Congressional Record-House ...__ 6965 H

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Congressional Record-House ...__ 6965 H 1926 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE ...__ 6965 H. n. 9967. An act authorizing an expenditure of $6,000 :Myers, professor of politics at Princeton University, on Gov­ from the tribal funds of the Chippewa Indians of Minnesota ernment problems. I thought perhaps some of our colleagues for the construction of a road on the Leech Lake Reserva­ might want to hear him. tion; and INDIAN COMMISSIONER BURKE TO " ANSWER QUESTIOXS " H. J. Res.134. Joint resolution authorizing the Cherokee In­ dians, the Seminole · Indians, the Creek Indians, and the 1\Ir. FREAR. 1\Ir. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to ex- Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians to prosecute claims, jointly tend my remarks in the RECORD upon Indian affairs. or seYerally, in one or more petitions, as each of said Indian The SPEAKER. Is there objection? nations or tribes may elect; to the Committee on Indian There was no objection. Affairs. 1\Ir. FREAR. 1\lr. Speaker, under leaye to extend remarks, permit me to say tllflt through a newspaper published in my TRUNK-LINE SEWER THRO"CGH FORT MYER, VA.. district in Wisconsin I find printed a letter sent by Indian 1\Ir. CAMERON. From the Committee on Military Affairs Commissioner Burke to Ohairman LEAI'ITT, of the Indian Af­ I report back favorably without amendment the bill (H. R. fairs Committee, in which Mr. Burke offers to "answer ques­ 3921) to authorize the Secretary of ·war to enter into an tions" that propounded to him by the Indian Commit­ agreement with the Clarendon Community Sewerage Co., grant­ tee. As Mr. Burke's letter was dated April 1 and the paper ing it a right of way for a trunk-line sewer through the Fort was published 1,200 miles distan-t on April 4, it shows the Myer Military Re en·ation and across the military highways excellent publicity bureau now -maintained by l\Ir. Burke that in. Arlington County, Va., and to connect with the sewer line enables him to have published a letter apparently no~ sent by serving such reservation, and I submit a report (Nt>. 559) any press sernce so far as the news item discloses. thereon. In order that the record may be properly made up to date I l\Ir. SWANSON. Mr. President, the bill just reported by the call attention to the fact that on 1\farch 4, 1926, I spoke in Senator from Apzona from the Committee on :Military Affairs the House on the "Indian Bureau's chains and manacles," proposes to pe:l"'mit tlle construction of a trunk-line sewer which term was applied both to person and property of the acroa · a little piece of land that belongs to the Go\ernment in Indians now controlled by Indian Commissioner Burke. At Arlington County. The Secretary of War recommends the that time I set forth in a dozen or more pages of the REconD passage of the bill. It is Yery important that this work should facts that were vouched for by many witnesses of numerous commence for the summer on account of sewerage conditions. evidences of mismanagement, robbery of the Government"s I ask unanimous consent for the immediate consideration of wards, and systematic oppression. On that same day and about the bill, which has, of course, already been passed by the four weeks before the Burke letter was written I introduced Hou e. in the House a resolution of in\estigation of the Indian Bureau The VICE PRESIDE~"'T. I s there objection? in support of many specific charges discussed on that day. There being no objection, the Senate, as in Committee of That resolution was as follows: the Whole, proceeded to consider the bill. It authorizes the Secretary of War, if in his opinion it is not inconsistent with RESOLUTION FOR HfTESTIGATIOX OF IXDIAN BUREAU the interests of the Government, to enter into an agreement IN THE HOuSE OF REPRESE:STATIVES, with the Clarendon Community Sewerage Co., a corporation Mat·oh 4, 192/i. existing under the laws of the State of Virginia, granting it a Mr. FREAR introduced the following joint resolution; which was re­ right of way for a trunk-line sewer through the Fort Myer ferred to the Committee on Rules and ordered to be printed: Military Reservation and across the military highways in Joint resolution (H. J. Res. 189) authorizing the appointment of a Arlington County, Ya., subject to such terms and conditions committee to investigate the Indian Bureau and rP-port thereon and providing for such compensation to the United States as Whereas Congress in 1924 granted citizenship to every adult Indian may be agreed to by the Secretary of War and the Clarendon for the purpose of enabling him or her to become a self-supporting, Community Sewerage Co., and to connect with the sewer line responsible member of society ; and serving such reservation, such