The Official Organ of the Students of The University of the South Vol. LXVIII, No. 14 jetognee, jjEennegggg, jTcbruatp 7, 1951 Number 1,053 Lecture Canceled 398 Students Register Mid-Winter Set Opens This Weekend For Second Semester The Public Relations Office of Ken- yon College has announced that Mr. As Enrollment Shrinks John Crowe Ransom has canceled his With Hal Mclntyre and Clyde Trask speaking engagement of February 28 Drop Brings Plan To Close at the University of the South, where Dormitories, Dining Hall he was to have been the guest speaker Subscriptions at an open meeting of Sopherim. According to figures given the Pur- Later contacts with Mr. Ransom Available ple by Mrs. R. G. Dudney, Registrar, confirmed this and his reason was 398 students have enrolled for the sec- that since he already had such an Mclntyre's Orchestra Friday, ond semester. At the first of the aca- engagement at Vanderbilt on Feb. 26, Trask To Follow On Saturday demic year 1950-51 the enrollment he would be forced to miss his Wed- numbered 534. This is a decrease of nesday classes at Kenyon if he were With the strain of exams fading into ]2fi students since September. to keep his engagement at Sewanee history, the Mountain is preparing for Nearly all of the 126 students wh< on the 28th. a record-breaking Mid-Winter set of Ic-ft scoool since the beginning of the Sopherim has announced that Dr. dances this coming Friday and Satur- year left either shortly before first Monroe K. Spears will speak at the day, February 9 and 10, in the Or- semester final examinations or open meeting on the date already mond-Simkins Gymnasium. mediatey upon completion of their scheduled. Featured Friday night will be Hal mester's work. Twelve of that m Mclntyre and his nationally famous ber left school because of failure to orchestra. On Saturday, Clyde Trask pass the required nine-hours work. Monroe K. Spears, and his 16 N. B. C. musicians will Seventeen students entered the Uni- play. Time of the dances will be 9 versity at the opening of the second Noted Author-Critic, p.m. to 1:00 a.m. semester, five being new men, six According to energetic Pete Vine- transfers, and six old students not Speaks February 28 yard, president of the German Club, attending last semester. the dances will be the best set of the tain Saturday night whet The drop in enrollment caused Vice- By Gil Dent season, and subscriptions should be . His experienced aggregation Chancellor Green and Dr. G. S. Bru- Sewanee will again welcome Mon- secured immediately from fraternity Set in 1948. He follows Hal Mc- ton, dean of men. to announce a roe K. Spears, gifted young scholar, representatives or German Club mem- Friday night. plan Monday night to close Barnwell writer, and speaker, to the mountain and Selden Halls, and the Sewanee February 28 to lecture on English The special fourth no-break at 11:00 Inn dining hall. Dr. Green cited the Literature. He will be the first to p.m. will be awarded to Omicron Del- temporary, wooden construction speak in a series of The Mountain Goat To SVFD Quells of the English talks ta Kappa Friday night and Phi Beta dormitories, their sponsored by high cost of heat- Sopherim of Sigma Up- Go On Sale Saturday iStight Kappa Saturday night. ing, and the large number of places silon literary fraternity. Blaze Mclntyre's rise to success and na- available in other dormitories. Dr. Spears, who is at present a ional popularity has brought to him Bert H. Hatch, News Editor Dr. Bruton answered repeated quer- member of the English department The second issue of The Mountain and his band the recognition of being ies as to why Barton Hall would not at Vanderbilt University, has come to Goat, new campus general magazine. Sewanee's Volunteer Fire Depart- "The Band All America Loves." be closed instead of one of the former be known as one of the ablest literary will appear at noon this coming Sat- ment displayed common sense Hal broke into the big time with two, by stating that it contained a scholars in the South, distinguished professional know-how last night Glenn Miller's band in 1938. It was high percentage of upperclassmen. He equally for his teaching and for his According to Editor Carter Smith, they successfully extinguished a r during this time that his saxaphone pointed out that it is the traditional itical writings. the forthcoming Goat contains two ing fire which, if allowed to go i became famous. policy of the University to give these Born April 28, 1916, in Darlington, short stories, two critical essays, poet- checked, might well have spread In 1941, at Miller's suggestion, he entire South Carolina, he received his A.B. ry, and