«t I m?< mm -~»v ri I nai f ' f?y

' ' ¦ * ' ; if .!

¦ :¦¦ ^;i t•(,¦( ti r-j ;i ¦ ¦ - '!¦ . t:-r ^-'¦ ^c ¦ -**vf IS ¦ s.-f i? | .1 '-:¦ ¦ * ' ' ^ppiff !!i ' . i l ' . .. •

' ¦ - ¦ ::(/ . X'~ il 'jijih'.'irj." H« ' . '.: ¦ . !Ji 1:'] = • .'•- . u^. . ;/j .:;'-:MHr i..;j. -rTSfrT ¦ ¦ ¦; ¦ ; | ^^^, , 111 \\ '] - .:; i j :\- : . ? ¦ n ¦ ' " " • - EsicB^• o^ir^- i• #' ¦ !¦< ¦ = - : •¦ ¦ -! ; . _ i"l GCD ^jAsEKEOED i nny¦ e, I I ' '¦ •¦¦- ' " ¦ - ij 11 • ¦ i ¦ • •¦ • •;¦ j . ; ' . ; r i ¦ : EjtABJiisknp—1847. ' ¦ ¦ ¦ -- --¦ • ¦: ; , . • ! 1 -if •^• v .]- ¦: Ctocolatioo in Gouth ofi'lroiaaS. : E&?6ccfc . Sea: \fv:.r!djj^l K ™ -f a the Prince of Wales PaSr-IieiS cjer» VBXBAT,aai 8temd EiiHm »ri 8A3VIlDAt ki ] i Cmfc'14 «t #«• ** nni M« COrontH-Simt. ' : ¦ ¦ • BISK).:- ¦ ' ¦¦ I (cjKJia ma naruaiL . '| ; " ''' ^ njQIOG-^OnU PHOTT; Yearly (in Advanca), 43. *L ^fe • - Trfi Mi Hi

- Dy PoaUYeaily), 6a; 6a. .. , • ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ' iv ] ¦ ¦ ¦ - '. V" :¦ !• • • ^ [ < . ,.•! ^ .. ,-i i.... ' , i .. , , _. ¦ ¦ , mOB. , A:. , • ¦ ' ' ¦ I I ; ¦* CTI7* All Ciowa and P. 0. Orders, moSe payable // /f*v ¦!¦ /i :i • . - • : . jfi J 1 Wf rTi i 8 ilfi Ji to pqnrrtMua ]?; EnBiioirri; at thi« Offi.oo. I j " .^>- i ¦¦ ! • ¦ ' : : ...n (5> '' 'f- ' ¦ "¦v'" ~'i 22a I73V0 drcilatoa cstonriVoIjr amongst t&a i ; ; iJ Q) . . ¦u li ij : !¦ ¦ ' •;¦ , ; Morarujra, JSLUKCHBJ xipjrrnajf ¦ • H^^ C3., in , ' IV. (¦» ¦ : Crr:y» .:' : : . i B/fl^S|- 3a.|,0old arid Medal Rio ooith of Ireland y. The Nnws wM&M -/^^ H" ;- j ^kvm s Awarded, - C^3 I jsenerall by tad ei^lnad a drcdstioa neVor cqiaUod coy papar ¦ ; ¦ iln TTatorford, wsd in admittedly tho .lc?-- ¦; "- ¦ ¦ ; ^ ! - ' ' " ¦ cSSUshed >¦ ¦ . ' ¦ . ! y : ij : : ;::v: l ., ; ; S PE ¦: . fc3 jctroalic thlfl Important pity, irith which thcrol¦ 0 1; : .CIU.LITIEI-S .sh . ; iircci dally e rantinioation from London. • j i ! Fcipcnlar titicatioa paidto oommordol aid Aorienlf ¦ ¦ ' ' vi'- ; THE' BEVE ts |6I tsntta*.; ! • j i :1 ' ' '; ' I . - i 1 iv .OtlJB SODA^ , | RAGE OF HEALTH , Nirwa by aUrosspwt. Wateviord SteamBhlp Company, ; ' LavortiKnottbrecoiTodiortlio ' ' iSSMEE-jMiE, ;t' } THE OJHGI HAL B RAH D in tie United Kingdom. Pro. i i ^iay iTEDV . • . ii - MtomaMo," .. - I . otli Sonnpapoi Attenta not oi lie I c^t2«afc reaaicita ircm partiea Jmojrp t omoj. .. ¦ nrrnEDim OBbm b? flAiinto-M^ncH. 1E3. 1 , r ; ¦¦ ";Sp£2in:LI£JG7 HOITOIDBto SJ .THE iDEmK FpE THE TJty J BTQTfflBBi , i . . ¦ : : ¦: ' : ¦ ¦ iGO 4 RHE¦ UMATIC £lickta fc- Oolo •SUS' ' HBXTd¦ cia foe I UHBEO0T.. BEGrNALD: OOIXEEAQH - T.AV\, : ;; ; : [ 89,- THE -QU^,;, WATlJIRFOKai :<. <•- .¦;:.• •. :>;¦. :¦ ': ,?'! > .¦*-^aoyol • Soltsor, ' Potaso," : : • • • ' ' ¦ c* ' " ' ; \ :\ LltIiia Waters, ItsmoaadOt ':£50. ' • : 1 1 ! , ; : Ad«a *isanoata : : MENAPIA, CEEADKN, to. . - ; .. ¦ 1 •w "%¦ "RCrO-TIOE. — Tho Wfttcrford , i'-;|., .»v .•:"^OIr3.3SS ^3 S OiCJSJaUijj S'.; ;^; s i ' Kr:iV ! - 'i - ; > ^SfeSl a ^.S<37 ; : . • C^TUBFOEO—LE=3 Entr, <3Wbtono ¦ c—~J Stwinahip Company (limited) ¦pRESCRIPTIONS carefnll prephreilj nnd alwnys ' "J .. ; ^ | lUisa PowmvBarwastand Ctrcst. . . ! , r^> ^T»,\< reoaivo.Goatoua IiToBtook for Shij- s f rinder the pcrnsnttt sUp:rvfc::. . i r iiiutt* . i_ '•"^N—.mont oni Qio conditions latntiococl In i- of the Proprietor. -^.Q Prescriptions aro chsdjed ' ' ; " ¦ 11 , jj.ii OHCiff¦ .cii^/u;. v . ¦ | »= before boing eeni our, trid nono ' ¦ : ' ¦ x : i ; . : i ; : ¦ ' ¦ ¦ : ' : i: ' ' ' ¦ ' ! i ¦ lira. QuiLTr.iJohnBtreet. - OHoca^ . ' J bnt Pnre t)rngs tsod.' "?' *- . , ; ' : '| : ' ./' • i : 0'ConsoU^ Eirdcii : ! ; | luisn K-iTiJUOir, ¦ I W ATEEVOBD :AKD BElSTOt: . ! • • • ' - ' ¦: Illba O'DOHHBLI, 111, Quay i i ; u}on xutnxnvB ro sunoz. rooa inistoa TO TTITSCJOSD. •: 5A',l<£.Saf3;A63OSTaE:rr O3¦ TATJSNT! JIEDTChlES, NUBBnSY¦.AOTl WOrLElp . - Har, 1,.. , . |; . , w,;^: : , y . ,i;i r ' ¦ " ' : Ilr. DOBBTJT , BomoiStreet.¦ ' , * i - I -. Tocsday. * aftfioon Tl.a«aay, BIar3...ia*)mornJnjs ' . ; •fffiQDBITlja JiT BTCOr ;, ,.>' < j - " . :: .--"U ' ? • " - V"v • ;% ¦ ^TABDnLi., Quay. ; ! , | ; Trldivy, „. '4 ..13 hora f>tatday „ 5.» 4 , nlfnoon - ' - illr. . ¦ ¦ Tcesday, ' „ *8.M 3 affaoon Wedn«d«jr ,, 9... No fcillns ! T. O'STJiLIVAN begs; ¦: 0 ! 7,. Rsd 7fI0BXOW.STaE£T, , [ ' HraJ£niiiTT, TeUoir Eoid. i ! | ' , to caU Mtontioa to tho Mowing SpaJoto '— ' . 0J : ; ' SrlcbT. .1. 11... 2 nXt."aoon Sf.turfflT . .. 12... 8. nbht (Graitoa-ttroct^ DXTBLIlT. i Ur. AnBAttH,: Joha-Strooi. | Tieaday, M 15... 4 ofrnooo WrKlncadsj „ 1B...11 nliht Rhine ouquet ' ;i . ! Brood etrest. : • i ; ^;ish B : .l |i ;j ' Crearba of Liliea: '•• • ; ¦ llJio Povnro, Frldw, n 18... 5 affnoon Soaday „ 20 .. i Diornjna : \ j |UroJ BTJTLSE, P«tov Strcci. i TaeodAy, ,, 22... 2 afi'noon T7ediieailiiy ,, 'i3... 6i oit'noou A dpiicious Perfume of lasting fragrenco. -i| , ' For beautif ing th9 complijaca. i - Otatadlp laltsTtciL- O3aiortaW.t-3 Pt.diy. „ 25... S »ft'BO0B 'Bsbuday 26_7.M ¦ y MOCT ¦ Ur. HOLAW , Ballybrlssoa. : j j i : „ nl^ht ¦ ' i Ilcdcrats. ; Dinocra ready all day. Quay. Tfieodky, „ 29«. 4 aft'nooD Wodne3d«y,. 8'...10 laighn ¦ : ' ; Uro. DAWOOH; . : April )_ h oti'noou Sunday April 8...2.80 luorn n» , ;- ,:-. -L . Parician Hilir Esstqrsr : - : : . , TSIOHAEIJ O'BBIEIT; Poriiitai. • Il». DOTSOliBi Miohaol Strut. : • • • riiilaj. ' ' : O. On -ir«' Friday. . ¦ ¦ LE ¦ ¦ ' ¦ cJ DUj ¦ {• ] PMATT E^lvray EsoicblU . . Btinday, ,, , 27... 6 morning Uosday, ! „ 23._l.t0affnooa I l^iz COXriSTX (lab notalj^tbr-dstrc.-a tl. B^ I , i , ff OtiiJST-'IUOHAIIO : Fnjsnta, Gcaaral Iloichaat,; TVodnosdAy/ ,< tO..M now Hed'day, 1 ,,8-\,, S itttnooa •¦¦ - • ¦¦ ! Fiid«r, . AprU ' 1.-.; 1. tffnoon lMdayj Apni 1... 8 Irsern •. ¦i| | : ^EJ Bwn Streotl . • : |- i . . ¦ . . . ¦ Th» Sunday Vecusla Load eX MorUi VTlurf, Vfttcrf or J, Ti'^TQ T "IT? IT A "TRiTTIT'P' ,.DimMq020O . . " PEWOWlI-tUa E ¦ Oooda Booked through from. Ul vaaclpil ' Siltiotij oa .-jypr^ /• "A | b C3 ,3fabful and com- E:4!t^ cold -bilts. Cootl= 0 WBtoribni. : ij GAEOS ft SaiTO, Bsok Eisad. | . ' Great Northern, Great VcAna. tincaahir,e' 034 Idrkjhlro, • fttcoaiodtC^a. a Lqndon &nd North. .'WcEtoia 1 London and Jjoath Western,. <^^y) ' forting iri its raee!;, mild- inianneyad way, as it io loEnsllnntos. ' ; ¦• r : 1 •^(D^iL: <<- J ot ; i-OrDOH—CJ^nsii B &. f ' '¦ l Ucca ¦ -(^yL-L«—^^ ^ eeu L on generation ago. Olcnfrnrorth^trc;t , Licmos. i jolO (A3 i Mr. j. TOOHO, fflsst-Etxwt. ,. do.; •.[¦ dp. :. 1 . »O3 Uiri7 ^033-Daily (Sonajyi eicettei)ftt,B -15cA. I ' *vj~7k/ ^° S^i ? P 15 cad 10, iTTj zzz-l Ij fii'KfrQroVoi "Wiil^V ir.-q WJOM Snja W*rcs»ai>^I)»ily, 6nnd»y» ea»jtod, aja0i lin. • KUHEB0TJ8 nmiLlH—ZIOJSW . CnABi B fc Son, Abccy-M I 1 . ^^=5rrs—- _ ,; . , . - , ; You can .buy first-rate iTea to-day at V.a .cl Dnblk;) , , - .•• . TESTIMONIES. , i; 8t. Andrt)w-Etrc:t: j iTATEEPOED A If D DUNCAWUOlJ I . y . . ; : ¦ " - KUbreody, JF B. 0'JDfflFrJ 1 -iPsoa DnacAifiioa—Dolly, Sandayi exoe^ed, at 8,£0 Bjni * . • •: . . i. EllcullooV. UoUot7Eir, U, Cothtrcll Etrot. i : FXJLONG'Q, 82, Quay, at the Price of i 2/- X3iir^6iind: Try it once, and Dear Un Htrcott—I » T> g CHACGOT?—J • ijaoa Wimnrojo—l>iUy, 8oa£»yi ei03ptel.at 3.t5 pjriJ 1 MOEEISSEY'B HOTEL. Tnn OEionTAL WATTG- EHBEOCATIOI^ lad to tall yoa 1: U a I Woxx—Tho\7awrina£toiiili!5Coz:jiay,i^,aitdco. p*7 »>o»W ' ' Eilllannllen UOBJS, Mltoh«l»towo. :¦ {:¦' ' ' ¦ uacsccptloa.il ftttendtacs prl.ito ' COGCJ, f!" :: ' : . . J: C.6E Oiioa, Tio itall. HnUoial T6lo]>li0Ki No- IS. |. 1 ; M^ j , pr:t Hsd&Q—I bar* cruali pi *iur« la • ^. IjTrafooti—TTttwrtord ¦atiyixnahit' lOompany (IdmlKi),, -' Koonc Hot csd Co!u D^tbo Informtsg , • . i , SoIejigeatD for.tho J ; .;• .- . .!¦ CO l-\c ©c rWii-d'L^Ura^n Olttloc tea Dnatlna J THC " OEIG1UAL" UATTC EED yon that tfe» ears (or Faro; you lest Ust Jsoa j i Viater-etioct, and Olaronoe Doci. TitophojioJo.6071 III. to. ( Optclal Oom'inerfllsl TAriff. m* jSanuov-Waterfurd Stcasiaalrt. Uutupuiy (ianucd), C3 : : . . ' MOTION •u coj{ in«t:»tQl lit •?ttjr f ,k} , > Bd eowfiletsl? ¦ (.-noon tJqnaro—and Cumberland Ultra. \ | . cud T7fco 2sy§Dt:?, Siait,. . gsiovJoisa os& Gelockl COQCD, 1 for¦ Jicallcs Voo=dii, Brulsa sod Scrca cftll itlcOi csrf^d lh»fcorti I treated :,oi tn iU-^youfi troly, [WlXfosii. --VV atcrford:tJtcaoiaUp CoiC«y (lJnltCd), • 29 ...... J. L. }.[ ,' ' WCDBS 20 l pH.CS 03 0£&L cr.'. -EcTK3. 0s«lff. -4« - • . - - ,, , ^rB PfaB«4 irajeot». . OAE^OLIi. ! "HMaigte;Stm" i Srn_Eo:5r-WiUrfordBtc arubipComjlny 't OOoo, -. , ¦ ' ¦ ' " ' ¦ ' :l ¦:! : ' £os Iwsciagoa—T/ateilordEtrT—'hiaCoapiJy'cOC:i4 - -.; ' . [ . A i " AIT . EXCS&LIUiT nBAXriTQ T7ABH." NO . . • : C2, QUAT^ iUATJSEFORD...... ?!I ' . STABLBC1 8H0DL© ip WlTnotTC It. Lnrnuoi—Loreriihnu coa ; C'.JisjttlD Conpzny'o OOca Cboata to la^Viry C'.iblb'fo'r CJ la ttiaasta*. P 11 ¦>** ««». Bold t3 ZIoant£eaco's-(jQay. - | : . - | wi.r~.ymm: . fc:ac 3CM -JK -" W ' JK i, idi' r* :]- ——t.it m..tF-r ;-£ - a »c ' - o i QUAY. Coll la Pint Eattiw et P^ ' ^** ¦• . j . 1 8HIP HOTEL 1«. 0i. faeb. . ill Drag^alt ti MJ ChetaUU. . T ! Co|Liw:;Gii!; 1 THE - i ![. ; -,, . r ?Iacwni—Loner¦ ¦ -GbstuiM ."3iauh)p Poar-'art j !''! ' ' ' ' """ ' ' " ' ' -^ ^ • ' • ¦ ' " ¦ • '¦: ¦ • -¦ »¦ •CC^. ¦ ¦ ¦ , ' • Aisi tor tba Ciprateay. . •;" ' •: • . ' . , .;¦ 1> : .' •. - ,- ' ¦ "Orlqlasi" W«tU'-7«i»riesrr?re* 6ol. Wi.lml. 1 1 . , ; ¦ Ageata-BOHBATT 6 EOTOi - :Zc£!&x:-A£.Zz=>tcz-Tc 'x—ts t-1! CiritC' V;-X.V_a- I DEEAKFABTa DHHiTBRO, OUPPlffiC , rit='.!it::, Pfc!lCb3f:t3 cr fec a tb3 Preirntttw; LiDltoa. «5. Hary 8trw», rjnblia, ' frw ; in gcllb^ pd fcrd, UTCrpiol, Bristol or Uc^oid. ; - ¦; . . ¦ ! iilTD- LU1I0HE01IU • : Goa iaioi,-8>. boKle^post ¦ ¦ ¦J—: ' —^u.J _! ' ' ! - . ;. —: 1 DD tho Obortect lldti=c, of • tbo Ecct Dc:::lptl:3 I : ! .: IJaprola ct Spccid Pricea. -— ' OILLJAU Cs.; BOYiX " ^mitcd, , BtfDUIT ¦ - *<^^f*^~ ¦ ¦¦ j ; m . cci 6t ' Ol^^^Ty# do^™^^ ' Ohipplncfc^ ^^ . ^ C^^ ^J ompany,^^^^ p^ ™**«^"^^ H Ltd.Aw v^L MODERATU QHARGE3. . . - THE ^GROWTI (jBEAYrltelNERS. . ZIA&CS, : 1898.; . : ' - : - Op EIPE AHD IIBLL0N7 A3 UaH— ' -:nr ^-ia aa 'tea ! cimtli "Uc&d, •c pa¦ • ; Bej ulcT BUea Oortir.in'.aailon Itiuccx , £ole CaUlosue i ' ¦: ¦ fcaIa Catelo-u- V7m0inE3 I aca ^ Q; zsrVT?,;i. I ' ffl k f i\\ [AM Miji i^ W~' ' (I c-a rki ! • TO T22C3 -3?XT3X^Xa . ; pott tree to , U5| LZA Vy < r UK] ^ ; "f M pp^ frp QLA£aO57. j The size of ths cqnarcs u bblow rcprcrtnti tho proportionato Incrcaco!of oar buclnc:3 : i ni£n7 'l i camiection ^ith tto, Wtracfoio 19 : : I LOAKS ! - : - j a OnETiuii IB=» , -V~_"SV frnHB . Narr | and ' vorrcrtv} ; . . doring tho p^ot yccro. ,-; . LfAETS LOAHS.J ! -*,j ^ Lmnitoir, \VA*3iaK>aD K=: it Caooi Stcaccra AEA&I0UE1 en own noses, aad ^ATinironD, DoncADVAn,.;IiMnoE3s i \ E po PREI3IS12Q la ' " g&l, T^§An^fete' ^i2§. REBUILD. OUR , ni^niO Old Hotel fu med fc? cold, pure V/h!3t«y THE CITY ANR GOUWTy LOAH AND ! OlSOOUK't ' i^-aatb catT ncinc=a Ccrbj TUSEAB, 'iVALEKTIA, an L mtsaded 69 all ai nude improrcmdala aoS oddltlona trtoj ftronl to bo of CO z?z.\' ' I BANK , cdkjtCDS prsrentcl. by Prorloes ii, r^'J fill ctbc? Jbilibo. , v ITo. Weather cenalttlaR Icnlcia nuforc^ra A« > cocMODeoe*. nam oonpellfdto duroat at adc»srato ci::i Puji:lrt-r:2. ! IDi O'Conaoll-Sfcrcot, Watarford. eircrmiatasou), wiui liberty toito« Vessab. asd to calliat floo tbe whol* «t tb» exlstias ctook, which' u s TCTJ lur^tj 0 ?, 1.1 linD. ITIiLLT, i : Z:if C3t - TSfdti cl3 rcJ.C ' ia orontof th^ccrtcssry ' :' ' cjCi.l ; "?r—5\' ; any Port or Ports in any ordtr,. . ordor to Djcar*tbe:s barpaina .- — —> 0lc:l t» tlio r.dlrjay Cttlca. ' MAIlE Cczh Advp.nccs from £2 UpV;ati»8 on approvca pureonnl security,' - without F55 ¦Zfc« Ked»i-»stf». .: ^Sarta, to Becdva and DixiirBO Cargo, cr Cs» c=j cttcs it la edTinbl».)to «nd ;tor a , L-rFR 'X i ¦ ! ¦ •;:. ¦ :¦ .*¦ ¦ ¦u^'' ' " ' ¦ : . i . '" ' , i ptrpsM whatsoeTt r. .; ' :] ¦ r^s (Xi^C^i nbiaUi iT:lafll ¦ ¦ 'I ¦, publicity to t'^rffl l fn, Chopkcepern, Profesaionamen, Govefinnent ^ !_r> r i! 'witEcrcsa io.cii::svr. , !/ I b» cant poat trca toj nay ' - , . ¦ Officials, and ¦ - ¦ •"^ttiPERIAL OTEL. j ' ' •D0tTI7.-L=AVB Ltaxxa (Pca4fc5t=i) aJ CraryirOimiY (Direct), . -.' , > >': ; - *.if 1 iMX addreo*. In ft Gaijb ' jjH otiirL', iMalo oi^ female, la nny part of Ircland.T...t a» lower.«!»« rateBID ofoi Iiniercmercsti nn¦ aoin>AT• ¦ . ¦¦¦(Dlrc«t)¦ . ., jj. . -^ ' i : X T7t?rford, Ltaoilo3:i tsd j ; 03L2Jlito (L-czioa M.CJ3 p.n. lw C7 Int:r:Jlny Hqrrmvcrodcairinp n l>.nii nill flod it to "' Tcocc;6 c^trallatioC:t7. . their aaoantfige to apoly ' ¦ i to Bc'uli whoro all busineca ta traosiotad cs ¦ ¦ CaL Eifl.ts OtiMioii «Jii pJ3. jliln , wltMha utmust n«aecy * p IT cspted . ' ' ciojo o CSRUJ ;¦ '. ! ' aot' i ' *?f ^ \7r4: S (C3,h»di»j81- v on I ww . o rqaodjllca end jejftunthed end t7hcro every facility ia'Eivou to CuitomcTji No legitimate upulicatiou /f COllPLETDiY 1 • ¦ ¦ " - ¦ ¦ '¦ ' ¦ " , pbtij.Eoen : ' Ov:; refund. . . . ;. . ;• - ¦ ¦ * >- < VU UBTal2oea» Iadlcj' OoSoEcca ; „ . ; \ . ~ r ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ " ' ¦ n ;l ' ! ¦ ¦. " - > '1- • •• ' ' . E/cry, 10304 ^ - -- , 1 !• -> Eillhrd«rooal Ofcirscjcscsists. - . :: . ' : .; . ,. , ...... " C— «i!coa, , . . : ,; ^ i ,, ,. ¦ ¦ ¦ ' " ¦ "±:"J lr ; ; ' ' nirmioao i ro osJUEr. -i 1 : !3 | ' CHAELED LAA7LEB, Pic;±: ^z; _ CTcry CATOEDAT (Tta EcUait) : .M «. 1 p.ts, Tha nbovcj touk hw-ti o V^tAnth OHlc?, and baano oonr.action.with other iostitntioni ¦i I Dcaiia TO WaTDJOBP. Dc^O" : . . i!^»555fi3S*SeS* ! VCDITnJDAYS, 2nd Herch, 6;p.in. | 9th, 0 p-n > ICtS. c;:!:^ cro dciuj"bU:id'J:i-iludar voriuu* trWiiig 'titlesr, though nudariho 6»ii - ' [EL'B'O' tn!.a»ireineat! I 6 p.o; «rd. 8 0 B>. i Mth, 8 f,a - . ' ,: , i aHEL'B'O'IITIIHEIliHB' ' HOTEL:HOTEL) j -; ¦ TiiTEaTOaO to OSttB (Dlrcn) • i . - . rac j «rib ci call ' " U.^pJCHJ--01.; ¦ ¦ EHGOUS SLAUGHTER of ¦ ' ¦ ¦' L^.! L c!:;^L:ra for Pfeppsctoa and Press Opinions rs£n^/- w Fri^« -motrinri ! I ' ¦ OBS M 17i3Biran», Direst- i TREVJ PROFITS ™fi^2Ea^^?Ju:oti; S J J to ii. :; C ! dono, ; HALF tfHTI TOTAL PaiOO, ; HB¦ 33E 5; ¦ HT¦ Dtfli&m* „ ' Uireb, J p.ta Uth, 0 p,n j 10th. » p.ti » Tbe obo'ojol tho Prcrafioo to fca torn | | " ^:. , ! . i-l ,(?Citl) taiDATO, <«> : 1 ; , It ' I : . ¦ 2Jtn, 6i> m; : THD STOCK UU3X BE CLEAE3D IEGABDL333 til feared,ibow prlcia wlir cadw c panla In Sfco f I ¦ •redo VBEY 8PEOlAt PAHCEIi II : V7itT2ironD tOilioreon¦ .¦ . . r off oosr. _ . ¦! i oJ 600DUWLOP tTcrT Catarday 'ftlafloatlanpkoa) 1 «¦ 4 p.a WE LCBf Hoa-l3llppor»)TyBEfl. SGtJTHEMS HOTEL, D ! Bal«ne« of Contract THE Ih i/)ifi)o/(Bt.lUthiriiaD»ci)w¦ \7»«3'''= ' l-- Iapojlont—V/p wnnot p:y eanhjo oa6 ef lcrcti. cocspMlcd io bicir on ccqouat of tho Bl trtrr TE0EBDAr ' i.. I ¦ .- 1 ... 4 P.U. i; Danlop Uisc IWiiTJi GREAT OPPIIQE'B DTBBBT , b/jpest lsaco Iw czjilieit, - end oicti I' ID Prices, «xll frcoh El B^ICOtJBAQE IBlSH AKE i lflof transhipment PJ this rotfts. Ordcts for collixtloa cr la ¦ordctln ¦ j p ¦ ' 1 cod en¦ ly Jcjt d3llTCic3, Atiio ! ¦ ;¦ : ' ^ ' iDODfiZD.¦ ;¦ ' tjo tcall ccsQrc2:c:J il coH'oct. . ./¦.-; ' •. . .;¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ . ' . . \ ' O^sjtadtjrt .;;. : • . > ; j- :. . ;. . . ;. :\ • ' I . I ^ cSrS3trect , Finslary i to Clyde Chlpnlnb Company, 113, bo ¦ : i ' , o» do BhlHtoj CorapJ 2 WttioKa L^taitcd qoanthl::- (5acDo5. tcplacsd .r.VerJar . , ! . ¦! j Sc^Mo -astoiio Works, O£LTlO j 0RO88e8. ¦ iltodSSu Kwat CJ/ / . ' ' '" :. . Wo Unc5 p!:r:.t . ,pqoa "V7cBld. Colcat Prlttto Hot:) h cltusto o2 EuJhca ¦ ¦ <»to.£0» M - ^thar in.Dc ^^t. a n. I ¦ . - ii prioes. . . . 1|, FTiiniO ; ' I ' ,( i . TV . M Cl==3 Otrcst , Treaii eto. .tUCJHAEL OSEEEB/ UASEBTIBIU). . i ,.; Oofleo acd Oom- -C 1? flatoteh»o^y 6fl kiaaxaDATj w^^^^^Br ijia BEBPBBATE BABGAINK IN GHIETn, Foncy 15, 8d by 15. 23 by a 23 by lj, CO by 4oo by;i5, Oootalua «p leodld Dramou Ecoa, Hoaomeiitai ft ;ito^a f 1 j « (JO. ' ' ¦: ' : IOOJB, : JlomiDS Eeoa '-WritlDjr 'Eooa, JLwWtoctwfal I ', j ' ':¦ , n ' 2nd Cine* 4 Saloon^ K^a. Pliiotrra jto V7jiiraxO*i>j dircotj. I r . Qocdfl, BOJI, Welatceit-v G!o»c:, Iloiiiry, 3 ! ;i ¦ ¦¦! • Crd 0k«t 4 Fori O > ;: i 6A1UBDATB Boot o and 5 Tiokota mU? b? ¦ ¦ ¦ TTolklnc-ttlokd, Cyolo Ac3et!or(c3, arraoROoi»DH potfeut. :Fir«f tlas» Coisloo. Uodo- i.. .vi-L—•-a nolokj IWi-d OUu ¦ -.T. . io.ei3ia4Bn33. ; , ¦. ., ;; :> '• ' Cts, UmbrellsB, EXqEPTiOlUL OPPOnTttinTYefDECtjrUtJG B Ji T7»!iaKisD OTEEiPPJi . pONS - ¦ trron 'tor F»uj)liei Proaob ¦ ...4pn. Cycles, Bops,! IIcnatarcilKfi, Lc^Jbct Qcodo, thel WINTBE'6 ITNDEI5WEA2o« mTBEi.3D- rata Ttrfli Spccltl . Cill cpckl tiia K,L? ' i ' flfcry SATUBDAT(dIn»otJ, q . - 1 ' 'a Oooptfon acooptsd. . 'Joato t* largs Btcci ef Gatten, Ladlca Oyclicj Cocinncci : Woterproafo, OP PjEIOES. \7»Ito or dll fcir Ealo Cttsfcnoe, no:* oaa.GeriBao ipokeo, Om> Ailcroooa (tfci Heirbwca atd Plrciath). ' ; ' ,i ' OlDgUBrdrcoisa,l> (Jd acd £3. Brtakltato, If,, £s iETcry THUBfiDAT CrUTict Bite, I: ?., bo. , . 1 frcs taynbere. ' , ' - . i • ' , - ' 1 Hcad^caen, ! ' Tomba : Jlcnpy, ' j ¦ ' ' Ilonnmonts * »¦ [H»wa*TEjr. ' ; ¦ ¦ ; ¦ ¦ ' : T WiTWiroso: , 1 ^ 1 I . ' • ' ' 1 / 1 < Dlnoenj froo 2« j___ ' ¦! ' ' 1» Cd, and £». . ' Citn 0ATUEDAT«TljflcatiS S)pt3O ,.; .u o P.O< ! N.B—Owing 4o - the absurdly,low frf c& charged tea - ccuiadt $oj \ Ccn-*i$o- ' ox cr.j Jtor ittcrsdanca. Nljbt^ortsr, ' 01 tia C^Jtkti:'il ptwbiibUltod.cMttl ki tOs* H , BrmuTC3 TO IVTilstTOtD. : i;| . ¦ ¦ Uo cbira? j ; 1 oalj), .: : • - ,¦ - ; cf^thacss^mddftadea^alde^Bs. :: ' FBIDAT AtUriooa (ft»«ro > I-v- . • r- , - , . , ¦ ¦ % I^cry ¦ r . - tf 1 ' * 1 . '- ' . Vi**33BS»oau. ,. .: :; . > ' ' ' £ 1 ; ' i^' HOLEOBIJ. brio .A ' AOQ^ /Tr?l A ^/? A^ir^T^ 9 1 Ccmtrwts f&t>crtfy teodpUon a Stsss . «ad Macblt Wplcrf.';. I , G^y^^wl : T7«'-i Ala>abrj»wli5iisicHntol6sid. ¦ t yoSniEQIT. ¦ ¦ PfJi^ritealretntaai: J i i : 1' ; : 5 1 ^BiSiTQrTO»tl«KCT9j«a}iiPWIiiftaaTflesTifc- 3 wmm. rf • ^03XAtT«ft^l'x ' ; gscsda:^? Csnotglsa, &9. : G^tlo/ IT .^hisitgss?^JiUi; • 'V Ajj«3te»ti (KiMft fta it to niftotiw, i« ta Wbt3A*Stbgaa5a !!-« H*j» ¦:¦ S-l- ': IS' !; t3i £4nk aarkabip».<>waat»'i DrtwojCVPitslijrv ^ ^' Dalwiy C»rtohip,froieatl33ilfnllrHs«fytiU3aicv. OKHUTOF PII0S3 . EBP4J3UB ii7D BST . Lc=3, t3. Knria4«ata>ndelt!«a fnviKtAmHa \ ' odpciifrt» c»cCT{i»taa.earaarace»iea3,»a, '¦ ¦ ^oaif •;:¦ . ; ^; - i - i Ui • coOTHAtiKroi7t(airjv7 ; : : -¦ • ¦ i lo^a^te^* ':^ ' : ' 3a tiiii GtteaSvBlprcinlMaQn tu eaosnte My 1 > EfrBflaa , Tia tmtff i . .; I nxcE.'sl¦ OrKUoa titaWiitotalia lubsd. » . " ^^^- i ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - i ¦ ¦ ¦ :- i*T«e^j\ : , i: BEBVtOE.1 . . . 1.- . .. . • . .1. oy..|nt: ¦ I . . - '! , ^| T?«ij eatrfttod t» tiwt UI!M 8boH«t KOUM, tt tin OHITEP 1 STATES HAIL^ l ^^TrXla ^ i . \ H««fi»TC3, , WM, * ¦ lfc.;- -ii ' ¦ ' bcrt ewia, *nd Honto-tfrttoe sSratlj, GS > A^JS mdictt •; 4 osa wyply tyk>dld Bte¦ atJ asl ¦ Bwtti¦ at ^ " jSra^tti cijtU BiteiBf Ooapany (toU^ ' MBdcsto . ?- . !. . - , . :¦ A DTAU0B3 j'ntdo Qt : 58 "WlilfamiUret, .PrjB?* * . . .. ; JCa. DabUa (jrlTala TMoa to rsotir* «B iattsUag ECTWIKW) «?.<>!« «lp»Msr«. Inw lstertrt 1 tanw pty Siitliliii ¦ ¦ ¦ ssats i ip«d»J.lewwta maUaiptrwutoy» ;' : ' ¦; : ''¦ ' ¦ " ¦ ¦:. "<¦ : ¦ 1 1 nni, dtbts, J ' - ¦" ' -l < .' •:¦ < . - • onoutD TSt. ^i. .. : : r < iv : . ¦ - : • , - ,. i.i ' ; ta, , Status BO oWttt. Au konoMa ata n3y eai nlfw tad ooanwM tr«l5«t. . Apj)i-|O, ' '«aS!yina. |: :: i^&cUpSyffeai^^a , XUnrair. fl3 M ' ][ ' • • lil m^w^m^Btf^j wStT^ad JVVtoSja^S i fy OWf OOVQB -J0m I . .. ¦§ ^ ^ I^J^ ^^ OOUQl^riBB !: ¦! BON^ v ¦ ' -'A LT- 11CE&EBM0BBISS7, , i\ \,% . • ii ¦ ( .; and aai : ! piGjD^ I; .SM&tspS Undert£^ Oarrlfiso T\03f OOtJOB^U ' • .: 5tJS?iv?DoefBoi£Xdan&!i t Tynjf rsj, ., , - ¦¦ , ;: ;. ., ' ¦ i 1. , . . . jPropiaetd?, j . . . »«tk 4» alielttoV tm»At »|( 1 » fe ¦ : * ' ' ' * ' tod feetttl OMUMsMUot*/ 61 : • ¦;. • <& ¦/¦' - r ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ] ' " : ' ' 1 ' ' pEW8F0BDt BT2tii%WATERFOtUX RI fiM%eisl t^sai* MEllaKB8aKa «T IMiij rapd»l ntEa cikjaj . j .; ;; . : . . / ;: ! . *^ . j . : " i ^* • i P .. : . *& gh&slsr Company (U<ed)to lb» badfzm th* Aftai3a ; ¦ W«zEKaa. T^gbg&shis Ma^s^^mUs/ 7 ;-^-- : ] gTTOlTERALSCOMPLETE LY rpRm5Bi!Dla 1^ KENNEDY'S TUG-OF-WAE PIiyGis!th0 orlrnnQl 'toundl-^h Plus, JS; BopeTier 8tjl» jiltk »r«V E«4olill», l*«l»d!M ff^^^l^gS^u^L" • ¦: ¦ ¦ ¦ ; ; ¦ ! , - ;; -''^ ¦;., . : v- . and cannot be Roaton.. . - .. - . , ;.: ,-; ,i:- .' :. .- . ! alt F«e« ifid: StpcsCe*,Mc ftHli* Io • flsi4 fc »Hot : obugM, t»oo!»u4 to toBiMfc rap - MU ^OM ifcA *Ntt¦ 4 ¦ sttist ugui to ecooomy la frtry dttoti : " all, iGomo,: 3E*oislt»3 , and led Gtero - HEA£aE$ MOtmityfQ ; n ¦ ¦ rr 1 .. !. 1 ^^™-EAU-STBJ '^ . PET- -i, 1 WATEEFOED.' . • n j i ¦ ¦ ^^ ^^ L ^—r^^ . » \ "^ " —*^ — — i OOAOHSi ! ^^^^ ¦ * "¦ ' ¦'" ' ' ' ¦ ' " ¦ : ' ' ' ' 1 ' ¦ ¦ '!• * ' ; '-: ' ¦- : ' *; ' ^mmm f ^ m>m r f . 1 . . . 1 ' i^sHlHi ¦ j ' ; ' ¦ ' ct B f ety «op«riotd«< «4aUok . ' ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ i ' t , . 1 ¦ .. - , . ; r . : ; ; ¦• r "mBiif .^rimuLabt- v. -i' '>H4 i . 1 i. b ^«PaOTBD?ABHi. . . I I - U»lidi#mr," ' : ' pi fB^? ; I = - i-iiaffiSi ^ffiS»-ifii-i ¦ i '- r!: ' ' " : ! 'K i p«r^fMd'iHliiiaoami« ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦ I 1 -—;^'jli.• ' iii .»¦ i ;>.-> ; :^Ll8aMWisirHO^piww». yonj. :¦ ;: i -I : . ' ' :l •TI'-^J"" - " : • , :: " l\> < ' ' i-fj. ineonfp. ?»fiMf»,^|»r»; l*»»nr»T», tatu

¦¦ ¦ ' v i '• J' . -i i - "i':' ' •i' -."-"!- ', irTit "* "ii'A: > ' I- '^¦ ¦l' .."l; . ItBMM^fm^ipWMUfilihftl^taBOttwiaianBftictat. ¦ ¦ - .• i *£*,-*»mi*O* t ' [

TPr iw irL ; tnitt« h wlf3£^ ^w ^ S 4:1 an u# ¦ V.^B J« «•"» !! I!' •*¦¦.!¦• ' • " ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ( 1 ¦ ¦' ' ¦ ' '¦ ' : ' i 1 :' ' :¦ . • . : P¦:¦ : ! , ! ' . ' r -V:>i V-';M ;V->_ ; H - ' ;: : " " ^- i- . HPm IHPii mml^mi lilte iilllSti i iiili U- '1 - T HA

'" ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' " ¦ ¦ ¦ ii , ¦ J ¦'¦ ^| . ¦ " ;!: 2: ; ; I' ' ¦ 'If !¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ; t . .. ' ;.pr :| . ; . . 1 . :l ; ;i|V ; . ; ;;.;|;;!, mi^i - ,. i i«»

I ! . I T> ¦ *¦ ¦:¦ 1 S^l/ 1 y : .; ¦ > . ¦;- . ' ' ¦ ¦ ii; ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ ' ¦'¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ - " • ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ¦ < • • - ¦:;¦ ' i K . • : . •1.J1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I . ¦:¦ .; ¦ , ¦ ¦ : u OOUBT OP • :JW?TCCE JBEliAND^- - - 'I' ; HIGH : . - - ¦ : . . ;: . ^l . : ' ; ¦ !'¦ :' ' ¦ ¦ ' :;; : n .|; |, . , . - ;: ¦ ¦ ¦ . , \ I ¦ ¦> ¦ OF ,[ . ¦ ,. , , -; - • ! ( i OHANOBBY DmSIO^-MAbTES¦ TH¦5¦ ^ BOLLS. ; : :i • r-4i: - :i T i'' i- :U> : ;¦ ¦ -;¦ : ; ; | .. , :;. . ¦j5 AigB|;-' : ;> ' i- l i - .o^ isk tO SEE - -: QP: ' i '¦ ' ¦¦ ;{. ; TOWN OP ¦CABBici-oir-suiB.^ '

¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' : " ¦ ¦ rn tho Uittst of thoEitato cf TROUIS BB BBTT :¦ ;¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : : " ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦: ¦• ¦ ' •& ¦ff,: . a«>8swa. !•; ;; ¦ : ; - . . . ; • o"U"Ee» : ; ' >' - ' ; : ¦ ¦¦ • " ¦ , :: -0 ABTE¦ »; . .T7IL8O !¦!• . '¦ ' ' ¦ ' ' ; ' IT^ • ¦ ' !• ' ; . , .c . . .i i PUBSUAHT to lpaVa oUhft'lIftatir oj tbe Roll), j PRIVATE TENDEBSi for tb«. iutcb«»8 o! fiaive Ipfeastire tbe Preoiices aooptised Itt Lotliu tnei printed ¦ Bental in tbls Matter ar« hereby invited to bo lent y? ^ iiivite in to (bo andotal ;l from tte Markets land : gcod :Solicitor bovlacr coniSKa of Wdoileh BiiJ^r Sale op to tbe 12th tost.; - and will bo submitted o tho JadgQ on Moodty, tb)0 14th Matob Ipst.- inspaotion oif their ; . Tbo Premiaco for Salo coDBlet of Plott 'of; Qroood, wltb tbreo Dwelllnt; HonBeo tb'orcori, ia Netr Street} (Ooa^ - ' . :-:- .¦ ! ¦ ¦: j O'Kicl:>c3-t3a!rs. AXD : Bigh-Clasa MILLIJSERY - ...V, ..^ i ' • • Uosm KENIIY ft ^IBPHENDON, ¦Cslisitow, ; oft I! & BL ; ¦ Entu Cnnlab-otJ-Solf { Or ' ' I ;: , . IIICHAEL -J. I HOBAlT, Solicitor ¦ & CO., ¦ bavins ovrinjo of Sab, 12,*Dame> mr.^j ?FnF!nlJ '°(3) tt^< WATEEffOED 0ir;:5, Dnbllo. : ; ; ' . ; ' ^ PALACE STATION. HBAE UETT i 11000. SPEDTGPACE-PABII, ' :«hd Proprrty of Uwon • : ; .>¦ ¦ ' - : ' HAHLIXII! , .. . :• . - M • !

inPOETAITT ¦ SAiE tBT AUOi'IOU ' ; i Off i ... I DCSIEABLE PABlI oi ilEla. Or. ; Sip. Statute, I~ ~N . gains- j fpfl fernm©! ' Wear ; ("ciici oi:b Csnu, EtofS' . Cattle, Ho^::;, 1 8b::^, PijTiirco^o Fannlnn Inntsc^atj; Also, IW DSKJ : (Iriab) of Qracins Ls=Jo; fc? tho Ssocca. ! baa b^:a farourcd wlta in- ME. ¦ T7ABBEN . i . . , : ' etruotlons froci nit»on HATHtir, • . TO SELL Bt AUCTIpIT On VBVimSDAT , ilth] UAilOti 1CC3, HbliiloccJ iDtsrsat I Q bin Valnatb: Can, teoon ' • ea SPEINOPABIT, ; " ' r " i / 1 . . ! Caa^i^Uy elicited within 3 tint * ot&Diua Station, end 4 mllu from Ncvr Ro;a, containing i5l?>. Ot. :Slp H (Statnta tfe:Jtire)cr therqaboqto, ¦ Lord - MASOSTS J > ' . : - ©ST. held from tbo Kl^ht Hononb|o Baron CaroTr, . Jl. T. B. U. Hr. • THIS. , : SS IllHipfo • . ,; under nsreament and dwlnptlon flxins fair rent I ' ' ¦ to I ! i . carcc^nt tta Land l&rr, Acto, eabjcci to thD adic!il yc3il7 rsat of £70. . Tho uala T7lU bo modo C::Z Qz% V Z&J ?, czi rotates. EOEOU0H OF WATEEFOB23 cabject to; tho tenanciss of 'Bops, Thomsa Roeho, T7ho holdo cboat 8x lr. lBpl, Stttpto, V7lthocoj- ' MOTICB 18 HEBCBT O1VEH tias e?" ' SnpirirJ Z- 'ACh:=p i:;l ... Cd. pstt:=j, taso, ct tbs yearly rent of £6 ; cad Rop.i. John IQ?C:::J Bcii.y cl Bclj ... Ci „ Coacsll ef the Borongb of W«»*rford, tctiap >M J)»ylo, irho holdo o cottcno and^maH carden ot ' n G3 tbo Flccil Aatbority will, tttb»ir MestSss, 15to' -If Pf^O- ¦ IupsttKl Slici Ttrur. Scti OiU, ICa Ci. „ Isl. ' A [^ P? O tho . yearly rent of £8. Tticca rents qrapsyoblo ' ; (ncjo« nEl!rt;'flp:d:ji:3 ] bald oa MONDAY, tbe 7'b HABCH Htxt.-p rOCiii ¦ 5S9 , (g)UAY5 M ^ liolf-yearly to vendor- \ ' ' '¦ A, to tba appdmseat ci » Prnftotaeot Etio CoU'Ctcr ' ; ¦ ' ' '!"¦ Tho lands cro ot Drlma anollty for nxaslnrc or FOl SELECTION cotil 8amnsr Atzizsi, 1633. Tbs pttses tpjetsltd- ' BE^TO !TL::5 Gronti frca Isf crt:2— i ' . tlllo{jo, lold out In onitabJy olcccl woU-fonc;il fill bo ' I ! ,:¦ 2:-; Ctid Clsrnplcaj .„ .- 7d. ee? fj tzi. bound to lod{j« tbe wbol« 6tBocBtcJ5j !J* ¦ floldo ; plentifully oappHsd with \7Qtcr, end Warrant beforo tbo Cni <3sj of cscb AidsW, bilisj; I ' i 7d. jh' ¦ :; Up!^JC;id Chi=?h=3 ... - „ „ woll oheltcrcd. Thcra a comrortablo, - - •• . ; .• ! o^1 ^ni! LATE I r' O.-.ti , lCi psrtrt trbisb, bo will sot ba eatltlad lo . rte^»« «sy. •; ontetsatlal Slctcd Bvrslllnj.hbKa, nnd ."d ...... lli, lTi F£aDdaga, and nlll also bs besnd to ester lato permanent, roomy, \rell;&rrancod Oat-oClcia. ' Gsh;ilil D:=r: SoWsat Sscsrity for ths daa pertemaacave? ¥j -; - Alco, a good Slatid Cottc™t> In yavd, suitable for dctie* ' . ' : ': • -i t!.? ; ' ' . ctsnerd cr loboarcr ; and d cood 1-baarcr'o cots -Apptlestissa cstalsj the aaeaai of pas^k-a* ¦ ¦ i ¦ : ' . ; ; jn . i t;jo clittnto on tho lends. : Itcro hao t:sa o rcry HDLLIT C; CO., fa; «Moh cash epplicaat will ba p'nssred to &s» - ' lirno cmonat . espcadea by TO=SCI on pir. L!iz-j ' cbsrQa tbe £ut!si, and tb» CSBM ef fcti «nr«t'£j-to • tha la:S few rrs==ii!uicsr, Cztla, C^d cri T:nj3 ' nanont lmprov^manta wlthta ycaro. atrehii'J, Jcis'e ]>„=;, Wf.rrfcd. ba tent la to tb« ooiertlgnftd btffita ll o'C.w^^a ¦ i. | i Tho estlro holding'la It^rcry cood eoadltlca, ' " gj ' tba laid 7ih e»y ef Mareb. ' j 3' ik B% tea^, WafeA^ ud uoll clrcnmctcnccd ca \ to rc:ds, Cro. Bent Df.Kl tib 2Uh day ef Febraary,1 CS3, . -¦ -; ,. ¦ ,. .¦ aid Taxes vrJll t» paid by rendor to lwt Qt0 '" c. ^J ALL OUT, D-2PAETUnirr3 ABE HOT7 FOLLY JAHE3 J. ffEELY, Town Cteif / ' ! ¦ , I. cad immcafctatBrccciios cis-botita^. . . ' : Toan dak*! OSca. W«tsif«d ... ¦ ¦ : For conditions of Sato cud further pirtlculcra DIOCKED nr I i I! ' -00 epply to J. T. EVAKO Bom,¦VcnSei'o Solicitor or tp ¦ , 2?ciatia5, SapcrluaigiB3, now B(^3 ; tho Auttlorc:r. : . LADZED' cad CmLDREITD . G-?, At cacao tlao Dnd pkeotbbfollo^Uj Fcyn Steak ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ i ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' you wtEt Patntlng, PftpertaoRteg^ 6^-pa. EABE1. Mi. cbd E2cata cill to disced of :— IF i i! i J Wrltlas. &Cn exesnted la 8npsrtsr Stylo at CATILE. UtlDERGLOTHl lie, 00R8ET3, . EZGO2Z3CY, : : Seasonable Prlssagto MICHAEL BLTlJil, C3, 12 Prlco uell-condltioacd 3 yc^ro o!3 Balloato J John-etrtct 8o.sare, Wttterford, wtoaa Peis^i tad ! : ' Is the Registered 1iue by whicu (outltcif). PARASOLS, UlfBRELLAS. V7cr'trraan:Mp era cntocillad. ¦ . 12 Do. do. Hclfc:c, c3c. 3 Piobbcd Stall-fed B«:ij. ¦ ¦ T7.an2BD 2 Dry Cono. . : ODB : '£3 COmiHTAEY ¦ ? 2 Cans, fornord in ' calf. • inTOJiI to scrJc ca ConnteJoa esAssst 6^^Ais ©EH TCafe&Ii• ¦o iS¦ &M©¦ ¦ Ji: Brawery ; touit bate good coaawtloa j ? ,U ¦ |; : . I Have; become so widely a id favourably known ¦ »sa?s5M,T eaiiiLi^.1, • -' : "! i '[. ¦' i ! • £ron let tTsrcb). . | •|; ' both at* homo ar d abroad. \ 65 Ho3Cot0> ln forncrd condition. AT PEE PAIE £35 PGEU COHPS7ZSZO?. ' ' ' ¦ : ' ' ' " ' ' ' 7Jd. , PHia, . !¦ • ! i ' . - . ' 2Paroly-brcd Bord:r-L3ic:otor Er.tas ' 1ST £20 Bank ef EsSUad Hots ; 2c4 Pria, ¦ ; ' IS A UAR VEL OF CUSAP1TES8. fitO Baak d Enckad Nots ; 8«J Prbs |. IWe lieep j them in threo difierei it qualities o!r mhsiancz3 and in 7 Tcsdica Sboop. . | : . , £& ZxsX HOItOES.- ¦' TE1E of Eccland Note. Tlww prte» wUl • be £«» I every size, and: wej make them to meaei ire afc same price ^3 ready-inado f:r £a away, u aa adTertUsataJ, t» ' eefcptgte^- ,TKM ' No. L Byj Uaro, by Qabm, ollntcd to Lord £;^ Cs!cfc:^:d ; tmarfaj- tha fcllowbz ioabltd lstttsi j ' j ones. .. We undertake to.rep lace a Shi:± that shrinMj vithin a ye^r by Oeorrrs. i ¦ "vW UL:;::-J fj C;TT ncc!iinc3. C A ¦ : ; Posy, yem : UUrca 1CJ B I 3TEEOBI;T O 8.B.B TTto m !A neT7 ones. 11: ' I ' n • - • ' - „ C Scrvicp^ts i cH, 1 teat tis cants ef Cms Wfll-faauraiSn Il-ilai. . . ,. D. Eiy Oolt, 4yciT3 c!d by r,atbt:Ui? £5*ad ¦ ¦ , , tha U lill W il' ta yocr aohtlca-ti enfcs, ' ¦ JllU . .j, cad w» »HUotea ¦ ©iT O if ' • : . ye* . I'©. I. • . | . • , | i i i ffiif fltaii esmct, and clTayta fall details «f tie CcaptUlistu „ 4. Cbcitnnt llorjii.jrcpaoW. If yon eaasot aclt» alt tirtsdaM uaay e» yc&iiia,ta ,, 5. Do. do., aa.ca pf»c. ¦' ' ¦ litra £r< tbrse prise* ' ¦• < ' " . ' ¦ i» cotaMto lor<^A#«S8 „ 0. Bay Filly, rl:!=? •! ypaw, by nathbrlfis. ^WiT¦ 3BF(E D0 GmiBMi DRAtZC i ' BTlEE? H 5 \ 9 ' i ;. , : „ 7. Uslt tatae t^?,;bj Gatiord. !¦ i . ' I 10 11. DAECOHCrEAlTD-DTCnE7. „ a Filly Foal, out 'of No] 1, by Viatorioo3. I ——^——' ^ ,, 9. Hay Filly (cob),, oat of fany narc, by "OnyJl : Brcjaltl" AflTertlscs&sris* -- . Bathlridc. ; j i ;J. to Ts£3t7-fo«« Worda «. », _ ., 10. BUot FUly (col>)l | THOP^IAS MDLLIKS begs announce that having purc!r..ccd tho CA. Per Each El»h* TVcrfs alter «, . «.' "'• M.' •• - „ IL Filly, 8 ycart oldj by Forctt Eiffle. ¦•• Aoetloas" „ 12. Bay Colt, onc-ana-8-h'alf jearo old. intorea t in tlie above well-known and old-catabliBhcd EG=0p3ning at 10, ligh-St, charged doahla. CO* Foar lncrtioa3CconseCTtlr»):¦ riTaafcr¦ ti r ¦ Two Souc with LlttC73, Two 8toro P/so, a quan- j concorn, formerly known cs Pdaa ci Thma. • '" . .. /"; • J$ JLfc)) InL c? JLKDJ H _M J ^SJ IO L tity of Poultry. t j ' ' ^ ' ; for Sale, A numborof Farming Implomenta. comprlalDg : 66 Po OrAL^iM OBEBHH0U8E JOfc i 7ft ; canlba —Carte, Cart end Plonrjb , Herein, ood covcral T ii?) P) ' , E:;3 tD c:si;=M to ths Public tbit hs bi3 O;^:d ink en dowo acd pot together agals ia c few iTV RT winr 'c ^n n"fnTiT' "w mr A iT .ir ^ l.tn-n«~( ¦ ¦- KIE'U' other ucolal lots, Lnrpo filohogariy Dlolnpt Tablo, tis o!d-c:Ub'I.!.»H H-nts, boor». Apply 6 UorUy T»rr»e», • ,. • ! JOHIJ AIT £s CO- wip have In otock c .urine LEITO :— with li3TC3 complote, &o.[ Alco, on c^ma day, Ira. IT I0HT BEABMA8.-A Uv privtwa Patk»« i ! mcdlctoly of tar cbovo, will ba lctfor thbesasoni— 3.o Emankomy ism — l HE HAS BE-OPENEDD THE PEEIIISES 0 JU ier talo. Hr«. Bowzss, Bsllla¦ tose¦ r, V7*JIT- FIND6N HADDOCKS. SHETLAND LINGLM., | ' • ¦ ¦ ¦ "¦ " • Absnt; 207 Acrca of thn prlma feodliifc londo of ^ tcrd. . - . . • ' •;.:?* KIPPERED HERRINGS, i NEWFOU POLAND COD Pt!:c3, in onltsblo diylflionb, well.j7atcrcd, &o , ' ! I ' ! with i II< btjida etUlnj WAIITED—An Exparleaeid Tootsy i: . BLOATERS ! for graslnft from day of cilo till lti Daccmbor, H*s tet !; . , |PICKLED FRUIT, 1£D3 ; end 3 Acres promialnf! Firtt-cr6p ilesdoa. TUB BEST DHINKS OP ALL VL WD3 : the Grpecry, V/ma tud 8clr!t J5asla««3 : ¦ , ! i • i\ i RED HERRINJ3SHERRINGS, ; ; ; COD SOUNDS Tho £^o'to ' eommenio ct ELDVEN ! o'clock Vcd munniD i $'j mjhm«z Aoclr Z, 0Sc« of th!» Paper. - V'if aaa with tho interest in - Sprlnijparb (in ths Farm c* WEIOEDYr SITUATION wanted ca lletosktepcr «rDiayaai2f Pincbb Calnon ia tinb ; Eiacsl-S-ciclca in MCDI Pinc^i C^rclicca ia . Ycrd c5 I?elaC3), ta follow iwlth tiio Cittloond , ronvnn, ALH3, AITD BUTE. tO £nt ehs3 tetter xaaia; eictlkat rtfcr=scs!* Apply tblj OlEce. . .. • . H ' j . j RHUBARB, APPLES, ORANGES, l&c. Shcspj HoK33 at TWO o'cldsk/cnd cab of Qraca w inch ho . claimo io Unnvallcd m Wctorford* \ WJ. ; rtant THIinE o' c\oth. . • Crca hb U=c^:;dj» c! tU» tcdn::3 ti especU 6 thirs MU8IC, ti» Laujnew ef \h» Happy. Tfe»

