He is Here Always: A True Story of Girlhood, Friendship, Betrayal and Murder • ’Tis the Season to be Vegan: A Christmas Cookbook • Kickstart Your Business: An Entrepreneur’s Toolkit for Success • Tinder Isn’t a Babysitting App...and Other Parenting Tips • 1917: The Beginning of the End of the War to End All Wars • Kingdoms of Artifce • He is Here Always: A True Story of Girlhood, Friendship, Betrayal and Mur- der • ’Tis the Season to be Vegan: A Christmas Cookbook • Kickstart Your Business: An Entrepreneur’s Toolkit for Success • Tinder Isn’t a Babysitting App...and Other Parenting Tips • 1917: The Beginning of the End of the War to End All Wars • Kingdoms of Artifce • He is Here Always: A True Story of Girlhood, Friendship, Betrayal and Murder • ’Tis the Season to be Vegan: A Christmas Cookbook • Kickstart Your Business: An Entrepreneur’s Toolkit for Success • Tinder Isn’t a Babysitting App...and Other Parenting Tips • 1917: The Beginning of the End of the War to End All Wars • Kingdoms of Artifce • He is Here Always: A True Story of Girlhood, Friendship, Betrayal and Murder • ’Tis the Season to be Vegan: A Christmas Cookbook • Kickstart Your Business: An Entrepreneur’s Toolkit for Success • Tinder Isn’t a Babysitting App...and Other Parenting Tips • 1917: The Beginning of the End of the War to End All Wars • Kingdoms of Artifce • He is Here Always: A True Story of Girlhood, Friendship, Betrayal and Murder • ’Tis the Season to be Vegan: A Christmas Cookbook • Kickstart Your Business: An Entrepreneur’s Toolkit for Success • Tinder Isn’t a Babysitting App...and Other Parenting Tips • 1917: The Beginning of the End CENTRIC BOOKS of the War to End All Wars • Kingdoms of Artifce • He is Here Always: A True Story of Girlhood, Friend- ship, Betrayal and Murder • ’Tis the Season to be Vegan: A Christmas Cookbook • Kickstart Your Busi- ness: An Entrepreneur’s Toolkit for Success • Tinder Isn’t a Babysitting App...and Other Parenting Tips • 1917: The Beginning of the End of the War to End All Wars • Kingdoms of Artifce • He is Here Always: A True Story of Girlhood, Friendship, Betrayal and Murder • ’Tis the Season to be Vegan: A Christmas Cookbook • Kickstart Your Business: An Entrepreneur’s Toolkit for Success • Tinder Isn’t a Babysitting App...and Other Parenting Tips • 1917: The Beginning of the End of the War to End All Wars • King- doms of Artifce • He is Here Always: A True Story of Girlhood, Friendship, Betrayal and Murder • ’Tis the Season to be Vegan: A Christmas Cookbook • Kickstart Your Business: An Entrepreneur’s Toolkit for Success • Tinder Isn’t a Babysitting App...and Other Parenting Tips • 1917: The Beginning of the End of the War to End All Wars • Kingdoms of Artifce • He is Here Always: A True Story of Girlhood, Friendship, Betrayal and Murder • ’Tis the Season to be Vegan: A Christmas Cookbook • Kickstart Your Business: An Entrepreneur’s Toolkit for Success • Tinder Isn’t a Babysitting App...and Other Parenting Tips • 1917: The Beginning of the End of the War to End All Wars • Kingdoms of Artifce • He is Here Always: A True Story of Girlhood, Friendship, Betrayal and Murder • ’Tis the Season to be Vegan: A Christmas Cook- book • Kickstart Your Business: An Entrepreneur’s Toolkit for Success • Tinder Isn’t a Babysitting App... and Other Parenting Tips • 1917: The Beginning of the End of the War to End All Wars • Kingdoms of Artifce • He is Here Always: A True Story of Girlhood, Friendship, Betrayal and Murder • ’Tis the Season to be Vegan: A Christmas Cookbook • Kickstart Your Business: An Entrepreneur’s Toolkit for Success • Tinder Isn’t a Babysitting App...andAUTUMN Other Parenting Tips • 1917:2017 The Beginning of the End of the War to End All Wars • Kingdoms of Artifce • He is Here Always: A True Story of Girlhood, Friendship, Be-



Centric Books is a UK-based imprint of HarperCollins. We specialize in intellectually creative but socially relevant non-fiction and fiction. With an eye for on-trend frontlist titles, our publishing programme includes a diversity of material ranging from political histories and commentaries to humour and cookery. We publish mid-profile authors and the occasional celebrity. Our Autumn 2017 list includes only non-fiction titles. We publish around 20 titles per year with an average annual turnover goal of £12 million.



Kelsey Everson and Jasmine Horsey Rucy Cui EDITORS SUBSIDIARY RIGHTS MANAGER

Elizabeth Mattson Samantha Brace


Maddie Tavis Anastasia Symecko



In 1986, shortly before the & Row-Collins merger, owner decided his literary corporation was not focusing enough on titles that appealed to a rising generation of readers immersed in popular culture. With the death of disco and the emergence of a post- punk sensibility, Murdoch could sense the new culture on the horizon, but he recognised he was just too old to grasp it: he found The Smiths unpleasant, his rough Aussie skin was irritated by rubber-based outfits, and he was (and remains to this day) not quite sure what the point of feathered hair was. Yet, as he read his morning broadsheet, he could sense that readers were becoming more engaged in global affairs. He knew there was a market for exciting new titles that seized on the latest world events in business, television, film and other mainstream pop culture.

Murdoch decided he had to assemble the youngest staff in publishing for a new imprint – a team that would understand the tides rolling in. He wanted an electrifying group of wunderkinds with a fresh perspective on all things from editorial to marketing, whose members had a finger on the pulse of the next big trend. He needed artistic types, emerging publishers, people eager to prove their creative prowess while still delivering profits to the parent corporation.

Murdoch realised the UK was a better market to launch this innovative publishing imprint and called up revolutionary editor Colden Haulfield to fill the role of publisher. Colden rounded up a staff and launched the debut list in the Autumn of 1987. Their name: Centric Books. In the early years Colden focused on trend-based and relatively high-brow titles. He targeted the imprint at 20- to 50-somethings looking for smart content delivered in an exciting manner. From business to cookery, Centric’s list appealed to a wide general readership.

The format of Centric was in many ways a good fit for the HarperCollins model. They produced 20 titles a year, 5 non-fiction and 15 fiction, until 1992 when Madonna’s book, Sex, hit the market and sold like wildfire. Murdoch, enthused by Madonna’s wonderful body and the appeal of such a racy non-fiction title, called up Colden immediately and demanded that Centric its focus from fiction to non-fiction. Accordingly, Centric began publishing 12 non-fiction and eight fiction titles per year. Their financial model became more frontlist heavy, but their fiction and several non-fiction titles from the first five years provided a lucrative backlist that continues to grow annually. Now, Centric’s non-fiction ranges across pop culture, biography, parenting, sport, business, cookery, history, true crime and more.

Colden remained publisher until the day of his 70th birthday in 2007. It had suddenly become evident that he was no longer fit to run a young team. (He kept referring to iPhones as ‘thingymajigs’ and often confused social media sites, calling Facebook ‘Myface’ during an early pitch meeting with Mark Zuckerberg, to the mortification of his editors.) Accordingly a new publisher, Jake Lans, decided to take the reins after Colden gracefully stepped down.

Since then, Centric Books has kept its average title count at 20 and remains focused on non- fiction. Centric has gained a reputation among booksellers and media for dependably delivering strong books inspired by the latest news and the hippest trends in society.

As of 2016, Centric Books produces everything from popular celebrity titles such as Ryan Reynolds’ Tinder Isn’t a Babysitting App…and Other Parenting Tips to fresh business books from the likes of Kickstarter CEO Yancey Strickler. Centric heads into its fourth decade determined to continue producing quality titles for its readers.


Centric Books’ Total Revenue for 2017 is £11,527,929.


Centric Books’ 2017 frontlist sales make up 84% of our total net revenue, at £5,053,428.00. Centric Books’ 2017 backlist sales make up 16% of our total net revenue, at £1,863,330.00.


Centric Books’ print sales make up 92% of our total net revenue at £5,981,313. Centric Books’ digital sales make up 8% of our total net revenue at £935,445.


Centric Books’ key sales channels consist of mid- market retailers such as Amazon, WHSmith, WHSmith Travel and Waterstones in the UK. We primarily export to North America (Canada and the United States) as well as Australia and Europe.


In 2017, Centric Books will have 220 titles available on the market. Frontlist titles will make up 9% of these and Backlist, 91%.


In 2017, Centric Books will publish 20 new titles. We plan to perform consistently according to this model.

Columbia Publishing Procedures Course 2016 Centric Books Business Manager - Samantha Brace

Profit and Loss Statement 2017 Sales Gross Trade Print Sales £16,943,000 Less Discounts -£9,826,940 58.0% Less Returns -£1,134,748 15.9% Net Trade Print Sales £5,981,312

Copublication Sales (Net) £50,000 Remainder Sales £25,000 Net Print Sales £6,056,312 86.6% Net Audio Sales £3,748 Net Digital Editions Sales £935,445 13.4%

Total Net Sales £6,995,506 100.0%

Cost of Sales PPB £1,360,380 19.4% Plant £489,685 7.0% Royalties £1,259,191 18.0% Advance Writeoff £174,888 2.5% Inventory Writeoff £209,865 3.0% Total Cost of Sales £3,494,009 49.9%

Margin from Sales £3,501,496 50.1%

Other Income Subsidiary and Foreign Rights (net) £350,000 5.0% Subvention Income £0 0.0% Total Other Income £350,000 5.0%

Gross Margin Gross Margin £3,851,496 55.1%

Company Expenses Distribution and Sales £839,461 12.0% Editorial £559,640 8.0% Production £419,730 6.0% Total Marketing £769,506 11.0% G&A £489,685 7.0% Total Operating Expenses £3,078,022 44.0%

Net Profit £773,474 11.1%


Who Makes Centric Books?


Jake Lans was born in New York City to a Jewish family enthused with the literary world. He was fed books throughout his childhood, so, when it came time for university, he decided to study creative writing. Working on his campus literary magazine throughout his undergraduate years, Jake honed his editing skills and became captivated by all things publishing. He graduated and took a job at HarperCollins as an editorial assistant in New York and quickly rose through the ranks of their company imprints. He was offered the job of publisher of Centric Books by the president of HarperCollins UK after expressing an interest to move across the pond. In 2007, the offer was finalized and Jake took the reins of Centric Books, eager to keep the company energetic and on-trend.


Having grown up in Texas, Kelsey Everson lived a sheltered life in which she regularly rode her horse to school. It wasn’t until she found herself wandering the streets of that she met Jake Lans outside of a local pub, his American accent being the only one she had heard in weeks. They bonded over their mutual dislike of Donald Trump, and, admiring her taste, Jake hired her to work for his publishing imprint, Centric (thus giving her the perfect excuse never to return to the wild west of the South). In Kelsey’s work as Editor, she seeks out particularly depressing non-fiction subjects such as war and crime. When not focused on the details of murder, betrayal, and heartbreak, she enjoys the occasional humour piece – particularly if it features an attractive celebrity.


After growing up under the thatched roof of a cottage not far from Downton Abbey, Jasmine Horsey moved to London to start a career as a tea buyer. One day in 2008, she was sipping English breakfast tea in a Notting Hill café when the man at the table next to her jumped up from his chair and cried out: ‘Where the hell can I get a French fry in this stuck-up city?!’ Unbeknownst to her, this man was legendary American publisher Jake Lans, who had just emerged from a particularly stressful publishing season and was seeking some comfort food. Jasmine set down her tea and informed Jake that he should, quite simply, tell the waiter that he wanted some chips. Jake was so impressed by Jasmine’s British eye that he hired her on the spot to serve as an Editor at Centric Books, where she has since worked on a variety of

compelling titles. Jasmine has a particular interest in editing books that kick start an interest in veganism.


Growing up in the suburbs of New York, Elizabeth Mattson prepared herself for the future by editing her brothers’ essays and letting her grandmother win at Scrabble, so that her family would feel obligated to support her when she inevitably failed to get a real job. One day in the city, she accidentally wandered into a HarperCollins office while looking for coffee in a sleep- induced haze and by was mistaken for a qualified applicant. She was hired on the spot, and since then her professional life has swung between pretending to know what she’s doing and surreptitiously reading embarrassing romance novels on her laptop during staff meetings.


Maddie Tavis’ life story has been filled with ups and downs, mainly downs. After watching Maddie tap dance on the street for tips, Jake Lans recognized her incredible potential to market herself and decided to hire her on the spot to be his Publicity Director for Centric Books. Since being hired, Maddie has changed the publicity game. Currently she lives in a house in London that she built with her own hands and raises her 12 children with her husband, Phil Kessel.


Robin Wane has a personal history that is of no interest to anyone, and her entire life can be summarized by the sentence, ‘That didn’t go as planned’. When her dreams of being a professional ballerina were crushed due to her inability to dance, Robin was recruited by Jake Lans to be the Marketing and Promotion Manager at Centric Books. Robin has been with the company for five years and has been crucial to the success. In her free time, she likes to travel and has been to every continent in the world. Robin currently lives outside of London with her cat (but not really because she is allergic).


Rucy Cui couldn’t cobble together a real adult life while schlepping around the world with a backpack and Lonely Planet guide. At some point, stranded in a torrential downpour in the Latvian countryside, she decided to turn her life around – first, by buying an umbrella that wouldn’t turn inside out in the wind, and second, by contacting an old college friend who ‘knew someone in publishing, or something.’ Ten years later, with nearly two years under her belt fetching coffee and another two as a hapless Subsidiary Rights Assistant, she is now Subsidiary

Rights Manager at Centric Books. She spends a lot of time drinking Apfelwein in Frankfurt and eating prosciutto in Bologna.


Found squirrelling away stolen children’s books when she was four years old, Samantha Brace was sent to a facility for hoarder rehabilitation. Though her compulsion was misunderstood, she learned many insights from these mysterious people. She began collecting words, paper and the occasionally pilfered spoon. After being released from the institution as an adult, Sam was forced to work a 9-5 assistant job, shuttered away in a windowless room, slaving over worksheets in Excel. One day, on a rare outing to a physio appointment for her aggressive carpal tunnel syndrome, Sam walked into a parking meter, hit her head and passed out. In true fairy-tale fashion, a handsome publisher rescued her and whisked her away to an imprint at HarperCollins where she now applies her Excel skills as Business Manager – all the while wearing her wrist brace.

Anastasia Symecko, Design Director

Growing up on the VS1 LHR > BOS, Anastasia Symecko’s humble introduction to design was creating custom sick bags. She was simultaneously able to complete a degree in Anthropology from Durham University thanks to the department’s kind adoption of the Fulton recovery system, which allowed her to collect assignments from 40,000 feet. When she jumped ship (literally), Anastasia was lucky enough to parachute directly onto ’s rooftop garden and on her way through the building impressed the design team so much with her illustrations of the Atlantic from above that she was hired on the spot. A few years later, she moved to the position of Design Director at Centric, where she enjoys working as part of HarperCollins because of how much ocean they have in their logo.

Department Statements


At Centric Books, we seek to address the pressing and on-trend issues in today’s world. As such, we focus on non-fiction titles in a variety of categories. Our list includes books that address issues relevant to the modern age, such as Kickstart Your Business, the book written by the CEO of Kickstarter that tells entrepreneurs how to harness the global connections provided by the internet. We also strive to publish the voices of cultural icons such as Ryan Reynolds, whose title Tinder Is Not a Babysitting App...and Other Parenting Tips will both entertain and inform our readers.

This autumn, we plan to publish books in the categories of business, cookery, parenting, narrative non-fiction, history and film to complement our already vibrant backlist. Our authors span a variety of backgrounds to compliment our range of titles. From award-winning celebrities to celebrated journalists and historians, Centric’s authors include anyone with authority in a subject area who can provide a fresh perspective. We take the topics that they know best and partner with them to create consumable information that matters in today’s world.


The sales team at Centric Books is determined to place our high-quality titles in the hands of as many readers as possible. Our distribution team is responsible for sales on three continents, in major stores of all spectrums, small and beloved independent bookshops, online shops and more. We have cultivated relationships with our sales channels, including Amazon, Waterstones, WHSmith (both High Street and Travel) and Asda. We determine the pricing and print runs of our products, which include hardbacks, paperbacks, eBooks and audiobooks, by examining the trends of the market and the needs of our partners. In doing so we find the options that best fit the lives and incomes of our consumers.


The subsidiary rights department at Centric Books has the capacity to sell world rights in all languages, handling inquiries for foreign and domestic rights including translation, magazine, newspaper, audio, book club, paperback reprint, hardback reprint, large print and, when possible, television, film, radio, electric reproduction and other formats. We are committed to advocacy for some of the best non-fiction and fiction titles on the British market, recognition for the commercial possibility in certain international markets, partnerships with global

publishing houses and of course a compelling book that keeps you up reading through the night.

The subsidiary rights department at Centric Books is invested in making the process of requesting permission for our books as straightforward as possible.


The Centric Books Marketing and Publicity department provides a full range of coverage so that our books can find our readers wherever they are. Using varied campaigns allows us to tailor our strategy appropriately to fit the needs of every book. Traditional methods such as reviews in magazines and newspapers, appearances on television and radio, and author tours are used to give the public a clear view of who the author is and what their book is about. Social media enters the mix to make the marketing campaigns more dynamic. Authors are encouraged to actively participate on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. New takes on traditional campaigns are used including interviews on podcasts, YouTube book trailers and mini-series. Promotions are developed around the topic for a more complete tie-in to the books. All of these avenues are utilized so that authors can connect directly with audiences.


Over the last thirty years, Centric Books has remained a small, but strong, imprint of HarperCollins. Created nearly five years after the Murdoch merger, Centric Books adjusted to the acquisition by News International by keeping our list contemporary, relevant and engaging to modern readers. We publish two to three celebrity books each year as well as several pop culture books in order to stay connected to our audience.

For each book we publish, we aim to keep our profits close to ten percent. We expect that in 2017 our total revenue will be just under £12 million. By collaborating with our partners in North America and Australia and arranging inter-company advances, we are able to minimise our risks when signing big names like Ryan Reynolds and Wes Anderson. Similarly, we strive to develop titles with world appeal and enjoy substantial income from the hard work of our subsidiary rights team. By publishing various genres including business, commercial fiction, cookery and history, Centric Books has been able to amass a significant and profitable backlist. In doing so, we have afforded ourselves and our authors the liberty to take more creative risks and challenge industry standards.

As we adapted in the past, we will continue to adapt in the future. In response to the digital revolution, all of our books are now published as eBooks and we have started the process of converting much of our backlist as well. We are excited to experiment with new mediums, such as podcasts and interactive eBooks, in the upcoming years.


1. ’Tis the Season to be Vegan: A Christmas Cookbook by Chloe Coscarelli

2. Tinder Isn’t a Babysitting App…and Other Parenting Tips by Ryan Reynolds

3. Kickstart Your Business: An Entrepreneur’s Toolkit for Success by Yancey Strickler, Co-Founder and CEO of Kickstarter

4. 1917: The Beginning of the End of the War to End All Wars by Dan Snow

5. He is Here Always: A True Story of Girlhood, Friendship, Betrayal and Murder by Paige Williamson

6. Kingdoms of Artifice by Wes Anderson



A Christmas Cookbook

’TIS THE SEASON TO BE VEGAN: A CHRISTMAS COOKBOOK Publisher: Centric Books Editor: Jasmine Horsey Title: ’Tis the Season to be Vegan Subtitle: A Christmas Cookbook Copy Line: Author: Chloe Coscarelli Hook: The first and only gourmet vegan Christmas cookbook on the market. Description:

Bestselling author Chloe Coscarelli finally solves the vegan Christmas dilemma with her stunning new cookbook – the first and definitive guide to vegan cookery in the festive period.

’Tis the Season to be Vegan showcases 60 delectable recipes to appeal to every taste bud. Chloe combines all the traditional crowd-pleasers with a few surprising vegan twists on old favourites, guiding readers through every step of making the perfect seasonal spread. Recipes range from starters and side dishes, including Chloe’s Glazed Parsnip Soup with Sea Salt Kale Crisps and Miso- Braised Brussels Sprouts, to six mouth-watering recipes for the all-important Christmas dinner itself. Chloe’s Crispy Sage and Almond Nut Roast, drizzled with her signature Vegan Gravy, is sure to please even the staunchest of carnivores. But Chloe knows that hosting Christmas is not just about preparing the meal. A selection of vegan tipples, including Chloe’s Cashew and Coconut Milk Eggnog and Almond Milk Irish Cream, firmly put the fun in the festive period.

