The American Legion Weekly [Volume 5, No. 17 (April 27, 1923)]

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The American Legion Weekly [Volume 5, No. 17 (April 27, 1923)] IS YOUR POST ON THE LIST ?—see pages 10c. a Copy APRIL 27, 1923 Vol. 5, No. 17 MAKERS OF AMERICA HI. THE PILGRIM ;;, — ;; ; AMERICAN LEGION DIRECTORY FOR 1923 NATIONAL OFFICERS Alvin Owsley, Denton, Texas, National Commander Edward J. Barrett, Sheboygan, Wis., Nail. Vice-Comdr. Lemuel Bolles, Seattle, Wash., Natl. Adjutant Dr. Robert 0. Blood, Concord. N. H., Natl. Vice-Conidr. Robert H. Tyndall, Indianapolis, Ind., Natl. Treasurer E. Erle Cocke, Macon, Ga., Nail. Vice-Comdr. Rev. William B. O'Connor, Cincinnati, O., Natl. Chaplain Watson B. Miller, Washington, D. C, Nail. Vice-Comdr. Eben Putnam, Wellesley Farms, Mass., Natl. Historian Chiles P. Pltjmmer, Casper, Wyo., Natl. Vice-Comdr. Robert A. Adams, Indianapolis, Ind., Natl. Judge Advocate Milton J. Foreman, Chicago. 111., Past Natl. Comdr. Franklin D'Olier, Philadelphia, Pa., Past Natl. Comdr. Henry D. Lindsley, Dallas, Tex.. Past Natl' Comdr. John G. Emery, Grand Rapids, Mich., Past Natl. Comdr. Hanford MacNider, Mason City, la-, Past Natl. Comdr. NOTE : National Officers may be addressed at National Headquarters, American Legion, Indianapolis, Indiana.^ Department Officers may be addressed at their Department Head- quarters, care of the Department Adjutant, whose address is in each instance given below. DEPARTMENT OFFICERS Alabama—Comdr., Robert E. Steiner, Mont- Louisiana—Comdr., Michel Provosty, 721 Ca- North Carolina—Comdr., James A. Lockhart, gomery ; Adjt.. James T. Laurie, 303 S. rondelet bldg., New Orleans ; Adjt., A. R. Denny, Greens- Charlotte ; Adjt., Robert E. Lawrence st., Montgomery ; Ex. Comm., Wal- Christovich, Royal and Conti sts.. New Or- boro ; Ex. Comm., Cale K. Burgess, Raleigh. ter E. Bare, Birmingham. igins ; Ex. Comm., C. J. Bourg, Thibodaux. North Dakota—Comdr., Mack V. Traynor, Williams, 315 — — Devils Lake : Adjt., Jack Alaska Comdr., A. C. Fisher, Juneau ; Adjt., Maine Comdr., Perley Ford, Sanford ; Adjt., Broadway, Fargo ; Ex. Comm., Philip R. George E. Mann, Juneau ; Ex. Comm., N. R. James L. Boyle, 108 Main st., Waterville Walker, Ketchikan. Ex. Comm., Albert Greenlaw, Public Utili- Bangs, Grand Forks. Ohio—Comdr., Gilbert Bettman, Union Trust Arizona— Celora ties Commission, Augusta. Comdr., M. Stoddard, Phoenix ; Martin, bldg., Cincinnati ; Adjt., Hugh K. Adjt., Neri Osborne, Jr.," Rm. 408, Capitol MAr.Yi.<\ Nn Comdr., Arthur Renouf. 211 W. 335 S. High st., Columbus ; Ex. Comm., John st., T. bldg., Phoenix; Ex. Comm., Duane Bird, MadiSon Baltimore; Adjt., Alfred R. McQuigg, 14142 Euclid av., Cleveland. ' Baltimore; Nogales. TruKt, Howard Street Armory, Oklahoma—Comdr., Dudley C. Monk, Ok- Arkansas— Comdr., L. Bodenhamer. EI Do- Ex. Comm., H. Findley French. 