! ¦ ¦ Tcma era CoodltloM pf Salo. ceUbnted B <\ SOLD ¦ AT LOWEST MARKET HeSoditca. i i fi • RICES- Si 64 ; «c4Wa Scies OEOBGE W. WARREN, i ton 7a 6d—Blrgtfca—At8a »lWUM'a. M, Ukfe»d-¦ ao Gtoo!: ol GrocoKicn t7iU b3 ontiroly ITot7 cnd of tho3?£ac=5. C/rii^ Etrert, Wa^rfsri :• ¦ ' | Auctloh£:rcnav-:. J. ' MuLiinrs "buya for each in tho Bcafc rfcrlccic, ho io M59 £3^Bt,5 Wcitostird. TT EVEBETT & :i ' •S^j .QQfly9 ^Gte3fej fl l i' G3fl .i, 6iic:a-Dft.l iSsffiZ8spii ' V'¦ . . .. PBYE, Uaite*. rrtotot fcr : ; Ch:r:a3t3zn ;.Ur.Ecis ! in o pc:itica to givo - rduo difficult if net impc:ciblo, to bo bsrl oke\7hcrci JLJ ibeir Wtxford Brtnch »tboroagbly loart aed v . , complete ffrif eoaatar caad. Hlghftt'twtoaeaiatt njlIIE Bowd of Qqardiats ol tli fa Unloa aiU, te .:,.,. Ho . T7ichp ,tho ivo his Gooda.a .trie] in order to oecotary. B«ply with oupiea of totiawtiilt to U» . . : . ; Public- only.-; to g SMAVING-cd ; j llaeagltig Slreetor, S3 iL ItiotT, tho lisb UiiDJa, 1C08, coO3!i2sr pro- ondiiro b continurmc ' • : : . , QrattotMtrttt ftaWta. .-. pcrilo for supplying tba V/orinoaco (cirriafja frtc), q cf thoir cuctomi ' T EVBBBTT*ITBTa, Umbe4. rre«b«s.in ^ : :| ' ;! SiDttatgoaeota.. , i fo rerlode of Sis nod Tcolro Iloath? rcc-jciliolj, HGir°Dr8Ssing. JU GUI to kwp » pUits art et boo\tud «3J| ¦ tlliS : ;Artic!e3 e=adc:a«r(!. :I3 h;c-3bill«, whio, lo- 2?2: ' | i 8ba moit write a ce*t hand and bt'itrurt al figuea. TQ)UBSIJANT to a 3oi«mmt. ol.tbo CboBstry GREY Sjctncr V7ilb Fcsiaa ot Ttndcr, bay to hed en ¦ "¦ B«ply «ltb coplt»\cf tMtimoalaU co la iHAIRS ¦ . ¦ c rniHE PuHie arc requested to note that ths N«w to HuOl&j i&i it; DlvUion of the High Coott ot Jotti Are looted neon by moot pcoplo ta • pplleatioo ts ca. . '¦ ' ' ; .;. -r I cJ^^(DJ2«^.!ni2jI HBa. - ! JI DHAVIKG Al^D HAlB-DRESSLNG Director, S3, Oralton->»reet, l>oblin. ., r77T-*ri Ireland aai- in tbe aancr of tha Estat o of Jatnca Blgiis of old COT. There la no nccicslty Gtolfd propo clr, in cemfcinity with caaditloao SALOON Aoibor.y, jDecosccd,. lltry Anthnny, PIcibtiC, ' l , . | BAOATELpMSask l<* $al» t {a pwtest cit^, . for cnybody, to! c.-:po;» their Biptbcd 'P e Ccd io b^nibiil», nili bo ro civ 1 L BABGY, Clc:!: of Uoloa. . ' Quinncra ci Eiifcra Gtout only;! Eaca £5 Co. o Palo Ale, &c. to* Yeoag Maa with aboat MM*? In Jho Coooty of Wao*docca 81tvn TabU 8SboaJ tho Administratrix of tbp Dec 'vctd, tbeir Cbriithn Union ir'¥"ir /f\ i) /ji A r^5 : : IT Addr«»e»« ted Descriptions, tto full JL b;rcb/ IDT I IO Toodora for-ttj copply cf 'CO - ood Saroapc, ON S OT V/ha fc^3 tisa for many years Hairdresser B. WH^AITS, Je«eU«r, BanaMtta S^SsS , a Stet«oect of tn:lr T ' B-rT NCWPODT COAL, throfouNbd roucd 1 he.Eollp.et bis Chamber*, Fbar ^. U 0 33. ;.; ' TIPPSEAE^ i i be«a aUaia«4, acd with w>kh, M^¦ S tbe tftut»f of s • ¦" nwan¦ ; Couto, Dobllr, 00 tbo £Otb: day o! APHIL, lS98, ot lC3m£i3L3^r Tweed CJmoa , i ^qud. to ; eooipsu. .._._ , _ . '» _ 11 otlho Cfooi la tbs fors3ca3, ;b2lD3 tts tl>sb np- '^ - ,' :Frc;h Fish L ; .^ Od a tia mo GeaUtmta wtth thiDtwtaVarda.aa dta atW ¦ ¦ - Rclstcd let cdjndlcatios 00 tbtr claims. ¦ JL akisa tbs fleskiHIity et teh y ¦ - .; .1 . :• *&U***SS£i Dittd tbla24 h d»y o^ Fctro.ry, 1898. . : TO POBLip OliSJJ CONTBACTOB0. T Tdl tins •Uviair ft Inxory. Pite«*--Btt»k Haia%"»tWi I! I EDWAKD SALMOff, Cblsl oATa ^o a&ui _ .. OUODAT, Tho Bones end Blood of tho Pig3 nlaughtcrcd (200,000 yc1atl/) in tho Wntcrford Bacon Callars—¦ ' ' >! .J ICtb |day cf UARCU, 1J98, ist Tnelve o'Clsdi, CCOD , :¦ ' ¦; Eo>-cl Dakinj Ponder . •; ... 8d 1 T ADni8 , ot GOOD rosjnoN,''S£f:i«S4 l ' coocidcr Teadera for tho Cooairdctloa of • . !' Mcsra. Pchnyj Richardson, end Bcmcs—jform almost tholr catiio corcpositioa. ! lOO BarroU ct.feba 9jU for 8a!o ; gt^a 8aaitary I JU t-np f-Vr tf fctinli itrf aamrtakiiaiar* OVES , V7orto it tba WnrtboatS; llJppewry. compr)iiD(j 6d Urlud W> aMl ' frooj Paw Scotch: ' ' ' ' " d J8s y.for p*nfc-Ja ^.rf^^2rf \G S;tt«J-; ntll »cr«o '«rt' . ¦ .:¦ .Si&a Oranges ¦ : caeei \ \ i " ,^> lizi. Kj ^.i'i ? ptto lSi'if^iiii-titrcL-.v .For c!ch' Uclo; ood Brtoob Sencri dod, Drains, the BnlJdios rery proluW* tttfc »bfah a^yjW jSSBaay • : 1 ; Tho moot novinaiiont Porfclllrbra in tiio Haricot.—Annlydo Gunrantcccl ^ ¦ ^n'y.^ . • ' . r i ; i;. i , - : | , . ! of Sabltsry Anncsecs And elbcr corka incoODedlon ¦ ¦ aadettat*. If «».aatewa»i».i«amwj|Hta»a«ai>mj i " : : nltb itbe carrying out ot coopleto Sevraja Pora CfcCfco ... J Io 2d lb j p I WU. HIQQJifS, :K inotefSDH(:.•. Works ; Dksoltrf Booo »Sd BIcoil Coapsatd, XSX Sspcrpaespbatc leaa* fl.dmUed¦ UM Wtartia. •• , 1 OEJB AITD Ald 3PEpiisXliir TLy llp , ...Ik J.tm, 1 - ¦* *¦* *1- »M* tat i i ' '- I- - fanw a^Cio T-v! : !¦ • "" ¦:. -' ^ tt tbo W crkhouiOj .ecoordlrsito Plena &t>d Gp«c;fl- : Bptcla! Grata and Ooia ilantjr?,' . . i . . . , . ;1 - '' ; - i ;• \\tinu,,,- - : ITo. 1 Sopcrphcsphato, : P'Jhzl.prepared' by E. A-iHiotetr, E:q, U Ic;i., , Gpcelal Potato Unnnra, Ho. 2 6op£7pbojphat3, Flake Mca! (th&.^X ' . '23 4d at,' |. - -i ; FOB SAIOU. . '¦ ;;• ; ! O. E« ponotyflor»eypr for'OlooffleL , ; " ; CrisblUcaffold llaonro, i : Side Site Nitrate of Biio, ^ j . ; ct tbo ¦ ¦ ' Pitas end 6pcdlflcctlcai tnsjr fca^ t«6a Odea , flficlai Tnrnl? llanorc; ' Ealolt ' - ' ¦ ' ' ' ¦ '" , AQricalturtl Salt, l.c. Tjf ALffrpECKEb , Stflfci'-'J^-i^ i- Ccseta oa'.; . -ALSO . . : of tba nndcrj!jnfd'fcotoeM;tbe boat» of 10 «.m. and .Di 2Sft}b8m* 7It. BoISt1tJl8So. Faliy fcoba, 4 pja- en ordinary cQoa fiij*. T, ucsd»yj *xs*ptsd. ~ : ; "«"' ' . HENHV WHITE rails C3d«ll goir lo «ood tosd'tioo. Bold )a esc- , Scaled Tcadert, eadortoai"Tipponiry Workbocse WATTS & CO., BoaoaboD. . i • ; Fs DO^LE BBO3., New Hnrs. ': SCO , ,3sDitery Wcrt«," to ba lodjid with DO on pr before JAUE3 WHELAU, Stredbitty. : , C4 QUAY, WATEBFOBD, ¦ ] JOHN OUrJiirUO, Btllybas*. PASTU^ISTO . ^yt-rfkrtft ?-JoifDATi 'ba l .! j-i^rEBFORi), ;;, | ; Pfiitlis tcSaaJlotf olll ci rsaultcj ta cia e tca i : ! : of tetkVsssa 126,. -QtMuVj ; 0{ j^fw^j K|EL! - T^TEW Bear»e» tWon Wokfmm^l wpm *** Md MRwErJ ; ;^ 'Hnd8 ^^«s Coifoot Sarctles oiUlogtoj O ID with ibemin a Bjnd & ^OO., UiOmnlM rmHE'-(miy'»iabieHMi»e ^l1 fail bfol Jlfouwrs Mauufacttirerst Grain, Seech, and Forage Mercf taMs ; - wddenUMim'.Wto ^M^BMdeaw. of £500 for tbe das aba pcrfermanoo of tbo aoa EM* Oars (or Hlr*oa OaJJ*MWMj Xj work*, rfbtob f»m ba'prtp4r< a by tho Solicitor to;tbo i tb«$e*f4t »<*•*> , ! Head Offlcesr-3« JOHN'S t/i.JtE. lianuro Paotory—GRAOEDlEtl.¦ ^ Ma Wpw- ¦ GcirdluDtvtbe csst oi iani ta ba tiiU&j e&by tbe : j : ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ : Bobert Ttomj it Waaarta^Ui klni^PoWdlia wicy H^ - - ,- "i pe ¦ - ' : ¦ ¦ ^fo^ : ¦¦¦ ' ' "^ ¦ ' ' p^reoo who reay. deolai ;d, i • ^ATBKPOB 3D- . : ' Rts . . ; I &¦} i . : T : . . : 1 ! > cenira*tor. BUU of - :iOi» :GnhlA--. 6*itcfliii4"t«t:Ujl»1r:«* .tt» pre^nt ' : iopolitd by tba Eoglncor : 1 1 mortal of Cheapnesstad Quantities will ba oa the ' ' ' '" : - -' . :!44L' ffl ¦ j ' i¦ ; afcyli- e! H«Jrdt*tetog i?;«j t;rmi mentioned In ttb fa'pi slficatloa. ; . " I •; ¦. , i :¦, -¦ ¦ ; oHisow aroMiun. . ¦f ai^lioslei^n.a tuJAea'isn :• ¦ [ ¦ *? " By Order. " |I«^^ota»l>l^ INFIRMARY. ] ; M , j : JOSEPH GU8. I IKS, Clerk of ITnloD. AESTyAJj Ol\ ITBWFOUflpliAUD COD OS tli MiortapjirtfettptfacydiMad pads fatotay kmd ¦ ¦ CASiSlOK : ¦ y „ iClcri'i OQce, WktkhbJti Tipuf r«ry, ' . | ' : 1 ;;; '¦ '' ' ', V ' . ¦ : : QEASHJG A^ eum. . - - COUHTy.1 ft* JfAT^gfC BD.. . , j ,, ?Waiit6di < a Iistdy ;• ) • 15th Fetroiryl 18S! . , 3i8JEL :.!;;J: ; ! •fj iteWikMtoUlMHj^wA^^riffPMBalsiin Supcrl^toadontJ '" ' ' ' : '; ' OtDING » Tf««ia5ri;C5rtf^«ttf. ' ' • TO BB :-LBI ; ; Xi ti:W-Ti«ite ¦¦ " ' ¦ ' ' \ I // • ; ¦ ¦ • ¦¦• ¦ • - X*R| / tioffUa),Nanft >.;«ct>i M\lROK ' ;! ; • ¦:. -. , ¦[ ' . .. . ' oTtii X . !; . '. [ Faotr rim b*T* *o l«r FW»TJ *«T, 1899, , W4fe»ford Conoly «nd it%J nlrauiyi'JSttoy,£*, Wl^ ' fm ^ beg to- Mvlit tho ftrrival of tbo : ' rf^HE Thoroughbrtd^' '^ita ' ASSESSOR" f^»3ea in WE r|1HB GrulOj of my »«nm »j. B*Jj'tjB«b, ao« XTOTICE H Hato5BXLQiTIJK.il i' |i ' , "Mlnnlo J. Heckniw" with » cargo JL C*»slo!f-o«-B6fr,OOO UIB(B ii>oo» 80 Aora ^ 1^^ i»f|UJifen«r'¦-.! ^ 4 i; Y 'V;( 1 'H -"-"- ' vs'J vaV!:i68T,(H»BBrothl»r t,U «ar« of flnt-oltw fMtdlacqwalito »» r iApBeitkmvTfithCortifiatisitW'Trtlimonlaj,to bii dm« M»y D»j (thi dam of Sluy Bey) ; '' , '¦ : *' ' ¦ '¦ '! '' ' uime at modenM prices. : > . ' ' l«U Fei>. ^H. ;-:- : • ¦:• . - ¦: 36th Aiy or Uturaj. TUa . . . ; ?.: . . . : be Wot onorbefore A;iH > MARCH : sett. PJ ¦ hoa»' '*; « ock art Wghlj |tongsi tdA^MdtaJOHN TOBIN, E»q,Mut« s •¦-. - ' tHkt,- ' : . • ' - . . i ' : j . i ¦ 1 ; ¦;• : Porebintr wUt M »ilft«flty to it&* n Oop « : ¦ ; ¦ ; ' • i ! JAMES KEN? & SOK, • G»MBby the ! ^«ftof» t£e Mid lnfix ^try ; ^ ! ; iWe^dfa ,;. - '' - • ¦ -h:' .j ¦ ¦ ; ! - | rffl j " " ' . iS. -Fiabi B^^ Corlc i i TBOUAB BYiVN, 7, L«*» ' i¦ :- M ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ '• ' ; ' -I' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - ImAmmm^mm \r . • . :i:;iV: - I 9B^ ¦ - ¦ ¦ ; ; ¦ \- ¦ ' RFORD TOWN , _. _ . !a«ooiM»»i >45no»s. . ¦:; ;. . \ : ;¦ >¦; ! j fATiii COUNQI¦¦ '& ); - •have a right iodef;rid onr«i>lv»a here. - A dontof ip Mr M Qillnlan-How many t well while in tbs city, nod rowdlea JlKe tee pnaonor ¦! J The Finance and Uw Committeemode toilfoUowldg ; Mr McGratb—I 't but ever} man, I < •! ——o— - ! ' .; -H:i ' ;th4oity told oje the other day that ba trodld dine in don mind this j were hot to bo; allowed to Interfere with menwbo ^ wootsmendatidns ,whioh; were adopted wltbbtt dii- 'my Blioffbter-booio witboht objaatioD , and I say, is bound to QbeyUhe lawvand l vrould make ;wera bonjaotlnir tbo' Kood feeling I MPROVEMENTS IN THE ejwsiqn i-" That two the leaet mselv«s with «t: ; , THEATRE.; . n«* Hoiei b» obtalnidlfor ths 1 Will tell yonibii ' ' It was Or Tobin It bo obeyed in this case.: ' i *: . V I '! towards tbe civilmb population.- ' Field must go to ; .Town HaUf»fc A!,C©dt exoeedla« £lt lt)u Thit n»«? if yba like. : *' ":-rr' " ; -i-Tr-H" ' 1. '' -*o| (bear, bear tad liaghteir). ! ; , ' : Ms Quinlan.rwho apalri tntorrnpted, eald that jgapl for one mobtb wltb hard Ubaur. tetiem^ -i ' J 'f>^;5?f?r :?! HetttB-P Tohitf 4 Bon8'. t«id9» for Uniform.ff oVHI«ti . | ' Our ^iioiesai0liiny dwelling , ' ! ¦ ¦ ;: • , *r— . - • W^^ L ^W : ' *¦ * 1 : .Street Oommlftw retfommonded that Mr Mtehael that wars not thd ™*y- ^ i' :"'i* ¦ (:. ¦ I Oar bestUhankj j verr large wsj oefm^ -p tioi &W^ iMal&!8&>k1? • ' . -STIiONG OPPOSITlOHi BI ' CITJ ;i i \J $ * cue: the L?c»l Government Board : . ¦ ¦ :; ,. . (Beford ths Mayor and Mr Byrne.) . . aii tendered fox the ! r Ebnn'e t-mier foit'palaUes -.id-BUddit bs'jiibosptaa. would, pnforce.it i ^IcQalnlan—I rnnstroply to him, ' < • ' M %HKf iT i. ; VIOTUALLBBS. • ; • ;:;; ¦ ¦ [ r tbonj9?l*E3. ContlDUlDi? bo Bsid— 1 AESUUXTINO k POUCniAtt, erection of Four NEW, TEA arid MlrHOLESlIE HTNBTS WEtmE£&* :( i^! Approved of. [. y- . '. I]' 1 ' i Tho batoben, i The Major—Look hoar, you must respect tho v ' kt our-list meeting, said they ooold ¦ ' " ' ' ' " ' ?aa wATBB^OBia/bouitirrBB AKD MB FATBIOK i ¦ , " "> ' ;¦ ¦ • • . • * :' ¦ ' - : A man , named' CsJIaybsn nai chifged in coslody EXOHA2rGB.3TRpJET aud HIG&STREE *. i: .7. /, ; ¦ " ¦ ¦ . build ¦i.axhtar-hons'B chair. • . . j \ : , i : : ^v ^ ' ' ' : ", : ' ' ¦ r " • * ' ' JI : ¦ ' :' ,tl}eaj«i.-lvee, bal apparently, .^ IROLONGED DI8CUSSI0N ON, THE SUBJECT. 1 " ' KlllKT ' •II - " eo meaiarea h! ; Aid Bran—Tho 'deputation has got pormlMloh by Comtabla Dwyer oa two cba-gfB, tbo first for : ¦ u. -\ « ¦:' >:¦ 'i;Vcy* : ¦ : The above tv» Jba«ai JnitltuWd atnoa with tbat ' We.are no'vr imtiortfrig d i'j • • ^¦ • « *3' ¦ ' '¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : ' 'j j, . bomialttea [mada (he •follorrinirlroboni. being drank on tbo public street, sod th« lioond for irect • ^. I i' ! . . ¦ !: object ; Tbo qbeatlon to speak, but they must do BO In a proper mander. 1 inatt ¦ - ¦ oeaaiUoa tW TbtX'-Ut p. Kennj be p»ia,|je20 ;iten before as to-day ia to accept! ; issaoltiag tb(-oomplaloaat In ' the dltcbarga of Ports, Sieimes, Clarets, Brandies, Bom, ; Qfa and othw Pardgn 8pirit^,8ad lw . i ANOTHER POSTPONEMENT. • ;. , : nj>d« this tabder. or|' not j bat I ;wpold litp to pat the ' 1 Mr Quintan—Am I bdand to Blt and Ilctcn to in freo ^ °«toBMaM compBtfeatfoaifpr the removal nf . '¦ ' " bis duty. - Tbe Com'abli said tbat on Hjtauday he pleased to send to the ^Trad© our quotations for same irop03t.tho monthly, mefstlnE ioi j i tnQ ftrfght of way:fdr:tho Offloaw and Sanants (efithh to tha batahera whit tb^' altarimtlve Ii If something! ; Aid Eyan—Yoa. yon mnat listen to It; _ • ' ; . . !* : ; _ ,;. On Uo ' ia 1 't »bon ho spoke to th» litter bo d'clined to glfe his : ¦ ¦ ' Wntvetford Corporation waa held In the CduneU ,Oorporatloa tO eater ile tljid aa}omlnK the eVream at fs not i donr. The ult^rontlie tbat the next Snauj I Tho M»ydr—.You. moot te»p In order, ¦ I can ' > ' ' ¦ ¦ ' : ¦ ¦ ¦¦' j ^ ¦ ; ' f ' ••¦ ' • . nca» and addrvsa sbd uced Cfffosire lanana?#. Ha do? Tea 'Dopsrtmontj- , -' . - . < : ' ' - - ¦ ' f r' ' "^'j1 ?"j " "^' - - ¦-' - ' -• -* CltyiH&H; the ' RIsht- 'frortttpfal ! tbb gtnoor. « -holn? !mid«fi5opa- tb*t In (nss |t ! (ihooia larv Committee will direnv pMinfoutlona to be takfcp ' allow tho Council to be[interrupted,.;.. V ' ¦ , •: Chamber; ''Aid Uyun ^»id th.ct ha«t"« bp'iril |i4Urownoat that was.then lakea Into custody wb»roupoa be retimed : Is conanijted under ! the most cartful' . ta&adgemcat. . XhJiy.-tprchw^^.Teas ,in;th^"; Mayor, Mr H KNRY ; GBAINGEB, prcaidlog. There oat jaKaiD't aU jthe meoibrra of tho uade Jo clo3u np, 1 : nA*e, oot ol thi «tr«»in, th»t Mr Kenny thoald 1 ' the btttohvra BITO prepared.to bnild »bittojr« for them- ( »joloDlly, eadeatouf^d toi break aiVoa'., »nd foaod tJrede.' A» ¦ ' : ' «2 ' r ¦ ¦ ¦ every «lftU K bt>r-hiaae lp tbb city, , At profent yonj 1 market are bought by b. Sa&ples of dor- 8t0k arc Bent post fre? to thfl wo^ viero also present :— ' •- ' ± . 1 i ¦ •;¦ ¦ • ' : ' ¦ : ¦ t-iat * aijnlnat tbo prisoner for' Ovx Stoct of iWhislriea . . | ; - ! • > - . -- . Rlbhard Power, JP,; 'John filggioo. • r / ': Mr H%rty tut to oddr^a the tncetin?; -bpt "on Via it wo» ooly to lait iaotilan- abtttolr was bollt. i to provont inoh a thinir taking plaoa he Wonld embody ; Thoir wonbipi fined bib 2a 64 for being urbnk, , v It caqQot QoatlDQS »(t»nRfJa. I» one of the largest "We ly »ria so can I Councillors—MortjtlB H R Delkadro, George A iown C31erk pototbig-on»;to him flirt the motion had so \l yoa »re Rring to; in bio redolotion thittho Tonn Clark proStonto. every and £1 for assaulting thb Constable whllo In tha ;held In the South. Bond a large enpp each year,r .James A Powejf, B Jioft best* «eeonded:he • ; : '! buljd. s|aujrht«^-boa6os oaUide Ibo town, wby. not ' on« of them noor and obtain an order to eloae np their ¦ Clampett, Henry L Ward, , Pienpsd li« so»t. . | • oseoutioo of bia duty. . ¦ . ' . • ' at all times {supply our Customera: with a Sp&it if ally ' matured.!7 We qubtfl the Trndo for ,1 John HearnS. A ¦:-41a Smith then »ald it ' afforded Urn mnoh pldsenra a laimeaee it at oDoi. i '.Or if yoa Qod a pl&co nltbJn sldoghtor-homei, tba order not io ba pot Ja exeontiou ia (by Jiorrlsssy, William Fltzpitrick : AS OLD onrensse . same in wood, by tha'Hlid. or QuarterJOask,^p pottle ^x» Case). BampU».|rea , 3; , Rlphard Goqgtt, A » eooond the retolntloD, «n'd In doing «a »»id that the the Borbbgb, onabaodred f>ot awoj from all human ; ontii: tbreo months were over. ; By tho :ood of that FnrloDir. ThomoilQuinn 1 * Bridget Brten was ohnr^ed wltb bslog drnok tbe James! H McGrath, A WBmittoeb»a gone:into;the m»lt»r very foil/, with babjtation, it will ba equally .M Rood, for fboa yoni .tlao thoy wonld sea who w«a in batnest *moBgat them cWan ,: High Sheriff j "jlj tanoeot ; nreviout day in' Miobae]>stroat, Sergeant tlaloca Culllnsne, D 52* their en»£neer, the Town ClerTi dnd will, b6 ;oomplylop; wltb ihei Byo-Uw*., Tbat U and who ws« 4esironslof ; earrylDij.oot theli pronjIsfBi RUTOH. Edward Phelan, WUHnm . the TroaonMr. : .a Tbo Corporation would havo. no objaofloa either .to atated tbat t bore'ward 91 previous convict ion a tjalnit ULLf'SJET01IT ^d.BMi^ John J Hatty, wad; HtrTy Th> qaatliqn etood Iq tU» w»y ( i A qaoktloq for Yourselves, : £nt we have 00 oth er sl^:W^^te. Hylond, J ohn. Cnrran, . >tf ot itnff tras thrown ODJ of the «tream whtoh tirat ohango the site of tbe proposed abattoir If It nras so tbla woman, who vu of bad character, end tbat no ojarse opon topi but to carry ont - ' ' ¦ ¦' ' "¦ ' '¦ ' ¦ Thb p.irti(mlar attontioj a of Cbtmtry Traders ; tn^prlnoipal feedcrof tne reservoir ' oa to Ur:Kenn5'« thCM rcijalatloOf. AriHArnA I 7t ! . i . fonor thin nloo C3«luit hit ; ' U aadoa't do lt yoa. will fall ¦ records bcro plicid : la called tho fact that'gQOd? ere, ds¦lircrcd frco ia all tibtricta Ja which ess naaKoaa iSr Jj i?eal y/ Town clorii- Mr P fcent/Boronfjli land; ltd thu o&osed tho baoknater to flaw Ion to bW Into thb bsnda of tko Ur Hshcr tcoonded the enj?_n^lment, and oald he wai BOW ' fo ' " " " ¦ : ninjo Trfthib twelvd caciths. Ths Bcrfoh . ¦¦ SII. :. ' ¦ ' • " • MJ Fleming, BbroushSurvoyor, iTold .' Mr Kenny then with: his ocn horeos and wori- ioeal Go»ernoon» B)ard, -nbo wea't ba co- toxtatra sutured by tha largo bntoban "that they wbal d •llbw \ i : WS^C ; ,j- , ' . ;,. ,.. . ; . : , • Trcaanrar!; Mr ^ ebntaocsd her to'pty 0 fits of 40J, Ci In d;fiali cqa ¦ _ PatricldHlriltlao \rore, in atttsiisica. !j •> ia«n joirtsd awajr tha otnS, and »ha ! Oomnitteo oon-: to cbnyonlone3 jfou. They nill compcl.ae, and oom- tho emailaembora of the trafla Vo nca th^lr abattoir; ": ¦Ons ' ; ; ' ; " ' ¦ ¦ ¦ end Mr ' •• ¦ J ]¦ ¦; ¦ ¦ eldered : pal ;yaa obey, ,, , boatb's impriooauioat. |' i f Ebafisd'KoSfb'- ' i ¦";. ' " , • ' ¦ . - >V*' • ¦ • ; J ' TIIE •PASUENTSJ • : * • that £10 vas no more than aafflolebc.to pay , to tbe Ian cad that law Is, that we Ur CacTojaa aatd it wafl bard to pl^» everybody, "' ¦ ¦ ' . , . . . .. Uo for chit h. bad done. Then. - then was another: aro bound (0 op All Bleoghie; opd eo he would pleas* himself In &HX dlaonEsipn ; . , ArtoTUFs. • : . i On tho motion of Mr McGrathJ ccecaflcd brllr clb'O houoos tbat tiro ¦ ! Anno Burns bslnr; drepk U Av& h£ W&sif eid B6v> Va ults. Dublin ! ito Trero pac3ed qcution. Mr Kenny, if;ho oboie, o»al d prevent the! sot oca hundred feet away from tbo (launhtor). In tho Qrst plasa bo .trouia ttto nabron- was oborgcii with HjL Word, tho monthly j payme ; dnellidg-houct. ' ¦Colbeok-itreet on Hondey." Cacclablo 'Caapiea ¦; payment. 0 ,tbe egffloeer or , tha Corporation employes from entering Aid Hiculos oskea the . Connoll to tako'loto con- boatiflt? ftomitba botchsra or any depatatlon, tod In , j : SmM wg Mamus, DubUn. ,; ;• .:. and cheques signed. tot\ , fct ?? hu l.nd for tho pirpojo of doing anyibiac et tbls tha ecsoud place * be woold rcipof 0 t!)«B9 alaaghtcr^ proved tbo ciae. Thorp wpro olght prevtsni con- adopted; "howover, I - ;; |! atderation.tbtt jtab iTawa Clctk had recai»ed some ' ;¦ ' motion v»ns r Dtrjsam whlob, sa >he liad istated, was the principal bobecs from the narrow l»nos ami (trecti of tha oltyj .TioHons egsinit tho defandsnt, tho' bet fcdofl ODD C2 > ! Coffee Eo¦ ¦ uzo Lane, Waterfor ^ '-- ) ': . . asked what waa tho cxpanco! in- CpurpB of anpply to tbe.retarn.if. ' letters f^oo tbajbotpberi, oxprcMingi tboir willing. for t)Ot,bl loasint ao^tho Btlaklns atmda- ' -Fc : - ,:¦ - :¦ ' • " ' ¦; - • Mr Furlong 1 , Therefore the Com- w ltb-;- qii was lo nop ;1.4 days for a similar eff^nc?. Sbo wai oow isnt to Bti^7 M Ctqrcp .— . - ; .. .\ . • puttlDg down three ptono plllaro . ot; mittea thought that Imtead' of leivlnc Mr tonny to nes» to oompl)|\ . aoytbfo(; that they wanted phoro of nhioh miny ot.tliaq .were thoj^.3So. . ¦ , . I ' ' ' curred in an them to do. Tbe bntoberi Kaol for a ajoelb tu default of psyioi; 0 Qae of lOi ' sinis' Lano and temov.Injr, them agaln._ _ p- nlaim oompenattion^Rverv Ciena obstraoilon look woold build oon cluugb- Altar prolonged diaqnuloa tb'o motaa for adjonrn- end ojntn. ^akcho^ico 'Lan^ Exchange-iStreet ^^-Sigh^treett Waterford troald be batte to -GB.IUM tbe 1 lor-honaea If It noaemary. j Clerk said "he hod-bo Idea, ol jffljat p/^oelt r perpetn;*! right "ero mont -DM pat and cirriod, thoro ! WIoW only, a Ion ¦ The 'Town ' ; ¦ Aid ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' * : ' ' . ! • 1 ' : , DCgpCTijE. ' cotlt riould lje ;' but le supposed It tfould iaot gentry for .nothey^lO, atk\a)} £20 la aU. ! i, . Ejan—Wbo e.aU ibat \ . - dlnoentlonts. \ . , • A prlvats the ;'Mr;Hcrty a»td hi d. noj; to tho anocnt AH Hi The Uayor (tddreAIiia; Alderman Nolbon)—Do JOB balongioc -to tbo lot Bvttalloa of the : . 'd obfaot bomS gijina-4SttiJPlynn soys bo nill ; end llr ¦' ¦¦ • * 13 h Royal natlre cf ' ¦ paid, bnt he wonld Ilkq to sii the Surveyor how maoh LarfclD glio. So" demsnH a poll ? . ' \\ , -, Irisb-namcd Joan Qalnlaa—a Mr Furlong—The reason I ask la that they wero ii I tblnk it wonld not ba fair to ' w tlarford—was ;:-J9HN; «6aff was thrown 6a. the b»nk, and how lont^ took Aid Noleoa—Oh. I don't o»M a button- oborgtd by Ooomable Wcitman EELEY 1 SOE , raab tbtt abattoir. It will __ _ . they were tabjon coat ^32,000 aod maoh put dawn and ia n west or Co 1&?Kenaj 't horgea«nd norknion to remove {if;. !! . ' ¦ lit Qnlolon aatd th» Corppratloa would with beluj r ¦ deoortor _ hlo rexlmont The l more bosidoj, tir oQoiaJ . InapsjliO'i, co nby choald ho hopad ; , frbm . , >vf i Fleming repliod. that there trere hnndreds of ourry out:tho reiralationa in oonneo-lon wl'h 'oma of aocaccd «aid tbat be rrns r.baent for .' ooly two days, ^ throe pillars were wo tbrpw, that burden, on the ratepayers if tbe The Mayor explained tbat tbna—probably 500 toaa of mod and saDd thrortn on tho baeon factories and loo's,to tbe Wd feet limit.' i cad bad intended 1 tbat oljot. the lono, but It buto-ora.,will build Jlaucbtar-hoosea•¦ themseUis . to leave for Limerick pulldown at the jWateraide end of Ur Kenny/a Undi bafbo ooold not eay what lanjrth of ' Tho Qeotlns ebortly af'cr.w»rds 5 sbuchter-houscb, with tha problem, f' .What chall I glve thopato , . ' eontr¦ ay I think it naa oi lniacr ¦ and boy? there tr&re condof theca plllifa thora ot core than anjthlnu alio. ' : "¦ \ ' ' ! | , ! co I flat agoio. itby should yon rash this abattoir, eat/' Chlldron do not require heavy todi iieo ; Ex-Di»ialc2al Oopal^taacr.). Mt Kenny—It woa and hatnpsr an important trade liko tbo vlctcailicj; ndnlta yet they need variety, ead lf tho nothor ¦¦ only Emvel and otoncs. ]\\ I , . * : rBanqnr Oinitt nip.ma " aooo oaca." cald , 1b vraa lllcsw to. clo"3 op n Mr Tlealn? aafd It naa caseatlal they ehcald havo trade of this city, i I' ohoold, alio f ay tbat if tb> has a ehrovrd head,.and ,P9rhap>»'Iittlb know- : Elr Parlonc oUs to go " • There woro thrcp priioncfa In tbs dock tbla osro- : '¦ ' thoron^bfere ^ifctio'it: pWlng montna' - notieo. tto r1Cbt oi way thronijh Mr Konbj'a land. ' : j , 1 ' butchers j nero^ooapdfed Into a public obit- ledrjo ot pbyololosy, why, tho children Ret Chivoro* ITiys-j. ^Mfflasagd Ci^t-^tiwi !"&b'OEtid' - " 1 l Ic-j, tho bnt.known of thep -:S^siirlisLS - " Th!e iIrj'i:)- cp!ath4l tbe!moaC Jidlclpca cotafcij V ™r H»r J—I have no obieotlon , bnt I think a'legal telr tbat It coaM laVerfere with their latarexa, J0UI03 nmonjj other cnpetlalbg Itblnns. Jplly is bcio;; Franoey Coblli. . plh'ora so a3 to 6.vbld tho posh!. dppnmont ahonld b» prepared nb!ol> would bind ' Mr they wopld all'havo to slaughter together, and tbi>y rofrcahlng, cooling yet | nourishing. . Tho who lor oomotimo "before if bo oasriotratea entered was to remove tho Kenny : oi>4 1 tbo b cJl vrho follov our 'advico. ;gettlng hate Mid running tho bandaadtdotlnthii caittar. j ' ; don't riant this. They don't naut their bcjtneoi dolleata golden hue of tho lemon, the rlah yellow i court k»pt tho audlf :c3 omcldo thn birrlcr la Tr/iU^ ijPi'i 7 . - For 24 years vo hsvo bllity of people -.' Major—That hco been done. . ¦ rosra of Uu^htcr tilth bia SA " ' Corporation into a law-ouit. j ! : . !i j ennnnntrntrfl. ! of tho oraogo, the allurinirediof tbe raspberry "fjosd on-»." Franoey V nUjjJ catered cucce^full for the PubKcr "Evo^Articlo t73 : ; Mr Cullinane ia):ed , lf llr Kenny erer c°i |coni- ' fonc cotaio acdseatimoctallditty a, produnfid tho tlo J% ¦ . Th» nrMtnr then dropped. I peneatlon on almllar Aid Nelipn—That'll tbo coro polo>. | and otraubarrv of Chlvers": Jellleor do. look 00 ' ^ irroond» before¦ ¦ ¦ , aad ifeoto rtbat wbbtle, bis; fcjoarite matlcal IcrSraaect bat w»a j coll; i3 the bsafc of id Hnd. W7© hold tn&t ycu ' esD i l THE ti-IB UB i BQDifOND. c,monnt. :¦ ¦•: ¦ • ¦ " i Aid Hi«!n«—Yea, I ndmlt tbat tbat la tbo crux pi dainty and oppotlslntj when turned out or a pretuy ¦ L i | - i | ncS alloncd to ' tho /ollonlnj; letter ton ' tba r?bole cUuBtloa. Tnere DO moald. Thoy cro a foast tb thojr.eyo* as woU &s play it. Add«B;ln;j o batly cocat»blO, roiy upoa gotting from; ua Q : TJik Town Clerk reid . M»jor-^-I balleva ho Rot toma compaoa»tion tirci> or la n:a In concsaliot; /Who naa ctandlng First-Gka Article en Cheap (often Chccp e?) tlr UJP R^dmondJ TO:— ; ; i fouryesra affo, but -whataror tho anoont waa it pamo it, bo I mnvn tbat tbio wodor bo not ccoepxd, and b crctiacatlon to the palnto, ChlldrenJllte Chlvera'. fiord by, tbn reaorcned oao did— than you c^n get Third or O'Conndl-atwct, W»*erfnr4. Fots. 28th, t:3. pobliely before that no : thoT^-putIt to " Do you know whot I would llbo now, dr ?" Tab a Fourth rato jjudity from oifchor psoplo, Qnd b? : I w the OjrporntioD, and jon m»y baleura abattoir ba built. Let the butchers bavo a fellies -tboro io no daubtf obor^ti th> r DBA i:a FrsrT—iUori me to arprea ny deep gratitude ho bily reo°ived ,' on lotorrosatloa failed to ollotiioroply. Well,' :con- giving •ozrsw 4cd tbroaghj nhaf he rcai ontitiad to (hear hear). chanco ib! ebmply with tbo law, and 'hoy oan do tl Tote , where they have beanne sd, and you will eo. " ua c trial, you vril! bo convincsd of thio. , to «5 for Tocr pemtaal tsurcu ona of l It le aboard tbat T7o , oh;nl memfcrK 61 thi Corpora'Ion for thsCr. cwat «rm- i obliged to Injure tboooelves, as t find that tho " ' .i : i . .-: . o^mrfatter»a. Ur nolter n=Jtb« other' thoa refooa to oomponnaW him. ' ji) I catrmlt tbiq publla abattoir , Chlvora'' Jelllca aro flaroarc d with dellcloaa rlpa of brandy—ar a kcttlcfat If 70U ooald cat It, Htllo JShirU thBdiath ' . Jfr Cnllinaoa ' would do. Ho aovci r^ fimUr f^ Ido.'decj)T gwi«-nl f» tfcs , then o ntended that if Mr Kenoy ooa tbot the In ideillghtfoily clean mo raao," Upoa tho anrlvcl of tho Juetlrca, Cihill BeSofiiof entitled.to ' recommendation bo not adopted. ] -\ fralt julcoo, and prepared" oompensniop tho other occupiers hivloj ' Mr J«mo3 Po^er Mid bo Bllvcr linbd pane and bandied with silver-lined enaouraged, amidst oncli ' morrimenr, tho otber .'Jabd »djofafng ths atrcatn wees alas eatUlcd to 'clttm. bad great pleasure ia , »»•« . v ¦ ' cpcondlop the nmoadment Isdles, AU Grocers and Stores sell Chlvoro' Jollka trcmbnn;; ccaopanto of tho par; " to ke:p op tbeir ss?^rs«. f^r ^-^ii^ Ha «7«a one of tb9m< ]. ' : . .! |;, ! , as bo nes dfciroar cf hri»la." . ¦ i : ^' . Th» Mayor—I maintain you are not. If yon havo a having tbe mattor more fully and favourably ooa-l In Packets. H«lf.pln.ts, 2Jd ; Plnta, 44d.;'Qaarto, A Power moved^ , Cud fiir AS Furjon3 ; OnOTBTJ " lErJoEOJ claim for oompensktioh sand 3t in COQ- bldecod on behalf of ibe vletaalling trade 8d. And yon can have a free eample, «n-oppllca- OCT. : Oiff Dnd it wiU b ,of Watrr p i- ' fir® - lcttcrjJbo ln«ertcd"on .IMMi ' the fore ! fea. Ddea, ttat col?,T : The flrct OBO ' ROca ¦ ciietoi (hear, be»r). , | ! ' .. ;=^ |Tord. In dolog to bo nlibcd to dran attention ilou by poat (a post |card vfill'd?!to S Cbivcrs called we: ono Io bhloh a wonaa : ' ininntea. ¦ ¦ J i »< caaqd nc.J5ZJXI7G. S2IJD i - - iaS& GECU the I , I ' '• Mr Cado^ar , a> a membor of the CommittcO| 'C2id ho tho real question wblob tboy had to decide, namol and Soiia'iFroit Farm,'Hlqton, CcT^'dije. Cotbcrine Green CM pro:;oattd by Cosstablo KT ' T^UL ^D S uoanlmausly. i ' j White fjr ol at pidaed j waa preaontat the tneotlnj whloh eoat up tbe rocom- thc ndoptlon or rejection of a oohemofor tbe orootion boin^ Ruiliy rlptonu bihavioor John i ! THE THEATBB HO?