The Official Organ of the Students of The University of the South Vol. LXVIII, No. 14 jetognee, jjEennegggg, jTcbruatp 7, 1951 Number 1,053 Lecture Canceled 398 Students Register Mid-Winter Set Opens This Weekend For Second Semester The Public Relations Office of Ken- yon College has announced that Mr. As Enrollment Shrinks John Crowe Ransom has canceled his With Hal Mclntyre and Clyde Trask speaking engagement of February 28 Drop Brings Plan To Close at the University of the South, where Dormitories, Dining Hall he was to have been the guest speaker Subscriptions at an open meeting of Sopherim. According to figures given the Pur- Later contacts with Mr. Ransom Available ple by Mrs. R. G. Dudney, Registrar, confirmed this and his reason was 398 students have enrolled for the sec- that since he already had such an Mclntyre's Orchestra Friday, ond semester. At the first of the aca- engagement at Vanderbilt on Feb. 26, Trask To Follow On Saturday demic year 1950-51 the enrollment he would be forced to miss his Wed- numbered 534. This is a decrease of nesday classes at Kenyon if he were With the strain of exams fading into ]2fi students since September. to keep his engagement at Sewanee history, the Mountain is preparing for Nearly all of the 126 students wh< on the 28th. a record-breaking Mid-Winter set of Ic-ft scoool since the beginning of the Sopherim has announced that Dr. dances this coming Friday and Satur- year left either shortly before first Monroe K. Spears will speak at the day, February 9 and 10, in the Or- semester final examinations or open meeting on the date already mond-Simkins Gymnasium. mediatey upon completion of their scheduled. Featured Friday night will be Hal mester's work. Twelve of that m Mclntyre and his nationally famous ber left school because of failure to orchestra. On Saturday, Clyde Trask pass the required nine-hours work. Monroe K. Spears, and his 16 N. B. C. musicians will Seventeen students entered the Uni- play. Time of the dances will be 9 versity at the opening of the second Noted Author-Critic, p.m. to 1:00 a.m. semester, five being new men, six According to energetic Pete Vine- transfers, and six old students not Speaks February 28 yard, president of the German Club, attending last semester. the dances will be the best set of the tain Saturday night whet The drop in enrollment caused Vice- By Gil Dent season, and subscriptions should be

. His experienced aggregation Chancellor Green and Dr. G. S. Bru- Sewanee will again welcome Mon- secured immediately from fraternity Set in 1948. He follows Hal Mc- ton, dean of men. to announce a roe K. Spears, gifted young scholar, representatives or German Club mem- Friday night. plan Monday night to close Barnwell writer, and speaker, to the mountain and Selden Halls, and the Sewanee February 28 to lecture on English The special fourth no-break at 11:00 Inn dining hall. Dr. Green cited the Literature. He will be the first to p.m. will be awarded to Omicron Del- temporary, wooden construction speak in a series of The Mountain Goat To SVFD Quells of the English talks ta Kappa Friday night and Phi Beta dormitories, their sponsored by high cost of heat- Sopherim of Sigma Up- Go On Sale Saturday iStight Kappa Saturday night. ing, and the large number of places silon literary fraternity. Blaze Mclntyre's rise to success and na- available in other dormitories. Dr. Spears, who is at present a ional popularity has brought to him Bert H. Hatch, News Editor Dr. Bruton answered repeated quer- member of the English department The second issue of The Mountain and his band the recognition of being ies as to why Barton Hall would not at Vanderbilt University, has come to Goat, new campus general magazine. Sewanee's Volunteer Fire Depart- "The Band All America Loves." be closed instead of one of the former be known as one of the ablest literary will appear at noon this coming Sat- ment displayed common sense Hal broke into the big time with two, by stating that it contained a scholars in the South, distinguished professional know-how last night Glenn Miller's band in 1938. It was high percentage of upperclassmen. He equally for his teaching and for his According to Editor Carter Smith, they successfully extinguished a r during this time that his saxaphone pointed out that it is the traditional itical writings. the forthcoming Goat contains two ing fire which, if allowed to go i became famous. policy of the University to give these Born April 28, 1916, in Darlington, short stories, two critical essays, poet- checked, might well have spread In 1941, at Miller's suggestion, he entire South Carolina, he received his A.B. ry, and an abundance of humor. Fea- throughout the Happy Hollow formed his own band and opened at Dr. Green stated that and A.M. degrees in 1937 community. Mrs. Maryon from the tured in the humor section of the Glen Island Casino, New Rochelle, M. Moise, matron of Selden Hall, will University of South Carolina. He was York, is magazine will be three original car- The blaze, caused by a faulty ch New which known as "The receive a similar position at Van Ness. is Ph.D. in English from ney, originated in the attic of the cradle of Name Bands." toons by Tommy McKeithen, whose He made no definite commitment re- specializing in Eighteenth home belonging to Luella Turney, Succeeding engagements found him caricature in the last issue of the Goat garding Mrs. Alex Caven, matron of Century Literature. well-known member of the Sewanee at the Commodore Hotel, New York; was widely praised. Barnwell. Inmates of Barnwell ex- From 1940-1942 he was instructor Negro community. The alarm The Palladium, Hollywood; Hotel pressed This issue of The Mountain Goat considerable concern for her. of English at Wisconsin. With the turned in at 6: 35 p.m. and in a matter Sherman, Chicago; and the Paramount longer the The student body of 524 with which advent of war, he joined the Signal will be four pages than of minutes the fire department and Strang Theaters, New York among the University started this academic Corps, later transferring to the Air first issue. It is also to be bound in the year was a capacity enrollment. The from which he was discharged a colored cover. The covers of the Because there are hydrants Hollywood and records were next present enrollment of 398 is the small- Captain in 1946. He went to first issue, due to unavoidable diffi- in Happy Hollow, as in the band's rapid climb to the top. est since the second Vanderbilt the semester of the same year as an as- culties, did not arrive in time to be ply of water carried on the truck was Mclntyre has made four musicals academic year 1945-46 when Sewanee sistant professor of English, becoming expended the fireman had to with- for Columbia Pictures and hit the boasted a total of 184 students. Even i associate professor in 1949. draw to lay hose from a hydrant on juke boxes with a crushing effect with The Goat will be on sale Saturday that 184 was a notable increase over He has been engaged since 1947, in University Avenue, some 150 yards "Commando Serenade" and "Senti- the circulation staff for the first by members of semester of that year when collaboration with Professor H. Bunker from the scene of

lie trench men t DEAR JOHN ABBO'S SGRAPBOOK I'lic decline in enrollment this semester, the

first serious drop since the war, has brought an unpleasant but apparently necessary tightening M. Michelet once related to me that France was a nation of barbarians civilized by the draft. in (he University economy. Arnold: Culture and Anarchy Monday night the Vice-Chancellor and Dean Bruton explained to a disgruntled group of stu- I propose to travel for a few years with the dents, predominantly freshmen, the reasons for especial object of finding out what nations now ex- dormitories, Barnwell and closing down their isting are the best, comeliest and most lovable, and