With a focus on high quality, seasonal ingredients and packed with full colour photography, these recipes showcase the very best in gourmet vegan dining. Chloe makes sure all ingredients are easy to source and prepare, proving that vegan cookery does not need to be complicated. This Christmas, ’Tis the Season to be Vegan will show you how to prepare a feast that will delight every guest at your dinner table.

Author Bio:

Chloe Coscarelli is a New York-based chef who rose to fame as the first vegan to win a TV cooking show. Since winning Cupcake Wars, Chloe has written three bestselling vegan cookbooks and opened her first vegan restaurant in 2015. She lives in New York City.

Editions: Hardback, eBook Recommended £20.00 Retail Price: Format: 246 x 189 mm Illustrations: 50 colour plates Pagination: 144 Other Special Foil on jacket, ribbon Features: Category: Diet-specific Publication Date: 12 September 2017 cookbook (WBHS) Royalty Advance: £15,000 First Printing: 26,000 Royalty Rates: 6% to 25,000, Agent: Brianne Perea, BPPR 7.5% thereafter Communications Rights Acquired: World rights Other Editions:

Publisher: Centric Books Editor: Jasmine Horsey Title: ’Tis the Season to be Vegan: A Christmas Cookbook Author: Chloe Coscarelli


Title: Keep it Vegan: 100 Simple, Healthy and Delicious Dishes Author: Aine Carlin Pub Date: 28 August 2014 Publisher: Kyle Books Price: £4.99 Edition: Paperback Pagination: 176 Format: 234 x 189 mm BookScan LTD 30,721 Sales: ISBN: 9780857832528 Category: Diet-specific cookbook (WBHS) By far the most popular vegan book on the market in terms of sales.

Title: Gluten-Free Christmas: Cookies, Cakes, Pies, Stuffings & Sauces for the Perfect Festive Table Author: Hannah Miles Pub Date: 14 August 2014 Publisher: Ryland Peters & Price: £9.99 Small Edition: Hardback Pagination: 64 Format: 199 x 190 mm BookScan LTD 1,679 Sales: ISBN: 9781849755573 Category: Diet-specific cookbook (WBHS) Another niche Christmas cookbook with a modern trend.

Title: Ms Cupcake: The Naughtiest Vegan Cakes in Town Author: Mellissa Pub Date: 9 May 2013 Morgan Publisher: Square Peg Price: £18.99 Edition: Hardback Pagination: 160 Format: 242 x 217 mm BookScan LTD 7,612 Sales: ISBN: 9780224095587 Category: Diet-specific cookbook (WBHS) Another successful vegan cookbook.


Bestselling author Chloe Coscarelli finally solves the

vegan Christmas dilemma with her stunning new

cookbook – the first and definitive guide to vegan cookery in the festive period.

’Tis the Season to be Vegan showcases 60 delectable recipes that appeal to every taste bud. Chloe combines all the traditional crowd-pleasers with a few

surprising vegan twists on old favourites. Recipes range from snacks and starters, like Chloe’s Glazed Parsnip Soup with Sea Salt Kale Crisps, to six mouth-watering recipes for the all-important Christmas dinner itself. Chloe’s Crispy Sage and Almond Nut Roast, drizzled with her signature Vegan Gravy, is sure to please even the staunchest of carnivores. A selection of vegan tipples, including Chloe’s Cashew and Coconut Milk 12 September 2017 Eggnog and Almond Milk Irish Cream, firmly put the Centric Books fun in Christmas. Chloe makes sure all ingredients are easy to source and Format: Hardback prepare, proving that vegan cookery does not be ISBN: 9780141382939 complicated. ’Tis the Season to be Vegan will show you how to prepare a feast that will delight every guest at your dinner table. Price: £20.00 KEY SELLING POINTS Category: Cookery More than 542,000 vegans in the UK BIC Code(s): Only vegan Christmas cookbook on the market WBB (Celebrity cookbooks) First serial rights confirmed with WBJ (Vegetarian cookery) Author has over 200,000 Facebook, Instagram and WVB (Cookery dishes & courses) Twitter followers WBX (Beverages) Owner of NYC restaurant by Chloe, two more opening Author of three vegan cookbooks Pagination: 144 Format: 246 x 189 mm AUTHOR BIO Illustrations: Colour plates Author Residence: New York, NY Author Hometown: Los Angeles, CA throughout Chloe Coscarelli is a New York-based chef who rose Marketing & Publicity to fame as the first vegan to win a TV cooking show. 2-City Author Tour (London, Since winning Cupcake Wars, Chloe has written three Manchester) bestselling vegan cookbooks and opened her first vegan Promotional dinner for key book restaurant in 2015.

buyers Miki Duisterhof is a commercial photographer Twitter and Instagram promotions specializing in lifestyle, food and travel. Her Blogger brunch photographs can be seen in Travel & Leisure, Food & Appearances on BBC Saturday Wine, Real Simple, and Food Network Magazine.

Kitchen, This Morning on ITV QUOTES BBC Radio 4 Food Programme ‘Customers quiver in lines that seethe out the door and snatch at seats. They fall upon their cupcakes like wolves’ - Ligaya Mishan, The New York Times ‘Try a raspberry tiramisu cupcake, topped with a soft, coconut-milk-based icing, and a raspberry in the centre and you will fall in love’ - Jay Rayner, Author of The Ten (Food) Commandments


MARKETING AND PUBLICITY FOR… ’Tis the Season to be Vegan: A Christmas Cookbook by Chloe Coscarelli

TOTAL MARKETING BUDGET: £11,000 Publicity: £4,000 Ad/Promo: £3,000 Co-op: £4,000

NATIONAL PUBLICITY First serial confirmed in The Guardian Author tour 2-City tour (London, Manchester): £3,000 o Book signings and cooking demos Books for Cooks: a specialty cookery book shop in Notting Hill Castle Bookshop: small independent bookstore that hosts afternoon tea and book signings, 40 minutes away from Birmingham o Promotional dinner for key buyers: 12 people at Manna, a vegan restaurant in London, food costing, copies of books, Christmas decorations: £500 o Blogger Brunch for food bloggers: five people, rental on decorations, two events: £500 TV appearances Saturday Kitchen – BBC1 This Morning – ITV – BBC1 Print National newspaper features and reviews o The Telegraph, The Guardian, BBC Good Food, Metro, London Evening Standard, Food Heaven Magazine, Vegetarian Society, The Sunday Times, Great British Food Magazine, Women’s Health, Veggie Magazine Online http://www.redonline.co.uk/christmas o promotional article with a Christmas recipe http://www.foodandnutrition.org o promotional article http://natalietamara.co.uk o food blog, review of book http://deliciouslyella.com o food blog, review of book http://www.amuse-your-bouche.com/ o food blog, review of book https://theflexitarian.co.uk/flexitarianblog/ o food blog, review of book Instagram https://www.instagram.com/clerkenwellboyec1/?hl=en o food Instagrammer, repost food photos Radio Food Programme – BBC Radio 4 Festivals Liverpool Viva! Vegan Festival o 10 September 2017


Advertising Veggie Magazine Vegetarian Society – 20-40g inserts (12,000 magazines sent every month): £1,000

Promotions Twitter/Instagram @chloecoscarelli (22.4K followers), @bychefchloe (3,414 followers), @penguinrandom (962K followers), @TheVeganSociety (122K followers) o #VeganChristmas, #TisTheSeasonToBeVegan, #VeganHoliday, #ChloeCoscarelli Facebook o @chloecoscarelli (117,309 page likes), @PenguinRandomHouse (502,233 page likes), @TheVeganSociety (355,224 page likes) Instagram and Twitter food competitions o Instagram and Twitter users submit recipes of their favourite meat based recipe. Chloe picks her favourite one and turns it into a vegan meal. Send a copy of the cookbook to winner. o Instagram and Twitter users submit recipes of their favourite vegan treats, pick the best three and send a free copy of the cookbook. Postcard – pop-out pieces from a postcard to create Christmas bauble mailing to Vegetarian Society mailing list, reviewers, book signings, festivals (12,000 postcards): £1,000

Co-op Amazon: £1,500 WHSmith High street front: £1,500 Supermarkets: £1,000

10 March 2017

Amanda Ross Executive Producer, Saturday Kitchen Live Cactus Studios, 1 St. Luke’s Avenue. London. SW4 7LG

Dear Amanda,

I am getting in touch with you to discuss having Chloe Coscarelli guest star on your show, Saturday Kitchen Live. Chloe Coscarelli is a bubbly, internationally known vegan chef superstar who is ready to take the Christmas market by storm with her new cookbook, ’Tis the Season to be Vegan: A Christmas Cookbook (Centric Books; 12 September 2017; Hardback; £20.00). I recommend having Chloe prepare her famous vegan raspberry tiramisu cupcake – the treat that saw her win Cupcake Wars, a popular US television series. She can discuss her lifelong commitment to veganism, while baking up a delicious holiday dessert.

Chloe is a dynamic, charming, healthy-living aficionado who captivates audiences with her delicious vegan recipes. Her cookery book, the first vegan Christmas cookery book to be published in the UK, will change the way that vegans celebrate the festive period. With over 207,000 Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram followers, she is already a huge success in the US and is poised to be the next big cooking star in the UK. The Observer food critic Jay Rayner, who has over 159,000 Twitter followers, has given Chloe glowing reviews about her delectable desserts. With over half a million vegans residing in the UK, this book is sure to become an instant success.

Chloe gained fame as the first vegan chef to win a reality television cooking competition when she appeared on Cupcake Wars. Since then, she has published three bestselling cookbooks, appeared on The Today Show, and opened her own renowned vegan restaurant. With Chloe’s vibrant personality and innovative cooking skills, your viewers will quickly jump into the Christmas spirit.

’Tis the Season to be Vegan: A Christmas Cookbook is the perfect book for any family who wants to create new and exciting vegan traditions.


Maddie Tavis

Maddie Tavis Publicity Director, Centric Books mtavis@.co.uk

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Maddie Tavis Centric Books 07913 142633; [email protected]

’Tis the Season to be Vegan A Christmas Cookbook By Chloe Coscarelli

‘Try a raspberry tiramisu cupcake, topped with a heavenly soft, coconut-milk- based icing, and a raspberry in the centre and you will fall in love’ —Jay Rayner, author of The Ten (Food) Commandments

’Tis the Season to be Vegan: A Christmas Cookbook (Centric Books; 12 September, 2017; Hardback; £20) showcases 60 gourmet, never-before-seen recipes for the Christmas period. Chloe guides readers through every step of hosting the perfect vegan Christmas with recipes ranging from breakfast, snacks, soups, starters and desserts to the all- important Christmas dinner itself. Chloe even makes the most of Christmas leftovers with innovative Boxing Day lunch ideas and offers a vegan spin on classic Christmas tipples. With a focus on high quality ingredients and packed with full colour photography, these recipes showcase the very best in gourmet vegan dining.

’Tis the Season to be Vegan Chloe Coscarelli’s Christmas recipes will delight even the staunchest of carnivores. Over half a million vegans in the UK will be overjoyed with this cookery book that upends classic dishes and provides the reader with healthy, fresh and tasty alternatives. Who said vegans can’t do Christmas?

Chloe Coscarelli refuses to follow the rules of traditional holiday cooking. She expertly caters to the 542,000 vegans in the UK and upends classic recipes by turning them into healthy, fresh, vegan celebratory meals. ’Tis the Season to be Vegan is any great vegan’s guide to turning a beef roast into a nut roast and leaving their guests wanting more.

# # #

Chloe Coscarelli graduated from Cornell University’s Plant-Based Nutrition Program and went on to publish three bestselling cookbooks and open her own restaurant. Coscarelli lives in New York. She will be in the UK from 10 September 2017 to 17 September 2017 and is available for interviews, events and cooking demonstrations.

’TIS THE SEASON TO BE VEGAN A Christmas Cookbook By Chloe Coscarelli Centric Books 12 September 2017 Hardback / 144 pages / £20.00 ISBN: 9780141382939


Columbia Publishing Course! Title&Sales&Plan

!'Tis!the!Season!to!be!Vegan:!A!Christmas!Cookbook Centric!Books Chloe!Coscarelli Elizabeth!Mattson

Comp&Titles Hardcover& Paper<D& Editions Pub&Year Retail&Price LTD&Units Units Total

Keep&it&Vegan/Áine&Carlin Hardback &&&&&&&&&& 2014 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 15 &&&&&&&&&&&30,721 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&C& &&&&&&&&30,721&

Ms.&Cupcake:&The&Naughtiest&Vegan&Cakes&in&Town/Mellissa&MorganHardback &&&&&&&&&& 2013 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 19 &&&&&&&&&&&&7,612& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&C& &&&&&&&&&&&7,612

GlutenCFree&Christmas:&Cookies,&Cakes,&Pies,&Stuffings&&&Sauces&for&the&Perfect&Festive&Table/Hannah&MilesHardback &&&&&&&&&& 2014 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 10 &&&&&&&&&&&&1,679& &&&&&&&&&&&1,679


Total&Initial& Total&Gross& Total&Returned& Total&Net&Sales& Editions Pub&Year Retail&Price &First&Printing Orders Sales&Units Units Units Percent&Returns Total&Coop

Hardback 2017& £20.00 !!!!!!!!!26,000 !!!!!!!!!!11,600 !!!!!!!!!!26,000 !!!!!!!!!!!(4,150) !!!!!!!!!!!21,850 16% £4,000 Paperback 2018& £12.99 !!!!!!!!!!!8,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!4,675 !!!!!!!!!!14,080 !!!!!!!!!!!(1,860) !!!!!!!!!!!12,220 13% £1,000 — &&&&&&&&&&& C £0.00 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M 0% £0 — &&&&&&&&&&& C £0.00 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M 0% £0

Year&1 Year&2 Year&3 Total Total&Coop ECbook 2017& £14.99 &&&&&&&&&&&&1,500 &&&&&&&&&&&&1,250 &&&&&&&&&&&&1,000& !!!!!!!!!!!!!3,750 £0 — &&&&&&&&&&& C C &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&C& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&C& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&C& £0 — &&&&&&&&&&& C C &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&C& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&C& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&C& £0


Total&Initial& Total&Gross& Total&Returned& Total&Net&Sales& Orders Sales&Units Units Units Percent&Returns Total&Coop

Hardback !!!!!!!!!!!!4,600 !!!!!!!!!!16,000 !!!!!!!!!!!(3,110) !!!!!!!!!!!12,890 19% £3,000 Paperback !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!955 !!!!!!!!!!10,360 !!!!!!!!!!!(1,500) !!!!!!!!!!!!!8,860 14% £1,000 — !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M 0% £0 — !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M 0% £0


Total&Initial& Total&Gross& Total&Returned& Total&Net&Sales& Orders Sales&Units Units Units Percent&Returns Total&Coop

Hardback !!!!!!!!!!!!4,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!6,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!6,000 0% £0 Paperback !!!!!!!!!!!!2,220 !!!!!!!!!!!!2,220 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!2,220 0% £0 — !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M 0% £0 — !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M 0% £0


Total&Initial& Total&Gross& Total&Returned& Total&Net&Sales& Orders Sales&Units Units Units Percent&Returns Total&Coop

Hardback !!!!!!!!!!!!3,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!4,000 !!!!!!!!!!!(1,040) !!!!!!!!!!!!!2,960 26% £1,000 Paperback !!!!!!!!!!!!1,500 !!!!!!!!!!!!1,500 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!(360) !!!!!!!!!!!!!1,140 24% £0 — !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M 0% £0 — !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M 0% £0

Vegan!Sales!Plan.xlsx 9/22/16!|!11:47!AM Subsidiary Rights ’Tis the Season to be Vegan: A Christmas Cookbook by Chloe Coscarelli

Type of Right Potential Licensees Final Licensee Amount Received Split House Share

First serial rights The Guardian, The The Guardian £500 90:10 £50 Pool North American co- Ecco Press, Harper Ten Speed Press N/A N/A N/A edition Wave, Ten Speed Press Dutch co-edition Het Spectrum, Rebo Terra Lannoo N/A N/A N/A Publishers, Terra Lannoo Danish co-edition Borgens Forlag, People’s Press N/A N/A N/A Hovedland, People’s Press Norwegian co- Aschehoug, Gyldendal Norsk N/A N/A N/A edition Boksenteret, Forlag Gyldendal Norsk Forlag Swedish co-edition Bokförlaget Semic, Libris Förlag N/A N/A N/A Libris Förlag, Natur & Kultur House Total Shares: £50

11 April 2017

Kate Carter Editor, Life & Style The Guardian Kings Place 90 York Way London N1 9GU

Hi Kate,

Hope you’re well! I just read The Guardian’s article on Yotam Ottolenghi’s reissued cookbook; I’m pinning that bean salad recipe to try for dinner tonight….

I’m reaching out to let you know that Centric Books is releasing a new title called ’Tis the Season to Be Vegan: A Christmas Cookbook next autumn (on sale 12 September 2017; hardback; £20). I’m really excited about it; we at Centric Books would love to offer The Guardian first serial rights to publish a recipe of your choosing.

’Tis the Season to Be Vegan includes 60 recipes, from the classic ‘Glazed Parsnip Soup’ to gourmet options such as ‘Miso-Braised Brussels Sprouts’. It’s fun, easy and accessible. The author is an American blogger named Chloe Coscarelli who’s huge on social media, with over 207,000 Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram followers. She was the first ever vegan to win a culinary competition on American television. As a graduate of Cornell University’s Plant- Based Nutrition Program, she’s developed many delicious recipes that she now uses at her New York City restaurant, by Chloe. She has three cookbooks under her belt already; Centric Books is ready to help her launch this next and biggest one yet.

Chloe has reunited with her long-time photographic partner, Miki Duisterhof, whose previous work can be seen in Food & Wine, Real Simple, Travel & Leisure, and Food Network Magazine. The photography in this cookbook is superb and would translate well to your online audience. Given her large social media following, Chloe is a great fit for The Guardian. I’m thrilled to be able to invite you to first serial rights for a recipe in ’Tis the Season to Be Vegan.

I’m attaching the manuscript as follows. Let me know what you think or if you have any questions!

