de nuevo con nosotros. Refresca nuestros Sangre, Jesús dijo: Hagan esto en memoria mía [Lucas 22:19]. Respetamos corazones y el tuyo regresando a la Misa. los deseos del Señor cuando nos reunimos para escuchar su Palabra pro- ¡Que Dios te bendiga abundantemente a ti y a tus seres queridos! clamada y ofrecer a nuestro Padre, junto con el sacerdote, el Salvador que Sinceramentey en Cristo, se ha hecho presente en nuestro altar y que se ofrece a nosotros como ali- mento en la Sagrada Comunión. Fue una decisión difícil cerrar nuestras iglesias a misas públicas du- rante dos meses el año pasado. Se hizo para la protección de todos hasta + Mark E. Brennan que pudiéramos descubrir cómo celebrar la Misa de manera segura. Le- Obispo de Wheeling-Charleston vanté la obligación de ir a misa los domingos y los días santos de precepto para que los católicos de conciencia tierna no pensaran que estaban pe- cando al no ir a misa. Ahora, sin embargo, con la pandemia que parece remitir (aunque no ha terminado), estoy eliminando la suspensión de la obligación de asistir HORARIO DE CONFIRMACIÓN a la misa dominical y de los días santos. ¿Qué significa esto en la práctica? Primavera 2021 El precepto de participar en la Misa dominical o en los días santos es serio. Significa que las personas sanas con capacidad para ir a Misa deben hacerlo. Si bien el precepto es serio, la Iglesia siempre ha sido suave en su Obispo Mark E. Brennan, Celebrante aplicación. Entre muchas situaciones que podrían impedirle ir a misa, puede estar cuidando a una persona enferma o tener miedo de traer a casa una infección de la misa; es posible que viaje una larga distancia el dom- Sagrado Corazón de María, Weirton - Miércoles 9 de junio a ingo (quizás 100 millas); es posible que deba trabajar los domingos y nin- las 6:30 p.m. guna misa local se ajuste a su horario. En estas y otras situaciones simi- lares, no puede participar en la misa. Pero sentado en su casa viendo una transmisión en vivo o televisada San Antonio, Fairmont - Viernes 11 de junio a las 6:00 p.m. 1Misa, cuando está sano y puede ir fácilmente a Misa, no es suficiente para cumplir con la obligación de la Misa dominical. Aquellos que igno-

Para denunciar presuntos casos de abuso sexual de ninos: La Diocesis al 304.230.1504. Tambien puede llamar a la linea directa de abuso sex- Diocesis de Wheeling-Charleston alienta a informar ante las autoridades civiles ual de la Diocesis al 833.230.5656. Los formularios de queja estan disponibles ante todo si se ha cometido un delito. Tambien alentamos a utilizar www.report en linea en www.dwc.org, haga clic en "Diocesis" en la barra de menu, luego en bishopabuse.org para hacer un informe sobre cualquier obispo en los EE. UU. "Oficinas", luego en "Ambiente seguro", luego "Descargar archivos y formula- Si tiene motivos para creer que un obispo ha cometido una conducta sexual rios". El formulario se titula "Formulario de queja para denuncias de abuso sex- inapropiada, comuniquese con las autoridades civiles de la jurisdiccion corre- ual de menores". El formulario se puede devolver por correo de EE. UU. A: Office spondiente y visite www.reportbishopabuse.org. of Safe Environment, Diocesis de Wheeling-Charleston, PO Box 230, Wheeling Para informar a las autoridades civiles: comuniquese con la policia WV 26003. local; los numeros variaran segun su ubicacion. Si cree que alguien esta en pe- Para informar al Coordinador de Asistencia a Victimas de la ligro inmediato, llame al 911. Para informar confidencialmente cualquier in- Diocesis: llame a la Dra. Patricia Bailey al 304.242.6988. cidencia de sospecha de abuso o negligencia infantil, incluido el abuso sexual, Ademas de los metodos enumerados anteriormente para denunciar el abuso comuniquese con la Oficina de Servicios de Proteccion Infantil de Ninos y Fam- sexual, la Diocesis tambien se ha asociado con Navex Global para ofrecer la pla- ilias de West Virginia llamando a la linea directa de abuso infantil al 800.352. taforma EthicsPoint para informar otras inquietudes adicionales, como sospe- 6513. Puede informar anonimamente a esta linea directa si lo pre- cha de mala conducta financiera, profesional y personal de un sacerdote, fiere. diacono, religioso, o empleado laico de la Diocesis o cualquier parroquia o es- Para informar a las autoridades diocesanas: La diocesis alienta a in- cuela catolica en West Virginia. Se puede acceder a la plataforma EthicsPoint a formar a las autoridades civiles apropiadas, ante todo, si se ha come- tido un de- traves de www.dwc.org, en “Rendicion de cuentas”, luego “Informar mala con- lito. La diocesis tambien alienta a informar a las autoridades eclesiasticas apro- ducta” o llamando al 844.723.8381. EthicsPoint es un sistema de informes de piadas. Para reportar casos sospechosos de abuso sexual de ninos por parte del terceros que informa a las autoridades civiles cuando corresponda y a las auto- personal de la Diocesis de Wheeling-Charleston a la Diocesis, comuniquese con ridades diocesanas, y la identidad de la persona que informa esta protegida. En- uno de los siguientes designados al 1.888.434.6237 o 304.233.0880: Sr. Bryan laces e informacion: Departamento de Salud y Recursos Humanos de WV: Minor, ext. 263; Sr. Tim Bishop, ext. 353; o Muy Reverendo Dennis Schuelkens, https://www.wvdhhr.org/report.asp. Policia Estatal de Virginia Occidental, Un- Jr., V.E., ext. 270. Tambien puede llamar a la Oficina de Ambiente Seguro de la idad de Crimenes contra Ninos: 304-293-6400. June 4, 2021 The Catholic Spirit 15