Selden Halls. also what nations have been so in times past. I To give them their due, the members of the want to find out how these people live, and have lived, and what their customs are. I have very administration have acted swiftly and have pre- vague notions upon the subject as yet, but the sented their plans, however shifting, to the stu- general impression I have formed is that, putting written dents in a forthright manner. A brief, ourselves on one side, the most vigorous and amiable proclamation would have been the means of noti- of known nations are the modern Italians, the old Greeks and and the fication at many a university. Students have been Romans, South Sea Islanders. I believe that these nice people have not as understandably disturbed by this interruption in a rule been purists, but I want to see those of them who their most basic requirements, food and shelter, can yet be seen; they are the practical authorities the path but students of Sewanee Inn followed on the question: What is best for man? of moderation by sending a picked committee to Samuel Butler: The Waxj of All Flesh discuss their situation with Dr. Green. The policy of "retrenchment" has always been Whenever I read a charming description of a lovely English countryside, I admire it; and I disagreeable to follow, but if economies are see how to love Tennessee more. necessary then only large, not small, steps must be taken. The Purple agrees with the general The original purpose of standardization was to im- measures adopted, and it firmly supports the re- prove the inferior, not to make superior things alike. tention of Mrs. Alex Caven during this semester and the proposal that upperclassmen formerly Jambalaya The cliches of culture are like water wings; they at Sewanee Inn be allowed to take their dining help you to float even if you can't swim. meals at Tuckaway rather than Magnolia. Avent Believes New Union You can't skip growth, though of course you can Another Incident Will Be Opened Next Month get older without growing. "The Kenyon Incident" rises again like a By Bob Fowler In the realm of literature, Time is a kind of "de- disrupt Se- third-rate Frankenstein monster to pression" from which an author must recover without conversation with Avent we have wanee schedules. IN AN INTERESTING Mr. pump priming or artificial aid—critics and reviewers The cancellation by the Ohio college's public learned that he expects the new Student Union to be open for business in cahoots with him will also be dead. relations office of John Crowe Ransom's lecture some time during the next month. If his guess is correct the actual The eyes of an aged beast betray sometimes an here Feb. 28 came as a shock to the literary- time required for the construction of the building will be a little more suffering, our common fate. minded of the Mountain and to hard-working than six months. In these days it appears that it takes longer to get Sopherim president Gilbert Hinshaw in particu- the plans on paper than it does to get a building constructed.

lar. Hinshaw, who held Mr. Ransom's gracious Actually, the Comptroller does not prevailed throughout the Gownsmen acceptance of his invitation, found the curt note believe that the Union will be com- ranks since grades were announced Pluto's Dialogues pleted during March. He points out last week. All the griping stems from sent by the Kenyon office difficult to believe, that there is still a lot of outside certain conditions that have arisen in and called Ransom personally. Hinshaw is to work to finish and that this must be the change from numbers to letters. Hell Week Frenzy be congratulated for securing so gifted a substi- delayed until the weather gets better. The biggest noise is about the un- tute as Dr. Spears. Practically all equipment and furnish- limited cut privilege of Gownsmen. By Bertram Wyatt-Brown ings arrived and are almost out that It is galling to receive such treatment a sec- have These upperclassmen Photographs ready to be installed. From what under the new system they can make of the Fun Week ceremonies would ond time from what should be a sister institu- have appropriate we've seen of the plans and furnish- four B's and one C for a semester made illustrations for Dante's "In- tion. This treatment represents the most de- ferno." But the traditional strictly ings our new Union should be a hum- and be denied unlimited cuts, while SAE mud-pit was a steal testable form of northern provincialism, which dinger. Little cost has been spared under the former system they would from Use Koch of Buchenwold. Much to the disappointment of Sinister Cy and Madman McKei- fortunately is far from being prevalent. It must in order to make it a top notch build- have probably been granted this privi- then, all survived with nothing more serious than be borne with firm and graceful dignity, and ing. lege. frostbite sore facial One of the new features to be added and muscles, a result of such ever with a hope that the hatchet is to be buried In a true Drew Pearson fashion we remarks as, "Laugh it up, fellas." is the Western Union office. Located permanently. are going out on a limb to make the here primarily for the convenience of The KAs heeded Dean Baker's sensible advice that following prediction: The authorities the students, it should prove bene- constructive projects be planned for the Hell-week will take into consideration the un- The Form ficial to everyone (except the towns- activities. Bainbridge and Shockley removed furni- people). favorable conditions in the new sys- ture, rugs, and Mrs. Baker, then thoroughly waxed Readers will notice a change of style on the tem and make necessary adjustments the floors. Also in the same spirit, they rolled editorial page of this week's Purple. The "mast- GRADING SYSTEM BLUES have to settle them. their pledges around in the snow in their yard

head" has been dropped to a position of lesser until it melted. prominence, headlines have been changed to hunt, the Student Opinion The Sigamanus organized a treasure summarize better the content of the articles, and treasure being Bert Hatch. Hodgkins and Luce had weekend dates with some chicks that could really lines between columns have been omitted. Larger lay eggs. Expeditions off the Holy Hill were few type has been used in some cases. And a new Grading System Is Opposed but: "student opinion" feature has been started. By Walter R. Cox Bill Prentiss, Jim Reaney, and Red Williams, add- The purpose of these changes is to present to ing to Mike Pardue's now voluminous file on W.-B. The first question presented by the representative cross-section of the the reader a page that is more attractive and girls' measurements, interviewed 129 girls and Mrs. "student opinion poll" to the students student body, shows the following re- Moss (statistics available to bachelor faculty mem- easy to read. They are in accordance with what of the University for their considera- sults: Yes—47 percent, NO—53 per- bers). They left Nashville while the janitor at we feel to be the best trends in modern journal- tion was "Do you prefer the present cent. The line of demarkation seems frantically for 3 hours trying to the line dividing the Vandy worked ism. The staff of this year's Purple has at- grading system or the former numeri- to fall down scrape "Yea. Sewanee's Right" from the library steps. ca system?" Gownsmen from the undercla. tempted, perhaps more than any since before The Delts gave the most fascinating joumey-night Our results, tabulated from the ques- and the reasons for both sides the Second World War, to produce a newspaper assignments. Bartlett would let us say more, if he tioning of sixty-five students from all obvious. went away. Jimmie Kidd and Buzzy Matthews that is journalistically as well as factually cor- the dormitories on the campus and (Continued on page 3) landed in jail for trying earnestly but without success rect. We have emphasized the form as well as to land dates for their respective elders. the content. Cftt irtteaiue purple But perhaps the KSs had the most intellectual Comments on this as well as other subjects is evening by debating the future of the toothbrush in- the University oj the South invited in the Letters column. The Official Organ of the StudenU 0/ dustry in view of current dating practices. Later, Grand Inquisitor Tom Ingram held the balance of justice, while Dick Allin as council for the prose- Letters EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT cution was successful in convicting 13 of the miser- ttiate Editor SPORTS—Jerry Stallincs, Sport, Editor defendants. Hfsrv Lanciiorne, Asnttanl Sport, Editor able Gil Dent. Ted '. Andre SI'tlRTS WRITFRS—Jim Bell. J.Ac Wall The Phigams used the scramble-for-clothes-under- F..