Best regards,

Rucy Cui

Rucy Cui Subsidiary Rights Manager Centric Books


'Tis the Season to be Vegan: A Christmas Cookbook Centric Books Chloe Cascarelli Samantha Brace

Hardcover Paperback E-book Price £20.00 £14.99 £14.99 Average Trade Discount 58% 58% 65%

First Printing 26,000 8,000

Royalty Advance £ 15,000

Sales Summary

2017 Lifetime

Net Units Net Revenue Net Units Net Revenue Hardcover 18,890 £ 228,276 18,890 £ 228,276 Paperback - £ - 12,740 £ 99,510 Other Print Editions - £ - - £ - Net Trade Print Sales 18,890 81% £ 228,276 77% 31,630 57% £ 327,786 68% Special & Other Sales 2,960 13% 59,200 20% 20,600 37% £ 136,014 28% Total Print Sales 21,850 287,476 52,230 £ 463,799 E-books 1,500 6% £ 7,870 3% 3,750 7% £ 19,674 4% Other Digital Editions - 0% £ - 0% - 0% £ - 0%

Total Sales 23,350 100% £ 295,346 100% 55,980 100% £ 483,474 100% Profit & Loss

Sales 2017 2018 2019 Total Trade Print Sales £ 254,400 £ 98,502 £ 11,710 £ 364,612 Less Returns £ (26,124) (10%) ($9,444) (10%) ($1,259) (11%) ($36,827) (10%) Net Trade Print Sales £ 228,276 £ 89,059 £ 10,451 £ 327,786 Special & Other Sales £ 112,953 £ 17,089 £ - £ 130,041 Digital Editions Sales £ 7,870 £ 6,558 £ 5,247 £ 19,674 Total Sales £ 349,098 £ 112,705 £ 15,698 £ 477,501

Cost of Sales PPB & Plant £ 62,825 18% £ 19,326 17% £ 2,440 16% £ 84,591 18% Royalties £ 42,555 12% £ 18,302 16% £ 3,053 19% £ 63,911 13% Advance Writeoff £ - 0% Inventory Writeoff £ - 0% £ - 0% £ 8,220 52% £ 8,220 2% Total Cost of Sales £ 105,380 30% £ 37,629 33% £ 13,714 87% £ 156,722 33% Profit from Sales £ 243,718 70% £ 75,076 67% £ 1,984 13% £ 320,779 67% Other Income Total Other Income £ - 0% £ - 0% £ - 0% £ - 0% Gross Margin £ 243,718 70% £ 75,076 67% £ 1,984 13% £ 320,779 67%

Operating Expenses Direct Marketing Expenses £ 13,250 4% £ 1,000 1% £ - 0% £ 14,250 3% Operating Overhead £ 116,948 34% £ 37,756 34% £ 5,259 34% £ 159,963 34% Total Operating Expenses £ 130,198 37% £ 38,756 34% £ 5,259 34% £ 174,213 36%

Contribution to Overhead £ 113,520 33% £ 36,320 32% £ (3,275) (21%) £ 146,566 31%

1. P&L - 'Tis the Season to be Vegan.xlsx Profit and Loss Statement

'Tis the Season to be Vegan: A Christmas Cookbook Centric Books Chloe Cascarelli Samantha Brace

Sales 2017 2018 2019 Total

Gross Trade Print Sales £ 440,000 £ 188,574 £ 27,881 £ 656,456 Less Discounts £ (185,600) £ (90,072) £ (16,171) £ (291,843) Less Returns £ (26,124) £ (9,444) £ (1,259) £ (36,827) Net Trade Print Sales £ 228,276 65.4% £ 89,059 79.0% £ 10,451 66.6% £ 327,786 68.6% Special & Remainder Sales £ 59,200 17.0% £ 17,089 15.2% £ - 0.0% £ 76,289 16.0% Net Copublication Sales £ 53,753 15.4% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ 53,753 11.3% Total Other Sales £ 112,953 32.4% £ 17,089 15.2% £ - 0.0% £ 130,041 27.2% Total Print Sales £ 341,229 £ 106,147 £ 10,451 £ 457,827 Digital Editions Sales £ 7,870 2.3% £ 6,558 5.8% £ 5,247 33.4% £ 19,674 4.1% Total Sales £ 349,098 100.0% £ 112,705 100.0% £ 15,698 100.0% £ 477,501 100.0%

Cost of Sales

PPB £ 42,503 12.2% £ 16,203 14.4% £ 2,440 15.5% £ 61,146 12.8% Plant £ 20,322 5.8% £ 3,123 2.8% £ - 0.0% £ 23,445 4.9% Royalties £ 42,555 12.2% £ 18,302 16.2% £ 3,053 19.5% £ 63,911 13.4% Advance Writeoff £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% Inventory Writeoff £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ 8,220 52.4% £ 8,220 1.7% Total Cost of Sales £ 105,380 30.2% £ 37,629 33.4% £ 13,714 87.4% £ 156,722 32.8%

Profit from Sales £ 243,718 69.8% £ 75,076 66.6% £ 1,984 12.6% £ 320,779 67.2%

Other Income

Subsidiary & Foreign Rights £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% Subvention Income £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% Total Other Income £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% Gross Margin £ 243,718 69.8% £ 75,076 66.6% £ 1,984 12.6% £ 320,779 67.2%

Operating Expenses

Direct Marketing Expenses

Co-op £ 4,000 1.1% £ 1,000 0.9% £ - 0.0% £ 5,000 1.0% Advertising £ 1,500 0.4% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ 1,500 0.3% Promotion £ 1,500 0.4% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ 1,500 0.3% Free Copies £ 2,250 0.6% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ 2,250 0.5% Publicity £ 4,000 1.1% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ 4,000 0.8% Total Direct Marketing Expenses £ 13,250 3.8% £ 1,000 0.9% £ - 0.0% £ 14,250 3.0%

Operating Overhead

Distribution & Sales £ 41,892 12.0% £ 13,525 12.0% £ 1,884 12.0% £ 57,300 12.0% Editorial £ 24,437 7.0% £ 7,889 7.0% £ 1,099 7.0% £ 33,425 7.0% Production £ 13,964 4.0% £ 4,508 4.0% £ 628 4.0% £ 19,100 4.0% Marketing £ 17,455 5.0% £ 5,635 5.0% £ 785 5.0% £ 23,875 5.0% G&A £ 19,200 5.5% £ 6,199 5.5% £ 863 5.5% £ 26,263 5.5% Total Operating Overhead £ 116,948 33.5% £ 37,756 33.5% £ 5,259 33.5% £ 159,963 33.5%

Total Operating Expenses £ 130,198 37.3% £ 38,756 34.4% £ 5,259 33.5% £ 174,213 36.5% Contribution to Overhead £ 113,520 32.5% £ 36,320 32.2% £ (3,275) -20.9% £ 146,566 30.7%

Cash Flow Total Book Sales £ 477,501 Advance & Royalties £ 63,911 Total Other Income £ - Plant £ 23,445 Inventory £ 75,188 Marketing £ 14,250

Total Cash In £ 477,501 Total Cash Out £ 176,794 Net Cash £ 300,707

1. P&L - 'Tis the Season to be Vegan.xlsx RYAN REYNOLDS

Tinder Isn’t a

App ...and Other Parenting Tips

TINDER ISN’T A BABYSITTING APP…AND OTHER PARENTING TIPS Publisher: Centric Books Editor: Kelsey Everson Title: Tinder Isn’t a Babysitting App…and Other Parenting Tips Subtitle: Copy Line: Author: Ryan Reynolds Hook: The superstar actor with 3.5 million Twitter followers shares his humorous insights on parenting. Description:

‘Damn it's hard letting your infant daughter go somewhere alone for the first time. I was a total mess dropping her off at Burning Man.’ ‘Being a father is the single greatest feeling on earth. Not including those wonderful years I spent without a child, of course.’ ‘No matter which kids book I read to my screaming baby on an airplane, the moral of the story is always something about a vasectomy.’

Ryan Reynolds isn’t here to tell you to get a vasectomy. But he is going to share his most outrageous and entertaining parenting advice.

From pregnancy to childbirth, nutrition to nappies, first words to the first day of school, Reynolds shares stories of his two children and the lessons he’s learned (sometimes quite painfully) along the way. Who else will tell you that feeding your kids their vegetables is a necessary step in preparing them for the cruel reality of adulthood? As he tackles each new challenge, he deploys every weapon of wit at his disposal and dispenses helpful techniques that you should — and some that you definitely shouldn’t — add to your own parenting arsenal.

So what is the secret to being a parent, besides being voted People’s Sexiest Dad Alive? Ryan Reynolds may not know, but he will keep you laughing as he works it out.

Author Bio: Canadian actor and producer Ryan Reynolds has starred in blockbuster films including Deadpool, The Change-Up and The Proposal. He is married to actress Blake Lively. Together, they have two children whose lives are the focal point of Ryan’s wildly popular Twitter feed (@VancityReynolds). He and his family live in Bedford, New York. This is his first book.

Editions: Hardback, eBook Recommended £16.99 Retail Price: Format: 234 x 153 mm Illustrations: 30 line-drawings Pagination: 224 Other Special N/A Features: Category: Celebrity autobiography Publication Date: 26 September (BGFA) 2017 Royalty Advance: £2,500,000 (UK share First Printing: 50,000 £200,000) Royalty Rates: 10% to 3,000, 12.5% to Agent: WME 6,000, 15% thereafter Rights Acquired: World rights Other Editions: Digital audio

Publisher: Centric Books Editor: Kelsey Everson Title: Tinder Isn’t a Babysitting App...and Other Parenting Tips Author: Ryan Reynolds


Title: The Unmumsy Mum Author: The Unmumsy Mum Pub Date: 11 February 2016 (blogger) Publisher: Bantam Press Price: £12.99 Edition: Hardback Pagination: 336 Format: 222 x 144 mm BookScan LTD 81,572 Sales: ISBN: 9780593076446 Category: Parenting (VFX) A funny parenting book from the perspective of the unprepared parent figure.

Title: Truly Happy Baby… It Worked for Me: A practical parenting guide from a mum you can trust

Author: Holly Willoughby Pub Date: 16 June 2016 Publisher: Harper Thorsons Price: £16.99 Edition: Hardback Pagination: 288 Format: 250 x 229 mm BookScan LTD Sales: 21,476 ISBN: 9780008172527 Category: Parenting (VFX) A British celebrity’s advice on parenting.

Title: Yes Please Author: Amy Poehler Pub Date: 6 November 2014 Publisher: Price: £16.99 Edition: Hardback Pagination: 352 Format: 130 x 196 mm BookScan 19,418 LTD Sales: ISBN: 9781447283317 Category: Celebrity autobiography (BGFA) Another famously funny celebrity shares stories about life and parenthood.


‘Damn it's hard letting your infant daughter go

somewhere alone for the first time. I was a total mess

dropping her off at Burning Man’ - Ryan Reynolds sharing his most outrageous advice on parenting via Twitter From pregnancy to childbirth, nutrition to nappies, first words to the first day of school, Reynolds shares stories of his two children and the lessons he’s learned (sometimes quite painfully) along the way. Who else is going to tell you that making your children eat their vegetables is a necessary step in introducing them to the cruel reality of adulthood? As he tackles each new challenge, he deploys all the weapons of wit at his disposal and dispenses helpful techniques that you should – and some that you definitely shouldn’t – add to your own parenting arsenal. 26 September 2017 So what is the secret to being a parent, besides being voted People’s Sexiest Dad Alive? Ryan Reynolds may Centric Books not know, but he will keep you laughing as he tries to figure it out. Format: Hardback ISBN: 9780141623781 KEY SELLING POINTS World-famous actor and producer

Won People Magazine’s Sexiest Man Alive in 2010 Price: £16.99 and Sexiest Dad Alive in 2016 Has over 10 million Twitter and Instagram Category: Parenting/Humour followers BIC Code(s): Won MTV Movie Award-best comedic performance VFX (Advice on parenting) & best fight BGFA (Autobiography: arts & Married to Blake Lively entertainment) AUTHOR BIO WHX (Humour collections & Author Residence: Bedford, NY Anthologies) Author Hometown: Vancouver, Canada

Pagination: 224 Ryan Reynolds has starred in blockbuster films Format: 234 x 153 mm including Deadpool, The Change-Up and The Proposal. Illustrations: 30 line-drawings He is married to actress Blake Lively. Together, they have two children whose lives are the focal point of Marketing & Publicity Ryan’s wildly popular Twitter feed (@VancityReynolds). 8-City Author Tour (London, Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester, QUOTES Brighton, Dublin, Edinburgh, ‘Ryan Reynolds once hilariously tweeted that he was Liverpool) going off to write a parenting book we’d all probably Appearances on Graham Norton, read. And now he has. And now we have. It was Jonathan Ross, Last Leg, BBC everything we had hoped for and more’ – Buzzfeed ‘Ryan Reynolds is totally outrageous! Don’t listen to a Breakfast, Good Morning Britain, thing he says, but read every word!’ - Holly Willoughby Loose Women ‘This is the worst book ever, no one should read it. Radio Appearance on Matt Actually it’s great, everyone buy it’ - Ryan Reynolds

Edmonson Show on BBC1, Geoff Lloyd with Annabel Port on RIGHTS ACQUIRED Absolute Radio World rights Reviews in Made for Mums, Ok! Magazine, Mother & Baby, Red


Total Marketing Budget: £36,550 Publicity: £12,000 Ad/Promo: £3,550 Co-op: £21,000

National Publicity Author tour: 8-City tour (London, Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester, Brighton, Dublin, Edinburgh, Liverpool) £12,000 (one week) Book signings and reading Waterstones Blackwell’s Foyles Eason TV appearances Graham Norton Show – BBC One Jonathan Ross Show – ITV The Last Leg – Channel Four BBC Breakfast – BBC1 Good Morning Britain – ITV Loose Women – ITV RTE This Morning – ITV The One Show – BBC1 Print Made for Mums OK! Magazine Mother & Baby Red Guardian, Telegraph Vogue Online Mumsnet promotion Parent Dish promotion Brit Mums promotion Radio The Matt Edmonson Show – BBC Radio 1 Geoff Lloyd with Annabel Port – Absolute Radio

Marketing Plan

Advertising Book Trailer: £3,000

Promotions Twitter/Instagram @VancityRenolds, #ReynoldsParenting, #TinderIsntaDatingApp, #ReynoldsParentingTips,#BestParentEver Facebook @VancityReynolds, #ReynoldsParenting, #TinderIsntADatingApp, #ReynoldsParentingTips, #BestParentEver Twitter/Instagram Online Competitions People Tweet, Facebook, Tumblr, and Instagram their crazy parenting stories @TinderIsntADatingApp. Winners get free copies of books http://www.circleofmoms.com/uk-moms-book-club/members (970 members) Mum book clubs can tweet their best parenting fails. Winners will get free books Tumblr promotion @VancityReynolds, #ReynoldsParenting, #TinderIsntADating App, #ReynoldsParentingTips, #BestParentEver Explore YouTube Connections Carpool Karaoke with James Corden Slow-mo guys (6.6 million subscribers) baby related slo-mo video with Reynolds Organize a YouTube video where Reynolds and other celebrity dads take their kids to the park and talk about them while sharing a beer Special Edition advanced reading copies for reviews: £500 500 bottle openers shaped like baby bottles to hand out at promotional events: £50

Co-op Amazon: £8,000 WHSmith High Street Christmas Promotion: £10,000 Asda: £3,000

24 March 2017

Graham Stuart Executive Producer, The Graham Norton Show So Television 1 Boundary Row London, SE1 8GN

Dear Graham,

Ryan Reynolds, the devilishly handsome and side-splittingly funny actor, has finally written his debut book, and it is something that will be grabbing worldwide interest. Reynolds has given us a comedic tell-all about the trauma of parenting, perfectly titled Tinder Isn’t a Babysitting App...and Other Parenting Tips (Centric Books; 26 September 2017; Hardback; £16.99). It features his signature dark humour and wit while also providing useful tips for new parents everywhere.

If you reference Reynolds’ appearance on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, he jokes about writing a book called Daddy Loves You Ten Percent More, which has become a running joke on his Twitter feed. With over 10 million Twitter and Instagram followers, Reynolds is a powerhouse of the social media world. His Twitter feed includes such classics as: ‘Damn it's hard letting your infant daughter go somewhere alone for the first time. I was a total mess dropping her off at Burning Man’ ‘No matter which kids book I read to my screaming baby on an airplane, the moral of the story is always something about a vasectomy’ Reynolds is a comedic master in 140 characters, and now he has a new platform to display his excellent writing skills and wicked sense of humour. In addition, he is just coming off the success of starring in Deadpool, the highest grossing R-rated film of all time.

Tinder Isn’t a Babysitting App...and Other Parenting Tips is the parenting book that soon-to-be or new parents didn’t know they needed. Filled with witty anecdotes, readers will laugh and learn from this amped up parenting book.


Maddie Tavis

Maddie Tavis Publicity Director, Centric Books [email protected]

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Maddie Tavis Centric Books 07913 142633; [email protected] Tinder Isn’t a Babysitting

App …and Other Parenting Tips By Ryan Reynolds

‘I’m teaching my daughter that the sun goes down each night because it’s mad at her. Probably gonna write a book on parenting at some point’ — Ryan Reynolds, actor and father

From pregnancy to childbirth, nutrition to nappies, first words to the first day of school, Reynolds shares stories of parenting his two children and the lessons he’s learned (sometimes quite painfully) along the way. Who else is going to tell you that making your children eat their vegetables is the first step in introducing them to the cruel reality of adulthood? As he tackles each new challenge, he deploys all the weapons of wit at his disposal and dispenses helpful techniques that you should – and some that you definitely shouldn’t – add to your own parenting arsenal.

In Tinder Isn’t a Babysitting App…and Other Parenting Tips (Centric Books; 26 September 2017; Hardback; £16.99), actor Ryan Reynolds takes the reader on a journey into the challenges of parenting with his infamous quick wit and dark humour. His 3.48 million Twitter followers and 6.6 million Instagram followers already love reading his humorous anecdotes about the joys and miseries of parenting. Now fans have an extensive look into the mind, and parenting style, of Ryan Reynolds.

Tinder Isn’t a Babysitting App…and Other Parenting Tips is a wild ride into the life of new father and superstar celebrity Ryan Reynolds. His 3.48 million Twitter followers have enjoyed numerous parenting tales, such as his challenge in finding an artist to tattoo his 2-year-old daughter. # # # Superstar Ryan Reynolds is a dynamic film actor who has starred in box office hit films like X-Men Origins: Wolverine and Deadpool. In addition to his compelling acting, Reynolds’ huge Twitter following benefits from his parenting advice. He will be in the UK from 26 September 2017 to 3 October 2017 and available for events, interviews and book signings.

TINDER ISN’T A BABYSITTING APP…And Other Parenting Tips By Ryan Reynolds Centric Books 26 September 2017 Hardback / 224 pages / £16.99 ISBN: 9780141623781


Columbia Publishing Course! Title&Sales&Plan

Tinder!Isn't!a!Babysitting!App…and!Other!Parenting!Tips Centric!Books Ryan!Reynolds Elizabeth!Mattson

Comp&Titles Hardcover& Paper<D& Editions Pub&Year Retail&Price LTD&Units Units Total

The&Unmumsy&Mum Hardback &&&&&&&&&& 2016 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 13 &&&&&&&&&&&81,572 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&D& &&&&&&&&81,572&

Yes&Please/Amy&Poehler Hardback/Paperback &&&&&&&&&& 2014 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 10 &&&&&&&&&&&19,418 &&&&&&&&&&&33,423 &&&&&&&&52,841&

Truly&Happy&Baby&...&It&Worked&for&Me:&A&practical&parenting&guide&from&a&mum&you&can&trust/Holly&WilloughbyPaperback &&&&&&&&&& 2015 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 17 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&D& &&&&&&&&&&&21,476 &&&&&&&&21,476&


Total&Initial& Total&Gross& Total&Returned& Total&Net&Sales& Editions Pub&Year Retail&Price &First&Printing Orders Sales&Units Units Units Percent&Returns Total&Coop

Hardback 2017& £16.99 !!!!!!!!!50,000 !!!!!!!!!!35,520 !!!!!!!!!!90,200 !!!!!!!!!(16,654) !!!!!!!!!!!73,546 18% £21,000 Paperback 2018& £8.99 !!!!!!!!!30,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!4,395 !!!!!!!!!!46,500 !!!!!!!!!!!(6,290) !!!!!!!!!!!40,210 14% £1,000 — &&&&&&&&&&& D £0.00 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M 0% £0 — &&&&&&&&&&& D £0.00 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M 0% £0

Year&1 Year&2 Year&3 Total Total&Coop EDbook 2017& £8.99 &&&&&&&&&&&&8,000 &&&&&&&&&&&&5,900 &&&&&&&&&&&&4,100& !!!!!!!!!!!18,000 £0 Audiobook 2017& £14.99 &&&&&&&&&&&&4,000 &&&&&&&&&&&&3,000 &&&&&&&&&&&&1,000& !!!!!!!!!!!!!8,000 £0 — &&&&&&&&&&& D D &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&D& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&D& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&D& £0


Total&Initial& Total&Gross& Total&Returned& Total&Net&Sales& Orders Sales&Units Units Units Percent&Returns Total&Coop

Hardback !!!!!!!!!!27,520 !!!!!!!!!!82,200 !!!!!!!!!(14,974) !!!!!!!!!!!67,226 18% £18,000 Paperback !!!!!!!!!!!!4,215 !!!!!!!!!!44,500 !!!!!!!!!!!(5,770) !!!!!!!!!!!38,730 13% £1,000 — !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M 0% £0 — !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M 0% £0


Total&Initial& Total&Gross& Total&Returned& Total&Net&Sales& Orders Sales&Units Units Units Percent&Returns Total&Coop

Hardback !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M 0% £0 Paperback !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M 0% £0 — !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M 0% £0 — !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M 0% £0


Total&Initial& Total&Gross& Total&Returned& Total&Net&Sales& Orders Sales&Units Units Units Percent&Returns Total&Coop

Hardback !!!!!!!!!!!!8,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!8,000 !!!!!!!!!!!(1,680) !!!!!!!!!!!!!6,320 21% £3,000 Paperback !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!180 !!!!!!!!!!!!2,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!(520) !!!!!!!!!!!!!1,480 26% £0 — !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M 0% £0 — !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M 0% £0

Reynolds!Sales.xlsx 9/22/16!|!11:54!AM Subsidiary Rights Tinder Isn’t a Babysitting App…and Other Parenting Tips by Ryan Reynolds

Type of Right Potential Licensees Final Licensee Amount Received Split House Share

First serial rights British GQ, British British GQ £500 90:10 £50 Vogue German rights MVG Verlag, MVG Verlag £32,000 75:25 £8,000 Rowohlt Verlag, Ullstein Buchverlage French rights Éditions de La Éditions Michel £30,000 75:25 £7,500 Martinière, Éditions Lafon Michel Lafon, Éditions Robert Laffont Spanish rights Ediciones Maeva, Plaza & Janés £20,000 75:25 £5,000 Ediciones Siruela, Plaza & Janés Italian rights EDT, Fazi Editore, Fazi Editore £15,000 75:25 £3,750 Newton Compton Editori House Total Shares: £24,300

15 April 2017

Matthias Setzler Publishing Director MVG Verlag Nymphenburgerstraße 86 München, Germany

Hi Matthias,

Hope you’re well! I’m looking forward to seeing you at Frankfurt in October. I was just complaining to my assistant that I still haven’t been to get to the top of the Main Tower…. Let’s pop over for an hour before dinner.