&3(. : moodatloo. Mr Kend atrcct ca j y attendBd elionnd ho prdnjUod of a public) abattoir. He wished to point oat, in the Saturday night by bins obuclve lannaago ~~Ci -ck. Montis c? Dhcouni, to thViYcluo of folly Sixpracs ' gira with, ezii Town ClerK read the|followlng s— to do everything poeaibl e to fttdliUts tbe Cprpbntion. Appeal to 'U'aterforcfa Hea in tot7G»de another ' • : ¦ P A ^£TE- , The &«it Instance, that II this oxpencivu norb were ¦ '¦ ' ¦ foaalo. . Chci given wltb too end thtt ell azj UIOiskiiJEa-I hare cot ii »traction» (torn tho Thestra Thb WH3 a matter yhtoh <7aa mow going to bo sottled ¦j ' "¦ ¦"¦ ' ' ' ' /5™ Z? ^ ; Pountb cpTraxdajto cajoy tho bora tho _ f " ;-^,rf to !?on < a U» condlHto of tho thatn. : carried oat and tbe ' "Dublin. : •¦; Ut . Bourio—T7c!l, .c^'ca, ulnt litivo yea pot to , ^ bj cny !Sr flnoHy, and Mr Ki'nny TOJ to bo cohnd to c;i {j bo batoherfl of thq clty refused to : j ;^ cay?' , CuCrra. Th:^j Cbcclp cin ozchan^cd at of our 5Jrteehe3 fo? o:cfrj honriold - • in lh« Xhiitre 13 scenes bojldfis I no aropbe gaene.; ' atiliaeit ppdoubtedl j crtlclza. Thir»i M*« »U nd tho caniaa would oot worth farther okim. If t^at irore not the caeo bs i(Mr y It wonld bonbme an additional j T O TITC BDiTOB or.Tan t7&TEti?6ED irewu. j ao Co do ¦riT^ faded I Cadb^to) trnuid not havo to and unwelcome bonjon 00 tbo Defoai3»nt—This ^rocta oc-agcJ a day's In,'*dditioa to.the «bo«o tbere «• doom agreed thareesmmeodailon. raUpaycro. A tea ! DEAR SIE ,—I have been ' reading £3 tccount lately ' Sntln J?n«s >Jn. Aa a matter of faot days before wptt ana I toci two f{lac::3 c? t:cr. flba tc!d ca ¦ S^fcSf. w£todto^mplotert.^olpnot. on ft. ita h _ the otreaa referred to torred the bo vialtsd tbe cito on which U nas in ths Irii\ Daily IrHependent iof a 'Watcrford Men's ¦ ¦ ¦ • .trcxtatal wortw end flttiDgi wjnt to bj adjoining land for nhat <7aa bo|r before waa oervicdblo proposed to ereot tbla abattoir, to walk out, arid I raid to her I wonld net po oat COAP | ... • - ! - Thi following floor and 1 and.woa tbca much Assqciation bi|n]» established in 'London. " Well t ...... - , • •;.. c - ... i ld. p:? Ib. draslit OBce, n«nicli-To ttroDsthsn tha »taa» norr. Onefartnoroimo up and laid—"Oh, it W not tarprised at the information onlil I (jtt uniohed. £ dld't tblnt: sbo wa3 m>lo;j to Tratilito -,Boder ! tho etiisb }. new hol»tl'.ff supplied to him by tbe hhvei b;;n bom in. Watcrford though'; residing ia | (lid. 1 Crov/a UJd., c/ Sib. tola ' S .- «£ Snor . fair; I My land will bo Injured." Ho (Mr Cado^an ) ! ohovo rao ont. If I CM , caphattcally za&zi tbo , , 7d.) i ¦ Borough Surveyor, who told bla that theio nonld Dublin for ovet thirty years psd dtirhg tlut tlse 't ¦ to »lte» n«Urii34 E«» pipex ^TLe Ja«l lt«M I caa; said to; tin—;' How teill it ha ialnroa r 1 Io it T>T ociupca, I w6old not cllaw tcj cpupLuz , ...... ; - ecek, 'i-^ j be ao oopnrato accommodation for kllliDgj, or for have! met with few men hailing from to ciovo¦ no oat \ ... ^ : ...... c& txahi^ dr, m5Kjfa=4 lie/ will «rt'£SO. 1 I am oii^bla tAtzcsinfto droliintj your land rjhan yon iTonldn't drain itypur- my native (Itagbtar), ; - ' " ]] ' different traders who might bring; their ciltlo to tho though Into of inion tbst-there iiATOailJ i ... : ...... ' cat* the cost cfKjinerr, bnt I would «aggC3c::-J v?c3 qulci, bat JJD.II Mc-;Kent said tbatj f £872 ': , ThaJ^ayor out of tniJ a few, porbap?, did Dot kill at ill (Ica^hter). Boaits their b:iaj no party spirit attached to thm ; therefore, ... EI CL •> to the:cKp^ejpto 6s' M, and tho espandi- deelaredjboth or4cr, pcVtbo —recorded ngalnct thoo!7oodi;«, oho did not appear. (All other kinds equally Cheap). • ' Bamo' parioa wta i82^7a 3d, leaving motion, Tihloh ma patted, 'he (jontlemon named fa ocotrlon'lly died a natnri) death (lausbtor). At tbat they do not intenore with any rraliond movement ; ¦ - l ture lor the i ti* ¦OvU; tho A paailty of 5s ana doiEa:«ao laposcS. Grov:ric:' ¦ ¦ ' s profit fcf Je243'193 2d, or an averaae of do» last paJosraph helan the onW dl«aonf[oats, '! j abattoir naa dlreo^ly levellod, the removal which has for its object tba amelioratipa of cmtpcopld of r.H; Iiincb ! Ettit Qnality t < ,; Ilsi7 FiICC3 t 0 net ¦ TBB PCOPO ED of KJhic b caoh; signstorj' at large. If came "Water Ulcbael Hartroy, wbo appesred ia coatody, waa / year. , _ "/ ¦ _• i - \ ' ' • ' , . ' 8 ABATTOIB; ; i W. : of tha m.oaorUl csgorly prominent fbrd men-rctidin£: unoni £C0 a .. . Ths Sanitary Committee cent In eoaght and would approve here, for Instance Mr.M Manning or Mr charged by Head Conatoblo .'Witabbro o with beloj Alderman Kyon|tnen tanea wiuj wtm wu tj-i tbo follooja.T ro- , of, The ovilp, bo was J W PawerJ oommondationa 1—" Thot i!r JP Costtn's tender!for happy to aa;, would call a meeting of the Waterfatd'm' Intoxicated et Lady Lano thoprovlononl ht. Tcoro caiptfl ieince the Utj of September lost. ; . i | nero few and far betwcoo , and could eti redding in! ^ Our IJn:iic:3. hzz b::a c:tablijL;d ' eraotion of Abattoir,' lot £1,700, b» nccaptod. '(Thai bs rescbed by " tbo taw ob Dublin v/Lca tbe matter could ' be folly ditenssed, 1 wcro . 12 ooavlotlooa agafaot; tha ptisono?, who in f6r z quartci' of a Ccatury. . T7o era uoi " Hero to-t!r7 cr.3 Mr Kent replied that oinca the dtto tcantioned, Uceari Alexander ' qulto aoothivo a ooe as west in gaol, • j . tw id A ^omeat that! doiomettiio^ SceXj) informed them that action had been postponed j . , llr Bonrko—Thera wea oa erdor taado tbtt proposed. : Tbete waa jo6t one more (jaestion ! ' ¦ ' ' ¦ " ' hero by ths ¦bejome very shabb tbB scenery uru jiil»pida)«d, to tho present dectin^, and &&bdcg them meantlcs t BISCHACOED. , It l33 y, ' Io ohlch ho aoibtrates tbat 00 time Ii to be civca. letely norti oui whlloChs polleya tnd for information as to wbcthor in tbe event of tbo won|d direct tho attention of tbo OharltU Eee2a was eumraoned \{pr flranbearic:3. imd: Jjlmat ccmp i- And Coaricll. Of cou'ee, it mtut bs admitted .. OAQLI, TLLIC LIM. otbee ^eir J-cqnircditettJCTal cionsider.na the Corporation deddicj not to; proceed with the abat- that tbo It boiaff too defoatjonti Cot dolic^ascby bo acj let ' sigodtorlci mutt bi blamed for mt * '¦ Pfoooia Cablll oaa obarged by 8cr£;c-iot Colo wish opportunities which the Theatta afforded to tha people toir wonld they - tay| in what \ time they would , comiaj; beforo 62 wltb a caution. ' | ' . ' ' end tbe bommitteO ¦;¦¦ *^, ¦ boinu mt"Xlc3to1 tbat morak j Io IJfcluel ctrcot. ' nd. 'mioy.aplesiont¦eyeajnff .thoy; undrjtoke to erect elanghtcrhad bouses for their Ibprn nf tbo Corporation whilo the proposal : •/¦ IHErSIWE3,|r ,j-:- , \~-- ' • of Vltiekoid . to iw where. only for eq abattoir claute. ia tha now bill was ! tlr Bourto—Yoa ore r^hopclssa ca«e. thoalil 00J fcdtate to eptsd the east reconmeaded Cid ^arp^Jes ! He received ' tbrco under Tbonci Power, o^ainot rho'r| noro rcco'jJed ' ' ' ' ¦¦"' ¦ ooniiderotioo. Ia fact tber nere Prlcanor—I w»a never licre heforoin my lffo (lond p?opiKali ; , ¦} ¦// ¦} . ' - ; repUca which he.rcad ca follora :-. i| |.- . . very rnnbb to blamo pioviouq coovlotlono, wos o«Hed 03 to pay a^crbnn to tabpS th^ . ;; becaqcs be! o a ehsnee. I ; . cxiitiblo for tlib abovo Ccacon :— . . . • mada .eyeral «Bgge^iles»-.*s! to what they; , hocrerer, ba (Mr Power) now oa<7 tbat thcro '' Ooaplainant—He nss, sir, , , . 1 . c' and ^hiy If that will not do I can taild 'dna cizty feet or tccro conic bo no bsonfit to . llr Donrbn—Wbca was bo bero ln;J f to lo mtrelii;s?—I ba»a a severe deco blioebld csaddwed taay from any bc^o. I don't cant ca abattoir. trade In particular, aad be thought ¦ * Pic^b- 3cTcC3aStIalooc—Obtho lst, of lcstDoath Pcs-'h" to rcaiiin o dead tt4r. la hW tbo httcr ebbnld tcr.) .. ¦ tut: tier bere ellowtd ; le, ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ' ' . :.; - . • . . i " ¦ Yonraj tmly, \ [- . . . '¦ 'n - be genercaaly oQaildered io tbis matter. tcr). , I 7 :»!*» fi« rJimmlttio onnht to havo tikea Bore intsi : : ¦ " " He, there- Dar/jeant Ualoae Informed tbq beccbrtSat tho John J7c3t'a Boycl Standard, lib Flats • ! ,.. - : ..^ .¦! SQ. \ ;! j - "; PATBIO3t LilJlBK.* . :. . fore, jhbd great pleasure ia (ccdodlaj; tbo aaend- C4SDCod r/ui Ur Eoa?io—How many tiavlotlc^i ? , ; - pcr.tia reit tbin -they bad dcae ia the. [Theatre, ;cna ia ttct MS ¦ ¦ : : ; ' ' ' dn into tha nhole taiitsr :: " 10, Grqit GsorriBs'-et, Watsrford,'! . : montj for an Adjburomoot ia tbo bopo (bat a nodu< !A tlaLbr jiflnalty tiaa noo Inpossdi Ho biscovca- ; lib Tolls , " ... .; 7«3; JJiaoico Conraittea oi ¦ ' ¦ ' . ' z-3 csnvlatiosa witblo twolvo ccath j ... . .: .,, ' ' ¦ ' Satd a.c»cc5ttto tires . Y : "yecmary 28tb, 1893. civnvdi satiataotory to all pairtioi would ba errived ¦!¦ ' ¦ - ,. . ': ¦ ' lii~jt.^~_—4_rpt_Je?Te to ' i WfOBDOnliT. , ,, Bnccro j ... Flata , ;' . : ' ' Qt.. I .. ¦ :. - . : ' IIr-B6arke {to ptksacr)—Yea era . ... £lb j ... . : . ... . deal fitb;t5pnd2ly S"fto? badT^j soft teJfepraay interest . "DEAR CIO—In xc^ily to yiat notice of tbo21st A wocr.a of tbo onfortunata dtsa ri»Qed BrK-o Czzi <.Ci e;3 6£c!« „ ' ' Instept I bej to t coda cr a ncstb. j :{n Gctticj m?.ay obTiootj ^l-f . rCTrlitd.;. Fnr t!j . inform youlthat I already havo a I Aid Smith eaid—Thb qucJtloa va) cot broocht , Cc!clo33b was fined Ws 6d or lo daya fcr dfes&arly cl lained eerecal*times elocnbtcT hoose at. Little Pairijck Etreet, and Tbb ccrc^Scltbabcflnfra tbo czzzt. ¦ ¦ ; p;rt Jba had comp . 1 from the way it iajn forward , forat tho purpoto of prc^los barohly npoa cc-dest tt3 pravloaa nlffht. i , - Ptiae^oJFinccb QucJiiy : ... lib Flats j. ... from coM oftr bdcj' a sight in Perfect cicitaryorder , and if ilia Corporationgrant til. It nes . . • - ; J,. E/S : : peoplaJBufis'cd . lie; ' doyb^dy i brought , forward 13 t'jo Tbls co=dcd;3tho boslpKj of tho c-ot\ THUCDDAY. ¦; ' t? Xtcatrefor wiat of aj lock or a|latch. : Be trusted sort! DO i Ucotz3 I vill mate anfy otber Imprpvemknta laterC3tO of tbD pabllo health. When tbo b Eccovo iino ... .' -Mb -,, ' ¦!... : ' ' they requiro, as I don't Intend f ye-Ion* .. : .;... . \ ^£L u the. tta matter was goisg b«ck to thi Finaace Com-; cclnj into the prib'.lo cjroacntdooo boro by tbo LocalGoveramcst poard ' ' ¦ ' «ab«tiotial trbnld b cbsttolr. ' I vnll talld one on ay otrn Imd ootpldo rroKDAY (D:Ie?o Ur Bjrrcc, J P.) r r : ' ' ' ''¦ ' ;¦ ' ' ¦¦ ' oittci Icomettinj j> docs end t-i this Corpcrttlca wcra baaed fnJ^y \x '^jVTV? 'i- ..: '? to ctrry tbca ont, evon ¦ \ . - »;..— j.» « .«/ »Jg »\..l mr- i« ,11,)f" . .fs. . . . . • - . tlw Borough bOBEdary.—Toani faltbially, | ;. . . : 1 «vntuivcJ ¦ ; ^ Thtttri made comfortabla fcr taa people who pitroalMd ¦¦ '¦ eltboaitb we found tbat thesoelan^hter-bonaca °oro ! ¦ .:. : ' " THBIUS FITZOSIULD.1¦ ¦ (Bifo7o ur Uliai Courbe, E- lI, aca'-jIr B»roe, C*-J:titl? Orpaln prcssastci 0 HtUo *! nbsa " raferred to in thorn. Bat inctc:d of pnttiaj7 thU ¦ ' ' ci- c- i PhiUipo C: Czazxi&a' Small- ...... j ..• . - ' ... JQ llrTcrrsll, ' cpMtinj 'ii a xncaiber of tho Tfccatoo 1 " 32 G'redt Geoma' 8treet, tpsclal regnlfitlon In . : ,'DWJpIonaI Doaimlealoacr.) .;.:¦ bo C:::ribcd ta about 11 yczii cf ajj-^. fir fcj»I:,7 ¦ ¦ force ct 0C2ff , vo too!:.pon ; Bo-avi^3 ^ CcnoHtev odd tb«t their datrO coruisted e coapanii] employed wiro, respectable.! !! "DEAE SIB—In reply ; to yloar jiotlce of tho slat abattoir so C3 to do array wltb a Cocotatlo Cronlay obarged a farm labourer oi olera la M la tbat Iceillty. Tha ¦ ¦ ^' ^ proat hardship tbat qe. ac3 , !»» :»¦ - . . - ••' IQi. !,' ' f.nd cdrar ko J any other power.'' Several times thsy inst, wo beg to' inform yon tha4 we already bavb a a iaamber of people aero loditlog Dcnla Klolty, who was la coJtpdy nllnijbt mother of tbo child eppearfd tai eaid tbat facr w " " ¦ . cot git ct under. W« oero , with not of tbo bo»o ; ^ ^ ...... ! had aked for aioaey and nouli^ H. . II tiey pot! elau^bter boaso 'ButtarmQkj'laue, whlc'i haa fen told in tho commencement that if 170 beiac drunk at Bartact-strcat oa Babds/ daughter bed teen o2ly tea taloctia Boulland „ „ ; „ L^a ; y ' ' ¦ stmt op tbo ovenloff. it thty wwld tave . lwl 'bat 'plfflty eJ maaoT.i rfhey ¦used as eneh for over a centtiry",. There ia a largo elinghtcr hoanai tro rroald drlvo Tbe defendaot pleaded cullty. and 8crgeaot whan tho tljlnscccnrrcd, andtbet as ferea sboconld tho batcbora ont Ii»Iooe matter oea oca ct a SardineD and Tpmatoc3 ; „ „ ' ! ... ; ... £/ had rtally co 'power io»cr tba fnnds,'bat Ur (laiapctt yard Sat the rare of the hoasa, and the CSorporatipn otMhelr trade, so yt ollowod tho killing tald tbero wu nothing oa tho polios record* agalQct lind out tba * llttto bit c! plsy." - " . to go on ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ | " ' caj iFmcmber of the Finines Oommitte* ohich had eJl grant ns license for onr prwant slaughter hoac s in 'tbe : borbnsh :hltD, . 1 ' : • t • ' :. ': • ' : " Ur Bytoo Intlmokd «bat 3j csa^c^cssss ct tta Norwegian Smokqd, Larco Tim , ... |...... ' ... (M. we 1 law. tbo cothcr ti lcok " "i. Aliesnsa -Byan (ailed to jeee why Mr Chapctt tlon ietusoto licenea thisobc^htpjbooso will crept Now, bov? can 1 thov do-that, unices thov havo c I' llr fioarke cald they, bad ' no intoation cf dla- bat hs cautioned ¦ ;cftcr the llttb Indie, Good Quality - : i ...... ; ... M ' ' ' ' : ... .,, cJ^oid blanSiho ThiiirtiCpnajpittis, .| . ;. : . • A; one on our land jut outside ' ns borongh boundary alaunhter-hooaJ oho bnndred feat array from tho bhw(jlnr» hlo. If men' of bin daw obeca ti> coma In- caoinfutaroi j ; : • . \ penoiA ! QUOTAWOZS ron DQZBN WT3. " \. • , Zde Gbmpett denied that ta bad done. BO. : bat tndsr DO clrcnmctaaco Till we cso the public dwefllna-honee. And I tblnk thoy to tbo cliy oa a 8abday evonlnn e.od got Ilri Cyrno cild cho bcd ulcrairo dosaso, csd that ' ¦ . vrlll racot drunk tboy d's 3cm?. ¦ ¦ ' ' Aid Byta—?u° went very j ncbr'itj At all evcats . ciattoir.—Yenw faithfnUy. . . . 1 i] vrlth como dlQct^lty In that tho bunt abide ly tbo eonoeqaeccsa. It was disgraceful tho child aae colnj. toa Wee bon:j whea tbo t Hariadado, Goldan Zysuv,lib , 21b,-Qjsci'-£lb 3iai ' : ' ' I cc^^B In city. ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ¦ it toit' yott tlireo ox four_ ytss3to decide apon inaliinj: .; . . ; ; : ' . • " : FliTmi BC03. | Of caarca thoro aro a ton mon among tho Io C23]a nambar of rwpeatabjs loollng' coantry thing occurred. • :i ' j batchcro Hanraaao tbca Iafo:nc4 i - IWliofe-l8tttiIsi , . . yonr cisiplair.t?, and now I nope yon ; will OAopsrata : Aldernia. Powfjjcafccd if t l itta bstchcia ia torm uho imsy ba Wealthy enough to balld olnaghtor- jpeople wandcrlDir about the' struts ba SoodsTa' Ur Via node? that 2Jd^b. j Brldcct eboold; boct cood habbvicsr tcr tho in czttjiaa ouli the Borough 3utyeyora report... Altaion! hid been fcnttBu to. ; . ; • :.-• I : ' ' : . T- houses oatbldo • the town, bat what la arternobn In a state or Intosfcatiou/ ' Jf tbo pracUca cast Split Per::", £3-L^n :1b.lb. ;.• . :i . M&ccarohtii&ccaroat——Fincstifinest; '/fl ID ; ; to besomo toelvo months.: : 7d lb; LongLong;| 4d lb« hni bfeji ' ttidu W " bold." eoatractid In tho Theatro,! ' Ttis Town Clerlt eiJd tiw had. bat tho tireo roili-a of ttio poor nan t' , And I know thera ore many coatioasd tbo majhirotcj wftuld ba obliged to ccad colds are dna to peopl coming OBt ¦ ' tin Djrno c»?e a Rcarr.ntf e to thst etc;t. bet I think thi»e e of Jed i*?d teer» aU that hod bcin>eccived. • , ];:' In the trade vrbo' are poor, and rrho era unablo ^hecs pcpplei If brought bc?oie fhbm,' right¦ oC to ' 7 ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' Hrad CoasttSlo Clesr tn:3t!oscd tbsi ca the hUted omosphera and o-altiagabout the cold lull, i f-Ald Power tb:a pointed oat ttbtj elthbojh'only to bblld an abattoir for tbomsslyca boyond tho iprlsotj nlUjoat tha option! of a floij. *¦ , ' ¦'¦ . - ' ¦ Zz: thrfo ' ' ¦')• ' cvc3lDj3 tarticaluly. yeatsitiiai-o! beta e cad; 'icdeedi iometlmes extendlaj their wallja to iha^ replies ncre received, there' weis '^gbt representative? city jbonndary. j So; taa you going to allow T 0afend«nt—I Wae nevorbere baroreic • : •¦ ; ¦ '¦ the ocraaraatlorr naoh annojaoca tocltlseca.: cptn tir (lapglitsr). : : j I oi thi elrtb-a tignatorkjno w prt^at. ' . i ! nholp TlctaalUnp;trado of tho city to toll into Jit Bourto—T7oll psy £3 61 Bod ich' ¦*rl Tr.M\.-i ».M thftftt trim Mi(i tWn 1 tho ¦ -¦¦ ' ' ¦ t Csid¦ hsro -&¦ * t/1 ohlch fcft tnnit ' my core. ; ; : ¦ • ¦ " •;. P-"T - ' Ur Byroo tiid tbtt If n fcw c2£:3w 70 ticacht 8©¦¦ -Aid. Nehoa raid tbat ha wcjono of tbou fit tbB brt bandn pf a fovr meij, vrho hare tbe money to com- . • . exception in 'Mr Cltpj;".Vil j ?pie«S,:| tad that . yd ply tilth tho regulations of, |'; " forward ct -.tala klcd oeeritsaslly tba nanktitlca Bh : &W&,MWATERFPRD ¦mectai? who, la defercaeb to of tbo treda f An abattoir yon are lit Boarlto—Whero could ynu got it ' !' ' ¦ Crcalo foMot7l33Boldtcr8 csdtiybj Bsapo^ltaat ,, j - -to -i ; Farmers only too taziona to oblirjj eid to telp to, pake ' ; to cBsanlt tbcta. - DefccdsaJ c:irly created o risi la ¦ ' dotW dtiidaaof th»cipcniooS boUdib bbnnfl to baildj of BOIHO elro or another, to pro- Defendant- -Prom 'Elobord . : ¦ " ' ¦ ' ¦ •• ' jjeoch oa InsUtuHon Foperj . . ; II I I i.i i n . .I i iim ill i . . . . ¦; CJ ootnfortabla ta poc:ib, h , iveryoia gclBj . to tha! eetslda tha borbDshboiJBdaryJ tect (thois In the trade who cannot ot prcccnt c:s Mr Bsntko tbo city by hia and others' csaduzt. : -i . . {- .. . ' ¦ ' ' " ¦¦ (Ha thsrtfcrotheo gbo tbcadlreetadSerBcaotGcaroat ofctoH ; TtC'irb. '' ' i ¦ ¦ ' ' i •• • • ' the Corpazatioa T7ao lln'dutj* ' ticmrelvcatl xat they Trant to ba protected. lae defendant to: llr! Ovrnd ie»ordy oondsinncd tba dcJccdanJ's • J ' . •' boond to give V&iz I cay 1 wheruviw bo Ranted to froterabd ' JSJ resolat'x>n wes thca bnsniaJwslyiadopisd. ; .. eppUdtion every eoBqlderation and" to adj0Qrn! tia that It fa tbo bpundca dnty of this Corporation abe prlco cf bis emancipation casdact nod impoetd A &oo bl £1. : kn co ' , tad If Js j&ilsl in his ^ ' 7^ .- ,, !¦ ' ' . '! "If" 1 -FclTcll--Now,! H» CInnipctt, yoa bave.ca'ojjpor for to t^ Into nsideration tbeilntcresto of I : . Crcke wa»' ateo charged by OsceUUs . . ' . I Mi ' matter . o. month., :Ho Tory raocb reginretted jtbat tbo qnect to fetoh bim op fcojjeol. |. , Tboaa* ¦ 61 dolEJf comeiioj; !o?'cs (t!a Theatre- Qannnti« ^inoathen the;d gnatoria bsd cot acted the many and not of the'fow. Botno of Ctonla nlth • similar cSosoa acd o&a tkjO scd £1. ' tcnity ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ctno tbo deputation I Tbo foIlo»iaer<»«V.flaea 2s 6a " . ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ • ' ' ' eaeb for beiot; •. , ; HOW A iUEOEJAKD ViEIBI) •- • : ¦ •¦ ¦ ¦ ¦: ¦• : v HAJTC STOCS OF : !¦ . !- • - ¦ ; - • . . I eay to day rthat (hey will tratld Thera were flftatn prdtlou* coavlctlcas ZV)). \ , spirit which actuated ' itho msmoers of tbo Conudl |ak elaoghter-hoacea dtuok Ubbael-itrfet oa iOjttot ths 1 fa fiaoday oJ3hj .--Joha - kpBisa aittDBtf ALtinH-AH AFpJrjcanon i • i 1 thm lait mMlinn. and. iwiti thr' tn ttxctotlotn. had tint optelde i the! city. Well, U they do, they will, of Collins and William Tornojri labourers. ; . • ¦ ¦ .' defendant for vatlons oStuOfj. I , LUiSEDD HEAT,, EC EES 1 foUbWing. ' Tbs , ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' , BBU8HES, MACJHJK!S&T» AND MmBkAli. OILS," Ere ' xhTToco Clerk ) read . thaf aetice; responded to the litter sent by the Toon Clerk |n- courts be independent of tbo CcrporatioD, bet I ^ ...mmjovpsei ATTACK -osri^i BotpiK , , - , :. ! llortlo tltidpcK was Qntd £1 tot tttacklof! coma letter was nrvirf'nnia ifrs Dobb ri; malataln; that tho *poor batchor* ^ . to OaCt, Sergeant Pared] ¦ <1 tt-Tajfed to, fa the ¦¦ y timiUDg the decWoaar |ri»edet j A* they bad fuiijdto who cannot do A olvltlao named Mlobgol FioJ d w«i «be>ceala . oca beloofflng Tb* , cSo AHDM ' Alct' '¦ ; ' ¦} ' " ¦¦. ' " tho thatnre to bocoaaldored- tight o' i Olieapw*Hoasa la th? bity for tifetf^! LJJ W PATJBHT-isBDICIHB^- ¦ taidi^'tie Swiltary — t -\ ,, |! carry bat their promho, hi hM very great pleataro in ^(prc^nttheelangtuor. aaiouy. WKU Bji.ing, on 8nn<|ajr, ,BiEiiV«Snnltte)t pmtcated, deposed tbttbt' clock oa Qacdsy te . " 'Bii—I ecalciiS O nbtlcfl ilectlvid by Afr« moving tha ^ojjUDn^of retommmidBtlon. hbuass , In tto city Are within the distance that olgbb report catoo w.tb* bsrr*ek at Fsttr's Una " giarrtBi. ; I an unprovoked asnalt upoa PrlrtlftOeorEoSolcjoa, • : ¦' ' ¦ ' Dobbvn who is teocatto tbsjGorponiyoa tpf , .irMx Miariee Qnlalan; eaphiiJIcslly dqual tti ; (ho U aljowied , b/ the fcye-tawTj, end tbo kllllca tbat of •• Tn« BoftV . io thi *?<« ' that acldten ireni¦ bdnp; attacked bj ' ¦ K e Oita, - pi«iS^i ¦ :¦ •¦ ptj''tbp'.ph> the Bteeat)»o sanitary uojeor.-is ooona w proso. , the dtiieoi of WatcrfonJend tbei Wiiuyythia" beeo wer* wtreat|D|f. Wltoc» wsni down the du)i slds ' to! tbe every M {rod the prefect ,;Uj»U. tbaprealatfMgw. ««ediag« Btthoat tb'o rjerolnloo oi the Cowbtl e^rto nttennoat infringement pt tbe ; ve7s°od fora. Ion time cf lbs street, acd, w(jen withla f'«£cing distancect TOXS 1 . lUt appTy I4 It , | B iciVbotif bthersfollowed 'jhe toittijt^Be ^MintDfa RitaM that yea ofily fatr thai fhe 1AW ,\ otherwUe the LocalGovexnmeBt Board and jtba rof2«nly «mmple cf tbe prfso ' tbe. detcad'anr, otscrvrf tfcs latter tteop aoi plek ap isorf3ew5W onfter {£&& oet he tetrad iooh si. depotatron ahoald.ib* bewd lfollj ta tb wfaitW tha police .will i do it. I bars no doobt, however, !a cat(jffiCtoj7»ut«of.tht ogs would oo/contloae, eoEttblog wblob be flaog aws> In the dlrcctka.ct 'j comij to carry out tbsw proao it . ' Corp3ra&)a5 its kicH'eBonjjb, to grant psWlrtiticoo;^ ¦*—^ P When yoh in cutlon* rbe(Mr tioitb) proved thl ssnulljfat Would ajk ettbe seUlert. \ \ \ «f) JI- j will tbe tame way M theyi * the i ¦;¦ : tay pn thai JElorepfih Mmaok.wWk tea/Min i* thirtilbey get tb*t prti|fl»|^ . "1 *^ [j that' tho bntc^en oaurt to lofllot snob p'unUbmeot ss wbold Strgcsot Msloes did tbtrs iwero threa t ^0'09 . .; - , ^ :; »go esk toitySye no abattoir deter not ¦ ; V^,iBAB^KiSMiT i wWEBFbib;i-! ' -J:lSI .^fifi; intd^tberooflb ^'rt'B^Vfg* H» John Cirran tooonded (ho mqUoo, fhlch ca» did two iwt ball* in itlone tbw prl»oo«r hot idtaers oV tils;does from eon>lotidas agalDst tbe defesdaat, i T :;¦' ' ¦ ' ' ' ¦ order to[bt relieved; They have ihfta abattoir* la ' Ceftadant Mid bo was not thjro »t olt LccSry. ! ti •obild be lf poj«lbla_ d carry oai fte «fl«i?d.«?-_ .. ; ::. ; .[ i:i ; • - :- . :• • tttsciinji *o]dltn1 who were ia po «« loterferlofl ; - ' ' Belfaat, and eUowhcre, and wlust it the, '' "' ' ¦ ¦ ;¦; ¦ : ' ¦ KadtSaU <1 tb» tode* Jfl ibeb:*«W*term »«M» : m tfoOnlB leojodea Aiaernntf 'Nelc'oa¦'j tito- 1 . Dublin, elthitbita,..H i i : ? ¦ Mr Byrna ctld thatW. tbls pr»ctlc» was ess whlab. ' a» tbi iMkoi.- -ioaait-M iaw teek.4M Jowpport of tberecoiaiietidifioo, - .¦ •, abjection to bavo them bere t Why caa't they taust be put^ stop U wts bfielaliy »t»Wd tbat DebM teUi. PMsl . |¦j Constable Bje> wu then c»Ued, and bo jr»v» ltatoMo b» Uto^fijooihfiqb-te^¦ Ux E DonnjUy -tben «ddr#»iiM tits meeting work as troll hero es tbe tptnii I have mentioned! evldeaoe; to the effect tba conduct cf tb* soldiers, la Waterford was very ^SUnld : s % aa the harabneaa tbat at twenty mloctcf east -!dlvldca|tnW Ji^-«f,MBddf»bl8expejB«. tjtokMiwm U defeated, of the 1 nine the Previous olsht ha was on da** In Batnnk. eooj »ud er«dttabte. Be would use tbad sUnfoni ' tad ^r m M» como down »ol»ly npon the poor man - • ' ¦:¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ' • fiOotr taders•n d)hlmielf did aot thipk that |» wai ;lawTwlll , street wbtabe law the prUoDef dellbfifatelr knock Cl Md'oottt, . ' • ' ¦! r ' : i trade . will be given over iato tho hands Albert Well wu¦ fined £1 (or bulag drnak on tbe ' it «Il: noetmtf to bnitd • pn>lli»b itiofr, e»pec aiy «nd I the ;do»ri tb« soldier ana assault blta.wben be was on ¦ ¦ ^^ :f .:V fv!. :!:-;-t ' * '¦¦ ' ' "* ' ¦ * * ¦¦ :¦ ¦ ' I- ¦ ' " ¦ - ¦ [ ; :¦ • ¦ ¦ -|;^i^} Wfciaiill tbe plirWM ll»O(tBtef-bqn»cav opld of a few." < .. \ ' t ' : • . • . i tbe ^roqnd. Field tben -rajaA «»y, £8tb;; : i . . r : fc^ont tbe majority of the trade bttt »a»-par»oed ln'tOj» ptirfettly ituim *UX*i The ittA metU -»de Mr Hartyf-Whatla of la by wltntts who tqcoeeded In e»p«urlng Mm, V; ' I Sergeant FlolgsD, who pro*ocflt«4,s»li t«s dfNa- 'ttjti i il aKes wtj-n«c«(w.: •«;•»» ' ^jectto thit tha stte this abattoir too i . psaitki. -"^" "^il ott**city oonld not «J5ord*bf«ttrifxp«oaew;,|(;b p f*r PdTsl»0»orgf3olmoa deposedt ba^whenptnioa d>oV«eemdoat ws» Very bad aad ttat he b»4 btea oivay. and :tBfl» Would b»jmt to the expeose of, tkrodifh Btxreiok-Mreet ctinlplatnrdof bv several ei»lll*bstyruieul ih ¦ * ~ .V-.ttnn HiiAr hut -Into tile ' tOWJJ from a KTeat* tbe prfwoer caoe: Iwblod ' ; ; B tit tbf ifO>k be diS bid, knoek«dbJa)down ^ . TUlseoacluisd thi lwilas«yd toy eoort, ; [ . ; wuVri«»J Mtomtiria noti«iifbk b«lde» too l*gm>j but befor* be bwfd defend Mm- , . ^fc«fl» oo«»wtob« WfB •bo'wonldnli* «Dy dUtmeei' Ihejschemer i* d self, kicked biro, and tried ' : ' ¦ ] !i ' [th^lr market*U what the TlctUAilen to lamp oa, biroj WItoeia Ynh /i ' : 1 ¦ •. • rv.:Ai \rr} 'I' ¦;¦ . o«St{ooto it, Jlil*c«ld M:.bf in ibe elto Bearer bs4 BoUrgamebt' l i ¦' ' - t 5 Uit *n «,of ' ' ' " :; ¦ ' or dispot* wlth tne;feltowbefore 'i .; • •AvISTRO^ffi AlUiUHWi J. . • ¦: .! 1 ay Ibatebwto b.pbligeo" » cU pnbMo ibtU^tr. prlneipillrjw^ • i - ii i • . ¦ ^' fo- and eoold aatlM/ ' :! ¦ • of who 1 ¦, ¦ «f b» be;'followed: snd aiMQlted VoHcd selecttonof Food- spoke ono those ught ' ¦ "• ' ' " ; ' ¦ : ' ¦ : i.The lirgest ami Juott Mr Mcb^tbj M bun, j I ( !• ! . / .: :¦ • ' • ' '¦ P ' Tj Ij , . . PrepMiiig Mscbinery,' FfaWr '' otters,; Spreaders, (»rJor)UtooMk voVtaaUkc i bWh* »•'«lor *?>• b< tlie fm the bateliere • boople of years ago when it was Tbe dofendsufc pleided jnllty, arid ealj b« bid •m propjiedto.cloeo up tb«lr »Ua«ht«rrboa«s, bat ¦brea IniblUd ia thrc¦t¦otwa some »lm».e»rller in tbs etcyj PtooAst»«o*, ««t«eahrt Is s»s»*'«pait«rb, n»d!d uperi tbe exprest nndentandui^.then .. . ¦• ¦ ¦ ¦"¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ also «b ; ewnfiis';. '.:!) t ¦:¦[ i-V'% \-\y . ;„. cektauedmake s -Hcrnibtt Pierce ihV,O«»r*ritionTMfiiit«d in, baildlog aeni tonedby lhem, ' th*t if they got a llttlft tlm* deni bj tM *JUo*fog !#,*»**«* »ti l 1 : Private;S rfd^aa ed,tw» fc»kn*w aoytblog of MCoilUosotM aifc Co. . Msj>» :eaders«€ thispatv ,Utf«triatarw^» *rk»t84^i4ftOOOtb tb,;i«te-!they ionja ultimately< to to the atMttoir when it ito' ' MI IIJ M AI I^IASUKJXC BO at i b« did DOt'bellBV*, in Iwrtji th»t prU8Ber1U« ri»Ai^bmiiTe«slyJapcWi^hyimsnTiipnlott» tssssKiKsssssss)\sssss ^ssssssssssEsliflr| ^9flBfflssnVSSs^ss^RR^^P!T^V^^Mff^VPB ^9siiPir(T^r £f ^ *- " * 5^jt<* ,^as bnllt i Bat * »»•«*; rtitinf t another ¦ W ^»f 1i been iD thseanUinitiUI'oaBBttW*;} ' [ ,' ' ¦-' " ' cradtisiasffiei sparious Udly-firasy wttria*parts . otnti«!e, ;)Lttd « the Coancii propc*edto do; •ome^ Seftesnt tS vat sow theyj Mkleat t»ld tBiM Jr.aij jretions eon- (yiMtik ptsim ti to par wJjo to hay ptrsoa thitc*n l^ B^'»VttpHMibe« ild soiTap>t»rto b- ihs V 4#*.•-'.Wai speak fet: thsstfifwsi Mwara of ^^S^^^ I Bcaljyr«th* ^ omlOB hai Urt flmnewof mei •llghUtMMtwb or llh« 'oa* pr»foe»tte*ifitkb« «s**ft.M&tc^icnmiutoM VM topls»St,to» at m pdet. Tb.prj«^h«juk«\d»«i*«.W th* hft tii» ^m ^ bj •ednt ; trs4t nark M «*» ondlbulid tkl» MMJUob^'ine* t*A BdjrtJhTtq " Th;B B«. WW rffind Uxtm ' " . l«.vi>« TTavrf^d"^(»* *« m SKSSfflmiBS^'^ * If ma *« rhstthertteMtes«4 te^OwS «vtaieg;ro» ua^«JM ui» Dsqswt f«a e*i>fHa* usonpflaw , ^raoaepm soenj^wnnws-jarna WmSSmmmwmm #**<*k t £tf&m&ttyr abattoir U they m^d.flfo that ** flM wninti >IIII luild Li lit DtrT'ESjiL_U£L Tiiiaiiikat T)itiiMilTl»iM