•<.-. poll office . T«nn...«, umfcr Ihl.T 1 as id clan ma ier February 18, 1046, at th Respectfully, Remember, jilted girl-want victims: don't debate, ,1 M.m-h 3. 1879. Charles K. Horn get a late date. — —— — . .

Clje ©etoanee purple, jFebruarp 7, 1951

New Proctors Named Details Announced Pic's oj the Flicks On Summer Session For Second Semester By George Leyden Thursday and Friday, Feb. 8-9— Bulletin following realign- The University of the —The South will Mother Didn't Tell Me with Dorothy hold a ten-week ments were made among proctors as summer session in- McGuire and William Lundigan. Very Purple went to press: John Lucas cluding the full liberal arts the curricu- old, paired with well worn humor. from Barnwell Hall, which lum immediately following was moved commence- Pretty good, however, and a must for being closed down, to Sewanee Inn, ment in June, according to an is an- marriage prospects. (IJE.—Draft dod- Browning. nouncement made where he will Red by Vice- Chancellor gers) Patterson was reassigned to Boylston Green today. The Brown term be- Owl— Dial 1119—Fair flair despite Tuckaway Inn, replacing Winn Price, gins Wednesday, June 13. the terrible pot. It's set with a con- to Barton Hall. He Courses will be listed after who moves suc- the de- fusing effect of a terrified mental vic- Cain, sires of students ceeds Buck who will become as- now in college and tim and a tense atmosphere of murder. sistant proctor of Johnson Hall. planning to attend have been deter- A Miss Virginia Field stars, playing an mined. attractive barfly;—you know it may be The names and assignments of two Return to the accelerated program better than I think. Incidently we appointed proctors were have been made newly an- because of inquiries see the last of our tired hero, the nounced by the Dean of the College from high school seniors wanting to Atom Man. So long Sam, it's been of Arts and Sciences at the beginning begin college work immediately and good to know you. . . because of the new semester. Several changes of the interest of present Saturday and Monday, Feb. 10-12— assignment for old proctors students, Dr Green of wen said. Summer Stock with. Judy Garland, Dr. Gaston also made known. S. Bruton, head of the Gene Kelly, Gloria De Haven, Eddie department Windsor Morris Price of Baldwins- of mathematics and acting Bracken. Entertainment plus—singing, dean of men, will Peanut czar Pete Vineyard, left, looks or< John Barclay operates ville, New York, was appointed procto? be dean of the :ing, comedy, a story line which one of his six penny vending machines, Vineyard has installed the of Tuckaway Inn. Walter L. "Buck' stands up nicely, and an overall gloss devices The at strategic points on the campus. Cain of Bessemer, Alabama, was named new plans will not interfere and polish which makes every minute with an already busy new proctor of Barton Hall. summer planned of the film enjoyable. It's a techni- for the Sewanee campus. GOOBER MAGNATE Frank Gettys Watkins of Athens, The Cum- ilor must. berland Forest Tennessee, was named Head Proctor Festival of music will Sunday and Tuesday, Feb. 11-13— run for nine weeks beginning and was put in charge of Johnson June 25, ur Very Own starring Ann Blyth, the Graduate School of Theology for Peanut Business Booms Hall. He was formerly proctor at Farley Granger, and Joan Evans. De- As five ! weeks beginning Hoffman Hall. Edmond Lee "Red July 23, and a spite what Mrs. Roosevelt says about series of conferences will bring from Browning of Corpus Christi, Texas, it just ain't what it's cracked up Vineyard Profits From Idea 100 to 250 Episcopalians former proctor at Tuckaway, was given at a time to to be. An unconvincing script hinders the campus for discussions the position vacated by Floyd Willard and work- excellent cast; it is touching in By Bob Fowler Leonard as proctor of Sewanee Inn. places though, so don't forget the Entrepreneurial initiative is what the economist calls it, but to Pete Vine- Thomas Kelsey Lamb, Jr., of Beau 14— yard it's just a scheme to make money. Six peanut vending machines repre- mont, Texas, was appointed proctor of Wednesday, Feb. The Hidden sent his investment and the pennies which pour in are his income. And, so Hoffman Hall. He was previously Program Announced Room with Robert Newton and Sally far, he isn't the least bit disappointed. Gray. This is the third this of two proctors at Barton Hall. time For Choir Recordings flick has been scheduled for our fond Vineyard, a junior Chemistry major, got his inspiration during the Christ- holidays. often of selling knick-knacks at his mountain. The critics say it fair, I mas He had thought dormitory and the idea of vending machines seemed plausible. There was, however, too French Club Selections have been chosen by the say hide it. Formed University choir for their Sewanee Rusty Saves A Life with the great of an expense involved in such an undertaking. On University Campus album to be recorded here February and only 'Rusty,' Hollywood's i" One day he thought of peanuts and 28 through March 1 realized that he had his idea. With by Recorded Pub- little wonder dog. Tell me how it Grad Theology School lications Company of Camden, New the help of a friend he secured the A new student organization known Jersey. The three ten inch discs will Slated For venders and purchased several pounds as the French Club was born on the Summer contain choice anthems of the choir of peanuts. campus last week. The plans for the repertory, including those best re- The Graduate School of Theology Still an inexperienced enterpriser, new club were first conceived by Billy "La Traviata" Movie ceived at the Christmas and Com- at Sewanee, the only such institution Vineyard had to cope with his biggest Hale and Norman Dill, who have an- mencement programs of the past few within the Episcopal Church, will hold problem. Knowing Sewanee to be a nounced that the dual purpose of the lo Be Shown Here a five week session extending from community reluctant towards free en- organization is to enable its members terprise set to get The program as planned is as fol- Monday, July 23, until Saturday, Au- he out the approval lo become more fluent in their speak- By John Bratton lows: the authorities. This was not an gust 25. As it was last year, the from ing of the French language and to Violetta has led a blithe life, that Welcome Yule—Eric Gritten session will be under the directorship easy task and he was not to meet with give them the opportunity of becom- is, until Alfredo appears at the gay Balulalow—Peter Warlock of the Rev. M. Bowyer Stewart, DX). immediate success. Rigid customs and ing better acquainted with the pres- party held in her Parisian drawing O Magnum Mysterium—Vi ttoria Among the faculty members this determined attitudes of many resisted ent cultural, economic, and political room. It seems to be love at first Mis. Mei—Allegri any idea which seemed to change the situation in France. sight, as is the usual case in Paris summer will be John Sedberry Mar- the Sanctus and Benedictus from "Messe shall, Ph.D., head of the phi- homely atmosphere of Sewanee French will be spoken exclusively and in opera, and, after a drinking Sewanee a Trois Voiv" Andre Caplet losophy department, the Rev. Pierson dormitory. With no encouragement at meetings of the club. At each song, the attention of host and guest The Dying Christian to his Soul—Wil- Parker, Th.D., of General Theological from the school officials, Vineyard, session the various members will be are directed to more serious expres- liam Billings Seminary, and the Rev. Massey undaunted, decided to try his luck. called upon to give a report on some sion. Though such attention is strictly H. success followed and he Piffero di Natale—Lojero