I’m reaching out to let you know that Centric Books is releasing an exciting new title called Tinder Isn’t a Babysitting App…and Other Parenting Tips by Ryan Reynolds next autumn (on sale 26 September 2017; hardback; £16.99). I was reading it last night and spent about five hours with my head over the page, laughing by myself in a dark room. I thought MVG Verlag did a fantastic job with Leah Remini’s memoir in Germany and might be interested in another funny celebrity title.

Tinder Isn’t a Babysitting App is a journey into parenting, brought to you by superstar actor Ryan Reynolds. He’s renowned for his accessible dark humour. As an A-list Hollywood celebrity with 3.5 million Twitter followers and 6.6 million Instagram followers, almost every aspect of his home life with wife and fellow actress Blake Lively is absorbed by an enthusiastic fan base. He’s popular in the US and beyond—notably, he’s been featured on the cover of GQ Germany twice within the last several years.

Tinder Isn’t a Babysitting App consists of endearing personal anecdotes and parenting tips on everything from changing diapers to making kids eat their vegetables. For a snapshot look into Ryan’s sense of humour, I suggest checking out his Twitter feed for such gems as, ‘Nothing better than spending an entire morning staring into my baby daughter’s eyes, whispering, ‘I can’t do this’, and ‘I’m teaching my daughter that the sun goes down each night because it’s mad at her. Probably gonna write a book on parenting at some point’.

And Centric Books is ready to help Ryan launch it. I’m thrilled to be involved in this project, which I’m sure will be huge. I’m attaching the NDA as follows; please sign and return, and I’ll send you the manuscript straight away. Let me know what you think or if you have any questions!

Best regards,

Rucy Cui

Rucy Cui Subsidiary Rights Manager Centric Books


Tinder Isn't a Babysitting App…and Other Parenting Tips Centric Books Ryan Reynolds Samantha Brace

Hardcover Paperback E-book Price £16.99 £8.99 £8.99 Average Trade Discount 58% 58% 65%

First Printing 50,000 30,000

Royalty Advance £ 2,500,000

Sales Summary

2017 Lifetime

Net Units Net Revenue Net Units Net Revenue Hardcover 67,226 £ 479,711 67,226 £ 479,711 Paperback - £ - 42,980 £ 162,284 Other Print Editions - £ - - £ - Net Trade Print Sales 67,226 79% £ 479,711 76% 110,206 77% £ 641,995 75% Special & Other Sales 6,320 7% 107,377 17% 7,800 5% £ 120,682 14% Total Print Sales 73,546 587,088 118,006 £ 762,677 E-books 8,000 9% £ 25,172 4% 18,000 12% £ 53,137 6% Other Digital Editions 4,000 5% £ 22,386 4% 8,000 6% £ 44,772 5%

Total Sales 85,546 100% £ 634,646 100% 144,006 100% £ 860,586 100% Profit & Loss

Sales 2017 2018 2019 Total Trade Print Sales £ 586,563 £ 168,023 £ 18,879 £ 773,465 Less Returns £ (106,851) (18%) ($21,786) (13%) ($2,832) (15%) ($131,470) (17%) Net Trade Print Sales £ 479,711 £ 146,237 £ 16,047 £ 641,995 Special & Other Sales £ 107,377 £ 13,305 £ - £ 120,682 Digital Editions Sales £ 47,558 £ 33,289 £ 17,062 £ 97,909 Total Sales £ 634,646 £ 192,831 £ 33,109 £ 860,586

Cost of Sales PPB & Plant £ 161,348 25% £ 23,999 12% £ 2,513 8% £ 187,860 22% Royalties £ 189,011 30% £ 59,534 31% £ 10,076 30% £ 258,620 30% Advance Writeoff £ - 0% Inventory Writeoff £ - 0% £ - 0% £ 30,955 93% £ 30,955 4% Total Cost of Sales £ 350,359 55% £ 83,533 43% £ 43,543 132% £ 477,435 55% Profit from Sales £ 284,287 45% £ 109,298 57% £ (10,434) (32%) £ 383,151 45% Other Income Total Other Income £ 24,300 4% £ - 0% £ - 0% £ 24,300 3% Gross Margin £ 308,587 49% £ 109,298 57% £ (10,434) (32%) £ 407,451 47%

Operating Expenses Direct Marketing Expenses £ 38,460 6% £ - 0% £ - 0% £ 38,460 4% Operating Overhead £ 212,606 34% £ 64,598 34% £ 13,368 40% £ 290,573 34% Total Operating Expenses £ 251,066 40% £ 64,598 34% £ 13,368 40% £ 329,033 38%

Contribution to Overhead £ 57,521 9% £ 44,700 23% £ (23,802) (72%) £ 78,418 9%

2. P&L - Tinder Isn't a Babysitting App.xlsx Profit and Loss Statement

Tinder Isn't a Babysitting App…and Other Parenting Tips Centric Books Ryan Reynolds Samantha Brace

Sales 2017 2018 2019 Total

Gross Trade Print Sales £ 1,396,578 £ 400,055 £ 44,950 £ 1,841,583 Less Discounts £ (810,015) £ (232,032) £ (26,071) £ (1,068,118) Less Returns £ (106,851) £ (21,786) £ (2,832) £ (131,470) Net Trade Print Sales £ 479,711 75.6% £ 146,237 75.8% £ 16,047 40.2% £ 641,995 74.0% Special & Remainder Sales £ 107,377 16.9% £ 13,305 6.9% £ 6,796 17.0% £ 127,478 14.7% Net Copublication Sales £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% Total Other Sales £ 107,377 16.9% £ 13,305 6.9% £ 6,796 17.0% £ 127,478 14.7% Total Print Sales £ 587,088 £ 159,542 £ 22,843 £ 769,473 Digital Editions Sales £ 47,558 7.5% £ 33,289 17.3% £ 17,062 42.8% £ 97,909 11.3% Total Sales £ 634,646 100.0% £ 192,831 100.0% £ 39,905 100.0% £ 867,382 100.0%

Cost of Sales

PPB £ 143,989 22.7% £ 22,537 11.7% £ 2,513 6.3% £ 169,039 19.5% Plant £ 17,359 2.7% £ 1,462 0.8% £ - 0.0% £ 18,821 2.2% Royalties £ 189,011 29.8% £ 59,534 30.9% £ 10,076 25.2% £ 258,620 29.8% Advance Writeoff £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% Inventory Writeoff £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ 30,955 77.6% £ 30,955 3.6% Total Cost of Sales £ 350,359 55.2% £ 83,533 43.3% £ 43,543 109.1% £ 477,435 55.0%

Profit from Sales £ 284,287 44.8% £ 109,298 56.7% £ (3,638) -9.1% £ 389,947 45.0%

Other Income

Subsidiary & Foreign Rights £ 24,300 3.8% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ 24,300 2.8% Subvention Income £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% Total Other Income £ 24,300 3.8% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ 24,300 2.8% Gross Margin £ 308,587 48.6% £ 109,298 56.7% £ (3,638) -9.1% £ 414,247 47.8%

Operating Expenses

Direct Marketing Expenses

Co-op £ 21,000 3.3% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ 21,000 2.4% Advertising £ 3,000 0.5% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ 3,000 0.3% Promotion £ 550 0.1% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ 550 0.1% Free Copies £ 1,910 0.3% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ 1,910 0.2% Publicity £ 12,000 1.9% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ 12,000 1.4% Total Direct Marketing Expenses £ 38,460 6.1% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ 38,460 4.4%

Operating Overhead

Distribution & Sales £ 76,158 12.0% £ 23,140 12.0% £ 4,789 12.0% £ 104,086 12.0% Editorial £ 44,425 7.0% £ 13,498 7.0% £ 2,793 7.0% £ 60,717 7.0% Production £ 25,386 4.0% £ 7,713 4.0% £ 1,596 4.0% £ 34,695 4.0% Marketing £ 31,732 5.0% £ 9,642 5.0% £ 1,995 5.0% £ 43,369 5.0% G&A £ 34,906 5.5% £ 10,606 5.5% £ 2,195 5.5% £ 47,706 5.5% Total Operating Overhead £ 212,606 33.5% £ 64,598 33.5% £ 13,368 33.5% £ 290,573 33.5%

Total Operating Expenses £ 251,066 39.6% £ 64,598 33.5% £ 13,368 33.5% £ 329,033 37.9% Contribution to Overhead £ 57,521 9.1% £ 44,700 23.2% £ (17,006) -42.6% £ 85,214 9.8%

Cash Flow Total Book Sales £ 867,382 Advance & Royalties £ 258,620 Total Other Income £ 24,300 Plant £ 18,821 Inventory £ 226,011 Marketing £ 38,460

Total Cash In £ 891,682 Total Cash Out £ 541,913 Net Cash £ 349,769

2. P&L - Tinder Isn't a Babysitting App.xlsx An Entrepreneur’s Toolkit for Success

Yancey Strickler

Co-Founder and CEO of


Publisher: Centric Books Editor: Jasmine Horsey Title: Kickstart Your Business Subtitle: An Entrepreneur’s Toolkit for Success Copy Line: Co-Founder and CEO of Kickstarter Author: Yancey Strickler Hook: Using a wildly successful entrepreneur’s six lessons, you’ll find the backing to support a business you are passionate about. Description: Yancey Strickler didn’t start with much. But in 2009, he co-founded the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter, which helps entrepreneurs find a community to help them grow a business they are passionate about. Within five years of its launch, Kickstarter had funded more than 60,000 creative projects, generating over $2 billion in backing by late 2015. Strickler’s story proves that successful businesses don’t need to start with a good network or a good degree. They start, quite simply, with a good idea. In Kickstart Your Business: An Entrepreneur’s Toolkit for Success, Strickler employs a step-by-step approach to guide you through launching your idea into a new business. Using successful Kickstarter campaigns as examples, he teaches aspiring entrepreneurs how to: Project your passion Set feasible financial targets Creatively communicate Tighten up your timeframes Give your biggest backers your biggest thanks Stay sustainable Strickler’s lessons show readers exactly how they can get the funds to finance their passions. This book is for everyday entrepreneurs who are seeking the support to launch an idea they believe in.

Author Bio: Yancey Strickler was born in Virginia and grew up on a farm in the Appalachian Mountains. Prior to Kickstarter, he was a music journalist whose writing appeared in publications including The Village Voice, New York Magazine and Pitchfork, among others. With Perry Chen and Charles Adler, he founded Kickstarter in 2009 and became CEO of the company in 2014. Editions: Hardback, eBook Recommended Retail £16.99 Price: Format: 234 x 153 mm Illustrations: N/A Pagination: 224 Other Special N/A Features: Category: Business (KJD) Publication Date: 31 October 2017 Royalty Advance: £25,000 First Printing: 16,000 Royalty Rates: 10% to 3,000, 12.5% to Agent: Christy Fletcher, 6,000, 15% thereafter Fletcher & Company Rights Acquired: World rights Other Editions: Digital audio

Publisher: Centric Books Editor: Jasmine Horsey Title: Kickstart Your Business Author: Yancey Strickler


Title: The Lean Start-up: How Constant Innovation Creates Radically Successful Businesses Author: Eric Ries Pub Date: 6 October 2011 Publisher: Portfolio Penguin Price: £14.99 Edition: Paperback Pagination: 336 Format: 324 x 153 mm BookScan LTD Sales: 43,326 ISBN: 9780670921607 Category: Innovative business (KJD) A book that uses innovation as a model for future business success.

Title: Entrepreneur Revolution: How to Develop Your Entrepreneurial Mindset and Start a Business That Works Author: Daniel Priestley Pub Date: 8 March 2013 Publisher: Capstone Price: £12.99 Edition: Paperback Pagination: 232 Format: 216 x 149 mm BookScan 10,024 LTD Sales: ISBN: 9780857084153 Category: Innovative business (KJD) A book targeted at entrepreneurs looking to start a successful business.

Title: The Hard Things About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers Author: Ben Horowitz Pub Date: 24 April 2014 Publisher: HarperBusiness Price: £18.99 Edition: Hardback Pagination: 304 Format: 229 x 152 mm BookScan LTD Sales: 6,802 ISBN: 9780062273208 Category: Innovative business (KJD) A book that follows a ‘how I did it’ format from the perspective of a start-up co-founder.



In 2009 Yancey Strickler co-founded the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter, which helps entrepreneurs reach a community to grow businesses. Strickler’s story proves that successful businesses don’t need to start with a good network or a degree. They start, quite simply, with a good idea. Kickstart Your Business: An Entrepreneur’s Toolkit for Success follows Strickler’s journey as CEO of Kickstarter. He employs a step-by-step approach to guide you through the process of launching 31 October 2017 your new business, from spreading the word to managing financial backing. Strickler’s lessons will Centric Books show readers exactly how they can fund their passions.

Format: Hardback KEY SELLING POINTS ISBN: 9780141382948 Co-founder of popular crowdfunding website, Kickstarter Price: £16.99 Kickstarter has 12 million backers and $2.6 billion

Category: Business in pledges Write-ups in Wired, The Standard, BBC Business, BIC Code(s): The Independent BGBA (Autobiography: Kickstarter expanded into Europe in 2013 business & industry) Kickstarter became a ‘Public Benefit Corporation’ in KJC (Business strategy) 2014 KJD (Business innovation) KJH (Entrepreneurship) AUTHOR BIO Author Residence: New York, NY KJVS (Small businesses & Author Hometown: Virginia Self-employment) KJZ (History of specific Yancey Strickler was born in Virginia and grew up on companies/Corporate a farm in the Appalachian Mountains. Prior to history) Kickstarter, he was a music journalist whose writing appeared in publications including The Village Voice, Pagination: 224 New York Magazine and Pitchfork, among others. With Format: 234 x 153 mm Perry Chen and Charles Adler, he founded Kickstarter Illustrations: N/A in 2009 and became CEO of the company in 2014. QUOTES Marketing & Publicity ‘Creativity and integrity are everything to this savvy 3-City tour (London, CEO. This book will help you kickstart your business Manchester, Brighton) and maintain your creative vision at the same time’ - Attending The Telegraph Dougal Shaw, BBC Business Festival of Business ‘From newsmaking creations to whole movements of Kickstarter Campaign for small, personal projects, Kickstarter can help you build marketing the culture of tomorrow’ - Davey Alba, Wired UK

Write-ups in Wired UK, RIGHTS ACQUIRED: World rights Fortune, Elite Business, Real Business, Growing Business, The Economist


Total Marketing Budget: £6,750 Publicity:£2,500 Ad/Promo: £0 Co-op: £4,250

National Publicity 3-City tour (London, Manchester, Brighton) £2,500 Book signings and readings o Waterstones o Blackwell’s o The Big Green Bookshop (London) o London School of Business and Finance TV appearances BBC Breakfast – BBC1 Good Morning Britain - ITV The One Show – BBC1 Print Wired UK Fortune Elite Business Real Business Growing Business The Economist Telegraph Online Its Development - business blog review/interview o Mission: we help organisations develop compelling content to engage colleagues, customers and potential customers The Small Business Blog o Has a recommended business books section BBC Business Daily (general business podcast) School of Greatness (podcast about building your ideal self in business) EntreLeadership (podcast about building a business) Radio In Business – BBC Radio 4 Let’s Talk Business – 90 FM Festivals The Telegraph Festival of Business, 8 November

Marketing Plan

Promotions Twitter @ystrickler, @kickstarter, #KickstartYourBusiness, #ToolkitForSuccess, #Kickstart #KickstarterBook #KickstarterCoFounder, #CorporateGrowth #KickstartTheKickstarterBook Facebook @kickstarter #ystrickler, #KickstartYourBusiness #KickstarterCoFounder Use Kickstarter: create project for Kickstarter book. Fund goal will be book advance which Centric will pay so the project is fully funded. Rewards will incentivise donations: £1 ensures thank you on the book website; £50 ensures copy of the book, a magnet and thank you on the website; £100 ensures all prior rewards plus a thank you in acknowledgements section of the book; £150 ensures signed copy of book, kickstarter cloth bag and all prior rewards. ALL PROCEEDS TO GO TO CHARITY (UK residents only)

Co-op Amazon: £1,000 WHSmith High Street Christmas Promotion: £1,500 Exports: £1,750

29 April 2017

Sandy Smith, Executive Producer of The One Show BBC Broadcasting House Portland Place London W1A 1AA

Dear Sandy,

Kickstarter is the innovative crowdfunding platform that changed the way small business owners and entrepreneurs are able to fund their dream projects. Co-founder Yancey Strickler’s new book, Kickstart Your Business: An Entrepreneur’s Toolkit for Success (Centric Books; 31 October 2017; hardback; £16.99), gives readers the secrets of Kickstarter’s most successful campaigns and tells them exactly how to launch their own businesses.

Kickstarter has funded more than 60,000 creative projects, from Oscar-winning films to humorous board games. By the end of 2015, the innovative crowdfunding website generated over $2 billion in funding. With almost one and a half million Facebook followers, Kickstarter is a force to be reckoned with in the modern business world. Strickler’s how-to guide will inspire a wide variety of creative entrepreneurs.

On your show, Strickler can discuss: Growing up in a poor town in rural Virginia A few key points about the success of some of Kickstarter’s campaigns The vision behind Kickstarter The idea of Kickstarter as a public benefit corporation and why they find this important

The One Show would be the perfect place for Strickler to discuss his book. Kickstart Your Business is the accessible guide for creative entrepreneurs looking to grow their businesses.


Maddie Tavis

Maddie Tavis Publicity Director, Centric Books [email protected]

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Maddie Tavis Centric Books 07913 142633; [email protected]

Kickstart Your Business An Entrepreneur’s Toolkit for Success By Yancey Strickler

‘Creativity and integrity are everything to this savvy CEO. This book will help you kickstart your business and maintain your creative vision at the same time’ —Dougal Shaw, editor BBC Business

Kickstart Your Business: An Entrepreneur’s Toolkit for Success (Centric Books; 31 October 2017; hardback; £16.99) teaches readers exactly how they can grow their own innovative businesses. Strickler shares the secrets of Kickstarter’s business model and handpicks some of Kickstarter’s most successful campaigns related to film, games, technology and music projects to use as examples of entrepreneurism.

Kickstart Your Business is Yancey Strickler’s book of lessons for success for the modern businessperson. Growing up impoverished in Virginia fuelled Strickler’s drive for success. In 2009 he co-founded Kickstarter, the creatively driven crowdfunding platform.

Yancey Strickler’s Kickstart Your Business is any businessperson’s dream guide for growing their business in a creative way. The book is filled with insider tips from one of the savviest CEOs out there, along with examples of Kickstarter’s most successful campaigns. Kickstart Your Business is the business book that appeals to creative individuals looking for the funds to finance their projects. # # # Yancey Strickler was born in Virginia and grew up on a farm in the Appalachian Mountains. Prior to Kickstarter, he was a music journalist whose writing appeared in publications including The Village Voice, New York Magazine and Pitchfork, among others. With Perry Chen and Charles Adler, he founded Kickstarter in 2009 and became CEO of the company in 2014. He will be in the UK from 31 October 2017 to 7 November 2017 and will be available for interviews, events and signings.