lii k l ii il iilliiS ilte ll * . -r • ' II •!! 1

' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ - ¦ ' ¦¦' I' - i . 1 ' £' * * "! „ ^ - -*------> J-'-- — ,i»=Mf¦ i * -I ¦' • ¦:•¦:¦• " IN 1 > i'l-ii i : -\ i : M : ¦ ' ' ; " ¦ ' 1 ," * ' ¦ ¦ ¦ Y- ¦ ' ¦ : " ' " ' ' '¦ ' ; ¦ . . :: ¦ : j . H . - ; : ' * ¦^¦ ¦ : ; -1 j • ¦ '¦! ¦ • ¦ : :T i ;is ;M^C W\ V . . . . .• „ . / . . ¦ ' ; ' ' ¦ ' ^t&i^ n\ - ^ 'S ~ '''•¦ I'' ^ •• r ' L'F^- • • • ¦TV : ' ¦ ^;|- (&'::^ ' -KJ .£1,000 jvM f i ¦ " " ' ' ' ' ' ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ,¦; ;- ~y - .A ¦ ] '. '¦ ¦) • ¦[ ' i.. !• ¦ i. ¦;. ¦ ¦' j iMPiMT'SiEAS • : iy£o TiA ^^ ¦ IJilTEI) KIN6i)iJM ¦ ¦ ¦ I . . ' ' . . - . . _ 1]. . ¦ : . Are th© Best the World fcj foditoea. < : - ;Smal5;Doo2 Small 'Price. . - - ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ; 1 j 8QBE8& 1t$?Q& YoiP^ •¦ ¦ 1 - - -U-J - ' -. ' J - •:• '^ : (®AB8TEE2' .Gi, - - , , :- . --;- if-s <»irt i >iw> v ^- ; • j TEA MEBfOHANTSiTO H3.H. THli PBIJJDE OP WALES. COTSXAUGBH. I TBA. JIBEOHAOT1B TO Hlfe.E. "raffi^ DUKiJiGP ; lairr one, u he had already Vt(ued £i fa»nrj ixeid under Mr CarovT. eaid tho basis ol ratlnfj would b3 ! .TEA HEEOHAiraS TO THB HOUSB 01*. COMMONS. 2fco ££s& DntyS&asicDioa ia |^tho Watt rfo ' ¦ • ¦¦ ' : ¦ j¦ ¦ '• ¦ Guootion. ¦• 9 rd Corporation.;. I j : . : : altered compJotoly. ; • , ' ,: i ^fniverBitjr Tho Coming Urand Easaav and ; , -: 'ifc - - - .!- ' r.' tlrt Ki ox—And was there a taotory mon any of The Clerk complication ': -. ^otapftlr ' . : -; b4» «aid thero vrould ba uo Panoy Pariah. : ¦ s . ' ¦¦ ¦ ¦ Fcir in Button '• • of ' ' ' ' ' . . : .) !i|,i. ¦; ;¦• - ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦' ; these farjns f . . - j¦ • ' • ; . ;' T • 1 In o ^ato this .' \ i , OiPrPAti LETTER , FBOMiLOnp CHABIiEa tJCHEBS ^ Jilnd, ; PRIZE VO IMPORTANT LOCAL' 0A8E., Mr Power to'niittsdthst than trsJ no ' /nrtts;bciary /; Mr VT Gallnrey oafd ho had groat pleasure- in ; £BBE.SF0Bi>. ¦JTUDGIHG by th« tapport extend cl to the above AN '• ¦ ' ' ; ; . '¦ ¦ THE]PBJZBDISTBIBUTIONS 0? , , - ! .,. ; I-V :. : . . rrotk th in that usually acaocl^Ud;vrith:6ia> Work, b'nt seconding tbe resolution. Ho regretted to t»y Z V Bazsar, sod tbe extraordinary number of ptfcc i T±mTLllf G TEE BOLDER TO COMPETE W ho founc a retldentul holdlnj Jn regard to' nhlch. tho that ho was absent from Tramoro oa Monday HE: PLEADS still beks'irecelved la connectloa with It, It DUit bo ¦ EBrjSAJ&LY fr -SiSS Cpp ^OtUiSlptl :i ; OW BEHALP OP JTJSTIOn ¦ ¦ " : ' ¦ : ¦ CotportttoQ deals taost feirfy.} • :- •. !'¦ • '!' ' " . '' " evening, but for which ho would havo btan ; • ¦ ¦ conoluded that Its popnlarltj grows dally opoa Iba ¦¦ ¦ ¦ . ' -. AND MGIIT. . ; : .isaa0.; •!. ; ¦ : - . - ;: .; - . UoKra L Doilb, BX, (dulrmw^ ' and Ehe.»», Mr Koor, further queitionhgtho iritnca, njked him present at the meeting of residents and ratepayers public, and thtra scsmi a fair prospect of Its cclipilas ; . i , . Land: . 8ab--CommI»slonori. if, aftst.iiKTing heard of Icttiafr. uould b« raise tha offer of ¦nytbins held within tbe ECUT and DccroellanJ tha 4'P to wbjch alloslon had b«en m&^Of : . Tho following jotur sppearcS io t&o TiirKi 1— • ot tho kind evsr previously¦ COaPANVfl TEAfJ. • their' 'cltta^ A }?::¦ tt»;.-7Cor,=hr « CowOmaai bia valc^Uoa; ;: ¦•: ¦ ' : 'i- T* : ' ' ' : tho owner of tbe goa rrorks, had 'boon put bafore limits of hlstorlo Wezford. Those trbo nere dl> ABE ENCLOSED ITT : EVEI1T PACKET OF THE at j . ' . L ^ [ i ^i Wat.rr6rd!^rocon«yf - cBapoiiir ' of -or«r- thirty ';; . Rlr Tjiwer siid thst Ke certainly VroaTd not, because the meeting) and hs might say i that as ono. of ths 8m—I was not lucky enough to ca'.ch tbo GpcaWs Scccdl to qocittoa its sucesst-when U10 projeat of applications in r*tacot of boldinet on tho County KIN whoa J^r .KeancaU rntcs- other tales, ho had carefully oyo when ' tbJs;subjeet ma before tbo uoiua ot oldloj tbe Bscntr was tine? - Tho ca«st-40- y {wd| poof principal ratopayors of Tramoro : .first uootod h«»o lout; kenoy portion of the Waterford, TJnlos. what oaald 'he ^ TO Aa^ ab crro that out time. They clodded Commons, ' and I should bo glad, thersforo if yoa will tbanbi to altonGtherito tho Csunty Vfttlr-; haro to U taken pp on Wednesday. i . in • < brlnftlnfC ' ford nould b* his margin > Mr Poser contended that inch works and mains, and having! had the whole ypnx columns tp plocp on record tbo views I hold, as loi protiainjitho neesssarj working m»torlal for tbo Hr Domain*,' th* coortsono lEojiatrar, ^ts nt; the' matter, is o? crtat:Interc ut a\y Irishmanoho : : '-' : : - ' oca uj llr Keneally ncia < . V7an5td v .in!i Iwlind ttrisE before them they catno to .the; conolaelon W ond«rt«tlc(j. Indeed so thoroughly b*vo tbo lidlcs tadanon. I ! -f ii \ -, , - . . . '' " desires .tc-\lncTe.3se fifts facliltlea' for hisher education ' | A COBPOBATIOH TEtTJUTT*IN" COTJRT. to :. itazl| factoriiJ, to glyal cmploymeaV aaoV" «n- that; it would bs of great baaeflt to Trambrt to : acquittad .tbemefltcs of their oQsa In tbia rcjpoct DELICIOUS rjp g^ ' - ,^§: DELICIOUS - ' . ¦ans^b Irish the and I bat (hoar, hoar), ln hisowtt ooantryi"'- - : ;. . r of Tho folIomng'ImpottaatoiEiv&shcArd:— '. T manufactures,! tnd he didbody not think the Duioht:3the (tea trorta out that a new! dldeulty presents ' Itself ia tbe way ^ Kene»lly, tenant ; Oorporetion.oJ Wslerfetd, WtterfoH ^Corpora^pa would be to thron By this, arrangement two ' advantages would be Tho ^ues«{>a iis;,g)rtloalaily;jnt3r«tincto me, cot providing edctjusto spscr to exhibit tbo nnmerous David only ha an Irishman landlords—Thfi.wa s an application to flr a fair rco* '"' ;«b5tacfeilo the vf tfy t a more of that kind. Ba nsu gained one of.i which was,, that tho ratepayers' , bat by rccjoa of 'tho fact that I pris»» tbcl'tavu bwa collfoteJ forjr«roly has there ' , •was , DIRECT FJ1021 TSB li .O WJSSS teapcot ot laoiJ»nt Grioadion, ttVar. ca; Using 7o Or 28p euro, tail in timo tbo'oppo-jtion ol the Council would b( themselves would be able to supbty good gas itom returned to Parliament In the year 1874 for an brsn siiohjS'. vut collectloa of v»tuatilo prizes put np otatnto ; tho rent , £}6j 10» , ond tha .5*060 poorlau nithdraW ' I :. - [¦ A i^ .;¦ . . . ¦:• -.; which, thoy owned Ttnomefllves—and Irish oonflty on tho qoestloo of denominational edu- ciz- ¦ ¦ ; ,1 t - tho works femard of tbo Ona raittea b*vo oow at tbelr ' ' valuation, JB16 18». < i i" i i Mr EolIy-^Tliia ht3 to do ' In their own Intarest, ond j tho other cation. Of tho Irish members of tho ConserTativo will " • !¦ AQ ; ; ' SpIioitpW O'Coanoll-strflet, op.. nothing Viih'us. that, too, . pac»l. U ii confldenlly hoped that tbo tote I T : . Mr t>aniel Donfoid, Mr ' H H Kelly, ' J V , gaTB evidence; of rental Taloe was that tho public Hi;btlnB of) Tramoro vrould party I was tha Brit to' como ffirwnrd in my place In preraat a photo of iacorcot ta til Comoro no mott?r rv-.nn>a fnr the tknant : and Mr JohnF Knox, Law Ad- Parliament nqd " for Ihe Corporation, and hii 6gure!nas J517. He be carried out by & commlttoa of the . board and advocate the adoption of the denomi- wbst the* different motives may be which draw tbco vinet forthoCoiporttion. MM ' ; ...... : . nppaara de:crib< d the.premues ts tbo ' appeared when visited by the ratepayers, as iu the case of!tho waterwoillcs, national system, and both in end out of the Hooso I thltbcr. As a pecuniary spccuhtion it will ba found From tho fviaVoesiren by Ml Kpnncally it oupportcd the Inuirmedlats Edacatica Act of 1878 that bo pncohirsd Gmoedioui Bpoo which thcr> I» th» hiip, tb I alcD tha new strueti rej which was of consider in a much more economical way than under to ylold more (atlsfaatory. rranlls tbao MO generally - - rs Kelly oblo danensidno , hear). Tbsy would and the Irish Universities Act of 1879. In 1BC0, wbon , nell-kiown mtaura factory, in|1892. from" tl , and wnich ha stated wf s a perieotly present management (bear , supposed to bo tno portion of freqoeatcrs cf.biracr A. io FjUBSdOH®,; ©S mu&j , again : standing for Parliament for an Irish const!- tho oxeputrix.of tho lato Ald?r«nsa X«Hj. at tms Umo , eoUd bnjlding and likely tq lut for the past oixty.years. (n fact, have the whole thing anaer their control, ttalls, whllo the Comoittcs of Sport* and Amuic- ¦ emonjsn othor " tnenoy, I strongly supported the establishment of a llnynr of WoioVford. It naniiaolnkd Mr : |Cnox thon asked witness if he could eay tb.it by and. ho was sure that a numborqt very responsible ments aro ' mailing ttrsnuoat eSorls to . supply lotg oD property titnated rcipeotfTelyin John's Laoo any possible stretch ination he cooldarri teat ratepayers who took an Interest In the matter Boman Catholic University-onpurely denominational lots, but. of imig lines. ottractlooo for thff-aoio cerourlal portico of tbe and Gaol etroetl- H» paid £1,530 for ti» joint the) coiclosioo that tbb Oncedioa holding was oca would 800 that the concern Was].worked economi- . I mention these facts toshw that from the cot make itiy rpeobl ellowanoa in oommencomont of ray. ' always visitors. In nhort oothtog nlll t3 wanting ibetcsn ho did net aud eould cither substantially a(jrionlfuJal orp'atoral inoharaotsr. cally (hoar, hear). Therefore] hp ankod tho board political career I havo edd to tbecajoyracat, convoolcoce, and csafoit c! roferoncs lo th» Tiloo. of thji <3r»o«dion property., : 1 by llr Quann. been consistent in .ray rlowsoa this sabJccO, and it Is ect for groiine purpotes. bnt .Mr Kelly—Certainly npt. I I . - I to pass this resolution, propoqsd thou> nbo!aitcad. Portion d Grioedlsa n« , evident that it wonld be far moro easy for mo than ¦ i&, |Knox— Wet 'S real object in which ho now seconded, ibecauss it would . - - ' ¦ ¦ -- i 1 —n~ hooponi JS35 lb c«tlDC mtid, fortha parpocia of re- apt fiitlKoneiHy «sd for most Tho followlDjj H;ts of prU'a bavo fccin r:c:Wcd . purchasing Gracedieu this ivoquiaition of ths footory t Orion; tho question to a point, j Ia led it would people to support—aj, outlined In tho debate iijt clamstion puV on tho manh fliere. H* didof not know of Mr; Ealfonr—a , bat tinco tbo publication :— 'retai ! po>teB3lo^ the placo ¦Mr. y—rbelisre it jwti. . ;. ' " have now to ba considered and approved of by the tfnivorslty on Cqthollo llnw . Mo:t Edv DrSronno, Lord Bishop of Fcrcs, Cl, •rcbettior bo nu gflinff t» p ^eU whloh'would not ba'based on tiotarian projudlo&s, Jn Grnefdieo pt not. He ^(jot thdro. -in the flrrt -. Jlicbard: Adams; dairymia,, GrBoediea. produead by Local Government Board fcjforo any farther per Ui:j Utokcuy &ed Mies Hennercy. T at so far as it wonld not cxolndo tho mombors of : othsr ioDlanno, »» » mow exporlment nor« tban &nytblnij Clcc; Ur Ktiox, oh'bclulf of tha Undldrdii, depocsd that ho doflnlto cotton could bo taken. It would bs an OF b, P.P—Ur» Capt Bsrrct:- religious commahltfes. : ! , ¦ . ' ¦ P«r U IA K»«rsg Tko 98 Geatonarj Bai.ge ooo putt of th» I'olSlns—» fltld i>f fonr aoreo—be B«S bad hold'ths tno fields above the railway from Mr advantage to tho ratepayers jsnd to tho towu Hamilton,1 Cairo, Cffypt , £1 j Bev T U. Byao, 0.0, J0HIWAI8I | SOKSo lot to» dairy ia*i. at a Tentalof £10 » year, and tenant bo ccpjulrod as Tbo mbstjiotaresti ng Incident in tha dobata nna tho •Keacally: fox.. nics yean j>aat without intenBption. and generally If the gas ^works cbald. who had both Giltally, iSl- (Sod eabsorirptlon) ; Jr.ba B. Colfer, CO, UICBAEL DTHBIT VTATStSOZ U Deai narrr D««d this po-tina MuisJll. EooODtlT Eb spen tbat prior to that time ho he'd Mr Kelly and if tho guardlcua did ! not fftot of two righf fa'af^ffentjorton bson ; , , jnid cad Rcsi-.crcd b? fop iho pnrposoa of held them from public property, Esq, llooiltocj, 51 It j Mic3 Brlda FnTrcjljl, E«h. £125 intheflrco ion of » large ^h«d for tan. years and the. ?him tP lItTTeuoallj caouro thorn now thoy mlgh, 6 novor Cfit a bitter Cblcf Scorctarta for Irelnndifoi some considerable " l'to o:ber dutalU ia tea) paid by j '¦ so cars, 103 \ llrt Qol(rloy, Uoaamolio, 10i j Ur John the ilonoro F«iotof t. ph4ot(2«7{i; ¦ ' • : ¦(• -¦)'' ¦ ¦ ' ' - ¦• •¦ later on. timo, and trhoeepolitics , feeliti js, and ldoas on almost ;;-«-^- " ' [ |''"' I"-' '•'¦ • ' ira £10 pci annap. - • •; . g i ebanco of doin^ | [ ; CeittliocjjQ.liaulj, 10* 1 £Xr A Bcrroo, Danrctln, : — to tSo holdingj Mr FortC3one having iromfcrkod thpt the works all Ptalo questions aro ntnally (llamctrlchlly cppo;cd— AND Ho wai eroeh-oti(al Soi:3 > 1 , •' ' "' ' • did Dot oppaar to havo b:on p;obd buolccaa for tbo both . ei-Chief Soaretarlca goj up and rar.do strong Knot; trho b?san "by O»MBJ !V1BI hotr lcnir h*d tho 1 ; :. niiottTAST ficiJAEi ponrrtu ! spseobes in fayonr ' tjnivcralty, Boman Embfuidorcd £Iao:s:33ro nod Si; Mirs liohoj, Callln- lilUiiMn L on »t ' , ut tv now Irish Uo fo WH III taannfootnro. ol maonrfi bs^ti osrrind Qracodlea in . llt ^ Kiiox submitted .that thla bppUoitIoa: wi3 dDo precant or provlous proprlotoro, ' ' tnbber, Ballyonnc, sn Exquisitely Dulshcd Lzij'o ° JJOcW <£J C[2GP3. th^prii iniBfS- oMflV hs nOTlhold. ¦ . which nhbutd b' a rejected ci ths holding vias obi oca to Mr Gallwey cald that works of this kind: In a O AhollO in lines and sentiment, clmlbr to Trloity ' CT7 Md rip^n . ; Oollega ns a Protestant Institution. Botbobocjrccd Workbcx. 1 Tho Tenant Wd h« bcliorrd aboat S3 or 30 yoars. which tho Land Acts cpnljed, and he b«ad his afgucntnt placo IIbo Tramoro could not:b'a.carried on by In- " In saying that the Eoman Catiiolio community,ow ina Collfctod. by WVM-A Haddock, BuUybrasil (2:d Tun CsAcoit'j Cc:TDurj tt vc;y Uovzzx?aPucz3 lirUr.bi—\That'dW" >oa allow in ynnr oaloalatioria upda raveral groundj, b' ut|principaHy tha folloninj i. dividuals with ony concldc^ablo saccc:! b:cauco •pnrohacs tho Kelly property tj to their consclentlons toraplcs,' hn.vo not tnat fair Hot)—A Hindzotaa Pdr of Grn»mtnn, Uro Tecbsa, ohoii.you T7prd abonl to , that tin, that ths platxr » neither let nor used wan there was no power on tho pbrp of a pabllo board IrUbtonn; Nt-w Bo:s ; a Kldlfij Wbip acd Pair of yaluK of Graoedisn—Xcniknow yea paid £1,500 oh let tory wit ohanc) of higher Volvcislij edncailon in Ireland to (TsOA T ccd oiriET cl CEAL COVEGCOATIlTaC tbo oidinury farm ; that it, w^ «ofac h iho to contract with htm for otreot light. . To mako Opuro, Ur B Coll-n, Ballylaoo Pclr cf Lzifs 1 that: (ho proprietors ihbuld bo a company which they are entitled, and wbloh If thoy rcoclvcd 1 *O la all ohnd#s, b:at quality, - c:S la tta very otlontation. I caTG joint plots of ground (or iba ooaicnlcnraol the working legal Slippers, tSUt B Ueddod:. Balllat^tltin i a Pretty Tonant—On, I made to ° 0°°¦ ^: : Ho hop:d tbo woold be of the greiitKSt boncSt to Ireland. ktc:i etjlea, frea £3. th«n ; thalV nil. ' • ' ol.tha factory. Thatikltaoajh'leeotion O of tbeli^nd outhoriood by Act of Parliament. of ia Cuiihlop, U. Uaddojt, Billlctcatln ; o n«:dlu(j rraiao »t its Talus Qoardlans would pan ths xoiolatloQ whloh was - A point ohloh shonld not ba lost ei^ht that Knox—And ii it yonr OTidenoa, oa o ebrerri Aotol l8B6 extended the, : oonstrnction of the word Lxap. Ii<> J Nobn, do j a Doll (dr«ind ta a tfble), Ur "¦Agricultural" ht hkre reallr only brlDjjiDg tho thin^ forward, and thosa ot n» who, like Mr, JJalfonr end myoelf. ore bnalrx'B mnii, that nh«n yon wore- about to oiptfrid under wbipa Mr KenesUy mig Protattant^n M«f K Gjffoey, Aolaro ) 0 Do:ca T«c3poerj, Ulzs you mado no 1 This Scoboa onsbllos it to bs fully conotdjerod by tho Local creed, snd who yet support this Uniicr- lTA7Tc:.i BLtQZ OECQr. OOAT cr.Z 0K1ZT (; K> ^1, 500 oaa ipurehas»of tblo klnd, that corns in, yet is contains a proricn that—' shy propofti) can Imva no pteslblo object to gain In B G-A < r i *LLM \^4S — CUvt?,0/p had in yoof talnd'a »f o 7 • M . ' - . • . •> is noi bona tide asing thatbldlog is an ordinary farm." Mr II J IJurpby supported tho , Veeeatft ' ' Ana ! Tiinaotttid ho made ixa Ootnil balpnlotioo ti to mentioned statlstica tho RrowUi of oarealrcs froia thooa with whom no aro proad to no5 , Conccrtlas, end lady s Eandbsj, lies j ^^^^^^ |#^ Tb» Agcin, /that baring regard; ,{o tbo;oceup8tlons.pursued shov|lns Fortano, iaadccspo ) a Blotting Pe.l, Pea Wipsr tbo «lno of 'tBiB or thttiotj-iorwhether f jlr'Kno'xpWdli-1-»1U-answer Ae qoestlon for, you , they acre occupied by o ptrcoa Bring; in a oity or town dially anpportcd and approved, and (t wc3 p^scd S^S S S P f^r^f* Tl Hi A -7 /* *-'S L_^ ' ; titled. As a Protestant I Aoold besitato to csnd my Tdipot. Mivi Cumminc, Btllyttrsw j a Gold Guard, IXt' Ketieallr.. Voc . niald never 'tave bought Uiesa or ill Buburbs. Air Kaox: then rcforrco" totMobcdrva- anooimoasly, I Tiie Fcirmsra' Bacon. Factory ' "for th'e ' \cry reuon' you have Wife! Baroa y trarif inn BALLY1IA.CAW tTATE3 D0P?LT. : child to a University, Itomain Catbollo In line* and Urs 8 Colfer, Bodcran | Canister ol Best Tea, llrt Griccdieu premlsii; tiont of iPtUes (Trvitterof Bt K . cantltnoot. jenrn , najnely, -Viat you hare never tlocs ntcd tlio Collegt v. lluigravt) who ! held—" Thai acauming that Tbo Local Government Board wroto rcqucntl&g no nuttsr whether open to him or cot. fetannoa, do | a Htodtoae Albnm, Ubi J Doytr, to bs Tho Roman ! Cathollo's cociolcacs ecrnples nndor \7(.teh utnnlia'.arcis ti3 v7bnl-::aia Jent!2«3, landi fnr agricultural purposes. i ! tho Umde or business if tho applicant was ether than that tho Medical OfSccr of 'Health ml^bt asked do ( an Epo'ifoo, Hits C Qalllvcs, DuDcmcoa ; a npHC OIJULIEEHILL 3AC0II rACTOEy, iay that, of courta. " j and: that thb lands were urid for th'a to famish a report u to: tbo oufflclonoy of tho olralbr conditions ere, I bsllove, ovca stronacr than Ftcoy Wotkbox, Uiej U Uoran, BMIystraw ; Ct^s C3 Boitb AtpB^ . EaHds2,Vn2STOHD The Tenant—You that of a farmer, those ,c> under 4j WATnnrOED, b opsnt9 tai:3la rAJlllEIlC< Knox-i-Yoa liave tkcted in jjronr dlKei«vldcaC3 parpeca of his trada, s fdr rent could not be fixed,!' exbtlnc water supply of Ballymacaw. -of Protcatant, and for thb reason, of: Wins, llr L Bear;, Dnneannon i Drawlnj-roora Mr present conditions;tho Boman Cathsllo io Ireland Limp, llr J Gnnnlp, do; Bottl» of Brandy, llr D PIO3 every V7c;l: D;yi czee; ; Sztoizj,tzi th&t you didinot liqW^hithcryoawould ttop lo GracSf end Mr Scccally ia hi: own eridenco hid provedcou- TtUUlOBE T/ATESXV7OBK3CO UiUnEE. * 1 suffers from a disability la tho nattor c! University ¦\7»L:h , do ; Pcir of Vtcss, MICJ C VTctsro, Bodcraa 1 1 cf ca3 tiita or not w cany ob the fictor/ tin*. i clatWolf that bia tree 0 pr budncaa nu not th&t of a The Clerk submitted tho follomnc report which he Lamp, Wlllch : TLi il^niSccat tnsy Gold Ucials ciha ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ¦¦ ' education. , ' BoadloB lllca A Carron, do ; a Dnploi Lanp. Teasot-Vcj. ¦ •¦ ' .. • . . lrracr, and th2t tha lanis t» u:rf for tho purpo:? of hid received from the abovo (Jommlttee-^- , vilniils .. - * , , , k - f UiM B 'rBneil , E/.B;town; ft Gipor Tobts, Ilrs 3 Prlfes dkWbutod at tbs K&Uoaal All enquiries to be made . o( " our paper injffhich tbo advertic:- ii 8i Great Gtorge s-s|rc;t. btter from them dated the 16th iastant wis read, tolojanw, sosplolon and dttnat which tt ono timo Battlcstono; Sot Chlni, Mrs II OTkhcrty, do CSnqciJ ca ec:ourifc

    ; a Frlond, Ss 6d L'los B HODEC clutya ta ttd \7boa d:r.Ired. . that that was his admrtitcsent. Barronstrand-strtet. pee the new the matter. . As to the allusion therein: as to the come over to certain etctloas of tho Protestant 1 "7 , The tenani tulmitted no flues required j 400 per cent, gas caved j flre heat Churohcs, ' DatUiiatowD, 2s 61; a Frloud, 2s 6d ;«ITiIond, 2J ; Ur [readiag]f -"' The boon and blood of pigs embaoltment being leaking,! Mr Duffin hat been i , B.ttlejtotjo Mr Knox ' prcdaccd ; • can bs conc:ctcd ; to tny-ordinary gas Tho Bubjcot ls raorofntarptln s to mo tain tha year 8 UaQratb , U. tlaaghterid' kiJD.OOO. yearly) In the V7aterford EacDn TJp-tc-date spoken to about this tnd he Is of opinion that the water .Collected by Uim BiBhop, FUherstown (2nd ll:t)—A d Barnes—form burner ; perfeoUv odourleb ; free oa UiaL •till coming ont at the back of the embankment is 1828 a rolatlve cf mho, iLord Gcorga Bsrcsford, Cellars—!>f:tJrs| Denny, Riiiiirdson, tp ; beat ' price. Cataloguea and etcKjd Ear of i Gold-tlppiid Cljarsttcs, Ur» Hojsn, Qua7, 'n" liithal irpat . .; : tnS noo £ UAUOIfy, Uc.z: TeOiV«-lf ii ' ¦ CooHdng 6torea. Kan^es erected nndcr penoaal ' A. tailea &fl la teap«r»ba»iaTcrr temreES 1 ' ¦ -if; ¦ " Tbe caretal;er reported that tho ciity loads of sand Bcrc3ford infloci td ' <7a». tbon trerrendpns, hs Oftd r jieVet land Pretty Oaahion , UltH UcCocrt, 19, lo l^« vjry J, of coarse, ieannot toll. j ] .. . czpinUiis.' ¦ ¦ ¦'¦ ¦IT ' : ¦' ' ' ¦ CS^M robtut, wt4 Kr**tan b ce> bo4drcd thooiacd will jtia toto • ordered bav» been delivered ind. waited, that a quantity beaten by Mr VllUcrs Btoarp, trd I trsUovo tbo roanlt Jtoabordolrcci, d° I 0')rcr ^E?oc:lot , lX\;i A nsauy V-.lo»blo Ciitl»r.» Ietio4 ptra pastagetook piece, erentuating In. an agreement ProraDtloa io barter the sluice valves, ordered for the dividing well, have E03, Ur E D Cfije, Ur» Wt'sh, ttcobcs'otzn , ' t^£3«Uc5 tatas carBecati . ¦ , two for mooy yezn • HArjHDRY. woald help^o cllay tho;q bJttar c:ofc\rlan projudlc.cs fcicon ftctoricit'. : ¦¦ ' < . Belhbla ProvontatlffoJ¦ ca Jta TtlB HCtr Co. Kilkenny > a V.lnabla-Silver Watch, I.Ir Dcdd, R r - r?l ! : ¦ : ¦ hes provcdL ;• A qn |!a oufilelont tor 8 yearling -Me::rs irignire aod SatclsUj of tbo DublinSanltaty wbloh hava BO IOHT rlvcn. 1 my nnhappy ooaotry,— ITetr Eoss. 2i 04 ««oh—A Friend, TTaUTford i , , . «Dt0.L" r^alt latest, Tbfl ttnaatsaiats tad. ; • . . : ¦ 2/- *"*' , • ' Stay, . ¦ . ¦ ¦;•¦ 02 two-ysij-oldo •, t^tily. gWorj, cavsa tlj3 Itroubld Eneincerku; Worla. t:nt , in a lone end elaboralo YouiafaithfoUy, / I \Zi Dollard, Birronttr»ad-strt«t, do Mr E'Idy, a i , : oa tlr KcoxV-rps ohttTiidodof-tiaef . . 1 1 ¦ ' i -V? v y ' ujifardsto run. ' ¦ of liiD Ccnoa. Sol(] ck 62 Gady^Wotctfoid. • Report respecting the laundry jrrancemtnts of thehousa. ! ' .L ¦•'•r \0EAnLn3 BncnciOED, Drosd-strcol, do J a Frlond, BaUlnla» , Co. Ellkonny ; Ir^ 1 D ' ' o ' ' ' TeniaW^wa tkrcS jcirs ecd Ifra Garim, Boobcatown, Co. Killtoaoy j Ui?j ' - "ROi^ Ciaft Ertnicl / ':. 'e eJH-jort tib tbjflrttcJ thsa—Uecni *The document was purely, technical , and concluded . . a LoT?or Bcrbal^-:tr:c5} ,W., Fob. 25ib. j E 1 ; ¦ ¦ * Ur Enojf-^V. ' Gihau, do, Ss nob—lllsj Qrant, BalUv&rin-', Co. : ; 'iDenny fc-8on'«, ..ybieh f^'tboTsiQeit factory in with a series of recommendations which the firm Q | . cnd . Csd4(9ar C^] Henry Kilkenny rUiM II CnlUtoa, Piltowo. lseJcrT—lira m Irclici—Ho3 Idij.irill' your coatrwt kst ; offered to carry oat for a sum of &4S 16%; exclusive of J • TEii U » perfjct prtpiratisan adi tha South of ¦ ¦ unloa—WEDIRISDAY The iatD lipxBcrnor ISi'by, Koos, BalliDUir ; llrt Ajlward, Boobcatonn : Mlc3 S 1 ! JiS:C# ' jwatorford I l>» ¦; '¦; ¦ concrete, carpenter work, and tbo ccst of nncMlled c<^m4at,Uorp*4lv5ii=aM«(»iJd«2 01th them ! ' .. i . . : ~ Hcan.b»try, do. ; ^to^CTnfiirrtSSiSSi - . i ,. - ' ; ' labour. j . : ' Per m« Uolloy Uiia Brlen ^ ^oui h^ Teaant-Teaycan...... _ . .. . - ' ' ' BRECTIOH ;qp A jiEUOBLiL HALL. , *nd , Grtaj* (3nJ Uct)— tlr Knox—Take llecsrs; Wc'idiiJn'a iacloryr^how ! THE LtGH"mXQ Off TEAUOEE. The Chairman tiid It waj it very rood report, and if A ValCablo Out of Csrvurs ia CBJU , Ur» Corcoran , < J5T=a It csa g cbubsd tea roaj S3 ' carried out /onldm die the co:t of the work very high. Preprl8!rt::s f ,^ isyeuii ccalrartcltbtt:??. . ; ' . .- ...... ;¦ • j : " Frea Pr >o." T/oiford 1 a V/otiibos, ' ¦ MM .. f j^ywl lonij ¦ ¦ Mr Carew said that the matter ought to bs referred Tho Hirby llemorlil Hell la the Irish Colicjo , lilts mysJ, Kilhll* I tsd«iiso tha rftKf ^t. t Tnant-Also ten yean, . TTHAITIUODS VOTE IK ! FAVOtJB OP THE ¦ Eocaa, ba» bssn fitted op ted furnbhed i Valnabl* Pocket Knlfi., Ur T Si' 9 n nn M S uy;»j Birr.:s :¦: • ¦ • to a committee. ' j for Ita purpoca uorphy. GruDijoj P.lt of China- B0-3, Ut Loi- Ur Knot1—Ut us come BOCT : ^9 c— ; . • • iGOHEUE. with o siofjdlir kiiccecs eid completetets. ' In size, w . m < TI:a ei3tlUEB3 C0a?AHY, tfei, yourcootrcci with that fim f The Master said that th: work ought to bs carried " KflwEcisOtaadaril.' uhat is thellCECti of ¦ ctsafort »nd brlghtae:! of lonpret it i» B turpriee of a N 9 EDINBURGH, . EBBATTJU. ! nwcoosntood to reply either thrC3 Cr.Ciq 1 ;' iho ohttit VTCJ ti ton by Airrnosv OADOOAS. piq. oat in little over a vee\ The laundry i.wal idle for ' M Ihe tenant very grf.ifyiog natnre to'dl whs enter U. On tha In a fomcr lkt of Uf*ir Uolloy t»d IIIH Br[:a ' ¦ ¦ City High Shoriff , ted thoro were olco proaent— three months. . ! : . " a xczx *. ' /• •! ' ¦ fjibt will U a tbrcs-qotitcr knrtb portrolt of hb "fl, ^« Whltksy," prteonted by Ur Ccsnlns, ^¦ ¦¦Si ' 1 D L ; ME Richard Mr Gallwey—Who propcied the original plans 1 £?" ilr Knox—AcJ yet you ray yoa ai« not certain Ihj Hon Dddloy Fortciaixo, ¦ Emlnoco CardLaal lloraa1, Arehbfebop uf Sydney, B»llybnci, ohonld b»vo read—A Cics ct I dca Gi: ' J Bonapaito.J7yE3, J. P j.Sli; Mr Carew—Mr Mahcr, i otcther you nill jt:;^on Greccd.'ja or not» : . Ccsaw, 3 P \ Capt W Aa>trallm ct ODO llni a ttadent cf this Sciio Pooor's colcbratoJ 7-year old Whiskey. B^ ' ' ' 'O Mr Thomaa Metsro Gallucy end CarcO (Ihe Iatttr of whom holds Colics, and ¦Tenant—That JVW. .; David HyUna, Y 0 i Ur. Jam?3riynn. cppoclta 1, rory tacellcns Hlen^j of tha Uo:t fisv . Por Ul:s Byrne and Mlas Howloo , Eillykojasuo— ; citilrad . ; otrsr; a certificate for , cte:m enslneerlnR) v/era deputed to Vl fa lmrid tor iT^ia ^f^d! Jlr Knoi—Yei ift aot—an I rijjht Ia taylns—rrado OoBBOlly, Mr H L Ward, T*| Mr Maorlca P Qt:ke, ArcbbiJlhop of'Osshel. Ia tha Bos of CIcarottss, UU3 U v;tit% Cac'.ls Ellen, ' Mr M J Morphy, examine tho liondry and report to tho Board: catro cf tha end Atbonry. Co. QalwiT upon this 'Yarn? » • '. . . .. - , "ij. Kitty. Th;;i three «u'j v^ii^'tf^l'WlfWV (P VF ^F W W 'QfL9 j¦*ri—u-i-i-i—.i_t- Iff ^Br w W '¦TTa I^TBTF itflir^fi^A^L. of yoor MotrlKsy.jT 0 Aid Smith, J P;llr t7 to recommend th3" cc:cptanci of tho c:tlmato "but ^ Mr Knos— Wbz\ iz th3 ikts^M toldfne ¦ frpa Ckt^d worts of D) Don'oicb, tad cro very rtcsd r-lstiumj. ¦ "' " " ' ' -KaaaooS:Dr Q JUMIMW, JP, tancetted that« victt shouldbi paid to tha Inundiy of - \7aterfurd l'- ¦ ~ ¦ ¦ ¦ > " ' - . .• - .: - GaUm*.2 Pi Ur V, Il ls In :0a pita cwapiril by tib pnttrdl tbqCtba .. 09 H' I! f ; ' v Cleifc |o! tbei -Unlor.-fthd fir Bcldy, the DUtrict Lmhlic Asylua ' end c:a ho\7 it wai '•iTHB C00UB SVEOZFZO." Tenant4? T cl «tit.Po'ot ccctlyl .' . . Ift :iJaot«y, ooaiorlal bus» «,!¦• Mjjr Klrby will bo crc5j:d. A u '' Oi Uill flvUU *iy*V UWfV tu i»«NuuwH>*w, wotUcd. ] ' Tbo ncv-r-fillloj? Cura for Whit* Cwour io Cik -- llr Knot—f fill ta*« |t f«n tho boroujh boaadtr;, UlU'-CE ¦ ' raaiblo incorlp'Jno, eaolotad la .0 frsaa cl snclsat ' , ¦;»: '•<-, .. - 3A0tj.J*aB IW0 B05S. ; Mr Fortcrcue Mid that Kha cucc^llon, which wss : and Ccaar la Cattle. Shcsp, Vczl:, Vojcs. ea s r., 3 ti a prewnt JeOnM « ttj rtfleajjtjrdgs t i :-: .. J : . edopted, was a peca (t&it anficij) oarWc, olll i bo snnjjountd by e Q' D tCU. ' ' ' : : i Oa tho nlabfc ot Saturday tha 28th .S'ol)rnAry, tbe good ono. i ' 6td P|H». ^X - ""^ ,TenaBt-jI canpot . ; : | . . | • : uau Mesns Gallucy, Csrsv7 ' c:lcctod console cf oBrp oJ-oa which tbo butt nil) ttind. lbs > ^ ¦llr , ccro yeu orcr up at this fiotory tt totil imn.beroHnto.afci o! oil doc¦ ^tmcnti C33, ¦ , tnd Flyou ^?cro ¦ to flnbls 0! t!i> inMH Pub!b F?j:3 ncccarjcadatlono t— ¦; h:: ' ' Knot—Ab C.U ! rjpBtnltnrajs pw lha vif.it. . ! : r • ptlsa fratpe will ba tytabob relating »J»mtyA!^>ARBj distance fr' tiera(to ti»fcoroJ([b boocdiry at u ceppaKdvrfth8Mlwtyea. tha . to ths a and ;bnd. o{ M Tt» 1 3 Cltt:r ttzz:f ¦ ; , ; ! It; lbs ^ . ' ¦ ¦ year Si Mr P Walsh. R O, rcpos'teJ that John W4iti, of ll' ^r Iflrbc. La'.ln ls- I^V^X ^^r £-— ' T h V.i crjr c^rj 1 . : • " j oletob Inttata fea 2» 6\i ] Tost 6Jd -' T S- ' O, . . t J 'b ¦ present only 100 or.J20.y <>'ds com Bal!y£oroy, aid Croall-y Doo.-nabev totip'.loa, ableb .'S wriuia by Eh Hcllsca Ir.i •tnially. lit Joaej ha cr^ . j rc? Ar:tt:3. p.t{>.Dsta EaIrdres ^aa .^ Ths fcaoat cali thezz night- bo la or about Iho I- Thd tjtnnber rf'Wei Innwtss.wfts fiO3,ye bainff one John iof owed ten ZliU Kzia os follows i— rrorsa bir.m\l to to • cjblla . ¦ ¦ ar. weeks rant each | alto ' " ¦ . CM the eorr:^onain3 cjckltjli Xhpro Jahid CaToll. of Pollrone, 0 ¦ lasa w(5 vsixvatsi dittancrt. I , V I ] 1 than la . • ' , Tobla ffltby - y tifsreDco to tho taall field woro oight patlonta la tha Imf it bosjttil BU eompaied weekt. Tha litter tenant U oa the U:d nsarly for tho Elb^c-3 E: ^Z&nS,™. ""' >.r Knot—Wiib At ifca ¦ ¦ ist foar moathi thj Dono Tollonl% Ju wataifo:ai:o:l V« ccncratnlsU tU Htretcj of this \Tezi-.rta\ lUZMr.s e«r till it I tvidh font lust year, ! ' • . • . " ' " p Hit wlf s jprorabid lo piy no Dltloaa. 03 tb 0ant 0 lml < whloh 41tpl»yed la " riTcwide d,ld yott ; j ' J expected money ficm her children. 1 ¦ . Qwta iTuvcscn , / ? !S > . . '.* 9 Hay *» its d!;so7CV ¦ Tenant—Idldm.t. :• ; ¦ V tTha oost. cl ooWeor rcllp! iof tks ucanewmi. ta 047 -WA Vtiily Xni ^nitnt, ICtb.i: !}. ' i WCJ yczs MrWaUa Mzi inthorUsd ito t?ara tha ddaultlan Hlhcrnla'BaiiflanljV CMIMCS UbirtiMa SULLIVAN'S: is that flbTd not Mtii fHqucnJly (tt tia gfoifnulof iha f^;on5 arilfrBai.lat va . Ii U aa Iaf»Uibl» neatly lal tis Po»Mtl~- ^l3l:-s':at-3'-a ta , tenants tbat nnlsrs they mt'da piTracnts tho zszi CM Danlih O'Coatil^ Vkdkzn Ccclltatuea CHls-I(U\Firml y Wcrli, IptU Utb, UC3. " TXiJ c::f i-in socficctfail with t£a fietoiy pori J , yes. £018s 9a f« l,0iV p:K0D8. I : UAmaVTTlUQ, BWLVma ead S2AHS©0fK(i to ¦ • procca of ths law would bs put into forcj. Hftbdt. Estr:ota froa Letters 1— vwir dircrt;cvitocs yw GSTO as tts fdra tiiit ibt OFI30UT' OASCI^OH. , . ' SALOON, In l ' • , TEn ! no3PiTAVnur.uno. . : Fcscrdoaoi Acciua placing 'anl!C:ht vat 0 soufes ef eo:l , "!rha Local Government Board vnoto nanotlonlnB : ^AsLt^. _»«» ?raet!cil espsiltita el •• e 3 CC:= J I—I . o] ;¦:¦•; this piymeot £8 8i j?c:we ekj ptoposod to DO allowed During tbo rcadlflQ oftt: talflutc:. an entry cf tff ,, .. Collsclfla Hlbcrzsr, In Uris . Erccisr'I «n xrltcnti my foraer orlC.53 thit it 13 s ci'l to yon-ani y»« n°t "?u aBar» tlaVA* . Hartbai hs 1 tr In«»ltabl» Ecsisdy for OB» of ths Dd, QE2AT GEOSOEU ¦¦ ¦ D^Uprrls for btfl ccTyicca ^mppraty rmbptitnto Tohn Power's notice of ttiotlbn to rc:c|ad tho f«o» Ucj¦catofca , Ptrtntea C'.!ai C^c'^cuks grat«S tooqmj CatiiV STREET, • Commlsjioners ?Ut tbs tmPs^nii—tiii; . -. •[ ,43' ;¦ ¦ E ' Drc:dcr» hjtt tocontsmj with. TII*. " Ceoux~laSslrri « 1 anything fcir Dr Coghlan, . Medical Offi-cor of tho HUid Dic- lutlon for the sppolntnent of a trsla;d ni;:3, cppSatcd : ieapk: d^ji Trtdch hltfcato hu biQed TstsiSify WATssroaa. - \ . And did thut mud ever eo»I /on 1 tfp}.^ ¦ ¦ cs a record. ; ! - ! AttlOS XL! SK3r;dt, s«S p« ¦conceraej, • ¦• riicry Dittrlct; ' j I ' . «hs pit two years 1 ton* bid no locos by th* dlwaa.. , post frca. * retatdr UnL (Sore followed tho nsmea, UnalndlDg that of tbe rcjolotion shou. . -»*;l.fr Johll ?9WC> bed every ;Durp e» Tallow, Co Wt'a.fcrd, Ir=h=d 1 4 vm*m.otHAim-DAXr nO3H" tStetxallf prtreats UTI 1 Tear^ tsniuiiurw wyt«xraa»ai»t ra« feft Mt>yor, vfho rir9sidea). ' , | ! . ' Chrirman—Well, you »^. • .. . . - ¦ In iroutb • ' ; tens fr'a la icatiaallBuortl WM auTliil, afMr csccpti'iaally stroop onddorable kiai , ai;d tfce 'rwf«vj:ry I f Alter foll ht to give the notice ofmouun. In troclrjca jonn» ciltjs. yi'cs It. 1 p^tsjs n titra. ia U tuti rf ¦ -t y eiarknnjrtbq oabjcci it wes ratol«a rig ^i\i ^;s:!.i>:d r?lth Dcslcl O'Coor:ll b r::;:;!23 to bia i3C::-Ual e-sot vtntal la tach Ursa narsjrc::aio 1 Cltuy a&A tsjiiotaitt"j, tTproperly ecrUfitd toUd 008 ?i-« lr-»iiold »iy:b(fA>c?jpHonclls; »o. 1 . j Mr Fl ynn—I don't think , it wan worth his ». '¦ ¦ ¦ ' tana. . ( ' . to^oommend . the Par&La.-iait-.ry. tatborltyl ot ihe ' . - . ¦,. ' coBotry . A. n. JOlintJ, JhsrnjccaealCijtalst, . I D yeuriffjfeif e;H=:ie>'yt3.|TOraHu reply to Mr Wfltorford union to t«g, do so. As suon as thf Ncvr BUI cotnii Into fores it -¦ ^ ccdlttnt. On«pidunattAUei«aUynad«at far ulre!th« Tromoro Gasworks ¦ . - Census ftfildril Lit:i:7. •: : Doccr&Utu , ;ay cue. UalaMadatoaetfaUytlrKMd Danlotd tjjat op car conld jet ecpess to the field, tcrb:j end premise* for the ate and benefit of tbo ratepayers will be compulsory on us to gst a naw nutc:. I Co CcrS. ^ ^ ^ ~ ¦ ] ¦:- ¦ :- . : WHITE fe oirUral«» aad prooft. I trtf SrfHi ilOo3 tia railway, Vlii it » d«l7 ferq ?—That was u, \" ' Ccioratflg to tho' crtlmata of Mr Donaldw$-tho The motion was cdjoutccd. ! ¦:... . Adv^^^^ft^i,, ' , ^:;at-GnO. c C01TO, Wt{:rf3r3. If tat teatlmociite art set reauuw. Th»alIndiS Did yon rot dr» tirctr thfjp wc» a ooarryeo that oi«3 of ehorco prorbrsa, toroj THB OTJUBTICJ07 cSLirmta or»icca UAUTI!). ¦ ¦: ¦ ¦¦;¦ boliw tho qoda of • . t:L;I(l b tin a Bcrtc: cad a Vrtbz c,* very tame ifleld I-I did. j : [ / .! ! - Trimoto |B63t.ond.Xratnare Wcat enbleot 'to tho The Clerk read tbe following Iettcr-r- ¦. ¦ . ¦ ¦ • It " it nojt e. nsnal thinj " ¦ : - ¦ -i • Crooio. 27th Feb '08, ; ' censpteubp eiaeUty. ' piSH Qmi t^at'Rhjrayca harj a rillcay bpprovolof thaguiro'iana;'' ! : ' . " , : gERVICffi cf8:5ing thire noit ba • reason {ot Itj that ft car py^-o lit PnxlcMtta aaksdIf tha ' " DBAB Ma tlACBET,—We, ihe tnder;laned, wi:h i ; . , . - Created Utibop o( lifts, EOnca — TUi waodttM r»m*dy nunrtttd to "¦ ; E3t£d!ins had any power Lc» 12.111. gO han Itt ltrmt 2 nust be allowed for of? I ksppcii '». • ' ' ' "* w 'M^nlra gBsworka. ' ' to convey to the Beard of Gcacdians that we oa longer Acd c!t:rt7CJil3 Ar;btUiop el Epbc:at, by ij^UlLDIKG CIETY. Hi* la th* *nSxii»wULbSitb { i M" ; Isttastjty. fcoUfci. QiaiirtMdemlybaMictimtrtldM^lrlaaSauS ¦ . An?' «!» " ^ f?4- . '• ftsro not a car track (too i yb« Caprk «ald hoHhocjbl'tbey bta. . iAl wish to be sureties for Mr John Merlin, R.Q for tha P. ., Hslt'i uhpta t» v?M slwiys ¦ad cart* monMtknU Ueaa monU ¦¦: the. railway Icac' ' •: Ho dltd ca tbs ElsSJaassry, ICD5, £M 3 «SS B -i Ee*>ccroa this Caa tA ths'quariy thow'o on" ths Locil Governmont-Boird had porror tocixatho Woodstown Dl=pi2nry Dutrjet, and deslfo that ha ' jra»l«to wffleTprt toeMkiriia «MT« «A . ^»m«^8A0fir,bSSia: > tia Ordnapce map t X reslly don't know. ii v cabititnte ether nimes for dtttf.—YSiBnsd), Ia tia odocr cf eicst'.ty, tnd 62:02,7 tho etudca'j clt'j EitsbUjhctl lCM. iDcarpoiatcd 1C7« TaU CM ta proved Br oar ntttaoatfU. •• • " : enftrdiaa¦ s trtth thcS .jowcrlntd¦ sr a rccaitAet of ¦ tfmrei^n MO^Mitiralcn Yoo olio tain lii fp itiUsci 1' ' ¦-: ' *- ?¦-¦ ' I ¦; ' ', , , ">nK M M«ADfl. whsa elter reagBlag thfl oSoS cf Ucz '.zi , I «dt MHA m M crttcka tiat tktie oia 1ES8. v . . . ' : ¦' •¦ ¦ ¦ ; r«tti>nofpait,la *ff iwm jjmtm * 08 water 00 tho prctnl«s1~yjfei; - n :¦; • • :¦ •• • »to ¦tail . tsisifised. • • LOAilO QZAirFED 027 THB MOST PAVOVB- % SmOA j Fi ;¦ Capt Wyw—Tho oejri bcsli thing to do, then, la to i ! • ' "5p ABD DmAHtJSTt." ¦ ¦ I« there!cot tstreao niniiinj ¦ ¦ ' . ti .- jsdQX yeprt CO c-sye. ABLC TEEilO TO BHABLE PBE80H8 TO IcryJijiciv hffiMVeriii. cat tharn for that »«ar. •' ; i ;!| ' : ! In connection vith ths ferjeeotng commnnlcation Mr li bat | DtJILD OS PDE0HADE HOUG23 OS TO PAI ' Ths Clerk cald Lb ballarcqt hro vr&s a mohoa ta Martin rjavo io u rcb:litnta tsrctfu the names of Ml ' ' ¦ ' ¦' ¦ ' •]¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • end Mr OI?& M0BTQAOE8 THfcSEOU. TtCTO thiVcfleofc •] ¦ ;i • . : • | loha Fiurprald, RaUimoy}anr Joha Oarvtj', ¦ ISII j'm.wwy,J^ytot nfcca (rcra tnsataocjy HMTIHGi;FIXT0BES i Tts Eacloea *Ir»ad»de -Bo 0Kc:i3 I^HM I *^fwiffwti!^ y^, tl ' Ur John Qoann, ths elciSia (juatdhn Io! ths Wtt«rard,bathcf. '¦ cic¦^ted ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ • MMd^^»«rSi«ICH«MiniMlyM cncn te S Bt ' iiUdm, &$a moTjed' s n^olntlptt vt^.zilnn ths fcfT/th aEsird. . : i i \: MtWifioo ^^ ^ , riBAiwut. ¦ ¦' «nd Local (hwnunanHEcaid to lny?:| tha guaidlMS, ' " '¦ ¦ •¦ l . - • ' ¦• ' ' Ic^al EspjutS Flstfl Me4«:a{3, Will jio BotUVflbst^rfci>5a^is9eJJi>fl«,U ' Jha tsbacs In fjvoar of lho nnizilizi .,,i,u 1.r.. ,|HM.i3slIys!£3 , fell 1 fT. frtw/tht^arpptia) i.Tnwwt»« ' H) ooatldocd to . Tha iodgrocatt wcro mido iy tlis collcctprj a J03(U? , H AiihitiiiiiiiMiiHi MiiinTnssiq llr Bfipj-Thtn ttrii< it ;«jjCTTdc8^--^ad«5jgu follows—Mr Halley, £IZ? ' lCs fJeJ ! tlr Fltsgorald, •: HI ^Miii JAlCbll ut -«> B ptr Cast* psi AEaaa ' t »af ,iut.4| twnUu £Q ofict iM besfl mods iby ths Ur ¦ fc) »DU BjalB-tb&t u » tiuilari»o»9; jroD. do»V»Ml» £SS3 Ca 9d i Mr Barron, £g$ ^(5j ( acd Clacipctl, ¦ ¦ •¦ ¦ \toaOnVttti., '§ n 11 . ¦paW' 5'fjprietoiijjths galwariutot! th« eil*o( ths cqaoorn, ; • : . At:li lo'OkeK. . 'BCrsTcijt ' I vbtt f'i" 7dU -fi* Ofet!diea-tlitt fO}tikT»jo- U-ri«ht V3185 4* Cd. raabic a ¦ tptnl of£332. ! : - LczTco c. O ,i 11 *5^tt«.mxdJ*s».l fObsy-cdnddered wold, , ' ' ' « telUftl: UkB no tho «orii &nd Hunt th« tarn t( : , T«m«5 ouA^rjua'fl BBpoEitv - .TOD¦ -EOfflElfK?: n0DOT3. 1b VKi$c\to end cutf Infofmttien tAdteti 1«|»' *««y*«» >llli ftej*. SSflTSJ ; mitl HBBT. ¦ . . llAECfJi. ' ¦ fers thS on w*y b»s^ih8 poT?er, whloU ho ballarod they had. Th« fbllowiog sppaated on ths Viiltci*' Book fraa W ' - • - A . ' ; i Alifi'BfiD.IL U&bA&p i Btdibito ,(b' \raWtort.jtbi; itat nt yon io nMioo* MrWGallwryj R . . 1 ! . . | ¦) . WfltcrtoMptfto».~..;.,;..;*,,...€....G»tsrday, 6 ricuries 1 *»« J#b'. forthdrWriUihaAdmitted fbot ibete ' I D t Ghetto-you^M nirtiJ JMsaJaw O«e«firt or tot ; ' " March 1st, '88—1 visited I the honie to-diy and J'!£ » »feri°£* "•-"•"'•"••••i»J—— Hondsr, -7 - FW*W 4ie«i2ty;ic4J ^tHng TrafflorTirhe,ar . NotrmrieV, >,,,,,„„;„,,>,,„,,,,,,.,,„,...Tuwday, 0 . Tie teaknt said ho hid ft!jiljd ,t9 Ih,e3cqoestkms ote). *tt|Mi« did , went through tbe hospital In wplch t was pleased to sett 1 jnoi o&»jrho did th« «ork—thlj rr4tbfordv.,u,1,...M.¦ 1M.i...... ~«.Tber«4»v, 10 Jr ' the patients vRT.well cared for. 1 ttcoamend (bat a dtypa UiUf : ...„.„ ...,.., . ...Eitardsy, ! ' ,>a« caU«i u ti ¦;¦ 13 ¦ 9 ^ Mr Hjrne, of D«ssbpn>o*b *i«U« larger window be put in the bituroom lot the-casaal . : : . , - . ¦ :• . .;" . A, » 11 o'olotV. . ; .J - - - and he «t»«»ttd « 'fair rej»fof toehold, ward jwhich is tlofv, .whea tbe door Is ihtlt, almost ; . ! .: O8. .; ; . - . ^ - : •fni" Ihe tenint, , ' " . 1 ' . . ing «t tA &. . In e&pieW Wtl. W.^aaUo^lp, withoot light, and that tbe bathroom be painted, Tbe ; :| I . TlPPEBAay !FOXH0Uin)3. .. ' . ; X3 Bear! Plus, [ Silver, .,. by pest u H ; 'i ftoldftg/or. all ! i 2a stated ihatjtbere «M no *«tj^crn ^i . ijo^iv Master reporfs that 'be pjoyisioni tuppiied are good. J? .C3 1 B Eollea, GoldB'ront&d-. ;„ «< ' Ji • 1 I wonld infgeit : tbst a- raora stilublc larder bs !, m^^B^U.S-^f.L^_.8»tara.^^ 631 All Goia >. '.. „ 8< M ! - ***** r-rt RiiwrWii&amfrffmlMBiillf MW ; Bransr flrpis ...;U,v,.....:M.j.-l.N BIa»d»y, : ; „ ; provided (or mtii Which is ixav. kept la » generalstore 7 :C81 Brooches, J BIlv**. : -.. ' » 8« 84 ' : »t[OteeJ/cB that Itt*2tneml)y , balW; etc : !' !: ' '¦ ! :> , »iontrt.,. ;. ,. ' : .mMuij jwir-f«<»i«M room with Ui, meai " : O«on»m *—U.-,»....,.,i.^i.^..—ThntwUj, 10; '88 | : w BoUed, Gold . 3* M OM lWa ' The rJeccsssryorders bsrint beeu made; and tome '68 : i All Gold. I0irM,13s6 retitine botiness trinsacted, (he board sdjoazned.^ I y«mcaieeag>ttloB .....,l.,...... , H..,.e«tera>r*It 8WbyPo8i,Fre«onr«c«lptofPi1e4, •: Xt Kpax-I thoo|*t to-^yco »y tbert i»0.Mttf -:; - ; : U-WJ tutanl AVS which ' ¦ ¦ 1 ' • { ¦ ; ! ;! ¦ mu:«l«" " ' ¦ ' • M*MB : SUi*. ; f o. wsitt «>«a fa: f Wt tt«r oon«idet», mot t Boyer» $m opmtkmt of illpttion»a>d WtTWon , and Jii' t « - J : ,*tU ¦• : V !¦ i ¦'. • •¦ • • ". ¦ ¦:- , '' •¦"• iL : HMatfil, to' tWr eemfort. inUmu iaad>(tttn 1 by «; ' : ¦; ; j . ;TWiPJifli l -'Ji | ' x pro*¦ , eutfol MpUostloB et O*ftn« vroptrtles of «r«U- C«J»»W» B»tts mM .r; » ;Wdiy,;U . . ij tetj iPtzymfhaJtlA ITB» CT>». . . !_ : ffi u.-flo W«xJ4lOf»,U«, rirKJMwpkr-StlM pBii/DOOooMiteii. . ' ^ ¦ , •K »crt»si)^-fiitkft M T«i»ll» b]gbf . .., : : - ii«H! toin)'. -An expert tatst. foijrtendMtarto dJM««." EWteflTlAL/ BAMKi QfJ LONDOK,,CMtS ' i;j!fe.«toptai-^ff W* t6»71»e«*TOar Kl^'8SKAK«JUQC*{«»y& KtM rj ; ,;¦ :; ,, , *mu* ~ pw« .bipo«- -M'i ^«bang« _ FrsnlMry . tioul aad ; otUsvit<»iAM. ., ; i ^. . .aii'W «yk., ' .v,4;j; .-i, ; : i Sn^^ilMM ^SSS^l^mli U liEOKiyfU'OMiDBPOSrF. M trct&< TO -i«|5Mif' t|ffl)iyffrpuBSSijitOiii£^ i *i5,,,J«MC..i •d ibs: ?»tia« ,(i»w« of J~r5iT ySffS-J ; TSKyfflft^* rWW!t.*T-0WM*sV