1404 Munsey Adjt., Brown, 544 State O. mulgee ; Leon H. bldg., Baltimore. rado : Adjt., Claude A. Brown, War Memo- Capitol, Oklahoma City ; Ex. Comm., Wm. S. rial Massachusetts— bldg., Little Rock ; Ex. Comm., Dr. L. J. Comdr., Wm. H. Doyle. Rm. Keys,—Wewoka. Kosminsky, Texarkana. 160. State House, Boston; Adjt., Leo A. Oregon Comdr., Geo. R. Wilbur, Hood River ; Spillane, 160, Boston ; Ex. st., California—Comdr,. Seth Millington, Jr., Rm. State House, Adjt., Harry N. Nelson, 269 Washington Comm., 160, Wm. H. Doyle, Rm. State Portland ; Ex. Comm., Chas. W. Erskine, Bend. Calusa : Adjt., Morgan Keaton, 270 City House, Boston, Panama—Comdr., Elmer Stetler. Cristobal, C. Hall, San Francisco; Ex. Comm., John R. — Mexico Corner., John L. Gill, Apartado 62, Cristobal, Z. ; Ex. Quinn, Richgrove. Z. ; Adjt., E. J. Daly, C. Tampico, Tamps, Adjt., — Mexico ; Harry W. Comm., Fred DeV Sill, Balboa, C. Z. Colorado Comdr., Leo P. Kelly, 744 First Na- Berdie, Apartado 1356, Tampico, Tamps, Pennsylvania—Comdr., Wm. B. Healey, tional Bank bldg., Pueblo ; Adjt., Morton M. Comm., Mexico; Ex. Leigh H. Rovzar, P. O. Wilkes-Barre ; Adjt., Gilbert Jacobosky, 931 David, 410 Interstate Trust bldg., Denver Box 1911, Mexico, D. F., Mexico; (Code ad- Chestnut St., Philadelphia; Ex. Comm., Wm. Ex. Wilkie Las Comm., Ham, Animas. dress: Capuchinas 7, Mexico, D. F., Mexico.) B. Healey, Wilkes Barre. Connecticut—Comdr., Edward L. Kelly, 886 MICHIGAN —Comdr., Robert B. Harkness, Philippine Islands—Comdr., Roy L. Lewis, Main st., Bridgeport; Adjt., Clarence' J. Houghton : Adjt.. Lyle D. Tabor, 211 Lin- Chaplain U. S. N., U. S. Naval Station, bldg., £.r. Comm., Guinan, 171 Church st., New Haven ; Ex. coln Detroit: Paul A. Cavite, P. I. (Code address: Phillegion) ; Com m . Justus J. Fennel], 169 North st., Martin, —The Evenincr News, Battle Creek. Adjt., A. E. Tatton (envelopes to be ad- Star vd. Minnesota Comdr., Gerald V. Barron, Clo- dressed : The American Legion, Dept. of — Adjt., Cont. Eiirope Comdr., Arthur Kipling, 42 Rue nuet; Stafford King, Old Capitol P. I., Box 2244, Manila, P. I.) ; Ex. Comm., Ampere, Paris XVlIe, France; Adjt., bldg.. St. Paul; Ex. Comm., 7,. L. Begin, Whipple S. Hall, Box 610, Manila. Francis Jaitues, OH Rue du Cherche Midi. 505 New York Life bids., Minneapolis. Porto Rico—Comdr., Wm. F. Lippitt, P. O. Paris Vie, Fiance (Code: Paris) — Oconorco ; Mississippi Comdr., Kenneth G. Price, Mc- Box 277, San Juan ; Adjt., A. J. Perrone, Ex. Cumin., R. Emmett Condon, American Tel. Comb ; Adjt., John B. Hudson, Jackson ; Ex. P. O. Box 1502, San and Tel. Co., 195 Broadway, New York City. Comm., Winfred Cv Adams. Corinth. Rhode Island—Comdr., T. J. H. Pierce, 31 Delaware— Cihndr., Wm. C. Speakman, 1201 Missouri—Comdr., James E. Kinkead. Forn- Market sq.. Providence; Adjt., John P. Delaware av., Wilmington : Adjt., John J. felt; Adjt., J. K. Noonan. 