Freedom Socialist January-March 1995 in This Issue Vol

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Freedom Socialist January-March 1995 in This Issue Vol FILE COpy Murder as an Clara Fraser on OJ. anti-abortion tactic and Nicole: Whose case spreads to Canada is it, anyway? PageS Page 7 January-March 1995 Volume 15, Number 4 ($1.00 outside U.S.) 75C Angry voters send mixed message Ready to bolt two-party system, workers are all fired up with no place to go BY LINDA AVERILL 61 percent of the electorate stayed home. essential for the People want a third party, a real alter­ economy's nor­ t's the morning after in America. native to the parties of big business. But mal functioning, Voters have registered their rage by nobody is offering them one. and thatit's posi­ tossing out the Democrat bumblers Especially given this void, some tively dangerous I and betrayers and replacing them people are moving right, desperate to for U.S. plants to with a new bunch of Robin-Hoods-in­ pin the blame somewhere. But this operate at more reverse - this time Republicans. Do the dangerous trend does not have to be­ than 80 percent elections signal a stampede to the right come the established order. It's time not of their produc­ and a sweeping embrace of Scroogism to mourn, but to organize! tive capacity. and racism? Or is this reshuffling of the Pandering to ~ twin-party deck just business as usual? Democrats punished for their these policies are ~ The answer to both questions is no. treachery. Workers and small busi- ourelectedrepre­ The elections show a picture of a U.S. ness owners have every reason to be sick sentatives. Their working dass t.oaUs djsgusted". puzzled, of the system and its po~ititians. .,~,JGUsy politics a- Porterville, Cal.: One of many electlo......,.·student walk­ insecure, and demoralized - but still Big business' answer to the economic side, they make outs against Prop. 187. Uno de los muchos paras estudiotlles desperately looking for solutions, unde­ and social mess created by its vampire- up a bipartisan en contra de la Proposid6n 187 durante el dia de las e'eccionel, cided about what those should be. like thirst for profits is to adjust working rogues' gallery The Republicans proposed more cops, people's expectations continually down- merrily up to their ears in financial party of "change./I Middle-income, prisons, prayer, and privatization. The ward. Wall Street now says openly that scams, sexual harassment, ethics viola­ white male, and suburban voters fled problem, they said, is that freeloaders­ unemployment of about six percent is tions, and abuses of power of every the Democratic Party in droves. Betrayed immigrants, criminals, welfare moms " •••••••••••_ •• __._._~ ••n_<o_ •• _ ••• ___• ___•• ___ sordid variety. and deserted, the Democrats' traditional - are taking advantage of decent folk. In 1992, the Democrats swept Con­ constituency - women, people of color, The Democrats either echoed this same t<tJt: >eici!ttle Vffii:u€.h helped .... ~~p twe gress and the White House by pretending lesbians and gays, and labor - were the line or wallowed in denial, telling voters .ultiil"Y inlthdivel> off the ballot to be the party of change. The only least likely to vote, their problems are all in their minds. fzqjJ;~n:k Mm'(:h!JJ en SeoUl.... ay:ud;S (, reason they could make any headway But the news was not all bad. Presented with these ; ,'. ·'i;:.;f';"""C;f,t$ I,('il ,'; ' based on such a ridiculous assertion is In Idaho, voters rejected an anti-gay$ fucro dc to!; ~rnut; because there was no national left alter- initiative. In Oregon, where radicals, Right! Df'f~;dHJ.· native. sexual minorities, and labor activists Newt G'n9f·k~. In 1994, the Republicans became the to poge4 Votantes disgustados mandan mensajes contradictorios Los trabajadores estan listos para abandonar el sistema de dos partidos pero no tienen donde ir bus cando soluciones desesperadamen­ alternativa. Los democratas son castigados te, sin decidirse sobre un curso de Dado este vado, hay quien se mueve por su traicion. Los trabajadores y POR LINDA AVERILL acci6n. hacia la derecha y busca desesperada­ los duefios de negocios pequefios tiene Los republicanos propusieron po­ mente a quien reprochar. toda la raz6n en estar hartos del sistema a goma del dia siguiente ha llega­ lidas, prisiones, plegariasyprivatizaci6n. Esta tendencia no tiene necesa­ y de sus politicos. do para Estados Unidos. Los vo­ EI problema, segun ellos, es que los riamente que convertirse en el orden La respuesta de los grandes negocios tantes han hecho cons tar su dis­ aprovechadores, aquellos inmigrantes, establecido. iNo es hora de lamentarse al caos creado por aquella sed vampiresca Lgusto eliminando a los dem6cra­ criminales y madres que dependen de la sino de organizarse! slgue en 10 paglno 4 tas desmafiados y traidores y reempla­ asistencia publica, estan tom an do ven­ zandolos con una serie de nuevos Robin taja de la gente decente. New Freeway Hall Hoods al reves, esta vez republican