Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide

December 2007

Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide

Mathias Collins1, Kevin Lucey2, Beth Lambert3, Jon Kachmar4, James Turek1, Eric Hutchins1, Tim Purinton3, and David Neils5

1NOAA Restoration Center, 2New Hampshire Coastal Program, 3Massachusetts Riverways Program, 4Maine Coastal Program, 5New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services

The Gulf of Council’s mission: “To maintain and enhance environmental quality in the Gulf of Maine and to allow for sustainable resource use by existing and future generations.”

December 2007 Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Workshop Contributors Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services New Hampshire Coastal Program Maine Coastal Program Massachusetts Riverways Program American Rivers Fisheries and Oceans Canada New Brunswick Department of Environment and Local Government New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources

This publication was produced with support from the Gulf of Maine Science Translation Project, which accelerates the transfer of scientific information to management. Support for the Science Translation Project has been provided by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Cooperative Institute for Coastal and Estuarine Environmental Technology, Maine State Planning Office, Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management, New Hampshire Coastal Program, Maine Sea Grant, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Sea Grant, and Environment Canada. For more information about the Science Translation Project, go to /science_translation.

How to cite this document: Collins, M., K. Lucey, B. Lambert, J. Kachmar, J. Turek, E. Hutchins, T. Purinton, and D. Neils. 2007. Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. /streambarrierremoval.

Cover photo: on the Royal River in Yarmouth, Maine. © Peter H. Taylor / Waterview Consulting Cover inset photos (clockwise from top left): Dam removal in progress. NOAA A low-head dam in the Gulf of Maine watershed. NOAA Collecting data along a monumented cross-section. Karla Garcia / NOAA Restoration Center Sampling the riparian plant community. James Turek / NOAA Authors and Editors(*)

Mathias Collins* Kevin Lucey* Marine Habitat Resource Specialist Program Specialist Professional Hydrologist New Hampshire Coastal Program NOAA Restoration Center New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services 1 Blackburn Drive 50 International Drive, Suite 200 Gloucester, MA 01930 Portsmouth, NH 03801

Beth Lambert* Jon Kachmar* River Restoration Scientist Senior Planner Riverways Program Maine Coastal Program Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game State Planning Office 251 Causeway Street, Suite 400 38 State House Station Boston, MA 02114 Augusta, ME 04333-0038

Eric W. Hutchins David E. Neils Gulf of Maine Habitat Restoration Coordinator Aquatic Biologist NOAA Restoration Center New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services 1 Blackburn Drive 29 Hazen Drive Gloucester, MA 01930 Concord, NH 03302

Tim Purinton James Turek River Restoration Planner Assistant Northeast Team Leader Riverways Program NOAA Restoration Center Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game 28 Tarzwell Drive 251 Causeway Street, Suite 400 Narragansett, Rhode Island 02882 Boston, MA 02114

Reviewers Steve Block NOAA Restoration Center Melissa Laser Maine Commission Alison Bowden The Nature Conservancy Deb Loiselle New Hampshire DES Dam Bureau Karen Bushaw-Newton American University Jeff Murphy NOAA NMFS Protected Resources Division Michael Chelminski Woodlot Alternatives Inc. Curt Orvis U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Dave Courtemanch Maine DEP Div.of Env. Assessment Jeff Peterson VHB Inc. Eric Derleth U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Jim Pizzuto University of Delaware Wenley Ferguson Save the Bay Joe Rathbun Michigan DEQ Water Bureau NPS Unit Alan Haberstock Kleinschmidt Associates Trefor Reynoldson Acadia Center for Estuarine Research Anita Hamilton Fisheries and Oceans Canada Roy Schiff Milone and Macbroom Inc. Alex Haro U.S. Geological Survey Conor Shea U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Dan Hayes Michigan State University James Turek NOAA Restoration Center Ray Konisky The Nature Conservancy Jeff Varricchione Maine DEP Division of Watershed Mgmt. Theo Willis University of Southern Maine

Gulf of Maine Council River Restoration Monitoring Steering Committee John Catena NOAA Restoration Center Eric Hutchins NOAA Restoration Center Kathryn Collet New Brunswick Dept. of Natural Resources Jon Kachmar Maine Coastal Program Matt Collins NOAA Restoration Center Beth Lambert Massachusetts Riverways Program Eric Derleth U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Deb Loiselle New Hampshire DES Dam Bureau Ted Diers New Hampshire DES Coastal Program Tim Purinton Massachusetts Riverways Program Anita Hamilton Fisheries and Oceans Canada James Turek NOAA Restoration Center Laura Wildman American Rivers

Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Workshop Participants See Appendix C for a list of workshop participants.

Editing and Design Peter H. Taylor Waterview Consulting A stream flowing from a culvert under a road. © Peter H. Taylor / Waterview Consulting table of contents

I. Abstract...... 1 II. Introduction A. Context...... 3 B. Workshop Process...... 5 C. Selection Criteria...... 6 D. The Critical Monitoring Parameters...... 7 E. Intended Use...... 7 F. Navigating This Document...... 7 III. Scientific Context of Stream Barrier Removal A. Hydrology, Hydraulics, and Sediment...... 9 B. Wetland and Riparian Habitat...... 12 C. Instream Habitat...... 16 D. Fish Passage...... 19 IV. Methods for the Critical Monitoring Parameters A. Study Design...... 23 B. Monitoring Methods...... 27 1. Monumented Cross-sections...... 27 2. Longitudinal Profile...... 31 3. Grain Size Distribution...... 33 4. Photo Stations...... 36 5. Water Quality...... 38 6. Riparian Plant Community Structure...... 41 7. Macroinvertebrates...... 46 8. Fish Passage Assessment...... 46 V. Data Management...... 49 VI. Bibliography...... 50 VII. Appendices A. Field Safety...... 56 B. Glossary...... 57 C. Workshop Products...... 59 D. Macroinvertebrate Monitoring Guidance...... 63 E. Data Sheets...... 67

List of Figures 1. Monumented cross-sections method...... 27 2. Basic features of an unimpacted stream reach...... 29 3. Example of a longitudinal profile...... 31 4. Axes for measuring sediment grain size...... 34 5. Cumulative frequency curve from pebble count ...... 35 6. Photo stations method...... 36 7. Water quality method...... 38 8. Riparian plant community structure method...... 41 9. Stations for pre- and post-restoration vegetation monitoring...... 43

List of Tables 1. Critical monitoring parameters identified at the June 2006 workshop...... 6 2. Summary of the critical monitoring parameters...... 26 3. Pebble count method...... 35 4. Recommended photo-monitoring timeline...... 37 5. Precision and accuracy levels for water quality data...... 40 6. Braun-Blanquet cover class scale for vegetation...... 44 7. Fish-monitoring methods that may be recommended by local fisheries experts...... 46 8. State and provincial protocols for monitoring macroinvertebrates...... 47 Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 Dam and . © Peter H. Taylor / Waterview Consulting Karla Garcia / NOAA Restoration Center Restoration / NOAA Karla Garcia Low-head dam spillway on a stream in the Gulf of Maine watershed.

I. AbSTRACT Across the Gulf of Maine watershed, agencies, non- more than 70 natural resource scientists, resource man- governmental organizations, and private parties are re- agers, and watershed restoration practitioners. Struc- moving and replacing culverts to restore stream tured breakout and plenary sessions generated prior- processes and fish passage. Significant resources are ity lists of monitoring parameters specific to stream invested in these stream barrier removal projects, but barrier removal in the Gulf of Maine watershed. From monitoring the outcomes of the projects usually has the prioritized lists, the Steering Committee selected not been a priority. The lack of standardized monitor- eight parameters that, when analyzed collectively, are ing information for stream barrier removal projects expected to provide valuable data that will character- in the Gulf of Maine watershed mirrors a lack of river ize adequately the physical, chemical, and biological restoration monitoring nationwide and limits both response of a given stream to a barrier removal project. the ability to document project success and learn These eight parameters, referred to in this document from past experiences. The Gulf of Maine Council on as critical monitoring parameters, include monument- the Marine Environment (GOMC) River Restoration ed cross-sections; longitudinal stream profile; stream Monitoring Steering Committee (Steering Committee) bed sediment grain size distribution; photo stations; is addressing the need for consistent stream barrier water quality; riparian plant community structure; removal monitoring. It has developed a framework of macroinvertebrates; and fish passage assessment. monitoring parameters that can be used for stream barrier removal projects throughout the Gulf of Maine This Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide (Moni- watershed. The watershed covers approximately 70,000 toring Guide) presents detailed methods for each of square miles encompassing all of the state of Maine the critical monitoring parameters except for macroin- and portions of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Nova vertebrate and fish passage assessment. Because of the Scotia, New Brunswick, and Quebec. considerable variability associated with assessing these biological parameters, only general guidance is given In June 2006, the Steering Committee convened a here. The Monitoring Guide also presents important Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Workshop to gath- additional monitoring parameters that practitioners er input on stream barrier removal monitoring from may choose to use on a case-by-case basis. /streambarrierremoval Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007  Mill building and river below a dam. © Peter H. Taylor / Waterview Consulting II. INTRODUCTION

A. Context Aging dams and improperly sized culverts are signifi- Dams in the Gulf of Maine cant natural resource management issues in the Gulf The Gulf of Maine watershed is an approximately of Maine watershed. Dams and culverts may create 69,000-square-mile (179,000-square-kilometer) region impassable barriers for migrating fish, degrade water encompassing all of the state of Maine and portions quality, and negatively alter ecosystem conditions. of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Nova Scotia, New Many of the thousands of stream barriers in the Gulf Brunswick, and Quebec. On the U.S. side, there are of Maine watershed are nearing the end of their design 4,867 inventoried dams: 2,506 in New Hampshire, 782 life, and some are being considered for removal or in Maine, and 1,579 in Massachusetts (Gulf of Maine replacement. The socioeconomic costs and ecological Council, 2004). Because inventory methods and report- impacts posed by aging dams and undersized and im- ing standards differ from state to state, the complete- passable culverts have led private entities, natural re- ness of the inventories varies widely. For instance, source professionals, non-profit organizations, and mu- New Hampshire has a robust inventory method that nicipalities to seek dam removal and culvert upgrades registers any dam greater than 4 feet (1.2 meters) tall or as viable options for stream restoration. that impounds more than 2 acre-feet of water. In con- trast, Maine relies on a voluntary registry that closed Common goals for these stream barrier removal proj- in 1993; undoubtedly, Maine has many more dams that ects include have not been registered (Gulf of Maine Council, 2004). • reconnecting artificially fragmented stream and Regardless of the exact figures, habitat fragmentation riparian systems; caused by dams in the Gulf of Maine watershed signifi- • restoring instream habitat for migratory and cantly affects diadromous fish passage. resident fishes; • restoring natural flow regimes and stream Most dams in the northeastern are run- processes; and of-river structures less than 20 feet (6 meters) in height. • improving water quality. These low-head dams have relatively small, shallow impoundments. Sediments can accumulate behind Understanding the effectiveness of barrier removal the dam, with some impoundments on high-bedload with respect to these goals requires systematic project streams filling in rapidly. Small, narrow impound- monitoring and data reporting. To our knowledge, a ments located on high-gradient reaches often retain systematic approach to stream barrier removal moni- limited sediments because fines, sand, and even gravel toring has not been developed in the United States. can be scoured from the impoundment by storm flows. Consequently, systematic monitoring data are not available and thus our un- derstanding of barrier removal project effectiveness is limited. The Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environ- ment (GOMC) River Restoration Moni- toring Steering Committee (Steering Committee) developed this Stream Bar- rier Removal Monitoring Guide (Moni- toring Guide) to improve the ability to • evaluate the performance of individual restoration projects; • assess the long-term ecological response of regional restoration efforts; • advance our understanding of restoration ecology and improve restoration techniques; • better anticipate the effects of future stream barrier removal projects; and • communicate project results to NOAA stakeholders and the public. Removing a dam using an excavator with a hydraulic hammer attachment. /streambarrierremoval Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007  Introduction

Inventoried dams in the U.S. portion of the Gulf of Maine tall (ICF, 2005). Ecology, economics, and public safety watershed. were the most frequently stated reasons for removal (ICF, 2005). On the U.S. side of the Gulf of Maine, approximately 20 dams have been removed since 1995, and another 20 dams are currently being evaluated for removal.

Over the last decade, there has been a resounding call for increased stream monitoring to evaluate the effectiveness of dam removals (Babbitt, 2002; Aspen In- stitute, 2002; Graf, 2003). Hart et al. (2002) reported that fewer than 5% of dam removals in the United States in the twentieth century were accompanied by published ecological studies. Defining goals at the outset of a barrier removal project is essential to understand the effects of barrier removal projects and to communicate information to stakeholders.

Culverts in the Gulf of Maine When culverts are perched or undersized, they may impede fish passage. Perched culverts have outlets elevated high above the natural streambed, making it impossible for fish to swim through (Flosi et al., 2003). Undersized culverts restrict the width of the channel, Large, high-head dams associated with storage im- which may cause the water to flow too fast for fish poundments are typically constructed for , attempting to move upstream through the culvert, hydroelectric power, water supply, and/or recreational particularly during storm flows. These situations are needs. These larger dams generally are associated with referred to as velocity barriers. Undersized culverts also larger rivers, and they may create extensive, deepwater may cause water to impound on the upstream side dur- impoundments (Petts, 1984). Large dams are a relative- ing floods. ly small proportion of all dams in the Gulf of Maine watershed. For example, only 5% of dams in New Effective stream crossings span the width of the Hampshire are used for (Lindloff, 2002). stream, have natural streambeds, and do not affect water velocities. Bridges, open-bottomed culverts, and Controlled, yet variable, flow releases are character- appropriately designed and installed culverts recessed istic of high-head hydropower or flood-control dams. into the streambed are the best available options for Stream discharges downstream of certain hydroelectric stream crossing replacements (Singler and Graber, dams can fluctuate substantially over hours on a daily 2005). basis. During certain hours of the day, these facilities minimize releases from the dam to increase head, Resource managers in the Gulf of Maine watershed which is released rapidly to drive turbines to meet peak have only recently begun to strategically assess cul- power demands. At flood-control dams, substantial im- verts from an ecological improvement perspective. poundment drawdowns may be planned to offset snow- Replacing undersized or perched culverts has proven melt runoff or large storm events, and larger releases to be an effective means to increase available habitat may occur during certain seasonal periods. to migratory and resident native fishes, and to improve water quality. With proper assessment, engineering de- Dam Removal sign, and installation, replacing stream crossings that Approximately 600 dams have been removed through- have negative ecological impacts can have multiple out the United States over the past several decades, the benefits, including improving public safety by reduc- majority of which were less than 20 feet (6.1 meters) ing flood risk.

 Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 /streambarrierremoval Introduction Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment

The white area on this map indicates land that drains into the Gulf of Maine.

B. Workshop Process On June 20 and 21, 2006, the Steering Committee con- monitoring parameters and reporting standards from vened a workshop to discuss stream monitoring with which the Steering Committee subsequently could respect to barrier removal projects in the Gulf of Maine choose a set to recommend for this Monitoring Guide. watershed. The Steering Committee sought broad rep- The parameters sought for this list ideally would pro- resentation from state, provincial, and federal resource vide fundamental data useful for a broad range of management agencies, academia, non-governmental analyses and be relatively inexpensive and straightfor- organizations, and the private sector. More than 70 at- ward to collect. Cross-cutting parameters, those recom- tendees with expertise in physical and/or biological mended by more than one topic team, were sought stream and floodplain processes were organized into specifically for their value in developing minimum teams on the following topics for structured breakout monitoring recommendations. sessions: • Hydrology, hydraulics, and sediment The following structure and process guided the topic • Wetland and riparian habitat teams to produce the list of parameters: • Instream habitat • Breakout Session I: Topic teams reviewed four • Fish passage and habitat utilization barrier removal scenarios designed to capture the range of physical, biological, and management The workshop was designed to produce a list of key conditions found at Gulf of Maine barrier removal /streambarrierremoval Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007  Introduction

Table 1. Topic Teams Critical monitoring param- eters identified as priorities Hydrology Wetland by topic teams at the June Hydraulics Instream Riparian Fish 2006 workshop. An asterisk Critical Monitoring Parameters Sediment Habitat Habitat Passage indicates that the parameter Monumented Cross-sections is to be monitored at monu- P P P mented cross-sections. Longitudinal Profiles* P P Grain Size Distribution* P P Photo Stations* P P P Water Quality* P P Riparian Plant Community Structure* P Macroinvertebrates P Fish Passage P

sites (Appendix C). After review and discussion quately the physical, chemical, and biological response in small groups, each topic team developed a of a stream to a barrier removal project. prioritized list of monitoring parameters to report back to the entire workshop. The Steering Committee selected critical monitoring • Plenary Session: Each topic team presented its parameters based on the following selection criteria: prioritized parameter lists to the workshop. A • Relevance to a range of topic areas. The Steering facilitated group discussion identified cross-cutting Committee focused specifically on monitoring parameters. parameters identified as high priorities for more • Breakout Session II: Topic teams reconvened to than one of the topic areas. These are referred to as identify important data elements and reporting cross-cutting parameters. standards for their prioritized lists of monitoring • Usefulness across a range of physical settings and parameters. management contexts. The critical monitoring parameters are intended to be useful for a range An earlier effort to develop regional monitoring proto- of barrier removal projects in the Gulf of Maine cols for salt marsh habitat in the Gulf of Maine served watershed. as a model for convening this workshop on monitoring • Cost effectiveness. Recognizing that funding and protocols for river barrier removals. Information about personnel typically constrain monitoring programs the Gulf of Maine Salt Marsh Monitoring Protocol is and projects, the Steering Committee targeted available at monitoring parameters that require relatively and in Taylor (2008). modest expenditures. • Ability to answer questions relevant to common C. Selection Criteria restoration goals. Stream restoration and barrier removal projects typically have shared ecological By analyzing the lists of prioritized monitoring pa- goals. The critical monitoring parameters were rameters produced by the workshop’s topic teams, the selected to provide data useful for answering Steering Committee developed the critical monitoring common questions related to expected restoration parameters described in this Monitoring Guide. goals. The critical monitoring parameters are common moni- toring parameters that, when analyzed collectively, are expected to provide valuable data to characterize ade- * Indicates critical monitoring parameter

 Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 /streambarrierremoval Introduction

Topic Teams D. The Critical Section IV. Methods for the Hydrology Wetland Monitoring Parameters Critical Monitoring Parameters Hydraulics Instream Riparian Fish Eight critical monitoring parameters emerged from This section provides detailed monitoring methods for Critical Monitoring Parameters Sediment Habitat Habitat Passage the workshop process and subsequent review by the the six critical monitoring parameters: • Monumented cross-sections Monumented Cross-sections P P P Steering Committee. These parameters provide funda- mental pre- and post-project data for analyses to char- • Longitudinal profile Longitudinal Profiles* P P acterize the physical, chemical, and biological changes • Grain size distribution • Photo stations Grain Size Distribution* P P at barrier removal sites. Most of the critical parameters are to be monitored at monumented cross-sections • Water quality Photo Stations* P P P (Table 1). • Riparian plant community structure

Water Quality* P P The methods include information about equipment, Riparian Plant Community E. Intended Use monitoring design, sampling frequency, and site-specif- Structure* P With this Monitoring Guide, the Steering Committee ic considerations. Section IV.A, Study Design, provides hopes to encourage systematic monitoring and data Macroinvertebrates P general guidance on how to implement a monitoring reporting for stream barrier removal projects. The program and describes how the critical monitoring Fish Passage P Monitoring Guide is specific to stream barrier removal parameters are related to one another. projects in the Gulf of Maine watershed. However, the methods may also be adapted for projects in other Fisheries and macroinvertebrate experts in our region regions. We anticipate that this Monitoring Guide will agreed that a single method for either fish passage be useful throughout the Gulf of Maine watershed and or macroinvertebrates would not be applicable to the can be adapted to provincial or state-specific circum- variety of expected barrier removal projects. For that stances. In certain instances, we refer users to relevant reason, we include in this section only a recommenda- state or provincial protocols and advocate close coordi- tion that users consult with experts in their state or nation with existing government programs. province to identify appropriate methods for macroin- vertebrates and quantitative fish passage assessment. F. Navigating This Document We also provide summary tables that describe, in Section III. Scientific Context general terms, common monitoring methods for these parameters. of Stream Barrier Removal This section provides scientific discussion of stream barrier removal, focusing on the following topic areas: Section V. Data Management A. Hydrology, hydraulics, and sediment This section describes the importance of common data B. Wetland and riparian habitat elements, reporting standards, and metadata. The in- C. Instream habitat tention is to ensure that data collection, reporting, and D. Fish passage management are systematic and coordinated. This is also the reason we developed detailed data sheets (see The subsections summarize the effects of stream barri- Appendix E) for the six critical monitoring parameters ers with respect to the given topic and the anticipated for which detailed monitoring methods are provided. responses to barrier removal. The subsections also pro- vide the rationale for the critical monitoring param- Section VII. Appendices eters, as well as discussions of other parameters identi- The appendices provide information about field safety, fied as priorities at the workshop. While not retained workshop products, and macroinvertebrate monitor- as critical monitoring parameters for the Monitoring ing, along with a glossary. Data sheets are contained in Guide, these additional parameters support more de- Appendix E and are available for downloading from tailed investigations and may be necessary on a site- specific basis to answer particular questions. /streambarrierremoval Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007  Dam in the Gulf of Maine watershed. © Peter H. Taylor / Waterview Consulting New Hampshire Coastal Program Coastal Hampshire New