an abundance of humor. Fea- throughout the Happy Hollow formed his own band and opened at Dr. Green stated that and A.M. degrees in 1937 community. Mrs. Maryon from the tured in the humor section of the Glen Island Casino, New Rochelle, M. Moise, matron of Selden Hall, will University of South Carolina. He was York, is magazine will be three original car- The blaze, caused by a faulty ch New which known as "The receive a similar position at Van Ness. is Ph.D. in English from ney, originated in the attic of the cradle of Name Bands." toons by Tommy McKeithen, whose He made no definite commitment re- specializing in Eighteenth home belonging to Luella Turney, Succeeding engagements found him caricature in the last issue of the Goat garding Mrs. Alex Caven, matron of Century Literature. well-known member of the Sewanee at the Commodore Hotel, New York; was widely praised. Barnwell. Inmates of Barnwell ex- From 1940-1942 he was instructor Negro community. The alarm The Palladium, Hollywood; Hotel pressed This issue of The Mountain Goat considerable concern for her. of English at Wisconsin. With the turned in at 6: 35 p.m. and in a matter Sherman, Chicago; and the Paramount longer the The student body of 524 with which advent of war, he joined the Signal will be four pages than of minutes the fire department and Strang Theaters, New York among the University started this academic Corps, later transferring to the Air first issue. It is also to be bound in the year was a capacity enrollment. The from which he was discharged a colored cover. The covers of the Because there are hydrants Hollywood and records were next present enrollment of 398 is the small- Captain in 1946. He went to first issue, due to unavoidable diffi- in Happy Hollow, as in the band's rapid climb to the top. est since the second Vanderbilt the semester of the same year as an as- culties, did not arrive in time to be ply of water carried on the truck was Mclntyre has made four musicals academic year 1945-46 when Sewanee sistant professor of English, becoming expended the fireman had to with- for Columbia Pictures and hit the boasted a total of 184 students. Even i associate professor in 1949. draw to lay hose from a hydrant on juke boxes with a crushing effect with The Goat will be on sale Saturday that 184 was a notable increase over He has been engaged since 1947, in University Avenue, some 150 yards "Commando Serenade" and "Senti- the circulation staff for the first by members of semester of that year when collaboration with Professor H. Bunker from the scene of <he fire. mental Journey." twenty-five cents. Copies will also the student body consisted of only 73 Wright of Miami University (Ohio), Strong winds billowed flames and Clyde Trask has just finished six m sale in the Supply Store, the preparing an edition of the works sparks high into the air. threatening consecutive record breaking years at This small number was brought of Mathew Prior for the Clarendon Library, and the Professors surrounding homes. Neighbors and Coney Isand's Moonlite Gardens and abtut when the Navy closed its V-12 (Continued on page 6) students carr d on an orderly removal Cincinnati's Beautiful Summer Ball- ^roeram on the Mountain and the ^f furniture nd personal belongings room. They have also been with the school was left with only those stu- from the flar S. S. Island Queen for 12 seasons and dents who had not been affiliated with Dr. Grimes Brings Experience In Onlookers ere of the opinion that played at the Casa Lama, St. Louis; the Navy program. the house w; doomed to burn to the Club Madrid, Loiusville; and the Indi- ana Roof. Indianapolis. Many FieUs To Admissions Post ground, but ; :er the hose connections th the hydrant on the Fraternities Pledge 7 highway the situation rapidly changed. application blank—requesting enroll- Fraternities John McGrory, Chief of the Seven In ment in September, 1960. Mid-Year Rushing SVFD, ordered recall at 9 p.m the With this incident Elect New Officers Dr. James M. house, though badly damaged, was Seven Grimes began his first day as the di- students ere pledged by Se- standing. The roof is a total Sewanee fraterni- vanee rector of admissions, the position held Seven of the nine frate; n the regular mid- but the four walls, the main recently ele ted new officers by Mr. Charles E. Thomas, ties have which closed Feb. who was and much of the interior ceil- for the coming semester. The other ' The sev, distributed among called to active duty with the Navy, Bv, two fraternities elect officers only once f the nine national fraternities January 30.
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