    i£< ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ m ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ; ' ' ¦ ¦• ' ¦< ¦ ^ {' . , • •: • •• - ., ' V^ fi ¦ 1 ¦¦ ' ¦ ¦m ii^^teMS-!^;:?- .: . ' ! i- fC : ' Y\- ,L P' it ' i : i i ¦ • piiiiilPliljl IIIQIII^- : if If Pli PPiifif Wmm ¦ l l l ii il i l r ; . ;; i,&.mm llS r ¦ ¦ ¦ i^lllpilEbrii ¦ • ¦ ¦' >¦ ' ¦ ¦' . . tfc^ill ¦I. ¦:. ;»:¦ ..*. ».»> v » U^::-: ?.! i - mvi?feal ii . ! - r.: :. i •;. i.:: ' i ." M! ' , . .• . . .. . L I hi ' ,«». (.(.J'X »»l. . «H hi. ii,. .«« . :• » • •. • - <4 f^tt^ ;. '..' i{iaip ^»o Mfihrt'tftri'D^'.« N . fa -f ' . 4...,,..,....^^.:^«. ^.f ; i ;. < ;• : j ;^!-!:, } 'y ' - '- .ft- ''' - ' , Ercaotqrj id epertfr.aad rac$ eseetiaga JrOltdBoii;: -;; .! < HOBHOB. ' height in^S^TrU 1 StoepleohMael U_ 'i '*'Mf •rakitosipf ->~: Mw4»BBS»Wf/fl r p * \iA#' :-Wk'f ofi$& ' :: J at ' : ' ' l ' ' ¦' : ¦ Cwjp by KsStej tbejr 'tat ^ tbj.tysertiaa,ia iWr;i i-; 'i ; ; '. ; S»ridbim:«iji8aturd»T!nolndttff:tliiL ¦ ; -'il^f; . |; J ppST rius ?f a:\;\ - : .y; ::i ; - ; - -U. ' : ; ; ; :- ¦ i . . /.^i v "/ Vv ' !i ^ : r ^ i.i r |^xk^ t iSt'!^atff?fe rtojlowtni^-hOTtjW engisgedln ¦I J ~ 'th» Gtind Httlonal— . •.''.. ' • . J: .'. 'r^.s.iv • J.. . 4< J »-> !'i-. • «ia«. -.;. : I: 'J Ewrta wetatAsrs wild . .oonsolf WQA Man from'Boxadb. Swuiihot, Greenhlll, abdrat. ; ; ' (ii CO Sl cS Ctoafei,OPBtt» X • tatir owu ' Ge&rge. The Wild Man it: i:,?ire 'not, .ij iece^tyc : SIBEET i mFOC^ixrj . iaterestsjt? »m«aW»' ¦ ¦ how (apparently¦ ^. cot t^ A - >- ; «atfj v. fortti - wortfi feediag. :; j ; :; .; r .v •;. >. - , - /¦¦ • -,¦!. • .. - ocsicti : tb$t tafc.;«and«ra l ' ¦¦ ¦ . : ; : •R»raif fata entering thi 'XJIab. 'ipoke by jtb^ I weognlssd :l»y ib« Irlsa CteHafc'; /. i : 1 . This botto WW plumped on locally ' ^e r ' book, and ba bred tae rie«)lez, «b»Ut«!*»«»f •» ' Anocktdost, end the BACCASAT. MIL dead-cirtaloty: a^ , I irtM iJ AC%£:Cri, Cia CaeHo Aiblatlo ¦ ¦ : for tbe hmiile orijaoised atte«ipt"mad> to k«#p btm out^-|o faol to KtVAdtia!! A6hU«« , AiBOet4Uon, itan b» had at % T :'! {!¦ . '. ,. . . rp.bt M ;th* «ame meeting, j SCha 1 ' blaok-Uan |bim .-r/ndfrcl^i»t«i^-wjiiohwtm td Smj KtfTClofiea. . Ey tjadiag direct jto os'they will 1 presnmed " good' thing" wai at .the tine - quietly )itl : "H» " munbhins oats is hj» etablo ¦: net bear the light of loVcat)i{ pD. niavfd iatl ta ravcS t£a irerry ct petering these forma. On* ¦ B* tbe-OaRagb. . \ 'A bValUr*) pietdnt ailblDp of fcr all ¦ ewers'of spbrtinff notices •! ; !¦ i- Tea , gre»t;Biigby Rule X aboald . ao M to p»r» i±ur^3 tnintSnj ' football rnatob tbai kied A^oorrlpf «g»la to(.thMiil» ([«»)«ot cf 'trill ra fc^cd la bo modoreta ta Uia extreme. ..^t .., . . TJrALSST betrwqen Wales and Ireland wUl be ' - ¦ ¦ '" new merab^r,i and Ibnt tb«ra 'pbpold b« « idle tt»K : | ! . Under the new rnleaidoptea at-the rsELASD, decided at'Limerick on'Saturfiy, " J j.17,-1.1 ! . .:;- . v . ¦ . the lStb. would pro'«nt peraonttl rootWea from tewtrna Into i | norm : : BJlO. 'mestiafr on HondkytHdpij inst I hare no doubt but : ¦ ot *>m<>i Mt Kell '« poiet 'tha fcroadaskseaso thiVretornW okcU iat half fara will bo given by'^io the eleoiioas pb#r«.| > . CT7nsm:mre. OtoveraiaaaiilB ««B tt>ai. n dalib«r»t» '.' ttC]',.+ii made Opoo blm' to ! i ; of taaiwerd U givaa'to thd ttireb : T/.& L.BalltrayOo.fpr the DtJcaeioo'. ; i\ AwiclaUQa. This ¦ -,. : "^ : . Tho ¦English , blaek ¦ " ¦ ' : balancd j 1 I . . . TV • 'I ? , ; ; ! ¦¦ ' " ¦ " •' ; 5 innonnead that b« had .chefik inBtcd time wbo wnr* fcotcry credit ¦ uuavz. Cricket Clab, that mu CrioEet : ' ;¦ iii - • •! ¦;¦' ^ blmj »nd »ftor » ujoat »lo- I ¦ . Tho; remarks , mtde on Monday at; ¦ \ fS)i 'ii!nig ^ S6l® ' I i !ril d»ilrona of bUok-hoa»lnn j- I ¦ ; ¦' ''¦ . .' ' ' - ¦ - League, or rather the Cricket qneat pononal apoeob moved bia resolution. . 1 : sm TOAnofc's the | meeting ' ot the 8 E. Coanejl . • League ¦ : ! . ;¦that ; I gugKested Is '<„• eenning bp^' Mr; Wp'lfiys— } /f ' >fM^':'^/ffDii«i>- -vt- '.!- ';--> r:. ". "' _i - r:i^..: : . 'iiv> *.i i .^D Barercl of! Hit moabara prcaoat dioUrid. thit' Mr uira. : '¦ wilL I ho-vo no doubl, retclvo dnd . ^ 5(f>Us "1l Kellj'i c!J?rt(on VM.nncAllod for. »od thft) th»e« | " Waterfora, Ballytrnokle, Portoaw, Bessborougb, KU- . to bla fnt ^af ! t • ;, consideration from tbo Tramore; not 'any cr einl^cd attempt keep f>f, nsmbop- to accede to! tnaothomas, and DnnhiU Clnba pave written me to cay I~il<7me;vory referredch te> , tn:Mr. ^redor :-. ' thole mooting of Mood»y,out ot reaprot for ono nho i WATERPOBD iBOATrCLUB. ; oil thti local oyclinu clubs, txa rAany niembera - -obUEaiBB. Conrelnjf,. meeting on Tuesday Ur. clecaly to tb_« Intorcjts of lh» nltib.,, Ai, h» R>M b«(ur4 cSco^ i : -: Riii|Battle-by Eield. h»d not only endeared hitDBdlf to his felioV-tonoi- he had ch»ok-m»tfd » •tnall.loV rtho. «cd«atoored lo ed calely in order to aavo._ eix Mbyclc3 carried: ! WJ ?. Quina'4 ' joje iford n—Bandy Molly: woa '.ii course in tho Caitle moD, bat by bis | learning ! and bolinen hed nbsd ANNUAL ijEElrKG black-bean blio, And he ^.Opiid that ' »• d>n»H tho local railwayo. ; I ; . f , ' ucs pa •8takes defeating Jtlr.iN. J.; (Josgrava's Drumgbold. lustre, on th« old' land, and bronRbt back to tbo would b»abl» to hato;the auras •accuns if tboy «r«r« to ' lap priie| , : iTho nnannl Ronorol meeting of ,^Triernboraof " ' : ! i Tha qn«tlon ol the Another dog Mr. Qninn's property, Battlefield'IV mlDdi of her chlldron tbo glorica of her rust, when ?b ba ioaultcd la «non » oaiinrr. Ho (.Zlr Qeratd Kel'y> "^ ' ' Thompson! Hia only objsct in obtrndiair. hia ' ! rrnc WALLOW claimed by Hr. W. J. '¦ceni"dowri before Capt iHopo Johnson's Allow Sid in taint and saga epread the light ot Faith and sisdom the Waterford Baat Club was held ba .VredDcsday waa .hot lh« fi'tt.. ,. ; ' bipod j Monday's; ' bbsorvattons vpon tt)« mtiitlo; trao to pravout ptf*ata . TJpj) little llat phaei at f eypnlng ,and]wasipre3ldcd! over by. M Fbolan fe ,'! ! PHIEC . tanracd a haw !th3 first courssJ - That well:ihown doit Gfancsinallo tbraauboat tbp vorld. Dr Clcjry bci parked inay, > . t,J\J ¦;¦ , of MalloTT,! ' ftttabks npoa yonng mon tfillibs to join. M» K»tly H ;.. ! . mectln5. 1Ir.FiUgerald abo suffered defeat in iho first ratted: Fair Battle bat bis momnry ehj 11 over 'b.a treasayed lo tho hearts by the pnanhnouB wish Of. the mca;jpg. : There to tba ' ecadasrs that yio should hajra tavited an! of hb fellow-tonnsaieB. was a vary toll attendanea of membero and the madu rofer«^Cfl«. blaoli-bsanlo^ ayttsa, aad meii and li rdiss, 'went down in the second roaod on Wednesday. | [ ] Y ' ladloa^d that It ,ttaa potslbUlfor » del e»«nlcj to what :mak^s women eipltnatlan'. from him bsforo . coining to a. decision, ' ; :Wa; hiva this oeek to record tha denib of. Mr proccedttlgo throaghorit^ wore onthnalastlo.iknd at : look bnt I, [ | : -A billiiird handicap In whieh «>uch ' oialit in thn bailor. ' • | Ho h perfectlyto entitledto io hold that ipinlon. ; BliuAEl>3. - interest ia tatian U at present bdng Thoraaa Unrpby, j nblch cocarred on yestardny. tho oartio tfme practical, j There wire presont— lite point oat him that ire noted, cot cm j lit K S ; T(lo Chalr«»n aaid that thoy pould not do »nTthluj( v^oia of - :. pUjed at tbt National Clab. Tho Doccaied waa a very worthy yoonf PJJD, son of » Blool Hon| Treasurer ; i Mr Anstin Farrbil, praotioilly at^thia cnotin^. ., T|ny could ' cot sftsr.er pale one 'or another, bat on the cor- j Abl8tRnt Uoja Socretaiy ; llr Jooepli Hay don and 9 iallow, and fanguid, ^hat Is £jio ^Tideneo party sporting fraternity arei indal( iDg in a little mild most rcjpoctiblo iradeitDOq, Mr Pttriok Utirphjr, tmendarolo ttithoot eWinjr OOIOQ rM mentlDQ. | •. -¦¦ ' bptouliUonas to the result. . I cerer^l profola- ' (tedi ; Holloa Commltttsdeclined to grant thejuitabccauM ! The other da; Jud Emden, ox the ing cos* anatobed |«»y by doitb. We Bympatfalse tbotr names appear oh tho, llit 'i—H Apploton. F Ur Kelly coptendtd that.il was jj-lta epin ioMt : declared It would ba ge /lward, Richard ' what . .makes Tiff em- ? Mr. i), Poorer, the nandlcappsr, ' !f- • . v7Trr Hc v • English Eanah, caid he learned to nlth tbe family in ;their offlictloo. ' i Aj Buckley, William Burke, M T mifllinp to dltouM tbanbolo matter »( a psonrsl cost- [ :.drag ; kloii^ ItThm on thatwo Carroll , W*i : If cat! lot : tb» objaator, Short 1 rttuiaJ ; for tL> illsjal to ciroitisnnqnestlonable. | , LuABHED. ride ablcyole In 'order that he might Six "slat>anayd"'ir«ie landed at HeNjek Head J Candllsh, W,0 Cotter, IfCostello, 0 Inu. . ¦ ¦ is bnd vjoa th^t faith that ntj» in hlm.-J ; ;• '¦ , "¦ ' :• tir:d onr deddoa. ; 0ar jadjfmont to < i ' : " bo.better able to " decide cases pris- laat e»onlDf{ from A thicc-m&atcd ahlp boacd fcr tbe E:Dow]lns, W A Dobbyp, y P Dayerenx, vcrnon I : • alwayj s-. > it V7aa:no illegal grant ojap ' , , BSCRM Htarno, W E Jones, O Kao^b, M A Konnedy, G Condon, down and smashed his machini The cyclist did not Livrrpool. Tbe; yalked to D an to tho ««en< tboy i neat «bont altwiprj tbo /slca tit;o eii'dcld ,bo aHe iq\di i WAEUIHG. [ \7ith refcrenoo to Ur. J. J. irfnj bis bell, hence tho verdlcti ine, and called H Kolly, S Irf)nR; FJ Mnrphy,;O VV Mesoly, W " v,; ¦ ' gest thj eir food- breath- jprove a'eala- The moral to cyolkta at ibo boa&e of the 1 ail Bellnvlag ' propbrnotioa(hear, hcaO. i . IT. . I I . I Co. Umerickj>hoald pho have not balls is clear., i , ¦ • '¦ I ¦ OHcer,>hcre tbpy!r»pelffedaoilttiEC3for thp ofghtv Moore, W 0 Mercer, T,U Mende..J|Vc.jp« rtliy, W tlr Alsn Phelan ciid that ha tto?c :o ef tha ocstra txry izzoa ta tlioci t7io itaajina thoy can lndnlg? In ¦ ' j ;Nlchol(ion ' , O'OonojjJiuo 1 :: ' ' •'¦ The Kanj?er3 C.O., Kilkenny, have Tbe , next day, thi'eogh tba kiodly lnlor»eatloo of . J J OlDonoghna C P . , A, bhojwant to the club oa tho aronlhT of ths tUetiorf, less nflboiomiO|T craanot tV conntry mc?Ungsv vtlt^j PjO'Brien, A 8'JPheldtt, P J PaVroiyAy ParJe; John eon prcsjod to ffo tbero by the then gjnd palpitating:; at. ' -ff -LAnonUCIIB2B son no less tljan 160 ttorrtberk,jThis come frlendi, they jWara sent baok to their bomei. haviua ^ ieorotary -thevfears li lpaaity.* Tfij Cyo bf thb fllij(>er(rii> jBcjlo ij) yt . * * ' Porle, N Porlo, F Pbelan, A M Ro-s, 0 E Redmond, who told blnv that there were not eaea/jh nenbsrs to ' ¦ I . •>" ;: ' ^' . BOLL, spcakd-well ;/br the enthaelasm ^f W? bave neeo a Mapblft on tbe Seal Fishery, by tbcc r tkn £!:i optlc :of tioSJC OoanciU {¦ ' . • thq cyclists of Ye Faire Ci tie. j ' I XJr M Douglss 81«ti:ryi'fdrrac>ly oetodcot b'ae. J Bobsrteoa, V Raldy, J 0 BldoirAy, \7 boblnson, S anki a ballot. As far si:acy blad-tjjnios was csa- 1 . t eart3d ba hnttr csthlc? ecsutli. cad'infact nh:a th» aft^r: [sli ht j : ; 'Tfae 'eanoal msstSsj o|f iba W&tsr* '! .A cTclist nritincr to' the t.C. from Wo coograiulato Mr 81attery on tbo production. Bobinscin; P J Bogora, W. Shalloo,HE Shalloo, it of g ; ^r|imi3.;sd ' - that;; it' £s bo held nsxfr ¦ ' Stafford . W G. Tpdd, F Todd. T 'B' Toolo, John A ballot was Uklno plao tboto '.Trii no iae^Uoa tlsc!:-. iTOT \7.D.0i ford Biejob Olnb Trill " : A^BtTLL.! ; Kilkenny is rpspoMible for thd fol- Apars from Iho qacotloni of IntcrnaJlonal law ' - - ¦¦ ' ¦•¦' • ' • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ '¦ " : ¦; : * ' : : • : Thompson and ¦ [ - ¦,- boarJnii efaJLj . • •!• ¦- - ' ¦ : ¦¦ : ucsi. : r ! ' : " " lowing—"Thi track if ttill in tht IntolvSd, ohloh jaro ' ably dealt trltb, tbo Thomas Waloh. '^ \- \ Mr FcwoU : Ur Undo* cald ha did not think It tros cocpoteat a ! . Tbo Eirije? Pcsta ordered by tha KIM conditionat lihen I lat^iprotc tj cepl that f t ill £«t]«ral qnestlon of -the btbitB of the ' ctsl Austin .rcad . ftbs mlnutb cf tta lact for ths meptfpato -tko c;-:r;:r^ * "~~ ; ^'e|ble _; go I upstairs,;" - "piey j annuql mpstisa naich worp conflrmed; , ' : dt^ts n r.r. ' . C03D EEUD,, Connty Grand Jury end the Danger hots isone, aad if edmefhing is cot done to it at Ones ncritted la tbe ibis work BK> Tefy intergetlag; - . < {here «M ot was hoi blaok-boanlnj. Tha ballot ' ¦ -33oc?J3-Bnpji!Icd-by',Ujo\>Ojcli3t3' . Tho report, fat; 1897 and tho statement of no- 5 | :: It will be.jnst as well to leave it so until tha committed rcaflinff. Wo nlsh Couacollor Doo^hs Slsttory ' ¦¦ should bo laokod apun ca »t:oluttlr privet;, Ha Club clll bo erected ia top' 'Oinnty dnrimj ' f-rorj-encacjj counta w.ere taken as read, ; i . ; • • ' i:;i - ... are "iMsemic,/ ' doctofi ' :-th«gm Tpnricj of ¦ tho A^. taiaomeadpw ott ifc" ! l ' | ID his profession. Hlo old frloodain wouldba veryrorrxlt tho.GfcplrRsrx^uewqd' thocattcr tdi V ciit OMi. I lojo tbo other Irfah Oonhtics V7illbe 1 . <• . Thp followlOB" has cone to hind t— Buogarton ere r;lght" (t Tho cccbnaU nUovrod that tocro was o ^alonctf Cabaro-oponed. Lot tha publio feats of tno ciso bj ln4io learn that bn hu bean duo tho bank 14s ¦ cit2rdd for ia | tho camo i vpy, • If nci . by tiia Grand AHAC2nOT7XDD(!-" , Watorford DodTrnmore Rtilnsy, no« admitted to practice boforo tho SoproDO Coort ¦ ¦ of ^38 Id. The folio wins ia tho threshed out,] bat cartsinly not tie ballot. :' ; " Scoretaty' OQcuJ ¦ "¦! • .. - AHOTAL UEP0HT. .- and that ' Tdrori by the Oonnty Caocoilloro nhra thoy oomo UBUT. " ¦ ' I e of JuJloatura of America. ; " : I Tba Chairmanas cold that bis fssllnff nes to girt ca is Greek &k:hmiM*t@® ! ¦ :¦ ;| " Wafc»ford. lrt iIarohV;3 Ths Cocamlttea aro pleasad to ba unoh lititurf^ ponlbls, ptftlaularb ia » paitsnal *¦ , able to cay that 1 ' ¦¦ ¦ ¦' b risht. DoAciBrs,—I baj to Kc&nowlcdge the rtcsipt of jroor Tbe inquiry hell) rolotlvo to tho orco ol oharno your CInb contlnnea In o proaparong condition. oattji, Boitst it troaia ba batfcir to 1st Ur ~slly bc.ts, 0 --r "/'-¦ j Oar ; novr iVlcsiPraWca* not to j. ' ¦ - Tbero aro in tho Sect nt leas) lettero! tali dsto, giving o copy: of th« Eesolution of for tbo RUIyduff water tncpl; was coaduotcd by Or Tba numbir ot mamban bn tho roll (a abont tbo bis t>y^nii supprco tnjthb :• ,. . Mj d'UmA: r-i , w. I 7IID tots : tha Ssuth Eiitorn Oottfldlli I.C.A., lelfitlvo to tbo Thomas S Bronno, | Medical Inaptfltor cf tho Local . ISt Aylword—If eonoons would asy that tha otOnicj ; CIDD. . a decco gcatloiia nfco ^ronld, and ttxao ca tho provloooycar ,:bnt tho Comtalttea oro ¦ ' discontinuance of tha (ted oarriajo o( bloyolen for Governmdni Boatd, ID a manner nhioh latt notblnff upon "bioh fir Eelly nts itotaally Ideated was noV i towho; ba 2 hops may, cdorn tha sen ' earry to atato that the nnmborof navy-niembsrs j naxt No^aabsr bombera of your clnba, end to cay that I (ball lay |t> to, be desired. Every opportonity wea rjivoa to the olcotcd fell chord! cot. I think the diconcsloa docJd bo c=d«d (ls?3ht«rV Darcc^n Goaicil elected tnder baforotay Dlreotora »t thob; nesa < Tbo Club pwmfctJ havo. besn . Ur Eolly aaidhscicd ' ' ¦ mectlnff.¦ . ;. parties'ooccirnsd of bavlag their ovidesao tciea by hapt in repair tba dc:criptlon "rroieTonica" ¦ thai l£ t7o either In support or ejiinst tho teheao rity HaD rUch oecnplcd tho . best part oJ.thic^ i. . I . ! I have to ShabU tua Hon. Sea. o^ ths , itof lotii inu BrJttsfactor7dnria3.the£om|nseaa8on.---Tha dobs tjcoinff, and I woali not have been iilecSed. 11 '«lo'vea tbo little blood s | Pull down:.your ¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦¦ ub tbo ontlro ditialon^in qncatlon. Certain froa on tho dab hna boon i>!eabars cf tba proper way 0! Itlailcr tid tonro. ¦ ' . f " . '' :: A COnocono EnnUcorthy tIiait<:d<3^olluiCl for very tnuoh rcdaccfl, and only bwd Qoi to " tho etldraco ot tbo Entjtnccr, Ur Bary, and tb&t CJ thsre. Bo »pobo a a acnbsr of tht Olab eo ca to : Aa tho V.P. Mid, tho OTldont intact ii. ) tU¦POLT. what !l may.| cell - deaeribe ! tho for tbo ospsodltoro laooxrcd by come oxcaptioaal of ¦r ¦¦! ¦ " . ¦ - of Mr L>lor, tbe oSolcnt eobool kaohcr ot Cartlnka repairs to tho frovonj in fnture any nea d^roaa beccr' ¦ Vtuu taSca inttb ofiiiro of jtha Clat> b^' i | BOrjjeaaj juincal report juot iqned. , promises, nnd ,tho amount apant la "3« . . ' Iwei' v ¦ CtejEfl Darfcijj"list joar tha ;<3nb op«nt ova* MO on daocia. that tbe people of tbe'laaallty aro vory badly oH for ccsding crotra 1 nicmbcr of tba C3n> frco, biiaa t-~tbd cj.(Sc-i3 .... *j £g-^csf e.- - \ '¦ lip-^fe' . j i . " tio ccmborab n most hopeful and to so many regatta*, would have ottstaptjd to trtat bin, /^//: ui ;7 ^ ^i' 'K ' " ' • ¦'' ' '. . .' . ' : '• ; ¦ tarcatseatb. I em not snrprlscd cansiicriaj.iiajIhertt ara sojlcia water, and (t would nrore n (jrcci fcoca to them to b;jn entirely paid oB. Tho aocccaaiof our Ha coved tbs ccip oac.oi' of tba czwitainT aljii. Wcdtsalfis'a was tho " rowing ClaDdinn ordara to as to lcava rooa for dfsdas^aa. sKcflilcd, cad I po csy that it thno' eighteen ladj mofflbbni, or, I ebon ¦Id rother c:7j ohtiia n anpply. i . men rraa very gratlfylnrj;; "At tho Metropolitan 1 SnSotird niitins I a Glub'jiarlasra too.. " . " ¦ } ¦ .]' won CbAircaa->7oado»'t cicaii fctataon«ntt9 eay th4t ' fax "ana a^Tiy ia 'cdtanM, froni Orsry.point 6t tssoBir^ , ...... Tab ccbeoe of tSxBsary for stipplyiogtbodlctrlct Bc^otta they the Metropolitan, Fombroke, the flearetsry: w^> : ¦ ¦ ¦ eottlfl ba' Kicoaubh¦ fc?tb¦ a wta«.!:-7 f. 1 onnnal — ' froa the Glendoy coarcs is an cdmirsbloone, bat it and Snbzcribara' ChalleoRO Caps. At - TTntorf crd (lao hter). ¦• ', • -' -\, • /•- ' ¦ Vi3a, of. tay pro7ion3 ' ,f. .: a . i : ¦ ^ . I 1 .. . Tba motions prepared by l!r. C. W, - may provo rather costly. Hotrever, Great cicrtQcsi Hesotta. tha Wetcrtord OhalloDgo. Urbj Iatecto, The (jMctioa M. to ,wn;fae»; tha etindej ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ " "" ¦ . erdf. instead ¦ ' ¦ 3 being- . of • ¦ ' ^ : i . . . ; : \\ - Mosley TO rice to a tac:S bnli ; | bat a bcon mtde la many ! dlatrieta throosbect ibo Soir Chdbnna, and the Watorford Boat .Club Bhould'tja eupudad bc'faoli bivi x ti.a not ta w^S^Sii;--' \ I ran 0& ' ; - thi "INNER of -ITtrsp Gf4d°b Oenttor—Uiai -F. country fof tho piarposa cf.froviains a sopply of ChaUcntjo Oapa. , At Gorb;i tho Cor2c City, tho oeotins, Ur if Tcdd dlaoatsd and tha cattj czi-i. ' ; : Qood wator, end wo Arnott, ond tho Iiadlea Kf lTCertby «U he did B :J kdlsva ti^a 'b" - ; fu=l otirwo thtit tho:o who ro- UDS I scarleti I I reasoned dltonKrton. As! made it : 8pau,iiAir,15.! Batbdpnn Eoad, H.O. E.oa3, ChnlloanoC . At tlmo- ' ¦ ¦ t;a ;- Pu! Ocaicsdrtcat urging tho advanco ol tie snb- withafiislga for o postos.. ; !, . ¦ ¦ qaire the supply will coatribato a fair .proportion of rl^t, tho Llmoncit Cboilcnce Cap, tho Shannon dn3b b!;9h bs:a: tv ti?hl'.:t. • , . • Wf^^|; ; C% . . ¦ rcia edd til tay cSfoilia to 2S/-, WB3: carried by SO votes to 29. A tao'eost abonld lt ba diccovczcd that tha cntlroof Challenge Cnp, and tbe Ladles' Plata, Thoy alco 'it» C^al ¦ l fath:jd>c«;oi. Ci3 ,.', ¦:. ..- : : ' rewtudf wtj demanded, cad the ttgitators on both tbo thrca dlviiloea ohould DOS baioeladed ia tbe ontcred for tho Jablleo Gold Vaca, at Nottinftham, batefcrdtr.. . ' , 1 . : > ' ; ' your whbn thay i ' : do^h 16w= tiAiHizi obont tryins to maka iho voter* oltsr their area ot charge. Tbcro nca ono natter In pirtionlar deleatad the NotUnsbam BOWIDIJ Onb. Tb report Cad tbt:tiiat icl citsaab v¦ ra t!::a v " (%^ : CjdoFtcd. ! j ¦' - .;¦ . •. -^PPi: ¦ bdD In tha cccoadibeat : TH X7Z,\ Jurt in tha height ol tho esdtetncnt, Mr. G. IQTSS aid 10THM nbiab must bavo | ctrnolt i anybody cttendioff tbe rrcro, In tarn, defoatod by tho StourportBottClob Hj EeDy, ^rith role booi in'hand, roso and pointed out ; inquiry, and tbat woo that tho Inapeoior candaotcd , wbo ilaally.woa thoVcsa, er 6yeli the Sit Ji noaia required two-thirds majority to alter !,, : ' ! : - aupt'otaotica'; the eisminstSoa of tba ccvcral oitncccoi nlth veTj Aiopcclal fund haa bean started for (hot purchosa ITr U-Carthy, purtnintta ocUea ot'csttoa, prcsoirf ^T-'« tho j i : n . of npa boats, which has bean fairly DS rclo. A rcijr of nUsfactlon followed from (jrcat ability, and prevented by tho admirable tact auccccafoL tirt.la, fonwodoro c&oald ht t&izi to'C:a Iht efc^xrs f^^S^ ' - -Icotica th«t O'Oonajjotic cljBildoylo - Tl)9 Commlttco ' ' 0! EiJorCy,-tnd thB Ohnlrcindsolaredth atnotlonTost. P' i , coa cl and predepco displpycd by hla at o certain ets?6lo of hopa a]co that tho.jntjrnbjrn qf ! nest!ta tha pib^dcnt. Tho EIwc! Wetcrfcrd oh» c;J Iming , of 1 : vtny llknly fcava ended a, thp Olob, who hovo qgc ' it | Tbo» vi o havo Btadled the afislro lie William O'Dano^bao. cnabi par nosh rcapcbt;d tbo loqolry nbati t^ottld already auteoribed, will oftoa no) a ccmbjr ot tha club *ici prnHeat, bat rjsci fl^ . ¦ cc?loaa dk;7tc3Cloiit dq co, DO matter how small tha aut&srltytlon' niny A PITT. of tha Gnb closely for yeaw ogrea trcderji, wo a caodldtto for tfas medial o2ssrlib{p betocaa csaa cl tbo rnrti¦ cs laa tine o! Csptsln Tools tbi Utyorj of Wc^rJcrJ fc? : iBtacDtcd, : " 'j :•] . b:. A new racing flna fear haa : bsan tlrcady tomo , rcr:oa cr • ctbtr nem ' i ' with ino that ii ia a pity tha amend- ' ' | j 01! . . . attadid c:s cj 0::!? bloodshot cf , Ko ;l EastDiicsnciry Dlciriit of tho lt ' ¦ ' ¦ ' and pr:i ¦ '¦ ordered, and tho Coinmittca tba yrfy/d T7lth tho pieisnt ocmBertn^) . ;¦ • ¦ • ¦ hops that tho fund* mo:tls^9. cosrea Uaycr^ he J oloaji acted very n-at vca nsl drricd. Dublin Union. Dr Crinioa, cJ Aaioa'o-stKct, nba j Cxorio Jo ) will cnablo ttam t»oleo order o new dinost laKKlbloto lrsp - tha Clnb'in a ofcarf efjbt Iho fcSDaWsly fa clvlna tea tis ca tl tla rein cics- y it U WC3 blcstcd, eccuwd 20 votca, ohllo Or O'Donouhc?, I hear tho original ctrtt of tba Gas Worba bora Commit/:? hops that the brilliantBOCC JCJ ' cQeiaicy with tho annual - subscription only ona ~ of tha eicri thay nqolrcd It, bat for a I OOQ ^E1 P^' t^3 <1U ' |- It la ?bo ii qclta t younjj nodical piactltioner, founa 17 was /22.00O. ! Bo »Sit, cosaidcrios Ur Dcnaldcon't p=at ton ycara will Indoco moiro mombera to row] not atVjBdthsmwtL-p. Hlj ' / . palfer^JTiat is fjdoKJ p^ canutn. a pity that incrq or oor totoofcstlsacrjatfiiitd : ^ pnpjarttJur loppottero—a feet nbioh (jca3 far to chot7 : tbo catlclsotory ! report! tta parabaca prlca, /MOO, doc j and that tha practices will ba regularly I attended a " crnmodorc," fc3t tilth ; fcidlej; dticcaj . cannot cca thiir.way toj ¦ ¦ : " ¦ ¦ $>a coo:;n c! tia c::: '^:^ 65 ; 1 "¦; ' "\ . . ;. .' \ :2Koa in wblah ba Ji hold., ; ' ; j not ecsm crsCTVO.l Por years tho woikp havo bstn tajprcparatloa for tbs Roaattn.during tho comittQ La woald chaapo it to Vlw-ptciliisat, ' ' ' i v/hei'e- :'" Oliib ly bccfilniESBSoberB. Ai a (jar^Bosrd- oa to nczlcckd tbat coaiamero 'i:c6 lifci!G: blobd-' shows. ¦ A printed doenment hjaded "Sog-. aeptloff.ef Tnrrfay a rvrola* urciaallyWlol until ;- .: Ur Aylostdral:cd a QEK'-JiauUtha'e^;:iv:» cl hij j , | 0 ' ion vaapzzszdon ,tbo ootltfai of Ur Joan Walcb, only $3 nov? romoin. : Xirclva yftra ago 99 resldooU , Iho Chairman, who wu vi}ry motion without cfltlM. 1 o " gctcd, OficarB and C3omro)tte« was ho cordhlly rocolvcd, 0 I 1 ' f3OGC710n3.¦ i scondedby Mr John Deo took la the , nbleh at thnt tiraa was ohnrged for roba ^ad cald that hod great la TAOV ore finp^rntr* ¦npot^lf* KPPW , who oaenpted tbo eaifr, Rt3 pliascro DQ A(tcraprolonnoddbac:cta3i Cis c::ljaa ¦ w* •• ' I . cots:3ts 'V ¦ ¦ ; -ito-ft'Csetion-of-ths iBsaiibn' ¦ ¦ ' " • ' ¦ ' 1 1 I .;-. "csai J ' ¦¦ ¦ * ' • • ' £c.rr»" ttp-- clloo tba ¦" > ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ;:¦; _ . -i - A : . - slllB U oa taa Oodnt/HtatrrffctiiOfOsptilirTtrT c^«w*»i^l.tilla«*-lr»&HfrtlilDStir:rli-CCO tsssilatrat taa rcpsfi cij atAtomeat of cc- oltoratoc« . . > . .•: • ; . . . a. trwieta to ths meotinjj.; ;Mr. PhaUnof ena other "The Olo action thosb who 3ta«t, to coaveno » pnSlio taeatlnj of a thororigbly Tbe rjBtcry7orklaro ccrw voll looted attsrtlaca coaata, and In. doing eo hi eunrsd them that hi) taoHrA Haa tt:a c:;3ai::l tT Ur £3 ^ong^ "Boggfatid'' ' itho gea bcx4 no fAoobt, vjonld ¦ , \ c2 Vle*C3ptain, TO Parla ; Geo: ¦ l tsiilet ia mananjDjj^ no?t». ' . E3T0c:-ythoi tbo eubicrlp. Tbo noit notlca of moiloa tt»od In tha c^sa lit ; ¦ ^ Ciptaia. 0. W. likaloyj Brltaio tad Ifelwai . ; \' " . \| .j . ' now tuna towards paying off Uotsl pa»— ' ' CaTitt ; A«i3taat BecrstOT, y, Eotamoa; { . ' It is bop^drthbl fho rotepjycra will- givo the oldijob; of tbe Club y end ''That tha carnaco feobs cc:;:2i:!3 fult -men - , rcilaryj T. |, Ecailutlons of d similar ac«cridcnt. Tt '*^ klgacd by Deotors 8bantbao "tod Friel,. which |»as catbfactpry Indeed. Tarrilnu td tbe expenditure, intctfotanca nlth tie »utr«rco f«f. 1 ho trill c^rry with bla tbo beu nltbfj ot tho in- returns, f ttA ot the Botrd, tbe Ouarditns vary propily habitants—Protsttsnr cod XJatbolb tho'Chairman pointed oftl Hlf>t tfto Clab The Ohalrnsn pat tbo araeadcnhl walch ria hcjb» Blloncd Or Waliso to a>mcsS hlmcalf from |' bla nlike. Ba wan Uad coootruotod a^ltjona (p c, lafjo n»Jorlty. Th» »ia9 kzi \s:h\ thi ori atd mo:t ! popular hero,. hl3 Undly'ecd ornljbjj , tif r Club promtaca, ' ;lsd §^nl Smffi Ss ^ in^^ eaoron» dalle* for another 14 d»yo. ' At tho otplrn- bearing cpd bed rnsia ojtcualvo repairs to B0U33. i . !¦ • having cudarcd hla to oj ctjoz i oith vtkoa ho , tho Blip, but ¦ ¦ itd opclinsday tintU this honrhas ?*^^* °figF5^S^j tloa 'of that psricd ; I tloccrclj' bops tbtt oar afclo It jvvtt) applet that no elmil&r espsaditaro ¦ ; inn BTjcsonjrrioni . • , nlmost eav it'has nbt bcea eq 8 becsne acqaalnted!. Everyone nbo refers ¦ Co tho In tbla ¦ lit Zloaley.tUca riovad thzA tavUo cf ths ilJ^i . ^Rrs,^ knd oiilUa pbytidso pill ba- In fall possessleii c! direction would ba. wanted for B long I Csscclil "?; ^* - ¦ ' rofBiond cebtlepun's departg» olabcj - tlmo to coma. po:ltlftB ol tba Clob tbo «ab:3flptlea ajfflbdr. Ooae then, boy* ltfc cs^n drihB. ui J-<« n«««l tilif iA hfillth l>r\A witratif . ' .' . . . I ' bla the Another aad a rothei1 lorge Itifu In tba expenditure ba nkzl to tnlth and claK with ;Ur, a. J. Hurley, jthas la i>" ¦ ¦ * 'greatest tntjpni end tbo bapa Is frequently es> /i\ 11s C3 p;r annca (load ltmj«=r), i ybo cappjy of potati eecd 6ftjered by tbo Gcltd- p Itdma wcJ OBO ot £70. coni4eauent>i( thn*MK «4 : : Mr Pbelan tatd-la*!toi tho- bsiyrftbtz a wtsa tbo V7'B 0. ii cclebrotlsjits goldsn ea pfeserd that bo H cftca yotoro (o VJ:St blJ old tho crows Co Dublin " pnrpcrs c! Td.:lz3 0 ' ¦ " ' ' " : ' b? de(l»«r£4, aa4 t]hjj diitribqtloa w^l, I . , corlr and, fctaerlck Jut '(SltOteilea ho cOald tosondtha Dottoo. iabllcq • i . . • . - isna ^ Friday aornlng frlcoia-hcro, . . : ; ecieoa (flpplanw).; .Ho ; I tmdeman?- ogpa ecp LCO nail^ it i ;; ' ¦"¦ ¦ ' : ffOTcr, ao.folawsared thtt- -; Ur UcCsrtby propojaiji thus tia fiafcra«l ;'.!to tlTzll 1 T I' • i It io -casaetcd tJni n. new dsU« ¦; • i-6n-0tili* tbp noiafciw ot tba club xrbioh woald bripj ; , axt»i'"c»oii2.;_aa£dx^ala!r-bollJ rcKOTboat will rJJCatrlo! , wotjldfywa no ohjcetlo? ba SJ> in £33 o year Coft. AaE |>jr atiy^Dthci teeans; Wandi- ' tO| till} eipJDdttlire coDDidorlng : tlrCO'Donoatittas«C2ad:iti;*cC3s3c::a!, : " ttcy ^lir johi w.i.b\ wi/i pMoh.csa • ten ot : At the Ol prinel Af covatcd tbfit thd wkflto on a toi'ne» top ttonp. J.: ] ' 2ojd s(»ted It had ^csa toet oa. - Ur Haokclt cald a edit;upon tho Aa taa propcal . oju oat carried by a ttro-tbirda ' * ' olty uhlci . ttsy.to Qallsptty rpprcuctcd apoa tro&bk: 4d- " i I j I nalts vill ba prcrsntcdwitlnaBrip :.: Tha :lnflnfnsiopiaecl3i« vary praedtnt In 'if4 Ithullr Ecsnad* JP«» HNadtiscd in oajq:lty, it fall ts tba oroanf. ! takS'. i; bilocluo tbo other weten*. th»n iho . Bfegiii with Wjao J23. Ths' natnro «! tWpdra^b-Ioft ' tP-thij: jbbnnd: Kilanotbomas. U*cy; :o! tub ..oorhbwts : oattsr focnufd, O^iacs Ibb ^iDcolty iiro:3 throaffh 6ulr;(renewod caoarlnQ^ Thij w»9 polatoff oat by llr Gerald Kelly, tad tta ba tn And tbc:a JhQnouro—wbleb , ojnloaOT tho wtunsr, ^Jho will handed order cchbol ohildrsa e;o j" laid op '! tzSeiias froaltta bis OOD f«nU. £Ir iBoyd rcaarlicd that tba byho was fjtjra tbo olty Ohainisa eald bs- qoit» ot-jrlaoaed thn fej. • Ei : coa*y valncd very hl^lUy—woa dca'ajred tbat tbo oaodtxjcwollci'or chaniejpcr for tho sum cased. oaj nitbbeld. becanb the cocrtboca nai In e dlrtj %;o-ipr4oi| Would tbeWfcra v«ta;be!) DaeCrS !• alco reflect tlibgroatat'crc ' ' CLBOTIOH 0? o»fjUr Hunt, ffoin Urj C B Ecdmend, TO, llS&ted when thoCinaty Ooart Judgo noni cTotra. ' ..' ¦' - < ¦ , ¦ . ¦; - ; v " redcd wish, , ¦ ccfchcd Lc ' ' ¦ , (loud and prolongd appbasa). peal" - ! '¦ ¦• ¦-• . '¦' , ASEESOED CVD Ib?ro • tor/- a; '* Editor Bai"Proprie:pr of Tnri i U H , " ' . tit SalliTan c:ld! tbat lit Kennedy ocs tehi$ (o I . . .F^k. ' ' ' ' ' " " ' ' ' " ' "ii V--Increased ' notba ef tbs Ohntasj, ••¦ On tie czzntzi by llr J J -i ' ' ¦ ~\ ' ' to " hcdalw.contlDgod'tbeQhQlroBnt , ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ gontjomso rctarncd thhnko forjths biiaestatllaaca. M : • - ¦' ¦ i n iwblsh that : papc? tho ndl3 and, look after tbo faroltaro, Vybich ilcCirtby, the Ilpjcj of V/ot:nc:d ww *r [ iG nncixics . oo^iECTnioii ccopon. . * n feed for ths pcrohata of : ¦;;•; :! - ¦ ¦ acaalcscdj Ouardlaoo rcrolatloa ol oo&dalsnoa oa tba flcatb of , vti en aarcetODs^Ie wqneat. Foreman—\7e caa - dtctad Preeldeati I . ' i ¦ tis:tether. ¦ ¦ i , ' - l ¦ | i " . : ¦' A ballot was thoa takca wlta ths sj>o?,.<^(y¦ • i«r:coib ¦nuraioi?.' ' ; '- ^ - r [ : only call oa Ur Kennedy to do f«i»*«l«*lfit#* ryuraotly rupoaded b fcoti by tbs ^*,t ' iscabsra ' A»alct3nt8ecfct4ry-X l)syl»3. Uoa Treaaarer— (\ P L O, told a ITCT7S Bcporec? ^ , - ' OD IV bcoa o ioc!ik 9ut cl bcjpltal, oad bia tetaia llil a lii'JsbjStcr tkia thoy htd ' ¦ ' !¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ Pcphia ood Canrcn fcapJo ia tho Wrct of tto Ocdoty ' ; • ! i fcabla health for come Ut&4 pait, Ao isqt:c:t was dona cp {to yeiut—II tha ' dsinecllba, to to tpcilt, ; . TBq. BVftassjflD UBX. ' : <7UH roiard to tbopuarantcat| < . • , I BeloJo tb» ballot was tatrea UrB>Uy 6:o the elicafe • . ' . ; \ QZiip I7£BIO^4t. j to yoo the held nt tba B .I 0 Barraa^r, Ciirrlekbcrj, on Toc:3uy mro a uttla extandad~ba fad BO l«MM IM of cotursl , . , ' -. of Int" ^ 8ft»a A atock o! said ' ' ¦ 't yoithinkU ftcscmin bad joined " . Tb» ; Chs'rpisn tha oat-ado? Ovnanlttia hsd §Eiese ¦ : 5catt;r—Don baj)ia as toy cln^ their alz« ;;/ ?bme ;: ¦ ¦ ¦ iTbe westtof koj:bftqn very ecwntrlo for tbo past tbVcoootr?aa d woald ;M Jbe ., : ¦ notblos wfc;yo»TBr-to do xs1tbi!Snl2'f \^orM; :Biit ¦ aosnlaocMy with tto city of Wstcrford in prccbtsir 1 tfii^jiic-if. ~ ¦ ! i ¦-^ weetr or'eo.. i We have bad slttrnatlve tpclli of rtip,- rcaova IDS teed for any extraordinaryespendUifro to I I : . . ' eCJSCTUIBSW. ; : -II thd claim) Cf tho Great Wcatcra that tha ratepayers ' ' ' _ Uee$hifi nati*» er««w yu;'«, »^ : , J \~ ' 1 , ' l" ' frc;t, boil and sao'w, «sab follooiatr tbo other la. a pi, diat-at future(bud •ppUns). • BiterrJsg to tiJ ThaifolIeoJos were too wixtlascrs cpnehSca t» „ ,.^ % -l """'""""^ petrid bo la a naob fcc '.tc? pQ:hloa tfcaa thoy wo eti CSH ' t ^ i ""l """ ""'" '""""\ ' ¦ phenomenally qolcIi.aneiaa;G!sn, id eddltloa to wbioh tqifij :J cf coopUinl wbicVt5?.' .plCi:or«r!'w ulwi —iJcisra G Q uc'.ly, ; ! i \ prc:aat1 . j i i . . >. ! fcrro fcidi in co^ncrtJoa vita tbJ npjraaon* 6| tha i Utlib, A.r&5ba»0PErfnaa!!i4? Ajl7cii) there is • /tlfl portberly brcaso blowlcj. Tb» cloh ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ,r.:fl t?'¦ . Ill WolJh—I choold'thlotr to, ud I flml» tsllsva ho (trjd »d'' I4ercs?» ,. ; ; • ' . ;-». I- ''¦ ' -. ¦• • • : - v - nonth of Zlsrob la tha yesr 15D0 he? eo fer testified CWr«»ii) fiQof ttwd tjia3t3fc1 fftoj noadtrcd 1 ¦ ¦ > '- that grcatsr onanltaUy oa tbo pit ot tbo baronhl at ttta piUcacj ohifib tfcasa caaihera nbiblied ! -:' , :SB3 > Ei&i3!JB.£3JEa;'- . ¦ ¦ ¦ to tho tratbiJot tha flrut part of tbo old eayfnij, cod J coa« ¦: ¦ . - ¦:•• ! ¦: I ! ! I ¦ nwpjjcrc, oca leuicuainj on to mo co»t«taus ex cMenag CW: treatment "Wei th=y had b^sn Hi 0 ? EsauoBd raoved ttt> a word vets cf laaata ' ' ¦ ¦ • • : ' ::; ".come la Uk« e lioo/» 1» Is to ta hoped tbe iattcT rwdtloj ba f izzd to tl» Earboar Hoard fc? ¦ - ' 1 • : lit solesisf •yadlc£& woo¦ld bftvo bcca.crodcativo op to tha, prcjat, bscsKE^ tba taooaeoditlen-f« thslr urial!|-a : i i !£*£:-- ' : ¦ ¦ 'i' ' cart of tha provetbwlll alro ca miQsd. sod tbat it Rapportof tbe Olab and tfcclr pcit Mcdein ' ' ' " ' ' ' : " ' " : cflnoeh i3pr« BolDdJ. .] : . , : . ' b rcdsciaS : \' ¦ '¦ ¦ ' : • " ' -i ! «' like e.umb,", .; : i plsitoro tssaibtrt was noi ek iail nksJ it thaald ! .y &¦ '. = ; will go cat . ;. ¦ to ten? ffoa /}tQ i . : Roportci—Did yoa | notlci : that , tbo \7exfct4 bwf), :t>» P» 6cacat3 ^1 fi;eaca !3 tetaSKa, prcviCsd that | XHf 3 V Kansedy, aootlcncer, condoatcd a ih^si, - . Tba, Comrolttca.M doub$Vwor»to bkey year* ; ' . ¦; ¦ j Afly;i lffliicixtc'iixajttiy toijla era stcstly dlcappolnted at Ibo ccsaniiCa- very (or t J ¦ oa * 'pont . -Coupoas of . euceaufnl'abxtlooof farolnj atoak, farmlnp- that ) bnl-eJ t!atamatiE*tJ^iweMcUcaort4fle«, , - .• • '- crcry p^J bjsiven o g™vra 3 c^o telopcaeati Fn^onBM'fon triUi tbo earebsso I tl:3 ' iapit* wklth ««ald cot . occur . A!jflBdnl!nir «:co8dcd tb c9tii2i m,j mWQp -L&. :; r^ich Tta Goortiaj ttiltcz, Ij em OSes, befcro. '¦ " Brotf, to,"4t Glcoitowoi Co. Wetcrfoid, oa Uondsi arfils, thai fjjfa mi tn \th : 'Tha Chairman eild he was a,c,enfcs?o*ti3 (f«pnti» , "%ML c ' ' bail ¦ ¦ PfcssnsrJ ;»I«W» by tho Ojkkt WciWrn 1 ; i .; erTlfMCliBOlrsSwtaBS *- »•« :r^l -Pillsr DK- .: ¦ ¦ of thtli;olal o. Ta Ur AUIcsbaa, f.:^ ' be «atens and devoted m-joA npaHod &«K>r . ooBsti!Mtloa, cat \ ¦ pink pilla th»t icwe trtde^ca «ni of 1 co ' ' " ' ' toimnedlto Bod coapUts rsHif froo the ^ • i Iba cation nti corrtod with cc3!33stJ:3» . ' U:5 to a3TQn!9 tc&uJhay cj'clittB tiowMBido. . -. ,. . < [At to Sir: CKOosacU, Cammnnfty of Jh» 8Utew;ot tferoy pill ,p/rct to •flWf W:t boats for plttsaro swaoersbeiajto , eJicct»t,tlj8 shopketpetwlw can sell them at half the : Xaey 4id DO afood>bata«r. istrn that Uary o! Ibe $ii ef ^t t,te'«i.y wc : ' ' " : : | . . On HondayBlffht ,dtoJMfiatoitsd Losdoa direetly tgolafithe wiii.es ^otber Storpd Heart (law ?^«bA. th;em. to be, »ad te ; TD4HR»o.*nw cjanJci^ prica of tha real'pills, and tttll make trior« profit, i Th« ha fl«alOTOtito Uotber fiopteilortti)Is «t Vm ¦ iW »we font to fee pat '.It caa propoMd fey J UpOartby—Tbat t!a Ifnltatldw ?nQ nnA& i dlcooision'tho Cktor Cricket dab «(| 'bo £Jmutbomt« liwi. , pr»s»ol r»toer eariobalv ,bid :eliiie>of Wjil«rferd wbo baye «a 8«a«t5Mly nfe zf r tha RtouinS) iLook for the ruvv XAUir— j : . - ¦ , T. . . ' ' , I , : 'i ! Easter SpflrtJ pader I.OA. .la^i. fcT«Uli &>«il»re( Ud , tod dorlo^ period of V «s8a f tho K<»thara Oatlandsrs pt^wented* petltloolo oSea ea 80peflpr«i" the rewoa for tbs i*KU tud !U» tbe eJawittM b*d to tbe f ooa tot pBwfcedaj oatt beta'i. ifcu WJLLIAllS' PINK plt^S *0R! PALE 1 B1I3 fc^lcabofccoir can too uos «u: ebU fly icutrnffisntal la vm Mr 0 W Eo»lc7s ^esaa»a'tti»op Usa, wti;i c;J ¦ Pa^ytEr n* to btlltyp that tbs rstvpayeb 4pm .ddtlWtHfl poni •parting iba loittry tsd Uaan ' Olkkj effort* to rciniriy thamelU'a JltasCbjlrcaa) nlA . - .- - ' j ¦• - ¦{-" : ¦ ; ' Umftctorits , vblob -an ¦ . ' •The^ii.'»^,b9 ibOitiiUriog ^orda l .. : ; .. •'• ' 1 %eoe9t froa tt« ^o^esiloa cl by Eca« fkMM 'MM A»JJ||» BV1« JMnlMJit^l *k. Af..^.. : M «t. did not tUok |» •« occnauy.'for Ua • :¦ ¦ ' " k .^ ¦ ¦ ¦ . : > tJcdsrti3 fio»CoaBty CoaacUEIQ NiUrte ; «' • A»W58«» vorfi o^ tauhrg,' -.;- "' • . ^ ¦ ¦' " -|MM«lf wper> 'Uts Company« &aa any otbe;,scdoori;qaeotl* «6no el" bu laog ijcja t*iw-?4%N,u&iimli&kHwif mi'^ , i inv saitsz lt l» to.tehoCT4 *bM W tbt Gasrdltosoji«U- lactoitii^tlgatabiari atl-, prodos* ealflS besa eocsoerelilly Mr ff i G Todd ooTd • tots 6f tS*i»£j «i«i eSscn ¦ : 'ef |r&b' it«d« oajr rnntt. iht recoffnUsd «ifir«t dwewJa, , Itmbafsmtiwlji ana oawalttn for »•• I 11 ' vtdsa ,^14n. At (DbwqosDt cavAtls^df Baui, bawittr. %4• «aattll tLd»e!usa; e&cfaa» oiaacr ta wWsa tea oi-s <>n r-*niym« of Wfttarforf Ooiaty ycd the • Ct trtxjioittbtb ke? Uli«ei osy ttto« fwoarable •^ M *""* !* . m ««*««»« WMnt who were ;oSaJr« of ills 09.1) vm Cddaeial durfajp . |S». tiw< c«d», opposed to tbsMp kpotlfloajmold tin pwl Xf czz'dx Sliaa. .'WJ ^ff ;«}d JJablfa, inn, 4ed fh»OU frill be' «VcatnalI/ restored iry^d cwdH '*, (tb»,nj»iori»yof u dteJdoato < i bfow in onr npbort : ¦¦ >¦¦ ' ¦ to to tbaM ohj. ««r» rupcatiUjfo» tuik & Bobkyo teJ ' ' oftoiis*Eejlolii(«»lWMla«»woJfc. trelthi ; .;! .-• ;. • ¦:{¦' • • ¦ •¦ ,' ; , tn uv thii :^»lTW escsadaa B6tica, «l^!i wes no?ato e3nta 'teftW Grot Wtitirs.n AfU P Ibb Hr O'Danntfl / tbW^Iiobitei; »rt»a ota con. . ¦ 1 tad ; r 1 i Xb9 lVtsJmi-Dov&tleajbtj tnoa Asb WtdcSr-Jty & s%M d tK e* ' #1 tr«rt4«r(»»t(» trtnd08 witt>oiil to GainStee* too. :J tSctvi *»etl»y, rwroUr Rat». ftrlsn&6> ealv< titi6<*rttr i ttdoonldis i ;B)m«»^a4|f»«l«b,fl3.arsb fll 95KieaoU>, aaiJ.a, : |1 , t^ D 6 ifco, ttoGr£^ «otf eol wh* tu w«* t^rtci! sajfl-fdfdismffWB4' Mond tb|a $« Ul|bUttetots«ity h t «tora«dttwi«. Tb^ » Ujt Msg&JltBi$8E®» la rrl?o thfca cJa «pa»Woo:th«l; wild J «• iwtlftd tie fn aafiQ&piOonrob , and parishi onorob, Carlok. iatrodooSa«i? -- ¦;:—-• d^iyJBiti iniiil^j ff^Sm polled;tb t fitw F«tUleaxr0t ef hlfl poaka¦t tod¦ flang : fot CjaUeaocaubocaridotoftaa ym^ ; ' r cQtBo, ?bj CountyOoo*H »tmd«ta» ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ beg, Iitrspi nombsrt cl , lbs bltbfol titans the if tbo7 EHSJ * : " v•. ;¦• .- ; : - •;: ; ¦:• • !• ;¦ ^ soet crasrttdyperiap»of, t »«r,"Md tbs .6ti» p|»» !««* ¦ j . - " ohBro&Mw«fy ni?t»fr9 jrtWalpots|o too dOToifoo* cw BfllwlU ::' - ^ ' ri ' :¦ ' ¦¦¦ ^jraaatbaSS Mr P U Dinnn nond|UrF dUsdW kiezitS !"jr, : OfiflSOfi?an« ' : <. <5!rtrfci ©roociliw fliEie«t»« l«irt8CC« i maath.'A* •el tb»altead»cca¦¦ «t tb« poroinj ijatjcj li¦ «|t0 .od fk -» nwlved•• Tbat' *, ¦•• '•¦ ¦ "¦¦ ' - ' | M( tjmKlWtBiai tM»JWr» *aTok««r»V MiMrWlT W M ^fll h»T«pontrdT,oC*Uir«o< I trttit, M jciioM «» W tjMutel seod ttdutcw tua wtd ctu edifrteg, - ! |- ;. .. - ; :• • H« b»d 0 J be aptMioUd Mditoii B8 B5SS &" Ge»bodIa ¦ | i grnt plw»ar#In uwtlag tlai it» ra$or)lcsd K*o0b (oith«c0Tn$»tar. t cjollit who enjoys touisg on wll ta d tntfntfua, w«i i aisWbot»dfW» •«! to ibpUoaoil qodrrttee ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' jtttewal • , ¦(• . ,. Sotiiiv.: ,. , . ., - , : ' , iiats>i ftdoBtM» . , -v-i ¦!> .: vi ' > . " rrV ' UeJ Uay wfll pjy oloo »tteationto road wpjir. . .. Aot tf Un Gtt»rdi«Mof tb(8 i ifilofl( ; A IaK»»t*ff I !!; ' , ;;. " . , | ;; 1 •¦¦* »«C»n»7 Wlfl tw*« MPf »4t)> tit* ¦ I ' ' MeMii sU/iiewnJed.thffe ot/ea,!- : ~" : :' JMaa4 • • - '¦¦!{ ' , Aa^aattiTtimDtj^ ks' aif.. itiirst^ldteadrkatimWa^BJaacmditn tii't field ^ ! : tit :p Ii* b« Mmlltst mnSatti(p alad« thlU«h* *tC bbbya t&tPt tDiiff! rj» .JfiWfNuaw^fc ib, tit prapoi^»- «rdl!aivoteo(1a«k«W^Sa>^raS#- i» •pntlcwtf. to WiJ (35i .H floj^ 5 ¦ ona,: tpau »^ lU on^tb^debtoij . -v: ;. . ' .. J .« " i i: ' . prWldioi aad for toe mar«Ulfli>!< ««*b• t toS^*- ll,enuii cf tea:poonds John.Hn WiM«^. MI !. yelte«'Ba» «*W^ C !slrtt>»B~lsi fcli » olilAke la the t4t "' In Cjploi CjM^»I'foon*i, ; to of « or ' ' ' " ' " '^ " isld ' IJgbttnttoi' "I ' ,!' . ' : il 'LiLJLivillLl.lll.. JI MJI 1 " (tfr O^vereoX tbat wbitb> it/Rat e; not ©«ly "C^fiulno iffi :i : ¦! . :j Ttarf to^'JriibtonB ¦¦ '¦ ^ (B|»?tf M -» ^ '! .• 'JLLL W- -A KIJTSHELL " i ; ' « db(raD«D« to ;i*b|e> ;>e ot*tQi»d, '^ : ¦ ii)i .i . Either ib«M vu ®IHlMtlfipfM, ul : tnly-»l«tMat*- Mi«t*rinMtt«fBfe .vUtoMpt^or ^»j««f • 3S*r»i« Mm. bWM«<» UWa» |k« i»i0 ! tJsrdwiwjSIro d StOTe Uo abSUbw , oil ooi ildo or ibe ! i 1 TTi Fot»l>d«, b'»k I oVlltaStn BjSe^Jendm Otb»r, ; ffbidb wa» lit :«9p7» (Nd, ii p«6^»T« t.«<«»y> * J4t«» I*. GTstek, nor#M (Ji Bt bntoods of Uitars wtTtnd f; (Ifrnd UdgM»»> ; ; lutatttt ted »frwM *& let tt» wM »o» Of fe» C9ab. AlSwobwol »M»ft»»«:-itbo«llom« : Uw Utfl t» Bkovcp orniui Coth rycrtllTdBdij 8Uvtr «nd pbairf«n-*.T5ii(j«n,e«»tlba fo» tbe audItoi. j Tae <*aV Ud olwmIrattal klai with' ftendty. Kfcctro, Mr D«v»renv—For -d Md r«]7ll f tojArticiw pf OKI U mooldijpol«, Ftoi «ndDiihea los »bo t i - . lo i^rtW ^Ur»A* bl.hl^e^oufid , ; Ch»l»w«4-4>TbeindUo«». i sy.-A ¦ -h ' :- . - ' ; m n. u mf c Gtw Sfc ti wlto'Uitig ippinitat 6t(M t ' i; : «d ^r Davereb»-V&y:wiU.lWit »he tnLtaVe $&, in4 thi lN j ip¦ .^ Saifef'sai'y' fe«^ tb T* kll Ike km (bMr, 6w> HiM l«n(CbUt )> j aa^Sff^wwa 'Mr It »«i ' ; ' Ot ;-;.v AS |^t:. «^»«jiw!>j ' BtlliMWBTty, »M*»4 mf a MttoJumiZftim , 8»yd»i |-iAtb» jwa l ttt Jm^tleg : fotwd t iim : i . tint1 •bd«fiMKb''OB tt?i* 1!?ljW* gBS3 (f> b»>ir*.o».«4»»iirtk«A;ooW«>i5^r<, a&$m kb^tb^>int«r mtVi.h. ^fa^** of - O»V' IQT)» • ,fwg«) jw» ' qtUknn nbiq ooutlons Bg priiur dhLtbl. e»; >i^W. ,Hf U«*u*« l^.p^Byoa^rbf iread^iMB^d bii ' ¦ ¦' ' tvUmva^f tff] i ,' i-f iV\ -• i >jf -\ ' : v . • ' ,> \ '* . < ¦ ' . . ' r .!' * MrA(fM(»MkHI Htb« i« ¦ , ^r^^s^^r^^^^^^^s^^x^^^^^ . > A , ¦ * ¦ !¦¦ Gfi^^^^i^^^F^k^^^^^^^^^^B ¦ . * ' L'. |-> H.S ' •' '¦ ' ' '!ll»l"li"ll«" : P* ..* . . . *(»*w5* Jit**« • . , raw sssif* * : 1 i f Ak. ¦•¦. i *- \ii> -i- •:;•:: !¦ -v . . - . . 1 -:^~;^ ' ¦ ~ w l»>»t*tb. PgblH tn hl.fll Ofl H ' 1 1 ir KSH .-D» WM* ¦. «b*tM .«ni : lt*lf| fll ^lf* - ^ iCoe«>b <.b«w»awt««}.ti«SJ Z/IT IMM