III. Scientific Context of Stream Barrier Removal

A. Hydrology, Hydraulics, and Sediment

Introduction Water flow and sediment transport govern the physi- the quantity and timing of stream flow and hydraulic cal characteristics of alluvial rivers and therefore in- impacts are changes to the physical properties and fluence the quantity and quality of their aquatic and behavior of flow as it is influenced by floodplain geom- floodplain/riparian habitats. River barriers such as etry and instream structures. dams and culverts can change water flow and sediment transport, and thus the river’s form and function. A Barrier Effects on Stream number of studies have described how barriers impact Process and Form stream processes and/or forms (Andrews, 1986; Graf, The primary effects of barriers are changes in stream 2006; Magilligan and Nislow, 2001; Magilligan et al., flow timing (i.e., the hydrograph) and sediment trans- 2003; Perry, 1994; Petts, 1979; Williams, 1978; Williams port processes. These changes cause a variety of sec- and Wolman, 1984). However, the magnitude, timing, ondary effects such as changes in bed slope, channel and range of physical changes resulting from barrier width, bed forms, and roughness. The magnitude and removal have not been as well documented (Hart et al., direction of primary and secondary effects can vary 2002). considerably from site to site with barrier type and watershed characteristics (e.g., lithology, tributary sedi- This section briefly summarizes 1) how barriers can ment loads, vegetation cover). influence stream form and process; 2) observed and expected stream response to barrier removal; and 3) The upstream effects of barriers tend to be more pre- relevant hydrologic, hydraulic, and sediment transport dictable than the downstream effects. Upstream of the monitoring parameters for answering questions of in- barrier, the reach may become lacustrine in character, terest at proposed barrier removal sites. For the purpos- or it may remain riverine. In either case, habitats are es of this document, hydrologic impacts are changes to altered considerably from those farther upstream and /streambarrierremoval Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007  Scientific Context of Stream Barrier Removal

downstream. In the case of dams, water often ponds as 6 months (Graf, 2006), and alter the duration on the upstream side, and the impoundment extends of flows of a given magnitude (Magilligan and upstream until it intersects the stream water surface Nislow, 2001). elevation approximately equal to the elevation of the dam crest, spillway, or other controlling outlet. The Hydraulic and Sediment Transport Impacts impoundment may cause increased groundwater eleva- • As a consequence of reduced flood discharges tions in the floodplain/riparian zone upstream of the below storage dams, flood velocities and shear barrier. For run-of-river dams, which operate without stresses are also reduced. This is a reduction flood storage, flood stages for a limited distance up- in flow competence, the ability to entrain and stream of the dam are frequently higher than they transport sediment of larger size fractions. would be without the impoundment. Culverts may • Dams trap upstream sediment loads, thereby have much the same effect as dams, particularly dur- reducing sediment loads downstream, sometimes ing small to moderate flood events when a substantial considerably (Williams and Wolman, 1984). amount of water may impound behind them. However, Channel degradation, a frequent phenomenon during large events their influence may diminish if the downstream of dams, can result. For rivers in a roadway is overtopped. quasi-equilibrium state, sediment delivery to a reach approximately equals delivery out of the The sediment trapping efficiencies of impoundments reach such that the river neither aggrades nor vary widely depending on the dam type and operation degrades (Mackin, 1948). The sharp decrease and on the sediment characteristics. Much of the sedi- in sediment supply to a downstream reach ment delivered to the impoundment from upstream subsequent to reservoir construction creates a reaches is often deposited there as the stream loses en- situation in which sediments eroded in that reach ergy. For culverts, upstream impacts may be more tran- are no longer replaced. Stream incision results sient in nature and include impoundment during flood and can continue until a reduction in slope, or an events and debris accumulation on the upstream face. increase in roughness (see next bullet), decreases the velocity to accommodate the new, reduced The downstream effects of barriers vary from site to sediment load. Channel degradation is common site. Many primary and secondary effects have been re- below culverts as well. ported in the literature (Collier et al., 1996; Petts, 1979, • Increased roughness, or armor development, 1980, 1984; Williams and Wolman, 1984). The type of commonly accompanies channel degradation. barrier, its operation, and the watershed’s physical char- Though reduced sediment loads can cause bed acteristics largely govern the variability of downstream erosion in the reaches immediately downstream of changes in river form and process. The following is a dam, primarily finer sediments are eroded from a brief characterization of some commonly observed the channel bed and banks by the reduced flood stream barrier impacts downstream of barriers. peaks and under average discharge conditions. These reduced flood peaks lack the competence to Hydrology Impacts transport larger clast sizes, a situation that results • Dams with significant flood storage can decrease in the winnowing of fines and the development the downstream magnitude of flood discharges up of an armor on the bed of coarse materials, which to 70% (Andrews, 1986; Graf, 2006; Magilligan and prevents further degradation (Petts, 1979). Nislow, 2001; Magilligan et al., 2003; Perry, 1994; • Channel aggradation can result downstream of Williams and Wolman, 1984). dams, often from the combination of reduced • Stored flood volumes that are released slowly flow competence and a downstream tributary over time produce a common phenomenon contribution of sediment (Andrews, 1986). Some downstream of dams: higher discharges during proportion of the aggraded sediment may come low flow periods when compared to pre-dam from upstream scour (Collier et al., 1996). conditions (Andrews, 1986; Hirsch et al., 1990). • Channel narrowing downstream of dams has • The decreased natural variability of flow in down­ been reported widely in the literature (Benn and stream reaches can also be manifest as a decreased Erskine, 1994; Graf, 2006; Gregory and Park, 1974; range of daily discharges (Graf, 2006; Poff, 1997; Kellerhals, 1982; Williams, 1978; Williams and Richter and Powell, 1996; Richter et al., 1996). Wolman, 1984). It is often linked to decreases in • Storage dams alter the timing of annual maximum flood discharges, especially the channel-forming and minimum flows, in some cases by as much discharges that have 1- to 2-year recurrence

10 Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 /streambarrierremoval Scientific Context of Stream Barrier Removal

frequencies (Magilligan et al., 2003). Monitoring Parameters for • Sediment deposition, frequently in the form of Hydrology, Hydraulics, and Sediment gravel bars, often occurs immediately upstream of The members of the Hydrology, Hydraulics, and Sedi- culverts. The coarse materials are deposited when ment Topic Team at the June 2006 workshop consid- floodwaters are impounded behind the culvert. ered dam and culvert removal. They identified the fol- lowing monitoring parameters as the most critical for Stream Response to Barrier Removal understanding stream response to dam removal: Just as construction of river barriers affects stream pro- • Monumented cross-sections* cesses and forms, removal of barriers also affects them. • Longitudinal profile* Changes in process and form after barrier removal • Grain size distribution* vary in magnitude, direction, and timing, according to • Stage/discharge barrier type and operation as well as stream and water- • Contaminated sediments shed physical characteristics. The magnitude and fre- quency of storm events after barrier removal also play Channel cross-sections, longitudinal profile, and grain an important role. Stream responses to barrier removal size distribution were deemed within the technical and may continue for years to decades (Pizzuto, 2002). budgetary reach of most project proponents and were • Stream gradient and longitudinal profile. One of retained and recommended as critical monitoring pa- the most widely seen changes after barrier removal rameters. These parameters are used to monitor chang- is a shift in patterns of sediment movement and es in stream form over time, from which changes in sediment deposition (Hart et al., 2002). As the process can be inferred. channel adjusts, the streambed may develop a new slope. This may occur through channel incision in Sediment contaminant testing is not recommended in the impounded sediments, manifested initially in this Guide as a critical monitoring parameter because a headcut, and progressing upstream through the it is not necessary for every site and it is more relevant deposit in a process called headcut or nickpoint to project design, engineering, and implementation migration. This process may happen rapidly, or it monitoring than for long-term ecological monitoring. may occur gradually with annual (or less frequent) Stage/discharge gaging, while very valuable, is also not peak flows. As knickpoint migration takes place, recommended because it is too costly. the longitudinal profile of the river changes progressively in the incised reach (see Pizzuto, Monumented cross-sections*: Repeated cross-section 2002) and likely changes in the downstream reach. surveys will document vertical and horizontal channel Formerly impounded sediments may be deposited adjustments (i.e., degradation, aggradation, widening, in the reaches below and cause bed aggradation. narrowing) in response to the new flow and sediment Changes in longitudinal profile will likely result in transport regimes following barrier removal. The the redistribution of pools, riffles, and bars. cross-section data also are useful for hydraulic models, • Channel geometry. Changes in sediment transport which can provide a wide variety of quantitative infor- will be manifest in stream cross-section geometry mation, including water surface profiles, competence changes, and over time the reintroduction of the to carry sediment, hydraulic conveyance capacity, flow natural flood regime will influence cross-section regime, and water speed. See monumented cross-sec- shape. The channel upstream of the barrier may tions method (Section IV.B.1). narrow and develop a floodplain through incision and/or deposition (Pizzuto, 2002). Longitudinal profiles*: Repeated longitudinal sur- • Stream bed particle size distribution may change veys will show how the channel slope is adjusting to in response to changes in sediment transport changes in stream processes. They will document any regime. Bed sediment size distributions in the creation, destruction, and/or movement of pools and upstream reach may show greater proportions riffles. See longitudinal profile method (Section IV.B.2). of coarse material as fines are transported downstream with increased flow competence; coarsening or fining may take place downstream (Hart et al., 2002). • Groundwater levels proximal to the former impoundment will typically be lowered when the dam is removed. * Indicates critical monitoring parameter /streambarrierremoval Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 11 Scientific Context of Stream Barrier Removal

Grain size distribution*: Resampling grain size distribu- tion during cross-section re-surveys documents chang- es in the composition of the bed material over time. The data reveal local changes in the stream’s hydraulic characteristics, such as roughness and flow compe- tence. Grain size distribution data can be coupled with hydraulic modeling results to compare the stream’s competence to carry sediment with the size of the sediment available on the bed. Both pieces of informa- tion are critical to understand the likelihood of actual sediment transport. See grain size distribution method (Section IV.B.3). New Hampshire Coastal Program Coastal Hampshire New

B. Wetland and • Development of ground micro-topography and wildlife habitat. Riparian Habitat • Protection of streambanks from erosion. • Decrease in flood velocities attributable to Introduction overhanging and stream-edge vegetation and Riparian zones are defined as the stream channel woody debris. between the low- and high-water marks, bordering • Reduction in peak discharge by storing overbank lands where vegetation may be influenced by elevated flows in floodplain depressions and former stream- groundwater tables or flooding, and soils having the channel features. ability to retain water (Naiman et al., 1993). Riparian zones are unique lands with distinct geomorphologic Many riparian zones are classified as wetlands. Even and biological attributes regulating energy and mate- where riparian zones do not meet the wetland defini- rial flows within relatively narrow distances between tion, these zones are saturated by groundwater for at streams and upland ecosystems (Crow et al., 2000). least brief periods during the growing season, within These systems have physical, chemical, and biological the normal rooting depth of plants, and thus are linked effects on surface water, groundwater, instream condi- hydrologically to streams (Verry, 2000). Floodplains tions, and the biota that use the stream and riparian provide important functions including overbank flow zone as habitat or as corridors for wildlife movement. storage and velocity reduction, and they serve as sites See Naiman and Decamps (1997) for a good summary for stream-channel meandering or secondary flow of riparian zone functions. channels. Field reconnaissance of a project area will help identify floodplain indicators, such as alluvial Vascular plants that border streams and rivers contrib- soil deposits; debris wrack or wash lines; water marks; ute important riparian zone structural components debris lodged in trees and shrubs; and floodplain veg- and riverine functions. The setting, structure, and com- etation with flood-adapted features (e.g., buttressed tree position of a plant community influence the type and trunks; adventitious or suckering roots). level of functions and services (Haberstock et al., 2000). These functions and services include the following: Vegetation response to barrier removal is strongly • Release of leaf litter, mast, and woody debris influenced by changes in the physical environment that provide cover and a food source for (Shafroth et al., 2002). Because barrier removals may animals, fuel instream detrital food webs, and result in drastic changes in physical conditions, the contribute to instream habitat structure/cover for characterization of riparian plant community struc- macroinvertebrates and other biota. ture and composition is an important component of a • Alteration of suspended/particulate matter and monitoring regime for barrier removals. This section uptake or transformation of dissolved nutrients summarizes 1) how stream barriers influence riparian and other materials transported in stream flows or zone structure and functioning; 2) expected responses groundwater discharge. of riparian vegetation communities when a stream bar- • Canopy cover that provides shade and minimizes rier is removed; and 3) important parameters used to daily fluctuations of temperature in the stream monitor riparian zone communities at barrier removal and riparian zone. sites.

12 Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 /streambarrierremoval Scientific Context of Stream Barrier Removal

Barrier Effects on Riparian Zone Riparian Zone Response to Barrier Removal Structure and Function The degree of riparian zone change after removal of a A number of authors (Petts, 1984; Ligon et al., 1995; Col- stream barrier depends on lier et al., 1996; Nilsson and Berggren, 2000) discuss the • size of the stream, barrier, and impoundment; impacts associated with dams and culverts on riparian • stream discharge; zones. The following is a brief summary of the physical • dewatered sediment grain size and composition; effects of barriers on riparian zone plant communities. and • geomorphic characteristics of the stream channel Low-head dams often convert streams to ponds and and valley. forest/shrub-dominated riparian habitat to emergent/ floating emergent-dominated habitat. Many impound- Effects on the riparian zone can be distinguished into ments created by low-head dams accumulate organic, two primary categories: upstream and downstream fine-grained sediments. These impoundments may effects. Removal of low-head dams and culverts re- become covered by emergent (e.g., reed canary grass, sult in plant community structural changes primar- Phalaris aruninacea), woody (e.g., water willow, Dec- ily upstream of the barrier, while removal of storage odon verticillatus), or floating emergent (e.g., pond lil- impoundment dams may result in significant plant ies, Nuphar spp.) wetland plants. Organic soils flooded community changes both upstream and downstream by impoundments may release excess phosphorus and of the project site. A planned staging of a dam breach/ nitrogen that may increase aquatic plant productivity removal may also affect how plant species colonize and (Nilsson and Berggren, 2000). community succession occurs in the riparian zone.

Scrub-shrub species (e.g., buttonbush, Cephalanthus Upstream Effects occidentalis) often colonize shallow waters along the With dam removal, the dewatering of an impound- perimeter of an impoundment. In the absence of these ment may be rapid, resulting in the loss of open water impoundments and other disturbances, streams are habitat and changes in the hydraulic gradient. Ground- typically bordered by forested and shrub-dominated water levels may be lowered by dam removal and de- riparian habitats. watering. A new hydraulic gradient will develop with impoundment loss or lowering, and the gradient will Dams that regulate flows may disrupt natural disturb­ be affected by the topography and stage-discharge rela- ance regimes of downstream reaches. Flow disruptions tionships (ICF, 2005). A broad, flat topography would be reduce variability and alter the frequency, magnitude, expected to result in more homogeneous plant cover and duration of riparian flooding, and they truncate types. The tolerance of flooding and soil saturation the pulse of sediments, nutrients, and wood debris to by each plant species influences the zonation and pat- and from the floodplain (Sparks, 1995). With lesser flow terns of plant community development following dam and flooding frequency, the riparian zone narrows. removal and impoundment loss. Besides the loss of Storage impoundment dams may change a down- deepwater habitats, the vegetation response generally stream reach from a multi-channel river and broad includes plant dieback with decreased cover by non- floodplain system with mid-channel bars and islands to persistent emergent plants (e.g., Pontederia cordata, a single channel. Loss of these features results from re- Sagittaria spp.) and loss of submerged aquatic vegeta- duced peak flows that historically flooded the riparian tion (e.g., Vallisneria, Potamogeton spp). zone and cut new channels, receiving sediments from upstream riverbanks and terraces (Ligon et al., 1995). Exposed sediments resulting from impoundment loss may be colonized rapidly if a seedbank of wetland Reduced peak flows and trapped sediments may cause plants exists within the wetland soils and/or adjacent a loss of fertile floodplain soils and pulse-stimulated communities provide wind-blown seed sources. Plant riparian vegetation responses. Without flood or soil de- colonization period depends on the timing of the dam position stimulation, some riparian plants may not suc- removal, as well as the grain size composition and wa- cessfully reproduce, leading to displacement by more ter content of the soils. Nutrient levels in the former generalist native upland and exotic plant species. Plant impoundment sediments may also affect plant species seeds with poor floating capacity may have decreased colonization and plant community composition in ri- potential for dispersal downstream of dams, affecting parian zone succession. Persistent and non-persistent the abundance of these species in downstream riparian hydrophytes may colonize areas that continue to have zones (Jansson et al., 2000). prolonged inundation. Persistent emergent (e.g., Scir- /streambarrierremoval Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 13 Scientific Context of Stream Barrier Removal

pus spp.) and non-persistent emergent plants will dom- processes to downstream reaches may result in sedi- inate the semi-permanently saturated soil zone, while ment deposits and increases in transient bed elevation scrub-shrub (e.g., Alnus, Cornus spp.) and tree (e.g., Acer and lateral stream channel migration within the flood- spp., Nyssa sylvatica) species will dominate the riparian plain (Healy et al., 2003). A greater frequency of depo- zone underlain by permeable soils with temporarily to sitional bars and other landforms that could support seasonally flooded or saturated soil conditions. pioneer plant species (e.g., Salix, Populus spp.) would also be expected to form (Shafroth et al., 2002). A primary concern of stream restoration practitioners is the fate of the impoundment area after dam removal Following dam removal, seed dispersal via stream flow and potential invasion of non-native plants. See Orr may help to restore native plants in the downstream and Koenig (2006) for a case study of non-native and riparian zone (Jansson et al., 2000). For dams that in- native plant establishment after removal of two low- crease groundwater elevations, wetlands that form lo- head dams. In places with nutrient-rich soils, weedy cally both downstream and along impoundment mar- plants are typically the early colonizers, produce seeds gins by lateral seepage around a dam may be affected at high rates, have effective dispersal mechanisms, and by lowering of the groundwater table. A lowering of are invasive, non-native species. the water table may result in the loss or conversion of wetlands that had been sustained by seasonally to Soils with high levels of micronutrients or metals may permanently saturated soils (ICF, 2005), but any con- support only nuisance plant species tolerant of these versions would be expected to be localized, and are contaminants. Non-native species may out-compete na- frequently offset by new wetland formation elsewhere tive riparian vegetation by rapidly colonizing exposed (i.e., along the new stream margin upstream of the sediments, if the exotic species already existed in the removed barrier). impoundment. Other modes of dispersal include seeds transported by stream flows from upstream parent Monitoring Parameters for stock, carried in by animals (e.g, Lythrum salicaria, Wetland Riparian Habitat Elaeagnus angustifolia), or dispersed by wind (e.g., The Wetland and Riparian Habitat Topic Team at the Phragmites australis). June 2006 workshop identified the following monitor- ing parameters as most important to assess the re- Riparian plant diversity is expected to be lower with sponse of vegetation to stream barrier removal: a well-established and dominant invasive plant cover. • Riparian plant community structure* Hydrologic conditions at the site and the species’ • Invasive plant species monitoring flood tolerance will dictate the limits and vigor of the • Restoration planting survival invasive species cover in the riparian zone. Once es- • Plant condition assessment tablished, a healthy invasive plant cover may modify • Groundwater elevations microhabitat conditions in ways that are likely to in- hibit or prevent natural plant community succession Riparian plant community structure*: Of the param- in riparian zones. To combat potential invasions with eters discussed by the Wetland and Riparian Habitat planned dam removals, restoration practitioners often Topic Team, plant community structure was the only prepare plans including seeding and/or planting of na- one recommended as a critical monitoring parameter. tive species and other practices such as use of geo-fab- Repeated plant community assessments at permanent rics to help expedite growth of a desired riparian zone stream/riparian cross-sections at both the barrier re- vegetation cover. moval site and upstream or nearby reference reaches will reveal changes in species percent cover, plant Downstream Effects composition, and community succession attributed to Removal of storage reservoir dams results in an in- the barrier removal. Riparian plant community moni- crease in downstream flooding and sediment transport. toring will help explain changes in ecological func- Sediment transport is also often increased after remov- tions associated with restoring the riparian zone, such ing low-head, run-of-river dams. Downstream flood- as wildlife habitat quality and plant material export plain communities may be altered as floods remove or to the stream. See riparian plant community structure bury vegetation in downstream habitats lacking regu- method (Section IV.B.6). lar flooding. Subsequently, riparian habitats dominated by flood-tolerant species will re-establish on the newly deposited barren soils. Restoring sediment transport * Indicates critical monitoring parameter

14 Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 /streambarrierremoval Scientific Context of Stream Barrier Removal

sites that have been planted (e.g., plugs, containerized stock, or bare root), annual moni- toring should include the percentage of dead, stressed, or surviving plants out of the total number of plantings of each species. Woody plantings should be mapped/tagged or de- picted on the restora- James Turek / NOAA James Turek tion-planting plan be- cause often many plant- Invasive plant species monitoring: Although invasive ings do not survive and might be difficult to locate. species monitoring was not recommended as a criti- Dormant material such as livestakes or wattles (typi- cal monitoring parameter, the Wetland and Riparian cally willows, Salix spp.) should be monitored for at Habitat Topic Team identified invasive plants as a least the first full growing season (e.g., percent survival significant management concern at barrier removal for stakes or posts; percent cover for wattles). Natural sites. Depending on the objectives, budget, number regeneration of trees and shrubs also will occur, poten- of monitoring staff, and study period associated with tially leading to artificially high estimates of survival if the project, monitoring methods may be considered to plantings are not mapped/tagged (Pollack et al., 2005). document the extent of any non-native, invasive spe- If an entire planted area is not assessed, care should be cies. While monitoring of sampling plots may provide taken to document the location and area of the moni- adequate information about the relative percent cover tored sub-area. This information may be used in rec- and frequency of invasive plants, it may be desirable ommending plant species to be replaced or other na- also to record stem density per unit area at a site. This tive species as substitutes in the replanting, especially is particularly true in dense patches or near monotypic if a warranty has been secured with a landscaper/plant stands of plants. Delineation and mapping of the spa- nursery supplier contract for the restoration project. tial limits of exotic plants (e.g., common reed, Phrag- mites australis; purple loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria; Plant condition assessment: Plant condition, particu- reed canary grass, Phalaris arundinacea; Japanese knot- larly of exotic plants, can be described by measuring weed, Fallopia japonica) can show the extent of the plant height of a representative number of plants invasion of the project area over time. (e.g., 10) within each sample plot, as well as recording whether each randomly selected plant is flowering or Physical disturbance in riparian areas can result in in- has fruit as an indicator of successful seed production. creased proportions of invasive species. For this reason, Documenting the amount of grazing by herbivores special attention should be paid to all disturbed areas (e.g., beaver, deer) and impacts of insect pests is another including the dewatered impoundment area, border- suggested practice. ing vegetation, and construction areas. The limits of the invasive plant cover should be recorded via GPS Groundwater elevation monitoring: Barrier removal and depicted on a site map or aerial photo. For broad often results in dewatering or lowering of surface wa- project sites or long stream reaches, an alternative ter impoundments and will influence riparian ground- method—using a scaled series of annual color or infra- water elevations. If time and budget allow, ground- red aerial photographs complemented by limited field water monitoring may be conducted to help define groundtruthing—should be considered for mapping changes in sub-surface hydrology influencing riparian invasive plants. community development at barrier removal sites. This monitoring requires installation of multiple monitor- Restoration planting survival: Some barrier removal ing wells at both barrier removal and reference sites, projects may include installing plantings, cuttings, and effort to monitor groundwater elevations over and seeds of native plants to expedite the restoration multiple seasons. of bare riparian soils. For barrier removal restoration /streambarrierremoval Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 15 Scientific Context of Stream Barrier Removal