Shepherd, Jr., Ph.D., Episcopal Instantaneous phase of life in modem-day France. against her principles, Violetta ("I of The- Personnent Lodie ai Gustav ological School, Cambridge. was in busines. French recordings will be played, and live for love and liberty") hangs on Hote Scattered over the campus, the six the group will learn to sing several Alfredo's every note. Of course, there The Very Rev. Francis Craighill Alternate: venders are doing a booming business. songs in French. The Club even has must be a jinx, and this time it is Brown, D.D., associate director of the Veni Creator Spiritus Palestrina They have been accorded popular ac- plans of a possible future presentation Germont, the father of Alfredo, who conference, is handling all advanced lie Psallite 14 Century claim and are considered a necessary of a play in French. refuses to consent their marriage. So applications through the office of the Students interested are asked to ob- fixture in the dormitory. Even hesi- an organizational meeting held the couple just live together, "far Dean at Sewanee. Four courses pre- tain subscription cards from members tant matrons who first objected to last Sunday afternoon at the Sigma from gap Paris," until such time as sented in standard theological fields of the Sewanee Music Club, the Uni- their intrusion now approve of them. lu house officers were elected. These Germont will concede the benefit of with a fifth course in Religious Edu- sity choir, or the Public Relations Vineyard considers ''quality and wre: John Stanley Long, President; standings and duelling ensue when cation are to be offered under the su- ice. Albums are sold only by ad- freshness" to be the secret of his suc- Normal Dill, Vice-President; BUI Mc- Violetta returns to Paris. Violetta is pervision of the Rev. John Heuss, ice pre-paid or COD subscriptions. cess. Income tax and a possible pea- Cann, Secretary; and Bill Pilcher, ill; and in a pathetic scene, she dies D.D., of the National Council. nut shortage are now his chief wor- m Director. Sponsors of the with Alfredo at her bedside. # ries. He has consistently denied the ire Doctors Frierson and Buck. SIMPLE MULTIPLICATION Such is the story of La Traviata by that his business is a subsi- Other rumor faculty members affiliated with Guiseppi Verdi, generally conceded to Forget Female Past, diary of Varnell Enterprises. "ie Things club are Dr. Lockard, Mr. Martin, seemed to be very normal; he greatest Italian opera composer As to the future Vineyard has no »1 a one noticed any ffinbourn S. Catherwood. particular dis- of the nineteenth century. A film of F. S. U. Paper Says definite plans. He does admit, how- turbance within the sanctuaries of La Traviata will be shown at the ever, that he has several ideas which Sewanee's Science building. The lights Union Theatre on Sunday evening and The Florida Flambeau, student he is considering. STUDENT OPINION ; burning as bright and long as Monday afternoon, the exact time to newspaper at Florida State University, {Continued from page 2) always; there were the usual number be announced by the management ntly took a long look at the stu- of rolled up shirt-sleeves, ruffled hair later in the week. dents, the administration and the fac- W. & L. Plan Gi Credit The nd harried looks. Trni tnS Gownsmen feel that their un- To an outsider, Starring in the role of Violetta is ulty. About the last newspaper com- For Reserve ^mited-cut 11 was peaceful. privilege is made more dif- the beautiful soprano, Nelli Corradi mented: From the W. & L. Ring-Tum-Phi ult to But within sacred attain since the present our halls of whom opera lovers will remember as still j sys- "We have many teachers who Academic credit will be extended of a knowledge there was a visitor last ^ 2-point average is not the Rosina in the film of The Barber of egard Florida State University as to those Washington and Lee students as an Monday, a visitor who often goes by 85 average. That is to Seville shown here last year. Cino Florida State College for Women.... who are members of the Naval Re- ia y. four or he name of Mr. Stork. And with is five B's, and one C will Mattera Alfredo, and the elderly ilorida State College for Women was serve and who have completed certain ot ma ke the necessary im he brought several permanent Germont is sung (not portrayed) by 2-point i community of the top female crop requirements of the officers' training age. Wh esidents (permanent either in out ical method or Tito Gobbi, applauded for his role in n the state. The teachers recognized school of the Navy, Dean Frank J. or five f preserving fluid). Additional scien- 90's and o ie 80 would e opera film last year as the barber. them as such. But with the coming Gilliam announced yesterday. roade ists? no such luck. It seems that the average. Besides this — La Traviata will make a superb o-education we developed a new This unusual plan, agreed upon by ^ument, the department the pollsters al o found that of dissection had pro- first night for those who have never and brighter community. The minor- the University Committee on Courses ,h * students red two rabbits for experimental felt there we »n opera, for in this work one finds ity of teachers resented the change and Degrees, will be awarded only to ^'nion s among ourposes and, overlooking the facts thrilling the members of the succession of arias, gaiety, and hold that resentment until this men who have finished both summer acu 'ty as to of life, placed just how much work is them in the same cage. pathos, dramatic intensity, and love. day. training periods of the Reserve Officer ort h an Result: few A, B or C. Another thought a more rabbits. * Candidate program at Newport, Rhode Planted . . Until such times as we forget is that students are able Dr. Green Goes Griffin To that we were once 'girls', progress ^distinguish between an 85 and a 90, impractical sys- Dr. Boylston Green was in Griffin, er will be slow." ^as in the ^ present system they Georgia on Sunday, February 4, in Next to English and r The Flambeau also * both rated complained about as merely a B. The percentages, by classes, fell as order to speak at the regular service popularity as major fields for Sewa- lack of community 'ashmen are spirit between pro- ^ mainly the ones who Mows: Freshmen—80 percent for the of Morning Prayer at St. George's nee students this year come political WwH the fessors and students. "We should be letter system. They had system; Sophomores—50 percent for Church there. Dr. Green spoke in science and history, with 10 other tr tirades made to feel free to call upon a in high school and there- the system; Juniors—33 percent for the interest of the University. following. Total number of J- r subjects ''ke them professor for assistance at any time. . . in college. the system; Seniors—25 percent for The Rev. Marshall J. Ellis, a Se- students per professor runs from a in V Faculty ' persons and student bull sessions P°,led seemed fav- the system. 29 percent of the Gowns- wanee alumnus, is rector of St. 127 to of 13. This does or h high of a low gWe toward should be inaugurated letter grades for the favor the letter system, while 65 George's. While in Griffin Dr. and and kept up not relate to the size of individual S nur ' nerical grades for the sciences. percent of the under- t frequent intervals. We want to science labs, ; t gownsmen pre- Mrs. Green were the guests of Mrs. ses which, excluding pointed out that this would fer letters know our teachers. . . . Pro*? over numbers for their R. P. Shepard, one of the University's We want to ies from a half dozen students to lde greater accuracy. Most stu- most faithful donors. be better informed." average classroom of 25 to 35. Setoanee Purple, jTe&ruarp 7, 1951 TIGERCfje SPORTS