    ii &iiiMSil lliii wiii'MiiiliiteliM!! ~ jffi,; jfME^ ¦;¦ ¦!• -^ iiif < ^ r |

    »t. ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ :¦ ¦ ¦:¦ ¦: - '¦ • 1 ¦•-: , ' ¦ : ' ; ¦ ¦¦ ' c- vi^w ' - • - -^ ¦'« . . 'i :i • ! , . . . . , ;iVVW¦ A¦ - !# ; AJLv? . .*«»4«K ^' ¦! ; , M ! .vn.^ . « *- . . - ,»• •' 't* ' J 1 - ¦ . .. 1 * ¦ '*- ¦ - B':V »*J WV^ M ¦ ri¦ V**¦¦ > . ¦ > ¦ ¦ I'if - ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' - . * ¦ ¦ .-. , ' . , ¦ 1 , Vj . vt, : • . . . > . 1 ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ ~ ' ' - •• • ¦ ¦ ¦ "' . . ! . . . . 1. . . :-, . . ! p . . : 1; , ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ ilijEfc !¦ - . ¦ ¦! • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ li. ' r.- : . . •; j. . - . . 1 . ; , .t . ¦;, ! : I ¦ .--r; ;\ . • • ¦;! S.- E. Ci !- : i.;c. A. ; ' , 11 l-l.^ .. f)l tfffelfe S ii^^^M lllll I ./; ;::;. > ¦ ¦ r • * r r:r - -?-^v ; "~'^"r^'?^: "' ¦ --¦1 - -••--^-- .- - ! --r p; " 'NEW j ^^ o K»^ mAf rj j - ;i ADor rioir OP HJBI -HUI S, ' ¦ 1 ^ ^ - : ; - ¦ ® ; jii^\«n|i*t«^l**'i .;j9 "• !¦ • i¦; : Ti lB MALLOW LAP IB1ZE. j $0l:! ^.f^^ : drasiA. :i/^6: ;. W' < 1 1 r l|. j!aislSi'capick^ of< tli© L£^osdon Marketsisrs'i., pnrciased for carfj «nd D«6«« Ooajpotitioa.: ¦; - ' ilr l ^iSfrAi^i^&y^i^h i^ pop: ¦ | : Duo: •Brioidn ibe } A - . CYC£ISS. . . . ' iiK;- ' 'A ' i l ^ ao- . • ; ¦; : i lir^^^lBir sa. li. lOai • : I " 48, r MldB|^ i A T7OBD < ims mom wno mp m por'ib. fcrtra Oooi Vloltte. S5y^^ ¦ WITH¦ TBEVTRAHORE BAILWAY | featetoaiaa^ Vidlua^it. I a l^ . ; ^ 1 ¦ : ¦ :j - -:¦ COMPANiV- . . ;,J ¦ " ¦ ¦ (UM> • ¦ MOST ; M ' > ' ¦ : i - £•? • ¦> ¦; PURE OANP sitTQAB «nd *i« ! An in : ¦ 8onth.B»«t«rn 1 6:S;!ii^HISEfiYf guarantoed 6| years old, 21s. pfcr gfiUop-v : |\ ; ¦ perfewfr, njesjfiipg: ,«Jilho ¦ ¦ _:!i;J.^v ;: ' BSSBNOES, ' Council i rlBh'C ' WBS held Rt.tbfl ' "* ' ! : 1 - j DELl6lOUSt . yoliata AsiMitttion " -•H.i - >rr-y- ¦¦ ¦ ;. ' i .;: :7 -;'; -J-M-V: - l -F- - - . - ¦' Victoria Hotali^'W&tMToMjHbti- 'Uonaay' eVering i-r s ; -A' H . .: • \ BACO^A^ecu^i Finest Waterford j(PIKE APPLE. ?EAB, iiH0K.iS:lCH CIHNA ¦ ¦ . ¦¦ ; ' :: L ¦ ¦ • ' ;; s ; ?KPPBBM1^T) ; . •:. . . .*:-• !>;¦-< :! «T ^4i»B- 53«4 i«^r* «B b*r^;i-a ; ; Tho following delegates attended-Gi ;H'Kall?. /: . j j ' : ' ". ' ] ¦ . • :• ^ " ; ' M0N, OLQVE, mi ¦ !; -! . Cur6d. at 6diper 16. \ : D |j JITT jiiri ' 1 ' ;l :l : i , 'e who are begnlar consomeni of Vto HbU ¦ i i m i ' —*» - ¦; .i "L^J. ^pt i n '. -i fW B q).; M-A>Kflnaetfy;-t*W«*aty 0/0). ; jTiB r « rFprithQs W6gISiAPPgB88i~ ¦ • ¦ -: :! ' - ' l—: r ! ^ j i ^ Sheedy,- (MHcbel«towa:CCj.: O;Brien, fTbotnttV ¦¦ ' they taiow ;; ' . .; A-' TfiBit)¦ kn$t&<- COCOy this advertiseihent is Aot .writteri,- for ±- rf-K^INO to tha amodat of Chap Trtih now town 0 0); J Bropby; (0 YjM S CO) ;;T.lkyje3, ¦%¦"• •• • • ¦¦ ' " the best \ T and . | . . . On tbo|motion of che Hon Beo, | • I • " Tfcithfcr is this; destinejd 1 for-. i'the.' members of th'e medical , \>- ¦ ; 8 ^ PA^JEC&STEEET.; ' : j !¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ ; ' ¦ '¦ ¦• ' ; - - Mr G H KelJy, took the ohttir. . - . . /?V-;.- : professK>Dr(-ij'h'o long ago ''began, and Bftill continue to; . CZ7;PBOVISI6NS 'A r• 44. gAcrijiok GTEBET. • • . . . j: ¦ ¦: ' ¦ ' : n x u i; t l | iBISKQErSi ¦*- ¦ . I THE NEW .BOLES i ', ' i[\ *- , - BrSQX tiyj>iqniC acknoVtedgejiits frreat hy^onlo vftlue.;'- gutl it is intended ' BAEE6N8TBAUrJ-SfBEET ' or ' idlCHAEl'. Atbirtav^iii^. •. .«i i» us in - i Tho Hjon 85O;£xplaiojjl -tho :¦ ¦ ' tpitj? object lot tho, ' _ v.;. STBKET. . :• .. ( 'V'V:- .-- . for thttse vvho have; only recently taken toVdrinkitigX^ocda, ' ¦ : . ¦UxybOKNga dap. aj 151 -. , 1* "V ra ,, i . locating was mainl ' consider tho Vktliel - ¦ y to ralcs/rpcentlyj ¦ - ¦:- • ¦¦ -r;i I' 1 - ¦; }¦ ¦ ' i!: have never tried VAN • ' ' ' ¦:i . ¦ ; -;: •: whj> : framed ; by thdtExecutlva cftaJs'AeSoeiatibn end to >'"V' - 't'h '^Sfthose HQUnTE^'S, : • . / / .: Ptt&Hn,..i..,,.^.a«riwii11» - - TU tOib tv :.f ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ~ — ¦ ¦ ¦ ll ¦ > 1 . . . . j. • : •. •¦ Athloa*^ im«, «rr»T. ,„ «-,. ».-r« r-j cdopt them if considered ndyleablo, H« proSaacd a .*',.: '• ' ,' I ./ /•' :"*^fany.;new consamers may have obmtnenced with some' i AH kinds cf Confaotioaery. \ : ; U> *o ?»r • :>.Sin; 1*S« ,-. v-, ; H- . draft corly of'ito faleS'lha^inarn pointsin w^¦ lpn '—-(.,. -. . -. - !.!'f:!; '>'• \; 1i cifnoconnws' iCnAnflrapparentlyAntliT cnh^neapernnnr manthan tna»>!»(•n . 01nt ,. \yAPf k>3i nuuH^IITP.M., ix,n, i • • 2olla md Parties sopflfsd. Mo*ftath.^-^trrfal ^. . i- »^ 'ft*i-i'' —'-^*.i ' • ^'-"•' wore lucidly eJtplnfiaed .by.thB ehairoan. /•'', : ' A: ' - ¦ . II 13 ..U. ' ' ' ,i> |; ' ¦ ¦' 'and frocj lat k of knowinjj that a better lexisto, 1 may rest : Ba%Ues)hr —— ~ ;— »1» U» '-.--« - After ! BbmofltaetaaW'?' T^"' , 'V / :¦/ *>$ . -¦ L&dlrOf 'T ¦ ¦ :; 0ifei ;3Plumbiag: & : lllBE. > > if jonty - 'justlfbr once, and matte core by practical experience, A.—TaUTraln»{arMr>oa.U«Ck)^;Star*rtW itMtord,. - ; | THC KOETHEBS H DU0DEIBT8. 1 ' ' "': ' ; ¦ y- ; - •;; ; Tho Hpn Sao said he had rooeivod a doepmont 1 5 i-J j"*^ c^riceniing the comparative' cost ? As regards the superior r ' . - ..- t :v-'- .; -v w >At»«»o>» ,, Jv^,^ , : ¦ from 6 body styling iksUj'Jhe Notthq^o-Cyolista- tJoMQj lbt \SpWtt ^ur,lityn]K?e ,ri41 be no ^oubt abont it. - , ; , ; : ' , wj 0 j 0mi Union." I This - body wjj Wj.inc'Jj sqie UBC'lftgo in', 1 ! ' •Ti^nt. -fad III ill opposition to the IriBh^i^oliitD'.jiucoaittion^cljd wti' SL 'ps/iiorJtjft -> Gae «;crnal trial of this'Cocoa will convince any one that , i j : while, IMBSET ©OSISLLO an illegal Association, notwithstanding the state- it is btiich nicer and more pleasant to the palate, it - : —-r ¦— T « ¦¦— ¦ - ¦\T.w * | will be to go than any ' r . .**** ¦ m^m4 WSOU '> ment of its sponsors that it was " winning &U rion^ Fp,rJlhl)r^.thl(in found ferthef other [ Cocoa in: the ' Rojisi iarc^j Plumber ty Santiarjj,,J Sngiiieer. . . ' ¦ ' ' ' ; ¦ ¦ .[ . ;• hia Kaa b at ba BB iTT BI BS ' tho lino" (loud laughter). It was for the rQeotlrig'to M markets When thei,consumer,, jhas found o.nt tbis| an actual ¦ - fplencts des - - 8 W 1W -J^ ; cay whe .hor any notaco would bo taken!;of tho anv Other • ;. M"'*; : PROPRIETOR .. _ . — »2 . ' ,. ' {,]! ' fact,.ho iwill naturally continue josing it, and jwill itfien find, . - : ~ document or not. a I ' . pj '" '.} r. •; ? l at >n to) its nicer flavour and droma (which Kenatk - . . —, — . • < I'M - " , . . ' '¦ <"J "? "; 11 t" 'T addition are ;; : v (F^iriJ OP nii. VTILLIAU BAIBD' B , DTJBLIII), Par»coftowa ' — ' — ' 8*0 1U i • " • • ¦^• •" ' .Mr W J ATanatng—VpiSiouU not trouble cti&uti ; l> ¦ • l ^ j . . _ r* : - -'!- -developed to ithe highestidegree); It Is mora enaUy digested Boacna : ¦ — — »*fl 4>« - — FDE3S rcspcotfolly ; to thenk tho Nobility, Gentry, Hangers of Institutlona, cud Pu'jlio tfenattatk - , . - in tit , -. | | .^ botoro I O IIR . Wby. as I lead it no sports' promoters than any other Cocoa and contains, the maximum of. flesh- 1 fry ' Bodies f6 to Icrci cbaro of patronage' thoy havo extended to him cincd eoouEcacinj ' ' in tho country could)cic'jpt cn-casftifs'dmfii'nyoliof "A ' moreover, a3 it far exeqeds other Cocoas ' Atilone rJnae.: — — 1U 120 — — , ^ ¦ ¦ f} riPf H i V , Vi forming^ubDlances; ' • td-ejllo-'dnion^, f ' ^" ' ' , ;"' * in D»bte dej. ! :— a« *-U 3« _ atf ^* - cffiliatoa I to tho " ' economical. these respects, it foliows that it 13 teally!mpre economical 1 i unfiaj hb Portarl'toa . — — 10 X9 8 M . Hon Sfse—That jeaoJ -t ¦ ^ ; ; Eiip»9jring ncao bnt th3 taost oompotcat Uonda, endhavirrj all ordora cscautid , — 115 ' C rrr1 r • I '\-, . . • : .-\ ? in use tl^gn- cijr other Cocoa . hi , , ho in caablod to nndortiko every class of H'TeOMf ajr. — 7»« 10 M *U , — u«- -i ; Tho phttirmen^ held-.that ;)thoy shoal3?j adf ' : f ^ bvm psrconal nupcTVuion, - J .' . . ^¦ ^ ¦ • . - - ' ' TUIII '" ' ' : ' mate tbi timo "ofLtho '-paJting conaidotingii dpiu- Mixlures tfS \ "To "iilx ' fel&n sub3t2nc:3 rrftli COCDS, and tlioraby! ¦ ¦•¦ ¦¦ - ¦• - n- saws ' ' " " ' J i • . /^i s-s?«m;na n wr? '.raT^/TJVTSr^J ^iVUWV^J COOHTY OB1 WATEBHOED., ment that did not coma from an afSliatod bpdy.j ' ,' got ctlmnJittoa ibUyleU ; 8 35 11 50 V . ; Q absurd Q$ -k r , Imaging ,yod-vcan rnbro 6? nouvlsnment . *W | — Its . Mr Wj Todd—?3fi-SUr3, thoy; era ciimfng all i • \ ' : AttoBafb . - 8 84 U 41 (I.. ,»£>. ' ' ¦ ¦ - out of fa''a1)snpd, anS b lllio "tiylns ti> palni tho Illy." ¦ ¦ - ' ¦ 8« 60 Sir i- along thi lino {buchtarv A74 v»lll <2r3y> a lino jthit pnintingj tid illy. it* , ¦ ¦ ¦ :;- ^alljrartft J - U - Iffl . .;¦ ;/'¦ :: ¦ — I less — C3BSL7& Aesl^asJ J . ; AHD . {» thoy won't win on. :' ' ' ;( ; ' i; ! l 1 ' ' own interest : 2m«m7ani — 9 7 IJ li J - 5 U ¦ | i ' : . f / \\ ' ¦J5V0JT. .Cocoa consunlcr,: choulo in bi3 : Do.Ontfrtcrew«»ii i im »t» . *. - ja Ohaimian—They . fra atV j-fcohtc^ iboSy j anC" ' -* Eriij tiirB,imO H enqtjira -iritbtJthis; |after testing, one will/ readily admit MOTICE 18 HEBEBT QIVENj tb.t Tmderi *. ovontually will; h&va'.to como td (ia!r tn'oca (hear ! ! will b? tsssjtcd for tbo follo»l8ff Works «t (bo Tbcsactom 8 £0 »J7 1 0 1 10 ¦ , : " i ii ' : that^VAII r aot on|7, | ! . , \. : . — ' » sg hoar). , • : .' ' 'I *•• '. • , J . J .; , MDTE1P3 COdOA is tajatsj Aislios, if prcieoted for ;b/ tio Gracd ISalbhale „ 8 iO > a7 1 U •», - - -i. ' I" " J ¦ ¦ liUilaatU : 0 6 10 ? t (3 ««0 J- Mr W| G Tpad,'".propa2c3 ^It W,3-^0!ininijr ' ¦; ; Jcry i— : . . . . ; • - , - »ffl it ww r ¦ ¦ ¦ ; ' } ' : . ' - iMi - ¦; : UAIUTCB. itoataT,.,.. 115 1O 10 1 aO »W _ ^. : yss r cceonded^ and XBMiaid! :*— £.-" . <.f| ¦ : . : ' ^. jif .Tnc. UODT DATIOPAOTOKY - 'Best and ^ ' \ ' ' T ¦ ' ' ' : : ¦ Giiansih Brldjo ; tonraltsdi of Keimth ; pitsta ca; ef T7hlohjtboy hejped to;frame, we refuse'to eonoider - . ¦ [ ' ::;, ¦ ¦ ^'- J : • ony commnnication fiord^th^mlezc'jpSat tha Centre! : '. :. I ;; :AL \ - - to eiescd 10« par wreS—JC£3 6». 8> : %_ I7c3 paoli ho holds tbo ni^hcrt Tcjtlrzcalab betoeod ths Gntnn£jli roid Me tod 1 U ;MI: atMS3l Hs3as8r. Tho Hon BeoicnftaiitoC" tha repojt inu tiloaci ' ; :lln WcC^rford dfl Eb^io- oless ha rclcr omns, cnonpt cticr, ratb «ad Eall/rob'a ; patsad. not to csoood U. 9d. ptr chest jnst iBcncd ,by ' : . the GonoralEiaoutivo Com- candles s—Do La Dallo Ocllcjo, \76t3rford District Lunstio Auylun (ITCTT BoildiD-3),|UrsaliriD pcreb par oanan—£S5 1*. . : ' raittco of the Asaociatifjo. Jt.shoVr^that soti7iUv Ho. 4. 8AMB BABO:« T;—TO Iwep la ropilf for 6} TZ¦ ct¦ ¦ stfora, Liiaorlo ^ aad V7cfcrfcrd end Ocatrdl Irelasd Eoilwoy, Icapcrial Hotel, Bt. Jehn'o Oollejo, Ooavcni . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Wcstara• ctanding the pxcaibftj* ; - : - Oravcai, ¦ ¦ • ' ¦ j ¦ ¦'•¦ : ¦»¦¦ • i j be-^yi' fneurjed. ip BcA&ihzai ini) : ,'. q:!.^;r .. . tho ycari SSO p«tcbe» of tbe rosd from W»terford to Kii- nhWrit ' •; ; -^^. cl tha Good Bhophcrd, OMriek-en43airels OoriTcnt of Ucrcy, Tellow Chrmellits Csarcat, Kihsao. ; ; . "- ; tssia to campetoln'the World'a Ohanipionshipsi tba rsaay kcanj, b«twcon tho Borongb Boaodf et Siod Lodge ^ bc^aOsaTcatrfUcToy^ tad.hss o oxspntsd Osntraeta in of raacsions cf thj Ac3ociation wound up the year almost free frtr^dflbs, - and the Oonntj Boao<3» tt KllUipr ; townlasda of lisa Table ATJODST, : lond' vi ^^/j - -.; -: :: i;;;i» kzStar'rzntty cf this ac3 tio cdjoiuinre Oonntiea. ; In eddition to thb ha obtucid Pricu ci UoanUlon, Boakihire, and C»Ujr«bIn ; passed, not to ¦ 18S7, Ohalmfan—Wq JTitit wSp f titja/. * Attbi -I: , ' tnd oata fnrtbarHotioe.' ' . liquidating a hcivy'doht we Ci'kBb S.X O^tayo tba Artinns' Exhibiticra in Du)>Ua fcr Ki^sUcn^b in Pltunbinq Work eiciod 1CM, put perch per aonoin—jei5. B No. 8. BAttoar o» QLvVtiivu—To ra«ke 183 perches ¦ ¦ fairly substantial sum, considering our, income, to ' ¦! ' - All T7crk «?Mifca in tho, vory bcat nwaccr. tlatorhb of firsi>aary, to. dl tho cpincntDntlin AroiitsctJ di .Encb-ra. Ertiir:i^J , ¦ ¦ mano inaMn, ' ' ' ¦WATEBPOBD AHD TBAMOBB BitLWAY ¦; ¦ ' ©©Q^AOT Guc : Gbspel o' Crooks i toiroleod of Crooke ; paused cot to j ' jg^ IHB C011PAHT. . i : : : ¦: . I L E^co.j atccd ^docc^i .cf ell work'esccutod ct tho ; ; The Hon-Soo road tha cicasd .21,315. : following letter :— I Ko. 11. BABOM? or UIDDI.ETBIBB.—TO reyilr ths LOAMS-^53j UPWABBS-TO •'. 'Ali PERS6l# '" " nnrri T¦ s inoszcx i»8 iiifi»»ia» j ail aj ut* - - •' Watarford and Tromoro-Railwcj, " • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ( fibT(f^ eld (tormxrall, Traaors ; passsd, not to oxefled £21. " ' ' , " O«BS. Cat*. Ciu*.'Cltcf. ' : : ' • • • ¦ '!¦ ^^7^7 FD II n 1 5%Cj . ^Ar^TneTi3Ar5>^7 v^y^pr?^ CWOast dt& ' ¦ ' , " [ . ,. .. aaereti^y' - ¦ ¦ \- ¦: ; ¦ : ; :¦¦ 135UUvl ^, Oi-Allull U i4La u Ko. 12, SAUB -BACONX.—TO dear oat the entrance MtO wlT " a- Offieo, ')' ;, ;i 'Vy, ;, ! : ! o« i ., . . . vi^ .UU. u lrIL^Lull uu^yL^L^On ... ' . *•»• I ^- , •i Waterfora, '28th January, ; to tba Liiia' Cove, Trtnora ; pajssd, not to eittcd ^ ^ .j^lj Mjj ; ' ' 18S8."/ ' ¦ ¦ " DJUB Sid—I beg to inform you. tncj{my. THEIR OWN APPROVED PERSONAL SECURITY ^10. . . i i . • i AEOMT OJrrtet-oa-Sa& „ . 7H 10 . O Jl Su Sr| ' ' . Dirootori have bad to-rceonalder,-tba- attiat 6f fcc i i- ' .. \ Wo. 1. B or VrrtarmBV.—7o ke«p In r»- ctaigiu rwii jj ' ' i» ': "' Apdc—THE: IJAl'AGEB, ' piir fcr 6} years 20} ptrchaa of th» rpad frora Carrlok to rtr wS us . " carriage jof . bloyolea bvir- thin lint)'; 'and thtt fchoy ' to nacjarrta, TuSw.- 7*5 1«U a *w jg JJg jjg . . > cannot longop ejetertd tho . .; . .;'. .: " 0, JO:IJJ MIUEHT, Wctorford between Fatrioli Bf baa't hoita at guejioa ,...... ,..« «SO 911 IJ to 4« » JJ UJ| g }§ ;,. ( rortret they priTilorio to . C:ia nsd Ulshssl Wslcb'a boose at Cain r tonnland OO1»W^.. H Itt „. U49 » '" ' c - oluba. In thus v7ithdjrawlns- tho; oonocKionjrfcj . « » JT T" ' ( cf Cala ; piMod, aot to pxeesd¦ id.¦ pes perch perannon ?»5«V~~-~» IM - U il' IU |U* ni i"7t baTo also taken , our;rata £oi Ko. . SABB BAEOITT. pal down a gratlsR listtCi arti^ M »o|io either to or from Trtmoro,:. Xihall.bo otlfys.fcj- . Dosi^ns, J>ct wilU j end lav a drain far c±sa at Uecj Bdc'so, CarrUkbij ; » t ,-Jj , your making tbl?, bp wxi to .¦tb'din'araceroWycar [, r-.2eJ, cot to cxeo«d £2. i . ^ - '• i.. ¦ ' ¦ * clabs at your.convenionco.—Yonra faithTolly, SKniLIiUWS, EM3RilL]D.3, PBA^LS, : ' Ko. 18. 8»H3 BARO ?IT.—To wyatr the coping ofa i?o»a. 2Ve(M /ro J/d)Uo. 1. BACOHT OV GLESAHUBr.—TO keep ia repair ¦ ¦ ' ; ! ¦ for Ci years 463 parcbea of tho roadj frora CloDarl to wwiixxiwo. i»*8 The 0b|ainnanexp lained that eeacoa UclMt-noldan . . ;¦; ;! : - pcccc:ora. to T. P. jO'MB - -Xi : ¦ -L ¦ • ¦:¦ "¦ ¦ SUEQUQISE, fio. , j 1*» i**8iTkrx«A*ra!iffiTs ' : ; : ; VS ABA). • . . , / Gc /#J) /^Sf DaDjiTran, bctwt:n Ch« " pott road" at Btnnett'f ; . ; tJass. ClaM. Clasa.Otis. ChiriMClMa fcto. ware not charged ifor tbola;bicycles. I i . ;• • . .• ¦¦ ^^ i». A.». aj . OF :Paito5T QUALITY. : Ciorc!) »rd Plgeoa Hill ; towrJaridcf Ca>tl»r4a : p**- . * | | >j» j wr. | tjt. we Mr Tbdd—I am not Eurprlsed at tho step tabon ; . . . ccd, not to exoced Hi. per pirob cor annna—XU ll« . SO * 8 .p« : . . TJzunck de7^- • 8 *) 11 0 i 0 J 4*0 hi /y^& A E c:tne :3 ths cross at EiUjatina and Iba Coontx : .1 : c l' ' ' W * ' ' " ' CAP §Sv iIS - grado considering that! many .CompnlcJ nosrianqd . 'jSfe^^e^ci \^c&r*jfcS '^ ^COxdCD ; . . .DS Eonncb at tio Bridja atBirranuhlnsno;townlandt :::?jt' '^ is** *?' | j | jj ^r?-«^i? ; ; at -^ /£>/ /Y^m * BallTnakcii cot Joactloa arrlre 7 fl » 10 la 4 4= 49 SZSi 13 0 13 0 tlolccta at a checj^tT«ptj fe> AyoUstaioDtneyiag xnth frcni flatc/s ; : ' c Olaiba, Crtj»7ii), 6o ; paetod, to •JSpjeniT^ ««? >.- 981 u« E a _ ll " ¦ 7b CLco^ jff lM /£ ¦ jfcsP' a«d V/atctcs ' ' ore being (JjqjfSracj ejdlab f : '¦' ' ' r Hij patssd, cot to txeJsd. Ed. ptr p«roh! par annrua—£45 "' ' ' ' SEN? ON ( - {. . fyf. // r ¦ ' : now-o-days, V; ! " Cno-V7N fl SODA .WATEB—fSold at all' thb leadinjfi: Clubs, Hotolc, 4i.' /f& • y Taken in 10s. Cd. [• . I W¦aterford. pnagarvaa, . 6 Wgnons Mr Kennedy—The action pf-tfcj ->i?¦ ¦ : 0f e Eichca^o. ¦ c^¦ Comtiny will • "wine Merchants and Famuy Grcccro xn ctcrfcrd. i > APPROVAL. V< J;<$%(- ' reraoy a&& Llanora Sailways. • :: locoil

    i ; based, net to cx- . ''' - t Enux in...... ran ¦ ' on : road races to Tramoro p.nd crpTrds Kavo bKVillci b cs-A S3. per perch peranoBD— JBIO. | . . • . . . . ;T>oie Tci^ end tfaK Juty, 1SS7. .' ¦ '' y RIHGS IN Tt-a 17O^LE?3 : . the trains to witness the'tfnidjeS. '" ; '¦ "' ' Ko. 5. SAIIB BAE0-.tT.--To kespj ia repair for 6J ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ' Qcd cp-rccctoi ttjir j Terrs in psrebes or tba road flora Catirto Dsasarraa ' - ; ' noa waanoea a -; Mr Todd—Perhaps tho^ hayn't cufi fofanfc vnn /iro dellghjtlul aid¦ invisornting. are: deservedly en cedcunt cf ¦ •- ¦ ¦¦ ' ' ¦" ¦ ' ¦¦ ¦ ¦ '¦s' tattrceo Ilanric* Lcsnesn'i costraqt and Pri'otowo accommodation.:... • , '-5 ! f " ' ) ¦ ; . . ; v ; . "i. | i ¦;• ; ; : [ ¦. • , . great npsriority.; ,. ; , . : ., , . ; " "*' , ' , }\T "^fy- , % j, ^ . ¦ • ¦ ' ' of Waters or Bridta and t5i» Coanfy b«ana» ; to»«1»«d ot K«ooV- ' STATlpga. ITwkDajs, Bnatos After some farther ' con3idoraiicia""tao' followinj V. X7> •/^V : - >~-^ Selections Jrwdhr/ rrJ racal ; psiacd ' f ¦ , not¦ to eiois¦ dCdi per ptrcb p«r aanu• o— ' iHnrivalled for their Purity and^Excellcnco. IV \ ¦ ¦ ¦!¦ M 1 i j orc)\a. ¦ • ; : ¦ •' < ¦ •:¦ • ,• rccolution was nnanirpouslyiapproted of :~ . ¦ ' 03^ /yy-M) , X7" ' ^V °" "^'i ' °/ Ci lCi. . ' . ., Provid;d!r7itb pH Modsni Mc'sbiflery and App\!nncc3, nnd baving ' every fcdlity fc? i ^ ; " That conoideriDq-(ha'5innca!;3;:£!l7a)itst;i \ji ji ¦ 1 Ko. 10. 8AHD BAEOHT.—TO keep in rspilr for 6} Kfbasaden I concession provrf«to! tho ¦raiioW clnM' jn tlo city, i doiug, an cstctsive busincc3,'wo look 'with confidence to tho trade for their liboral support. /// *WJ " '' V^O\\> ///\' J ALL GOOD3NOT APPEOVKD wni iin licnArsn). jc&rs £3 psrobes ot thei rotd from Ctonmtl \o Dan3«r- — .. — m it ats i> ' so many of tne citiibns joining / 5 ¦ van, bctnein Jatnn Onaoad' contract, Cnfrtshesn- yiw»«)»tfr^.ww *¦ owing to TTilh crviow (- ^W (^> 1V ') ///%&/¦ i - ' ^^ . lo S) 4 xS i'Si *^¦ : to obtain the benefit of having thc!tjnac£:at3Cirrlcd ' TOher. asd Ulohasl JJorru' contract, G!«ni«il Brlde« , tterreirasaBlrtdlia/^, — 2'« ,{{ .1? _ ut ; ' ¦] ¦¦ ¦ " > i IUV > ' Dtout; jBab'Q pale 's Binnor Ale!, • ii;\ tonnbnd ol Ba«j;Uto»n ; p«ta«d sot >o oxaed 7d Owcsrna « „ - n •» | i xruQ, V..3 ucucv#ibu nr^tuk zuLroijiiMij vouoy 01 Guiniiec3s ^lo, Allsopp ¦ . '. ,' - , , • • 'J3 i. : j i; /^V^l- ; v/ATCnES j aua 3EV/ELLERY post frc?, aVmy thl-. ta ftr psrch perananra—X3U«. id. ! . ; . .. ; Cepptck . . , ^ M 4.: UU »So ft iS — ( the Tramoro Company especially ^ other Bailnay , ; ' ' ct lbs for cg»»rajr •¦ -, „. - u» | j L Wheatley o Hop Bittcro, Pilcnor Lagor Ecor i |^\ . \ | / ^\ i oll - rorta World Draft, Cash, or P.O.O, pijib'.a ti No. 7. SAUB BABONT.—TO keop- la repili fot 6J . so too ;- ' Companies in Ireland art. not a]one carrying the ^ ^^ jtar* 3tO perebfs cf tb« road from Clonmi) • " froo, but |' 1 ! Iriah and j Devonshire .. Ciders, always to be had in Prime Condition. * GJP ¦ ¦ ' to Dougar- TallowBaaa; ' «» ; ' , 71» U 45 »M tan -t ! machines giving reductions to oyolicts V-> ^O ///fi) O- " , j ' TSO, botuepn Koonan's Forge and Cooaei'i haute | : travellipg wjth/-their; nrihip-3—CO facTi -Ihca) i) > ¦ ¦ ; ¦ ¦ ¦ BENSON'S BOOK of V/atcftea from 22 2a. to £5C?, towslacd of 8b6nb«ll/«noo / pssgad not to exceed Gd. Qoooaiaaa M ,, Flag U.C 411 19 4} „ : rccon8ider tholt decisjon t :•' ;. . - • '. . ! ; <^O^/ / ^*.y:SEHD for . ptr porch per annnra—iZ 15». ! '¦ ¦ • . ' • ¦" ¦ DINGS, DEOO0HE3, TLATE, £0,: is. " ;.» » ! . ¦faB UAl'litKT KlZE. • '. • ' ;¦ ¦!' . • . • >) ^Ev^! OLOOKS, CHAINS¦ , ENOAGKMEXT tv SS rr I . . \5 VV_i>^ • I To. 8. Sinn BAEOITT.—To repair a doablsgnllet on ^¦*^ifliSh ! Mi W G: Todd ititio3ucid viho ctibjcci ei thj r\/ ! Scat I j-cira ECO potc&ea cf tba road from Ciooraal to Snagai- tho Mallow Commlttca on cpportnnily. ; ®-^. vin, hctac;n tba eras noar ths Blvet Hiarund tbi> cl stiting ¦ ; W@s>k ' Eitony booads ; tovatands of Shaaballyaaei; KoooV- TO, WATXXfOKD* their views. : Ho (lit :F) ^ia dlUag to attend a i " IBfe^iai- BottliBj f © g ¦ t 9 Adjoins LUBGAT H1LL7 annbracdann, &o: pu:«d, not to «ie»oa OX. per patch ; STATIOHa ; Weakly , - ¦« moating of tho 8. E. Council Bpd nresent'bh tics oj Stem Factory meim> par tacara—£2Q. '. • . j ^ «>. tli^a aceiaea th&i ho , LOIIEO23 tho caso. If the Cooncil ond ; find 28, EOYA1» D^CHANGE, B.On ond 25, OLD BOIID STEEET T7., No. 10. SAUS BAEOHT.—TO kwp In r»p«ir for^J his Committee wcrtaaad th« Barney : Tho phairman taid . that is(vory fair j thoy noald ;q. csaads ; townlaode cf Monacallee, KnookUsss, Paol-- ba very glad to te-opeb !tn^ question snflfciyo Ut ^ nsjtsBoje, &n ; caased, not to exceed Is. 6d. p«i porch '¦¦'' lit year—XS3 6i. and It, W. p«r.pero> .3 ! Fitzgerald every fair play. I; > ¦ pt» aoasm ^» is. Hon Seo eatd tbat Mr Pit2gcrald n=slnlB3 terra—J£7I HOa. j .. |. *TOrii: s^!: d 15- j Tho hardly rtatsd cbz::: ::, ; ,.£-iQ UEOillj Ecdta Exhibition, London.. k««p to femoy .. J £?T T O.'-TIT *.» 8» 4» correctly. Tho Council, «. I Iw^ No. 11. OAirt llAnoDT.-^To repair lot 61 Cundalta* , M 7 € 10 6 ; tho CMS did «cj act with ycirfl -4C3 ¦ ¦ . *» »M i» 1 haste. I Theyihad Jhe •ohoW corre8pon5MiC3*3twcsn psrobea cf the road frora Toogbal to CSoccwl Btl^dsiS ¦ ,•¦ ¦ _ „ 7*0 US f« |« (» '.rcra t£9 cro:s near KUOK BO . Thompson, nho claimed tha lap c: tbe Barraoks, at Ballynamslt U «. „ 70 IS 4S »» l«| 4.O Mr W Jj pricj, and |/ >> cad Kntiiiraba Brio' (118 perebca thereof belog ia Ur Pitzgorald belqn |them and it nia on th'i!;they ' i/ t- ^ f Ci?/A />~\ » •; ' CJ!ssini eftae. Scstl«o4, s* f ^ tba Btfony of Dcdex V?itbout Drns) ; townland« ot «m j the Ciller ctagei that^ deep respect fot tho Coonell ¦ ^ S Is. ptr prch par aanom— £23 | £-J.S-v//rO ; '^ST'S. «3i<«t3 »A TIa« of EeT>CeJ'« Pood tor 8*. that bo now-professed, » in ode,of .bis ictSpra ho ^^ : 'N ct nnrala, No. 12. 9A U BABOJTT.-TO keep la repaJrtet : ; P@@E) ^©D"" "^S. sS. /OJ>s v n.Kn. C&a EaE7CT3 * ^ declared " I inay tsniybu oininy,6ra bahalf, tad ca ¦ ^> v tiittssi t» rca ctxjT. v« t4T« years 505 pcicbtsof the road from Cloasel to C*ppo» ¦ ' nrnr»/^r^nr7'(~> '// ) r^ • v;-y l illawtdaa, . ._ - „ • IU5 i*-a»|, ¦ Cotnmit 'no outddo ; ' U LvJ LiZ-iLOVa *>C cda, bnce»a Ballydaaaeb eros< cad tba Oosnty Sfe?'f til 4« liTai i^ that of my. tca^that body thall ! » SiJ*f 'H- rtfi; rstirrf IH t=s«4«*bw» PdttteU. S' / W«f°noT4 ' „ trrrHJ imp a aa Inflaonco tn in coming to a gropordcoWcnbbont imrilMDt!, CE3 tta;'tQnD. !^)- S' ¦ : ' " Vorn tralr. * bcania et Balljmakaa ; townlands of Ballydoaasb, Htp ] I > i ^i ¦¦ ¦ : Ardpaddia Ao ; rmssad, pet to «xor4d ^ th-< matter. ' He' (Ur : B) «TOpaKaadDyJs;;3 that :¦: ¦ ' ' ¦ " C:b:stf » Fci3 li ti«-b l ¦ ' ' "r.. cc.er- , ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ it*. 6« p«roh— 5*5 H Inta|froaLlaa>CTejTa apaaaturdajataly. -; i • i' i^| Wic©liuiSbi hcSabilrjiic^lii' fcKrclcnd.clcnd. . ; . " 1^^^ ^ nn» tjCa4BW*¦ fc.| rs: '/• • • AiO lOi. . : . ' ; thrro iras every chanca of the little difference being ?M pGiabiiDhc^in . . i: •"ZT ^J^S' . i . ' !¦ I ercmrlsere. ^\J IPul!iiktihtiHtial*mniiiinttf tktR1. T. Bteag^ ^ Koj 13. BAHS BAEOKT.—TO keip In repair for 6} ' o-miLi^T.socmi^a^ • csttledl amioibly, and he vranld.hsvg sanoh Blevjro years 412 __ Mr FitsBerfOa tojotticd , ¦ perches of tba road froa Qonmxl to Otrriok, " In Invifins t>3 ni^fe;iJ23 - ¦ bstween tba Bcrongh boaada and i tb* strean at K\U : XTatorforcl »afl Trwaia ^ KftUwayT boar). ¦' " . •;' ' ' "" v "' ; ' " o Bor)uftc.aoa . - " ; ^ '*¦- (hear, p . . . I :!' "I'll Sj^>ocj J)SuJ?s:' .V | j ' , . E»lny, lsrladlDg tbe braoeb to tb» Moontala road I £TJSPcn>"n; >¦? * ! . to?n)a ¦ ¦ ,!ids of Spa and Toslatgcadg*; pasted, not to Tlaa Tabli from Oct. 1st, 18W, to AprilSH b. , fido ¦ : ¦ ¦ ¦ 1853 Tho Hon 6eo Kid ; hahad ^7vritton taP Urpo a ' .Jfi1 . • !' - " ¦ : ¦ - . ;. . . ;¦ ¦ exsccd (y. ¦, : -. ... I TM -.TTT? , plL' . j j j - . V ^^ ; ; , ^1 _ . : <&* per purch perannoo—£}O 6s, , —cruntitfurtberNotlai, -ts | ABOHT Loagbor, County Limorlci, desired, dorhc^ding Ko. 10. B O» Co«aBTOB»>r4a—TO roake 231 Wuh Day 2Vate«. ca explanation or apology; for his conduct towards ¦ '^ ' ' ¦ ~ yti uvj feat of a crarel footpath with eonbrat* eniblog and ¦ ¦[" ¦ ¦" v ¦: csp ¦ li. '| ' ' > ' ' 'S^nq pCooe lh"jr dicSrioi cpr^y dlrcdi-i ; lyJlftJ MiljtJ cbuaal lnCk»p«l PUM, Iitmora. ortweoa tha etat ead Mr Bonrko, bandicsprsp^tftbdlCjSTipidJi/^irtv F^ m DW '| Ho bad recsived nd nply/ (¦>< ' , ' ' ; j 1 ^ 1 of Mlas.Corbett'a benae and tba fast and of Jamas .jw»^ja. a .|an|»xa | >x*I >m | >n y B [»n ""' - "^ ^ Ueade's bosse ( also ISO fat of crossing io dlSareat On tie motion of Mr Todd. .rjconded : by .*Ilr. i - P^O:Lj ;<£; . Vl^CEWT, IDO^¦yi. g ', ¦ : ' > ' '' .>iij : • ¦: ¦ ¦ - ¦ ; • • ezretu or uaaor$ j passed, cot to eteaad Xts IS—Ona 1 PCCT iBosara, It ,/i:sA -decided. to tpjond Ilr ' . "fa . . : ^:- --O- - ; . i>:-!^:ii . i I I • (gg ka» io be oontrlbotea. ww liTEifiS Coadon from compaticg''ci-epcrt3 until fich tltaa . | v Tm-a »W U1S I »|»t !5 »Jw « Fs5 0 jnlh ?|»? ¦ ¦ ¦¦ A ' ¦'¦ ¦ ¦' • ¦' ¦ ' • Ha 11. 8 «« BABOKT.—TO eukh $77 f««t of »en- ci ¦ ta ho ihorred duo dqferenea to tha nuthority |ol tha V V" • , : . . . . i ^, fhwutoy gwiUf ' • • " " ' '^ ' ¦ creta footptthi in to* tlela-ttrw,) Osppoqoln, bttwoon ¦ C'ancii. . , : ' ¦ ::. : , •: ' •/: , Uits.tloore ;•. ¦¦* •• — ' j • \- - • ) *¦.' MD; CDSAF2ST AND .HOST RELIABLE DOUSE 'a and ib» ChnroUff»t« Ipauod,sot lo «x- \ » . » i-]¦ T " ' —•- • •- *¦ ' ¦ • ¦ \ j » ;•• » Thb toaclndca tbd msiics.;. C2ed Le97-Ona baU ta ba eontrU>at«d. /»<» »". ; »» >»« PJ»_ »a»; »¦ >¦>> a/«, No. : 18. BAMB BAEOHT.—T« bojld 19 p«rohMot a vail in tt* toad f rom Utmot * to KtUf inB, betwem Jtmm : ycjt'i ccms*. OUT Km, and t&e TlUa» b< BaUjSoa i caxaad *jfp»f cot to-«xo»«d to lOt-Onetialt , * Ta^^a «|lO-K> 188 nta ^I;g5|sapR of Cow" i;r6ti?6 ' to be ooctribnt*! ~~~ ^ 1 ^^ . 5» tloE^ra p 8tores cca cavi nonsy Ifo, £3, Sim Bivrn.—To mike »W«rto*a cJpe rnrer ' canc?)eot asd S> (t»t of a ., : . MTHUKraoeBO«, 8tcP(utTt>4lt>W€ by Iradi"<: at O'Lnar t. 1T00 freb eso rmi ebannal al¦ HMJ>IUH»M, ia UJs¦ aoni¦ ^ ot ho|l»r?fft Dod i^cH xari«l,:tcc'ja of O^ac' ^l paKsA »et to »io»eil«tOe. I ^ *v j Wo; t Bizrar or Ihrctia Wmorr Dicw —To tan (all eorta) in IreUud. O'LBAET is B^ftiyEalias In I -orocraTrry repair tor three Mara 3U ttnbes lot tha read froa Daaiax- Bobroit hti Gwdaiod Prtoo'jicslcfi' Tta to ToAjhaL p-or aria to ay1 betireca tbe Slo«wa at ArdaunTsd. C>-rperaUve Co. fei lbpyoia trfcil f£ c?t ^cus.r.fs ¦pBA KI , Uichiel 'AaearTs eoatract a Whltfn«b»yI towntaad of * ®^, i& Calllsamosai;(a md not to tzcerd 74 perch »^ ^«| ¦ ftr HT aiid to catlaBed wltn o Booh ) iafctaAsaafi ¦ ' ¦ tn¦ no fxpoDRe. ¦ -»£19 8s. ' | ! ' i 1 . - 1 • —>—• I ' ' Vr/T >f j(v Value «vcr offered. , profit. Ke«p year tasnfy at home) \atid ^ ?^i> 7v No; IX Sua BI»«IT,-TO koes onolleri (. p totn ruarr fotlitarlM ceaiaiDD ytur purcfecto aid ' nto bny,crtlac;i jpa - ' ] a*B*_ vmB *ea. r*itl»«*l tha road fra Tc^fbi DifarTa^ KII.Vi ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ JM)K lUlUiaparla eiej», »<)Jelain*J3>»- •!»)# ' "¦ & V®a!P& ooninet, and 3 ¦ ^UUcJ U ta« ¦ * ¦ ¦ '1^Z • < ' eaonot ! ce».j; Koto AddrtcS-f-O'LuART, op-tb-dato •!• - '" ¦ 'i ¦ '¦ ' ¦ ' , ' , . . • ¦ . i . P'Catilt - - -' _ A . r- ' 'j-' Llmo-Ulnna mr 1 i|j J_^MIIJ ^];ffl^' '!: j TfeonM Town* bmn i Ibnralaads ot - 1 Belli"- Birrondiaod Street. (Sbocttsas ^, «m * Iropacrajnr, 4. : : V10UB8.BAIU08, , ap»U and Curabeea f puaed, iot tq «x«asd M p«t fare*. jgwii ^ . ; .;. J 22'BZ'4U?.D .;- .\: :;; ;, ._.;\ - 1 no, u. BASI BAIXWT.-TO naderpraiaaa rtpafrteeaaTf ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ^iSSZSSJSVfflfS?- . ; ;¦ ¦ a<®/- ps? Monte. ¦ ¦ ¦> : ¦:¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦:•¦ - • W/ml5i ; ¦ ,:[: :¦ . •^¦ ' [V.^-; - (- i ¦ -I ::¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' Th' ro lie sll» in brir Waia hoc9 .; ¦: ' . ' . y ::- V- i ., :.. .: .It: . . . : ^r j ^ur.iisrtssto¦ '5^t5k ^»n}"s T . .;. cowi ofCiiaa|Dei7;. •; ; • ' . ' ,¦ ;£esrlc*t araoDg 't»t peeii, ... ¦. ' . . ' :, 1 . .. : ; ' to - , ' ¦ ' "' PSRSQJS1AL.- ACCib£fsn-. OUAS&'- j j - • Wl ARIN& j No. 18. eura Euoat.HTo BfA^» .Taaaaat Wd(*at HoWitjr of >¦ to her drfc3 isCh coao, - ' ' WhWsgtajr t aatsed, set tpvtSFtgsCW to WtQaWkv ; To e»ta it* poor heart effrdrs. ' . Old Ironed »tillth/ot>ad;h a tjtaedCr« i r- ' Hoi f Outa i or.rrnaasWtnui yBa siuxlb ken is Ot »pi»t •bo o«a nDiVrTonjel, . Aofl Djalp (hall Ut baaiiLr tba WOTH «« h'i lurj ¦ : For .Uurs'i lit Iri th^*W Ian j yet. •, , (; • ., ¦¦ . . •• ^ . [ ' ' ' : ' Thoy would laogh »t ber noir who ofVd loblttd forth WiiraLu : , 9 Hot ' £L 8iH> m»aari-T6k«*ip (a resatr forl'jatrlto] : ?a il>«Ir tor u t!M7 beard bcrifar ; i : : ^UE»3 POTHERB . , • Bqt louaiwllt jonr waa D«,6b khigs cf tho cartS. Wben the old Usd goes down to tba «er, Xhb »Tal»nobetrt ¦ rabfca;\k»lt¦Jttae!ita,"fcS3\iqa2f ¦ ; ¦!!* 'i I «*»» » , •;»¦ t- ft^'- ¦ ii^w,:;ly . ! Her toics wUl J jJBotten\j»t• -^r f .- P.ur£AlUK' !- -r-&£Ull!Hu- bl.U 5J mSBSSS^B^^SBSM^mKts%imi i ¦ ¦ ¦ There'i Ufa ln tljVofl"¦laBd¦jgt. ; -p- /!v •* : ¦ ' -•! :T . / ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ; • • ; !¦ . |; ;.!:* . .^w-- *•* : I A \u . . Mien's Call , 1 ' ;. - ¦ ¦ food linseed Meal, f lu IP^ferS BM^«»jiflt b« pi^hak , at:the ioy^eat point ^. ' < Tndeirats, Bov*tboiitfiJ Ftnwn, pni s]l l nrty r>«n be»: ivy District kijoWlfip thU B»pk, 6t>a i Oils of j ail Mnds iand the Finest GaaUtj THB I W>I)ONlEftUi^BlJB%Bki£q% tb«y wfll B»tmi*WI»fBi that 7.0 »r»i«»an#n(tb * ctf ¦ . fcona-iW*^B wilh Apply pjghoMlty, or vrita for pro l : ; ' ¦ JI (:r ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : ; :¦- : ¦ v est iSVUMf, 18, ?u>e««l poo«n«i »b«no ftaoont, U»i , f ' . ' i . : ' i ^ ^ :. ,; ; , . ;.:, TT " . : • ..: . ;¦' r . • ; H**?* '.?'.^1">5 - -r;t^ ^flbj^ W^tiq^<'«U^B«b - ' ^ . ¦ . Wri « /*PM»pttf/* (frf») ood Wolog fo»|ifWo)Aiw fOT I : ,i. j. ,. . • | i |B.KENNT, Wtnagtr; < ^ ¦ ' : pi odrllnvoftioent, ffjCoferfl Dep««W | ^P^tU y %¦) : < . ;: - \mm ^ BRQTHER^, \. : l^iP GgiMe; fe Moore' :, . |; Iff ; / j j JUJOTBTti j; ! |. " : ! I ^M ^•mftMrire^s: iPlacd, icibRk^