Catholic Leaders: Biden Budget aims to Director of Religious Education and Help Vulnerable but Excludes Unborn Youth Ministry (DRE/YM) By Catholic News Service WASHINGTON (CNS) — The chairman of the U.S. bishops’ pro-life com- St. Vincent de Paul Parish in Wheeling, WV seeks a full-time Direc- mittee called on Congress May 28 to preserve the Hyde Amendment in any fed- tor of Religious Education and Youth Ministry (DRE/YM) to build and eral budget proposal and “to work toward a budget that truly builds up the com- administer a total parish catechetical and youth ministry program for mon good of all.” The head of the Catholic Health Association of the United a parish of 1,000 + parishioners. The DRE/YM will oversee the recruit- States likewise called on Congress to support “the long-standing prohibition of ment and training of parishioners to lead various aspects of faith for- federal funding for abortion and maintain the Hyde Amendment.” Earlier the mation including prepa ration for the sacraments of initiation, adult same day, President Joe Biden unveiled his proposed budget of $6 trillion for fis- RCIA, our Sunday Parish School of Religion and an annual Summer cal year 2022 that would include spending to improve and modernize the na- Camp for middle school and high school youth. Experience in Cath- tion’s infrastructure, provide free pre-K and community college, and increase do- olic schools or parish ministry required. Bachelor’s or Master’s in the- mestic programs. His plan does not include the Hyde Amendment, which has ology or Catechetics. Salary based upon education and experience. been included in spending bills since 1976 to prohibit federal tax dollars from Benefits offered. Submit resume to Rev. Msgr. Paul Hudock, directly funding abortion except in cases of rape, incest or when the life of the pastor, St. Vincent de Paul Parish 2244 Marshall Ave., Wheeling, WV woman would be endangered. In their respective statements, Archbishop Joseph 26003, (304) 242-0406 F. Naumann of Kansas City, Kansas, chairman of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities, and Mercy Sister Mary Haddad, CHA’s president and CEO, said the Biden proposal has a number of provisions to help vulnerable Americans but is remiss in leaving out Hyde, which protects the most vulnerable — the un- born. At Migration Summit, Bishops Commit to Work Toward ‘Church without Borders’

By Catholic News Service MUNDELEIN, Ill. (CNS) — After hearing the story of a Salvadoran immigrant and her plight to leave her home country, bishops from the U.S., Central America and Mexico meeting in Mundelein June 2 turned to a camera facing a woman iden- tified as Maria Antonia. Even though she was thousands of miles away, in Irving, Texas, they gave her a blessing via Zoom. “Our wish is that your family find stability and you’ll find peace and continue to experiment God’s consolation,” said Bishop Oswaldo Escobar Aguilar of her home country. The bishop of the Diocese of Cha- latenango, El Salvador, led a dozen other brother bishops in the blessing as they saw through her story the reality of the complexities they discussed June 1 and 2: violence, displacement, looking for safety and a chance to start again. On the final day of a historic meeting of bishops and international Catholic organizations gath- ered at Mundelein Seminary outside of Chicago, they discussed the challenges the church faces even while trying to get Catholics to understand church teaching on migrants such as Maria Antonia. “We need to evangelize our own, we really do,” said Don Kerwin, executive director of the Center for Migration Studies in New York. Scholar Discounts New Claim St. Peter’s Re- mains May be in Forgotten Tomb By Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The remains of St. Peter may have been and possibly still could be buried in catacombs under the Mausoleum of St. Helena after being moved from the Vatican hillside during anti-Christian persecutions in the third century, according to a paper published recently by three Italian researchers. La- beling their conclusions as “conjecture,” the researchers suggested archaeologists could “validate” their findings with “excavation campaigns”; however, a leading expert in Christian archaeology and a member of the Pontifical Commission for Sacred Archaeology told Vatican News that the researchers’ hypothesis was “un- acceptable.” Emperor Constantine would never have gone through so much lo- gistical trouble building St. Peter’s Basilica in the early fourth century “if it had not been contingent upon the presence of the venerated remains” below, where the saint’s tomb had been venerated since early Christian times, Vincenzo Fiocchi Nicolai told Vatican News May 30. “It is clear,” he said, “that Peter’s remains were found in the place of the original burial site on the Vatican hill when the formidable Constan- Foodservice Equipment, tinian basilica was built, the biggest basilica ever Supplies, Disposables, Janito- established in the city,” he said, adding that if lat- rial and more er the remains had been moved “ad catacum- basto,” then that refers to a cemetery on the Ap- pian Way, later called, the catacombs of St. Sebas- tian. Fiocchi Nicolai’s comments were a response to a paper titled, “The Search of St. Peter’s Mem- ory ad catacumbas in the Cemeterial Area ad 1 Fourteenth Street, Duos Lauros in ,” published in early March Wheeling, WV 26003 in Heritage, a journal of cultural and natural her- 304-233-2270 itage science. Stop in or call us today! 16 The Catholic Spirit June 4, 2021

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Contact Colleen Rowan at [email protected]