Long Vandy Rivalry SAEs In First Place Van Davis Top Scorer Renewed On Feb. 13 With Perfect Record; In Intramural League

Second 19 jjttit StallUtf Sewanee's Purple Tigers will journ- Phi Delts Are January 8 through January fta ftm f pf -pa ey down to Nashville on Feb. 13 to team g fg Andy Duncan renew an athletic rivalry which has By ATO 3 66 36 15 32 147 94 Jerry Stallings STANDINGS By lasted for seventy-four years. TEAM BTP 3 40 41 11 44 91 162 DTD 3 26 36 14 22 66 161 It was way back in 1877 that an 4 78 49 20 44 176 136 athletic contest between Vanderbilt KA KS 4 37 45 10 42 84 137 and Sewanee is first recorded. This SPEAKS TO NCAA 3. SN -. - 4 PDT 4 84 59 33 66 201 163 GORDON CLARK was a baseball game which Sewanee 4. ATO 3 4 59 65 26 39 144 116 score of 19-12. Ever since PGD would like to take the liberty this week of reprinting an article which won by a We 5. KA - 3 SAE 4 82 69 32 61 196 137 then, Sewanee has met the Commo- will appear in the Alumni News. This, we think, is an excellent report 6. PGD - 3 SN 4 60 61 22 49 142 122 talk given by Athletic Director Gordon Clark at the recent meeting of the a 7. Independents 2 Theo 4 64 44 21 50 149 187 in Dallas. The last meeting on a basketball NCAA 8. Theologs 2 Indp 3 46 43 14 34 106 87 court was in 1946 and Vanderbilt won Gordon Clark vows that he didn't intend to make a speech. He was just 9. KS ---- 1 Key: G—Games; FG—Field Goals; 51-30. This year, Vandy has been an innocent auditor who was present for the fireworks when the explosive 10. DTD — --0 FTA—Free Throws Attemped; FTM— riding high in the Southeast Confer- Sanity Code of the National Collegiate Athletic Association came to the floor 11. Beta - Free Throws Made; F—Fowls; PF— until a recent, and fatal, meeting at the annual meeting Li Dallas on December 10. Virginia, earlier in the Points For; PA—Points Against. After taking time out for exams that with Kentucky. It is hoped that many season, had led a group of Southern universities, saying they were OFFENSIVE AVERAGE students will make the trip to Nash- and the semester change, play in the through subscribing to football rules they were not following. Other Southern 50.2 the Tigers continue this intramural basketball race was re- PDT and Southeastern conference members joined in a movement to abolish the ville to watch ATO - 49.0 ancient rivalry. sumed, with the SAEs still leading 49" -#- the pack, having racked up five wins SAE - The scene was a panel discussion centering on the attitude of "small col- 44.0 without a loss. The Phi Delts and KA leges" toward the code. It was known that the vote of the small institutions - 37,5 Sigma Nus, with but a single loss Theo would swing the decision. Three speakers ably set forth the case of the Ten Lettermen Back --..36.0 against them, are next in line, the PGD - Sanity Code and apparently the discussion had come to a standstill. To Form Nucleus Phis having five wins, the Snakes Gordon Clark rose to say that he hoped something would be said giving four. Indp. arguments against the code. No one spoke. Finally a member of the panel Of 1951 Track Team PDT—PGD BTP asked him to lead the negative discussion. Nervously, with his bald pate Probably the closest battle of the DTD glare of the kleig lights, went forward, briefcase and shimmering in the he Within two weeks the thinclads of last three weeks found the Phis com- sentences of background all. He introduced himself, gave two or three Sewanee's 1951 track squad will! ing out on the heavier end of a 33-31 Defensive Average Sewanee's srictly non-subsidized program, stating that if big-time football launch an extensive training pro is with the Fijis. Palmer and PGD under the Sanity Code, Sewanee's program was under the "Insanity came gram in preparation for the nearing Dickerson provided the edge for the his saying in part: Code." He then launched into case, season which opens in late March. victors, while scoring honors for the The Sanity Code is in simple violation of the NCAA Constitution, Article Out of Sewanee's fifteen lettermen sing Phi Gams were well divided III, Section 1, which reads, "An amateur athlete is one who engages of last year's victorious squad, ten nong Flodin, Smith and Gresh. athletics for the physical, mental, or social benefits he derives therefrom, and are returning; and the first turnouts KA—KS KS .. accept; to whom athletics is an avocation. Any college athlete who takes or reveal forty-odd candidates for this Led by Wire and Thomas, the KAs SAE . meet the promise of pay in any form for participation in athletics does not year's team. While such irreplace- rolled to a 34-23 win over the Kappa PDT . this definition of an amateur." able stalwarts as Ed Seagram and Sigs. Dozier led the losers with G Theo.