    . %MMW BllH HiuMnilliitt ^^. < II ¦luP « ¦ iffieflSitrro^i «sti. ShopM«#n And trsdan MADT.STB Wn^cIS OLOK^D ¦^Z.IKS:ffilSH 3^MaBm^BaafflgiS?Jmi Tj

    ¦ , , ; : l ' ; ¦ ¦ ¦ '¦¦! 1 I :-: . .^-if--r ?1< f ;. -^147 .L;:: . -J.^4*T r i >i;.:r - ,- ' . ' ' W. UlLONa, If.lj,.!, ) '¦ : > - .M . ; • ;i " ; - ! '¦ ¦ ¦¦ • ¦ -; " •»: - ' ^f^ • : ::. 4 :,i-U ;.,7' :; ^v j ;!- ti.^ T - 4 i 't-,1 ;• •; v,V¦,.» • . -ir '• - . - ¦ .:- ii-- . v t-K\- \-]>: ' '< ,* ^-.e ¦ ¦ > ¦ : ' ¦ ¦ ¦ : i-j ; : i|i . • • - ¦ ¦ ¦ " I :• t . _ . 1 . - . i • . ! . » . 1- ' ' 'I ' ' ' I I f ' - ¦ - '^-.' i i» ' ¦!'- .. . I i"V ' . ' ' . " . '. :¦ ; CT ¦ - * • '•|J 1 . :; i:r; s ;:. ;; :; ;; \\ - .\. \ ? ' ; : - ; ; yy ¦ tll . i4:i^v- ;~:-l :!: - 1 . • ' ' '|- ' . -v 1iT : ' :- -1# ¦Hnii %- ^-mm k:p.y "\?. >^i\^y i.^l-Ml :-^ :1 :i ' J!l fV^ ¦¦ !¦ prw . fmmt m isa iis i i i i i mmwi-vmymmmm t ' - •!¦' ' ¦ msm•^ r . ' .- .;i :- .:: mm: ¦^¦ ¦¦ 1 1 ) ¦:¦: [ ilBlllililli V GENERAL mmimmmBKmm Qnr.iuivioB* o (fueh MirouldW jdteirqusof obtain- 'xuo I uwnx : KMUway ; *tu*at<»f<4 > Don»mtoist«)r;or,dtherol iximnen pf the pwish ; pSiW Hip ' I ' • ']!' <« in'^ 1 l" -v 'V.y.to; ' " < ' *' " "i' " EE8n>«^ « d visitor* Tramore;willhail' itfflrhioh(hey rekid«,( irid*V!.W« hiiBtothftnkMi!Fq'B«ffl > ' wll rtoelvoall ihe intoittitfcniBnda4vle» they n- : - ;, 'v . r:! . ':.; :,^;v;.. : . -vJi-i,-;; ;./! ,;.: ^Hiiiifj | ,|v^ ,;: .\/;DpK^^,Cii::: ,>;^' ;:; with Mtiijfaction j th4imov«L which wMrmideiii quires je benevolenoe of oui ' ! Cantainlnir 23 Statute Aerea. plated iDweffiq' " ' Let n* 1 k>pe that t The Yiriottf propowh «nd p roje«UnJ^t}«»i e ' ' publio mating 01 1 Monday:night toward* bbtsii^: - Govt^KUXiri t prompted!him to^tend « » oopr citboaB ' no t: me wanting in works etf charity, i • House ami Suitable i Out-Offices, Jfcent 4U 2ai & ffiHE ,. COMMITTJBE lira mock"' ¦ , *t oaf JooW r»n«>« wbfcb b*n wstroW, J|IW<1 ¦ pleuate la iug the control jf Qiu ! Works r - BILL. . . of th«Ix>oalGorernment(Irelan«f» will be lirgislr ind genen Jlr extended to the 1 ¦ psr Anaim, also Cattle, Horiss, ic/ fceV :p ' Ji ;. ' aoknowledgteg' .tbft filloirtn^' Donattoar and the j by tne r*ti ™ : : |the Jmvp ktUfition fo' the pttit iwelve' i 0Dtb> b«*e £hich so ! eordisJly MBSB&mm5 . ¦ Prizes, and beg to return tbeiriin payers, and wo hftvevefery ooDfidance (hat tbi> ¦ ¦ ^ .r T • ' teeeltddiji«i »t4(^if icnrtt ibMl/cJfcif .fa ¦ ceretbanlu to tla •' - ' : ' . " A son of Jajne*Flynn ,' Passage approves. ' ] > ' . '-.j i v . .:---;i 'v- -' ' ¦¦ . -\'U I :¦ •¦ " , - • ^. ;Doaori :;— \ ; :• ; : ' ( 1 ,;; , . ' , ' :|'||. ¦Ij . ¦ - ' ' , , |- , project will be ultimately Baooesaful. ; Th.e pabb'o ¦:. A Vtcrtm.' East, WAS. actins stoker on the . ¦/ ¦;:¦- i; . - .! ' ;Lord (Jh»rl» Bereafetdlpvo the the . r«p«t&4.Sr3M tbe Q'« t Bootb.m^d ^iiSfflgs^-iw ' ; ' ¦ ¦ ¦; ' : ' ;** ^, Ci)B »M 1 •« hrto. SE -sou) iir i puaLic jAtrdtioN; U HIsiLprdship Host BeviDr irt/j; Shcehaii £l5l !o 0 Dfihticg of tho taWn would be one of ths greateit jv , '/.:• , . "UlifAtftdTVifeMTwnen-that vessel A SCAixrvTAO.; House of C immons his definition Wwteral^illiiaw Si^pfal v¦ J'* - ^MOND4Yf>4tV MARC^ WalBh&iKeldinj! \ ;;>' .,; ; •; 20 JO 0 out there »Q Jtras blown up. - ^Vord o6me to hand that i ' H , ; > bf« ¦ MJmdky night. lb€f. ^*t? ^n*e f | W^Wf?. ¦ ,4?s 1 Millr* sg ten 1898. at Twelve ottlodk, by directiona ot! Mr MrpMaoDonald iTb: ; ,,, ; ' ' recentiyeirs. itj has ypung: ' - ¦ Tame* . ... . • .4i loj o 0 . been confidently laiserted r^r: iUynn ^M on!ejof. the ^ptims. , t It wa« during tho^eb»t« 6n *e Arm* Estimate*. from a weil*inwnaed qdartetibtt an offer t»;»W» "aBA l"th thB ¦ intent: of; Landlojd Ber Brother Craveji iTramoK) -\.j . . '¦ ¦. ¦' :. £¦ that the ;snn ihinos ^ rimsaMmmmssp- 5j* ' t£e , the .¦ ' . • !o 0 brighter in Tramoro than 1 . ' ' ! . ;Up to o itjceiitdMe the 8.80 p^m. A scallywig, he Uid, W4« the best fighting man in ?ffcet hn aotually b»en'nud<>aw th«Vtb«t«Riia, INTEREST ID his nOMPAfT WRM «#_..' :ii Mr Myles BuilllB ! . . ; ';./ : : ' : D:O aniywheraielsB and ihsti " ' ' i thelawS w Ait±biafiopArkbia&p'V« a«borl«borutfalfofctt»a W Sa\be1l»Jlhfii):«ww.#Wlpt*v*?» ¦ ¦ ¦ ... . JO ;; .j is why, perhaps, the j TotrN i towndoliveryof lottorsand parcels tha n&vy and army. Whtalhe was a' young man, from « ikarebolder* point of }tie#, *«Jd be MrCManahan ;: .:. ; .,:' .;.;. i "' 2J. '2 BV : : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦: 0 convors« y so auparont thst when the moon aud !' DKUV . l ivas [confined : to. ths boiineM desirable. W«- xrvtt tpat th» lireoton of tbe waliof ttJ- ;Bailwiy>.«J'!'; 'j - . j- DrO'SuIlivan, The Mall ' '!'„• , ^ . created an'impnaulon which Wdno«pa»f« in< «aa.U ; .• 5 jo O stars : doi not shina the darkness enTelopes the k"; , i :. jportionsjoftho clty. ¦ An inflnen- invariably!in every B6rt of trouble and bother. A Waterford1 and Llmtriok C!omimy, ;wbo fto«; 7 ; « conuits.,22 Statute Acres of Flnt-daa Messrs Ivio Brothers . '.; .,. _' ' ' : 1 pi tbow'.rlll living ^hb Bad fcp i%r)^>«'^Wir ' Grass > ' ¦ ... ¦ 2i 12 0 streets; like a pall ;oad;a, U is dorase obacanty like ilallr ijgned rnemorial TTtts;re^ently,presented to set illywag Vonld never Rt«al.)'T^t*w«4 f t*f tv\Av «*„ bUO UVuViU U4 .the Postmaster who has, in^conBeqnence,, annrjgod a 'try exomplary perion jrhriHas . not jiluqk enough to pilot their ondert«l into the' whteta, cf iarjuj nerer-ftiliag, aappiy Qf wateT ; comfortable M(}ssra P & M BailHe, BallywilUam Mills.. . 8, ;8 -0 JI of intb ffa^ f tfCoiwU »aidi:.hk^MitlUftM ,u jU>, tarfwrtjsrBll ,0 1 a dark ; lake tan ' thousand jyesxs ago. , rlu¦v^ tho dilivery eiterided to] all portionB the to ge^ a scrape. ' The scallywagbaa , and he is . nrointritr*! will ojntinbe la the (oarw of action " ¦ ¦ ; Tvrt-Btorisd Slated Dwelling-Hou* Mrs Wall, Morgan Street : ; ' > BuU V* ¦ ; ' r CatholicCburco. - ,;¦ ' ? '" ' " " -i •' , j . ; Co* and Oaf ...' ... ..; 8 |S 0 ¦¦;¦ - - \ : ¦ - ;; " ¦ ' (' AjftisrMrBroderiek hsd ' Hobses, in good ; ¦ cariously speakio ;, iho siaie;of Tramore during city. ,; < ;j/ .;;¦ \ ..; \i\t'. ' -l- J'- " ?'¦ ' ' : " . \ the man who works best, ' whfob has obaraoteriiKld tfat-K . ercrio,o« effort*, . 'RevT8 Furfonr -C WM ibe jjreatlier'' fn', "* i order and repair. Held under, a. Massrs Mnrphy Brothers ...... -5,'i O'O '' ' ', ¦ " ¦¦ ' ' . a , . itt , Jovial Tenancy,i whi the ' Anonymous ... . < ¦ , - , ' the long dark nig JIB of j winter and Jala autumn : ,• . .; ¦ . . . Photographersiiiirieeimplimnent esld he was glad to know the: exact nature and pro- and t.hst ,tboy will not be ltd Sway by ; atlariaff Cathednlat laii Mau lude ; that . the reaidenta points of interest with , the intention of hiring ber, and am veryjgladof an opjxirtum^y dlscutt bnt aho o the mlny ' frlenda and !adroirttf; of the > at th, e .lcWi-JaaiciaI Bejpf & Co, Ltd ...... , .;; '• 5 0 :0 jm -ara these things. The right hon gentleman opposite impr SiOd; fixed in January; • 1?£9;: xedudblo by iIrWGDGoff. jp; _...... i. -io 0 o singulariyj unmindful of the advantages whiol - ' ' ¦ banda tbit matter for the present Teats. ' A great ; 1&8. : .i - .;, • • •;-.,. > , . . - . ; (Sir,W Harconrt) desoribed me as a small ewe . above iettiB£S ,to J212 ta (M :. ; . - •|. -:.' vs >" - . it. •Mr KPower, 87, Quay ...: ,..: ; ;.. their tovrn possesses, altjhoagh ouch really'is , . . . Ufmore. |Dr Clearyhkd mir^aBdatroilg,tUlmiopoB< ' 5 0 0 noi ' . - ; On lamb, -with not a very assured life. Well, I hope railway, snob as tbe |W«terfora and Limeriak I ljnihediately after will be: sold :—3 Prtae Yonn'g Messrs John £«Ily. & Son ...... ; 6 0 0 the case, ' Until I now the ratepayers j i; :Monday Mr Arthur Balfour us for.prayera for U* tUmal badjfiiMaa He vaa. ta 'I had nol CERTAIN TO ; stated that ho take the after Wednesday ho will find am a vigorous ram." ayetom, ia not merely, the property of «o mtoy : pDairy Cow»,|l Powerful Farm Mare.1 link, C»rt and Mi; Walter Bishop, ,TiC - ... '... : ... 6 iO 0 suoh a ohanca of acquiring; ths -Gas Works ai i hoped to ji the.nnt place; a n4UW pfnt&iWoc»llav ana tu.l j . PA£3. - . : ilrishJ Local QbvDrnment Bill on ¦i ' ' ' at Tra- abureboldor«. Parliament and thj: S:ate reoogolae ordamed Jo Iwrftrthlalt hildrtau': (Tackling,;.,^ . Plonghi a Carts, Tack ing, Furrei Captain Ii W Wyw, J P ...... ; ll |1 0 tboy have 'at presont, and their almost 1 . The meeting on Monday a prieit to ir^nbt* ¦ Catter . nnanimoui [ | ' | Monday, the lith March.' Mr J TuAMonn GAS/ more was « trnly repres«nUtlv« tbat there are datict! and respooaibiUti^ in Por many Wear*ba a dSkopjltKei praUaota*4 • t . Chnrn Barret i Stfllions, Milk Tcbi : some. litTNHartey '..: ...... OjlO 0 aation on I the mjttter is vary laudabio w*» Hoiuahold Furniture, ' ; indeed! J O'Kelly, M P. Bays—" This early opening of.tk.9 .; .' ' ' one ond (peaks well for tbe publio connection with all soot undertakingsdoe to tbe Presidentof Bt John's CoUeta. and dbiiaf Out period' '. with a vsritty of randriM, '-!; YTo aro glad to BOO that on Wednesday For farther parlicnlarj ; - ¦¦: ¦mna i ¦¦¦¦ .1 I ¦ tho Board dkoucfiion secures ,the . passage of tha Bill' this spirit of the reddonts by ¦th» Sounding Sea. We oubllo '. and shonld tViik nnnatnrnl coalition be of hi* brl liant life he delivered «oin» of'tie auwr. , apply ta. I ji : |; . ,: ' PRIZES. :• :i ! , • ' : of Guardians decided to take the initial steps cession, and m?kes oertaln that next year tho.old nrp convincad that tho Trambre Gaa Works, nndor forcedupon the publlq of the South of Ireland eloquent a id laarnad sermon*'that anttt. Mer fla«na4 : Hears STRAJNGE & ST&AXGE, - ¦'¦ '¦ ! ' BevBrothflr HUl, Athyr A Wotr Bicycle, TOlcVfilfi. tovTcrdjs obtainiaj; u loan on tib motion of Mi order of things shall piss nmxy, and ifivo pkca to A tha careful and sympathetic Buporvijion of » lswal tbe Great Buntbern: |«nd Western nnd i tbe to la the Catbadnd. Be wm» *Jtollahe* eUaakal Hri? O'I}rU!colHB=rrac!:B»rwt—A Bapcrior Acicrioaa JohnQuirin thoBUardinnofthadiriaion 1 poDular'sTStom of .government , Wat«rford •choUr. a arolbtmd theotogUB, '«a/aWnotkori. ¦ ¦ ¦ ' . . csoondod ,' which howerer re- Commitco, will prove a completo success. a«d Limerick SUWitij Oompaaiw . ; ; Organ and B .Caca of Bherry. .: ¦ ¦! |i by Mr Gjillwoy, , ¦ ¦ casoa fa#, : a pnxnuand"t at crUae Iri*H ¦ 3jbo Ilall ¦; -M- - ¦ ¦ ' .Wifuam J.Pi.onoof tho Spirited stricted in scope, Ms at least the;merie, of-bcinj ' ; ' ; ; In no town ' that we know of was vrill find tbat the; will bate.to ftce tbe «oMd: and • tried, ' > ,jWaterford. V Mr James Batt—A Girvcd "Mcersohnoa Pipaih cicb. ' i . : patriot, anil, abort aboTBaHcombinfta?1B hfa characteril and prbjrpssiva rcsidonts of Trumore. It ia ulsd based on tho¦ soundest democratic principles." , J , y wanted. undivided opposition; of even town and Tillage , Mr, Hartley, Barracit Street—A Bride Cake, SO lbs, ;•• ¦:¦' - ¦.-¦ i. ¦¦•!¦ ' STREET¦ LIGHTS street lighting so badl all the-good And- httrt that ire .7 I JSO. 1, ¦ pleasant to find tbat the leading people of thii !' , '• . - j-. --Lord:1AiA CbPtt&rlcj«rl«. BeresfordT>i.».f»M) :in:- his>.:. ¦ in the conntry end of thf entire Iriib qoaJiaes of Jaad jjHOSEBANK!; TEBBACE,. TEAHOBB ¦ ' ¦ .;.' :. in by ; ] | Why Bome bf the pathways are body of onr contalaedi '¦&• . :. 1' 8 storeys hlgbj j . . ; ceasid^rsoort are|; joined hand hand ¦ CVUIOUS ' letter publislied ia that .ihort and tixtSlintiottt&a.'• ' - Ur T Pbelab, BarrocctrcndStreet— Hall and Bedroom Appointtnfints, 'jLInenB , over 200 le of Tramore c6mo , over to certain sections of tho Protestant completely colipaj the Tramoro of tho past. •« ! D»ao ™»atUi« Tiros*. V.rt Rnr Taootf* MeDonntlU P.P.*!; ; Tho City of Waterford GaA Company—A St»p?rior peop are blcesed at pnoent with an ' ' ¦ ' ' ;¦ ' •: ia now closer , and more pronounced'than evtr. V.O, OS tttmtsi Cloantl «>d. V .B«v WUIlao, ¦ yolnmcB of Boola, : Kitchen aod Cnllinary E«- Churche s." . . . . . ,. .; ¦: .; :¦ : y .. : ' PuJlX , ex* ¦ '; ! j i Cooiing Storo, valno £7. : '\ ; .. abaudnnt|eopply.jof pure wator, wbicb creri Wo are glad to leam on the high- Hod tbe Great Western Company nndc-itaktij Sheshi, p;?, VjQ,Vui>sttiia;' lSuAwt it C«ttmonl»», Terj ; qalsiteo, 4c, &o,, ' . - j ... ,,. • • .. , j , ' : . V '; iTho X)ai7y;Wa{io>»pnb)JBhedo lbn5 Ber-Wn llr F J Aylward—A 'Meerschanm PIpo, HaaCioinely daring tb6 aumnjer of last year did not fail tot WOEKIHO est . authority that isinco the their former projeot, namely, that in wbioh tbo O'Den^tU, Ato, and BfV Tbomai fowir, C.C., "' 1 i Mounted in Sliver. ' ¦ ¦ ; ¦ ¦ • ¦ ! QUITE TRUE. ,article j 6a :¦ Tuesday, warmly BaUybrScken. OVer O'netaBdiail clfirffrraeculaT aad rtnlai;;; rxio aE SOLD by AUCTION, in TTmsgDAY. i ' ' Ian hour, j I As an pxomplo of tba rate ot wbiclj ¦ . ADMIBABLY. appointment of the Local Superin- County Wattrford BrJlway formed a principal •adaMdln tha choir. AfMr ti« *beoltrtion . l&ii Slcasrs W Clarka " & Son f : : . . . - .' ( 'eulogisingLord'Charles Bereafoxd ¦¦ ¦ ¦ to* Bich Kaa* JU : MABCH, 1E53, atl?:£3 - ¦ ¦ , Liverpool—A Valnatlo tondenco Committee the efficiency vai prononncei at the .Cttafalaae—»Weh itood la tb» o'clock] at No. 1. JlosB. ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦)!¦ ¦ [Tramoro baB been progresaiDR, no need only * part, on their own responifbiltyj end imltittive, ' . ijPrire.• : •; ;, . • -. • : for His manly attitude jin connection witk ,tbe contr* of Iho Church 1* r Aira TEBEAon.Taiifofiii .tiydirottlbna of Mr* Joiis torn to the railway . roturno, and there wefiod of the Tramoro Waterworks is all . that the most b«r«iotb« High- Altar—tjr hU-Lot*- RillHrNO !(Brho !a J«ii»in ' lit Arthur Boosbsy-iAn ¦ ' ¦ , Catholic University Quesijion. Thefpaparverj,truly tbeiv «:bcme v>oald bavo beeh welcomed l>y «hlp th« BlahO;'. - . .--? || .:. , .- . • • . •> ;)th6EHTIfiI! HOtJSBaOtD'¦ ¦ Antique Clock.; I that TT bile 18 exacting could desire. For a .time tho ratepayers FUJlNITirRE, '. s,1 *; •> ¦ !. ¦ . : I ilrs Joseph O'Brien Cow Of ' yeata ago the Raili?ay Company taid—" Bo grbri'juid palpable, is thp injustice Mhipn " me uxamg paouo ox mo fnuro pouvo oi iteionu *^:- , 5Vamor*^-;A. Chispri^ne" ' . seemed to/tliink that their vaat expenditure on t)ie Bat ot Mnhogsaj DinlpfT-iTd'bleD, ^7i»h , tiio Qparo lllj James fflynn^ , GrtccJiea—A-FirMn ipaid no , diridenryer« Cieir», 6 Mr A S FurloDff; T O-A Caos of Wine, , aro pronounced on all bonds en unqualified sucecs3. unfxplicable ^artnenbip Klngcbri^ge O InJaJd Sherstoofrchoiw. - Waid tb: Thomia :began gradually- to appear, md for-tho half ccnaratcathemfrom rjianjrof theirpoliticalfrionda. Company— thi»t : Sheraton Sideboard with Braca Haadlea. Whittle— a. Ten of Bone Bad I Blood j ; Wo ore glad to eeo that tho , project bad perforce to bo AiTiraAL ninijiiW OP .aSrmiEBJ¦ uiodjrj llihoaan* Mcaure, or ita ' year enairig December 31at, 1897, a ditidfinil of We do not, however, believe in the permaneace cf absndoned. fmaar fate r ' IBooicaie ' miiaanrinj 6 t. x 9ti. ; Domb WeiUr, PJutod i Tclne, wC3 16s, i ' I; TiiK THnATRO.,Corporation are at last »livo to . Well, we predict i6* ;, , .| . . ./. :BEAN0H. ..;;,; , , .;; ,,¦> ; Wat«, Cnllory, 41 per cont—tbo bi heot paid. »ioce the Company such r3pirat;on. ; It is only & question of timp, ' ^^ ,} .abpnt 200 ' v?lnm«» «)f Dnofi«, "'Lcjj»): g ; i ' the necessity for radical improve- this fresh ond moro ambitious project/and wo can :HioJory Trarelo, and Nereis ; nbont W0."picc»a • Fnrthor • ppnationo endf Subicrlptioas rrill bs ; wan otprted—nottTitbotandiDfjtbal last year vtpn nhtil tho time. liew of tha cad> which hasxo.in.nch ssGtire onr Psddington tbat tb-y ore • ' ' " «f 1 ments in tho ThcntrOi .No doubt tho action taken friends . , | (Fjsoa Ovt. Btrof livj. , . <, . , , ; iLjirtro Ware.conjinUDB of doable-handledCapfl, Jnaa, thiikfully rtcsived by tta Honorary Sccrotadta, tta !bp no meant tavourabla from a tonriot'a point of imprcraed Lord Charles Beresford's mind becomes to our purrning a hopeless gneoi in their endeavour;to tha ^ ' 13 T )t« Ecir BBOTHER J visible to , his colleagues, In hel ing to honton tfco on Tue:day lost was in a great measure due On yet^erday eteaisg ttosnaX «tncr».l- mettL;^¦> PJ '&r'f -Z? ' "jx . Ynscw &«• i»loholos coUMit£a NUGENT, Supsrfoj, MonaS Bic?, Tietr. Thioio most utiefaotory, and T?O troct j p comments of a few wcaka sineo. That tho contem- buildup a gigantio ralrray monopoly in the Soutb of <3Una, SpJde, JIaeon> ; Iron BtonoJ willow pattern, cz any of tho Christian Brothers. ; ii i arrival of tho period whorein the. securing of thiis ¦ of tba Qtinbets of thia braath' wu /hal4ti tia COST&V t and An palr ; , : .that the improvement tbno iadioated tiill go on lated expenditure will- not bs grudged by the of Iceland.' • ¦ . ;¦ ¦' ;old Engl^h. e^cellnbt ot Waicrford Cat. ; fact caii . |bo itjeorded, tho hismtbr ot York ciity p . f - • boC3er-Trimore. .: Tho proceeding*onaausoed at ;«^bi r- GEacj Decanters, GatiCMnMo&lo •¦ j ; DAVID tUcDONALDJ < • • inoreacipc nntiltiTramorp beoomna tho mo:C citirsna at lares wo- cin • assort with absolute o'ebcL jTfcs Est':Osaos{ Toppbiia ' tllrrpr. -Brow : ' - ¦ ; rondora c, Gerries jin the can/ioof religious equality ¦ ¦¦ from tbelr ti» aj»w»rf> Fonstor. 8tetl», Coal Tati. ' v - ¦arqaiBD-.-DOYLD. . / :| flouriobitg amongst par . Irioh crasids : confidenco. 1 :•¦ ' ' Our Boyc-rs bavo co^; rctcrocd flrtt ' ' CnrMts, SSitt ina V/ool town^, which T;O yaniure to say; hia ICathollc J OIIOTTV | tha -Cft rirKsa «t tbs JPrsEcll,:WrjB,NiPo« .tT,i«rij , EarP, EDcraTlnco, Window HaoglnBi land Poles ; PATBTOB: tiULoiHY, C HOH: e=cs. : We have no donbt at all events ; : 'In eddition ' to now (scenery 6pii-3{j vliit to, tha Moikcta. In. ' tllllianry we «»e - - ! , &o ^ j. DANIEI. CANTWELL, -\: | , , 03 to ito fatnre, - his hbnoar.' * ;, , To.cd to.tb » chair. TJwa.-.nern-rJW'prs^ajwjitT,E-, HALL-Uohejrany H»t «ind UmhralU Stab'3, 2 Hall ! ; becauEsitobeot interoota are now in tbe bands ' : .Tun ' fltructural i alterations at tho soonlog como very rslect ooTe!tl:>. HEABHE & Co. O'9 Yltxitll fleaSecretary«ftta Chaira, Tabb, 14 Macon' PATKICK HIGQIN8, / oi ¦ The County ' Braati; Ur.fl J-, * Iron Stobs PUU, Floral oapable end ouceecofal' bnoineco men Infirmariesin Ireland IirpnovmiuitTS. Theatro are,, we hold, absolutely Booutlfal N OTT Droi4 IlatorWs nnd Silts ot Fords,' .Kb .F. Badd, - Mr E E J5«a«^.Jlr ;C, :^ Deeiration, W"!>ly.EiU ".. Plotttrca, 8jalr Corpoti ¦ who will ' Cotnmr willibt bo touched y the Local : . , Eodb, ¦¦ ¦' ¦ leavo cotdintj Xor ito ^ b , ' . . necessary. ; Tho Drcung Rooms HEABSB Ii Co. Tbo Biijcr of this departaont has RedmoBd, lit J towp h. Wi.Mosrfa,: Mr.,TK«5^. • : : ' . undone . odTanccmcnt . Oi ; IHFIEUAIUES Government Bill U* - UUlKANTKED' ; | | [ i , a fact which haa r.ro hardly ouffic!ent to accommodate a Punch and been at tba ilttrfcetiall ' tho p»et w*cV, nnd htt just ncdy. MtT Wfclth,.. ,., ,, ¦. ., • .,;...... , I DJuwnm Eoour 2 Chlppondalo Chairs, 2 Antlqnl Icourseiwejall knejrr tbnt Trumoro really got Up I called forth sonie comment. Mr ' : mcociny : Side Tables, Conch, npboliterod fn rod ; firat otari nhon|J Mr tl J Mrjrpb Judy Show. , . I . now retorned, Ladtcilore intlted to cosa toil Tbe . Hoa . Sto, having read, the c^antM;«tib» last , 1 y espended n T M Hecly, MP, Ba.ys-^"'Theso'! institutions arc ¦ gesert) ' plnej,.; Laate* TYjhnt, MixifiTlChaJi. EeeliBinj tTp-. huge wd on tb|e Back Stranri, and : ; . Tlio extendro licenedd prcmiccs at ricsting,» 4d: Ussy cams inta effloo wilh£21, , holt)c>cd TViotpr iS UNEQUALLED CIRC1ILATIM in connection ostabliahcd in c^veral corintiej cities , by various : ' Aid M C io hand, imd cl£2i-(Qt Ciata; .taa'dard Lltap cad Shada. with tbo Kaoecoorse, bbotit nine yearo ME FdPn fl Hcnrictta-ot, owned I by bad to pay aj debt tb« reyaUiug . .HaLdsaca.GHChtppfejIa.'a J^irrpr alyarlgjyot.Bricr I 050, and Acta of the Irish Parliament, and they havo been ; have wo! learn, been of tha eta doort, aa item vhkh, . . l for yeara |ie worked oinglc-haoded PUECHAS3¦ . Mnrphy; , iia^ddsd, ltoaldJh»va a-B;Thiii of TH!5 report published ibio eren mrrof tbeannhat 11 William J.P.j Mr Thomas Fenneasy, , iis a ilanng anomaly, previous ito ps^sing into the possession Aid whjch waa the^otil eipcadilart, for t5»',ya»r..,g3iifi> Cartrt Indian Eboriizedi Afternoon Tea Stand, BruV- at Tramore ic connestioo witb tbe lcca] . . i |. • . " BE JBCt; AND >EAB DOT." . ! j j and otherp. We in Watorford are all friends of and means must bo taken to rectify it. 'V Murphy's lamented father, i ; ; mertinfi crtj a balance of, ¦ 1 ' ¦ • ; 8ATUEDAI, . 1IAE0H B, .; 1898. ;- : tbe town by tbo f singing, beavib " ¦¦ ETTER irit of the with' great EatiGfaoti< n Can<>n Toppin, who thouj [li* ii. yonjd sot ba Bsetsary fe htmtogp thifrajra ' | | | g, rolliDfj eea, Tin; FISHING project on foot for the establiali- A B improvement in the: up Ai^ I Tin BIDBOOH {$) ooqWno and tbo people 'thera may ¦ all now tak«o ouch a dcop interest in every movemvnt. tha lilt of nbjcribtt^ tint erreaiog their camea woow Brasii nnd Iron Brd- olnayo count upon AS30CIATI0N. ; mont of a! Fishing Association.! SPIIUT. Irish peopb to-day. | We ' " cttias, Bprinc and Hair UattKOiea, Feather $*&» aid our aosiotanoe in any moyo whiou tbe? mabo ' .., !. . ' Mr Troy, tho other day.at ameet-j ' agrca to differ ond givo overyono for tbe benefit of Tramore, prebtded, and Was id be published in Ua local paper*. Ur VTaftJall tfcra. LPiil^CTa. BlanliKtu, Linen, Datch«BM T* ttvej rtaiok to te tW well' SjTCHDfrsnd CnDinsry EeqniDit'afaTorioty. I' Ledlfr , Fertjncon & OJ., Ltd.. Wator/ord. ' Tho romarkii mode affords fresh ovidonee of tolerant and conciliatory on;> of tbo best if not tbo b.-ct :in Ireland. Tbo ' y end by a Mr T jrreli ! Ireland can- •atii&ed with the report. We ard no^gofrig Aatrp.;«« ' r P^BTWEs-Gloos DianT Serriob, Uominrr RUE - , . conduct which will not bs forgotten. Canon said thia was ia a great measure dup- to end ; To HooDBkcnpf^j—llarcoillcj • -• V . > —,- Aff moat o£ out rciaiora tbo Co hod 7« 6d ecih ; nooal prices, 0i »nd lUj 63. irit wo want in the country m\t $* eTfer; it not betier. The Ctxlroaa th»a putr.the; v , Lcdllp, ' Tyrrell pointcd out tho efforts £he Arklow fishing Pavis wrofco— " The sp Wnrdell, wbo is one of tho most untiring boni ' ' .. IQoa ,T7ALSHAtON, :Aci:i!scarfl, lor' - •*• *¦ WotcrZord Qz3 Ooapsny arc promoting a Bill to Eobortioo Frdiall en|doiS6 to-day. It t I DTJNGAEVA1T, CO. jWATSaFOED. - v • i I 1 6 practical l»nefit tor theiriiative land." y The Secretary read the following letter which'be had. or probably in quch abundance, but for wantibf ' 1 ' ¦ ' : cidsrablo expansion of tboir oiiotinjj porrora. : : The cass l Strange o. O'Mahony will bo seen from tbe rerjort that a movxtneat is received from Mr Chirlea Dibden. . ,.' . ; . ,' . ' . " faciuties theia 'fish (of bplendid Quality) wore, in ¦ ¦ ¦ ' havo lod BY , L. C. STRANGE, B oa. ALLEOCD will oome on at thoj Assiica next , ¦;. • - . • . , .. . . IVAdelDUaStiMf Lonajo [•Hislilr- .Irapo3Jt-an,fc--Acoti6n-"r Ths Corporation ged a potition ojcinot most C2T33, eithor cast: back into the sea from tie run ; . .^ ' CnunHAL TfCsk. For tho ' complainani bous?, oo tout tbe nie^oac may tpseaiiy ., : _¦ .-- " , , . " . ^Kth Tebnur/-, 1E53, ' | ; : 07 : : I thb Bill on tbo grounds generally thit ' tha whence they came, or carted away by the f&nnero II* Dui* SIB—I ta itulrectad hj £ho ootanlUooto Uodsr1 | [SPECIALLY t7niTmn TOR Tnn Ncwa ] IBEL Menara Mathic:on ! Q C, and F in tbe direction of tie lletal linn, ehon'd the l to . make manure.. Ho , could not conceive a more ! L . , Th( by their patefoi ihankt Xor ths>b*ln«««liMt afi4 Tgas!ioD ao »ndlr a«|ii lium, . ;ri>«j ^nitb^T direct ns to ! serious indictment against . .the neglect of bny yj B L S$rcn Day, L!cca«r, l&ndVGooJ-ttjU. ljn ^BaxIne-, bs; injuriously affooted by-tho1 measure, tthere I Even though the Irish;Chief Secretary's utatoment for the ' defendant Messrs Cooper, B L, and town is too narrow for tbo purpose. Tai; •rpr«:»to joo, and thr<)oj)< rpo add to vustt wortJnj irlti SteblWnnd Garden ¦ ' ' Government than the Dumnore fishing disclosed.; yon (or the cause, tnelr hliheat aWrtclrtioa of tiM tn." I ¦"¦;¦ , dl hold.- jn.Fcii-SimD!}. •• ¦ : !. oro besides firo spcci&o objections cot forth in i vrp mastsrly and comprohenslvo and tho text of thi ¦ lloloney,' B L. I ! poront branch of tbo ^ifeboatjlnstitcition buvc j .;;., . .. .JJ r.-U-J.' .;;;:f, .-:f. '• • ;[ ¦ ' ' ¦ '¦ It-^s noTT ! pcitknt aad .mn«l» Iseedad help - arhbhiitiy eoiiina» td tbo petition. In tho first placo tUo pstitioncra 'Bill has bc;cn pabUrhed. BO many persons ask qacstlotti .the duty of the peoplo : Wa underptand that DrOakshot, tntde a grant of £20 1 inardn tae dedrable work , HusUalir .recelt* from TOR AO&I Upau^la »l««.of tha mo BE SOLD BY l 1 UT " ' PUBLIC: AUCTIOli, on object to tho. dauxb. proposing to aathoriEo tho concerntrjjtho leading provisions that we hco drat-/ Turin D V. of Diinmore to heartily cseond : THE ASYLUII. tho newly appointed Resident and a private promico of £50 bs3 beca msdo to leeenl triamph ana compleio ttad ct loa of tha'Ioa|JtsUon' JLj WEDKESDAI, EJABCH liJthJlSSS attention to whnt ' . the efforts of tho ; by the aelact committee of the H»a»« of Cjmmcmfla IVJQ- I . atTwehb Company . to oupplj : olectricity foi* publlb and 'may ba looked npon ca tbo m0.1v j Arklow gcntlo- Medical Kupenntendent of the S'creUrv. who cirj nection with o'Cbe'j, is t'»o COURT HOU8E, DaNGABVAN, ; mon r/ho; are' 1 f tbe tbut onlv ££0 moro will th* UU«aol notaandad-,;lniown: ea " Tjjn ccstlons end 7 echedules. ' Tbo first part :— ; i • other .hiding lqsal gentlemon took the initiattvo r grant without murmur th* oomio* yea* to adnnc* tin Tho next objection is raicid to Olaiico 11 of'tho rcidentalquarters aro not yet ready for occupation, Csudat (atenaU'of the InitttaUon, wilrJ»h»T» -mK3oobt*U» j Drjojraknn: Anna'. HOWL," in which a. Fircj-class j THB OOMBTITirriOJJ'OJ O0UKTT C00r0Mi3. I we are certain a vigorous branch of tho Fishing but wo understand that Mr Petor Whalloy, O Con- inStni t ittf Miertll onlay to ntnetirumitttemasd.mil- 'Coanerdil und Famil ' Bill, which provided-' that itho standard pries of i ..Section eawnenti which bate BOW h««n «> taUreb* on y Hotel"BidccJS hti' been '2 provides for the establishment of County A«oeht:oa would soon bo .established at JDunmore. nell-street, is pushing fory/ard the painting and nfatad. Per* ¦coM^allT eurisd for ths past Hal^ EOS ; shall be 4s ,9d por 1,000 oubio feat ! |Tho Councils, fciyt yoc( will klodlf (In thb¦ tuiitt y'trar necUt eoatldetal a-Centoty. . J.! , membcrsjto bo elected from and on a regie; • Speaking in theHous9 of Commona quickly as possible. ETTT SGS8IOWC—TBIB D t'oi..—VtrrftltilaUy . ; , . . Tse Baildiij is tins etorios hi Corporation submit' that ouch prica io exebesivo tor containingtha frames ot Parliamentary . papering work ca TOBr*. Cima"^**" "Diuii.«ro I gh), cad ebnuina : voters nod " O LD IBON." on Monday, night Lord Charlca Xo E. 03. WartaU, a«cr»ta»y, Traoiorfc , 7 jSpikions CooEdrjJ.ond CcBci Booms, 2 Dramnj; and that tbo standard pfrico fisod should bo in addition thereto the names of women, cad Pcc?f j ! ¦ Tbo London CorreDpondcDt of tho • Beresford, in tho eourso of a 1 'r ' Cbilrtaau—Docs ilr Diblea; aay wbaVlh. s e&taro c( EiocfflSi StocJt. Eoora, 15. prindfiat Ej^'Kobra. Orea- subject to dicooant npon jjcooopplicd within a JThs Conncil ehall' bold offlca for threo years end ft innLAHD'o I Jriih Tir.ifj writes—" Roprejsntn- (Before tho U»yor (pre»Minj) t Ur rUlle'i Bonr!:*, U U\ Uie . vigorous : and humourous speech, eaid— " There Aldcrnsn Sdtb, Kt V/illlea B XJaiA, lit John tha char^ca against pareat.f ailltoUqa arta?. Il irjj Bcooj, Jiath . Rooa,JI , W.O'gJ .- 8crTcnt»' . Apart-! opocified poriod after dclirory of notido ' ol ?ember shall bs returned f roin each clcctaral divisfca of for pnoPEBrr, tlons hava been mads by llr. Vftn. . Bhould alEO be a proper^ amount guns tlio ¦ Ejan. tcd llr B>rn».) j na *tltjerio;cs than ono member Day bo. rdtarccd. ' ' of tho recovery for Irolandi of a number of Holoban tlnry Batlor for nsrtolt- o| no^ : ¦¦, • • ;¦ ¦ ' ¦ '¦"¦ .to at pvwout. • Were tho fifty batjanea of muzde- Tirtdjct tnrairioBed Tha !S«reUrjadd they were acc^tsd patties ;Cd(ira, £i- , ,: ! . .;-¦ : if ^' . M 'a otoclr ! H.B.—As on example,; Dnnijcrran woild bs in- gold ornament* recently discovered In that country, Inj? her by pnlllcstha tllronrof bor bcidi acd tbroTr- that tho (Jompany , when create^, tho loading guns to go to the reserve or to tho auxiliary bero. pro thslr .BDasy to proper cie, &e. The. charges vera j 4t thai E ;¦ : . - . tamably conccJicsnt ba parchaus by tho trustee of eppfarod for tho defeadtnt. I ' ' ""* Corporation/Jay that such a clatua is unncual, gum voald bs put out of action before they fired a s contention is tbat .1 rua ojnotna IWB oovumn.. . Section 4 proviacs for transfer of Grand. Jurjr 1 thai collection, llr. Itedmend' Tbo complainant dnol:d tbat (ho had any "nard«" Ur, Fotde proiwtrd the re election' Xbe Fremiiies &re txtcnriTe, and includo a onnccs£3ary^and contrary to tho interests i>l tho Buslnecs (excepting criminal and malicious Bhot. Ho Ti-onld hayo them all told cd old iron.". tho proper hoots of theso v'aloablo cariosities is tbo vtiih tha defesdast bofori) teo &essolt took p!ac» ; «b« of the eiutlici Wclled-ih injury ht' oSceriiind Comtnlttea of the braach, tonther Gcridt..; Au tfo hdd la. 2'e^6inpl9,'2' d-'Beiife. inhabitants of tbq city and they atrooely bbjoct business and vbitiog justices to County Conncil. His Lordship mig suggestbo tothat A few pieces of National Mnseom Io Dublin, nnd I understand that tit* tiKirklos cochlea all day, and nu EO: ia toy with a «0 j j ! " thoold ironV migh^ sent .Watcrford ¦ ¦ trarn 1910 of thaolu t» tha «ae»etio arid popaUrU< ja .Tho'Preiaiiuoro in ooiUeot repair, dping a good to it. Tho.Potitiononi also claim that if tho Section 6 the levying aid collecting of rates trans- Park. pandinp; Inqnlry tho Secretary to tbo Treasury ia mach peblio honso. I . j ' The Crimean worriora do not loolr cb bad there..' A brother of IIrs Hol ohun prqred to lh» cold 'bath Sec, ilt Wajdalt, «ho. ha added, hid worked tii bi^Bc:], did camtino 'tho ' comforts of t ^'int-elc'c] Bill ia passed a clauss should bo incortcd enabling ferred to tbo County Council by this section. Inolined to accept that vjow of the caso." In tbb Honis ept. «nd den'td, loj reply toj llr AUiogbAm, that braocb doring tbs piik je»r in a, w»y (hit cook sot b* Hc^ie; .Tbsri: isi»n .txcsUsntoyttya o| dratjga, cad a them to purchase tho nndortakin" of tho 1 Com- Section 9 transferscontrol of Lnnatic Asylums bo : To-day (Friday) is the anniversary of Commons : on Tuesday Illr. Hnnbory stated the ' " ¦ ' ¦ ,' xj cte pnrobooed by tho Britl:b llutonra and bif tisttr had civrb tba dofoDdant any ptotocatloo. ; postibly ilmpioved opoa (but, he«i. . " .' Cood ibpply of Water, and Gi3 laid on. ., .- J ]. pany compulaorily or by agreement. It will bo County Councils. I , . RonEBT of tho death of Robert Emmet. omomenta dtpossd th»C tha ^ ' could not bo tranflfened to Ireland without an Aot of A woman natnod JobaHo* Connor* The Cnairman, la patlisg tbs Ve*olatloa, "b!cb xti * Xha.Fcwtaro and Betel Appointments ' olll bi romembored thnt| ia the j Qas Bill of 1877 tho Section 112 gives poor law relief poTzcra in coca of EMUET. At . tho last meeting of tbo 'D8 dc'cndsnt " f;»TO saiajal" inch us iha wonld bs accondvd.b Mr, Uudd. and a, exceptional diitrcss. " ' i Cchtonary ' Parliament. Ho thought tho mattor was hardly of y carried ocabimoatlj, also banded to , Purchaser at fair Ttlnction, if required. Corporation weroigronted : such power for three i Coiiimitteo- hold in tohoncd to trli. 8he dmijgcd Bricyot Holohsn by the i»ferrbdj in very eompUinenUrjt tirnsi; , bs cold' bj Section 17const|tatc3 tbe eiz leading cities in Jro- Dublin the followipg Amongst other letters T?OM sufficient importance to justify tho introduction of a patfornod on her with a bccVet time : heir ot ths head cad ¦ and hia effort* on bthalf of tho braaeV " ' ' niaed. ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ land coontj Borongha. ThU includes Woterford. read—" 'Mayor's .Oface,' City Hall, Watorford. special bill for tbe purpose. ' of water. i . ¦ < h j I H : \ - was allowed to lapse without anything bsiog • A co?diil yota of . thank* vta tl(tfpjii»l to tl» . Sob 8ectfon 2a. read in conjactlon with c:otjon 60. GENXLEIIEN—I am ycrx Rprrv I cannot attend your Mtry 'Whcha. for tlje defocoo, depssed tht6 tbs ' Xbe enture Premier form ons of tho most coutcnioat dona. Tho lant point in tho petition io th it the . ; Tho Waterford Board of Guard- Chsirnuin. . , . .. _ ; '.;' . ' , '. " ' :/¦ end coniuitebloC xmrncrdal . Family I Hoto'a tbat bos Sub 8eclion 2 provides that any poruon rrboss naino demonstration on Sunday, 6tlii March, to celebrato cenpbinact ins aboaloff; Batter nhoo the *(ttivmtii \ ¦ j , . Petitioners submit that a . provision ohoild be UB ' ian.1 iiometime ago required an Xha raccllnj thta adjoamed, '[ ' . - . ' J" ! '• ' ' ; • esce ca ibi 'Market for a, Ion^ tics, 'Bilordinjj ; appears on tbe Burgess Boll Is eligible for election as tho birth of Robert Emmet, in con£cq.nenc3 of a i . T : be»t «od eat her bead as|) f*e«. Tb> nitneii «rho hid __ . 1 ¦¦ ito ineortcd in the proposed riicasnrp to compsl tho I WOBKllOUSE export tocxamine tbo new laundry ocn loroly blue!: cjo explained tbat aha only can* to Caiitaliits aii IntejtrOcntiraroly oSerc'i' • Ii - • j .: . ' Alderman ,' or Councillor, ' all property qaalificatioa recent death in ray family. Every Irishman should ' 1 ' Company; to lay! down alt their £aa mcicp and i LAUNimY. which thoy recently erected, and reHds In Bntterailk Uoa. vben «h» vas "ont ci plaM.! . To icdjea !- Oar Bayer ties jnsf returnedfrera For farther particultra ipply to being abolished. Tbo latter part of ths flrot-namcjd be proud of Robert Einmet, ; Hoping your meeting ' ' Tfca defendant wti fintid S« and cots. : tba Bow,or pipes at a Creator depth below tho en ¦faco sub section is ambiguous as to tho term for which ui : . which after a short time becimo raarkcti and tro are- absviog, KSS» -vitry., preity l ,'EoL rrill ba a jrreai . miccecsf^I ajii, gentlemen, yotira VKOU OktrVTS ' -8 POOB1IODSB. J. V.. WLLLIAIJ8 . ( izvlnXQatrlcz * of thb ground than at precent, which iaa aero : will , v/holly unworkable. They fixed upon Messrs NoTdties. Yeil tfcts, Iace», W?boW, 'EobwSto, ,| i ¦ of Ssle), Daojjarwo ; : , Alderman bold office but tho true reading of Bincorely, Hcnny GKAISOEB, Mayor." . ' : WiHUa O'SbsnuhneMj v. Jacei Bnith. Tke coa- «a| ] . matter [of dotaiL' ; Wo iinaginb; tbat whin tho came provides that the term of sis years' ¦ Magulro and Gatcholl of Dnblin—a very competent LedUB, pcrguaon kCo,,Wrt«f<*d.j 'jj;. .' , '. '. " '¦." . . remains ; ¦ • '. iA native of Watorford "orritca a plalnant depoioJ that hu lived ia Giffasy'i poorhoncc'. ot Or to - TEOUAO-VAtiSH ti "S(JF7 'Sf <)tionc'Jia Bill comes boforo ri Committca of tho Houco of : unaltered.1 , , ., . I I firm no doubt ; but why they passed by tho local tbert cj 10 clantes to 11 and bad to To Hoo3ekefepcT»l -i-^eturn igne uir«p«rj' 5ojo^I • J . A GOOD IDEA. ' letter to-day from the Metropolis Wfal in to kick I and Valuators, j Tho Mall, WatsrfordJ \ will ba very ; little friction ovor tho Sub Section 2o iracsfcrs tho f onctiocs of it 3 Cii- canitary engineers, who orb ratepayers, Is, to quote QO when bo ni adsiitied ths defendant caco no Call 4£>d aco the .rsko wa in daenmi lnBaeetfcg*, Lords thero ! J.;. - . : : urging , the establishment of a I la / ¦ Corporation, nnd thit a ! poratlon respecting malicious injury to County Court Lord Dundreary—" A thing no fellow can under- sail kicked la tha dcor. ¦ Oo Gcaday dornlss ba «saia Tabb Cloths,and all kiadi of Hoa>tJ JwMf , Eotert- CITY OP WATESFOED opposition of tho Wcterlordmon's A«k>clati6n in Dublin. In New ^T^ rcMonabla spirit will ba dbpbyod on both tides : Judge, r i • i stand." Tho result of the examination has been op to wltac":a roosvanj btat and kicked hia on. tba eo3, Led^l9,-V«rBnBon t(^,V7aj^rferd;. * , YoiInceh'an Ataoeiation is worked with great that a furthor outlay of about £50 will bo required Itj and band. Complainant prodootd a bitlertd, bat coiitsutcnt with tho important interests atjctalzo. PABT 2^-DIOTI!ICT CouuciLa AHD GninDiAirnJ effect. Our.fellow-citizena residing in Dublin should j "Wiiolcaalo caG EofcJl to put thia lcundry into working order. Without tba dilapidate «ppc«/ido3 of nhich fca tttjlbstadto ¦ Sasosti«it to' Section : 18 provides that District Councils ] tia givo the-snsgertion-thoir.eamest consideration. ; tb« oniUosht of th» d»f«id»nt '' . ' ¦ TO-DAYg hBAQpargK;,,/. [ ,,.. •r . abolishes wishing to BCO competition discouraged wo think ' ggtelft ,: £.Scgflfecai3. . - -. - |j . CT. PATRICE'S NIQjHT ENTERTAINo formed|; Ez-oSloid Ouanlians ; cad enzcts Xbe father of tha deftodast apptirodand tali his ¦ ¦ that tho : eltctcxati be tholcaco ca ti^t for tho Tho taoond reading of tho Flah tho guardians nhouid stretch a point or two in order 1 ' ' ¦/'' ' vF03:iIDABL3 cnerd nnd Rocslare Railways tradesmen con vta a sober joss; efcritbd ma ceter fa tba bci- S^KDOTfK/ PABS-MEETING. •: Voloablo Bend Stcresj'Icasa, 17 ypre aoor:ircc( ; .: MENT IK. THEi: THEATRE. ; County Conncil. ! : . I ; and to retain their work amingct¦ tho city np in bla life. Ha xn» AWay at Btrodbally to-day.' ! ' OPPOSITION. Hnrboura Bill ;will come on for 'and ratepayers. : . < , j ' lUioiH BiMrncaAM-'^aJttok^i, 11 WaJanJ,i; §entj £7 lOi Od per Anbmri ; djo thb C2lcnd?o Tha iutJca deTolViaj n tha Dkttit% Ciancll ax.:— 1 ¦ Tha cotaplilcant tiiijthittbo nto oho tpoio tii! lVoqi'o/t/3. -8- i^Uta ^f.:' Stocs of Johij Ja=^ca-t jEoas, Jopa Poccr Cz Gtia ' ' crjoDgat othsro—ihozo ! now direbsrged by ths ' connidoration on the 22nd irot. . , • ' Tbisjxipular pick will meet at ctsbb:a bin io ths cbseltjtbrte jaira ago, j rtB. Hettffijj^BitBt QrilTEan orray of. talent:boo bsen'ceonrcd for Petitions in opposition liave been esrved b , .Tramoro, on OP»H Hniirr I tThicMca, Wiocs, Bftiadies. to Far Balb. : Pressnimsnt Secslons, Dfiipcn;ary Comnlttia, Eani- y tho TnE the Grand Hotel Mr Allioghata—How cti is tha dtfecdaat. Jhijsrtjltarlo*. i- 'OS&,iYti&¦'b, ^ tbe Concert on StJ Patrick's Nigbt. In cqdltion : ¦ Watei-ford Corporatlon ¦FAiTHLEao tho 14th. Mfcwrs Poole WUscts—About 25 jet)ra ; I an over »lxty. . CUlo^ f . i Q¦ ran. BpMtti^r i&twkaw:- " ". tary Antaority, &cJ I ' . J the AVnterford Harbour Moadnyi ., ¦ i^ 11 • ¦ ' ! to llica ilndeleino O'Connor, we chall havo the ' Beard, ib.3 Cork ; ¦ Tbs d'feadant nai DKd 10s Cd asd cort] of ccsrt ' T ;'. , „" ' --r! *- - •-•-> ¦. SOLDBYPCBIJ ICAUOTi )N, oa FBIDAY, j I. . Panr 3.r-FuiA«ca : Corporation, the Watorford, ,; 'Ilouzms.' . nnd Company luvo arranged to . . ooixrme: . FTF.OBi: delight of liotenirjfT to Ircland'o beet iat, . with t>* proftcalosal cosltx. I ' : Oosaty CofiteEO (CWalow)' .".: " '¦ " :',^r'l\> ¦: '.) Jil lGth.JIABOB. 18S3, ot 12 o'Clo :k. ati Tho Uaior h^rjp Thl3;rjart of tb!o Act dcils niA tho rcUnjcad Linnriok and Western RailwayCompany, end tha i . tako a photograph of tha meet on ' ..f ¦ of O'KeeCe ol Cloatat?, wb toob flrot prize ' : ¦ • ¦ ¦ Fermoy and Lismore Rtvihyfty1 ; : ¦ Aid Smltk—Ia this jeans naa (tis " .' CJ^;} Wiwhoasa, ^7cteWor Company. tho oecMion. j : : ; ¦ ! '' • llaaioal Psio laat year in Dublin, Hiss : ; : We taw to-day in Mr Maurice !cr,iataef thoGaffnsy Itltltotef ¦Wattaltl (oeniar) .-.; . J.T .jv j-.-. j •: liynpnY, Esq. (nho bin disposed pf bia Henrietta at tbe j ! Pia* 4.—.Bo0nD*niE3. : What iliove Messrs R j Ucshcr, CoapWotat—Ho i». j Alto k»t«-4Jatk Orvr, MattdelKfidmohd nbo, nlion a'mera child. oi fcv7 part 1 Alt EARLY ' Quinlcnia catablishmcnt, George's EeciaroC, tadi«l*3j/>CIS CSrertPrcoIses), tbo Ictocit in tho Extensiyq 6torcj This of tho Act provides for boundaries, . of TlUJ J P, C J Cumin, J P, A Heslrin, AldSnlth-Wbo b tt.1 cantor 7 : MldiUpktt*. -Pratlla,, WfibaloaW. {F *TtmuL,v4 njjo created a favorable impreMfon bo o Unions: and Electoral Divisions. RATCPATKES. PLG; andE S SUPPLY. , fittest, what wo bcliove to ba tho lais&at—Fathar Q'Bocacll. Bat this eld dtnats ati Manor 8'rcei, Wiiterford, i They haT8 bstjn yesro j O'Donnell tooffcr ; ¦ Ossap ot can Qtorea tor njoro than Nlnbty vinlinict, will opped¦ C3 0 Vocalist of promicei and ¦ : . tho ratepayers in lieu of tho hago first supply of veal and lamb this (Graitb) cslr wan'» cronl^o bla own ther». ' , • 11 to 4 Uaioa Hare, S to BorieapS vzii as Pi Irato Bond ! ! Pin* 5.—StrppLEUDirrAL, , j . ' I , M WtiAT?aHaS TTcuu ozA ore ofen ltd licensedJWino' ncd SplrH llics Uerio Donphy, of Dublin, on a vi61iniat, This part deals! oitb tba maintcnancs of pnbUc annual cum of jmoney wliictt they refused from the c;as;n. >Both T7Oro of firet rato quality, and found AHO-TBia BUTrpBMItl UJIB CXtB. : : and Tba . MldaWpil«'ibr^r«tta»*. WoiWB : Tho prices won)—Veal, 8d to lOd JRCK« Holobaa aancoDd Wat Bntltr, labsvifti lonjtlij ¦ Uircbania 'or Storage of their .Goods. j 11 baa delights in otore fir bet audience] The works and appointment of certain oiHcsrs, ¦¦,' - , Great Webtem Railway Company ! ; Wo warned a ready demand. of fonr lenftbl dlvWiof itqooJaad^ttirdT' " ^ { lamb per qucrtcrJ 10a to 11B. In all other BvtteraUk lane, for sales thrent* townrda bin. ilr Tha Premise? ore most conveniently oituatcdacd ••Old GnardM ojll . bo iuell rieprccsntcd end Section] 59 Sub j Sec I oxblodcs pcr£o=3 In [ Holy them again and again 'that they were playing a per lb ¦ rcspceta Mr ^uinlan'o cstiblbhtocnt was as usual AHingbindefended. The ooanliicant dtpofidW tha 2: Umbioa, '' cth bo made initablo for any bnsinea ' 1 1 1 ' altogether we anticiputoitbat tbo Consent T7ill Orders from acting on Connclb. Sub Sco i provides dangerous gamb in coquetting -with Mr Kowlanda ¦ effoot that tha defendaat raabed into bla boua STf taa:' BatUnk-S to4ajt«*£ %* , weU etecked. - !. ; j - . : i v&h a ' They, cseasnra en1 tho North sbont HCft ; South bei tho beat tbat ,ho3 been held bare for jearo. that Bural Elections bo on lot Hay ; end Gab See; 5 and his speculative CompanY. They have now only brick In bia hand trhloa ba hurled, at.tha wltaets, Ori* BTHrftSbaM*—Mown*, 11 CSalfof Kildara , < ; '. Wo obderstand that at a large and nha Z- Ce-tia, ?. 4 raa. ' liift : East, 103ft : and West 108ft; AU held nnadr earl Osmpl'on'e, the Qoay! ) Tbo that Urban Electionsba held, on tho 2Cth Kovcmbar. thcmiclvca to bloma for i allowing Mecsra Ucahcr isado off into tbo baokyatd sad took'Kfagain* naiifb- . ^iMvfi' ^ n ^^ ^ l nnezpired tflrw o£ 17 years at the «bry Bboli y at Mrq ' ' Taa Town ; rcprcjcntitlvo meeting of a Com- ets;? for^ requeitn ticket holdcro tor tho £50 |PABT 6J—Ojancca AZTD RVKZ .; and Company io lead them into the ¦vrildemesa. < bonr'a loois. UranUci, ha alleged that tha diuia- piiri ABn Paiaiirr8 riMLi - ;.j • ': • r ;¦¦:,..., T O'Ponnell. Adoi. , clsctloss. 'andit, bOTIM \Unn~Mim ***L, Warier C^ , .; . • hi. : j 11 1 of Ftablon. j ; instead of the Wftterforcl Corpqratlon, tho loetl : ' end o;iinit, : ! ... , < jCsijlc-pia of tts Etocic^an.bs d ctt applhiiita porstlonaehall goTout niast 25th of November. This i . TO !!. cations thto afternoon top l»ts for Tbe defendant' wifa trill nccssitata a election on tho Parliamentary governing body will jin future be called the Borough ppblicayon, V/every much regret s rat* recalled to glrs erlaeac* ti tha Vendor or tho Aontlonccrs. I ,' } 11 ¦. ¦ pew Con3E3ronDC3V3¦ ¦ of ths value cf tba broken crockery ware, and ib« taii 1 :! : : ' t?£E:Y. - : ITroQcblso for tba entlrocambor of tbo Wetcrfora Council. Tbs Coanty Councils will be elected by : .; (bis, bnt onr rovcTend and lay !at«a Uc^ni DdBByK & UcporKSolra , \\\ > O|^15? that caa do2tn cf p ¦ | aid ih Cwaelkw¦ t Oitgb- ¦ ¦ : j Corporation. that thow who prcstmti hold the Parliamentary : ;¦ ¦ ¦: Ei ¦; ' ; ' Scatlon 71 Eab Bco 1.provides nt ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ carraspotidsats rnay rtss cisarcd of rccslvfng utten« let). . ssfima irnrnrntiit* |flai >i>rrtaaakJLitumC uSmi !; . . . Cotteci-BtrccSi WcteiJcrf^- ; ' ' ' FrauehJt a. ! ' ': ,' '[ ¦ " ' I ! • : I limiC J ' " ¦ ' .- . ' : of! Or. 2i2ioltool Cczc^. tho Grand Jury |t first esf izes oitsr pacslnjrof Act t!on next wcei. ' ' I i Mr AlliEffhsa—What'la tha oana of wondftr «r«r* t sum^^^Jo^SH^*v^: ' XHOUASWAlSE& SON8, Aocaonesra ¦; ' j¦ uoath j may nominate 8 members to act on County Cpocdl. ; ; . " ' \With reference to rates of licenced : , Ito direct altentlon to an B ' : ¦Wo Ten dxxcnlfrc jret to tccoaset t&a destb «J ocs of ;; \7o beg f - (¦". and V^»tora,rnioSIall,-'V7at«i£o"rffi ; '; j bub Seo 8 enables the appointment 0! 3 cs-oQalo . RATa TO ,; premltis ; to population, ft rcetnt . nonosnciaient in onr cdvertlslog lira Holoam—FiTtbal ow of tba hernia (Utyhitr). i raaJ BaWa^S^fS?SBfit^!%'*^w^'|!?f t ! oat oliai aid tiott rtspeetsbls cjtlieni la tbs ut; yu of Mr TOILET.¦ ' IJUhio Cm«j, «t E4UTbricS»3, •ho , «xtilrad Bfc« TOT; Gnardlana,to act ia DUtrlat Council. c ..POPULATION rotnrri states that it is genorally i : colomtu i as to tbo opening of !or Hr AlllDffbao—How BJanyln laaily BID joa f , , ' : ¦ • ¦ - , lirrt¦ ¦¦rt Je,*.- M H± ¦$*!2^&ZSZ$S *ip t^}j»oce4 aj« , oq.Tbar«*l«y, CswV«2» tot Section72 8nb BeoQ provides (or ccntlncsrco rf •• • ' ' ' to-mor- Mra Helohan—T«o (l«a«hter). • ¦ • ¦ ' i II I ; - l^s^LjAED^jio^Q^B, eai^ .J^;; .I . ! IngbJ j : About half tho Petty. ^ohn O'Lcsryoodr-drtcrins establishment ;: ' • ) "!'!¦ "' M i iiS . ' . «» y jL)-, . >; y^. . ! nJusr}O>n tn tbo rlj trldai oi w»« fcj fcot ODD of ttocldcrt ¦ ¦ : Hi AUlujhita—And do joa keep ¦ ^ 1 ;! : bustn la the Mj: Dmmst rJi lonf cooeestloa. With tbt Grand Jury Secretary oatU UarclilSOO,csd , sutl;- Scjpfona ohow ftn ovci-age pf .morothpn thrco htin- row fC-.tnrdoy)- • : i , : eBebcta. Bp IBIRTJCB is , , : IATEST¦ LOinm-BBiiaW& U SrconastBrf Blilinto;,yjil> jb» & .lj esreed IOT ilia»«ll a uxaa for tha blaiest qoeatisub csctlosa provida for enpercnaprctioni of drtd I ' ¦ ¦I- " 1' ' ¦'-'¦* ¦ ¦ ¦ ' , - ^ liiuriBC.^ Jut' ; : porxons to each ucensad house, eonie very i AaorcsaH cftho reco-nt of the ! ; ' .!• . '. !¦ . " •>y» . . ooassderably-more ;than that nflmbar. • Li^hixd IB • vctsti rccordsd at York. Lord Cuas ¦ ' M«bo(faay-]Won- dcslro to ' that owics to thu oatuto cf 'the Improvo- varuvoxio AtuTrvr, !. . :;, ¦ ¦ 1 wbo »u oplr>l;etn «f Me, «M (trlolieni wy lainanl ID ;- «L,V '^fi^ K»T»**ii's-), -.5 •>.« t . . y Th* deeewed. Uatcrlord Poor , ten Elcoticas- ;¦¦ mcl Borough il to 78 j In Portnmn*, 1 to 5 in citats -itim. ar» B»k!oj Io thsii Mlch«tl-st«ct homa, It Saoitl Brlea . waa «hf: ooap a>ftl*r|JLH t i .L L : by » latsl fllnejj :tt tbs cortnnwceinent ofWitt proiniscd ' - " " : S? I.. ; 1 i at^fotfl; ; r"M^; ! ¦¦ p—~^—— ¦ .: .•:¦: ' asaaalt aialsit Andrtw CrCrUot Tha'dafaadutH l ^ innit1 raccnfol career, tkiih ni btpm In tbo !: ;. Woterford, 1 to 89 j! and in Kilkenny 1 to 83. ; ' ' will bo' 'fcnpo ai5iJ« for theia to cpa fctfore ths firrt or ¦ ^^^ to b« • : ¦ ¦ ¦ ;; ; ,| , ' TTitorford, I& h i,;^. j Geoert] Port OQce, Voiiae, lot • poeltiooin wblab be ' !/: THB KOMIHATIOHB. , . ¦ |. ' . ' ..; : AprfU , : : ' : . :. i - . i ' pouad that ha w»a aitusf OK ^p r«jooa with tb« frwte^pMilbla endU. lahtrMogbit /. ! . Aniusider writes—" The latest j on aa epaa tax oetU* ...„_.„„T ST, w£)3 Ua dVtndaoloaw «p iVntkilA.. him UU»JB£ BIJACK OATS—Scarcsiy 6 ly offering ^r«a mod fctber* iaUlUwaot and alflltr b« traa ta «r«ry wtjr . . THE LA E rumour ia that tho Waterford find ; , i bj*f o niihM r»pUlj, . Ur John JIaoVoy, dsrtt esd EsiirclnjOCccr cf (hd .. : , . .- .;. •. Con^ny - Zhotop rvha of th« kia ' Dr. EI««ro*e Alilo., •ad ka««kad bio into tia bov ont «f lliilr'to ld»w»y toUi« froit rtak ef i |ho TTr&morT^brrRa lUilway^way Company bihaveVe *ftk* b*W J ¦ trt wrtUTbid &tc»l- Workhoozsi¦ and *m» ti«» " ^ ^^ c ^ ba Ajll. : ; ¦ :. ¦ 1 " ¦ ' 1 : ¦ V/oWo cannot vonch f ^ l» li«rer. f4 .- ¦; , ,; XT * tn »•» "tb»t IS nu with|r«»* T«vm u« PotttutUr- CUmpett end H ^ IIAKC^-Abon^aiJ ,; iv ^ - -„ -I ; ' MI s« 8t Patrick's—HciirsAn tionyC ¦add^aa¦ TkMi ! RMlffttv i System !will soon bal ™1p*t eertwol Ualos*nmt wwd a> mmi j ITtjaud. Xte IQM»1 tu t«iy Urn 4a4 reprn»ont«atool ¦ . T ll 8 iiaoihj , Hyland1. ¦:. . ;;- . . - . - •• •: under tha control of the Great Westernof England I1 *™1 '« ??M T P»f»*/ ° Vfe]M*I Kabo«,to»ko* ""T * ap*«»trlit» aO cl»B«. of th» dtlicu »y wbo» Kr MuihMlV7lM« wiiy jwpaner,- aranpro. | : j - . i aoisAL »r«»»Ol» ¦ . ; .: , • |, ' ' I !"' 4a«aaMHMMU| ^ || d|I ^BH 1 n y point m • ¦ John Power, ,B»UywrI»:i BaUloakUt. ^cu . ¦ ¦ ' :¦ ¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ ', ' ¦ I ! itoewy wjattimnrt ttli l»Tr Agjish, ffi^tS?^ i sUCOESSmjOOHdEET- > tMxm/tvt t * nuctwum t ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ oesenl aaA »a»Mat til ' Willlajn : i . : i - .- ! I Mie&eUMahwj Doaiitt, RockoU; FaJih- ^ U»tsrfo« 1. • : fleitb of oM ,o« *l* oWejt«iid iao«t w.pt1!ieaini>»wt»»ti, EUK KK ; in« B Pwlut, »ho jtmtd facmVr pntrtb«rte «ld«ne« JSHfoW : PiW . CM»U., GalgfeT; O.ROVA2: S^ ataaatt- H« Mmjl t at »ttl nddat <*ltAU "" ¦ NiwcaalU, Tfcokia ^Wal lh ; Pollione, £dmM fe "'ji' NEWisx¦:¦ • r ¦ wWeh t«ck' Bl«e» «5-Wafli««l«, to ftm«BOT i ¦ad loan to • ;-fawS»BAt(o» & . ti<»- , VtkSaS a* Breop*?: B**pWri«k. Ap'drew W*h ( BJeUk, PiSlIb . ; \i U*i Xri *>g th*locfc op thsleieadut cot iaa$fc» w*tb ¦ . VT. wnSfe^ Beiaff *»wa*Hit 9^«l ' * ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ . 1. I . ¦ ' ":¦ fallamd Wa. wA at I be conwt of HiaAirilt^**^ f biateiM. : i |.- : < . . . , .. , . : , ^ Mm to^WpateMri Wtaw KObtao^sTltO'M«ij.i«srtXUbriOa, Tboma*XellVjfca- V SdSSSfiSS -:- ^^^pHS^:(}¦¦;¦;) i\. ; , - Si«S»?Tb<»iiSm SSl kiu»*yWmw, tt&iiof , \\^ ^r MM i j On Monday Ii*Iff* J^ Thop»«,W»i»Ji-4Boa itUHiktIntp,#L'jilrfAr..«f f^ .TULc STdTMt "BtmWtA lTttmm,, ''** b» rttnrntd fojr . ti^asd wwillakkiMali : TB««" .'wiWM i tmiiiiiini tor'Klilrt.'Heircji itlt, PortoWroUyer: hu BWaanttt. > ,. ' f :;.i : , I nnderUken the work of curskgtbepoorrf tiie ' ^^ ^ ^SS SStSoMt wi «S§ VadaMdwr^f-Tb ^i&VeofiS* Ami Hotel, pan** d^ ' «A tot Ut.U?*iil steM8r^p^J©ffef5fe 1 BolifofJ eelioiwWl I | «4« i be watfoVtbe v» ork on receiptW^: L ( MnMtttMl iMsi ¦ ¦¦¦ ^^Ml'ie^S5^%*»l& 2* !>* : »^ ., b-X 'P ^ :: fifrr£. ; . -•.-. .'.,^^M. . r^-imMii . . ^\ :! • , ,|j-- F; ,-nH^« :, C^fcj,;^. -:;.^, ,4- . '. •¦ , ' .-: •!•!¦.' ,; ' i- •! . \<':\<\ :L i- - ;i-;.^i-