C. Instream Habitat

Introduction Removing river barriers results in changes to chemical, physical, and biological pro- cesses that, in turn, influence instream habitat conditions (Hart et al., 2002). These changes can cascade throughout all compo- nents of instream habitat, influencing habi- tat structure, water quality, and biotic as- semblages. This section briefly summarizes 1) how stream barriers influence instream habitat; 2) how instream habitat responds when a stream barrier is removed; and 3) important parameters to monitor to docu- ment changes in instream habitat as a result

of barrier removal. NOAA Dam removal site in New Hampshire showing remaining left-bank abutment. Effects of Barriers on Instream Habitat trated flow patterns. This debris also enhances plant Habitat Structure and wildlife habitat diversity. Barriers impound water and may result in a shift from a riverine habitat to a lacustrine, or lake-like, habitat. Some stream barriers create tidal restrictions, which The alteration of hydrologic regime and the changes may exclude the daily tidal exchange or allow a muted in sediment transport caused by river barriers may tide to progress past the barrier. In both instances, the change the quality and distribution of instream habitat impacts of tidal barriers are complex and often result types such as riffles, runs, and pools. Riffles are com- in a shift from estuarine habitats to freshwater habitats posed of cobbles and gravel, and typically they are free with a corresponding shift in species composition. from finer-grained material. These shallow, high-veloc- ity environments are well aerated, provide important Water Chemistry habitat for spawning, and serve as critical nurseries for Barriers influence water chemistry by trapping nutri- fish eggs. Pools are found between riffles, and they are ents and sediment and by changing water temperature characterized by smoother bottoms, deeper water, and and dissolved oxygen concentrations. Impoundments lower flow velocities than riffles. in urban, suburban, or agricultural areas may develop high nutrient concentrations as a consequence of Pools provide important refugia and rearing habitat receiving nutrient-rich runoff. These nutrients may for multiple age classes of fish species during high- result in increased macrophyte and algae growth, po- water events and low-flow conditions. Riffle and pool tentially at nuisance levels. complexes also incorporate runs of swift-moving water between each complex, which provide habitat for fish Because the microorganisms that decompose dying and other biota. These habitats, and the organisms macrophytes and algae consume dissolved oxygen, ele- that depend on them, may be eliminated by a stream vated nutrient concentrations can lead to low dissolved barrier’s impoundment. oxygen concentrations in impoundments, particularly at depth. Also, impoundments may have higher tem- Stream barriers also reduce large woody debris recruit- peratures than free-flowing river reaches upstream and ment from upstream sources. Large woody debris is an downstream. Elevated temperature may further reduce important contributor to instream habitat complexity dissolved oxygen concentrations. Increased water tem- and diversity, including the formation of mid-channel peratures and decreased oxygen concentrations can bars and islands (Abbe and Montgomery, 1996). Large prevent sensitive species such as trout and many inver- woody debris enhances microhabitat diversity and tebrates from using the pond habitat. surface roughness in floodplains and riparian zones, thereby encouraging flow dissipation versus concen- Sediment and sediment-bound toxic contaminants car-

16 Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 /streambarrierremoval Scientific Context of Stream Barrier Removal

ried by rivers may settle in impoundments as water the physical stream structure are further described in velocities slow. Modern and legacy industrial pollution Section III.A. have contributed persistent contaminants (i.e., con- taminants that do not break down easily) to surface Stream barrier removal effects on water chemistry vary and ground waters, and the contaminants may bioac- from site to site depending on geomorphic and hydro- cumulate in intermediate to higher trophic organisms logic factors (e.g. Doyle et al., 2003; Gergel et al., 2005). (Hart et al., 2002). These bioaccumulative contaminants Barrier removal may increase dissolved oxygen in the include but are not limited to DDT, PCBs, mercury, formerly impounded reach, reduce water temperature, and dioxins. Contaminated sediments may adversely release stored nutrients from the impoundment, and/or impact aquatic ecological resources or humans who release fine sediments to downstream reaches. Prior to consume these resources. barrier removal, the nutrients in an impounded reach are stored in the sediments (Ahearn et al., 2005). Benthic Communities Changes in habitat structure and water chemistry may After the barrier is removed, and the upstream sedi- result in a shift in macroinvertebrate communities (e.g., ments are available for transport, the nutrients may be aquatic insects, clams, mussels, worms, snails). Com- mobilized. The extent to which nutrients are mobilized munities of macroinvertebrates upstream of a barrier and transported may depend on geomorphic changes may resemble those of lake-like environments. Macro- at the site. For example, Ahearn et al. (2005) found that invertebrates are important components of most fresh- removing a small dam on Murphy Creek in water riverine ecosystems, functioning as a link be- resulted in increases in sediment and nitrogen export tween primary producers (algae), nutrient inputs such from the recovering reach. In contrast, Velinsky et as leaves and woody debris, and tertiary consumers al. (2006) found that removing a small dam in south- (fish) (Resh, 1995). Mussels are among the least mobile eastern Pennsylvania had no significant effects on macroinvertebrates in stream systems and therefore upstream or downstream water chemistry, including may be affected most strongly by habitat changes. nutrients and dissolved oxygen concentrations.

The physical changes caused by a stream barrier, par- Stream barrier removal projects can affect water ticularly when an impoundment is created, provides chemistry through the mobilization of accumulated a change in habitat conditions that sometimes favors sediments and sediment-bound contaminants to down- freshwater mussels. Upon dam removal, however, stream aquatic environments. Post-dam removal sedi- freshwater mussels are vulnerable, particularly during ment mobilization can increase the downstream occur- the dewatering period. Furthermore, if any impounded rence of fine-grained sediments, which can smother sediments are released downstream when a dam is re- important spawning grounds, fill pools, and decrease moved, the sediments may affect downstream habitats water clarity. Before dam removal occurs, it is common of mussels and other macroinvertebrates. to conduct a grain size analysis to determine sediment size and sediment mobility. Testing for the presence Response of Instream Habitat of pollutants is also common. This Monitoring Guide to Barrier Removal does not specifically recommend monitoring the toxic- ity of impounded sediments. However, sediment toxic- Small barriers are the chief focus of removal efforts ity testing may fall under regulatory requirements for in the Gulf of Maine watershed. Little information ex- projects that occur in some jurisdictions. The project ists on the ecological impacts of these smaller and/or manager should contact federal, provincial/state, and partial removals. The primary goal of most barrier municipal regulatory authorities for advice on how to removal projects is to increase fish passage. The rapid proceed. achievement of this goal has been documented in high-profile scientific studies and confirmed by many Barrier removal may affect benthic organisms that in anecdotal reports (O’Donnell et al., 2001). However, less turn provide food for other organisms. Macroinverte- is known about the responses of other instream habitat brates are used frequently by researchers and manag- components to barrier removal projects and the impli- ers to document changes in community composition cations for other aquatic organisms. and habitat type (Casper et al., 2001; Collier and Quinn, 2003; Doyle et al., 2005; Kanehl et al., 1997). The ability Barrier removal is expected to result in reestablish- of many aquatic macroinvertebrate taxa to opportu- ment of riverine habitats upstream of the barrier. Up- nistically recolonize areas of previously unavailable stream and downstream impacts of barrier removal on /streambarrierremoval Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 17 Scientific Context of Stream Barrier Removal

habitat is made possible by short life cycles (~1 year) Macroinvertebrates*: Surveys of macroinvertebrates coupled with mobile terrestrial adult phases. Macroin- are used by many organizations to indicate the health vertebrate populations are expected to shift from lake of freshwater riverine ecosystems. In 1995, the U.S. EPA or pond species to riverine species over time frames of reported that 41 out of 50 states had biological assess- days to years upstream of the barrier removal (Bushaw- ment programs in place and that macroinvertebrates Newton et al, 2002). Benthic communities downstream were the most commonly utilized assemblage (U.S. of the barrier removal site may be affected as well. EPA, 2002). Each state and province bordering the Gulf Thomson et al. (2005) found that macroinvertebrate of Maine has its own specific macroinvertebrate assess- density and algal biomass declined downstream of a ment protocol. Therefore, this Monitoring Guide does dam during 12 months of sampling after removal. This not recommend a particular methodology but rather was attributed to increased fine sediment transport advocates using the protocol that is recommended by from the restored reach. The authors hypothesized that the project’s regulatory authority. over time the downstream benthic communities would recover to resemble upstream communities. In gen- Water quality*: Water quality is an important com- eral, recovery processes should be expected to vary in ponent of instream habitat that should be considered length of time and magnitude of community change. when removing stream barriers. Depending on project specifics, the following water quality parameters may Freshwater bivalves may be particularly affected by be important for barrier removal projects: tempera- barrier removal. A study of a dam removal project on ture, dissolved oxygen, total suspended solids, pH, the Koshkonong Creek in documented up- salinity, conductivity, nutrients, chlorophyll a, carbon, stream and downstream impacts to freshwater bivalves pathogens, and contaminants. Of these parameters, (Sethi et al., 2004). The study documented 95% mortali- temperature, dissolved oxygen, and conductivity are ty of mussels in the former impoundment due to desic- the recommended critical monitoring parameters. See cation and exposure (Sethi et al., 2004, cited in Nedeau, water quality method (Section IV.B.5). 2006). The study also reported that a downstream in- crease of silt and sand from the former impoundment Photo stations*: A properly executed and documented resulted in decline of mussel densities and extirpation photo record can be an invaluable resource for project of rare mussel species. Efforts to relocate mussels dur- proponents, regulatory authorities, and outreach and ing the removal in 1999 successfully res- education. The monumented cross-section-based moni- cued 607 tidewater muckets and 16 yellow lampmus- toring framework of this Monitoring Guide will pro- sels, both of which are listed by every New England vide the spatial and temporal basis for a detailed and state as threatened or endangered (Nedeau, 2006). robust photo record. An accurate photo record should, at a minimum, start the year preceding implementa- Monitoring Parameters tion and continue through years 1, 2, and 5 after the for Instream Habitat project has been completed. See photo stations method Techniques to assess instream habitat either 1) quantify (Section IV.B.4). specific physical instream habitat components (e.g., stream bed cross-sections or grain size distribution) or The cross-sections, longitudinal profile, and grain size 2) use indicators to assess overall instream habitat qual- distribution can provide quantitative information on ity (e.g., macroinvertebrates). This Monitoring Guide habitat types, including pool depth, habitat unit length, recommends using both quantitative measurements and critical grade control points (see Section III.A for and ecosystem indicators to assess instream habitat. further discussion of these three critical monitoring pa- rameters). Qualitative habitat information can also be The following parameters were identified by the In- gleaned from certain quantitative monitoring param- stream Habitat Topic Team at the June 2006 workshop eters. For example, cross-section survey notes should as most important for assessing the response of in- include qualitative descriptions of bank conditions, bed stream habitat to stream barrier removal: substrate, large woody debris occurrences, and vegeta- • Macroinvertebrates* tion type. • Water quality* • Photo stations* • Longitudinal profiles* • Monumented cross-sections* • Grain size distribution* * Indicates critical monitoring parameter

18 Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 /streambarrierremoval Scientific Context of Stream Barrier Removal

D. Fish Passage

Introduction Since European settlement, dams have contributed to the decline of diadromous fish species in the Gulf of Maine region. To protect annual harvests, colonial laws were enacted to counter the detrimental effects of blocking fish from spawn- ing habitat (Trefts, 2006). Many of the earliest dams still remain, some having been rebuilt multiple times for different purposes. The long history of industrial, commercial, and residential development in the region has meant that road and rail stream crossings are also ubiquitous. Mas- sachusetts alone has an estimated 3,000 dams, along with an estimated 30,000 culverts and bridges associated with road and rail crossings, according to the state’s Geographic Information System database.

It is not known what percentage of exist- ing road and rail crossings create barriers to fish movement. It is known that many of these bridges and culverts do not New Hampshire Coastal Program Coastal Hampshire New fully span the stream’s full width, have perched outlets, are constructed with high longitudinal slopes, and otherwise present veloc- herring (Alosa aestivalis), American and hickory shad ity or elevation barriers to fish migrating upstream. As (Alosa sapidissima and A. mediocris), Atlantic sturgeon barrier removal becomes a prevalent practice for fish- (Acipenser oxyrhynchus), sea lamprey (Petromyzon ery enhancement, there is a greater need to quantify marinus), and rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) have the impacts of these efforts. Measuring the success of suffered dramatic population declines. Also in decline these restoration projects has been challenging in part is the once-abundant American eel (Anguilla rostrata), because of a lack of established, systematic monitoring a catadromous species. Inability of fish to reach historic protocols. spawning habitat may contribute to these declines.

This section briefly summarizes: 1) how stream barri- Complete barriers to passage have obvious implica- ers affect fish passage; 2) fish passage response when a tions for fish migration, but partial passage barriers stream barrier is removed; and 3) important monitor- and poorly constructed or failing fish ladders also can ing parameters to assess fish passage. have deleterious effects. Fish ladders that are poorly designed, in disrepair, or not managed properly can be significant barriers to passage. In some cases, fish lad- Effects of Barriers on Fish Passage ders may be temporal barriers for weak-swimming fish Dams, dikes, perched culverts, and other stream barri- or for different age classes of fish at certain flows or ers have the potential to limit or completely restrict ac- tides. Dams with fish ladders that do not have adequate cess to spawning habitat and other habitats for various provision for juvenile out-migration can reduce popu- life stages of native resident species and anadromous lation viability. Dams that are partially breached can al- species. Many watersheds in the Gulf of Maine no lon- low strong-swimming fish to pass but not allow weaker ger sustain runs of anadromous fish. Atlantic salmon fish, or fish of different age classes, to pass. Perched (Salmon salar) were extirpated from most of the U.S. culverts and undersized culverts, although considered east coast by the early 1800s. Other anadromous fish in- hydraulically adequate under certain flows, can be as cluding alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) and blueback problematic to upstream fish migration as dams. /streambarrierremoval Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 19 Scientific Context of Stream Barrier Removal

Fish Passage Response After region indicated that the swimming abilities of Gulf Barrier Removal of Maine diadromous fish are not well understood and Fish monitoring has been an integral part of some that because of our lack of understanding of fish capa- Gulf of Maine barrier removal projects. The removal bilities, this approach would not confirm whether fish of the Edwards Dam in Maine and the Billington Street passage had been restored at a barrier removal site. Dam in Massachusetts both included fish monitoring. Consequently, it was not selected as a critical monitor- Fish movement response to barrier removal has been ing parameter. researched, and findings show that improvement is immediate and significant. If a dam or barrier is prop- Direct fish measurement*: Our recommended ap- erly and fully removed, and natural stream hydraulic proach is the direct measurement of fish movement and geomorphic conditions are restored, natural fish to determine whether the barrier removal project migration patterns are likely to return during the sub- has been successful at restoring fish passage. This ap- sequent migratory period. Removal of a small dam at proach assumes that a project has been effective if fish, Town Brook in Plymouth, Massachusetts, resulted in previously known to be restricted below the barrier, are more than 95% passage efficiency of alewife through documented above the barrier removal site. the restored river reach with concomitant median tran- sit times of less than 20 minutes (Haro, personal com- There are, however, several difficulties in recommend- munication 2007). ing the direct measurement of fish movement at a bar- rier removal site: Improved fish movement has been observed in the Gulf of Maine region for non-anadromous fish species • High diversity of diadromous fish in the Gulf following barrier removal. Migrations of native species, of Maine: The 10 species of diadromous fish such as brook trout and white sucker, typically are re- within the Gulf of Maine each have specific life stored following barrier removal. history strategies, migration periods, and habitat utilization preferences. Monitoring Parameters for Fish Passage • Diadromous fish populations may be small or not yet restored making presence or absence Many different fish sampling or monitoring techniques determinations difficult. have been developed for streams, and state and provin- • Stream barrier removal projects present unique cial agencies have adopted a variety of them. Monitor- site-specific conditions: The scope of this ing methods to assess fish passage through a reach Monitoring Guide includes all types of stream where a barrier has been removed are of two general barriers in the Gulf of Maine watershed, which types: measurement of physical stream characteristics occur in many habitat types. or measurement of fish movement. • Required expertise: Measurement of fish movement requires advanced expertise, specific Measurement of physical stream characteristics: This equipment, and substantial personnel and financial approach uses physical stream characteristics such resources. as water depth, water velocity, and the presence or absence of any abrupt changes in bed elevation as a Given the variability of fish species affected by stream surrogate for fish passage and assumes that if physi- barriers, the variability of site-specific conditions, re- cal stream characteristics fall within a predetermined duced population size of some target species, and the range, then fish will be able to pass. If a culvert has expertise required to conduct fish assessments, recom- been replaced, then additional assessment components mending one fish passage method for all sites is not may include culvert length, height of any inlet or out- possible. We recommend that project proponents work let drops, and pitch of the culvert. with jurisdictional authorities to develop direct fish as- sessment methods that are appropriate for their barrier An example of this approach is FishXing, a U.S. Forest removal project. Service software product used by engineers, hydrolo- gists, and fish biologists to evaluate and design culverts for fish passage. FishXing compares known fish swim- ming abilities with culvert measurements and physical stream characteristics to model hydraulic properties of a crossing to evaluate fish passage (USFWS, 2005). The community of expert fisheries scientists in our * Indicates critical monitoring parameter

20 Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 /streambarrierremoval Mathias Collins / NOAA Restoration Center NOAA Scientific Context ofStream BarrierRemoval /streambarrierremoval

Karla Garcia / NOAA Restoration Center Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007

21 A stream swollen by a recent rainstorm. © Peter H. Taylor / Waterview Consulting Grace Levergood / NHDES Levergood Grace Measuring elevation and distance on a transect.

IV. Methods for the Critical Monitoring Parameters

A. Study Design The eight critical monitoring parameters are designed In addition to the cross-section-based spatial and tem- to be used together as a monitoring framework. Monu- poral monitoring framework, this Monitoring Guide mented cross-sections, the skeleton of this framework, employs a Before-After (BA) study design that requires are permanently established and georeferenced. Sev- an assessment of pre-project and post-project condi- eral of the critical monitoring parameters—grain size tions (Kocher and Harris, 2005). A BA design can be distribution, photo stations, water quality, and riparian improved by including a control site so that environ- plant community structure—should be evaluated at mental conditions (natural and otherwise) affecting the monumented cross-sections (Table 1). This study both sites can be accounted for when evaluating the design allows for spatial and temporal consistency for restoration. Such a design is called a Before-After-Con- long-term monitoring. Adequate consideration must be trol-Impact (BACI) design. Where practical, the Steer- given to choosing the cross-section locations because, ing Committee encourages the use of a control site. once set, they should not be changed. However, this Monitoring Guide does not require it for two reasons: (1) project evaluation will be twice as cost- Before cross-sections are established, the monitoring ly, and (2) the uppermost monumented cross-section reach must be determined. The monitoring reach is should be upstream of the project’s zone of influence, delineated into three segments: reference reach (up- hence serving as a de facto control site, though not an stream), impoundment, and downstream reach. Once entire control reach. the monitoring reach is defined, we recommend that the longitudinal profile be conducted to facilitate mon- A written monitoring plan, a summary of accom- umented cross-section placement. General site recon- plished work, and a schedule of anticipated work are naissance and review of remote sensing data are also recommended to provide project partners and data very useful for choosing cross-section locations. users with a clear account and detailed description of /streambarrierremoval Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 23 Methods for the Critical Monitoring Parameters Karla Garcia / NOAA Restoration Center Restoration / NOAA Karla Garcia Conducting monitoring for a stream barrier removal project.

monitoring that has taken place and the direction of future efforts. We recommend that practitioners lever- age field opportunities to optimize the effort and re- sources employed. For instance, certain parameters can be assessed on the same field day, such as water quality and macroinvertebrates, or photo stations and riparian plant community structure.

Two or more persons should be dedicated to each monitoring team to help complete the data collection expeditiously and facilitate quality assurance. If pos- sible, at least one person should be involved through- out the monitoring period to ensure consistency and uniformity in implementing the monitoring methods. The monitoring team also should designate someone who will be responsible for compiling and retaining the field data.