The Sanity Code, Mr. Clark charged, has become a screen behind which Art Perkins will be sorely missed, SN—THEOLOGS DTD .

many institutions have hidden their paying of athletes; thereby those insti the return of stars like Captain Wynn A last quarter spurt by the The- BTP . tutions have become parties to hypocrisy, subterfuge, deceit, and evasion Ragland, alternate -captain Tommy ologs against the Snakes fell short Average The Sanity Code could not and was not being enforced, he declared, and has Lamb, Dave Critchlow, Holt Hogan, as the Sigma Nus emerged from the PDT created a situation similar to that caused by the Prohibition Amendment Bruce Burch, Nick Willard, John battle with a 40-35 win. Scott and Theo. Puckette, Warden hit the nets for ten points Gordon Clark advocated that a sort of local option be used with the insti- Foster, Dave Wendel, Elliott ATO wil certainly en- each, with Douglas matching this for tutions making their own rules or governing their problems through con- and Don Clicquennoi SAE the hopes again this the Theologs. - ference rulings. "As far as our institution is concerned," he said, "the Uni- hance Tiger KA spring. SAE—DTD versity of the South may be counted upon to adhere rigidly to the definition PGD The SAEs unleashed a high of an amateur as given in the NCAA Constitution. We hope ultimately that Already training has been started DTD trio in Porter, King and Bomar, these all institutions which can do so will join us, and that the others can be per- for Ragland, Critchlow, and Burch SN - leading the Minerva men to suaded to say openly, as does the University of Virginia, exactly what they who will enter the Southern Con- 72-24 ference Indoor Games at Chapel Hill, heavy win over the Delts, who BTP the punch to run up the Carolina on February 24th. lacked KS - Neutral observers have told us that Sewanee's director of athletics received North Ragland, time of Thomas and Brown played well for Scoring many favorable comments from college presidents, as well as from his col- Captain Wynn whose 1:58.6 in the 880 yd. run last spring the losers. player team g leagues in athletic circles. The next day, President Gordon Gray of North — a Sewanee INDEPENDENT—KS 4 Carolina presented the closing argument against the Sanity Code and the final gainst Vanderbilt set new Davis, Theo sharpshooting the record, will be relied on to lead the Ward's brought KA 4 vote was 130-60 in favor of abolishing the controversial sections of the code. Thomas, Purple runners again this Independents a scalp to hook on their Ward, Indp 3 victory belt in the form of a 35-19 OF COACHES AND CONTRACTS while Alternate Captain Lamb, who Palmer, PDT 4 the Sigs. Vineyard amassed 59V2 points last year to lead win over Kappa Dickerson, PDT 4 scored 8 points for the losers. A flurry was created recently when Tennessee and some other schools an- the returning lettermen, will also be Porter, SAE -4 nounced their football coaches had been given what amounted to a life-time a mainstay for the Tigers this spring. ATO—THEOLOG Bomar, SAE 4 play-for-pay system. And this For the ATOs, Hall and Jones got contract. This is a new departure in the Among the new turnouts for the Keyser, SN 4 Sewanee. Here, together to score enough points by brings attention to the somewhat unique system employed at squad are found such promising mei Scott, SN 4 athletic director, are on the same basis as the faculty themselves to equal the losing theo- 3 coaches, as well as the as Bill Porter, Jim Ed Mulkin, Tonr Jones, ATO and neither the school logs' total, and the A-Taus came out 3 30 10.0 members. That is, the coaches' ability is recognized, my Robertson, Jim Whitaker, and Snell, Theo nor the coaches feel the necessity for a contract. This, we feel, is an intelli- a 60-34 victory. Davis made Jimmy Seidule who was second in while Bigham and not work half his team's total, scoring 22 winning team, gent approach to the coaching problem although it probably would broad-jumping last the Mid-South playing for the Independents, this policy there has been little change points for the men from St. Luke's. Ward, in the high pressure league. Under year for St. Andrews. made things difficult for the victory- in Sewanee coaches. Contrast this with the period 1902-09, when Sewanee PDT—KA Purpleclads open this season The birth- eking Phi Delts. had six coaches in seven years of football. The Phis spoiled the KAs Lee on March 29th when they meet How- day celebrations by coming out on ATO—PGD ard College here for the opening their third top of a 51-41 score in their set-to. The ATOs hung up ITS NEWS TO ME meet. After spring vacation the Ti- handing the Fijis The game was well played and, up tory of the season, gers resume their schedule with Emory loss. The score Chief sport on the Mountain the past week seems to have been sledding. until the last quarter, a close one. their third consecutive and the University of Kentucky on Hall and Gunby lead- The course was down the hill in front of Cannon Hall, and it went on until Palmer led the winners, while Thomas was 43-32, with home grounds, while they plan to the victors, and Gresh and Shaw, the wee hours of the night. . . . Spectators at one of the intramural basket and Wire played well for a losing ing journey against such rivals as Miss- ball games were treated to an exhibiion of fancy shooting by a feminine the losers. after their issippi College and Vanderbilt. On SN—KA visitor. . . . SAEs handed the Theologs some friendly ribbing SN—PGD April 7th the Tigers will be repre- a comfortable somewhat rugged basketball contest with them. The Theologs, they compl; The Snakes had to overcome a third The Snakes ran up sented in the Carolina Relays at first half margin, and then coasted acted more like athletes than future clergymen. . . . Maybe Sewanee should quarter deficit to do it, but they Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and on over the undermanned organize a bobsled team. managed, and when the smoke of battle a 42-26 victory 12th the T.I.A.C. meet will be made 18 points for the May cleared, they emerged with a 36-31 KAs. Keyser held on the Mountain as it was last Hughes, with 16, was I victory over the Fijis. Scott and Key- winners, while season. A tentative arrangement in- able to hit the hoop ser played well for the victors, while the only Rebel Loss Of Six Men May Hurt Tiger Chances cludes the possibility of the South- consistency. Shaw was the shining light in with any eastern A.A.U. to be held here also. THEOLOG Fiji quintet. SAE— the H. P. Bresee, John Broome, B. L. KS—BTP With Porter leading the scorers, of six varsity men at the ing 6'1", and who was voted the out- The loss their fifth win of the Burch, R. B. Clark, D. S. Clicquen- In a battle to climb off the bottom SAEs counted end of the first semester may prove to standing freshman athlete at Sewanee season, this one over the Theologs noi, W. W. Conner, W. H. Cox, D. S, of the ladder in the intramural be a severe loss to the Sewanee Tigers last year. Bomar also played Sigs proved superior to by a 46-28 score. remaining of the season. Frank Miller, a 6'4" freshman from Critchlow, F. W. Erschell, A. T. the Kappa in the games Sig Alphs, while Snell the Betas, and chalked up a 49-23 well for the six are missing are listed Rogersville, Tennessee, where he let- Farmer, R. A. Fisher, J. R. Foster, The who scored most of the losers win. Vineyard, with 22 points, and Davis below. tered four years in basketball. C. Fulton, D. P. Hassell, F. Hill, R. the game's high scorer. Honey played Beecher Richards, a 6'4" from Although the loss of these men will H. Hogan, W. Hopkins, S. Jenkins, DTD well for the Betas. PGD— Sparta, Term., who played some good definitely hurt, Coach Varnell has re- Keller, C. Keyser, W. Laurie, on C. C. L. DTD The Fijis hung a 38-22 defeat and have turning such men as Buck Cain, Bob THEOLOGS— the ball this year seemed to a T. K. Lamb, R. C. Luce, V. G. Mixon, with Gresh topping Snell combined for 37 the Delts. fine future ahead of him. Lockard, Jim Rox, Bill Crawford, Jack Davis and Moise, H. T. Morford, J. E. Mul- Trebor-MacConnell and Tre- R. the Theologs to scorers. Jim Rowe, 6'5", who lettered three Stowers, Gene Eyler, Sam Derby, Jim points, and pushed Puckette, W. were tops for the losers. kin, W B. Porter, S. E. over the Delts. Thomas vathan years at Fort Thomas, Kentucky. Wakefield, and Tommy Robertson. In a 49-27 win Ragland, J. Reaney, W. F. Robey, R. keep the PDT—BTP George Wagner, 5'11", who played addition, several men came in at the and Trevafhan helped to a field day defeating I Timberlake, D. Wendel, J. W. Whit- Delts in the game. The Phis had some fine ball for Sewanee last sea- semester and one or two of them may Dick- Willard, L. N. Wood, the Betas by a 68-9 count with prove to be of help to Coach Varnell aker, N. B. PDT—INDEPENDENTS Fletcher each dropping » 6'1" Zimmerman, Tommy Robertson, Jim- Phis scored a hard-earned 37- erson and "Flop" Millard, a freshman from Buck Cain has been out briefly with The Conner surprisingly points through the hoop. Henderson, Texas. an injury but will be back in action my Seidule, Jack Stowers, Jim Wake- 29 triumph over the for the losers. Palmer led his counted the most points "Cotton" Miller, a sophomore stand- field. strong Independents. "

