Vol.II SEED-THOUGHT SERIES A Division of THE NERENBERG INSTITUTE T he Language of Life Dr. Nerenberg has been in practice for over 40 years. He is also considered the strongest, drug-free, man in the world for his weight and age The Language (born 1941) on the Bench Press, on the T-Bar- Strongman-Pull, the Power-Grip, and the Power- Pull-Up. At near 70 years of age, while sitting on the of Life ground, he pulled two F-150 Ford pickup trucks with 6 passengers, for a total of over 14,000 lbs. He is • internationally known for his pioneering work on LO road rage. He has written over 100 books and likes to share “the bottom line” about all aspects of life. It VE HEART is the intention of his work to uplift society for at least 1000 years emotionally, spiritually, physically, - intellectually, and socially. Dr . Arnold LOVE P. Nerenber g, Ph.D . By Dr. Arnold P. Nerenberg, Ph.D. Dr. Arnold P. Nerenberg, Ph.D. The Language of Life LOVE Original Poems of Inspired Love by Arnold P. Nerenberg, Ph.D. Copyright © 2012 Second Edition Arnold P. Nerenberg, Ph.D. All rights reserved SEED-THOUGHT PUBLISHERS ® A Division of The Nerenberg Institute 7238 S. Painter Avenue Los Angeles County Whittier, California 90602 (562) 693-5600
[email protected] nerenberginstitute.com Dedicated to Mahin, my only true Beloved on this earth. Table of Contents Chapter Page I. The Fragrance 1 - 37 of Love II. My Beloved 38 - 158 III. My Friend, My Wife, 159 - 219 My Beloved IV.