Nw311006dca Alverdiscott Substation Fremington North Devon–
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EEC/06/204/HQ Development Control Committee 29 November 2006 Planning and Highway Consultation North Devon District and Torridge District: Application to the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry for consent under Section 37 of the Electricity Act 1989 for the Construction of a 132kv Strategic Overhead Electricity Line from the Alverdiscott Substation to Brookham, Fremington, North Devon Application No. North Devon District Ref. 42500 Application No. Torridge District Ref. 1/1407/2006/OHL Date Consultation Received by County Council: 7 September 2006 Report of the Director of Environment, Economy and Culture Please note that the following recommendations are subject to consideration and determination by the Committee before taking effect. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry be advised that Devon County Council: (a) as Strategic Planning Authority raises no objection to the proposed development subject to the imposition of conditions relating, inter alia, to (i) submission, approval and implementation of an archaeological mitigation scheme including a programme of archaeological investigation and recording; (ii) submission, approval and implementation of a programme of pre- construction surveys and ecological mitigation measures; and (iii) appointment of a suitably qualified ecologist to oversee any construction activities with the potential to harm or disturb protected species or sensitive habitats; (b) as Local Highway Authority raises no objection subject to the prior agreement of a detailed scheme of construction access and traffic management, prior to the commencement of works on site and the maintenance of statutory clearance of lines and equipment in and over the highway; (c) does not request that a public inquiry be held before the Secretary of State reaches his decision on the application. 1. Summary This report relates to a proposal to construct a 132kv overhead electricity line between the existing 400kv substation at Alverdiscott and the existing 132kv overhead circuit at Brookham, located 2 km south of Fremington. 2. The Proposal/Background The proposal involves the construction of approximately 5km of overhead electricity line on wooden poles of a Trident design, which are 10 metres high. There would be 49 poles, spaced 100 – 150 metres apart. The consultation is accompanied by an Environmental Statement and an Archaeological Assessment. The Environmental Statement explains that the overhead line is needed to reinforce Western Power’s electricity distribution network due to existing network deficiencies and the expected growth in electrical demand. There is currently insufficient capacity in Western Power’s 33kv network; the development is needed to ensure security of supply to existing customers supplied from Western Power’s Barnstaple and East Yelland 132/33kv substations, enabling Western Power to meet its obligations under its distribution licence. The upgrading would also facilitate the predicted growth in demand for electricity at load centres such as Barnstaple, Bideford, Great Torrington and South Molton, allowing proposed commercial and domestic developments to proceed. The applicant states that it is more efficient to reinforce the network at 132kv rather than at 33kv. Following consultation with Parish Councils and local residents, the applicant proposes to underground the 11kv line north of Horwood into the village and to underground existing overhead services to the property of Little Ashridge. A 30 km length of 132kv overhead electricity line, using the Trident design, is currently under construction between Alverdiscott and North Tawton. The Committee raised no objection to this development at its meeting on 11 June 2003 (Minute *201(a) refers). 3. Consultations The applicant has consulted the relevant District and Parish Councils and other statutory consultees on the proposed development, as required by the Electricity Works (Environmental Impact Assessment) (England and Wales) Regulations 2000. It is understood that the North Devon District Council, English Nature and the Horwood, Lovacott and Newton Tracey Parish Council have raised no objection to the scheme. The views of Torridge District Council and the Parish Councils of Alverdiscott and Westleigh are unknown. 4. Representations This application has been advertised in accordance with the statutory publicity requirements required under the Electricity Works (Environmental Impact Assessment) (England and Wales) Regulations 2000. As a result of these procedures one letter of representation has been received to date. Copies of all letters of representation received by the County Council will be displayed at the committee meeting. 