215 Hall bldg., Hartigan, 918 Turks Head bldg., Providence; Dugan, P. 0. Box 632, Wilmington ; Ex. 9th and Walnut sts.. Kansas City : Ex. £.r. Comm., T. J. H. Pierce, 31 Market sq., Comm., Thos. W. Miller, 009 N. Broome st., Comm., Bennett C. Clark, Third National Providence. Wilmington. Bank. St. Louis. South Carolina—Comdr., Luther K. Rrice, District of Couimbu—Comdr., — Molumby, Great 5 and 7 Cleveland Range, Spartanburg John Lewis l4( ntana Comdr., Loy J. Law ; ; ; Ex. Smith, Southern hidg., Washington j Adjt..i Falls ; Adit,, O. C. Lamport, Helena Ex. Aajt., Miller C. Foster, Spartanburg Lew S. Mohler. Rm. 102, 1123 New York Comm., —C. Thomas Busha, Jr., Helena. Comm., Thos. R. Spratt, Fort Mill. av., N. W., Washington ; Ex. Comm.. John Nebraska Comdr., J. Ed. C. Fisher, Beatrice; South Dakota— C, mdr., J. H. Williams, Get- So.ilhm'n 314 Riehards tysburg Adjt., Stokes Lewis—Smith, bldg., Washington. Adit,, Frank B. O'Connell, ; Douglas Sheldon, Fiobida Comdr., Jerome jg. Wideman, West block, Lincoln; Ex. Comm., Earl M. Cline, bldg., Watertown ; Ex. („mm., J. H. Wil- Palm Beach; Ail it.. Thomas H. Davis, 703 First— Natl. Bank bldg.. Lincoln. liams, Gettysburg.— Vt Tampa Board of Trade, Tampa; fir Nevada Comdr., Harold Bellinger, Fallon ; Tennessee Comdr., Granville S. Ridley. Mur- Comm., J. Y. Cheney, 12 W. Pine st., Or- Adjt., Dr. M. C. Horning, Las Vegas; Ex. freesboro; Adjt., Guy H. May, 310 Holston lando, Fla. Comm., George W. Malone. Reno. Bank bldg., Knoxville ; Ex. Comm., L. Jerc, — : Georgia Comdr., Rodney S. Cohen, Augusta Nfiv 'Hampshire—Comdr., Dr. Charles S. Cooper,— Dyersburg- Adjt., Spencer L. Hart, 805 Marion Bid-., Walker, Keene ; Adjt., George W. Morrill, Texas Comdr., John C. Townes, Houston; Augusta; Ex. Comm., Asa W. Candler, Concord: Es. Comm., Dr. Charles S. Walker, Adjt., G. L. Folbre, Criminal Courts bldg., Candler bldg., Atlanta. Koene. Dallas : Ex. Comm., Charles Ingram, Wharton. Hawaii—Comdr., Phillip L. Rice, Lihue, Kauai. Ne v Jersey —Comdr., Alan B. Conlin, 509 UTAH—Comdr., Dr. B. W. Black, 514 Boston '' , Salt Hawaii; Adjt., Valentine B. Libbey. City Colonial av., Westfield ; Adjt., George F. bldg., Lake City; Adit., Kirke M. and County Engineers, Kapoilani bldg., Fleming, 203 E. State st., Trenton ; Ex. Decker, 133 State Capitol bldg.. Salt Lake Honolulu, T. H. (Code: Amleg) ; Ex Comm., Comm., Harry Kramer, 503 Market st., City; Ex. Comm., John E. Booth, Spanish Walter F. Dillingham, R. & L. Co., Hono- Camden. Fork. lulu, T. H. New Mexico—Comdr., Jefferson D. Atwood, Vermont—Comdr., Allen Fletcher, 127 St. Paul — St., Idaho Comdr., James Harris, Weiser ; Adjt., Roswell ; Adit,, Herman G. Baca, Santa Fe Burlington : Adjt., John J. Cocklin, 127 Lester F. Albert. Boise; Ex. Comm., E. W. Ex. Comm., Jos. C. Wallch, Fort Bayard. St. Paul st., Burlington: Ex. Comm., John Sinclair, Shoshone. New /ork—Comdr., Albert S. Callan, Chat- F. Sullivan, Edwards st., St. Albans. Illinois—Comdr., Charles W. Schick. Bloom- Virginia—Comdr., E. E. Goodwvn, ham ; Adjt., John R. Schwartz, Rm. 302, Emporia; ington ; Adjt., Wm. Q. Setliffe, Blooming- Hall of Records, New York City (send all Adjt., W. B. Crush. 