Additions and Corrections to Enumeratio Coleopterorum Fennoscandiae, Daniae Et Baltiae

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Additions and Corrections to Enumeratio Coleopterorum Fennoscandiae, Daniae Et Baltiae @ Sahlbergiø Vol 3 : 33 -62, 1996 33 Additions and corrections to Enumeratio Coleopterorum Fennoscandiae, Daniae et Baltiae Hans Silfverberg Silfverberg, H. 1996. Additions and corrections to Enumeratio Coleopterorum Fennoscandiae, Daniae et Baltiae.- Sahlbergia 3:33-62. The latest checklist of North European Coleoptera was published in 1992, and is now updated with information on new distributional records from the different countries, and with taxonomic and nomenclatural changes. All these additions and corrections are based on published papers. Silfverberg, H. Finnish Museum of Natural History, Zoological Museum, P.O.Box 17, FIN-00014 Helsingfors. The latest checklist of North European Coleop- work by l¿wrence & Newton (1995) suggests some tera (Silfuerberg 1992) was published a few years family-level changes. These have not been incorpo- ago. The study ofthese insects has continued, and a rated in the following list, but are summarized in considerable number of additions has already been Appendix 2. Some of the changes are controversial, reported. In a few cases recent work has also made it and in some cases the decision, what should be necessary to change some of the names used in the ranked as a separate family, is a subjective one, but 1992'Lst. we can expect that at least a considerable number of This paper lists only such additions or changes these changes will be widely accepted. Occasionally that have been published, except for some minor I¿wrence & Newton also list the families in a differ- corrections, which primarily concem printing enors. ent order. Hansen (1996) also discusses many ofthese References to such publcations are given in square cases, where family level systematics can be expected brackets, so as to make them immediately distinguish- to change. In addition it may be noted that recent able from any species authors. Lundberg (1995) work on Scarabaeoidea indicates that Bolboceratidae mentioned in a recent list of Swedish Coleoptera also also should be considered a distinct family, well a large number of new imported species. They are separated from Geotrupidae @rowne & Scholtz 1995 generally not mentioned here although some undoubt- &.1996). edly will be included when more information is at hand. (1996) mentions several Similarly Hansen p.1 imported species for Denmark, only part of which are included here. Before Nebrüni - add Pelophilini Kavanaugh, 1996 A considerable number of the additions listed [Kavanaugh 1996] here refer to Estonia, t¿tvia and Lithuania, an under- . l¿istus picew FrÕI. - add I [Sableviðius & Ferenca standable fact, since these countries were not as inten- 19951 . (F.) sively studied ¿¡s were other parts of the æea covered. Nebria brevicollis - add EA [Pedmanson 1993, Particularly l¿tvia was often poorly represented in Baßevskis 19931 . the 1992 list. A recent book by Bar5evshs (1993) Pelophilø Dej. - transfer to Pelophilini [Kavanaugh t9961 added hundreds of new species to the l¿tvian fauna. Notiophilus germinyi Fauv. - add synonym N. In order to save space it