5. Planning Policy In considering this application the County Planning Authority is required to have regard to provisions of the Development Plan insofar as they are material to the application, and to any other material considerations. Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires that where regard is to be had to the Development Plan, the determination shall be in accordance with the Development Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. In this case the most relevant Development Plan Policies are as follows: Regional Planning Guidance for the South West: RPG10 (September 2001) : Policies VIS2 (Principles for Future Development); SS1 (Regional Spatial Strategy); SS2 (Regional Development Strategy); SS3 (The Sub-Regional Strategy); SS6 (Other Designated Areas for Growth); SS7 (Meeting Local Needs); SS19 (Rural Areas); SS20 (Rural Land (including Urban Fringe) Uses); EN1 (Landscape and Biodiversity); EN3 (Historic Environment); EC1 (Economic Development); HO1 (Levels of Housing Development 1996-2016); TRAN7 (The Rural Areas) and RE6 (Energy Generation and Use). Devon Structure Plan 2001 – 2016 (Adopted October 2004): Policies ST1 (Sustainable Development); ST3 (Self Sufficiency of Devon’s Communities); ST4 (Infrastructure Provision); ST5 (Development Priority 2001 to 2016); ST9 (Barnstable/Bideford Area of Economic Activity); ST10 (Exeter Principal Urban Area ); ST15 (Area Centres); ST16 (Local Centres and Rural Areas); ST17 (Housing and Employment Land Provision); CO1 (Landscape Character and Local Distinctiveness); CO7 (Historic Settlements and Buildings); CO8 (Archaeology); CO9 (Biodiversity and Earth Science Diversity); CO10 (Protection of Nature Conservation Sites and Species); CO11 (Conserving Energy Resources); CO12 (Renewable Energy Developments) and TR10 (Strategic Road Network). North Devon Local Plan 1995 to 2011 (Adopted July 2006): Policies STY1 (Sub Regional Centre); STY2 (Area Centres); DVS1A (Sustainable Development); DVS1 (Design); DVS2 (Landscaping); DVS3 (Amenity Considerations); ENV1 (Development in the Countryside); ENV8 (Biodiversity); ENV11 (Protected Species); ENV12 (Locally Important Wildlife or Geological Sites); ENV14 (Locally Important Archaeological Sites); TRA6 (General Highway Considerations) and HSG1A (Total Housing Provision). Torridge District Local Plan 1997 – 2011 (Adopted September 2004) : Policies DVT1 (Development in Strategic Centres); DVT2C (Development in the Open Countryside); DVT7 (Design Considerations); DVT8 (Landscaping); DVT11 (Impact of Development on Amenity); DVT18 (Impact of Development on Traffic); ECD1 (Employment Land); HSC1 (Housing Development); ENV1 (Conservation Interest); ENV2 (Development affecting Historic Buildings and Settlements); ENV4 (Archaeological Preservation); ENVT5 (Countryside Protection and Landscape Conservation); ENV7 (Protection of Important Nature Conservation Interests); ENV8 (Local Nature Reserves); ENV9 (Important Wildlife Corridors); and ENV10 (Mitigation and Enhancement). Emerging planning policy and other policy documents which may be regarded as a material consideration include: The Draft Regional Spatial Strategy for the South West 2006 – 2026 : Policies SD3 (The Environment and Natural Resources); SD4 (Sustainable Communities); ENV1 (Protecting and Enhancing the Region’s Natural and Historic Environment); ENV2 (Landscape Character Areas); ENV4 (Nature Conservation) and ENV5 (Historic Environment). In preparing this report regard has been had of relevant National Planning Policy Guidance and Statements, in particular PPS1 (Delivering Sustainable Development); PPS7 (Sustainable Development in Rural Areas); PPS9 (Biodiversity and Geological Conservation) and PPG16 (Archaeology and Planning). 6. Highway Considerations There is no highway objection to the submitted proposals subject to the maintenance of a minimum headroom for lines crossing the highway and no positioning of poles or apparatus within 3 metres of the highway boundary, and it is suggested that no development should commence without the prior agreement of a detailed scheme for construction access and traffic management. 7. Sustainability Considerations The proposed reinforcement of the electricity distribution system will support existing communities in North Devon. It will also provide opportunity for the development of embedded renewable energy generation in this part of the county, displacing the need for fossil fuel based generation elsewhere. 8. Comments/Issues The key issues raised by the proposed development relate to archaeology, nature conservation and landscape. Archaeology The Environmental Assessment identifies a number of areas where archaeological mitigation would be necessary. In addition, the proposed realignment of the overhead line west of Horwood places one