Cfre §>etoanee Purple, jTebruarp 7, 1951 Pace Purple Tiger Attach Georgia Alumni Erect Memorial To Willie Six

By Gilbert K. Hinshaw who in 1908 was building All Saints' On a sandy eminence where the Chapel when Coach Harris G. Cope forest encroaches darkly on the east gave him the job as athletic trainer. end of the campus, "Willie Six," one Willie left the Chapel unfinished to do of the University's most devoted and a greater job of building, and forty loyal servants, rests forever. Here the years later his funeral was held in McNeel Marble Company of Marietta, that Chapel, still unfinished. Georgia, the world's largest producers This is the legend of all the stories nemorials, have placed a votive ever told of Willie Six: of how his e which, imperishable like the devoted students called him "Willie I works of the man it memorial- Six" when they saw him wearing an tells to the ensuing years: old discarded football jersey, lettered WILLIE SIMS and, his name being Willie Sims, Born December 10, 1886—Pelham, Ten- comparison of sounds was easily made; of how the Univerity declared Died January 1950 12, —Sewa Ten- "Willie Six Day" in his honor; and of how Sewanee men, large and small, For forty years beloved by Sewanee far and near, sent letters and tele- men as their athletic trainer. grams of tribute. "Willie Six" Of all the words, written and said, iwn for his gentleness, loyalty, lbout Willie, perhaps the finest are humility, and Christian charity. those of his close friend Coach Gor- He has left his mark upon us all. don Clark, for twenty years athletic This is a material tribute of Morgan director of the University of the and Eugene McNeel, owners of the Mc- South: "Willie Six was a great Chris- Neel Marble Company and alumni of tian gentleman. I have never known the Sewanee Military Academy, 1914- greater one. He brought to a rela- 1916. These alumni, like 3,000 other tively lowly station in life a dignity, Buck Cain, Jack Stowers, and Bob Lockord have Sewanee men, were served proved effective for Sewanee thus far this season. The three by Willie integrity, a charity which would be counted on heavily as the Tigers take to the road during his forty years as trainer (his weekend, and Vanderbilt Tuesday night. for credit to the highest office. He the Sewanee athletic teams. loved more people and thought more But this is not Meet The Tiger Frosh; a last tribue from itinually about their welfare and a world to whom Willie was endeared, Winter Edition Of comfort than anyone I have ever Robertson, Seidule, for Willie Six is a "Sewanee legend." SPORTS He leaves countless friends to Review Is Published The legend is of a gentle, black man rn White Are Counted On the passing of a rare spirit." CALENDAR DELICIOUS CANDIES The winter, 1951 edition of The By John Foster AND wanee Review was published January This is the last in a series of articles 20. It is the first issue to be released BAKERY PRODUCTS about the Freshmen members of the since the editor, Special 1950-51 Sewanee basketball team. February 9 Mr. John J. E. Candies and Favors Palmer, assumed his naval duties in Tommy Robertson hails from Leba- Sewanee vs. Millsaps at Jackson, For Dinners and Luncheons Washington. Aiding non, Tennessee where he attended iss. Mr. Palmer in 323 Union Street Nashville, 3, Tennessee the capacity of editorial assistants are Castle Heights. Tommy stands 5'11 February 10 "Price List Furnished Mr. Brinley Rhys and Winbourne Upon Request" and weighs 160 pounds. Coach Lon Sewanee vs. Mississippi Colege at Ca- therwood. Freshman Bill Varnell has been using Tommy as a Clinton, Miss. Norsek is the student reserve guard. He has shown that he February 12 assistant. V. R. WILLIAMS and COMPANY has fine potentialities on offensive and 7:30—PDT—KS Featured in the current issue is Franklin County's defensive play. Tommy's best shot 8: 30—PGD—SAE "Milton and the New Criticism", an is a set shot from out. February 13 article by Cleanth Brooks, distin- "Home of Insurance Service" Webb White is an 18 year old from Sewanee vs. Vanderbilt at Nash guished critic, editor, and teacher. for over fifty-two years Huntsville, Alabama. Webb is &2W' ville. Mr. Brooks is now teaching in the Special attention to and has been playing as a reserve at English department in Yale Univer- Sewanee Business either the forward or center positions. sity. Another contributor to this edi- PHONE 8-2249 He attended Webb School at Bell- DR. GRIMES tion is Monroe K. Spears, English in- (Co- from page 1) WINCHESTER buckle, Tenn., where he began his structor at Vanderbilt University. His Res. basketball career. Webb gets most of "Late Auden: The Satirist As Lunatic Phone 8-2664 Res. Phone 8-278S four years as assistant professor of V. R. Williams his points with a right or left handed Clergyman" is the first of a series of W. M. Cravens history at Akron. hook shot under the basket. two essays. Among the highlights of In 1942 he transerred to Kenyon, Jim Seidule, a new member of the the edition is "The Brothers Kara- where he became assistant professor THE SEWANEE UNION varsity squad, hails from New Or- mazov", an article on Dostoevski's es- THEATRE of history and assistant director of leans, Louisiana. Jim began playing says by Eliseo Vivas. A frequent AND admissions. In connection with his basketball at St. Andrews. He is 19 contributor, Mr. Vivas is Professor of work there he was a civilian recruit- SANDWICH SHOP ; old and is 5'7M>" tall. Jim uses Philosophy and English Literature at "THE ing representative of the Army Air CENTER OF STUDENT ACTIVITIES" e hand push shot from the cor- The Ohio State University. He has Force Meterology Department. The en- with unusual accuracy. He has ecently published The Ethical Life listment campaign which he and the been playing as a reserve guard or ind the Moral Life. Hugh Kenner, a director of admissions designed brought forward for the Tigers. nember of the English department in in 10,000 applications for the 2,000 po- A few new boys have come to Se- the Santa Barbara College of the sitions in the meterology department. inee who plan to go out for basket- University of California, is represented When World War n was declared, Probably the most outstanding by "Joyce and Ibsen's Naturalism." Dr. THE of these Grimes began serving a 42-month MONTEAGLE is Glen 6'3" DINER Shafer. Glen is William Carlos Williams, an inter- and lieutenant-commandership in the Navy. is definitely varsity material. He ttionally known poet, has written a tails from Folowing a year of anti-submarine Louisville. Kentucky where view of Padre's End, by Ford Mad- h e attended patrol in the Gulf of Mexico, he Male High School. dox Ford, for this issue. Other re- stationed on a transport in the P. viewers are Robert B. Heilman After V-J Day he entered the De- TRACK SCHEDULE (Tangled Web), Vernon Young (Many partment of Naval History, where he Where Friends March 29—Howard, here Questions, Many Idioms), F. Cudworth Meet Friends contributor to the book, History April Flint (Nine First 7-Carolina Relays, Novels) , Thomas Chapel Hill, of Naval Air Power. N. C. Wilcox (A Novelist of Means), Harold A member of Chi Phi Fraternity in April 14—Emory, here Nemerov (Public Services and Point- college, the director has been led by April 21—U. of Kentucky, ing Hands), and Philip Wheelwright here /arious interests to join the Ameri- April 28-Miss. College, Clinton, (Hinduism Ancient and Modern). Miss. Historical Association, the Ameri- »y 5-Vandy, Nashville This edition of the Review carries Delicious hy Philological Association, and the Food 12-T.I.A.C., here poems by John Edward xican Association of University Hardy, Cyn- Professors. thia Pickard, Francis Golffing, and Charles E. Madden. There is SEWANEE DRY CLEANERS My experience with the rush cap- also a story by Joseph Bennett, "The White "Service tain was nothing new," Dr. Grimes Our Motto" Whale." Dy decided, recalling another incident e i n g Alterations CLARA AND TOM which occurred while SHOEMATE Ve he was in the Deliver was interested in choosing Phone 2761 Kenyon admissions department. A a college for his son. "He has to talk to you Sewanee, Tennessee friend introduced him to a man who immediately," the friend explained, "because his son doesn't have much time left to make the choice." After an hour of discussion with the father, DINE and DANCE Dr. Grimes was led upstairs to meet the son. "We shook hands," he ex- . (l//^ CLARA'S pained, "through the bars of his crib.." AT MONTEAGLE FLOWERLAND CLCMRL/WD Owned and Operated by Flowers for all occasions JETT M. FISHER Cowan, Tenn. Phone 2811 Cfce ^etoance purple, jFefiruatp 7, 1951