1030 Mutual bldg., Rich- ton ; Ex. Comm., Horatio D. Hackett, Hola- mail pertaining to Adjt's office to Joseph A. mond ; Ex. Comm., Dr. J. F. Lynch. Norfolk. bldg., Chicago. Washington—Comdr., Lev/is B. Schwellen- bird &—Roche, Monroe Burns, Asst. Adjt.) ; Ex. Comm., Ralph K. Indiana Comdr., Perry Faulkner, Shelbyville ; Robertson, 411 D. S. Morgan bldg., Buffalo. back, 315 University st.. Seattle: Adjt., Adjt., Frank H. Henley, Chalfant bldg., In- Henry A. Wise, 315 University St., Seattle; dianapolis ; Ex. Comm., Bowman Elder, 801 Ex. Comm., (Judge) Dewitt M. Evans, Ta- Hume-Mansur bldg., Indianapolis. coma. Iowa—Comdr., C. B. Robbins. West Virginia—Comdr.. Spiller Hicks. Blue- Cedar Rapids ; Adjt., James F. Barton, 1003 Register and 40 HOMMES, 8 CHEVAUX fieid ; Adjt., Bernard Kaiser, Rm. 28, McLain Tribune bldg., Des Moines ; Ex. Comm., bldg.. Wheeling; Ex. Comm., Andrew Ed- Concsptiitdtilil John H. Kelly, Sioux City. H. E. MacDoNALD, miston, Jr., Weston. Kansas—Comdr., W. P. MacLean, Topeka National, 3124 Arcade Building, Wisconsin—Comdr., F. Ryan Duffy, Fond du Adjt., Frank E. Samuel, Memorial bldg., Seattle, Washington. Lac; Adjt., Austin A. Petersen, Fond du Topeka ; Ex. Comm., Wilder S. Metcalf Lac ; Ex. Comm., F. Ryan Duffy, Fond du Lawrence. E. J. Eivers, Chef de Chemin de Fer, Lac. —Comdr., W. C. Wilson, Wyoming—Comdr., A.
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    ITS Folks who risk their lives as a matter of course are careful in their choice of a cigarette. They say: MAN THROWS LION! Mel Koontz, noted lion and tiger tamer, CAMELS schools " big " cats for Hollywood films. Sketch (left) shows Mel meet ing the lunge of a savage 4 50- pound NEVER GET ON beast. That's where nerve -power tells — as Mel knows! He says this: "Camels don't jangle my nerves — my mind is at rest as to that ! Camels YOUR NERVES' are milder— the natural mildness that's grown right in the tobacco. We animal tamers stick to Camels!" (Above) THREE TIMES Lou Meyer won the Indian- apolis auto-racing classic — only driver in history to achieve this amazing triple- test ofnerve control. He says: ( Right) CRASHING A PLANE "My nerves must be every bit through a house is the spectacu- as sound as the motor in my lar specialty of Stunt Pilot Frank racer. That's why I go for Frakes. And, at this writing, he's Camels. They never get on my done it 53 times — on movie loca- nerves a bit. Camels take first tions, at exhibitions. Time after place with me for mildness!" time, with his life actually in his hands, it's easy to understand why Pilot Frakes says: "I take every precaution to keep my nerves steady as a rock. Natu- (Left) THRILLING STUNTS rally, I'm particular about the for the movies! lone Reed cigarette I smoke. And you can needs healthy nerves ! Naturally, bet my choice is Camel.
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