Kickstart Your Business An Entrepreneur’s Toolkit for Success

By Yancey Strickler Centric Books 31 October 2017 Hardback / 224 pages / £16.99 ISBN: 9780141382948


Columbia Publishing Course! Title&Sales&Plan

Kickstart!Your!Business:!An!Entrepreneur's!Toolkit!for!Success Centric!Books Yancey!Strickler Elizabeth!Mattson

Comp&Titles Hardcover& Paper<D& Editions Pub&Year Retail&Price LTD&Units Units Total

The&Lean&Startup:&How&Constant&Innovation&Creates&Radically&Successful&Businesses/Eric&RiesPaperback &&&&&&&&&& 2011 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 15 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&?& &&&&&&&&&&&43,326 &&&&&&&&43,326&

Entrepreneur&Revolution:&How&to&Develop&Your&Entrepreneurial&Mindset&and&Start&a&Business&That&Works/Daniel&PriestleyPaperback &&&&&&&&&& 2013 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 13 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&?& &&&&&&&&&&&10,024 &&&&&&&&10,024&

The&Hard&Thing&About&Hard&Things:Building&a&Business&When&There&are&No&Easy&Answers/Ben&HorowitzHardback &&&&&&&&&& 2014 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 19 &&&&&&&&&&&&6,765& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&?& &&&&&&&&&&&6,765


Total&Initial& Total&Gross& Total&Returned& Total&Net&Sales& Editions Pub&Year Retail&Price &First&Printing Orders Sales&Units Units Units Percent&Returns Total&Coop

Hardback 2017& £16.99 !!!!!!!!!16,000 !!!!!!!!!!13,415 !!!!!!!!!!21,610 !!!!!!!!!!!(2,691) !!!!!!!!!!!18,919 12% £4,250 Paperback 2018& £11.99 !!!!!!!!!!!6,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!4,835 !!!!!!!!!!17,700 !!!!!!!!!!!(2,888) !!!!!!!!!!!14,813 16% £2,500 — &&&&&&&&&&& ? £0.00 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q 0% £0 — &&&&&&&&&&& ? £0.00 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q 0% £0

Year&1 Year&2 Year&3 Total Total&Coop E?book 2017& £10.99 &&&&&&&&&&&&2,000 &&&&&&&&&&&&1,250 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&750 !!!!!!!!!!!!!4,000 £0 Audiobook 2017& £12.99 &&&&&&&&&&&&1,200 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&600 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&300 !!!!!!!!!!!!!2,100 £0 — &&&&&&&&&&& ? ? &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&?& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&?& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&?& £0


Total&Initial& Total&Gross& Total&Returned& Total&Net&Sales& Orders Sales&Units Units Units Percent&Returns Total&Coop

Hardback !!!!!!!!!!!!4,015 !!!!!!!!!!12,210 !!!!!!!!!!!(2,141) !!!!!!!!!!!10,069 18% £2,500 Paperback !!!!!!!!!!!!3,835 !!!!!!!!!!16,700 !!!!!!!!!!!(2,638) !!!!!!!!!!!14,063 16% £2,500 — !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q 0% £0 — !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q 0% £0


Total&Initial& Total&Gross& Total&Returned& Total&Net&Sales& Orders Sales&Units Units Units Percent&Returns Total&Coop

Hardback !!!!!!!!!!!!6,900 !!!!!!!!!!!!6,900 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q !!!!!!!!!!!!!6,900 0% £1,750 Paperback !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q 0% £0 — !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q 0% £0 — !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q 0% £0


Total&Initial& Total&Gross& Total&Returned& Total&Net&Sales& Orders Sales&Units Units Units Percent&Returns Total&Coop

Hardback !!!!!!!!!!!!2,500 !!!!!!!!!!!!2,500 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!(550) !!!!!!!!!!!!!1,950 22% £0 Paperback !!!!!!!!!!!!1,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!1,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!(250) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!750! 25% £0 — !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q 0% £0 — !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q 0% £0

Kickstarter!Sales.xlsx 9/22/16!|!11:51!AM Subsidiary Rights Kickstart Your Business: An Entrepreneur’s Toolkit for Success by Yancey Strickler

Type of Right Potential Licensees Final Licensee Amount Received Split House Share

First serial rights The Guardian, Wired UK £500 90:10 £50 Wired UK North American Bantam, Crown Harper Business £40,000 80:20 £8,000 rights Business, Harper Business Chinese rights CITIC Press Group, Citic Press Group £40,000 75:25 £10,000 Commonwealth Press, Yilin Press Japanese rights Gakken, BG Nikkei Business £30,000 75:25 £7,500 Company, Nikkei Publications Business Publications Korean rights Changbi Publishers, Changbi Publishers £30,000 75:25 £7,500 Sakyejul Publishing, Yeonamsa Publishing House Total Shares: £33,050

24 April 2017

Mandy She Editor CITIC Press Group 210 Level, Fusheng Building A No. 4 Huixindong Street Beijing, China

Hi Mandy,

Hope you’re well! I’m looking forward to seeing you at Frankfurt in October; is your daughter still studying abroad? When does she get back from Australia?

I’m reaching out to let you know that Centric Books is releasing a new title called Kickstart Your Business: An Entrepreneur’s Toolkit for Success by Yancey Strickler next autumn (on sale 31 October 2017; hardback; £16.99). I’m really excited about it; I was beyond inspired reading about the success of the crowdsourcing website Kickstarter and the non- traditional beginnings of its founder. I thought CITIC did a fantastic job with its last translated business title, The Free-Market Innovation Machine, and might be interested in another one for the more ‘everyday entrepreneur’.

Kickstarter is the world’s largest funding platform for creative projects, co-founded by Yancey Strickler in 2009. Growing up in an impoverished town in rural Virginia, Strickler didn’t start with much. But his life story and the campaigns his company supports prove that entrepreneurs aren’t always dependent on the right school or right network. To date, Kickstarter has funded more than 60,000 projects, from board games to Oscar-winning films, and generated over $2 billion dollars in funding.

Kickstart Your Business offers tips to aspiring entrepreneurs from the CEO of the world’s go-to crowdsourcing website. It reveals the styles of leadership and management involved in some of Kickstarter’s most noteworthy campaigns. Prior to starting his own company, Strickler was a music journalist whose work appeared in publications including Pitchfork, Entertainment Weekly, and New York Magazine. He’s the perfect voice for this book: informative yet accessible, earnest yet upbeat. According to Dougal Shaw of BBC Business, ‘Creativity and integrity are everything to this savvy CEO. This book will help you kickstart your business and maintain your creative vision at the same time’.

I’m thrilled to be able to share Kickstart Your Business. I’m attaching the manuscript as follows; let me know what you think or if you have any questions!

Best regards,

Rucy Cui

Rucy Cui Subsidiary Rights Manager, Centric Books [email protected]


Kickstart Your Business: An Entrepreneur's Toolkit for Success Centric Books Yancey Strickler, Co-Founder and CEO of Kickstarter Samantha Brace

Hardcover Paperback E-book Price £16.99 £11.99 £10.99 Average Trade Discount 58% 58% 65%

First Printing 16,000 6,000

Royalty Advance £ 25,000

Sales Summary

2017 Lifetime

Net Units Net Revenue Net Units Net Revenue Hardcover 16,969 £ 189,081 16,969 £ 189,081 Paperback - £ - 17,192 £ 86,575 Other Print Editions - £ - - £ - Net Trade Print Sales 16,969 74% £ 189,081 77% 34,161 80% £ 275,657 81% Special & Other Sales 2,700 12% 42,123 17% 2,700 6% £ 42,123 12% Total Print Sales 19,669 231,204 36,861 £ 317,780 E-books 2,000 9% £ 7,693 3% 4,000 9% £ 14,686 4% Other Digital Editions 1,200 5% £ 5,456 2% 2,100 5% £ 9,548 3%

Total Sales 22,869 100% £ 244,353 100% 42,961 100% £ 342,013 100% Profit & Loss

Sales 2017 2018 2019 Total Trade Print Sales £ 204,359 £ 84,098 £ 17,877 £ 306,334 Less Returns £ (15,278) (7%) ($13,284) (16%) ($2,115) (12%) ($30,677) (10%) Net Trade Print Sales £ 189,081 £ 70,813 £ 15,762 £ 275,657 Special & Other Sales £ 42,123 £ - £ - £ 42,123 Digital Editions Sales £ 13,149 £ 7,099 £ 3,986 £ 24,234 Total Sales £ 244,353 £ 77,912 £ 19,748 £ 342,013

Cost of Sales PPB & Plant £ 51,603 21% £ 16,062 21% £ 2,341 12% £ 70,006 20% Royalties £ 63,971 26% £ 27,586 35% £ 8,469 43% £ 100,026 29% Advance Writeoff £ - 0% Inventory Writeoff £ - 0% £ - 0% £ 11,131 56% £ 11,131 3% Total Cost of Sales £ 115,574 47% £ 43,648 56% £ 21,942 111% £ 181,164 53% Profit from Sales £ 128,779 53% £ 34,264 44% £ (2,193) (11%) £ 160,850 47% Other Income Total Other Income £ 33,050 14% £ - 0% £ - 0% £ 33,050 10% Gross Margin £ 161,829 66% £ 34,264 44% £ (2,193) (11%) £ 193,900 57%

Operating Expenses Direct Marketing Expenses £ 7,750 3% £ 2,602 3% £ - 0% £ 10,352 3% Operating Overhead £ 81,858 34% £ 26,101 34% £ 7,469 38% £ 115,428 34% Total Operating Expenses £ 89,608 37% £ 28,703 37% £ 7,469 38% £ 125,780 37%

Contribution to Overhead £ 72,221 30% £ 5,562 7% £ (9,663) (49%) £ 68,120 20%

3. P&L - Kickstart Your Business Without Selling Out.xlsx Profit and Loss Statement

Kickstart Your Business: An Entrepreneur's Toolkit for Success Centric Books Yancey Strickler, Co-Founder and CEO of Kickstarter Samantha Brace

Sales 2017 2018 2019 Total

Gross Trade Print Sales £ 324,679 £ 200,233 £ 42,565 £ 567,476 Less Discounts £ (120,320) £ (116,135) £ (24,687) £ (261,142) Less Returns £ (15,278) £ (13,284) £ (2,115) £ (30,677) Net Trade Print Sales £ 189,081 77.4% £ 70,813 90.9% £ 15,762 70.7% £ 275,657 80.0% Special & Remainder Sales £ 42,123 17.2% £ - 0.0% £ 2,549 11.4% £ 44,672 13.0% Net Copublication Sales £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% Total Other Sales £ 42,123 17.2% £ - 0.0% £ 2,549 11.4% £ 44,672 13.0% Total Print Sales £ 231,204 £ 70,813 £ 18,311 £ 320,328 Digital Editions Sales £ 13,149 5.4% £ 7,099 9.1% £ 3,986 17.9% £ 24,234 7.0% Total Sales £ 244,353 100.0% £ 77,912 100.0% £ 22,297 100.0% £ 344,562 100.0%

Cost of Sales

PPB £ 39,083 16.0% £ 9,761 12.5% £ 2,341 10.5% £ 51,185 14.9% Plant £ 12,521 5.1% £ 6,301 8.1% £ - 0.0% £ 18,821 5.5% Royalties £ 63,971 26.2% £ 27,586 35.4% £ 8,469 38.0% £ 100,026 29.0% Advance Writeoff £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% Inventory Writeoff £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ 11,131 49.9% £ 11,131 3.2% Total Cost of Sales £ 115,574 47.3% £ 43,648 56.0% £ 21,942 98.4% £ 181,164 52.6%

Profit from Sales £ 128,779 52.7% £ 34,264 44.0% £ 355 1.6% £ 163,398 47.4%

Other Income

Subsidiary & Foreign Rights £ 33,050 13.5% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ 33,050 9.6% Subvention Income £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% Total Other Income £ 33,050 13.5% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ 33,050 9.6% Gross Margin £ 161,829 66.2% £ 34,264 44.0% £ 355 1.6% £ 196,448 57.0%

Operating Expenses

Direct Marketing Expenses

Co-op £ 4,250 1.7% £ 2,500 3.2% £ - 0.0% £ 6,750 2.0% Advertising £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% Promotion £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% Free Copies £ 1,000 0.4% £ 102 0.1% £ - 0.0% £ 1,102 0.3% Publicity £ 2,500 1.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ 2,500 0.7% Total Direct Marketing Expenses £ 7,750 3.2% £ 2,602 3.3% £ - 0.0% £ 10,352 3.0%

Operating Overhead

Distribution & Sales £ 29,322 12.0% £ 9,349 12.0% £ 2,676 12.0% £ 41,347 12.0% Editorial £ 17,105 7.0% £ 5,454 7.0% £ 1,561 7.0% £ 24,119 7.0% Production £ 9,774 4.0% £ 3,116 4.0% £ 892 4.0% £ 13,782 4.0% Marketing £ 12,218 5.0% £ 3,896 5.0% £ 1,115 5.0% £ 17,228 5.0% G&A £ 13,439 5.5% £ 4,285 5.5% £ 1,226 5.5% £ 18,951 5.5% Total Operating Overhead £ 81,858 33.5% £ 26,101 33.5% £ 7,469 33.5% £ 115,428 33.5%

Total Operating Expenses £ 89,608 36.7% £ 28,703 36.8% £ 7,469 33.5% £ 125,780 36.5% Contribution to Overhead £ 72,221 29.6% £ 5,562 7.1% £ (7,114) -31.9% £ 70,668 20.5%

Cash Flow Total Book Sales £ 344,562 Advance & Royalties £ 100,026 Total Other Income £ 33,050 Plant £ 18,821 Inventory £ 69,818 Marketing £ 10,352

Total Cash In £ 377,612 Total Cash Out £ 199,017 Net Cash £ 178,595

3. P&L - Kickstart Your Business Without Selling Out.xlsx The Beginning of the End of the War to End All Wars

1917: THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE WAR TO END ALL WARS Publisher: Centric Books Editor: Kelsey Everson Title: 1917 Subtitle: The Beginning of the End of the War to End All Wars Copy Line: Author: Dan Snow Hook: Dan Snow describes the fascinating year 1917 – a book that will soon be supported by a six-part BBC series airing October and November 2017. Description:

The year 1917 was a turning point in modern history. Germany implemented unrestricted submarine warfare in January, America entered into the war in April, and peace negotiations began between Russia and Germany in December after the outbreak of the Russian Revolution. The outcome of the war was as unclear as ever.

In his seventh book, writer, historian and BBC presenter Dan Snow brings to life the captivating story of 1917. His research delves into both major and minor events as he takes readers on a month-by-month account of the Great War’s penultimate year. He documents the devastating hardships of the Allies and the Central Powers and the lives that were decimated on both sides in his captivating account of the war to end all wars. He goes beyond the war to highlight such events as the Suffrage Picket Riots in August and the escalation of the women’s emancipation movement.

1917 presents a vivid account of this unique moment in the twentieth century. Encounter the hardships and triumphs of this riveting year in the company of one of Britain’s most celebrated historians.

Author Bio:

Dan Snow is a BBC presenter, historian and bestselling author. After getting a degree in modern history from Oxford, he started working for the BBC in 2002 and published his first book in 2004. He lives with his wife and children in the New Forest area.

Editions: Hardback, eBook Recommended £20.00 Retail Price: Format: 234 x 153 mm Illustrations: 12 b&w photographs (chapter openers) Pagination: 352 Other Special N/A Features: Category: World history Publication Date: 26 September 2017 (HBG) Royalty Advance: £80,000 First Printing: 7,000 Royalty Rates: 10% to 3,000, Agent: Caroline Dawnay, UA 12.5% to 6,000, 15% thereafter Rights Acquired: World rights Other Editions: Digital audio

Publisher: Centric Books Editor: Kelsey Everson Title: 1917 Author: Dan Snow


Title: Catastrophe: Europe Goes to War 1914 Author: Max Hastings Pub Date: 12 September 2013 Publisher: William Collins Price: £30.00 Edition: Hardback Pagination: 672 Format: 240 x 159 mm BookScan LTD 92,768 Sales: ISBN: 9780007398577 Category: history (HBWN) A BBC celebrity examines one year of World War I and explains the impact it had on the event as a whole.

Title: A History of Ancient Britain Author: Pub Date: 15 September 2011 Publisher: W&N Price: £20.00 Edition: Hardback Pagination: 400 Format: 241 x 165 mm BookScan LTD 11,611 Sales: ISBN: 9780297863328 Category: British and Irish history (BBJD) A book that tells the story of early Britain that was accompanied by 8 BBC television episodes.

Title: Battle Castles: 500 Years of Knights and Siege Warfare Author: Dan Snow Pub Date: 27 September 2012 Publisher: HarperPress Price: £20.00 Edition: Hardback Pagination: 336 Format: 259 x 198 mm BookScan 5,202 LTD Sales: ISBN: 9780007455584 Category: British and Irish history (HBJD) Dan Snow’s most recent publication.


1917 was a critical year in World War I. Germany implemented unrestricted submarine warfare in January, America entered into the war in April, and peace negotiations began between Russia and Germany in December after the outbreak of the Russian Revolution. The outcome of the war was as unclear as ever. In his seventh book, writer, historian, and BBC presenter Dan Snow brings to life the captivating story of 1917. His research delves into both major and minor events as he takes readers on a month-by-month account of the Great War’s penultimate year. He 26 September 2017 documents the devastating hardships of the Allies and Centric Books the Central Powers and the lives that were decimated on both sides in his captivating account of the ‘war to Format: Hardback end all wars.’ ISBN: 9780141382279 1917 presents a vivid account of this unique moment in the twentieth century. Encounter the hardships and Price: £20.00 triumphs of this riveting year in the company of one of Britain’s most celebrated historians.

Category: History KEY SELLING POINTS BIC Code(s): 6-time best-selling author of history books HBWN (First World War) Well known BBC TV history program presenter HBLW (20th century Published to coincide with the centenary of the history: c 1900 to c 2000) beginning of the Russian Revolution HBTV4 (Russian Extensive print, TV, online and Radio Publicity Revolution) campaign

128,000 Twitter follows Pagination: 352 Format: 234 x 153 mm AUTHOR BIO Author Residence: London, UK Marketing & Publicity Author Hometown: London, UK

3-City tour (London, Dan Snow is a BBC presenter, historian and bestselling Manchester, Leeds) author. After getting a degree in modern history from TV Appearances Good Oxford, he started working for the BBC in 2002 and Morning Britain, The 1 published his first book in 2004.

Show, Sunday Morning QUOTES Live ‘This is history at its best, a fantastic mix of anecdote, Write-ups in History observation and big intelligent thinking about the turning Today, Guardian, point of the First World War’ - Stuart Dredge, Guardian Telegraph, Standard, BBC ‘Historian Dan Snow is known for his ability to bring History Magazine, history to life and make it relatable and exciting. This book History of War Magazine, is a highly readable and entertaining compilation’ - Howard Shirley, Bookpage.com History Extra BBC4 Making History and RIGHTS ACQUIRED: World rights BBC3 Sunday Morning Radio


TOTAL MARKETING BUDGET: £6,700 Publicity: £2,500 Ad/Promo: £900 Co-op: £1,500

NATIONAL PUBLICITY Author tour 3-City tour (London, Manchester, Leeds) £2,500 Book signings and readings o Waterstones o Blackwell’s o Great War Society o World War 1 Historical Association o Lectures at colleges: Oxford, Cambridge TV appearances Good Morning Britain – ITV The One Show – BBC1 Sunday Morning Live – BBC1 Print History Today Guardian, Telegraph, The Sunday Times (Sunday editions) BBC History History of War History Extra Online http://www.bbc.co.uk/history History Vault – Online History magazine http://history.co.uk British History Podcast History Extra Podcast AMA (Ask Me Anything) – Reddit.com Literary Friction – NTS Radio (online radio station, no ads) Radio Making History – BBC4 Sunday Morning – BBC3 Festivals Warwick Words History Festival – 3-9 October 2017 Cheltenham Literature Festival – 7-16 October 2017 Manchester Literature Festival – 7-23 October 2017


Promotions Facebook @historyhit (47,000 likes) #1917 #DanSnow #HistoryBuff #TheHistoryGuy #WorldWarI #TheGreatWar Twitter @thehistoryguy (128 followers) @bbcwwI (23k followers) #DanSnow #HistoryBuff #TheHistoryGuy #WorldWarI #TheGreatWar Instagram @thehistoryguy #wwI #DanSnow #TheGreatWar Flash mob World War One reenactors- http://www.theyshallgrownotold.org.uk/pricing- information: £400 YouTube – Web-series that discusses 2-3 months in part from the book: £500

Co-op Amazon: £1,000 WHSmith High Street: £500

24 March 2017

Claire Hamilton, Producer BBC Breakfast BBC Breakfast, Room 1605 BBC Television Centre Wood Lane, London W12 7RJ

Dear Claire,

1917, the most influential year in World War I, contained Germany’s implementation of unrestricted submarine warfare, America’s entry to the Western Front, and the beginning of the Russian Revolution. Dan Snow chronicles all these world-changing events and more in his newest book 1917: The Beginning of the End of the War to End All Wars (Centric Books; 26 September 2017; hardback; £20.00).

Snow is a 6-time best-selling author of history books and a well-known BBC TV history presenter. With 128,000 Twitter followers, he is a trusted representative of history and a talented writer. Snow’s television-ready charm would make him a dynamic guest on BBC Breakfast.

On your show, Dan can discuss The most influential moments in the year 1917 The lifestyles of average British and American citizens during 1917 The way this year ultimately affected World War II The influence that World War I has on current British society His history experience and how he found his passion

1917: The Beginning of the End of the War to End All Wars is Dan Snow’s compelling chronology of a month-by-month breakdown of one of the most important years in World War I, and how this influenced culture and society during this time. Learn about the ‘war to end all wars’ in a detailed piece of literature focused on one year.


