Top 5 Most Alkaline Foods

1. Spinach

Spinach is the one of my favorite vegetables. It is easy to use in salads, and sautés. I especially like it because you can buy organic spinach, which is already washed and ready to go. I always keep a container of spinach in my refrigerator. Spinach is a potent alkalizer with an abundance of nutrients. It is high in K, Vitamin A, folate, iron, vitamin C, calcium, potassium and fiber. This is one you can eat every day in many different ways.

Recipe: Blueberry Almond Green Water Sautéed Spinach with Garlic Mediterranean Lentils with Mushrooms and Spinach

2. Kale

KALE is a highly alkaline super food. Eating kale is like putting a rain forest into your body. Kale has more nutrients for fewer calories than almost any other food. It has the highest amount of antioxidants of any vegetable. Kale is strongly anti-inflammatory, high in fiber, low cholesterol and very alkaline. It is one of the top 5 in Whole Foods ANDI score. Like spinach it is high in Vitamin K, Vitamin A and Vitamin C. It contains glucosinolates which are easily converted by the body into cancer fighting compounds.

I like the lacanato kale which is pictured in salads because it is more delicate. The curly kind is also good but it is better cooked. You can use kale in salads, smoothies or sauté them. You can even make kale chips that are a delicious snack.

Recipe: Tuscan Kale & Avocado Salad Kale Chips with Almond Butter Note: If you have thyroid problems avoid raw kale, only eat it cooked. 3.

The best thing about is they are 95% water. This makes them incredibly hydrating to flush away acids.

The potassium and magnesium in cucumbers neutralize acids and help lower blood pressure. Cucumbers are considered a diuretic due to their high water content.

Cucumbers are unique in that they contain lignans in addition to the and minerals. Three of the known lignans are pinoresinol, lariciresinol and secoisolariciresinol. Lignans are chemicals found in the plant's cell walls. Lignans found in cucumbers may help reduce the potential for several different types of cancer, including breast, prostate, uterine and ovarian cancers.

Cucumbers also help with digestive problems. Consumption of fresh cucumber helps cleanse the digestive system of toxins. Besides using cucumber in salads, I like to add them to green juice creating a mild fresh flavor. If you don’t have a watch the video to see how to make in a blender.

Recipe: Wonderful Green Juice Video Cucumber Avocado Soup (raw soup) Making Vegetable Juice in a Blender Persian Cucumber Salad

4. Broccoli

”Eat your broccoli” because it will alkalize your body and provide you with vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants that have proven health benefits. Fresh broccoli is a storehouse of many phyto-nutrients to help protect you from prostate, colon, urinary bladder, pancreatic, and breast cancers. It is an exceptionally rich source of vitamin-C. Also it contains high amounts of another anti-oxidant vitamin, vitamin-A. Vitamin A is essential for healthy eye- sight and prevent macular degeneration of the retina in the elderly population. It also supports the digestive system and the detoxification process in the body.

Broccoli is great steamed with a drizzle of olive oil for a very simple alkalizing dish. You can add it to salad and put it in a stir fry. You can even grill broccoli!

Recipe: Asian Temeph with Broccoli and Shitake Mushrooms Grilled Broccoli with Garlic

5. Celery

Celery like cucumber has a very high water content. I like to put it in almost every juice I make. This is one of the most alkaline foods there is. It quickly neutralizes acids.

Celery is an underappreciated vegetable. Americans don't use celery much. Usually we see it as an edible utensil for consuming dip or hummus. Some people don’t eat celery because they think it is high in salt. Yes, celery is rich in sodium, but is very different than table salt which can cause many health problems. The sodium available in celery is soluble and organic (live), and is essential for the body. This organic sodium allows the body to use the other nutrients that are taken into the body. Every cell in our body is constantly bathed in a salt solution, if the salt level is not in balance, dehydration occurs. This is why celery juice is a perfect rehydration drink for athletes.

It is a great diuretic that will help rid the body of fluids taking the acids with them. Celery is excellent for digestion.

Celery is great added to soups, salads, stir fry’s and is great for a snack dipped in a dressing or other dip.

Recipe: Celery Almond Goji Berry Logs Celery Cilantro Juice Cilantro Dressing

By adding these vegetables into your diet daily you will become more alkaline.

For additional recipes go to my website

Copyright © 2013 Ingrid DeHart