ART DISPLAY TO OPEN Wellingtons, Peones, Construction Hurried Add Men One of Nashville's prominent artists Highlanders —Mrs. Maude McGehee Hankins—is University Supply Store sending 29 of her water color scenes Names of new members elected this a two-week display in the art School Supplies — Drugs week by the Wellingtons, Los Peones, gallery of the University of the South, and Highlanders social organizations Mrs. James M. Avent, art gallery Cigarettes — Tobacco have been announced. Several va- chairman, announced today. The ex- Pipes — Candies — Meats left will Sunday with hours cancies in each organization were hibit open Groceries — Soda Shop by men leaving the University at the from 1-5 p.m. for the entire period. close of the first semester. 'Everything for the Student' Frank Watkins, Dave Wend**l, and Subscribe now for the Mid-Winter Robert Briggs were added to the Well- Dance Set. (Adv.) ington scroll. All three are seniors. New Peones are Caywood Gunby, Ed Marshall, Bill Porter and Fritz Erschell. Jay Clark has been elected an honorary member. Three Scotsmen were added to the Speeded-up progress on the interior of the new Sewanee Union building has Highlander ranks. These men are Cy revised downward the estimated time required for completion. Work on Vineyard. Smythe, Jim Irvin, and Pete terior panelling and ceiling is almost completed. The building was destroyed All three organizations have plan- by fire last March 1. ned functions for the dance weekend. INDIGESTIBLE and the American Philosophical So- A "gathering of the Clan" at Jett's MUSIC ciety, working on this project. Place Thursday night will begin the Students at Furman University are publications have been chiefly weekend for the Highlander?. This up in arms over the conditions of historical studies of the Eighteenth group has extended an open invita- their dining halls. tury for scholarly journals, and tion to all persons who want to have A letter to the business manager of and essays for literary peri- a bonnie party. the university on the subject of music odicals. In recent years he has been A joint meeting of the Welling- in the men's dining hall stated that a regular contributor of reviews and tonians and Peones will feature a tug it was "of a limited nature. Several essays to Poetry and the Sewanee Re- of war Friday afternoon with a party pieces, among them "This is the Army' view, the most recent being a study Restraurant following. inappropriate Blue Sky and 'Easter Bonnet' seem of W. H. Auden in the current issue. evident reasons. It is s for Dr. Spears is not a stranger to that new pieces be purchased The Motor Mart Sewanee. He and Mrs. Spears spent Best" of 1950 on the Mountain, "The the summer K. SPEARS "Ab" Green MONROE living in the Beta Theta Pi house, (Continued from page 1) COMPLETE REPAIR SERVICE and both of them made many friends CAS OIL AUTO ACCESSORIES the members of the faculty — — Press, Oxford. Dr. Spears spent the among In Monteagle -::- Mrs. Edd Asher Sales—FORD—Service of 1949 in England, on grants and student body of the University Sewanee Phone 4051 ided by the Carnegie Foundation f the South


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