was decided that those stipraisi Bæðevskis, 1993 & al. species, for which merely an "add A" would have lKryzhanovski 199s1 been entered, are not listed together with other . After Notiophilus germinyi Fauv. - add N. substria- additions, but instead as an Appendix l. n¿s Waterhouse, 1833 A [BarSevskis 1993] The system used in the 1992 list generally tried to follow latest research. Since then particularly the 34 Silfu erberg : Enumeratio Coleopterorum p.2 . After Calnthus melanoceplølus (L.) - add C. cincløs Motschulsþ, 1850 S D A lHansen & al. Eløphrus angusticollß F.Sahlb. - add A lBarðevskis 1995, Lundberg 1995, Bar5evskis 1996a1 l996a,l996cl . Agonum gracile Sfirm - add synonym A. bnicum . Schaum add þschirius sal¿z¿s - A [Bæðevskis Baßevskis, 1993 [Kryzhanovski & al. 1995] t996al . After Agonum lugens (Duft.) - add A. holdhnusi . Wagner, 1915 - change to D. þschirius luedersi (Apfelbeck, 1904) A [Bar5evskis 1993] rnsrrs Sûephens, l8Z7 (luedersi Wagn.) lFedorenko . Agonwn sahhergü (Chaud.) - change to A' 19961 chalconotutn Ménétriés, 1832 (sahlbergr, (Chaud.)) . septentionum Munster, 1923 - change þschirius lschmidt l994bl; add A lBaßevskis 1993] (septentrionum to D. nigricomis Motschulsþ, 1844 . Afte¡ Agonwn versutLm Sturm - add A. hypocrin Munst.) [Fedorenko 1996] (Apfelbeck, 1904) FK 19944] . [Schmidt Dyschirius nigricomis Motschulsþ, 1844 - change . Agonum ntoestwn (Duft.) - change to A. alrum to D. melancholicus Putzeys, 1866 (nigricomis (Duftschmid, l8I2) (moestum auct.) FKSNDEAI, auct. nec Motsch.) [Fedorenko 1996]; add A and add A. durtschmidi Schmidt, 1994 (moesnm lBar5evshs 1996c1 (Duftschmid, 1812), nec (Gmelin, 1790)) S . laeviusculus Putz. - add D þschirius [Hansen lSchmidt 1994a1 r9961 . After Dyschüus Ineviusculus Putz. - add D. rufipes (Dejean, 1825) A [Bar5evskis 1996a,1996c] p.5 . Brachinini Bonelli, 1810 - change to Brachininae . Amøra geblerí Dej. - add S A 1994, Bonelli, l8l0 1992], place at end of [Baßevskis lBeutel Lundberg 19951 Carabidae. hbrus tenebrioides (Gze.) - delete A [Bar5evskis . Brachinus explodens Duft. - change A to i l996al 1996a] [Barðevskis . Panngaeus bipusnlatus (F.) - add N [Solheim . Patrobus septentrionis Dej. - delete D [Lundberg 1992) 1995, Hansen 19961 . Chl.aenius tibialß Dej - add synonym C. kinder- . Patrobus australis J.Sahlb. - add A [Barðevskis manniauct. nec Chaudoir, 1856 [BarSevskis 1996a] 1996a, Savich 19961 . Harpalus autunmalis (Duft.) - add A [Bar5evskis . Trechus obtus¡zs Er. - delete E [Pedmanson 1994] 1996a,1.996c1 . Harpalus quadripwctatus Dejean, 1829 - change to p.3 H. løevipes Zætterstedt, I 828 (qun¿ripunctatus Dej.) [Bousquet & Larochelle 1993] , - add A 1996a, Bembilion tenellum Er. [Bar5evskis . Harpalus ruf.palpß Sturm - add E [Milåinder l996cl 1993b1 . (Geofh.) - add A Bembidion lwtulntum [Barðevskis . Harpalus modestus Dej. - add A [Bar5evskis 1996a, 1996a,1996c1 ß96Æl . Porotachys bisulratus (Nicol.) - add A lBar5evskis 1996a, Savich 19961 . Tachyta nøna (Gyll ) - add D [Hansen e' d'.1992] p.6 . Pterostichus macer (Marsh.) - add E [Roosileht . Harpalus Sturm - add K [Pekkarinen l994al froelichü 19951 . aethiops - add i for D Pterostichus €anz.) [Lund- . Dichzirotrichus rufithorax (Sahlb.) - add N berg 19951 [Sagvolden & Hansen 1993] . After Acupalpus