24 Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 /streambarrierremoval Methods for the Critical Monitoring Parameters








Monumented cross-sections are a key element of the standardized Forested wetland methods recommended in this Monitoring Guide. This figure shows M Monument some possible locations of monumented cross-sections at a hypo- Shrub and sapling Cross-section thetical barrier removal site. Figure not to scale. wetland /streambarrierremoval Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 25 Methods for the Critical Monitoring Parameters - - - - - Sampling Frequency in the year should be conducted Monitoring of im In the case barrier removal. preceding should assessments poundments, pre-removal Resurveys with drawdown. be coordinated at for other year or every annually should occur years. five least resurveyed should be Longitudinal profiles as the cross-section at the same frequency surveys. at the size sampling should be conducted Grain surveys, as the cross-section same frequency conditions. during wading-depth stream should include both leaf Photo-monitoring preceding in the year out and full vegetation monitoring photo Post-restoration restoration. 1, 2, and 5. years for is recommended re prior to one year should occur Monitoring All years. five for thereafter and annually moval eight weeks for weekly should be collected data If macroinver and September. during August water- not being collected, are data tebrate from weekly should be collected quality data continuous or through October June through monitoring. during best is conducted monitoring Vegetation season. plant growing the peak of vascular U.S., this period is generally In the northeastern mon Vegetation 31. August and 15 July between should include a minimum of one year itoring of post-res years and three of pre-restoration post-restoration sampling. Preferably, toration period, a longer over is conducted monitoring 5 years. 3 to every such as once - - - Monitoring Design Monitoring will depend on of cross-sections The number and location should conditions. At a minimum, cross-sections site-specific of the and downstream upstream immediately be established of the barrier, at bridges, in the impoundment, and upstream monu Permanent geo-referenced impoundment influence. endpoints. at cross-section be established ments must bed at important the thalweg along readings elevation Take using the baseline. In addition measuring distances features, being of features details note and elevations, distances to at each bed-elevation elevations and water-surface measured measurement. by fine sediments, each sample dominated In cross-sections labora sediments for of surface 1 liter point should contain a pebble by gravel, dominated In cross-sections analysis. tory should be performed. count or bearings should be described as distances stations Photo endpoints or points such as cross-section other known from other permanent landmarks. cross-sections monumented a minimum of three Select of the impoundment quality: upstream water evaluate to part of impoundment; and immediately deepest influence; informa site record Properly of the barrier. downstream purposes of resurveying. for tion, including GPS coordinates, and record equipment. Collect and calibrate test, Prepare, information. and site data water-quality at permanent sampling plots plant community Monitor and within an unaltered site within the restoration established at each site, transects three Select site. reference upstream permanent three Establish the streambank. perpendicular to vegetation to according each transect along sampling plots layer. and tree shrub/sapling layer, layer, types: herbaceous - ) quadrat, identify each species, ) quadrat, 2 (10.8 ft 2 Description at permanently geometry measured Cross-section recorded distances Horizontal transects. monumented of hundredths to (0.1 ft) and elevations of feet tenths to (0.01 ft). feet conjunction with in measured Longitudinal profile distances Horizontal cross-sections. monumented to (0.1 ft) and elevations of feet the tenths to recorded (0.01 ft). of feet hundredths character size distributions grain surface Streambed at sediment samples and analyzing ized by collecting cross-sections. monumented of ecosystem a variety capture Repeat photographs response. document stream and visually conditions +/- 0.2°C +/- 0.2°C. Accuracy: Precision: is greater. +/- 2% or 0.2 mg/L, whichever Precision: or 0.2 saturation +/- 2% of initial calibration Accuracy: is greater mg/L, whichever a standard +/- 5% against +/- 5%. Accuracy: Precision: solution Using 1-m for and number of stems cover species percent record than 3 ft species less and all emergent all non-woody plants. Identify floating or submerged (0.9 m) tall. identify species and Within a 5-m (16.4 ft) radius, plants stemmed of all woody cover percent record with height 3–20 ft (0.9–6.1 m) and DBH 0.4–5.0 inches shrubs. number of dead standing (1–12.7 cm). Note identify species and Within a 9-m (29.5 ft) radius, plant with height of each woody basal area calculate than 5 than 20 ft (6.1 m) and DBH greater greater trees. number of dead standing inches (12.7 cm). Note Variables Elevations and distances Elevations and distances Distributions of sediment size classes N/A Temperature Dissolved oxygen Conductivity Herbaceous layer Shrub and sapling layer layer Tree additional guidance. for see Section IV.B.7 Please macroinvertebrates. plan for a monitoring develop jurisdictional authorities to with regulatory work proponents that project Recommend for guidance. see Section IV.B.8 Please fish passage. plan for a monitoring develop jurisdictional authorities to with regulatory work proponents that project Recommend Summary of the critical monitoring parameters. monitoring Summary of the critical

Parameter Monumented cross-sections Longitudinal profile size Grain distribution stations Photo quality Water Riparian plant community structure Macro- invertebrates Fish passage Table 2. Table

26 Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 /streambarrierremoval Methods for the Critical Monitoring Parameters B. Monitoring Methods

1. Monumented Cross-sections

Purpose Minimum Equipment This section describes how to establish and survey q Automatic level (surveyor’s level) or laser level permanent (i.e., monumented) stream cross-sections for long-term monitoring. It identifies the equipment q Leveling rod in English (to tenths and hundredths) or metric units, preferably 25-foot length needed, describes the basic protocol, discusses the fre- quency with which the cross-sections should be re-sur- q Measuring tape in same units (300 ft or 100 m) veyed, and presents some site-specific considerations. q Field book with waterproof paper This section does not provide detailed instruction on q Data sheets (see Appendix E) basic surveying techniques, such as conducting a level q Pencil survey. For a more complete treatment of stream sur- q Permanent marker veying techniques, see Harrelson et al. (1994). q Two-way radios q Topographic maps and/or aerial photographs Monitoring Design q Chaining pins Sampling Protocol q Flagging tape 1. Define the monitoring reach. q Machete Defining the length of the stream monitoring reach is q Wood survey stakes the first step in conducting cross-section surveys. Up- stream of the barrier, the monitoring reach should, at q 4 ft (1.2 m) steel rebar stakes a minimum, include the length of the impoundment q Hacksaw and a representative portion of undisturbed reach up- q Small sledge or mallet stream of the barrier (e.g., a reach length of approxi- q Spring clamps mately 10 channel widths). The downstream monitor- q GPS ing reach is less easily defined because the length of q Compass reach physically impacted by the barrier, and/or its removal, is not generally known precisely beforehand.

M M M M M M M Karla Garcia / NOAA Restoration Center Restoration / NOAA Karla Garcia Installing a monument.

Monument M Cross-section

Impoundment Figure 1. At minimum, monumented cross-sections should be Reference established immediately up- reach Downstream reach stream and downstream of a stream barrier, at bridges, in the impoundment, and up- stream and out of the influ- ence of the impoundment. The number and location of cross sections will depend on site- specific conditions. Figure not M M M M M M M to scale. /streambarrierremoval Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 27 Methods for the Critical Monitoring Parameters

This length can be estimated, or the downstream limits survey suppliers and use different colors to distinguish can be identified based on other project considerations different cross-sections (Harrelson et al., 1994). Be sure such as downstream habitats of concern, infrastructure, to note the color associations in the field book. The or locations of hydraulic or geomorphic controls such cross-sections should be straight and perpendicular to as bridges, outcrops, or knickpoints. the bankfull flow direction, and they should extend across the floodplain/riparian zone to the first terrace 2. Determine number and location of cross-sections. or as far as practicable. Once the length of the monitoring reach has been identified, the monitoring team must determine the To facilitate locating each cross-section for future number of cross-sections needed to adequately repre- surveys, establish the horizontal position of the monu- sent that reach. The most easily identifiable locations ments via GPS and one other method. You can fix the are those areas where infrastructure in the floodplain position of monuments by taking a bearing and mea- is likely to be impacted by the project. For example, sured distance to the benchmark (see step 4 below), or cross-sections should be established immediately up- by triangulating between the monument, benchmark, stream and downstream of the barrier and at bridges and another permanent feature on site (e.g., large, within the identified project reach. There also should healthy tree or bedrock outcrop) (Harrelson et al., 1994; be cross-sections representing the impoundment (see Miller and Leopold, 1961). If the benchmark is not vis- Site Specific Considerations below), at least one in the ible from a given cross-section, triangulate with two undisturbed reach upstream of the impoundment, and permanent features. The GPS coordinates of each mon- at any locations judged to be sensitive to disturbance ument will facilitate mapping the cross-section loca- or of high habitat value. The engineering and geomor- tions in GIS. Once located, depict the cross-sections on phic analyses used to plan the barrier removal should a scaled map or aerial photograph of the project area. be consulted to identify critical locations. If present in the monitoring reach, cross-sections should be estab- 4. Locate or establish the benchmark. lished at existing, monumented cross-sections and/or Once the cross-sections have been established, you stream gage locations (Figure 1). must either locate, or establish, a local benchmark for the site. This is a permanent marker of known, or as- The choice of other cross-section locations should sumed, elevation that functions as survey control and be based on the number of physically homogeneous the survey starting point. The U.S. Geological Survey stream reaches within the monitoring reach—those (USGS) and other entities historically involved in de- with similar slopes, bed and bank material, floodplain/ veloping geodetic control networks have benchmarks terrace sequences, riparian vegetation, and channel- throughout the country. If one is available at your site, forming processes (Simon and Castro, 2003). For exam- use it. They are typically found on stable site features ple, the number of cross-sections representing pools, such as bedrock outcrops; the tops of large, embedded riffles, meander bends, straight reaches, and flow di- boulders; and bridges. vergence should closely approximate their proportion in the entire monitoring reach. Identification of these In the event that a USGS or other geodetic control sub-reaches or cross-section types should begin with a benchmark is not present in reasonable proximity to pre-field inspection of available topographic maps, aer- the project area, you will need to create a local, or proj- ial photographs, surficial/bedrock geology maps, soil ect, benchmark. This offers the opportunity to establish surveys, and other relevant information. In addition to it in a location that is advantageous for the survey; subsequent field inspection, you may want to perform that is, locate it at a point relatively high on the site and plot a longitudinal profile to use in selecting cross- and visible from most, or at least many, of the perma- section locations (see section IV.B.2). Reviewing these nent cross-sections. You can do so by driving a rebar data will be valuable for identifying reaches with simi- stake 3 or 4 feet into the ground, chiseling a mark in lar physical characteristics and dominant processes. an outcrop feature or stable boulder, or other means described by Harrelson et al. (1994). Be sure to describe 3. Locate and establish the cross-section monuments. its location in the field book and establish its coordi- At each cross section, establish the permanent mark- nates with GPS. Always record the horizontal datum ers for both endpoints by driving a ½-inch-diameter, employed by the GPS (e.g., NAD 83). If you establish a 4-foot rebar stake either flush with the ground or ½ benchmark, it is conventional to assign it an arbitrary inch above the surface. You may want to cover the tops elevation of 100 feet. Alternatively, the benchmark can of the stakes with colored plastic caps available from be tied into an established vertical datum (e.g., NAVD

28 Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 /streambarrierremoval Methods for the Critical Monitoring Parameters

Figure 2. Basic channel and valley features of an unimpacted (reference) stream reach. Note that some features, such as the bankfull elevation, will not be identifiable in the impacted project reach or in all reference reaches.

88) or referenced to mean sea level for projects in areas (left bank is referenced as the left bank looking in the subject to tidal influence. The horizontal and vertical downstream direction). A third person dedicated to re- datums used for the cross-sections should be used also cording all readings and descriptions in the field book for the longitudinal profile. is recommended and will be necessary for surveying the impoundment with a boat (see Site Specific Consid- 5. Set-up the survey instrument and tape. erations below). One advantage of using a laser level is If possible, set up the survey level in a location from that one person can execute the cross-section survey (or which the local benchmark and all points of one or two for impoundment surveys). more cross-sections are visible. Though one or more cross-sections might be shot from one instrument sta- 6. Survey the cross-section. tion, to complete all cross-sections for your site you Begin with a rod reading on the benchmark. This may need to set up two or more instrument stations. “backsight” will be added to the elevation of the bench- From each new instrument station you will need to mark to establish the “height of instrument” (HI). All take backsights on the benchmark (see below), if it is “foresights” on cross-section locations will be subtract- visible, or from turning points if it is not (Harrelson et ed from the HI to obtain the elevation of those points al., 1994). A machete can be useful to trim low-hanging (Harrelson et al., 1994). The first foresight will be taken branches or other vegetation and decrease the number at the left bank monument. From there, take read- of times you need to move the instrument, but you ings at all breaks in slope and especially at significant should avoid cutting large amounts of vegetation for geomorphic features as you make your way across the this purpose to minimize property and habitat impacts. valley (e.g., bankfull, bank top, bank toe, bar tops, edge At each cross-section, stretch a tape as taut as possible of water, thalweg), describing each feature in the notes between the monuments. It can be attached to the for the respective reading (Figure 2). Capture features monument itself with spring clamps, to a shorter re- such as woody debris and bank-failure deposits, and re- bar stake driven next to the monument with 6 inches cord in the notes important changes in substrate type. exposed for easier attachment, or with chaining pins (Harrelson et al., 1994). Also make notes about the nature of the vegetation, especially its structure (e.g., trees, shrub, herbaceous; If you are using an optical surveyor’s level (auto-level), see Section II.B.7 for the riparian plant community the person operating the level will make and record structure method), and be sure to record the locations the rod readings while the rod person will choose the where discrete changes occur. Adequately character- survey points and call out the lateral distances to the izing the complexity of the cross-section will typically level operator. Lateral distances are referenced to the require a minimum of 30 to 40 rod readings. Larger left bank monument, which is the cross-section zero floodplains and more complex geometry can require /streambarrierremoval Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 29 Methods for the Critical Monitoring Parameters

many more. Record the horizontal distances to tenths verse the impoundment. The determination of whether of feet (0.1 ft) and elevations of benchmarks and turn- cross-section data in an impoundment can be acquired ing points to hundredths of feet (0.01 ft). Cross-section by wading or using watercraft must consider the depth elevations are also recorded to hundredths of feet. of the impoundment and suitability of sediment for wading. Impounded sediments may be unconsolidated, Bear in mind that identifying a bankfull channel will fine-grained material with saturated interstitial spaces, be most applicable to the cross-section(s) making them very soft and incapable upstream of the hydraulic influence of of supporting a wader. In such condi- the impoundment that represent the tions, it will be necessary to obtain the un-impacted channel reach. The bank- data from a boat. Depending on the full channel is adjusted to an approxi- nature and depth of the impoundment, mately 1.5- to 2-year recurrence interval surveying cross-sections within it can discharge and the prevailing sediment be accomplished either by employing transport conditions (Leopold et al., the methods described in the previ- 1964). Because water flow and sediment ous section and taking rod readings discharge conditions will, in most cases, at fixed intervals from a small boat, be changing at a barrier removal site, a or by using a fathometer from a boat

persistent bankfull channel likely will Center Restoration / NOAA Karla Garcia navigated along the transect and in- not be identifiable in the monitoring Monument at a cross-section. tegrating the readings with the rod reach. This may also be true of the ref- readings on shore via GPS positioning. erence reach, especially in watersheds with changing If you are taking rod readings from a small boat, you land use. See Harrelson et al. (1994) for a good discus- will need to take care in positioning the rod and try to sion about field identification of the bankfull channel. make sure the rod rests on top of the sediments and The USDA Forest Service Stream Systems Technology does not sink into soft substrate. At least two people are Center (2003) also produces a video specifically geared needed for boat work—one to work the survey rod and towards field identification of the bankfull channel in the other to station the boat. the eastern United States ( tions/videos.html). Analysis and Calculations The data from a cross-section survey are elevations and Sampling Frequency distances. Horizontal distances are recorded to tenths Pre-removal surveys are essential for comparison with of feet (0.1 ft) and elevations of benchmarks and turn- post-removal data to assess channel and floodplain re- ing points to hundredths of feet (0.01 ft). Cross-section sponse. Pre-removal surveys may be most easily accom- elevations are recorded to hundredths of feet. These plished if the impoundment can be drawn down before data should be recorded in standard level-survey nota- removal (see Site Specific Considerations below), such tion (see Cross-Section Survey Data Sheet in Appendix as during project feasibility studies. In any case, for E). Harrelson et al. (1994) also provide a nice graphic efficiency purposes, selection of the long-term moni- example of proper field book notation for level sur- toring cross-sections and pre-removal data collection veys. The horizontal and vertical datums of the survey should be integrated with any planned feasibility work. must always be recorded (see Site Information Data As a general guideline, post-removal re-surveys should Sheet in Appendix E). The distances and elevations occur annually, or every other year, for at least 5 years. can be plotted manually on graph paper as ‘x’ and ‘y’ However, sampling frequency and duration should coordinates, respectively, or brought into a spreadsheet reflect project objectives and site conditions. For ex- program for plotting and analyses. ample, sites with great amounts of loose sediment may require more frequent sampling over a longer period Additional Information than sites with bedrock channels or beds dominated by Harrelson et al. (1994) provide an excellent reference coarse materials. At a minimum, the frequency should for basic survey techniques and for specific informa- conform to any regulatory requirements. The monu- tion on conducting cross-section and longitudinal pro- ments should be recoverable for much longer so that file re-surveys. We strongly recommend that readers longer-term studies of channel evolution are possible. with minimal experience consult this reference. It also is a useful review for those with more experience. Site-specific Considerations Some of the pre-removal cross-sections will need to tra-

30 Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 /streambarrierremoval Methods for the Critical Monitoring Parameters

2. Longitudinal Profile

Purpose This section describes how to survey the longitudinal Minimum Equipment profile of the channel thalweg at your monitoring q Automatic level (surveyor’s level), laser level, or reach. It identifies the equipment needed, outlines total station the basic protocol, discusses the frequency with which q Leveling rod in English (to tenths and hundredths) the profile should be re-surveyed, and presents any or metric units, preferably 25-foot length site-specific considerations. As with the monumented q Measuring tape in same units (300 ft or 100 m) cross-section method (see Section IV.B.1), this section q Field book with waterproof paper does not provide detailed instruction on basic survey- q Data sheets (see Appendix E) ing techniques. See Harrelson et al. (1994) for a more q Pencil complete treatment of this subject. q Permanent marker q Two-way radios Monitoring Design q Topographic maps and/or aerial photographs Sampling Protocol q Chaining pins 1. Define the monitoring reach. q Flagging tape This must be accomplished before surveying the q Machete longitudinal profile and the cross-sections. See Sec- tion IV.B.1 for general guidelines. Your longitudinal q Wood survey stakes profile should extend the length of the monitoring q Small sledge or mallet reach, beginning at a stable channel feature (e.g., riffle) q Spring clamps upstream of the impoundment. Your profile should q Compass always begin upstream of the uppermost cross-section and should continue to the lowermost cross-section and include survey shots at the thalweg of all monu- mented cross-sections.

Figure 3. A longitudinal profile surveyed pre-project at Kamrath Creek, Wisconsin. The survey points for a channel bed longitudinal profile are taken at the deepest point in the channel, i.e., the thalweg (see Figure 2). Profile plot courtesy of Brian Graber. /streambarrierremoval Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 31 Methods for the Critical Monitoring Parameters

2. Set up the survey instrument. the elevation of the water’s edge closest to the thalweg If possible, set up the level in a location from which along the projection to the baseline. Move the instru- the benchmark, and as much of the monitoring reach ment as needed to complete the profile. as possible, is visible (See Section IV.B.1, step 4, for in- formation on benchmarks). You may want to consider Sampling Frequency setting up the instrument in the channel, if the flow As with the cross-section surveys, a pre-removal lon- and bed conditions permit (Harrelson et al., 1994). gitudinal profile may be accomplished most easily Choose instrument locations carefully to minimize the during an impoundment draw-down and should be number of times you need to reposition. integrated with any planned feasibility work (see Site Specific Considerations below). As a general guideline, 3. Establish the stationing. post-removal re-surveys should occur annually, or ev- Downstream distance should be measured along the ery other year, for at least 5 years. However, sampling channel thalweg. A straightforward method is to sta- frequency and duration should reflect project objec- tion the channel with a baseline along one bank. The tives and site conditions. At a minimum, the frequency downstream distance of each survey shot is measured should conform to regulatory requirements. Note that as the right-angle projection from that location to the follow-up surveys should trace the post-barrier removal baseline on the bank. thalweg, which may not be in the same horizontal posi- tion as the pre-removal thalweg. The baseline can be established by two people measur- ing along the stream thalweg with a tape, while some- Site-specific Considerations one on shore drives, and clearly marks, wooden sur- A portion of the pre-removal longitudinal profile will vey stakes at regular intervals (commonly a channel run through the impoundment. As with the cross-sec- width). The purpose of the stationing stakes is to make tions, this may require a boat and should be done with estimating distances easier. They do not necessarily great care. See Site Specific Considerations under Sec- mark the locations of actual survey shots. See Harrel- tion IV.B.1 for general guidelines and considerations. son et al. (1994) for further information on stationing. Using a total station with a GPS interface, if available, Analysis and Calculations can make stationing unnecessary and considerably The data from a longitudinal profile survey are eleva- simplify profile completion. These units can “fix” the tions and distances. Horizontal distances are recorded horizontal position of survey shots in known datums to tenths of feet (0.1 ft) and elevations of benchmarks such as NAD 83 for subsequent plotting in GIS and and turning points to hundredths of feet (0.01 ft). calculating distances. Total stations and laser levels are Profile elevations are recorded to hundredths of feet also advantageous for profile surveys because of the as well. These data should be recorded in standard, long distances over which they can obtain shots (Simon level survey notation (see Longitudinal Profile Survey and Castro, 2003). Data Sheet in Appendix E). Harrelson et al. (1994) also provide a nice graphic example of proper field book 4. Survey the profile. notation for level surveys. The horizontal and vertical Begin with a rod reading on the benchmark to deter- datums of the survey must always be recorded (see mine the height of the instrument (HI) (see Section Site Information Data Sheet in Appendix E). The IV.B). Then take readings along the thalweg (i.e., deep- distances and elevations can be plotted manually on est part of the channel) at important bed features (e.g., graph paper as ‘x’ and ‘y’ coordinates, respectively, or pools, riffles, bedrock sills, woody debris), measur- brought into a spreadsheet program for plotting and ing downstream distance using the baseline. Include analyses (Figure 3). enough shots to well define each feature (Simon and Castro, 2003). It is particularly important to determine Additional Information the highest elevation at pool-riffle (and/or run) transi- Harrelson et al. (1994) is an excellent reference for tions. basic survey techniques and for specific information on conducting cross-section and longitudinal profile Along with distances and elevations, record in the field re-surveys. We strongly recommend that readers with book details about the feature being measured and the minimal experience consult this reference. It also pro- locations of important changes in substrate type. Also, vides a useful review for those with more experience. take elevations of the water surface at each bed eleva- tion measurement. This can be done easily by taking

32 Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 /streambarrierremoval Methods for the Critical Monitoring Parameters