Maddie Tavis

Maddie Tavis Publicity Director, Centric Books [email protected]

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Maddie Tavis Centric Books 07913 142633; [email protected]

1917: The Beginning of the End of the War to End All Wars By Dan Snow

‘This is history at its best, a fantastic mix of anecdote, observation and big intelligent thinking about the turning point of the First World War’ - Stuart Dedge, The Guardian

In 1917: The Beginning of the End of the War to End All Wars (Centric Books; 26 September 2017; hardback; £20.00), esteemed historian, writer, and BBC presenter Dan Snow delves into the arguably most important year in the First World War. By breaking the year down month-by-month, Snow is able to focus on the large events of the war, like the beginning of the Russian Revolution, and the trauma this year inflicted on the lives of Americans, British, and Germans.

Respected historian, BBC presenter and writer Dan Snow changes the way we read about history. With 128,000 Twitter followers and six best-selling history books under his belt, Dan Snow is truly an expert in the field. Dan Snow’s newest book, 1917: The Beginning of the End of the War to End All Wars, is a masterpiece of historical literature. Snow delves into the war- changing aspects of 1917, and how the lives of Americans and British were altered during this time.

# # #

Dan Snow is a BBC presenter, historian and bestselling author. After getting a degree in modern history from Oxford, he started working for the BBC in 2002 and published his first book in 2004.

1917: The Beginning of the End of the War to End All Wars By Dan Snow Centric Books 26 September 2017 Hardback / 320 pages/ £20.00 ISBN: 9780141382279


Columbia Publishing Course! Title&Sales&Plan

1917:!The!Beginning!of!the!End!of!the!War!to!End!All!Wars Centric!Books Dan!Snow Elizabeth!Mattson

Comp&Titles Hardcover& Paper<D& Editions Pub&Year Retail&Price LTD&Units Units Total

Catastrophe:&Europe&Goes&to&War&1914/Max&HastingsHardback, Paperback &&&&&&&&&& 2013 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 30 &&&&&&&&&&&92,768 63,455 &&&&&&156,223

A&History&of&Ancient&Britain/Neil&Oliver Hardback &&&&&&&&&& 2011 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 20 &&&&&&&&&&&11,611 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&E& &&&&&&&&11,611&

Battle&Castles:&500&Years&of&Knights&and&Siege&Warfare/Dan&Snow Hardback &&&&&&&&&& 2012 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 20 &&&&&&&&&&&&5,202& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&E& &&&&&&&&&&&5,202


Total&Initial& Total&Gross& Total&Returned& Total&Net&Sales& Editions Pub&Year Retail&Price &First&Printing Orders Sales&Units Units Units Percent&Returns Total&Coop

Hardback 2017& £20.00 !!!!!!!!!!!7,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!4,045 !!!!!!!!!!16,400 !!!!!!!!!!!(2,414) !!!!!!!!!!!13,986 15% £1,500 Paperback 2018& £14.99 !!!!!!!!!!!3,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!509 !!!!!!!!!!!!7,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!(967) !!!!!!!!!!!!!6,033 14% £1,000 — &&&&&&&&&&& E £0.00 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J 0% £0 — &&&&&&&&&&& E £0.00 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J 0% £0

Year&1 Year&2 Year&3 Total Total&Coop EEbook 2017& £14.99 &&&&&&&&&&&&1,450 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&710 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&250 !!!!!!!!!!!!!2,410 £0 Audiobook 2017& £25.00 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&700 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&300 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&120 !!!!!!!!!!!!!1,120 £0 — &&&&&&&&&&& E E &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&E& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&E& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&E& £0


Total&Initial& Total&Gross& Total&Returned& Total&Net&Sales& Orders Sales&Units Units Units Percent&Returns Total&Coop

Hardback !!!!!!!!!!!!1,845 !!!!!!!!!!14,200 !!!!!!!!!!!(2,414) !!!!!!!!!!!11,786 17% £1,500 Paperback !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!509 !!!!!!!!!!!!7,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!(967) !!!!!!!!!!!!!6,033 14% £1,000 — !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J 0% £0 — !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J 0% £0


Total&Initial& Total&Gross& Total&Returned& Total&Net&Sales& Orders Sales&Units Units Units Percent&Returns Total&Coop

Hardback !!!!!!!!!!!!2,200 !!!!!!!!!!!!2,200 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J !!!!!!!!!!!!!2,200 0% £0 Paperback !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J 0% £0 — !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J 0% £0 — !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J 0% £0


Total&Initial& Total&Gross& Total&Returned& Total&Net&Sales& Orders Sales&Units Units Units Percent&Returns Total&Coop

Hardback !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J 0% £0 Paperback !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J 0% £0 — !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J 0% £0 — !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J 0% £0

1917!Sales.xlsx 9/22/16!|!11:47!AM Subsidiary Rights 1917: The Beginning of the End of the War to End All Wars by Dan Snow

Type of Right Potential Licensees Final Licensee Amount Received Split House Share

Audio rights Isis, W.F. Howes W.F. Howes £5,000 50:50 £2,500 North American Basic Books, Basic Books £7,500 80:20 £1,500 rights , St. Martin’s Press German rights Konrad Theiss Osburg Verlag £3,000 75:25 £750 Verlag, Osburg Verlag, S. Fischer Verlag Russian rights AST Publishing AST Publishing £3,000 75:25 £750 Group, Text Group Publishers, Zakharov Books Chinese rights Citic Press Group, Yilin Press £3,000 75:25 £750 Commonwealth Press, Yilin Press House Total Shares £6,250

4 May 2017

Ellis Moore Acquisitions Editor W.F. Howes Rearsby Business Park Gaddesby Lane Leicestershire LE7 4YH

Hi Ellis,

Hope you’re well! Let’s definitely get together before Frankfurt in October and brainstorm hen night ideas for Gretchen.

I’m reaching out to let you know that Centric Books is releasing a new title called 1917: The Beginning of the End of the War to End All Wars by Dan Snow next autumn (on sale 26 September 2017; hardback; £20). I’m really excited about it. I was reading it last night and felt positively transported to a past I hadn’t thought about since high school history. I felt like W.F. Howes did a fantastic job with 1815: Regency Britain in the Year of Waterloo and might be interested in producing a similar upmarket audiobook for the centenary of the Russian Revolution.

In the context of World War I, 1917 was a momentous year: From Germany’s implementation of unrestricted submarine warfare to the death of the czar and his family and the beginning of the Russian Revolution, it was the year that tipped the scales in the Allies’ favour. In many ways, 1917 served as the beginning of the end. The next twelve months were filled with unspeakable tragedy and represent a period of loss and upheaval that history buffs are revisiting time and time again.

Influential writer, historian, and BBC presenter Dan Snow brings that period to life in his seventh book, 1917: The Beginning of the End of the War to End All Wars. His research delves into major and minor events, recounting the devastating hardships experienced by both sides in the ‘war to end all wars’. Snow has been working for the BBC for more than ten years and lends an authoritative voice to the project – he himself will be reading the audiobook. According to Stuart Dedge of The Guardian, ‘This is history at its best, a fantastic mix of anecdote, observation, and big intelligent thinking about the turning point of the First World War’.

I’m thrilled to be able to share 1917: The Beginning of the End of the War to End All Wars. I’m attaching the manuscript as follows. Let me know what you think or if you have any questions!

Best regards,

Rucy Cui

Rucy Cui Subsidiary Rights Manager, Centric Books [email protected]


1917: The Beginning of the End of the War to End All Wars Centric Books Dan Snow Samantha Brace

Hardcover Paperback E-book Price £20.00 £14.99 £14.99 Average Trade Discount 58% 58% 65%

First Printing 7,000 3,000

Royalty Advance £ 80,000

Sales Summary

2017 Lifetime

Net Units Net Revenue Net Units Net Revenue Hardcover 13,986 £ 143,002 13,986 £ 143,002 Paperback - £ - 7,413 £ 46,671 Other Print Editions - £ - - £ - Net Trade Print Sales 13,986 87% £ 143,002 91% 21,399 86% £ 189,673 89% Special & Other Sales - 0% - 0% - 0% £ - 0% Total Print Sales 13,986 143,002 21,399 £ 189,673 E-books 1,450 9% £ 7,607 5% 2,410 10% £ 12,469 6% Other Digital Editions 700 4% £ 6,125 4% 1,120 4% £ 9,800 5%

Total Sales 16,136 100% £ 156,735 100% 24,929 100% £ 211,942 100% Profit & Loss

Sales 2017 2018 2019 Total Trade Print Sales £ 163,280 £ 44,071 £ 9,444 £ 216,794 Less Returns £ (20,278) (12%) ($6,088) (14%) ($755) (8%) ($27,121) (13%) Net Trade Print Sales £ 143,002 £ 37,983 £ 8,688 £ 189,673 Special & Other Sales £ - £ - £ - £ - Digital Editions Sales £ 13,732 £ 6,350 £ 2,187 £ 22,269 Total Sales £ 156,735 £ 44,333 £ 10,875 £ 211,942

Cost of Sales PPB & Plant £ 48,709 31% £ 11,831 27% £ 1,358 12% £ 61,898 29% Royalties £ 44,985 29% £ 11,649 26% £ 3,641 33% £ 60,274 28% Advance Writeoff £ 4,476 2% Inventory Writeoff £ - 0% £ - 0% £ 1,194 11% £ 1,194 1% Total Cost of Sales £ 93,694 60% £ 23,479 53% £ 6,192 57% £ 127,841 60% Profit from Sales £ 63,041 40% £ 20,853 47% £ 4,683 43% £ 84,101 40% Other Income Total Other Income £ 6,250 4% £ - 0% £ - 0% £ 6,250 3% Gross Margin £ 69,291 44% £ 20,853 47% £ 4,683 43% £ 90,351 43%

Operating Expenses Direct Marketing Expenses £ 5,985 4% £ 1,123 3% £ - 0% £ 7,108 3% Operating Overhead £ 52,506 34% £ 14,851 34% £ 4,313 40% £ 71,671 34% Total Operating Expenses £ 58,491 37% £ 15,974 36% £ 4,313 40% £ 78,779 37%

Contribution to Overhead £ 10,800 7% £ 4,879 11% £ 370 3% £ 11,572 5%

4. P&L - 1917 The Great Year of the Great War.xlsx Profit and Loss Statement

1917: The Beginning of the End of the War to End All Wars Centric Books Dan Snow Samantha Brace

Sales 2017 2018 2019 Total

Gross Trade Print Sales £ 328,000 £ 104,930 £ 22,485 £ 455,415 Less Discounts £ (164,720) £ (60,859) £ (13,041) £ (238,621) Less Returns £ (20,278) £ (6,088) £ (755) £ (27,121) Net Trade Print Sales £ 143,002 91.2% £ 37,983 85.7% £ 8,688 67.5% £ 189,673 88.7% Special & Remainder Sales £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ 2,000 15.5% £ 2,000 0.9% Net Copublication Sales £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% Total Other Sales £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ 2,000 15.5% £ 2,000 0.9% Total Print Sales £ 143,002 £ 37,983 £ 10,688 £ 191,673 Digital Editions Sales £ 13,732 8.8% £ 6,350 14.3% £ 2,187 17.0% £ 22,269 10.4% Total Sales £ 156,735 100.0% £ 44,333 100.0% £ 12,875 100.0% £ 213,942 100.0%

Cost of Sales

PPB £ 31,974 20.4% £ 5,454 12.3% £ 1,358 10.5% £ 38,786 18.1% Plant £ 16,735 10.7% £ 6,377 14.4% £ - 0.0% £ 23,112 10.8% Royalties £ 44,985 28.7% £ 11,649 26.3% £ 3,641 28.3% £ 60,274 28.2% Advance Writeoff £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ 4,476 2.1% Inventory Writeoff £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ 1,194 9.3% £ 1,194 0.6% Total Cost of Sales £ 93,694 59.8% £ 23,479 53.0% £ 6,192 48.1% £ 127,841 59.8%

Profit from Sales £ 63,041 40.2% £ 20,853 47.0% £ 6,683 51.9% £ 86,101 40.2%

Other Income

Subsidiary & Foreign Rights £ 6,250 4.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ 6,250 2.9% Subvention Income £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% Total Other Income £ 6,250 4.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ 6,250 2.9% Gross Margin £ 69,291 44.2% £ 20,853 47.0% £ 6,683 51.9% £ 92,351 43.2%

Operating Expenses

Direct Marketing Expenses

Co-op £ 1,500 1.0% £ 1,000 2.3% £ - 0.0% £ 2,500 1.2% Advertising £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% Promotion £ 900 0.6% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ 900 0.4% Free Copies £ 1,085 0.7% £ 123 0.3% £ - 0.0% £ 1,208 0.6% Publicity £ 2,500 1.6% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ 2,500 1.2% Total Direct Marketing Expenses £ 5,985 3.8% £ 1,123 2.5% £ - 0.0% £ 7,108 3.3%

Operating Overhead

Distribution & Sales £ 18,808 12.0% £ 5,320 12.0% £ 1,545 12.0% £ 25,673 12.0% Editorial £ 10,971 7.0% £ 3,103 7.0% £ 901 7.0% £ 14,976 7.0% Production £ 6,269 4.0% £ 1,773 4.0% £ 515 4.0% £ 8,558 4.0% Marketing £ 7,837 5.0% £ 2,217 5.0% £ 644 5.0% £ 10,697 5.0% G&A £ 8,620 5.5% £ 2,438 5.5% £ 708 5.5% £ 11,767 5.5% Total Operating Overhead £ 52,506 33.5% £ 14,851 33.5% £ 4,313 33.5% £ 71,671 33.5%

Total Operating Expenses £ 58,491 37.3% £ 15,974 36.0% £ 4,313 33.5% £ 78,779 36.8% Contribution to Overhead £ 10,800 6.9% £ 4,879 11.0% £ 2,370 18.4% £ 13,572 6.3%

Cash Flow Total Book Sales £ 213,942 Advance & Royalties £ 64,750 Total Other Income £ 6,250 Plant £ 23,112 Inventory £ 41,738 Marketing £ 7,108

Total Cash In £ 220,192 Total Cash Out £ 136,708 Net Cash £ 83,485

4. P&L - 1917 The Great Year of the Great War.xlsx a true story of girlhood, friendship, betrayal and murder he is here always paige williams

HE IS HERE ALWAYS: A TRUE STORY OF GIRLHOOD, FRIENDSHIP, BETRAYAL AND MURDER Publisher: Centric Books Editor: Kelsey Everson Title: He is Here Always Subtitle: A True Story of Girlhood, Friendship, Betrayal and Murder Copy Line: Author: Paige Williams Hook: A true narrative of two mentally disturbed girls who attempt to murder their best friend, brought vividly to life by acclaimed New Yorker writer. Description:

On a warm summer night in 2014 in a small Wisconsin town, two best friends conspire to execute the plan they’ve been concocting for months. Morgan and Anissa invite a classmate to join them for a night of roller skating and a light-hearted sleepover, and, by the next morning, they’ve left her to die in the woods after mercilessly stabbing her nineteen times. Their victim survives, but only to stand witness to the unsettling court case in which the girls remain unapologetic about their crime. Worse than that, they brag about what they’ve done. What led these girls to betray their friend? And how does their violence involve the Slender Man, a mythical horror figure they encountered in an online forum?

Award-winning New Yorker staff writer Paige Williams explores this brutal crime which exposed the threats of online exploration. She delves into the girls’ obsession with the horror character, following their actions from the moment they dedicated themselves to becoming his followers at any cost – even if it meant killing their friend. Williams reconstructs the narrative of the months and hours leading up to the girls’ attack, tracing their increasingly disturbed mental states until the moment they commit an act they can never take back.

In the tradition of Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood and Dave Cullen’s Columbine, He is Here Always introduces the reader to the eerie figure of the Slender Man as Paige Williams provides a poignant commentary on the horrific potential of two young girls led astray.

Author Bio: Paige Williams is a staff writer at the New Yorker and has received numerous awards for her journalism. She has taught investigative, literary, and narrative journalism at Harvard, New York University, MIT and other leading universities. She lives in Columbia, Missouri.

Editions: Hardback, eBook Recommended Retail Price: £18.99 Format: 234 x 153 mm Illustrations: N/A Pagination: 288 Other Special Features: N/A Category: True crime/Narrative Publication Date: 15 August 2017 non-fiction (BTC) Royalty £50,000 First Printing: 15,000 Advance: Royalty 10% to 3,000, 12.5% to Agent: Joe Veltre, Rates: 6,000, 15% thereafter Gersh Rights World rights Other Editions: Digital audio Acquired:

Publisher: Centric Books Editor: Kelsey Everson Title: He is Here Always: A True Story of Girlhood, Friendship, Betrayal and Murder Author: Paige Williams


Title: Behind the Beautiful Forevers: Life, Death, and Hope in a Undercity Author: Katherine Boo Pub Date: 7 June 2012 Publisher: Portobello Books Price: £14.99 Edition: Paperback Pagination: 288 Format: 198 x 129 mm BookScan LTD Sales: 12,155 ISBN: 9781846274510 Category: True crime (BTC) A narrative non-fiction account of a young girl’s involvement in a criminal community.

Title: Columbine Author: Dave Cullen Pub Date: 20 April 2009 Publisher: Old Street Price: £9.99 Publishing Edition: Paperback Pagination: 432 Format: 196 x 130 mm BookScan LTD 9,930 Sales: ISBN: 9781906964146 Category: True crime (BTC) An in-depth look at a crime in which teenagers killed other teenagers.

Title: People Who Eat Darkness: The Fate of Lucie Blackman Author: Richard Lloyd Pub Date: 24 February 2011 Parry Publisher: Jonathan Cape Price: £17.99 Edition: Hardback Pagination: 403 Format: 243 x 164 mm BookScan LTD 1,177 Sales: ISBN: 9780224079174 Category: True crime (BTC) A true crime narrative about an abducted 21-year-old told by a bestselling writer and journalist.

HE IS HERE ALWAYS A True Story of Girlhood, Friendship,

Betrayal and Murder PAIGE WILLIAMS

On a warm summer night in 2014 in a small Wisconsin town, two best friends execute the plan they’ve been concocting for months. Morgan and Anissa invite a classmate to join them for a night of roller skating and a light-hearted sleepover, and, by the next morning, they’ve left her to die in the woods after mercilessly stabbing her nineteen times. Their victim survives, but only to stand witness to the unsettling court case in which the girls remain unapologetic about their crime. What led these girls to betray their friend? And how does their violence involve the Slender Man, an eerie

horror figure they encountered in an online forum? Award-winning New Yorker staff writer Paige Williams explores this brutal crime. She delves into the girls’ obsession with the horror character, following their actions from the moment they dedicated themselves to 15 August 2017 becoming his followers at any cost – even if it meant Centric Books murder. In the tradition of Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood and Format: Hardback Dave Cullen’s Columbine, Williams provides a poignant commentary on two young girls led astray. ISBN: 9780141623854 KEY SELLING POINTS Price: £18.99 Award-winning journalist from the New Yorker Original court documents used in the manuscript Category: True crime Harrowing account of the Slender Man stabbing case BIC Code(s): that riveted the world BTC (True crime) True crime similar to In Cold Blood

LNFJ (Offenses against the AUTHOR BIO person) LNFQ (Juvenile Criminal Author Residence: Tupelo, Mississippi Law) Author Hometown: Tupelo, Mississippi LNFX (Criminal procedure) Paige Williams became a New Yorker staff writer in JKVF (Criminal investigation & 2015. She has won the National Magazine Award for detection) feature writing and a Casey Medal for Meritorious JMK (Criminal or forensic Journalism. Williams has taught investigative psychology) reporting, features writing, and literary and narrative journalism at the University of Mississippi, NYU, Pagination: 288 Harvard and MIT.