os. Los dem6cratas 0 se hicieron eco de 5018 Rainier Ave. S. BULK RATE (Sera que las elecciones indican una estos juicios 0 se empefiaron en negarla, Seattle, WA 98118 U.S. POSTAGE estampida hacia la derecha y un abrazo diciendole a los votantes que sus PAID SEATTLE, WA apasionado de la tacafieria y del problemas existian solamente en su ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED PERMIT NO.1 003 racismo? imaginaci6n. (0 sera que el reordenamiento de Frente a estas opciones, el sesenta estos dos partidos gemelos significa y un por ciento del electorado se qued6 solamente mas de 10 mismo? en la casa. La gente desea un tercer La respuesta a las dos preguntas es no. partido, una alternativa real ante los Las elecciones muestran una la clase partidos de los grandes negocios. La trabajadora estadounidense profun­ gente ha estado diciendolo por muchos damente disgustada, perpleja, insegura, afios, desmoralizada pero que continua Sin embargo, nadie ofrece una 'I 2 Freedom Socialist January-March 1995 In This Issue Vol. 15, No.4 January-March 1995 Australian Kooris reclaim land 5 Radical Women visits Lake SOUTH AFRICA Condah mission and hears the inspiring his- Strike wave challenges pro-business ANC policies toryof the Gunditjmara Since the 1994 elections, the Workers in retail, metals, and education and healthcare. clan's struggle to re­ African National Congress has public service have waged an These valiant survival claim their land and pursued a course that is betray­ intense series ohtrikes despite struggles will either force the communal life. ing the poor urban and rural ANC opposition to wage in­ ANC to break with the capital­ Blacks and other workers who creases. As before, police have ists, or they will serve to de­ brought it to power. Instead of moved brutally against them. velop an alternative leadership taking the bold steps necessary Destitute farmworkers, largely willing to continue with the to meet the demands of this Black women, have occupied South African revolution until Marxism goes to the movies 6 constituency for jobs, improved plots of land and insisted on an it satisfies the needs of poor Men procreate in the re­ living conditions, and land, the end to white-monopoly con­ and working people. The move-. cent movies Junior and ANC is bending to pressure from trol of agriculture. Mass dem- ment for economic justice de­ South African capitalists and 0nstrations have demanded serves the same sustained inter­ Mary Shelley's Franken­ international investors to pre­ drinkable water, materials and national support which helped stein. Videophile Andrea serve economic apartheid. sites for housing, and decent bring down legal apartheid. 0 Bauer casts a dialectically jaundiced eye on this latest Hollywood trend. MEXICO CHINA Zapa tis tas Market reforms International U.S. S. Africa, Mexico, Voter rage 1 still a force creating misery Ireland, China 2 Sandy Nelson case 3 A year after the Zapatista up­ Two decades of "market re­ Dateline Australia 5 Voices of Color: rising, the failure of the ruling form" have moved China stead­ Dateline Canada 5 Nation of Islam 8 Institutional Revolutionary ilytoward capitalist restoration. Haiti 8 Party (PRI) to meet basic de­ Some initial gains the reforms Features mands for democracy and lib­ made in living standards are Editorials Movie reviews 6 erty has vindicated the rebels' long gone, and workers and Newt Gingrich 6 Letters 7 refusal to disarm. farmers are vigorously protest­ Gay rights victory 6 Clara Fraser 7 The PRI hoped elections held Zapatlsta soldiers In Chiapas. ing the effects of privatization. in 1994 would improve its cor­ Economic hardships are im­ rupt image. Instead, as stories people gathered for the alter­ mense. Millions of people roam of the usual, widespread elec­ nate swearing-in of the opposi­ the country looking for jobs. At New This Time toral fraud have surfaced, so­ tion candidate, Amado Aven­ least one estimate puts total cial unrest has grown. Ten thou­ dano, supported by the Zapa­ unemployment at more than • Letters to the editor have moved to the editorial sand people protested the inau­ tistas. Avendano, who lost in a 200 million, while inflation of pages (this issue they're on page seven). guration of President Zedillo on rigged election, has promised 20 percent ravages incomes. • Cyberspace - We're there: [email protected]. December 1 in Mexico City. to establish a rival government. And once again famine • Tapes for the blind are now available. For informa­ On December 8, the PRI was As the year ended, the Zapa­ threatens China, as huge nUffi­ tion, call us at 206-722-2453. forced to install its candidate tistas renewed their pledge that bers of people are forced toaban­ for governor of Chiapas in a peace will not come to Mexico don farming because of rapid ceremony surrounded by riot until justice is obtained - or land development and skyrock­ police, while across town 4,000 until the PRI steps down.
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