3. Grain Size Distribution

Purpose This section presents methods for characterizing Minimum Equipment streambed surface grain size distributions by collect- q Measuring tape in same units as rod (300 ft or 100 m) ing and analyzing sediment samples at a stream chan- q Ruler marked in millimeters nel cross-section. It identifies the equipment needed, q Gravel template (optional) outlines the basic protocol, discusses the sampling fre- q Field book with waterproof paper quency, and presents site-specific considerations. q Pencil q Chaining pins Monitoring Design q Data sheets (see Appendix E) As with any sampling effort, surface sediment sam- pling aims to characterize a larger population of bed materials for which a complete census is impractical. There are differing standards in the literature regard- To do so, a sample must be random, comprise enough ing the proper sample size for Wolman Pebble Counts, grains for an adequate sample size, and be drawn from sources of error in conducting them, and ways to a homogenous streambed area. For streams with beds improve sampling technique to reduce those errors dominated by sand size sediments and finer, it is rela- (see Brush, 1961; Hey and Thorne, 1983; and Fripp and tively easy to obtain a large enough sample that can be Diplas, 1993 for more discussion). We do not present analyzed in the lab. There, sandy sediments are dried varying standards here but have adopted some recent and passed through progressively finer sieves and the modifications to the Wolman Pebble Count that are weights of materials retained on sieves of particular designed to address observed deficiencies. We also pre- size classes are recorded. Finer fractions must be sepa- scribe collecting a minimum of 100 particles, recogniz- rated by sedimentation (e.g., hydrometer or pipette), ing that collecting larger sample sizes—up to 300 or elutriation, or centrifuge separation (Kondolf et al., 400—could improve results (Olsen et al., 2005, Rice and 2003). With the weights obtained of the various size Church, 1996). Within the context of this Monitoring fractions, the grain size distribution is then presented Guide, we do not feel the precision gained merits the as cumulative percent finer by weight. extra effort required, although we do encourage col- lecting a larger sample size if project resources permit. For gravel-bed streams, however, the requisite sample sizes are too large to be transported off-site and are Sampling Protocol impractical to sieve in the field. To address this prob- Because the bed sediment characteristics of a given lem, geomorphologists have developed field-sampling barrier removal stream reach are not typically known techniques that require no lab analyses. The most en- beforehand, nor is the variability between cross-sec- during protocol was developed by Wolman (1954) and is tions, the following protocols address sampling of beds referred to as a Wolman Pebble Count. Put simply, this dominated by 1) sand-size and finer sediments or 2) method prescribes randomly collecting and measuring gravel. Note that both methods may be relevant to a at least 100 particles from a homogeneous area of the given project, particularly for pre-project monitoring streambed. From these data, a grain size distribution of proposed dam removal sites (see Site-specific Consid- is developed as the cumulative frequency of numbers erations below). of stones of different size classes. If the sampled stones are of the same density, which will be true if sampling At a minimum, collect a bed material sample for at one lithology, the results obtained will be comparable least one of each cross-section type representing physi- to a distribution by weight (Kondolf et al., 2003). [If the cally distinct stream reaches in the monitoring reach bed of your cross-section is composed of heterogeneous and at cross-sections where important infrastructure or composition of bed material sizes, or facies (deter- habitat zones are located. In all likelihood, this means mined by eye), the sample can be improved by collect- you will collect bed material samples for only a subset ing 100 particles from each facies and calculating a of the cross-sections you re-survey. weighted average grain size distribution with estimated proportions of the bed occupied by each facies. See At all sampled cross-sections, samples should be col- Kondolf et al. (2003) for a more complete treatment of lected from within the normal low flow channel unless how to handle a cross-section with mixed populations particular study objectives require characterizing the of bed materials.] bed of the larger bankfull channel. In these situations, /streambarrierremoval Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 33 Methods for the Critical Monitoring Parameters

sample between the toe of bank on each side of the stream (some of which may be dry at sampling time).

Cross-sections Dominated by Fine Sediments A (Sand Size and Finer) B At these cross-sections, each sample point should be C composed of approximately one liter of surface sedi- ments for laboratory evaluations (i.e., a bulk sample). On exposed beds or bars samples can be obtained with a trowel or shovel. A variety of bed material samplers Figure 4. Particle axes (from Potyondy and Bunte, 2002). (e.g., grab samplers) can be used for sample acquisition A = Longest axis (length) under water. The number and location of samples re- B = Intermediate axis (width) quired to characterize the cross-section will depend on C = Shortest axis (thickness) how heterogeneous the bed material is in that stream reach (Kondolf et al., 2003). If multiple samples are required to characterize a heterogeneous cross-section, compositing those samples for laboratory analyses The b-axis can be identified by first finding the long may be appropriate. axis (A), then the short axis (C), and finally the inter- mediate axis (B) that is perpendicular to both the A Cross-sections Dominated by Gravel and C axes (see Figure 4). The b-axis is the axis that 1. Perform a pebble count at each selected cross-section governs whether a particle will fit through a sieve after a cross-section survey is performed to make use of mesh of a given size, so measuring it gives results the tape already stretched across the channel. most comparable to a standard sieve test. The particle can also be measured using a particle size template 2. Assign a sampler to collect and measure the particles or “gravelometer” (Potyondy and Bunte, 2002). Doing and a reader to record the results. The sampler calls so can reduce observer error in measuring the b-axis. out the measurements to the reader. The reader repeats Whichever measurement method is employed, either back each measurement as a quality control check. ruler or gravel template, be sure to consistently use that method from year to year throughout the moni- 3. The sampler will walk back and forth along the toring period so that results are directly comparable. transect, and perhaps 2 to 4 others closely paralleling the transect, reaching down at regular intervals to pick 5. Repeat this procedure until at least 100 particles have up a particle near the tip of their boot. The intervals been collected. should be scaled to the length of the transect(s) such that 100 particles will be collected. For example, if the Sampling Frequency transect length is 10 meters and the sampler’s stride Sampling should be conducted at the same frequency is a half meter, approximately 20 samples will be col- as the cross-section surveys (see Section IV.B.1) and per- lected with each bank-to-bank sampling pass, and at formed during wading-depth stream conditions. least 5 passes will be required to obtain a minimum of 100 samples. Site-specific Considerations For dam removal sites, bed material samples should 4. As the sampler’s finger falls to the bed to pick up the be collected from at least two cross-sections in the im- particle, the sampler should not look at the stream bot- poundment: one representing the upper impoundment tom to avoid bias toward selecting larger particles. The and another representing the lower impoundment. sampler should pick up the first particle encountered. Impounded sediments will frequently be sand-size and Do not count organics such as wood fragments or other finer deposits that need to be collected as bulk samples detritus. If the sampler touches fine material that is from a boat with a grab sampler or other similar device clearly less that 4 mm, the sampler should simply call (see above). As with other cross-section sampling loca- out “fines” to the reader who will record the occurrence tions, the number and location of samples at a cross- in the < 4 mm size class (see Table 3 in Analysis and section will depend on the heterogeneity of the bed Calculations below). For larger particles, the sampler material there. If the general location of the post-re- measures the particle’s “b-axis” in millimeters (mm) moval channel is also known, this information should and calls out the measurement to the reader. influence the choice of sampling locations.

34 Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 /streambarrierremoval Methods for the Critical Monitoring Parameters

For many dam removal projects, feasibility studies will include contaminant sampling of sediments in the impounded area. For efficiency purposes, the long- term bed sediment monitoring program should be coordinated with any such investigations so that some of the contaminant sampling locations are coincident Table 3. Example spreadsheet developed from field notes. with at least one long-term monitoring transect and to Note that the first and second columns are the only columns ensure that the samples are analyzed in the laboratory needed in the field book. Note also that recording counts as hashes in the second column builds a histogram in the field. for grain size.

Size Class Frequency Cumulative Analysis and Calculations (mm) Count Count (%) % Finer The data from a pebble count are simply counts of par- >=256 7 7 100 ticles in different size classes. For example, a particle with a b-axis measuring 100 mm will be recorded in <256 11 11 93 the row marked “<128” on Table 3 and a particle mea- <180 16 16 82 suring 65 mm will be marked in the “<90” row. In the <128 15 15 66 office, hash marks can be tallied and the percent fre- <90 10 10 51 quency and cumulative percent finer can be calculated <64 11 11 41 with a spreadsheet program. The cumulative percent finer can be plotted as shown in Figure 5. The results of <45 8 8 30 fine sediment bulk samples sent to the lab should be <32 7 7 22 reported in a similar manner. <22.6 2 2 15 <16 3 3 13 Additional Information <11.3 2 2 10 Kondolf and others (2003) provide a good overview <8 1 1 8 of bed sediment sampling in general. Bunte and Abt (2001) and Kondolf (1997) should be reviewed for a <5.6 0 0 7 more thorough treatment of sampling coarse-grained <4 7 7 7 bed sediments. Totals: 100 100

Figure 5. Cumulative frequency curve generated from pebble counts. Karla Garcia / NOAA Restoration Center Restoration / NOAA Karla Garcia Bed sediments downstream of a dam in New Hampshire. /streambarrierremoval Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 35 Methods for the Critical Monitoring Parameters

4. Photo Stations

Purpose Minimum Equipment Maintaining a standardized photo/video monitoring record of stream barrier removal projects can serve q Digital camera (preferred specifications: optical zoom, video function, >3 megapixel resolution) multiple purposes, from tracking the visual changes of a site over time to satisfying grant and regulatory q Extra batteries (digital-camera grade) requirements. Photographs used for stream restoration q Compass with degrees monitoring can capture various physical and biological q Site plans, topo maps, aerial photos conditions such as changes in riparian vegetation or q Timepiece changes in channel features. Photographic images of q Field notebook or sketch pad pre-and post-restoration conditions can showcase proj- q Pencils and pens ect successes and can be used to promote future resto- q Data sheets (see Appendix E) ration projects. This section describes how to conduct q Tape measure standardized photo monitoring specific to stream bar- q GPS unit (optional) rier removal projects in the Gulf of Maine watershed. q Monumenting material: stakes, rebar, hammer, flagging (optional) Monitoring Design q Stadia rod (optional) A critical component of photo monitoring is ensuring q Chalk board/white board (optional) that key landscape features are represented at a scale and resolution that is legible and reproducible. An- other critical component and perhaps the most compli- cated aspect of this relatively simple monitoring pro- scale of monitoring efforts. For quality assurance, cedure is being able to locate each photo station over photo monitoring is best accomplished with two multiple years and reproduce the same vantage point. people. A field partner, equipped with a stadia rod and Detailed documentation is essential to capturing ad- whiteboard can provide scale to a photograph and con- equate information for resurveying each photo station. vey critical site information. Prior to establishing photo stations in the field, you should chart out potential sta- Sampling Protocol tions on a site plan, topographic plan, or aerial photo. The length of time required to complete photo moni- Ideally this plan should include cross-sections and toring will depend upon the size of the site and the physical features of your site. Before permanent photo

M M M M M M M Figure 6. Establish photo stations along monumented channel cross sections. Photo stations should be described as distances from Impoundment monumented cross-section endpoints or other permanent Impoundment landmarks. A compass bearing of the direction of each photo should also be recorded. The Downstream Reference number and location of photo reach reach Downstream stations will depend on site- reach specific conditions. Figure not to scale.

Monument M


Photo view M M M M M M M

36 Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 /streambarrierremoval Methods for the Critical Monitoring Parameters

stations are established, a brief reconnaissance of the time to take pre-restoration photos or videos is during site should be conducted to confirm the suitability of leaf-out so landscape features and physical structures predetermined sites. are clearly visible, unless the goal of the photo and vid- eo record is to document vegetation changes. In that Locations of photo stations should be described as case, specific emphasis should be on the flowering pe- distances and/or bearings from other known points riods of signature riparian plants. We recommend that such as cross-section endpoints or other permanent pre-restoration photo monitoring include both leaf out landmarks. Geographic context of each photo should, and full vegetation in the year preceding restoration. at minimum, include: left bank, right bank, upstream, Post-restoration photo monitoring is recommended downstream (left and right bank determinations are for 1, 2, and 5 years after the restoration project (Table made facing downstream). Photo station locations 4). Photo monitoring during construction is equally should be selected to take advantage of complimentary important as pre-and post-restoration monitoring and light, include long-term reference points (buildings or can be used to capture short-term changes in ecosys- permanent landscape features), and be easily accessible tem conditions; inform the efficacy of implementation for post-restoration monitoring. Once permanent sta- techniques; confirm implementation success; and sup- tions are decided upon, these locations should be mon- port as-built design plans. umented with staking, if possible. Flagging can also be used but should be considered a temporary means Site-specific Considerations to mark a photo station. Date-stamping digital photo- The scale of the project will dictate how photo moni- graphs can be helpful, but it can be problematic if the toring is done. For example, it may be difficult to date stamp obscures important parts of the image. portray adequately a large impoundment with normal photography, in which case aerial photography should The following views are recommended: be considered. Aerial photography can be used to de- • Upstream and downstream view of the barrier. termine landscape feature changes such as large-scale • Upstream and downstream view from the barrier. changes in impoundment area, stream-course narrow- • Across the barrier from left bank to right bank and ing, thalweg configuration, and large-scale vegetation vice versa. changes. Historical aerial photographs can illuminate • Across and along monumented cross-sections important landscape changes, which is particularly use- from both cross-sectional end points, including ful for informing pre-restoration decisions. floodplain and riparian wetlands. • Along the longitudinal profile. Analysis and Calculations Appropriate documentation and organization is neces- Special emphasis should be paid to the following: sary to store and properly manage digital photos. The • Ecosystem features such as wetland plant photo log form should be filled out if any photos are communities, floodplains, riparian vegetation, taken (see Appendix E). Each photo station should be streambanks, meanders, depositional/erosional marked on a plan or sketch with arrows indicating features, flow-diverting structures, riffles, pools, direction or compass bearing of the photo (Figure 6). and large woody debris. Once uploaded, picture files should be properly labeled • Events such as barrier removal, high-water and stored in appropriate folders labeled by site name conditions, low-flow conditions, and any other and date. Metadata should be stored with pictures. noteworthy natural or anthropogenic events. Additional Information Sampling Frequency These methods for photo monitoring of stream barrier At a minimum, pre-and post-project photo monitoring removal monitoring projects were informed by Collins is needed to create a valuable image record. The best (2003), Landry (2002), and Hall (2002).

Table 4. Recommended photo-monitoring timeline for stream barrier removal projects.

Project phase Pre-restoration Restoration Post-restoration Year –1 0 1 2 5 Timing of photo Full Leaf Multiple times Full Leaf Full Leaf Full Leaf monitoring vegetation out throughout vegetation out vegetation out vegetation out /streambarrierremoval Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 37 Methods for the Critical Monitoring Parameters

5. Water Quality

Purpose Minimum Equipment Aquatic organisms such as fish and macroinvertebrates q Pencils have varying tolerances to dissolved oxygen, tempera- ture, conductivity, salinity, and pollution. Measuring q Clipboard water quality parameters at a barrier removal site q Multi-parameter probe offers insight regarding the quality of habitat avail- q Equipment calibration solutions able and the species that can be supported at that site. q Data sheets (see Appendix E) Conductivity data can show evidence of pollution and q Bucket (if necessary) groundwater sources of surface water. Salinity, when q Watch measured at an intertidal barrier, may be used predict q Air thermometer the aquatic species as well as vegetation that may colo- q Chest waders nize an area after the barrier is removed. q Boat This section describes how to measure temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), conductivity, and salinity at Equipment Considerations a barrier removal site. We recommend that the user Water temperature, conductivity, and salinity are most monitor these parameters at least once per week for commonly measured using electrometric equipment. eight weeks during August and September (see Sam- Temperature, conductivity, and salinity probes and pling Frequency below for further discussion). Moni- meters are available from a number of vendors. Con- toring should be done as close to dawn as possible. This ductivity is often reported in terms of specific conduc- monitoring design will allow the user to describe how tance (i.e., conductivity results that have been adjusted a barrier is impacting water quality at a site and how to what it would be at 25°C). Most conductivity probes conditions change with barrier removal. This design is have a feature that can automatically convert con- intended as a minimum, and the user may choose to ductivity readings at any temperature to specific con- conduct more monitoring to answer questions specific ductance values. Probes and meters are available that to a particular barrier removal project. measure all three of those parameters—temperature,

M M M M M M M Figure 7. Select a minimum of three monumented cross-sections to evaluate water quality: up- stream of the impoundment influence, deepest point within the impoundment, and im- mediately downstream of the Impoundment barrier. Water quality should be evaluated at mid-stream and A B C mid-depth for Sites A and C and Reference at the deepest point for Site B. reach Downstream reach Monument M Cross-section

Water quality monitoring site


38 Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 /streambarrierremoval Methods for the Critical Monitoring Parameters

conductivity, and salinity—plus dissolved oxygen (DO) offers a thorough discussion of dissolved oxygen equip- (see below). Calibration, use, and maintenance will vary ment calibration in its National Field Manual for the among equipment and between manufacturers. Care- Collection of Water-Quality Data (Wilde, 2005). Note ful treatment and regular equipment maintenance that if DO is being measured in a saline environment, are essential for accurate data collection. Salinity need a correction factor must be applied after the data are only be measured if barrier removal is occurring in an collected. intertidal area and the removal is expected to restore tidal flow. If it is necessary to collect data along a verti- Monitoring Design cal profile, be sure to purchase or secure the use of a This monitoring design is based on the cross-section probe with a long cord so that the data can be collected design described in section IV.B.1. The sampling design at the appropriate depth. will describe water quality conditions upstream of the zone of influence of the barrier, just upstream of the Two methods are commonly used for measuring dis- barrier, and downstream of the barrier. These data will solved oxygen: the Winkler method and the electro- reveal how the barrier is affecting water quality before metric method. Each requires different equipment. The barrier removal. After the barrier is removed, return- choice of method depends on the desired accuracy, ing to the previously monitored sites will show how convenience, staff training level, and available equip- barrier removal has affected water quality at the site. ment. In general, the Winkler method is held to be more precise and accurate than a meter and probe. Sampling Protocol However, the results can be influenced in the field by 1. Identify three water quality data collection sites. such factors as nitrite, organic matter, iron, and the Site A should be upstream of the area influenced by capabilities of the person collecting the data. A com- the barrier, preferably along the furthest upstream parison of the two methods is beyond the scope of this cross-section (Figure 7). Water-quality data should be document; refer to sources such as Standard Methods collected mid-stream and at mid-depth. for the Treatment of Water and Wastewater (APHA, 2006) and the National Environmental Methods Index Site B should be along a cross-section that traverses the ( for detailed information about both deepest part of the impoundment, and water-quality methods. data should be collected at the deepest point. If there is no impoundment, Site B should be located along the The Winkler method is a titration procedure based on cross-section immediately upstream of the barrier. the oxidizing property of dissolved oxygen (USEPA, 1983). Samples analyzed with the Winkler method can Site C should be located along the cross-section just be analyzed on site or fixed (stabilized), refrigerated, downstream of the barrier. Water-quality data should and analyzed in the lab up to six hours after collection. be collected mid-stream and at mid-depth (Figure 7). Several vendors sell kits that include the necessary equipment, chemicals, and detailed instructions for 2. Document location of each water-quality monitoring analyzing water samples. The user must read Material site so user may return to sites in the future. Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all chemicals and take Describe the location of each monitoring site in rela- safety precautions. tion to the cross-sections and in relation to any perma- nent markers or landmarks at the site, making sure The electrometric method relies on the diffusion of to note cross-section number. Document with GPS the oxygen across a membrane located in a probe-based location of each monitoring site. Compile this informa- sensor. Measurements must be taken either in the tion so that it can be accessed as necessary. stream or impoundment itself or immediately after collection in a bucket. DO instruments are available 3. Prepare for field data collection. from a number of commercial vendors. The instruc- Review the instruction manuals for each meter and tions for calibration, use, and maintenance may differ probe being used. Make sure that probes are undam- from instrument to instrument and among manufac- aged and are functioning properly. Inspect electrical turers. Therefore, the user is encouraged to read the connections and batteries. Install new batteries if neces- instructions carefully and follow them closely. DO sary. Test calibration. Collect and inventory field equip- probes in particular are extremely sensitive. Careful ment. If the Winkler titration method is being used, re- treatment and equipment maintenance are essential view the method, and make sure that the reagents have for accurate data collection. The U.S. Geological Survey not expired. Before handling chemicals, check Material /streambarrierremoval Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 39 Methods for the Critical Monitoring Parameters

Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for safety precautions.

4. On the day of field data collection, calibrate the meters, being sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Table 5. Recommended precision and accuracy levels Record all calibration data. Bring calibration solutions for water quality data. into the field in case recalibration is necessary. Parameter Precision Accuracy 5. Collect water quality data. Dissolved oxygen +/- 2% or 0.2 +/- 2% of ini- Data must be collected early in the morning, prefer- mg/L, whichever tial calibration ably close to daybreak, in order to capture the lowest is greater saturation or 0.2 dissolved oxygen readings of the diurnal cycle. The mg/L, whichever USGS National Field Manual for the Collection of is greater Water-Quality Data (Wilde, 2005) has an excellent dis- Conductivity +/- 5% +/- 5% against a cussion of surface-water sampling. All data should be standard solution collected in situ. Record the time of each water-quality Temperature +/- 0.2° C +/- 0.2° C measurement. (checked against a NIST-certified Sites A and C: Collect dissolved oxygen, temperature, thermometer) and specific conductance data mid-stream at mid- depth. Follow manufacturer’s instructions for meters and probes. For the Winkler titration method, it will be necessary to collect a water sample in a labeled “Bio- logical Oxygen Demand” bottle.

Site B: If this site is located in an impoundment, col- lect a water-quality vertical profile. Collect dissolved oxygen, temperature, and conductivity information just below the surface of the impoundment and then at foot-intervals below the surface until the probe is lo- cated just above the bottom of the impoundment.