Format: 234 x 153 mm QUOTES Illustrations: N/A ‘Her toolbox is that of a reporter turned crime writer: she sets up every scene with descriptions of interiors or Marketing & Publicity landscape and with staccato portraits of the main 3-City tour (London, Manchester, characters, which invariably hint at sinister events to Leeds) come’ - Masha Gessen, The Guardian Appearances on Good Morning ‘A deeply researched, clearly written account that Britain, The One Show illuminates while it horrifies’ Featured reviews in The - Eric Liebetrau, Kirkusreviews.com

Observer, True Crime Magazine RIGHTS ACQUIRED: World rights


TOTAL MARKETING BUDGET: £5,500 Ad/Promo: £1,000 Co-op: £4,500

NATIONAL PUBLICITY Print True Crime Magazine Neon Magazine The Observer Vice Magazine UK Guardian, Telegraph, Sunday Times, Daily Mail Online Real Crime Daily: https://www.realcrimedaily.com/ Page 94: The Private Eye podcast: http://www.private- eye.co.uk/eyeplayer/podcast Neon Magazine: http://neonmagazine.co.uk/ Reddit: reddit.com (234 million users) o Do an AMA(ask me anything) where reddit users can ask the author questions online Online Vice Magazine UK: http://www.vice.com/en_uk/tag/literature I-D Vice Online: http://i-d.vice.com/en_gb Radio BBC Radio 4 Open Book


Advertising 500 special edition advanced reading copies: £1,000

Social Media Facebook @HeIsHereAlways #SlenderMan #PaigeWilliams #TrueCrime @PaigeWilliams Cover reveal #CoverReveal

Twitter @williams_paige @HeIsHereAlways #SlenderMan #PaigeWilliams #InvestigativeJournalism #TrueCrime Cover reveal #CoverReveal

Co-op Amazon: £1,500 WHSmith High Street: £1,500 US Bookstores: £1,500

14 February 2017

Roger Ferrant, Executive Producer for The One Show BBC London 2nd Floor, Peel Wing BBC Broadcasting House Portland Place London, W1A 1AA

Dear Roger,

He is Here Always: A True Story of Girlhood, Friendship, Betrayal, and Murder (Centric Books; 15 August 2017; Hardback; £18.99) is the chilling true story of 12-year-olds Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier who believed they had to murder their friend Peyton Lautner in order to appease the online fictional character Slender Man. After inviting Lautner over for a sleepover in May 2014, they led her to the woods, stabbed her 19 times and left her to die. The public was shocked by the terrifyingly brutal crime and even more stunned when the young girls were tried as adults.

The lore of Slender Man may be unknown to your viewers now, but it will not stay that way for long. Paige Williams’ debut true crime book details the terrifying story of the attempted murder. In a similar narrative tone to In Cold Blood by Truman Capote, Williams explores the two young would-be-murderers’ pasts and how online character Slender Man influenced their decision to stab Leutner. I recommend having Paige Williams guest star on your show to discuss her research into the myth of Slender Man and his impact on two seemingly average Wisconsin girls.

Paige Williams is an accomplished investigative journalist who has won the National Magazine Award for feature writing and a Casey Medal for Meritorious Journalism. She is currently a New Yorker staff writer, and has taught at NYU, Harvard, and MIT. Her ability to delve into a story and relay all the crucial information to the reader while maintaining a compelling storyline is why she is one of the most respected investigative journalists working today.

Williams’ book will take the readers on a dark and twisted narrative through the minds of these little girls. Williams is an incredibly talented writer who expertly tells the tale of the Slender Man stabbing in a respectful and haunting way.


Maddie Tavis

Maddie Tavis Publicity Director, Centric Books [email protected]

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Maddie Tavis Centric Books 07913 142633; [email protected]

HE IS HERE ALWAYS A True Story of Girlhood, Friendship, Betrayal and Murder By Paige Williams

‘Her toolbox is that of a reporter turned crime writer: she sets up every scene with descriptions of interiors or landscape and with portraits of the main characters, which invariably hint at sinister events to come’ - Masha Gessen, staff writer for The Guardian

In May of 2014, best friends Morgan and Anissa decide it’s time to execute the plan they’ve spent months making. On the night of Morgan’s birthday, the pair invite their classmate Peyton to join them for a night of roller skating and a sleepover party. By the next morning, they have left her to die in the woods after mercilessly stabbing her nineteen times. The girls claimed that fictional demonic character Slender Man told them to murder Peyton. Paige Williams beautifully narrates the tale of two girls and their relationship with an online fictional character.

In He is Here Always: A True Story of Girlhood, Friendship, Betrayal and Murder (Centric Books; 15 August 2017; Hardback; £18.99), Paige Williams details the true terrifying story of the attempted murder of Peyton Leutner by her friends Morgan and Anissa. Both would-be murderers believed that the fictional phantom figure Slender Man wanted them to kill Leutner, so they stabbed her 19 times. Williams, a renowned New Yorker investigative journalist expertly weaves the story of the crime that shocked the world.

Paige Williams’ He is Here Always: The True Story of Girlhood, Friendship, Betrayal and Murder details the terrifying true story of two 12-year-old girls who attempted to murder their friend for Slender Man, an online fictional character created by a user on an internet Forum. # # # Paige Williams became a New Yorker staff writer in 2015. Her journalism has won numerous honours, including the National Magazine Award for feature writing and a Casey Medal for Meritorious Journalism. She currently lives in her hometown Tupelo, Mississippi. She will be in the UK 15 August 2017 to 22 August 2017 and will be available for interviews and events.

HE IS HERE ALWAYS The True Story of Girlhood, Friendship, Betrayal and Murder Paige Williams Centric Books 15 August 2017 Hardback / 288 pages / £18.99 ISBN: 9780141623854


Columbia Publishing Course! Title&Sales&Plan

He!is!Here!Always:!A!True!Story!of!Girlhood,!Friendship,!Betrayal,!and!Murder Centric!Books Paige!Williams Elizabeth!Mattson

Comp&Titles Hardcover& Paper<D& Editions Pub&Year Retail&Price LTD&Units Units Total

Behind&the&Beautiful&Forevers:Life,&Death&and&Hope&in&a&Mumbai&SlumHardback, Paperback &&&&&&&&&& 2012 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 10 &&&&&&&&&&&12,155 &&&&&&&&&&&17,979 &&&&&&&&30,134&

Columbine/Dave&Cullen Paperback &&&&&&&&&& 2009 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 10 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&D& &&&&&&&&&&&&9,930& &&&&&&&&&&&9,930

People&Who&Eat&Darkness/Richard&Lloyd&Parry Paperback &&&&&&&&&& 2011 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 18 &&&&&&&&&&&&1,177& &&&&&&&&&&&&7,133& &&&&&&&&&&&8,310


Total&Initial& Total&Gross& Total&Returned& Total&Net&Sales& Editions Pub&Year Retail&Price &First&Printing Orders Sales&Units Units Units Percent&Returns Total&Coop

Hardback 2017& £18.99 !!!!!!!!!15,000 !!!!!!!!!!12,230 !!!!!!!!!!24,700 !!!!!!!!!!!(2,866) !!!!!!!!!!!21,834 12% £4,500 Paperback 2018& £10.99 !!!!!!!!!10,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!7,780 !!!!!!!!!!14,120 !!!!!!!!!!!(1,871) !!!!!!!!!!!12,249 13% £2,500 — &&&&&&&&&&& D £0.00 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T 0% £0 — &&&&&&&&&&& D £0.00 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T 0% £0

Year&1 Year&2 Year&3 Total Total&Coop EDbook 2017& £10.99 &&&&&&&&&&&&3,300 &&&&&&&&&&&&1,600 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&790 !!!!!!!!!!!!!5,690 £0 — &&&&&&&&&&& D D &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&D& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&D& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&D& £0 — &&&&&&&&&&& D D &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&D& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&D& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&D& £0


Total&Initial& Total&Gross& Total&Returned& Total&Net&Sales& Orders Sales&Units Units Units Percent&Returns Total&Coop

Hardback !!!!!!!!!!!!4,230 !!!!!!!!!!16,700 !!!!!!!!!!!(2,866) !!!!!!!!!!!13,834 17% £3,000 Paperback !!!!!!!!!!!!3,780 !!!!!!!!!!10,120 !!!!!!!!!!!(1,621) !!!!!!!!!!!!!8,499 16% £2,500 — !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T 0% £0 — !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T 0% £0


Total&Initial& Total&Gross& Total&Returned& Total&Net&Sales& Orders Sales&Units Units Units Percent&Returns Total&Coop

Hardback !!!!!!!!!!!!8,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!8,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T !!!!!!!!!!!!!8,000 0% £1,500 Paperback !!!!!!!!!!!!3,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!3,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T !!!!!!!!!!!!!3,000 0% £0 — !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T 0% £0 — !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T 0% £0


Total&Initial& Total&Gross& Total&Returned& Total&Net&Sales& Orders Sales&Units Units Units Percent&Returns Total&Coop

Hardback !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T 0% £0 Paperback !!!!!!!!!!!!1,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!1,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!(250) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!750! 25% £0 — !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T 0% £0 — !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T 0% £0

Slender!Man!Sales.xlsx 9/22/16!|!11:48!AM Subsidiary Rights He is Here Always: A True Story of Girlhood, Friendship, Betrayal and Murder by Paige Williams

Type of Right Potential Licensees Final Licensee Amount Received Split House Share

First serial rights The Guardian, The The Times £500 90:10 £50 Times North American Hachette Books, Hachette Books £35,000 80:20 £7,000 rights , Danish rights Anton & Ludwig, Lindhardt og £3,000 75:25 £750 Ekstra Bladets Ringhof Forlag, Lindhardt og Ringhof Norwegian rights Aschehoug, Cappelen Damm £2,500 75:25 £625 Cappelen Damm, Gyldendal Norsk Forlag Swedish rights Libris Förlag, Massolit Förlag £2,500 75:25 £625 Massolit Förlag, Natur & Kultur House Total Shares: £9,050

21 May 2017

Erika Sördeström Editor Massolit Förlag Valhallavägen 117 H Stockholm, Sweden

Hi Erika,

Hope you’re well! I’m looking forward to seeing you at Frankfurt in October; are you free to catch up over dinner on Friday night? I’ll be coming from the Main Tower with Matthias, so if it works with everyone’s schedules, I can make a reservation at Ebbelwoi Unser for three.

I’m reaching out to let you know that Centric Books is releasing a new title called He is Here Always: A True Story of Girlhood, Friendship, Betrayal, and Murder by Paige Williams next autumn (on sale 15 August 2017; hardback; £18.99). I’m really excited about it. True crime is one of my absolute favourite genres, especially when a case like this is still fresh in so many people’s minds. I think Massolit Förlag has done a remarkable job translating its Lee Child titles and that He is Here Always could be a good fit, too.

In a small Wisconsin town, two friends invite a classmate to join them for a night of roller- skating and a light-hearted sleepover. By the next morning, they’ve left her to die in the woods after being stabbed a total of nineteen times. Their victim survives to stand witness in their trial—where the girls remain unapologetic about their crime and, worse, brag about what they’ve performed in honour of the mythical online horror figure, Slender Man.

Award-winning New Yorker staff writer Paige Williams explores this crime and the threat of online exploitation. Having taught literary, narrative and investigative journalism at Harvard, MIT and NYU, she lends an authoritative voice to the narrative of the months and hours leading up to the attack. She traces the girls’ increasingly disturbed mental states up to the moment they do what they can never take back. According to Masha Gessen of The Guardian, ‘[Williams’] toolbox is that of a reporter turned crime writer: she sets up every scene with descriptions of interiors or landscape and with portraits of the main characters, which invariably hint at sinister events to come’.

I’m thrilled to be involved in this project, which I’m sure will be huge. I’m attaching the manuscript as follows; let me know what you think or if you have any questions!

Best regards,

Rucy Cui

Rucy Cui Subsidiary Rights Manager, Centric Books [email protected]


He is Here Always: The True Story of Girlhood, Friendship, Betrayal and Murder Centric Books Paige Williams Samantha Brace

Hardcover Paperback E-book Price £18.99 £10.99 £10.99 Average Trade Discount 58% 58% 65%

First Printing 15,000 10,000

Royalty Advance £ 50,000

Sales Summary

2017 Lifetime

Net Units Net Revenue Net Units Net Revenue Hardcover 21,834 £ 262,257 21,834 £ 262,257 Paperback 3,000 £ 65,940 11,499 £ 72,200 Other Print Editions - £ - - £ - Net Trade Print Sales 24,834 88% £ 328,197 96% 33,333 84% £ 334,457 92% Special & Other Sales - 0% - 0% 750 2% £ 8,243 2% Total Print Sales 24,834 328,197 34,083 £ 342,699 E-books 3,300 12% £ 12,693 4% 5,690 14% £ 21,887 6% Other Digital Editions - 0% £ - 0% - 0% £ - 0%

Total Sales 28,134 100% £ 340,891 100% 39,773 100% £ 364,586 100% Profit & Loss

Sales 2017 2018 2019 Total Trade Print Sales £ 318,086 £ 46,712 £ - £ 364,798 Less Returns £ (22,859) (7%) ($7,482) (16%) $0 0% ($30,341) (8%) Net Trade Print Sales £ 295,227 £ 39,230 £ - £ 334,457 Special & Other Sales £ - £ 8,243 £ - £ 8,243 Digital Editions Sales £ 12,693 £ 6,154 £ 3,039 £ 21,887 Total Sales £ 307,921 £ 53,627 £ 3,039 £ 364,586

Cost of Sales PPB & Plant £ 62,119 20% £ 6,152 11% £ - 0% £ 68,271 19% Royalties £ 82,881 27% £ 15,549 29% £ 760 25% £ 99,190 27% Advance Writeoff £ - 0% Inventory Writeoff £ - 0% £ - 0% £ 4,840 159% £ 4,840 1% Total Cost of Sales £ 145,000 47% £ 21,701 40% £ 5,600 184% £ 172,301 47% Profit from Sales £ 162,921 53% £ 31,925 60% £ (2,561) (84%) £ 192,285 53% Other Income Total Other Income £ 9,050 3% £ - 0% £ - 0% £ 9,050 2% Gross Margin £ 171,971 56% £ 31,925 60% £ (2,561) (84%) £ 201,335 55%

Operating Expenses Direct Marketing Expenses £ 6,500 2% £ 2,500 5% £ - 0% £ 9,000 2% Operating Overhead £ 103,153 34% £ 17,965 34% £ 1,018 34% £ 122,136 34% Total Operating Expenses £ 109,653 36% £ 20,465 38% £ 1,018 34% £ 131,136 36%

Contribution to Overhead £ 62,317 20% £ 11,460 21% £ (3,579) (118%) £ 70,199 19%

5. P&L - He is Here Always.xlsx Profit and Loss Statement

He is Here Always: The True Story of Girlhood, Friendship, Betrayal and Murder Centric Books Paige Williams Samantha Brace

Sales 2017 2018 2019 Total

Gross Trade Print Sales £ 502,023 £ 111,219 £ - £ 613,242 Less Discounts £ (183,937) £ (64,507) £ - £ (248,444) Less Returns £ (22,859) £ (7,482) £ - £ (30,341) Net Trade Print Sales £ 295,227 95.9% £ 39,230 73.2% £ - 0.0% £ 334,457 91.7% Special & Remainder Sales £ - 0.0% £ 8,243 15.4% £ - 0.0% £ 8,243 2.3% Net Copublication Sales £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% Total Other Sales £ - 0.0% £ 8,243 15.4% £ - 0.0% £ 8,243 2.3% Total Print Sales £ 295,227 £ 47,472 £ - £ 342,699 Digital Editions Sales £ 12,693 4.1% £ 6,154 11.5% £ 3,039 100.0% £ 21,887 6.0% Total Sales £ 307,921 100.0% £ 53,627 100.0% £ 3,039 100.0% £ 364,586 100.0%

Cost of Sales

PPB £ 49,557 16.1% £ 4,690 8.7% £ - 0.0% £ 54,247 14.9% Plant £ 12,562 4.1% £ 1,462 2.7% £ - 0.0% £ 14,024 3.8% Royalties £ 82,881 26.9% £ 15,549 29.0% £ 760 25.0% £ 99,190 27.2% Advance Writeoff £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% Inventory Writeoff £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ 4,840 159.3% £ 4,840 1.3% Total Cost of Sales £ 145,000 47.1% £ 21,701 40.5% £ 5,600 184.3% £ 172,301 47.3%

Profit from Sales £ 162,921 52.9% £ 31,925 59.5% £ (2,561) -84.3% £ 192,285 52.7%

Other Income

Subsidiary & Foreign Rights £ 9,050 2.9% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ 9,050 2.5% Subvention Income £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% Total Other Income £ 9,050 2.9% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ 9,050 2.5% Gross Margin £ 171,971 55.8% £ 31,925 59.5% £ (2,561) -84.3% £ 201,335 55.2%

Operating Expenses

Direct Marketing Expenses

Co-op £ 4,500 1.5% £ 2,500 4.7% £ - 0.0% £ 7,000 1.9% Advertising £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% Promotion £ 1,000 0.3% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ 1,000 0.3% Free Copies £ 1,000 0.3% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ 1,000 0.3% Publicity £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% Total Direct Marketing Expenses £ 6,500 2.1% £ 2,500 4.7% £ - 0.0% £ 9,000 2.5%

Operating Overhead

Distribution & Sales £ 36,950 12.0% £ 6,435 12.0% £ 365 12.0% £ 43,750 12.0% Editorial £ 21,554 7.0% £ 3,754 7.0% £ 213 7.0% £ 25,521 7.0% Production £ 12,317 4.0% £ 2,145 4.0% £ 122 4.0% £ 14,583 4.0% Marketing £ 15,396 5.0% £ 2,681 5.0% £ 152 5.0% £ 18,229 5.0% G&A £ 16,936 5.5% £ 2,949 5.5% £ 167 5.5% £ 20,052 5.5% Total Operating Overhead £ 103,153 33.5% £ 17,965 33.5% £ 1,018 33.5% £ 122,136 33.5%

Total Operating Expenses £ 109,653 35.6% £ 20,465 38.2% £ 1,018 33.5% £ 131,136 36.0% Contribution to Overhead £ 62,317 20.2% £ 11,460 21.4% £ (3,579) -117.8% £ 70,199 19.3%

Cash Flow Total Book Sales £ 364,586 Advance & Royalties £ 99,190 Total Other Income £ 9,050 Plant £ 14,024 Inventory £ 58,860 Marketing £ 9,000

Total Cash In £ 373,636 Total Cash Out £ 181,074 Net Cash £ 192,562

5. P&L - He is Here Always.xlsx

KINGDOMS OF ARTIFICE Publisher: Centric Books Editor: Jasmine Horsey Title: Kingdoms of Artifice Subtitle: Copy Line: Author: Wes Anderson Hook: The enigmatic filmmaker opens up to his fans for the first time. Description:

Over a twenty-year career, Wes Anderson has created films that are, in his own words, five degrees removed from reality. The filmmaker’s visions are famously crafted with wonder and flights of fancy. His films have inspired many, but who exactly influences Wes Anderson?

In Kingdoms of Artifice, Anderson reflects on the figures that have infused his creative process, whose passions and projects have found their way into films like Moonrise Kingdom and The Royal Tenenbaums. Anderson explains how a novel by Austrian author Stefan Zweig inspired the structure of The Grand Budapest Hotel, and why Charles M. Schulz’s Charlie Brown comics have featured in every single one of his films. He also talks about J. D. Salinger, Francois Truffaut, Orson Welles, Roman Polanski and Martin Scorsese. Each chapter opens with a sketch by Anderson’s brother, celebrated set designer and illustrator Eric Chase Anderson.

Much has been written about Wes Anderson as an inspiration, but this book is the first to explore what sparks his creative genius in his own words. Kingdoms of Artifice offers an unprecedented tour inside Anderson’s imagination, illustrating how the fictional worlds in his head come to life.

Author Bio:

Wes Anderson is an American film director, producer, screenwriter and actor. As a child he made silent films with a Super 8 Camera starring family and friends. He currently resides in New York and Paris.

Eric Chase Anderson is a celebrated illustrator, set designer and author. He was the star of his brother’s early short films. Editions: Hardback, eBook Recommended £18.99 Retail Price: Format: 234 x 153 mm Illustrations: 7 b&w line-drawings Pagination: 256 Other Special N/A Features: Category: Film directors (APFB) Publication Date: 26 September 2017 Royalty Advance: £500,000 (UK share First Printing: 12,000 £50,000) Royalty Rates: 10% to 3,000, 12.5% to Agent: WME 6,000, 15% thereafter Rights Acquired: World rights Other Editions: Digital audio

Publisher: Centric Books Editor: Jasmine Horsey Title: Kingdoms of Artifice Author: Wes Anderson

Comparable Titles

Title: The Wes Anderson Collection Author: Matt Zoller Pub Date: 1 October 2013 Seitz Publisher: Abrams Price: £21.99 Edition: Hardback Pagination: 336 Format: 305 x 254 mm BookScan LTD 18,411 Sales: ISBN: 9780810997417 Category: Film directors (APFB) Authoritative book on Wes Anderson’s life and filmography, featuring Anderson in conversation with the author. Includes illustrations and photos.