agreement to be limited to a Whereas through 70 years of bureaucratic guardianship the Indian period of five years, renewable from time to time thereafter ha.s been held by the Indian Bureau in a. hopeless, un-American, and for five-year periods, within the discretion of the Secretary of unambitious position, with 240,000, or two-thirds of all Indians, still War, upon terms and conditions acceptable to him, and revo­ kept by the Indian Bureau in a restricted condition and declared by cable at any time within the discretion of the Secretary of 1t to be incompetent to own or manage property, this status being w ·ar. determined by the Indian Bureau itself without right of court review; The bill was reported to the Senate without amendment, and ordered to a third reading, read the third time, and passed. Whereas the Indian Bureau, directed by Commissioner Burke and RECESS Assistant Commissioner Meritt, exercises practically unlimited control Mr. CURTIS. I move that the Senate take a recess, the over Indian property estimated at $1,600,000,000 in value ancl bas recess being until noon to-morrow. consistently, through administrative usurpation and through a ceaseless The motion was agreed to; and (at 5 o'clock and 20 minutes persuasion of Congress, increased its power as a means of political-ly p. m.) the Senate, pursuant to the previous order, took a perpetuating itself in more than 5,000 salaried positions paid for by recess until to-morrow, Wednesday, April 7, 1026, at 12 o'clock the taxpayers and by the Indians without the Indians' consent; and meridian. Whereas the Commissioner of the Bureau of Indian Affairs has mn<lc rules and regulations and has authorized Indian agents to appoint $10 a month subordinate agents called "judges," who, without trial HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES by jury or any known code of law or legal practice, have confined In­ TUESDAY, April6, 1926 dians in jail and compelled them to work on the highways as convicts and to pay fines for infringing such rules, all in violation of the con­ The House met at 12 o'clock noon. stitutional rights and guaranties given every American citizen, and 'l'he Chaplain, nev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., offered has further, through his agents, permitted many acts of cruelty and the following prayer : mistreatment of Indians which deprived them of their property ancl Heavenly Father, do Thou dwell in our thoughts and liberty of person ; and hearts, bringing assurance and peace. Show us what it means Whereas the Indian Bureau has neglected the health of the Indians to master the world and give us the strength which can serve until disease conditions shocking beyond description have developed it effectinly. Renew our spirits, and may we seek by wise, and now menace the white population of several States, while destroy. persistent effort constructive good. Help us always to give ing the Indians ; and Thee our emphatic faith; our unquestioning loyalty; our im­ Whereas, cooperating with local interests in using pressure upo11 passioned love; our entire and hearty obedience, and our Congress, the Indian Bureau has charged to the several tribes, through country shall be richer in character and our fellow men hap­ legislation initiated or approved by the Indian Bureau, many millions pier and better. Thus we shall pass into a sweet reasonable­ of doll!lrs for bridges, roads, irrigation projects, and other public anrJ ness, into that quietness and ·hopefulness which are the private work not consented to by the Indians and not intended pri­ strength of life. In the name of Jesus. Amen. marily, if at all, in some cases, to be used by the Indians ; and "Thereas the Commissioner of Indian Affairs ha.s advocated laws that The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and have required and will require the Indians to give unjust oil leases approved. reaching many millions of dollars and unwarranted favors to oil pro­ LECTURE BY DOCTOR MYERS ducers and speculators, including payment by the Indians of the white 1\Ir. BLANTON. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for producers and speculators' tax, and further has failed and refused to just a quarter of a minute to announce a lecture at the War protect the Indians' properly, but, on the contrary, in repeated cases College to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock by Dr. William Star~ involving enormous results has favored legislation designed to cancel .6966 OONGRESSION AL RECORD-HOUSE APRIL 6 and confiscate 1ndlan property rlgllts and to remove the legal protec­ your speaker or speakers will receive every courtesy and consjderation, tion to which the Indians as wards of the Nation are entitled; and and undoub~eilly w111 be glad to answer such questions as may arise.
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