meridianus (L.) - add A. suturalis p.4 Dejean, 1829 A [Bar5evskis 1996a, 1996c] . Acupalpus dubius Sclttlsky - add A . [Barðevskis Pterostichus burmeßteri Heer - change i to S, ætd D l996al to i [Lundberg 1995, Hansen 1996] . Syntomus truncatellus (L.) - add S. øi . Plafynini Bonelli, 1810 Before Sphodrina - add Bar5evskis, 1993 A lBarÈevskis 1993] [Bonsquet &t arochelle 1993] Silfv erb e r g : Enume ratio C ole opte rorum 35 p.7 . Copelatini Van der Branden, 1885 - change to Copelatinae Van den Branden, and place as first . Haliplus variegafür Sturm - add A [Spuris 1991] subfamily of Dytiscidae [Nilsson & Holmen 1995] . Haliplus oblþuus (F.) - add A [Spuris 1991] . Agabus guttatus (Payk.) - add AI [BarSevskis 1993, . Haþlusfluviøtilß Aubé - add A 1991] [Spuris Karalius & Monseviðius 19921 . Haliplus lineolatusManth. - add A 1991] [Spuris . Agabus didymus (Ol.) - add D &.al. 1994] . Bidessus grossepunctatus Vorbr. - add A [Hansen . Agabus uliginosus (I-.) - addA [Spuris 1991] [Barðevskis 1993, Nilsson & Holmen 1995] . Agabw biguttulus Clhoms.) - add A lSpuris 1991] . Before Hydroporini - add Hygrotini Portevin, 1929 . Agabus wasastjemai (SahIb.) - add A [BarSevskis & & Holmen 1995] [Nilsson Savenkovs 19921 . Hygrotus Steph. - transfer to Hygrotini & [Nilsson . After Agabus chølconatus (Panz.) - add A. monta- Holmen 19951 nas (Stephens, 1828) D I [Nilsson & Holmen 1995] . Coelambus Thoms. - transfer to llygrotini [Nilsson &Holmen 19951 . Coelambus polonicus (Aubé) - add K [Pekkarinen p.9 1995, Nilsson & Holmen 19951 . Ilybius picipes Krby, 1837 - change author to . Coelambus parallelogrammr.c (Ahr.) - add I (Kirby, 1837) [Nilsson & Holmen 1995] [Karalius & Monseviõius 1992] . After Rhantus bistriatus (Bergstr.) - add ¡R. incognï . Coelambus novemlineatus (Steph.) - add E lMil¿in- ra¡ Scholz, 1927 I & Monseviðius 1992] der 1993b1 lKaralius . Rhantus lntitans Sharp - add A 1991] . Coelambus confluens (F.) - add N [Nilsson & [Spuris . Hydaticus transversalis (Pont.) add Holmen 19951 - A [Spuris 199U . Hydroporus kraatzi Schaum - change to H. kraatzü . Hydnticus aruspex Clark - add N [Nilsson & [Nilsson & Holmen 1995] Holmen 19951 . Hydroporus nisrita (F.) - add A [Spuris 1991] . Graphoderus austriacus (Sturm) - add AI . Hydroporus longitarsis J.Sahlb. - chærge to 1L 1993, Karalius & Monseviðius 1992] semenowi Jakowlew, 1897 (longitarsis J.Sahlb.), [Bar5evskis . Graphoderus bilineans (DeG.) - add N lOlsvik and add 1L geniculatus Tltomson, 1 854 Gubseriatus t9921 J.Satrlberg, 1910, pilipes J.Sahlberg, 1921) FKSN . Graphoderus cinereus (L.) - add N & lNilsson 19941 [Nilsson Holmen 19951 . Cybister Interalimarginalis (DeG.) - add A [Spuris p.8 19911 . Cqrínus Müller, 1764 - change author to Geoffroy, . Hydroporus nigellus Mannh. - add A [Bar5evskis 1762ÍOpinon 17541 19931; transfer synonym.FL valliger Hellén, 1929 to . Gyrinus opacus Sahlb. - add A [Spuris 1991] synonymof,Fl nono [Nilsson 1994] . Gyrinus pullans Zutz. - add A [Bæðevskis & . Hydroporus longicomis Sharp - add A & [Nilsson Savenkovs 19921 Holmen 19951 . Gyrinus distinctas Avbé - add A [Spuris 1991] . Hydroporus incognitus Sharp - add AI [Barðevskis 1993, Karalius & Monseviõius 19921 . Hydroporus striola Gyllenhal, 1826 - change
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