Step 6. Maintain equipment. After the field visit, clean equipment and conduct any necessary maintenance. Site-specific Considerations If the barrier is located in an intertidal area, salinity Sampling Frequency should be added to the monitoring protocols at all sites All data should be collected weekly for eight weeks before and after barrier removal. Refer to Lane and Fay during August and September. Data should be col- (1997) for guidance on safety procedures (e.g., sample lected early in the morning, as close to dawn as pos- collection safety, wading in streams, boating safety, sible. This is necessary in order to collect information chemical handling). on dissolved oxygen when it is at its lowest point in the diurnal cycle. Analysis and Calculations We recommend precision and accuracy levels for the Macroinvertebrate data will complement the water- data collected rather than specific pieces of equipment. quality data. If macroinvertebrate data are not being Water-quality equipment varies widely in its preci- collected, however, then water-quality data should sion and accuracy. State and provincial governments be collected weekly from June through October or may prefer different types of equipment, and project through continuous monitoring. Data should be col- budgets may vary. The user is encouraged to use lected at least one year prior to barrier removal at a equipment available through project partners or that minimum, immediately after barrier removal, and fits their budget, as long as the data meet the recom- annually thereafter for five years. Additional water- mended precision and accuracy guidelines (Table 5). quality monitoring prior to barrier removal projects is QA/QC samples should be collected at a frequency of 1 preferred. in 10, or 10%.

40 Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 /streambarrierremoval Methods for the Critical Monitoring Parameters

6. Riparian Plant Community Structure

Purpose Table 5. Recommended precision and accuracy levels This section describes the equipment, sampling pro- Minimum Equipment Riparian vegetation monitoring requires relatively limited for water quality data. tocols, sampling frequency, and site selection con- equipment but should be conducted by persons trained in siderations for monitoring of the riparian zone plant botany, field plant identification, and the use of system- community. Parameters include species abundance, atic keys for plant identification. Field equipment should composition, percent cover, stem density, and basal include, at a minimum: area. These parameters describe the riparian plant community and identify changes in the riparian zone q Laminated, scaled maps (e.g., NWI, soil survey maps) that may occur over time. or aerial photographs, protected in clear, resealable plastic bag or folder, depicting the stream/river reach, Monitoring Design riparian study area, and bordering uplands A plant community is an association of plant species q Field notebook, pencils, waterproof permanent in a given place. Community structure is inclusive of markers, and clipboard all plants that occur in the tree, sapling and shrub, and q Data sheets (see Appendix E) ground cover (vine/liana and herbs) vegetative layers. q Tape measure (100 ft or 300 ft open-reel fiberglass The composition and percent areal cover of plants, as tape) well as their general condition with respect to both q Meter stick for measuring plant heights native and non-native species, describes riparian plant q Rebar or wooden survey stakes to serve as permanent communities. Collecting and analyzing plant com- monuments/markers to identify transect endpoints munity data following well-recognized methods, such and plot locations as the step-by-step protocol listed below, provides the q Diameter at breast height (DBH) tape to measure trees basis for documenting these communities for purposes q Camera and photo monitoring data sheets of their protection, conservation, and/or restoration. A q Resealable plastic bags for plant specimens data sheet that is specific to the protocol outlined be- q Hand lens for keying-out plants low is provided in Appendix E. We recommend using it q Plant identification keys for your site assessments.

M M M Forested wetland

Shrub and sapling wetland

Emergent wetland

Floating emergent or submerged aquatic wetland Impoundment

Reference Vegetation transect reach Vegetation sampling station Downstream Monumented cross-section reach M


Figure 8. Establish 3 vegetation monitoring transects within the reference reach, 3 transects within the impoundment reach, and 2 transects in the downstream reach. A transect that spans the channel and both banks should be counted as 2 separate transects. At least 1 transect should coincide with, but be offset from, a monumented cross-section for each reach. The num- ber and location of transects and vegetation sampling stations will depend on site-specific conditions. Figure not to scale. /streambarrierremoval Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 41 Methods for the Critical Monitoring Parameters

Sampling Protocol The goal of this protocol is to characterize riparian veg- Additional Recommended Equipment etation by sampling permanent vegetation monitoring q Handheld GPS for recording the location of transects, stations along permanent transects. Transects should plots, or other specific points be established within each of the three reaches: 1) the q Compass for laying out transects and describing reference reach upstream of the barrier’s influence; photo station direction 2) the impoundment or reach affected by the barrier; q Plastic flagging tape for field marking monitoring and 3) the reach downstream of the barrier. Along each plots and transects transect, sampling stations are selected to character- q Hammer/mallet to install rebar or wooden stakes ize the vegetation within general cover types such as into the ground floating emergent and submerged aquatic vegetation; q Daypack and/or field vest emergent wetlands; scrub/ shrub wetlands; and for- q Waders, hip boots, brimmed hat, insect repellent, ested wetlands. The instructions below describe where and sun block to locate the transects and sampling stations and how q Storage cooler with ice to help preserve plant to sample the vegetation at each station. specimens and other field samples

1. Identify vegetation cover types present at the barrier removal monitoring site. sampling stations will be established via a systematic Using aerial photos and field visits, identify cover random approach, where the vegetation units are first types (tree, shrub, vine, liana, and herbaceous layers), identified in step 1, and station locations are then ran- wetland versus adjacent upland community types, and domly selected along the transect within the identified their condition. See Cowardin et al. (1979) for classify- cover types (e.g., herbaceous plants sampled every 5 ing wetland cover types. meters, shrubs every 15 meters, and trees every 30 me- ters). Supplemental, post-restoration sampling stations 2. Establish the transects. may need to be established to accommodate changing Establish a minimum of three transects in the refer- cover types, particularly where deepwater impound- ence reach, three transects in the impoundment reach, ment drawdown results in a vegetation community and two transects in the downstream reach (Figure 8). (Figure 9). Transects should adequately represent the plant cover types identified in step 1. Additional transects should 6. Mark each station with a stake or other permanent be established if time and resources allow, particularly monument. for extended riparian zone/stream reaches that may be Use GPS to determine station location, and record the affected by the barrier removal. distance along the transect from the starting point to the station. Document whether a station stake is the 3. Install rebar/wooden survey stakes at each transect’s center point or a corner point for each plot, particu- start and end point. larly if a station differs from the layout used for the End points should be located upgradient of the wet- remainder of the monitoring area stations. land-upland boundary or outside the area that is ex- pected to change with barrier removal. Label/number 7. At each station, estimate species cover. each transect stake. Transects may also be referenced Estimate cover within all of the layers that are present: to monumented cross-sections or offset a known dis- herbaceous; sapling and shrub; and tree. Herbaceous tance from the cross sections. Transects should not be vegetation is sampled using a 1 m2 (10.8 ft2) quadrat. co-located with the monumented cross sections be- The sapling/shrub layer is sampled within a 5 m cause surveying will trample vegetation. (approx. 16 ft) radius of the sampling station. Trees are sampled within a 9 m (approx. 30 ft) radius of the 4. Mark and label the transect start and end points. station. Mark them on a scaled site map or aerial photo. Record the GPS coordinates of these locations. The herbaceous layer includes all non-woody, emer- gent species of all heights (including bryophytes) and 5. Establish at least one sampling station within each woody-stemmed plants < 3 ft (approx. 1 m) in height. distinct vegetation cover type along each transect. The monitoring quadrat should be 1 m2 (10.8 ft2) and Sampling stations should be chosen to characterize can be defined using an increment-calibrated, 1-meter- each of the cover types identified in step 1. Ideally, by-1-meter frame made of PVC-pipe, or a similar meth-

42 Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 /streambarrierremoval Methods for the Critical Monitoring Parameters Upland wetland Forested Shrub and sapling wetland wetland Emergent or emergent Floating aquatic wetland submerged or emergent Floating aquatic wetland submerged wetland Emergent Shrub and sapling wetland wetland Forested Upland



Pre-Restoration Upland wetland Forested wetland Emergent wetland Emergent Shrub and sapling wetland wetland Forested Upland


Post-Restoration Stream Vegetation transect Vegetation sampling station

Figure 9. During pre-restoration monitoring (top), establish at least one vegetation monitoring station within each distinct veg- etation cover type along each monumented vegetation transect. For post-restoration monitoring (above), vegetation monitoring stations may be added where vegetation has become established on the former bed of the impoundment. Within each monitor- ing reach, it is optimum to have three vegetation monitoring stations per cover type. Vegetation cover types should be sampled using the following plot size at each permanent monitoring station: 1 m2 (10.8 ft2) quadrat for the herbaceous layer, 5 m

Drawings by Kevin Lucey / NHDES Lucey by Kevin Drawings (approx. 16 ft) radius for the scrub and sapling layer, and 9 m (approx. 30 ft) radius for the tree layer. Figure not to scale. /streambarrierremoval Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 43 Methods for the Critical Monitoring Parameters

od. Estimate cover of the vertical plant shoots’ aerial Table 6. Braun-Blanquet cover class scale and mean projections lying only inside the plot as a percentage values to estimate cover class. of the plot area. Total cover in a plot may exceed 100 percent, as plant projections often overlap one another. Category Percent Cover Mid-Point When the project area has high stem density of herba- ceous plants but relatively low species (< 5) diversity, a T <1 None 0.5 m2 (5.4 ft2) quadrat may be used. When monitoring 1 1-5 3 prior to barrier removal with plots located inside or 2 6-15 10.5 near the edge of the impoundment, identify floating or 3 16-25 20.5 submerged plants that are present. Identify each spe- cies, and record each species percent cover within the 4 26-50 38 plot. Also estimate and record percent of both barren 5 51-75 63 ground and dead plant cover. If time allows, also count 6 76-95 85.5 2 2 2 the number of stems in a 0.25 m (2.7 ft ) or 0.5 m (5.4 7 96-100 98 ft2) quadrat.

The shrub and sapling layer includes all woody stemmed plants that are more than 3 ft (approx. 1 m) but no taller than 20 ft (approx. 6 m) tall and that have a diameter at breast height (DBH) between 0.4 inch (1 Sampling Frequency cm) and 5.0 inches (approx. 13 cm). DBH is measured at It is optimal to monitor vegetation during the peak of 4.5 ft (approx. 1.5 m) above ground level. For the shrub the vascular plant growing season. For the northeast- and sapling layer, monitor within a 5 m (approx. 16 ft) ern United States, this period is generally between July radius of the sampling station point. Identify the spe- 15 and August 31. Some riparian plant species flower cies of each plant, and record species percent cover in spring or early summer, so the monitoring team within plot. Note the number of dead standing shrubs. may want to consider a site assessment during spring, If time allows, randomly sub-sample the plot by count- if time allows. Monitoring is conducted at least once ing woody stems in a 1 m2 (10.8 ft2) quadrat. annually for each monitoring year (see below), and all stations should be monitored during each monitor- The tree layer includes all woody plants that are taller ing period. The project and reference sites should be than 20 ft (approx. 6 m) and have a DBH greater than monitored within the same time period and as close in 5 inches (approx. 13 cm). Monitor within a 9 m (approx. time to one another as possible. Vegetation monitoring 30 ft) radius of the sampling station point. Identify the should include a minimum of one year of pre-restora- species of each plant, and use a DBH measuring tape tion and three years of post-restoration assessment, and to obtain individual DBHs, which will be used later to preferably over a longer period (such as once every 3 to calculate basal area [A= π (d)2/4, where π = 3.14 and d 5 years) for post-restoration assessment. This is particu- = DBH] of each species within each plot. Also note the larly important for reforesting sites and if a goal of the number of dead standing trees within the sample area. restoration is to document ecological succession of the riparian zone. When estimating percent cover, values should be recorded as whole integers that can be categorized ac- Baseline Versus Post-Removal Monitoring: Ideally, cording to a standardized, commonly used Braun-Blan- monitoring plots are monitored at least once prior to quet cover class scale (Table 6) (Braun-Blanquet, 1932; removal of the stream barrier to define a baseline con- Mueller-Dombois and Ellenberg, 1974). These cover dition. When funding and time allow, it may be benefi- class categories can be used to expedite field sampling; cial to monitor two or more years prior to a barrier re- the mid-point values are used in place of the actual cor- moval because this better accounts for environmental responding field estimate values to minimize the vari- variability. Some removals result in very little change ability of results that can arise when multiple people in riparian shoreline locations, whereas others can estimate cover. Once field assessments are completed, result in substantial change. If changes in shoreline cover-abundance scores can be used to calculate plant vegetation are expected with impoundment drawdown, species cover for assessment sites. Refer to the Analysis then baseline vegetation transects should include areas and Calculations section below for database manage- of impoundment habitat where vegetation and sub- ment and calculations used for generating results. strate conditions are documented.

44 Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 /streambarrierremoval Methods for the Critical Monitoring Parameters

Using GPS to record location of a

Deborah Loiselle / NHDES Loiselle Deborah vegetation quadrat.

Analysis and Calculations After field assessments are completed using standard- been adapted from the Corps of Engineers Wetlands ized field data sheets and handwritten data are checked Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory, 1987), for clarity and legibility, vegetation data should be en- GPAC protocols for tidal wetland restoration (Neckles tered into an Excel spreadsheet where it can be manip- and Dionne, 2000), U.S. Geological Survey salt marsh ulated for statistical analysis. In the spreadsheet, col- protocols (Roman et al., 2001), and vegetation assess- umns should represent species, and rows should rep- ment methods of the Bureau of Land Management resent the sampling plots. First create columns for all (Elzinga et al., 1998), U.S. Forest Service (USFS, 1987), species found at the project site(s). Then enter percent and NOAA (Merkey and Keeland, 2005). cover data. Alternatively, the data can be entered using the Braun-Blanquet cover scale, which uses a ranking Elzinga et al. (1998) provides an in-depth discussion of system that facilitates similarity testing and ordination monitoring plant populations (with a single species procedures (Roman et al., 2001). Note that basal area focus), including a step-by-step overview of developing for tree plot data can be calculated as described above. and implementing a vegetation monitoring program, Tree plot basal areas are then totaled to derive percent basic principles of sampling, sampling design, field cover of tree species within the plot. techniques, data management, and statistical analysis of field data. Non-parametric tests can be used to evaluate differ- ences in vegetation communities between sites (e.g., project restoration reach versus reference reach) or Many guides to plant identification are available. site conditions between sampling years. Refer to Kent Some are comprehensive with user-friendly descrip- and Coker (1992), Elzinga et al. (1998), and Roman et al. tive keys and accompanying drawings or photographs. (2001) for detailed discussions on methods for statisti- Most provide specific geographic coverage, and many cal analysis of vegetation data. are targeted to a specific plant type such as woody plants, ferns and allies, bryophytes, or sedges. Guides Additional Information specific to the northeastern United States include Gleason and Cronquist (1991), Magee and Ahles As part of the vegetation sampling process, photo- (1999), Conard, (1979), and Tryon and Moran (1997). graphs should be taken routinely during each monitor- Voss (1972, 1985, 1996) offers excellent keys for Michi- ing period to document vegetation and other riparian gan flora that are representative of northeastern U.S. features. Refer to the photo station methods in this doc- plants; these volumes are noted for their clear, easy- ument for more detailed information (Section IV.B.4). to-follow keys, especially for difficult groups such as the sedges (genus Carex). Newcomb (1977) is another These plant monitoring protocols and the additional user-friendly plant guide. monitoring methods presented in Section III.B have /streambarrierremoval Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 45 Methods for the Critical Monitoring Parameters

7. Macroinvertebrates We do not recommend a specific macroinvertebrate method in this Monitoring Guide because of the inher- ent complexity of conducting statistically valid macro- invertebrate assessments. We recommend that the user consult with professionals in their region who have the expertise necessary to design a macroinvertebrate monitoring plan appropriate for the stream barrier removal project. Appendix D provides an in-depth dis- cussion of planning macroinvertebrate monitoring for stream barrier removal projects. Table 8 provides a summary of macroinver- tebrate monitoring proto- cols used by different Gulf of Maine jurisdictions. Brook floater 8. Fish Passage Assessment We do not recommend a specific fish-monitoring method in this Monitoring Guide because fish monitor- ing should be managed by trained fisheries experts and must be tailored to the project site and target species. © Peter H. Taylor / Waterview Consulting; drawing © Ethan Nedeau / Biodrawversity Consulting; drawing / Waterview H. Taylor © Peter We recommend consulting with experts in the region Fish ladders sometimes are not effective at enabling fish to with the necessary jurisdiction to design and imple- move past dams. After a dam is removed, monitoring can ment fish monitoring for barrier removal projects. reveal if more fish are traveling up and down the river.

Table 7. Fish-monitoring methods that may be recommended by local fisheries experts.

Method Technique References Visual Human visual identification and counts of fish at Nelson, 2006; Stevenson et al., 1999 specific locations. Simple Electrofishing is a commonly used and inexpen- Reynolds, 1997 presence/absence sive technique to assess the presence or ab- sence of fish species above and below a barrier. Video Pre-positioned video camera recording fish at Bowen, 2006 specific locations. Passive Integrated Fish are captured and are inserted with a Pas- Bruyndoncx, 2002 Transponder sive Integrated Transponder (PIT tag). Fish (PIT tags) injected with this tag can be automatically recognized by strategically located detecting/re- cording devices. Mark and recapture Fish are captured and are fin clipped and/or Nielson, 1992; Parker, 1990 have an external fish tag attached; employs nets, traps, or electrofishing. Telemetry Fish are captured and tagged with electronic Amlaner and MacDonald, 1980; Baras, and Phil- transmitters. Transmitters can be applied to lipart, 1996; Burnham et al., 1987; Cheeseman and fish internally or externally. Fish movements are Mitson, 1982; Finkenzeller, 2000; Lucas and Baras, subsequently determined by locating fish/trans- 2001; Moore and Russell, 2000; Pincock, and mitters using mobile and/or fixed telemetry Voegeli, 1990; Priede and Swift, 1992; Sibert and receivers. Neilson, 2001; Spedicato et al., 2005; Winter, 1983; Winter, 1996; Zydlewski et al., 2006

46 Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 /streambarrierremoval Methods for theCritical Monitoring Parameters Table 8. Relevant state and provincial protocols for monitoring macroinvertebrates.

Recommended Index Recommended Sampling Recommended Identification Level Protocol Reference Collection Method Period Processing Protocol Assessment Approach Artificial substrates (wire Fall Standardized gridded tray with Genus (if possible), Multimetric index: average Neils, D. 2007. New Hampshire De- mesh, rock-filled baskets); sample evenly distributed across except for chironomids score of 7 metrics; index partment of Environmental Services 6-8 week deployment in riffles tray; 1/4 of grids randomly selected (sub-family), ribbon range 0 (poorest condition) (NHDES) Protocols for Collection, /streambarrierremoval or at base of riffles for complete sorting with 100 worms (phylum Ne- to 100 (best condition); bio- Identification and Enumeration individual minimum subsample; mertea), nematodes logical condition threshold of Aquatic Macroinvertebates for additional 1/4 of grids incrementally (phylum Nemata), and established via minimally Computation of a Benthic Index of

ew Hampshire New selected for complete sorting until oligochaetes (sub- impacted reference sites Biotic Integrity (B-IBI). Concord, NH: 100 individual subsample satisfied class) NHDES. Artificial substrates (wire Fall Full sample sort using shallow Genus or species Multivariate linear dis- Davies, S.P. and L. Tsomides. 2002. mesh, nylon bags, or cone- sorting pan(s) unless >500 individu- for all individuals criminate model to predict Methods for Biological Sampling shaped containers filled with als; if >500 individuals, then 100 (if possible) probabilities of membership and Analysis of Maine’s Rivers and standard-sized stones); 24- to individual subsample permissible to predetermined water Streams. DEP LW0387-B2002. Au-

Maine 32-day incubation; rock using air-generated suspension of quality classes gusta, ME: Department of Environ- containing device individuals in Imhoff-type settling mental Protection. cone Kick nets (500µm); 10 area Fall Standardized gridded tray with Genus or species Multimetric index follow- Nuzzo, R.M. 2003. Standard Oper- delineated sampling efforts sample evenly distributed across for all individuals ing RBP II or III (Plafkin et ating Procedures: Water Quality composited for a single sam- tray; individual grids randomly (if possible) al., 1989); index range 0 Monitoring in Streams Using Aquatic ple within 100m reach; 2 m2 selected and sorted until 100 (poorest) to 54 (best) and Macroinvertebrates. Massachu- total area; samples collected individual subsample requirement compared to applicable setts Department of Environmental from areas with coarse sub- satisfied; large and rare organisms reference sites Protection, Division of Watershed strates OR artificial substrates sorted for entire sample OR full Management. (rock baskets, Hester-Dendy sort of entire sample for artificial

Massachusetts multiplate samples in deep substrates where quantitative water or soft bottom sample is desired habitats or as directed)

Several noted depending on Late fall Several noted; subsampling at the Genus or species None recommended; Rosenberg, D.M., I.J. Davies, D.G. Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide water body and habitat types; or early 100, 200, or 300 individual target for all individuals several options referenced Cobb, and A.P. Wiens. 1997. Pro-

kick net (400µm) suggested spring level suggested; gridded trays, flo- (if possible) tocols for Measuring Biodiversity: as technique for wading- tation, or elutiation can be used to Benthic Macroinvertebrates in Fresh depth streams; multihabitat obtain representative subsample Waters. Winnipeg, Canada: Canada

Canada collection effort; one to many Department of Fisheries and Oceans, 3-minute collection efforts Freshwater Institute. Ecological Monitoring Ecological & Assessment Network & Assessment

Kick net (400µm); multihabitat None Even distribution of entire sample Family Multivariate discriminate Reynoldson, T.B., C. Logan, T. Pascoe, indicated across gridded tray; 300 individual model using Observed: and S.P. Thompson. CABIN (Canadian

subsample target Expected species occur- Aquatic Biomonitoring Network): rence ratios to determine Invertebrate Biomonitoring Field and similarity to a “reference” Laboratory Manual. Environment Canada condition (1=identical; 0=no Canada, National Water Research Canadian Aquatic similarity) Institute. Biomonitoring Network Biomonitoring | 2007

47 Cross-section established for stream barrier removal monitoring. Mathias Collins / NOAA Restoration Center V. Data Management