Title: Ayoade on Ayoade: A Cinematic Odyssey Author: Richard Pub Date: 2 July 2015 Ayoade Publisher: Faber & Faber Price: £9.99 Edition: Paperback Pagination: 320 Format: 250 x 203 mm BookScan LTD 13,968 Sales: ISBN: 9780571316533 Category: Film directors (APFB) Actor, writer, director and known visionary Richard Ayoade reflects on his legacy in cinema.

Title: Gilliamesque: A Pre-posthumous Memoir Author: Terry Gilliam Pub Date: 1 October 2015 Publisher: Canongate Price: £30.00 Edition: Hardback Pagination: 304 Format: 265 x 205 mm BookScan LTD 3,257 Sales: ISBN: 9781782111061 Category: Film directors (APFB) Director Terry Gilliam offers access into his creative mind for the first time, drawing on his inspiration from actors and directors within the film industry.


Over a twenty-year career, Wes Anderson has created films that are, in his own words, five degrees removed from reality. The filmmaker’s visions are famously crafted with wonder and flights of fancy. His films have inspired many, but who exactly influences Wes Anderson? In Kingdoms of Artifice, Anderson reflects on the figures that have infused his creative process. He explains how a novel by Austrian author Stefan Zweig inspired the structure of The Grand Budapest Hotel, and why Charles M. Schulz’s Charlie Brown comics have featured in every single one of his films. He also talks about J.D. Salinger, Francois Truffaut, Orson Welles, Roman Polanski and Martin Scorsese. Each chapter opens with an illustration by 26 September 2017 Anderson’s brother, Eric Chase Anderson. Much has been written about Wes Anderson as an Centric Books inspiration, but this book is the first to explore what sparks

his creative genius in his own words. Kingdoms of Format: Hardback Artifice offers an unprecedented tour inside Anderson’s ISBN: 9780141382597 imagination, illustrating how the fictional worlds in his

Price: £18.99 head come to life. KEY SELLING POINTS

Category: Film/Autobiography Award-winning film director of Moonrise Kingdom and BIC Code(s): Darjeeling Limited BGFA (Autobiography: Arts & BAFTA Award for Best Original Screenplay in 2014 for Entertainment) The Grand Budapest Hotel APFB (Individual Film Celebrated set designer Eric Chase Anderson provides Directors, Film-Makers) illustrations Insights into Anderson’s relationships with other celebrities Pagination: 256 Format: 234 x 153 mm AUTHOR BIO Illustrations: 7 b&w line-drawings Author Residence: New York, NY and Paris, France Author Hometown: Houston, TX

Marketing & Publicity Wes Anderson is an American film director, producer, 4-City tour (London, screenwriter and actor. As a child he made silent films with Manchester, Dublin, a Super 8 Camera starring family and friends. He currently Edinburgh) resides in New York and Paris. TV appearances Good Morning Britain, One Show Eric Chase Anderson is a celebrated illustrator, set Write-ups in Total Film and designer and author. He was the star of his brother’s early Empire Magazine, Vice UK short films.

Reviews online from QUOTES Filmspotting, Live for films, ‘Anderson’s films have both an old-fashioned flavour and The Bearded Trio, Flickering an air of disillusionment and futility. This book showcases Myth this feel’ – Arved Ashby, Popular Music and the New BBC5, BBC4, Literary Friction Auteur on NTS Radio ‘Anderson's book discusses his brand of poignancy and tragedy in the context of realms spun off from but also fancifully, madly removed from ‘reality’’ – Mark Kermode, The Observer




Total Marketing Budget: £12,400 Publicity: £3,500 Ad/Promo: £4,500 Co-op: £4,400

NATIONAL PUBLICITY 4-City tour (London, Manchester, Dublin, Edinburgh) Book signings and readings o Waterstones o Blackwell’s o Big Green Bookshop o Foyles TV appearances Good Morning Britain – ITV The One Show – BBC1 Jonathan Ross Show – ITV Graham Norton – BBC 1 Print Total Film Magazine Empire Magazine Neon Magazine Sight and Sound Film Magazine, BFI Telegraph, Guardian, The Sunday Times Online Filmspotting podcast review Distraction Pieces podcast interview Live for Films (all things film blog) review Bearded Trio (film blog) review Flickering Myth (film blog) review Vice Magazine UK I-D Vice - http://i-d.vice.com/en_gb Reddit.com- AMA (ask me anything) Literary Friction - NTS Radio (online radio station, no ads) Radio Kermode and Mayo's Film Review -BBC Radio 5 Film Programme - BBC Radio 4


Advertising Book Trailer: £3,000

Social Media Facebook @KingdomsOfArtifice #WesAnderson #FilmBuff #CreativeInspiration Twitter / Instagram @KingdomsOfArtifice @WesAnderson #WesAnderson #CreativeInspiration YouTube - Web-series produced by Wes Anderson in his unique style: £500 Film posters with book cover to for events 500 size A3: £1,000

Co-op Amazon: £1500 WHSmith High Street: £2000 Australia: £900

25 March 2017

Sam Wolfson, Executive Editor Vice UK New North Place London, UK EC2A 4JA

Dear Sam,

Wes Anderson’s debut book, Kingdoms of Artifice (Centric Books; 26 September 2017; hardback; £18.99), tells the tale of the creative geniuses behind his eclectic films. Everyone recognises Anderson’s signature style and design, but finally readers can know exactly who inspired the filmmaker who made world-renowned films including Fantastic Mr. Fox, The Royal Tenenbaums, Moonrise Kingdom and others.

Anderson is one of the world’s most accomplished filmmakers. He has been nominated for six Academy Awards and two Golden Globe Awards, four of the categories being Best Writing of an Original Screenplay. He has a huge cult following that loves his alternative, quirky characters and beautiful visual landscapes. Anderson will discuss his actor inspirations like Orson Welles as well as his creative inspirations including J.D. Salinger and Roman Polanski.

Anderson can discuss: Why he uses the same actors in many of his films What his inspiration is for the visual layout of his films How his family influences his films What the symbolism is behind some of his more famous props like suitcases and binoculars

Vice Magazine is the perfect outlet for Anderson to have an opportunity to discuss this exciting new book. Vice is known for its groundbreaking and creative journalism, and Anderson’s quirky, alternative filmmaking melds perfectly with your magazine’s themes.

All the best,

Maddie Tavis

Maddie Tavis Publicity Director, Centric Books [email protected]

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Maddie Tavis Centric Books 07913 142633; [email protected]


‘Anderson’s book discusses his brand of poignancy and tragedy in the context of realms spun off from but also fancifully and madly removed from reality’ – Mark Kermode, The Observer

In Kingdoms of Artifice (Centric Books; 26 September 2017; hardback; £18.99), Anderson reflects on the figures that have infused his creative process, whose passions and projects have found their way into films like Moonrise Kingdom and The Royal Tenenbaums. Anderson explains how a novel by Austrian author Stefan Zweig inspired the structure of The Grand Budapest Hotel and why Charles M. Schulz’s Charlie Brown comics have featured in every single one of his films. He also discusses J. D. Salinger, Francois Truffaut, Orsen Welles, Roman Polanski and Martin Scorsese. Each chapter opens with an illustration by Anderson’s brother, celebrated set designer and illustrator, Eric Chase Anderson

Kingdoms of Artifice is the book for any reader who has ever been fascinated by the intricate and wild mind of Wes Anderson. Each chapter follows a different person who has inspired Anderson to create the quirky and visually beautiful films that millions of fans have come to admire.

# # #

Wes Anderson is an American film director, producer, screenwriter and actor. As a child he made silent films with a Super 8 Camera starring family and friends. He currently resides in New York and Paris. Wes Anderson will be in the UK 26 September 2017 to 3 October 2017 and will be available for interviews, events, and signings.

Eric Chase Anderson is a celebrated illustrator, set designer and author. He was the star of his brother’s early short films.

Kingdoms of Artfice By Wes Anderson Centric Books 26 September 2017 Hardback /256 pages / £18.99 ISBN: 9780141382597


Columbia Publishing Course! Title&Sales&Plan

Kingdoms!of!Artifice Centric!Books Wes!Anderson Elizabeth!Mattson

Comp&Titles Hardcover& Paper<D& Editions Pub&Year Retail&Price LTD&Units Units Total

The&Wes&Anderson&Collection/Matt&Zoeller&Seitz Hardback &&&&&&&&&& 2013 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 22 &&&&&&&&&&&18,411 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&B& &&&&&&&&18,411&

Ayoade&on&Ayoade:&A&Cinematic&Odyssey/Richard&Ayoade Paperback &&&&&&&&&& 2015 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 10 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&B& &&&&&&&&&&&13,968 &&&&&&&&13,968&

Gilliamesque:&A&PreBposthumous&Memoir/Terry&Gilliam Hardback &&&&&&&&&& 2015 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 30 &&&&&&&&&&&&3,257& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&B& &&&&&&&&&&&3,257


Total&Initial& Total&Gross& Total&Returned& Total&Net&Sales& Editions Pub&Year Retail&Price &First&Printing Orders Sales&Units Units Units Percent&Returns Total&Coop

Hardback 2017& £18.99 !!!!!!!!!12,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!8,465 !!!!!!!!!!17,000 !!!!!!!!!!!(2,240) !!!!!!!!!!!14,760 13% £4,400 Paperback 2018& £10.99 !!!!!!!!!!!4,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!2,730 !!!!!!!!!!!!9,350 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!(940) !!!!!!!!!!!!!8,411 10% £1,000 — &&&&&&&&&&& B £0.00 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K 0% £0 — &&&&&&&&&&& B £0.00 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K 0% £0

Year&1 Year&2 Year&3 Total Total&Coop EBbook 2017& £10.99 &&&&&&&&&&&&2,775 &&&&&&&&&&&&1,850 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&900 !!!!!!!!!!!!!5,525 £0 — &&&&&&&&&&& B B &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&B& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&B& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&B& £0 — &&&&&&&&&&& B B &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&B& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&B& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&B& £0


Total&Initial& Total&Gross& Total&Returned& Total&Net&Sales& Orders Sales&Units Units Units Percent&Returns Total&Coop

Hardback !!!!!!!!!!!!4,865 !!!!!!!!!!12,500 !!!!!!!!!!!(1,980) !!!!!!!!!!!10,520 16% £3,500 Paperback !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!730 !!!!!!!!!!!!7,350 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!(940) !!!!!!!!!!!!!6,411 13% £1,000 — !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K 0% £0 — !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K 0% £0


Total&Initial& Total&Gross& Total&Returned& Total&Net&Sales& Orders Sales&Units Units Units Percent&Returns Total&Coop

Hardback !!!!!!!!!!!!3,500 !!!!!!!!!!!!3,500 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K !!!!!!!!!!!!!3,500 0% £900 Paperback !!!!!!!!!!!!2,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!2,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K !!!!!!!!!!!!!2,000 0% £0 — !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K 0% £0 — !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K 0% £0


Total&Initial& Total&Gross& Total&Returned& Total&Net&Sales& Orders Sales&Units Units Units Percent&Returns Total&Coop

Hardback !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!100 !!!!!!!!!!!!1,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!(260) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!740! 26% £0 Paperback !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K 0% £0 — !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K 0% £0 — !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K 0% £0

Anderson!Sales.xlsx 9/22/16!|!11:50!AM Subsidiary Rights Kingdoms of Artifice by Wes Anderson

Type of Right Potential Licensees Final Licensee Amount Received Split House Share

First serial rights The Guardian, Vanity Fair UK £500 90:10 £50 Vanity Fair UK German rights DuMont Knesebeck Verlag £30,000 75:25 £7,500 Buchverlag, Goldmann, Knesebeck Verlag French rights Dunod, Éditions de Éditions de la £30,000 75:25 £7,500 La Martinière, Martinière Éditions Eyrolles Spanish rights Blume, Plaza & Blume £15,000 75:25 £3,750 Janés, Tusquets Editores Italian rights Bompiani, Fazi Salani Editore £10,000 75:25 £2,500 Editore, Salani Editore House Total Shares: £21,300

27 May 2017

Julie Honnorat Editor Éditions de La Martinière 25 boulevard Romain Rolland Paris, France

Hi Julie,

Hope you’re well! I’m looking forward to seeing you at Frankfurt in October, especially if you’re bringing a box of Pierre Hermé macarons to my booth again….

I’m reaching out to let you know that Centric Books is releasing a new title called Kingdoms of Artifice by Wes Anderson next autumn (on sale 26 September 2017; hardback; £18.99). I’m really excited about it; I was reading it last night and convinced myself that I ought to halve the amount of time I spend reading and just watch Wes Anderson movies instead. I thought Éditions de La Martinière did a fantastic job with Steven Spielberg: Une retrospective and might be interested in another intimate portrayal of a celebrated director, this time from the director himself.

Wes Anderson has cut a name for himself devising worlds that are, in his own words, ‘five degrees removed from reality’. His creative process has intrigued many; now, in his first ever book, he sits down to reflect on some of his biggest sources of inspiration. He explains how a novel by Austrian author Stefan Zweig influenced the set of The Grand Budapest Hotel, how Charles Schulz’s Charlie Brown comics have made their way into each of his movies, and how the work of fellow filmmaker Martin Scorsese motivated him to bring his visions to Hollywood in the first place. Other influences Anderson reflects on include JD Salinger, François Truffaut, Orson Welles, and Roman Polanski.

Anderson’s brother and set designer, celebrated illustrator Eric Chase Anderson, has produced a series of black and white portraits to accompany Kingdoms of Artifice. Previous work of his can be found in Paste, Time, WIRED, and The New York Observer. He’s no stranger to book illustration: he released cover art with Maria Semple and Little, Brown and Company last year.

Kingdoms of Artifice offers an unprecedented tour of Anderson’s imagination and reveals the mechanics behind his fictional worlds coming to life. I’m thrilled to be able to share it. I’m attaching the manuscript as follows; let me know what you think or if you have any questions!

Best regards,

Rucy Cui

Rucy Cui Subsidiary Rights Manager, Centric Books [email protected]


Kingdoms of Artifice Centric Books Wes Anderson Samantha Brace

Hardcover Paperback E-book Price £18.99 £10.99 £10.99 Average Trade Discount 58% 58% 65%

First Printing 12,000 4,000

Royalty Advance £ 500,000

Sales Summary

2017 Lifetime

Net Units Net Revenue Net Units Net Revenue Hardcover 14,020 £ 150,370 14,020 £ 150,370 Paperback - £ - 6,410 £ 29,587 Other Print Editions - £ - 2,000 £ - Net Trade Print Sales 14,020 80% £ 150,370 86% 22,430 78% £ 179,958 84% Special & Other Sales 740 4% 14,053 8% 740 3% £ 14,053 7% Total Print Sales 14,760 164,423 23,170 £ 194,010 E-books 2,775 16% £ 10,674 6% 5,525 19% £ 20,289 9% Other Digital Editions - 0% £ - 0% - 0% £ - 0%

Total Sales 17,535 100% £ 175,097 100% 28,695 100% £ 214,300 100% Profit & Loss

Sales 2017 2018 2019 Total Trade Print Sales £ 166,163 £ 33,926 £ - £ 200,089 Less Returns £ (15,792) (10%) ($4,339) (13%) $0 0% ($20,131) (10%) Net Trade Print Sales £ 150,370 £ 29,587 £ - £ 179,958 Special & Other Sales £ 14,053 £ - £ - £ 14,053 Digital Editions Sales £ 10,674 £ 6,469 £ 3,147 £ 20,289 Total Sales £ 175,097 £ 36,056 £ 3,147 £ 214,300

Cost of Sales PPB & Plant £ 45,790 26% £ 7,849 22% £ - 0% £ 53,639 25% Royalties £ 46,383 26% £ 9,873 27% £ 865 28% £ 57,122 27% Advance Writeoff £ - 0% Inventory Writeoff £ - 0% £ - 0% £ 2,035 65% £ 2,035 1% Total Cost of Sales £ 92,174 53% £ 17,722 49% £ 2,901 92% £ 112,796 53% Profit from Sales £ 82,923 47% £ 18,334 51% £ 246 8% £ 101,504 47% Other Income Total Other Income £ 21,300 12% £ - 0% £ - 0% £ 21,300 10% Gross Margin £ 104,223 60% £ 18,334 51% £ 246 8% £ 122,804 57%

Operating Expenses Direct Marketing Expenses £ 13,430 8% £ 1,230 3% £ - 0% £ 14,660 7% Operating Overhead £ 58,658 34% £ 12,079 34% £ 1,690 54% £ 72,427 34% Total Operating Expenses £ 72,088 41% £ 13,309 37% £ 1,690 54% £ 87,087 41%

Contribution to Overhead £ 32,136 18% £ 5,025 14% £ (1,444) (46%) £ 35,717 17%

6. P&L - Kingdoms of Artifice.xlsx Profit and Loss Statement

Kingdoms of Artifice Centric Books Wes Anderson Samantha Brace

Sales 2017 2018 2019 Total

Gross Trade Print Sales £ 303,840 £ 80,777 £ - £ 384,617 Less Discounts £ (137,678) £ (46,850) £ - £ (184,528) Less Returns £ (15,792) £ (4,339) £ - £ (20,131) Net Trade Print Sales £ 150,370 85.9% £ 29,587 82.1% £ - 0.0% £ 179,958 83.2% Special & Remainder Sales £ 14,053 8.0% £ - 0.0% £ 1,899 37.6% £ 15,952 7.4% Net Copublication Sales £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% Total Other Sales £ 14,053 8.0% £ - 0.0% £ 1,899 37.6% £ 15,952 7.4% Total Print Sales £ 164,423 £ 29,587 £ 1,899 £ 195,909 Digital Editions Sales £ 10,674 6.1% £ 6,469 17.9% £ 3,147 62.4% £ 20,289 9.4% Total Sales £ 175,097 100.0% £ 36,056 100.0% £ 5,046 100.0% £ 216,199 100.0%

Cost of Sales

PPB £ 31,749 18.1% £ 6,387 17.7% £ - 0.0% £ 38,135 17.6% Plant £ 14,041 8.0% £ 1,462 4.1% £ - 0.0% £ 15,503 7.2% Royalties £ 46,383 26.5% £ 9,873 27.4% £ 865 17.2% £ 57,122 26.4% Advance Writeoff £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% Inventory Writeoff £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ 2,035 40.3% £ 2,035 0.9% Total Cost of Sales £ 92,174 52.6% £ 17,722 49.2% £ 2,901 57.5% £ 112,796 52.2%

Profit from Sales £ 82,923 47.4% £ 18,334 50.8% £ 2,145 42.5% £ 103,403 47.8%

Other Income

Subsidiary & Foreign Rights £ 21,300 12.2% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ 21,300 9.9% Subvention Income £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% Total Other Income £ 21,300 12.2% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ 21,300 9.9% Gross Margin £ 104,223 59.5% £ 18,334 50.8% £ 2,145 42.5% £ 124,703 57.7%

Operating Expenses

Direct Marketing Expenses

Co-op £ 4,400 2.5% £ 1,000 2.8% £ - 0.0% £ 5,400 2.5% Advertising £ 3,000 1.7% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ 3,000 1.4% Promotion £ 1,500 0.9% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ 1,500 0.7% Free Copies £ 1,030 0.6% £ 230 0.6% £ - 0.0% £ 1,260 0.6% Publicity £ 3,500 2.0% £ - 0.0% £ - 0.0% £ 3,500 1.6% Total Direct Marketing Expenses £ 13,430 7.7% £ 1,230 3.4% £ - 0.0% £ 14,660 6.8%

Operating Overhead

Distribution & Sales £ 21,012 12.0% £ 4,327 12.0% £ 606 12.0% £ 25,944 12.0% Editorial £ 12,257 7.0% £ 2,524 7.0% £ 353 7.0% £ 15,134 7.0% Production £ 7,004 4.0% £ 1,442 4.0% £ 202 4.0% £ 8,648 4.0% Marketing £ 8,755 5.0% £ 1,803 5.0% £ 252 5.0% £ 10,810 5.0% G&A £ 9,630 5.5% £ 1,983 5.5% £ 278 5.5% £ 11,891 5.5% Total Operating Overhead £ 58,658 33.5% £ 12,079 33.5% £ 1,690 33.5% £ 72,427 33.5%

Total Operating Expenses £ 72,088 41.2% £ 13,309 36.9% £ 1,690 33.5% £ 87,087 40.3% Contribution to Overhead £ 32,136 18.4% £ 5,025 13.9% £ 455 9.0% £ 37,616 17.4%

Cash Flow Total Book Sales £ 216,199 Advance & Royalties £ 57,122 Total Other Income £ 21,300 Plant £ 15,503 Inventory £ 41,782 Marketing £ 14,660

Total Cash In £ 237,499 Total Cash Out £ 129,067 Net Cash £ 108,431

6. P&L - Kingdoms of Artifice.xlsx