General Index Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society 323 GENERAL INDEX. W. signifies that the party is witness to a deed. T. signifies that the place or parti/ is connected with the Wat Tyler riots. N.S. The full Indices to the "Pedes Mnium" and "Inquisitiones Post Mortem" are deferred till the completion of tlie reigns of John and Henry III. respectively. Abbey of SS. Peter, Paul, and Augus- Ancient carving at Maidstone, 113 ; its tine, Canterbury, 57. probable design, 115. Abel, Alderman, case of, 172. Anglo-Saxon names of months. 94. Addington, extracts from the parish, re- Anne, the Lady, future consort of gisters of, 258. Bichard IL, pardon granted to insur- Adelit, mother of Hugo de Ohilham, 205. gents at her request, T., 70 n. Adrian of Africa, the abbot, 95. Anne, daughter of Sir Thomas Wyatt, Adrian IV., pope, deprives St. Augus- 197. tine's of its rank as the first of Eng- Anselm, Archbishop, builds Trinity lish abbeys, in favour of St. Alban's, Chapel in Canterbury Cathedral, 12. 57 ; confirms grants of the churches Apoldre, Philip de, T., 75. of Throwley and Ohilham to the ab- Appeals of treason, T., 74, 75. bey of St. Bertin, 207. Appledore [Apoldre], T., 75. JEstur, i. e. Stour, the river, q. v. Approver, pardon to, T., 81 n. Ailgar, abbot of Faversham, Bosenden, Archa3ologia,vol. xxv., grants of Kentish 286. churches printed in, 203. Ailmerstone, Hamo de, Ehnstone, 274. Architectural Notes on St. Augustine's Aketon, William de, Charing, 300.
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