A. Data Capture and Reporting surements for a parameter, it is very useful to record other quantitative and descriptive information during As noted in the Introduction, there are five primary data collection. The metadata may be parameter-spe- reasons for establishing regional guidelines for barrier cific or general to the site. Examples of parameter-spe- removal monitoring: cific metadata include documenting the investigators, • evaluating the performance of individual time/date of data collection, and notes. The latter restoration projects; generic category is often used to record any problems • assessing the long-term ecological benefits of encountered in the field with equipment, weather, or regional restoration efforts; extraordinary conditions. Information of this sort is • advancing our understanding of restoration particularly useful for data analyses. Metadata general ecology to assist in the development of more to the site can include benchmark location, project da- effective restoration techniques; tum, and watershed name. • better anticipating the effects of future stream barrier removal projects; and Data elements, reporting standards, and metadata • communicating results to stakeholders and needs have been identified for each critical monitoring the public. parameter for which this Monitoring Guide provides detailed methods and are defined on the data sheets Previous sections of this Monitoring Guide have fo- provided in Appendix E. A site information datasheet cused on critical monitoring to capture site metadata is parameters that should be also provided. Completing monitored at barrier removal these data sheets will ensure sites and how those param- that the necessary data ele- eters should be measured in ments and metadata are cap- a consistent manner so that tured for each parameter, as results are comparable across well as for the site in general, the region. Equally important and are reported in a consis- to accomplishing the goals tent manner. Additionally, noted above are consistent having field investigators data capture and reporting. transfer their data from the This requires common data hard copy data sheets to the elements, reporting standards, electronic versions serves as and site metadata. an important quality assur- ance mechanism. Karla Garcia / NOAA Restoration Center Restoration / NOAA Karla Garcia Data elements are the specific pieces of information record- ed when monitoring a given parameter. For example, B. Data Collection the data elements for cross-sections are station (STA), backsight (BS), height of instrument (HI), foresight Use of the critical monitoring parameters is encour- (FS), and elevation (ELEV). To properly perform and aged to the extent practical for all barrier removal document a cross-section survey, these data must be projects in the Gulf of Maine watershed. Potential collected and recorded. Each critical monitoring pa- recipients of funds from competitive grant programs rameter has a set of necessary data elements. administered by entities sponsoring this document may be requested or required to monitor some, or Reporting standards specify how the data elements are all, of the critical monitoring parameters as an award recorded. Examples include what units are used and condition. Any prescribed monitoring would be mu- the precision to which measurements are reported. For tually agreeable to all parties and explicitly funded example, for the cross-section data elements we specify through the grant. In these cases, completed field data that horizontal distances and elevations be reported sheets (hard copy and electronic) would be a reporting in units of feet with precisions of tenths (0.1) and hun- requirement for the grant. In all other cases, submit- dredths (0.01), respectively. ting data sheets in hard copy and electronically to the Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment is Metadata are “data about the data”. Besides collecting strongly encouraged. For submission information, visit and recording the data elements that are the key mea- /streambarrierremoval Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 49 VI. Bibliography

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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2005. National Inventory Michigan Herbarium. and Assessment Procedure for Identifying Barri- Voss, E.G. 1985. Michigan Flora, Part II: Dicots (Sauru- ers to Aquatic Organism Passage at Road-Stream raceae-Cornaceae). Ann Arbor, MI: Cranbrook Crossings. National Technology and Development Institute of Science Bulletin 59 and University of Program. Michigan Herbarium. U.S. Forest Service. 1987. Forester’s Field Handbook. Voss, E.G. 1996. Michigan Flora, Part III: Dicots (Py- Portland, OR: U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest rolaceae-Compositae). Ann Arbor, MI: Cranbrook Region. Institute of Science Bulletin 61 and University of U.S. Forest Service. 2003. Identifying Bankfull Stage Michigan Herbarium. in Forested Streams in the Eastern United States. Wilde, F.D., editor. 2005. Field Measurements: U.S. Geo- Stream Systems Technology Center. DVD: logical Survey Techniques of Water-Resources In- 46 minutes. vestigations, Book 9, Chapter A6. http://pubs.water. Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 2006. Water Quality Field Methods Manual. Water- Williams, G.P. 1978. The Case of the Shrinking Chan- bury, VT: Vermont Department of Environmental nels: The North Platte and Platte Rivers in Nebras- Conservation, Water Quality Division. ka. U.S. Geological Survey Circular 781. Washing- Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. ton, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office. 2004. Biocriteria for Fish and Macroinvertebrate As- Williams, G.P. and Wolman, M.G. 1984. Downstream Ef- semblages in Vermont Wading-depth Streams and fects of Dams on Alluvial Rivers. U.S. Geological Rivers. Waterbury, VT: Vermont Department of En- Survey Professional Paper 1286. Washington, D.C.: vironmental Conservation, Water Quality Division. U.S. Government Printing Office. Velinsky, D.J., K.L. Bushaw-Newton, D.A. Kreeger, and Winter, J.D. 1983. Underwater Biotelemetry. In: T.E. Johnson. 2006. Effects of Small Dam Removal Nielsen, L.A. and J.D. Johnsen, editors. Fisheries on Stream Chemistry in Northeastern Pennsylva- Techniques. Bethesda, MD: American Fisheries nia. Journal of the North American Benthological Society. pp. 371–395. Society 25:569–582. Winter, J.D. 1996. Advances in Underwater Biotelemetry. Verry, E.S. 2000. Water Flow in Soils and Streams: Sus- In: Murphy, B.R. and D.W. Willis, editors. Fisheries taining Hydrologic Function. In: Verry, E.S., J.W. Techniques. Second edition. Bethesda, MD: Ameri- Hornbeck, and C.A. Dolloff, editors. Riparian Man- can Fisheries Society. pp. 555–590. agement in Forests. New York: Lewis Publishers. Wolman, M.G. 1954. A Method of Sampling Coarse pp. 99–124. River-Bed Material. Transactions of the American Vinson, M.R. and C.P. Hawkins. 1996. Effects of Sam- Geophysical Union 35:951–956. pling Area and Subsampling Procedure on Com- Zydlewski, G.B., G. Horton, T. Dubreuil, B. Letcher, S. parisons of Taxa Richness Among Streams. Journal Casey, and J. Zydlewski. 2006. Remote Monitoring of the North American Benthological Society of Fish in Small Streams: A Unified Approach Us- 15:392–399. ing PIT Tags. Fisheries 31:492–502. Voss, E.G. 1972. Michigan Flora, Part I: Gymnosperms and Monocots. Bloomfield Hills, MI: Cranbrook Institute of Science Bulletin 55 and University of /streambarrierremoval Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 55 VII. Appendices

Appendix A: Field Safety

Field crews implementing the recommended practices Poison Ivy in this Monitoring Guide can encounter hazardous • Watch for poison ivy, poison oak, sumac, and other conditions. It is crucial, particularly when involving types of vegetation in your area that can cause volunteers, to ensure that adequate safety precautions rashes and irritation. are taken. This section identifies the most common hazards associated with conducting ecological monitor- Mosquitoes ing of riverine and riparian habitats and recommends Mosquito-borne illnesses in the such as West Nile virus general field safety precautions. This is not a compre- and eastern equine encephalitis have become more hensive safety protocol, but rather a guideline to en- prevalent. The following steps can reduce the inci- sure safe field conditions. dence of mosquito bites. • Apply an effective repellent to exposed skin General and clothing. • Develop a safety plan. Safety plans can be as • Wear long-sleeves, long pants, and socks when simple as letting someone else know where you outdoors. are, when you intend to return, and what to do if • Limit field activities during peak mosquito hours. you don’t come back at the appointed time. The hours from dusk to dawn are peak biting • Always monitor with at least one partner. times for many species of mosquitoes. • Listen to weather reports. Caution should be exercised if severe weather is forecasted. Ticks • Have a first-aid kit accessible. Team leaders should Ticks, which can carry the Lyme disease bacterium be trained in first aid/CPR. (Borrelia burgdorferi), prefer wooded and bushy areas • If at any time you feel uncomfortable about the with high grass and abundant leaf litter. Extra precau- condition of the stream or your surroundings, tion should be taken in May, June, and July, when ticks monitoring efforts should be terminated. that transmit Lyme disease are most active. • Use insect repellent with 20-30% DEET on adult Impoundments skin and clothing to prevent tick bite. Permethrin • Be careful wading into the impoundment, even is another type of repellent. It can be purchased at if it is shallow. Impounded sediments are often outdoor equipment stores that carry camping or unconsolidated fine-grained material having hunting gear. Permethrin kills ticks on contact. interstitial spaces. This makes them very soft • Wear long pants, long sleeves, and long socks to and dangerous because they may not support a keep ticks off your skin. Light-colored clothing will person’s weight. help you spot ticks more easily. Tucking pant legs • In some instances, it may be necessary to use a into socks or boots and tucking shirts into pants boat to monitor conditions in impoundments. In help keep ticks on the outside of clothing. such cases, a personal flotation device (PFD) is • Perform daily tick checks after being outdoors. needed for each person on a boat. Inspect all parts of your body carefully, including your armpits, scalp, and groin. Remove ticks Stream Safety immediately using fine-tipped tweezers. • Do not enter the water if the stream is at flood stage. Sun/Heat • If you must cross the stream, use a walking stick • Dress for the heat. Wear a hat and lightweight, to steady yourself and to probe for deep water and light-colored clothing. Light colors will reflect unstable terrain. away some of the sun’s energy. • Streambeds composed of coarse substrates and/or • Drink water. bedrock can be slippery and have deep pools. • Take regular breaks when engaged in physical • Streambeds composed of finer substrates can activity on warm days. Take time out to find a cool prove treacherous in areas where mud, silt, or sand place. If you recognize that you or someone else is creates unstable terrain. showing the signals of a heat-related illness, stop activity and find a cool place.

56 Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 /streambarrierremoval Appendices

Appendix B: Glossary

Aggradation Degradation The building up of a river channel by deposition of The general lowering of the surface of the land by ero- sediment on the channel bed. sive processes, especially by the removal of material through erosion and transportation by flowing water. Alluvial Pertaining to or composed of alluvium, or deposited by Deposition a stream or running water. A natural river process in which sediment is distributed along the bed after floods recede or a change in cross- Anadromous section leads to slower velocities, such as moving from Used to describe fish that spend a part of their life a riffle to a pool. Sediment deposition is often altered cycle in the sea and return to freshwater streams to in developed watersheds. spawn, such as salmon, river herring, and shad. Con- trast with catadromous. Diadromous Used to describe fish that migrate between salt and Avulsion fresh waters. See also anadromous and catadromous. The sudden creation of a new river channel where flow leaves the existing channel during large floods and Effectiveness monitoring carves a new channel with a new slope and length. Evaluation of whether or not an implemented action is having the desired effects. If the action is having Catadromous undesirable effects, this should be revealed through Used to describe fish that live in fresh water but mi- effectiveness monitoring. grate into the sea to breed. Contrast with anadromous. Floodplain Critical monitoring parameters That portion of a river valley, adjacent to the channel, Framework of common monitoring techniques neces- which is built of sediments deposited during the pres- sary to adequately assess the physical, chemical, and ent regimen of the stream and is covered with water biological response of stream barrier removal projects. when the river overflows its banks at flood stages. Grace Levergood / NHDES Levergood Grace /streambarrierremoval Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 57 Appendices

Hydraulics Run-of-river dam Related to the physical properties and behavior of A constructed barrier in a river that forms an im- stream flow as it is influenced by floodplain geometry poundment with minimal storage capacity and the and structures within it. inflow to the impoundment approximately equals out- flow from the dam. Hydrograph A graphic representation or plot of changes in the Stream crossing flow of water or in the elevation of water level plotted Any human-made crossing over or through a stream against time. channel, including bridges, culverts, paved roads, un- paved roads, railroads, trails, and paths. Hydrology The science of waters of the earth, including their Thalweg occurrence, distribution, and circulation; their physical The line connecting the lowest points along a stream and chemical properties; and their reaction with the bed or valley. living and non-living environment. Also, pertaining to the quantity and timing of stream flow. Wetland Wetlands are defined and classified by the U.S. De- Implementation monitoring partment of Interior as “lands transitional between Evaluation of whether a specific action occurred as terrestrial and aquatic systems where the water table planned. A variant called compliance monitoring eval- is usually at or near the surface or land is covered by uates whether an action meets regulatory standards. shallow water, and have one or more of the following Implementation monitoring provides baseline infor- attributes: (1) at least periodically the land supports mation before and immediately after a project occurs. hydrophytes; (2) the substrate is predominantly und- rained hydric soil; and (3) the substrate is non-soil and Lacustrine is saturated with water or covered with shallow water Pertaining to, produced by, or inhabiting a lake. at some time during the growing season of each year” Lithology (Cowardin et al., 1979). (1) The scientific study of rocks, usually with the un- aided eye or with little magnification. (2) Loosely, the structure and composition of a rock formation.

Low-head dam A constructed barrier in a river with a hydraulic height (head water to tail water) not exceeding 25 feet. This definition encompasses run-of-river dams and other small dams. It does not include industrial dams that were designed not to create an impoundment in a river.

Riparian Pertaining to the banks of a river, stream, waterway, or other body of water, as well as to plant and animal communities along such bodies of water.

Sources used to develop this glossary: Bates, R.L. and J.A. Jackson. 1984. Dictionary of Geologic terms. Third edition. Prepared under the direction of the American Geological Institute. New York: Anchor Books, Doubleday. 571 pp. New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services. 2007. Guidelines for Naturalized River Channel Design and Bank Stabilization. North American Lakes Management Society. 2007. Water Words Glossary. Accessed March 2007. Flosi, G., S. Downie, J. Hopeland, M. Bird, R. Coey, and B. Collins. 2003. California Stream Habitat Restoration Manual, Part IX: Fish Passage Evaluations at Stream Crossings. California Department of Fish and Game.

58 Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 /streambarrierremoval Appendices

Appendix C: Workshop Products

Participants in the Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Workshop, June 2006

Sarah Allen Kristen Ferry Normandeau Associates Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries

Bill Arcieri John Field Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Field Geology Services

Matt Bernier Brian Fitzgerald Kleinschmidt Associates Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation

Steve Block Merry Gallagher NOAA Restoration Center Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife

Henry Caracristi Andy Goode Bedford Institute of Oceanography Atlantic Salmon Federation

Tim Carney Brian Graber New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game

John Catena Alan Haberstock NOAA Restoration Center Kleinschmidt Associates

Lisa Cavallaro Denis Haché NOAA Restoration Center Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans

Brad Chase Anita Hamilton Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans

Michael Chelminski David Hart Woodlot Alternatives University of Maine

Kathryn Collet Daniel Hayes New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources Michigan State University

Matt Collins Charles Hebson NOAA Restoration Center Maine Department of Transportation

Cathy Conrad Darren Hiltz Saint Mary’s University Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans

Aaron Corr Eric Hutchins Corr Consulting NOAA Restoration Center

Dave Courtemanch Jon Kachmar Maine Department of Environmental Protection Maine Coastal Program

Melinda Daniels Michael Kline University of Connecticut/The Nature Conservancy Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation

Eric Derleth John Kocik U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service NOAA Maine Field Station

Robert Dudley Raymond Konisky U.S. Geological Survey Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve /streambarrierremoval Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 59 Appendices

Brandon Kulik J. Michael Penko Kleinschmidt Associates U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Beth Lambert Tim Purinton New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game

Steve Landry Trefor Reynoldson New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Acadia Center for Estuarine Research

Sandra Lary John Richardson U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Blue Hill Hydraulics

Robert Lent Josh Royte U.S. Geological Survey The Nature Conservancy

Grace Levergood Gordon Russell New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Christine Lipsky David Santillo NOAA Maine Field Station Northern Ecological Associates

Deb Loiselle Roy Schiff New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Milone and MacBroom

Kevin Lucey Conor Shea New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services USFWS/Chesapeake Bay Field Office

Jim MacBroom Lee Swanson Milone and MacBroom New Brunswick Department of Environment

Jim MacCartney Steve Timpano Trout Unlimited Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife

Elizabeth Maclin Joan Trial American Rivers Atlantic Salmon Commission

John Magee James Turek New Hampshire Fish and Game Department NOAA Restoration Center

Frank Magilligan Mark Wamser Dartmouth College Gomez and Sullivan

Timothy Milligan Laura Wildman Bedford Institute of Oceanography American Rivers/Northeast Field Office

Jeff Murphy Theo Willis NOAA Maine Field Station Maine Rivers

Ethan Nedeau Gail Wippelhauser Biodrawversity Maine Department of Marine Resources

Keith Nislow Craig Wood U.S. Forest Service/University of Massachusetts Louis Berger

Piotr Parasiewicz Jed Wright University of Massachusetts U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Cheri Patterson Joseph Zydlewski New Hampshire Fish and Game Department Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

60 Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 /streambarrierremoval Appendices

Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Workshop Scenarios

Head-of -Tide High Head Dam with Low Head Dam with Undersized Restriction Wide Impoundment Narrow Impoundment Perched Culvert

Near head-of-tide in large Low-order stream in a large High order stream in a mid- Second order stream Watershed (>1000 mi2) watershed; avg. watershed (>1000 mi2) sized watershed (100 Position channel width u/s 10m mi2<>1000 mi2)

Watershed Agriculture; light industry; Forest and rural residential. Urban; post-industrial Suburban Land Use forestry revolution

Meandering, low gradient Moderate gradient, low- Low gradient, slight sinuosity; Steep step-pool channel Valley stream; wide floodplain sinuosity, riffle-run; channelized through town; Geomorphic subwatershed has areas of poorly developed floodplain. Setting outwash deposits Watershed dominated by till and bedrock

Unfenced livestock pasture Wide (>8xWbkf) mature forested Narrow (<1xWbkf) mature Narrow (<1xWbkf) Riparian adjacent to / above buffer; some residences forested buffer; Japanese mixture of saplings, impoundment; wide 2nd knotweed prevalent; riprap on shrubs adjacent to Condition growth forest buffer u/s. bank lawns

12 ft high by 300 m long 20-foot tall concrete dam in 10-foot high timber crib/rock 70-foot length; 48’’ earthen dyke extending across good condition with low-level fill spillway with concrete diam. double-barreled Barrier floodplain; concrete water outlet for flow modification patching; earthen with sheetpile culverts; perched 3 feet; Type control structure; failing fish core, stone armoring 10-foot head to passage structure (partial unpaved road barrier) Aquatic Shellfish; Atlantic salmon, Rare mussels d/s; alewife and Shad, eel, herring lamprey Brook trout. Salmon Species smelt, gaspereau, American salmon targeted for restoration downstream; smallmouth bass target for restoration Present eel, and brook trout. u/s Fine grained potentially Large quantity of coarse sand Fine-grained; some build-up Gravel/cobble mixed Sediment contaminated (domestic and gravel behind dam with woody debris sewage; mild industrial) immediately u/s of Characteristics culverts; braiding of channel Upstream Shallow, wide impoundment Wide, deep, storage Run-of-the-river; impoundment Riverine; debris, Waterbody with summer algae growth impoundment is narrow, shallow, and riverine sediment, high flows in character blocked Characteristics

Small wetland areas along None Oxbow wetland adjacent to None impoundment margin; salt channelized reach; small Wetlands marsh areas between dam and emergent wetland at u/s end of causeway (d/s) impoundment Infrastructure Loss of u/s waterfowl habitat, Concern for adjacent landowner Old / deteriorating structure. Minimize erosion of and hunting, trapping; loss of First wells; loss of water frontage Community desire to keep dam road fill. Nations’ traditional uses; d/s u/s; potential for flooding d/s and preserve adjacent historic Community causeway / bridge; release of structures; potential for Concerns contaminated sediments flooding, braiding u/s; Full removal of barrier Decommissioning of power River seeded w/ shad 1 year Highway improvement including all floodplain fill. dam; dam/ foundation removed prior to dam removal. project. Replace with Mobile sediments removed to banks. Sediment behind dam Contaminated sediment capped; bottomless arch culvert Restoration prior to breaching dam. removed. Work u/s to align invasives control during / post Restore diadromous fish. channel / stabilize banks, limit dam removal. Spillway Issues Improve fish passage for fine sediment transport. removed; earthen/ sheetpile traditional uses embankment remains. /streambarrierremoval Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 61 Appendices

Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Workshop Agenda

Gulf of Maine Council River Restoration Monitoring Steering Committee June 20-21, 2006 University of Maine, Orono

Workshop Outcomes: 1. A list of prioritized monitoring metrics / parameters by topic area, some of which are crosscutting, for barrier removal projects. 2. A refined list of monitoring questions or issues that those metrics / parameters address.

Tuesday, June 20th 2006 9:00 Welcome 1. Introduction 2. Purpose 3. History of Salt Marsh Monitoring Protocol Development 9:30 Plenary Sessions 1. Plenary A: James MacBroom, Milone and MacBroom, Inc. 2. Plenary B: Michael Kline, VT DEC River Management Program 12:00 Lunch 1:00 Instructions to Topic Teams 1:30 Breakout Groups: Topic Teams and Facilitators A. Topic Teams review sets of typical dam removal scenarios in the context of key management issues/ monitoring questions. B. Brainstorm appropriate monitoring parameters for each scenario. C. Identify parameters repeatedly suggested for multiple scenarios. D. Topic Team produces a summary parameter list highlighting those that are useful in multiple scenarios.

3:30 Break Post Topic Team flip chart summaries; mill around; eat snacks; look at summaries. 4:00 Plenary: Integrative Metrics A. Background B. Topic Teams share results C. Synthesis of results: identify crosscutting metrics, if any; identify priority metrics for each topic team; identify how this will feed into the next day’s work. 8:00 Evening Presentations (optional)

Wednesday June 21st, 2006 8:00 Plenary: Ray Konisky, Ph.D., Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve 9:00 Breakout Session: Topic Teams A. Focus on integrative metrics. Depending on the outcome of Day 1, this discussion might include arm twisting to get Topic Teams to identify possible crosscutting metrics and at the very least identify their most important 1 or 2 metrics. The goal is to refine the topic teams larger parameter list to include only their highest priorities. B. Appropriate methods (sampling techniques, frequencies, etc.) C. Reporting standards (common data elements, etc.)

11:00 Reporting Back and Concluding Remarks

62 Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 /streambarrierremoval Appendices

Appendix D: Macroinvertebrate Monitoring Guidance

Planning Macroinvertebrate Monitoring at of error that are manifested in all sampling efforts in- Stream Barrier Removal Projects clude collection techniques, laboratory processing, and spatial and temporal heterogeneity in macroinverte- Given their utility as indicator organisms, macroinver- brate populations. A good study design will minimize, tebrates are frequently used to document the responses or at least account for, each of the potential sources of of the aquatic community following barrier removal. error. In reality, minimizing error sources means the The sections below describe the important components selection of appropriate field techniques, collection of necessary in planning macroinvertebrate monitoring an adequate number of samples, careful adherence to to assess aquatic community health and document standardize operating procedures in the field and labo- shifts in community composition. ratory, and the use of well-developed biological indices.

We advise that macroinvertebrate sampling be con- With respect to biological indices, a section below ducted in close coordination with the project’s regula- focuses on regionally developed macroinverterbate tory authority. Because of the inherent complexity of indices that are widely applicable to the detection of conducting statistically valid macroinvertebrate assess- pollution sources, including nutrient enrichment, ments, we encourage practitioners to use protocols rec- toxic inputs, and flow modifications. In general, these ognized by state, provincial, or federal authorities. indices have been developed by resource agen- cies and use a network of reference or mini- Equipment mally disturbed sites to establish acceptable Several types of sampling equipment can conditions in overall macroinvertebrate be used to collect macroinvertebrates from community composition. Benefits of us- wading-depth streams. Devices range ing regionally developed indices include from a Surber sampler to artificial sub- the direct comparison of sample results strates. While each sampling device has to index thresholds, known estimates of its benefits, the most commonly used natural variation in undisturbed macroin- and cost-effective sampling device currently vertebrate community composition, use of employed is the dip net. Standard collection metrics known to be most responsive to mul- techniques call for the frame to be fitted with a tiple pollution sources, and predetermined field 500µm mesh net (Lazorchak et al., 1998; VTDEC, and laboratory techniques. In most cases, the 2006; Barbour et al., 1999) attached to a long statistical properties of these indices are well un- wooden pole. Along with the rectangular net, derstood and will allow for the determination of often referred to as a kick-net, a sieve bucket fit- macroinvertebrate community health as above ted with 500µm mesh, and several 1- to 4-liter or below an established threshold and/or place- plastic sample containers complete the basic ment into one of many narrative categories elements necessary to collect a representa- (i.e., poor, fair, good) with a known level tive macroinvertebrate sample. of certainty.

Drawing © Ethan Nedeau / Biodrawversity Drawing Mayfly Design However, regional biological indices are, As for all scientific studies, considerable time and in most cases, not specific to barrier removal proj- effort should be spent prior to any fieldwork to de- ects and have drawbacks that should be considered termine what questions are to be answered through based on the study’s questions of interest. For example, the collection of data. Once determined, careful study if macroinvertebrate community biomass or area of design must be employed so that sufficient data are colonizable habitat is of interest, alternative measures collected in an accurate manner. For studies associated will be required. In cases where previously developed with barrier removal projects, documentation of the indices are not applicable, one must decide what com- changes in macroinvertebrate community composi- munity measures are most representative of the ques- tion, abundance, or overall biomass may be of interest. tions being asked, how to obtain the necessary data, In all cases, an understanding and accounting of the and what comparisons will best assist in determining natural sources of variation (error) must be completed if significant changes have occurred. In cases where in order to draw correct conclusions. The basic sources established indices are not applicable, the greatest /streambarrierremoval Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 63 Appendices

limiting factor frequently will be the establishment tebrate sampling protocols have promoted the use of of thresholds for detecting change. In other words, multi-habitat collection techniques (Lazorchak et al., if data collected at a site is presumed to be impacted 1998; Rosenberg et al., 1997) as a more complete rep- by an existing barrier, how can that be determined if resentation of the resident community. Multi-habitat the macroinvertebrate community differs from a site sampling techniques include the collection of macro- where no barrier exists? While it is beyond the scope of invertebrates from a variety of habitats in approximate this document to develop a detailed discussion of study proportion to the habitat types observed within the designs and the limitations of data usage, the before-af- study reach. Points of collection may be randomly ter-control-impact (BACI) study design provides a basic selected or placed along predetermined transects. Mul- framework to begin answering such questions. Under tiple, individual, timed sampling efforts are used to a BACI study design, samples are collected at sites standardize collection techniques and are variable in where target conditions are presumed to exist before number depending on the sampling protocol. As with and after a barrier removal. These are considered con- single-habitat collection techniques, individual timed trol sites. Concurrently, samples are collected at sites sampling efforts are grouped together to approximate presumed to be impacted by the barrier. These are con- the macroinvertebrate community within the study sidered impact sites. Ultimately, differences between reach. control and impacted sites are compared before and after the barrier improvement or removal event to de- Sampling Timing and Frequency termine if significant changes have occurred. The abil- Most macroinvertebrate collection protocols have an ity to detect significant differences is a function of the established index period that standardizes a window number of samples collected and the quality of data. of time (weeks) during which samples should be col- lected. Since many aquatic macroinvertebrates have Other study designs are possible. All parties involved in regular development and emergence patterns, the the project should be consulted to determine how best establishment of a standardized collection window to design the macroinvertebrate monitoring efforts. minimizes the amount of observed natural variation The use of regional biological indices offers the most in community composition. Based on known life cycle cost effective and least labor intensive approach in patterns, macroinvertebrate sampling for riverine sys- determining overall changes in community condition, tems in northeastern North America occurs primarily but may be limited in terms of the specific questions from September through November (USEPA 2002). that can be answered. Alternative sampling times are possible but should be considered with respect to organism developmental Areas of Sample Collection patterns, climatic conditions, and the protocols advo- Macroinvertebrate samples can be collected from sev- cated by the applicable regulatory authority. eral macrohabitat types, such as riffles, pools, stream banks, or a combination of habitat types. Sample col- Site-specific Considerations lection from each specific habitat type requires careful The sampling methods described herein are appli- consideration of available collection techniques. Cur- cable to wading-depth sections of riverine systems. rent collection techniques include two main approach- Wading-depth streams can be defined as first through es: single- or multi-habitat sampling. Single-habitat fourth order streams ranging in watershed size from sampling is used by several states and usually includes approximately 2 to >200 km2 (0.77 to >77 mi2). However, the collection of samples at the “single, most produc- from a practical standpoint, wading-depth can be de- tive” area within a selected stream reach (Barbour et fined as any section of river where water depth is less al., 1999). Macroinvertebrate production generally is than thigh high. Conditions prior to barrier removal maximized in riffle habitats leading to the common often preclude wading-depth sampling techniques. In terminology of “riffle-kick” for single-habitat samples these cases, alternative macroinvertebrate sampling (VTDEC, 2004). Single-habitat sampling techniques procedures must be employed. See Blocksom and employ multiple, individual, timed sampling efforts in Flotemersch (2005) for comparison of several non-wad- one or many riffles within the study reach. Individual ing-depth methods. timed sampling efforts generally range from 3 to 5 in number and are grouped together for a representative Sample Processing sample of the macroinvertebrate community. Macroinvertebrate sample processing consists of two main phases: sorting and identification. In the sorting More recently, some U.S. and Canadian macroinver- phase, organisms are separated from the sample de-

64 Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 /streambarrierremoval Appendices

bris. Identification generally takes place following the diversity, evaluation tool) to select one level of taxo- sorting phase and requires varying levels of expertise nomic specificity over another must be considered in depending on the desired level of taxonomic specificity. concert with the required level of expertise necessary to achieve the desired results. Highly trained taxo- Sample Sorting nomic experts and expensive equipment generally are Because most whole samples contain more organisms required to identify aquatic mac- and/or debris than can be processed, the sorting phase roinvertebrates to genus and usually includes a sub-sampling method. Sub-sampling species levels. In contrast, usually involves the homogenization of all sample con- an experienced field biolo- tents in a single shallow pan followed by an objective gist may be able to identify process for selecting a pre-determined fraction of the insects to the family level sample. Currently, the most common method of sub- with the naked eye. Thus, sampling uses the separation of a fixed-count target one must consider resource Brook floater number of organisms from a predetermined fraction availability when deciding on a of the whole sample (Barbour et al., 1999; Lazorchak et prescribed taxonomic identification level. al., 1998; Rosenberg et al., 1997). The sample fraction Drawing © Ethan Nedeau / Biodrawversity Drawing generally is defined by randomly selecting a minimum Regardless of taxonomic level of resolution chosen, the number of standardized areas (grids) identified by a protocol must provide detailed identification directions template overlain upon the entire sample. to the people responsible for sample processing. Some groups of macroinvertebrates (i.e., chironomids, nema- Debate still exists over the proportion of the whole todes) require additional taxonomic expertise and steps sample that must be processed and number of organ- for identification. A less specific identification endpoint isms retained for identification and enumeration is common for these groups. Correct identification (Courtemanch, 1996; Barbour and Gerritsen, 1996; serves as the foundation for building the final dataset. Vinson and Hawkins, 1996). A common target is the Therefore, it is critical that this phase of sample pro- removal of organisms from enough full grids to meet cessing be performed in a consistent manner to pro- a 300-individual fixed count target (VTDEC, 2006; Bar- duce accurate results. bour et al., 1999). Doberstein et al. (2000) demonstrated that the results of samples processed using fixed Because of the debate regarding recommended sorting counts of less than 300 individuals differed signifi- processes and identification levels, specific sample pro- cantly from whole sample counts of the same sample cessing protocols are not included herein. If well-tested and that sub-sample counts of up to 1,000 individuals and widely accepted field and laboratory protocols incrementally increased the similarity to whole sample are selected, evidence suggests that differences be- results. Thus, fixed sub-sample count targets are often tween methods can be small. However, it is important based on resource availability and may vary among they meet minimal performance measures (Herbst protocols. For this reason, one should consult the pro- and Silldorff, 2006). In Canada and the United States, tocols advocated by the relevant resource agency be- national protocols exist and should be consulted for fore selecting a fixed count target and general sorting further guidance (Barbour et al., 1999; Lazorchak et al., procedures. In all cases and regardless of the target, 1998; Rosenberg et al., 1997). Ideally, state, provincial, the fraction of the sample processed may differ among or federal protocols will be available to guide sample samples based on stream productivity. Therefore, a re- processing. cord must be kept for each sample so estimated whole sample results can be standardized. QA/QC After sample processing is complete, it is important to Identification verify the results. A common practice for determining The recommended level of taxonomic identification the quality of the results is to re-process a minimum (i.e., family, genus, species) can be highly variable. of 10% of the samples. A rigorous quality assurance Several protocols call for the lowest practical level program should test the effectiveness of the sorting (Barbour et al., 1999; VTDEC, 2006), but researchers and identification phases. As recommended above, it have differing opinions as to what taxonomic level is is best to follow the QA/QC procedures advocated by most appropriate (Bailey et al., 2001; Lenat and Resh, the appropriate regulatory authority. The goals are to 2001; Hawkins et al., 2000; Reynoldson et al., 1997). The document that the reported results are repeatable and academic reasons (i.e., geographic location, ecological that minimal variation can be attributed to the process- /streambarrierremoval Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 65 Appendices

ing methods. As an example, the following is a generic et al., 1997; Hawkins et al., 2000). QA/QC procedure: Regardless of the approach used, both techniques pro- 1. For previously sorted grids, have a second qualified vide defensible alternatives to collapse taxonomic lists individual re-examine each grid. If less than 95% and respective abundances into understandable and of the individuals or 95% of the taxa were not similar assessment outcomes (Herbst and Silldorff, removed in the original sort then the sample fails 2006). Prior to any sampling, protocols for collection to meet the QA/QC requirements. and processing must be selected that are consistent with the approach and evaluation tool that will be used 2. From a previously identified and enumerated sort, to assess the status of the macroinvertebrate communi- have a second qualified taxonomist re-identify ty. In most cases, the appropriate regulatory authority and enumerate all individuals. If 5% or greater should be contacted to suggest a recommended index of the individuals are misidentified or incorrectly that is locally applicable. In addition, the suggested in- counted, then the sample fails to meet the QA/QC dex may have one or more threshold levels to assist in requirements. estimating biological condition and completing formal assessments for water quality reporting requirements. 3. Individual samples that fail by either (1) or (2) must be reprocessed and adequately justified. An Documentation overall sample failure of greater than 2% requires Integral to the success of all components of macroin- reprocessing for the entire lot of samples. vertebrate sampling is the maintenance and documen- tation of the associated data. Given the wide variety of Use of Resulting Data potential sampling methods, laboratory protocols, and In contrast to chemical samples where individual data summary approaches, a detailed record must be parameter results are compared to their respective kept of all data elements. The primary data elements thresholds, results from macroinvertebrate samples for sampling techniques are sampling device (includ- initially are more complex. With multiple species and ing net mesh size, if applicable); type(s) of habitat individual abundances for each species, long lists of sampled; approximate area sampled; number and ap- scientific names must be translated into an understand- proximate length of individual sampling efforts (i.e., able format. Contemporary efforts to understandably five one-minute kicknet efforts); length of incubation convey taxonomic composition and abundance infor- (if artificial substrates are used); extent to which in- mation include two approaches. First, the multimetric dividual sampling efforts are grouped together; and approach relies on the differential tolerances, ecologi- the number of replicates. Laboratory processing data cal roles and strategies, and overall composition of the elements should include subsample fraction (percent macroinvertebrate taxa found in the sample. Multiple of whole sample sorted); target number of individuals individual measures that are most important in de- (i.e., 300 individual minimum); number of individuals scribing community condition are aggregated together per taxon; current scientific nomenclature for each to produce a single index of biologic health. This mul- taxon (with reference to naming organization); stage of timetric approach is well documented and has been development (larvae, pupa, adult); and QA/QC results widely advocated for bioassessments (Karr and Chu, for overall sample lot processing. In addition, labora- 1999; Barbour et al., 1995; Gerritsen, 1995). Alternatively, tory metadata should include subsampling procedure the multivariate approach uses detailed statistical es- (e.g., grid, number of cells, aeration); keys used to timates of community similarity to establish expected identify major taxonomic groups; and target level of community compositions at minimally disturbed sites. identification for major taxonomic groups (i.e., fam- Once these expectations are established, test sites are ily, genus, species). Data summary approach elements compared to the minimally disturbed sites to deter- should include final metric and index results for each mine the difference in community composition. An replicate/sample and reference to applicable index. The observed (test site) to expected (reference expectation) referenced index should detail the computation of indi- (O/E) ratio is used as the measure of community health vidual metrics and the final index score, as well as the (or taxonomic loss). Ratios near 1 indicate minimal distribution of index scores for the reference condition taxonomic loss while lower ratios indicate divergence and the method for threshold establishment. The ideal of test sites from expectations. Originally developed in data storage vehicle is a relational database that allows Great Britain and Australia, the multivariate approach for the efficient and long-term storage of large quanti- has gained acceptance in North America (Reynoldson ties of data in a consistent manner.

66 Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 /streambarrierremoval Appendices

Appendix E: Data Sheets

This appendix contains data sheets for • site information, • monumented cross-sections, • longitudinal profile, • grain size distribution, • water quality, • riparian plant community structure, and • photo stations.

Data sheets are available for downloading from /streambarrierremoval Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 67 Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Site Information Stream Name: Site Name: SITE ID#:

Date of Removal: Watershed Area (mi2): Stream Order:

Town: State: Province:

Latitude (__°__'__'') Longitude (__°__'__'')

Benchmark Location: Project Datum:

Circle One

Barrier Type Dam Culvert Other

Reason For Removal Fish Passage Habitat Improvement Public Safety Economics

Fish Passage Barrier? Yes No

Impoundment? Yes No

Urban (%) Agricultural (%) Residential (%) Natural (%) Adjacent Landuse

Assessors Name: Affiliation:

Phone Number: Email:

Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 This data sheet can be downloaded at Cross-Section Survey Data Sheet Form #___ of ____ Site Name: SITE ID #: Town, State/Province: Stream Name: Pre-restoration Post-restoration (circle one)Date: Form completed by: Time (24hr): Investigators: CROSS SECTION Left Monument (UTM) N E ID # Right Monument (UTM) N E Location Description Benchmark Description

Left Monument Description Right Monument Description

Station Backsight Height of Foresight Elevation Notes (STA) (BS) Instrument (HI) (FS) (ELEV) ft. ft. ft. ft. ft.

Legend HI = ELEV + BS; TP ELEV = HI - FS; New HI = TP ELEV + BS LBLB: = Left Bank LEW = LeftLEW: Edge Left of Edge Water of Water BKF = BankfullBKF: Bankfull BMBM: = Benchmark Benchmark RBRB: = Right Bank REW = RightREW: Edge Right of EdgeWater of WaterCL = CenterCL: Center Line Line TPTP: = T Turningurning Point Point

Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 This data sheet can be downloaded at Cross-Section Survey Data Sheet (2) Form #___ of ____ Site Name: SITE ID #: XS ID # Date: Investigators: Station Backsight Height of Instrument Foresight Elevation Notes (STA) (BS) (HI) (FS) (ELEV) ft ft ft ft ft

Legend HI = ELEV + BS; TP ELEV = HI - FS; New HI = TP ELEV + BS LBLB: = Left Bank LEW =LEW: Left Edge Left of Edge Water of Water BKF BKF:= Bankfull Bankfull BMBM: = Benchmark RBRB: = Right BankBank REW =REW: Right RightEdge of Edge Water of Water CL CL:= Center Center Line Line TPTP: = Turning Turning Point

Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 This data sheet can be downloaded at Longitudinal Profile Survey Data Sheet Form #___ of ____

Site Name: SITE ID # Town, State/Province: Stream Name: Pre-restoration Post-restoration (circle one) Date: Form completed by: Time (24hr): Investigators: LONG PROFILE ID # US end (UTM) N E DS end (UTM) N E Starting Location Description Benchmark Description

Station Backsight Height of Foresight Elevation Notes (STA) (BS) Instrument (HI) (FS) (ELEV)

ft. ft. ft. ft. ft.

Legend HI = ELEV + BS; TP ELEV = HI - FS; New HI = TP ELEV + BS LBLB: = LeftLeft BankBank LEW =LEW: Left EdgeLeft Edgeof W aterof WaterBKF = BankfullBKF: Bankfull BM:BM Benchmark = Benchmark RBRB: = RightRight BankBank REW =REW: Right Right Edge Edgeof W aterof WaterCL = CenterCL: LineCenter Line TP: TPTurning = Turning Point Point

Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 This data sheet can be downloaded at Longitudinal Profile Survey Data Sheet (2) Form #___ of ____

Site Name: SITE ID #: LP ID #: Date: Investigators: Station Backsight Height of Foresight Elevation Notes (STA) (BS) Instrument (HI) (FS) (ELEV) ft. ft. ft. ft. ft.

Legend HI = ELEV + BS; TP ELEV = HI - FS; New HI = TP ELEV + BS LBLB: = Left Left Bank Bank LEWLEW: = Left Left Edge Edge of W ofater Water BKF BKF:= Bankfull Bankfull BM: BenchmarkBM = Benchmark RBRB: = Right Right Bank Bank REWREW: = Right Right Edge Edge of W ofater Water CL CL: = Center Center Line Line TP: TurningTP = TPointurning Point

Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 This data sheet can be downloaded at Pebble Count Data Sheet Form #___ of ____

Site Name: SITE ID # Town, State/Province: Stream Name: Pre-restoration Post-restoration (circle one) Date: Form completed by: Time (24hr): Investigators: Description/notes: CROSS SECTION ID #

Size Class Count Total Frequency Cumulative (mm) (#) (%) (% Finer) >=256















Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 This data sheet can be downloaded at Water Quality Data Sheet Form #____ of _____

Site Name: SITE ID #: Town, State/Province: Stream Name: Pre-restoration Post-restoration (circle one) Date: Form completed by: Investigators:

Dissolved Oxygen Specific X Section Depth Temp Time Station Oxygen Saturation Conductance ID # (ft) (° C) (mg/l) (%) (uS/cm)




Replicate Station ___

Vertical Profile- Station B (ft) (° C) (mg/l) (%) (uS/cm) Weather Notes: Surface











Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 This data sheet can be downloaded at Wetland-Riparian Plant Community Monitoring Data Form Form #___ of ____ Site Name: SITE ID #: Town, State/Province: Stream Name: Pre-restoration Post-restoration (circle one) Date: Form Completed By: Investigators:


Plant Species and Layer Type* Stratum % Cover Plant Cover and Other Observations**

Large Woody Debris (number and description):

Leaf, Needle, and other Plant Cover (eg,, Mast, Invasive plants):

Notes Cover Class Range (%) Mean (%) T <1 None 1 1-5 3 2 6-15 10.5 3 16-25 20.5 *Herbaceous (H), tree (T), and shrub and sapling (S) layers. Note, also record the percent barren ground. 4 26-50 38 **Description of plant condition may include plant height measurement, indication of 5 51-75 63 flowering/inflorescence, presence of chlorosis, signs of disease, insect infestation or presence of animal 6 76-95 browsing/grazing. Other observations may include indication of whether plant was planted or seeded and 85.5 whether site has undergone natural or human disturbance. 7 96-100 98

Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 This data sheet can be downloaded at Wetland-Riparian Plant Community Monitoring Data Form (2) Form #___ of ____ Site Name: SITE ID #: Town, State/Province: Stream Name: Investigators: Date: VEG PLOT ID # CROSS SECTION ID #

Plant Species and Layer Type* Stratum % Cover Plant Condition and Other Observations**

Notes Cover Class Range (%) Mean (%) T <1 None 1 1-5 3 2 6-15 10.5 3 16-25 20.5 4 26-50 38 5 51-75 63 6 76-95 85.5 7 96-100 98

Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 This data sheet can be downloaded at Photo Monitoring Data Form Form #___ of ____ Site Name: Stream Name: SITE ID # Form Completed By: Photographer Date: Pre-restoration Post-restoration (circle one)

Photo Station Photo Station Compass Cross Section Distance Along X- Subject Description Upstream Time ID # Description Photo # Bearing ID # Section or Downstream

General Notes or Comments: (weather, rainfall data, cloud cover, time of sunrise and sunset, other pertinent information

Stream Barrier Removal Monitoring Guide | 2007 This data sheet can be downloaded at