    rtitingttkkt he W4.UM beonme ' 1 1 ofJDroman*, si Fm¦embb'¦ of the Museam'aBdiKod a oolliot oB toiv .-i4 ; . - I- jMajor C^ffa lnformnd thafariBllDgthat th«rew«« ¦ ¦ 29 names «n tho toll ot membefka I p, »O4^B kubarrfip,. • • ..•..., '1 1 . .:d . ' I, :. .i -. ¦!¦ : ¦ J .. ' ' . : j , - M ' America JivinM Ttflll (beekrJ hiiar), Mt.FeniiMflT then inest tiini noelved up to jtho, preieni' ataounttd W J312.17a. ' PEOPOSjlfc; fTO .AqQpUIBR THB "l OM i.j; - wantTfUonr by. h ; Mr fioBMasonii H» Imiggeated >taat'ia , «nitabWic|iW rtionld' be'gol.ln I ( ¦ j ^i^wiig to ¦ : W6&Sa is POBLtO¦¦ TEOPBBTTj•¦ ¦ •: •: ¦ ?. «coille?Hinate; ^ftBRi«oJi^afwh$ qS related t6 Al^h pat th* O»pabridKet oatllawhl ohbad been (ire*. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦:¦ , ¦; ¦ — ¦ — ~ : ¦ : • ¦ ¦ >¦ • . . ; j :'_' :!¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ' • '' ' "' ' ¦ - *-T ¦ •>¦ - ' ' ¦ ; : , ' • [ • i\ 1 1 - *. , . .thi tabtbft'Ueoiiit rffl thffajli df. gak,! laftluainfe M »tedto tbe Museum by Mr R CowW E«H, U A b li vJTT^ .-vJ TT . r, . .l-.-JTi .;. : M : [¦ ::; ;;. " . :J--v . '; ' ', .: ' ' piUSr\f-f **'A* - . !*rl . : , I;, - ... - , J , V'"if i >-vSi r7 ¦ ' ? |j [ ; ^ . . . IL -ios* * SCHEME. i» ri»iati»i wia.m«tiur twjtsJ : iwi twoght fatatot»i u d requerted that tboM lo ACOBS ircA&r£i APfcKbVitr. rHE. ihaitepanty Watexford who ;'| icjnmbag4 O- BtifflxasS. J pprtilnii^BoTCtMSi, i| St. Ud| had . fdands.aad reUttv«s, at Camhrldj|« abpttld itiCttria l^etirkt^bilaij iNeTJrtd^' ; ¦ • ' "¦• ' •' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ; ; aao all " ' " V ' (Faoa ODB IKIS/OBTM). ; •. • • : ^hlpf dealt. with "~tE4 Uort o{jwbrMng the ooncer i aasitt in this matter. . :He (M4jvk Cofl«j had reoeirod i i I iiPalni itt tho '°Otie«^ 'patina.iajtHOiiX^miM^!-fRina: iix - .avbe. Baclj, kcsUtctbiof foMiUj . from thi Brltlth iIoKUt»,knd • ¦ mmmtimmm ' iy ¦ tbete ba .wonld be h»ppy to pat i into »b» OMM for!tb« will send : :;,. j ewellid -HI & y teveu ; .: : V.>| tnwtlBgt x>f the . r<"»! .muchii^ larger buantity :of ga» oonla idvttntagv of .aayon* who Iikf4 to etadj. If cej alfo. ^fe- ¦ ' 'waiflOfr-KJoia;^! 'beprwaoeel thout ottMl^ working expense; i , ¦' ¦ ' ¦¦ ' pnnottl^Hlpiiito^ " ¦: ! ptvyera' eft f rioioro *u beldj 'Intha ihe ^m wirjted, In connection, with the jMuaepnj, iuwfel^nce Besigtefed : Post, ion , 'WM -- • i I li ¦^ Wai*.there wosld fel &W poflii on iriy exoasslb library..;Lord ; Vfaterfori} tail jwritten :to bW to:«ay tfao wti'^y ,»tftj 'ian for¦ parpfte¦ ot! Oon1 sldering¦ ¦ . escapeaentwW ectly J • " " • /- ,th>jr .l_l_ • ' . :tViA iirftmbl 1/UYrtwTimnHrvA MAV RKfl Wlft rtriMA US H ' ' *1 . ' i. ' * — *A«fc nn that he woold aoppfy » Burme»o idol ' to tbp jMtueum, ¦ ' ¦ sBMnW gg| , ^gP^JHL jjU Bfl Wa receipt of P.aG. for , *,, ;^ pelUlonlri* Bpard , ' ' * ' ^S^J^B *2»AS METV9BivDv>SB ^B^Mvi I^BDEfl ^M ^B . ' y^|& i-1 .h^r i ^t*for* i^^JSRS^iSM^ •He was glad to tee that it was: proposed to oolleot And purotawtheTtamoM gaa ry T 7 ¦ cf Goaraiimi to iequlrcbr; :j« Hartyi. That is verj ^atlafaoto (hoar, hear], »pMnt tbe late Or j Ringroja, Atkins' lectures. > These, ¦ : ; ! ; ¦ ' vjertise . our go0da, chron cheque 14 days after delivery. ssfsSaaas^^JsSBTSSarsafe '|Speaking,with reference ,to ^he Press, M-ljpr Cuffe 1 said—I look on the Pre.11 as osajol our moat lmpottaot Mr Walsh^- U It eottlca atiow much O Btono Ifine quality Keyless f; safety fini6n,faffdeni9d . . . ¦ . . ^. . tholeeediwill : hj, Mr Ji.ho vauffn'erji. . . ., _ _ ; , factor*. It givps our views to tU» public, nud It is for bo sold, ) Jjiever. . The naofve- • . ind i. polished pivots, JItil«Ori.-«] MurphjirHt; J«id«ft.Pnpp : : Tho Clerk—It wUl bo aoId atllfl a stone, : J«ia»« HalW Mr J.H ?o«.r( Mr J:J i M» Pf BnesBy said tbe :.prcaent numbor of pob- the pablla we are working; It takes our proceedings to DwtdsoD, Mr ; ' ; Mr Walsh—That In for ChaoplCna t . . Epent is first quality .the utrnoflt stren|ctJi, rf MfT-EiP6w« %Mt) E Wardell Mr Kll pojpng Bomer* w»8 only 87, and the quantity of gas eiitj part, ! and i to the othtr Mde ef tba glob*. ; Murphyj . ' them 'j during, the twelve tnontbi ¦Wherever '' meet mtn interested in : ThieClerk—Bath.. . • M • i ¦ . - ¦ ' • ' John Kir»*o; Mr Joh;n;H»tty , Ma E. Dpi 1*. Mr con^jame^b/ , you gp you will i WINGARNIS of finest and rr>oat and endarance with Mf 1 antecedent to the lstof FebraarT, was 5S5,60OQab'ia Waterford affairs I know ttat jWatorfotd and Water- Mr Wolsh—Beauties of Bute-can't ba cold ! on 'carFenn")i«y, -i Sir W Biur,. Mf 3 Qaaao, Qale OlTioon ' MaQritb. T.C ; Mf Job? ; T^HHB^^ /.th? Jt> nf^he ( yrJif prUatftoontamBraioniJcr tho proposed he^ conditions yon say you ' come.from Watarford,- you mayiba nure The Clerk—I havb mado nn uTercjro, i hlotys' a Enfircot of ildat e rteltWHii batB, I Soft rWatetrbrd Ha»bbnr:Boaird ; . Mr, T, . ¦ AlUog V7or9, it wonld be otatrysd, only a little mote thkn yon will find friends anxious to know all tboat tho but , Mr? Hearno—We'havo 100 carim of etch ond any - lo o> delicious beverago end tonio iD&do from Port rjeaults in exact timekeeping, richly finished ca^l, (»vet^:Vrlth / ^a^QSi& O'M»l1ey, Seo. Watorfordi cind, Dqmrar«an R^lltray ; man tbat toko a etona of Iisbi 's Extract of Meat and Extract of poeoand A Half the ntnoant eappltpd within tho psit dolngt in. Waterford. Wotetford is to be one of the '¦ \7anta two otona¦ lot blm Wi=3. g , ( | Henry GaJlnDy, Mr E \V i ¦ ;;¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦;• ' ¦ ¦ ngraved ' of exquisite appearance;! usually sold by jewcj ffera UfHeary Italy. Snlr t llr . ' eacL : ¦,: . . :! 1. - .!¦ • -Halt. ¦ designs Ktjilj, tit Ednin WiiW. Mr J ilolonoy, Mr tl Haydon, twelve tnunths, to that if a; better quality wore great cities of Ireldnd under Mr. iGemld Balfour a hl»h ' from !. . ¦ ¦ ¦ - • : ¦ . prodaoed it nas ooly tcitonaUjito eappppa that thtro Local Government Bill-^iizj would use the gss if ttey fconld got It of deocnt it with the Public Free Liljcary. If. we get the eup- » gteit deal of wasto.¦ The¦ iwcato on ton . P I ¦ " ¦ ' ¦ ' '¦ ¦ '¦ ' ; ¦ ¦ Btoiiel . . ,!¦ . . ' 1 . : ' Imitation *. ' j;«hn 8hcria»n, Mr Joho Doylo. qoality. . . -, . . . ; ! . : . [¦ portof the gentry and peopltj of tho county and city of p 11 O'BIahertj.iMr by . j. . j . . , I LAMBEE/T . &^ lheMayor op^oed tbe prpoeedinji eayintr they iTr J J Morpby—I nqrer nsid the j»e» fcr tbe paat Waterford and the neighbouring counties. I think, ; ! THB LATE &IB 0 EECUOND, WATE1W0BB. ' ' ' ll I Anorican Watoh Importers aad Heroluuit0P Aoitoa Eoifl, HorocasbivEnslfima; Ell lsoatT lot *§it pntpoc? the j wooting bv\ loeo ilx muntbi: .. • . j! ' ¦ ; ¦ ¦ with go}4 management and tact by thq committees and Jbe Clerk read tbo following letter :— OVSE E"IVE ^HOUDil D it not bo for him | . ! i "!' ¦ ' Watorford, conveocd. »n^i onold llbeestary to Kr FeDneosy, continuing, ejiid chat some peopl e thp officers , eccrijUry and curator which Mr Wbito : 60, O'ConnoU-¦ ¦ Strcet, iTuoUcitod XosUmo¦ nlils hava ixjen tcositod to=i if - - ., • • j-ebiuary, 28th 1808 ; Ucdlcal Men. detain theia with toy opening rcordB of fxplnoitioa. mi(;ln say tbat therp| would bo a loss at . firet. He cpeaka of, tho Muceum may have every hope of tucocra. . | a /jreat a«nt w»» felt In Traioore mtSt out a : atatement bxed apoo the consumption Tte following poein of M athow Arnold's tells as not to DEAR MB B(UNT—tly Mother jolna ma In thank- lurormirrTOW LICITEDTzm sosru. BZCZITES r^sti M they oll'knetr ' ' : (» ijutnber of yeart Ut 'be ptspor li«ht:n« of for the Uvt;t«elve Dpoothn sbbclog what Ue aetdtl despair :— " if i . ; Ips tfa e Ga»rd}ans ot the Kllraacthomas Union for nUWCAH FLETCHEE, I/E.aP. for a lob ozprestting : tbo thotonjbfttrei (bear, I be it)j\ and aa iiflamliat loss, would be, ataun ln? tbn oonoumptlon did pot . '¦ " I say : Pear not l Life otill , ;. : tbfltr touch irbosarod resolution and in Applecrou, Itocahlr*, H.» , July 2ra, 1C37. ' Dear Sirs—Flesro forward qnarr«r-of*-doioa "WlncirnJj y : ! ' ' i '' ¦ rejHenw ' .riro BOX I OHS ibat uio R «S- inencca beyond'tbe 635 ,600 cribio feet c'bd tbat was to y°u personal obligation for the sympathy so 1 il - ' A KOtiono! tbe , Leaves bntnui tfTart ccopo, : extremely kind lomcilitolr, at my jjntlont's topply ia al'ont done. ¦ be lalcen oVer by th« Bo*id of Guard- r.'rUioly the Poret 'jtto* tbat could bo taken of jit. , tppctilnptly exprcawd in ^odr ia tu> ta>ca co other A TI /fi] T : ^ worltB obptild But cinca Hie k'lims with ill, pleasure I trnit there will to no dthj, \ ?A ' $&vr\ r 1^ /ii '' ians (hear, bear). Thte CTBIian otjeet, in'.tba futthet- Ho then r«ad Ibe jatnteoionk roforrod to wbjob Nurcs na.extriiyajant bnpo: 1 noto.' . My fother always tolt tha greatest nnnrijbmoAt,«nd hu.been aaltalncd and gllocd '•treegth Interested in Trtmoro should snutred a, debit -and upon' tho in i visiting" yoar board, Dot alone bacanto ho had by •' Wjnearol* " tor twelto weokj. ' cncaol »hlnb, e»eryone balupcojof £57 0< 7d, : Becaur.9 tbou mctt not dream, invtrlably I Yoara falthfuUr, DUNCA K PLEJOHEli; L.n.C.P. ;,by najiBtiogtbeprt>joct valuation of Irta)oVo' it, ^io(ild require a rate'of : '' yobr hoarty welcomo, bat bacauBO ha pn» tb*lrrboaltlcrtoth?nbf« ; u Thou need'at ctt tben despair. that Uc:ua. Colemab ft Co.. Ltd. ' gca Into ihitr 1iona>e ohen it become 2H\ In '..^ho a ¦' to [corer . . tbnt loW 1 mot there other (rne and tried frlondo. Now¦ arid t*king'tb» r i Major CaCo thsn road, 'tho .folloHos Intoteatinj have ; th« nrcat under |f>e porr ln«r b.iard. By doing Buli ,;i£ tbefb .wcS ;a jlnS» at tbe; begiaoiajj " ' ' : ' ' hojla nono tO.tbo'Bdttor Lsnd xio thoir propcrlT . papar . i- ...... ;; . :|. ;; . , , ,. . 1 thosa who know eo-tbej,ii»ould cit O'pJy .lispJpTtt tbo inUrrol cpoi- the jf moot »lTagr»e 11 tt under dieted apd impruvod consolation of kuowJric that " T ' Tnn ooLLEOTioiif op roqsiLk' 9n.au Tnn WOOD- him bast now most trcaauro hla : mamory—Yoars forf 'of ihtir fc6mcVbnt tbey would «l»n- help , to cosdltiooa ot maoegQQent .It wonld only ba fot a T7ABDIAN MCBBnU (li.1 OSTBATIVE OV THB OSO- ¦ ¦ ¦ Is coll by all Urcidsts, Wise Zlcrcbaata asd Pitcat rbeoj later on. ' ' ' ¦ ' faithfully, • • \ rcdure latin, n »« would be pro»cd to ohoft tune. ; ;. . . ; i ! I . . , j . . I . LOOIOAL VOR11ATIOH IN Tan nClOUEOUUtlOOD Off ¦ ] : ' • : : Uedldno Vendors. Art for COLEUAM'8 " WIH0AUNI3 ' 'tnorrT-and he spoke from Mr Hortj—1« not thtt ' C. P. B2DU01ID. or LIEBIG'3 EXTRACT OF U EAT AHt) HALT TTUIE. and Too holidsj *««K>t>» at Tfa deblf baUncajbroapth ont OAUnBIDOB). ' ; i I ' , oen> ijWuirrj ihbrtor and Bhcrt-r npoa 0 ca'ouUtioa'We nee tfcat Uo.wcpJ WIHCABWIB Is op tho ahenlaer cf tba Ions eapprleooe ¦ d upon the pruant 06a- ;Tho colleotion ot fonslla I trlsh to brine t» yonr botiis | "~"""~""—" ' tcli i^aftb« na« rlgbtjin inmption Vn t ¦• ' .i . •• • i ' O^fy y'orj ood bb r *>-d 'y j notice »*re presontod to tLIiillai'iioo brtb C'inlbri^ijB ; | I Cold in Bottles, «J W, ani <] M, ererywhent that « (jteafo»iii« of thiu; «io tbe woDt . of Mr M J Jluroby-rrOf eourci it is. 1 • > r»othoritl<«of tbo WnodwuniUri Mn-ieain bj 1? & S\ •aylOif ' M* It ttrrolscaruiflcnltyin jcttlnjtlia v/ia8, writs direct to lii^Miilib , jV v iiL^ll; vy prbb8?ly lighted tborcojbUret in Jho mootba of MrH orty—On, bpt the ooaanrnptlob aod , M.A.. tho tialatant toithh Protcssiir at ' tba naanTaotums who will forward 8D - ¦ : Sdptaohir; tod Ootobre. < It «rould is la tbefrto bo re- C3r>(cbi!nn will bs largely inprcaied. I ; Giolo^y, Profecior T 'M«ir*nnr ;Houh-# , of. th« ' Ca;Ii flat Ucttfa frca by Post oa roccijj ef «3 fji=:;3 cn'iciUo^'lbat¦••iomf tiris Upptatnb« caed ¦ Itr BE Beiner, wto was iracber , opp'oiefl to the CnlvorvitT Goo'ogloal Sohool . |Profctoor HafCi"a hao „ Coa i tUil „ £03. been for ¦ p nrf'si 'montn tbc^s fb'car^h'iar), but otl»wyear« that prepcM', v>'ta ndmbor of qaeptlono to Ur Ifcnnrsiy tnaotj-fl»o year* over tha Woortwatdlan : Cola llsaaJaetsreia 4Ss QU^lYn WATEKFOKD to of Uncsua, end it Pl;ta coil 'if t6a' : tctti>i! ttd bbsa geiBfl bsok ood- -bcafe oltb ie^atd cast njalot«naoc!?, probable may Intercut dorao to know tbut be ia ! .r . kad Czurj Jdt& to., Limited,Bt. tteorgo «ond Banb oooncotod witb this part of Ireland aad has proteVcv In ptt! 'fllaocj jdle:ppearea into the «lm tazatioo , etoj all of wtfch wepo llorrdab i aod £i, Clutched Friar*, .London. E.C. 6Ull 'jf bad'eos oleulyi nnd frachly tho County of KilknDny, oboat Ci'iar;h-n!^M«riigh, ' ' ¦ ¦ K3 distant paeV (beflr, o«r, ftod Iaoffbidt). It wo« ropliod to by the lattar jiodtletaea. ¦ I - ' ¦ ' • ¦ ¦¦£ to to comequoatly hetakeja urcitint- r»tl;ln Waterford and 'I : . . G&t&W.. . ' ' We have oa hind : a S lendid Selection of Ma'terisb *»¦ oome Tfamoro, but Mr Forde—I bnpo yr-n : Cob Prcjrfstor* Ct " Oreuron," tio Kow Bcor To, aad p ¦ ' tbo JOoog UopU r>t>u tl^fl era not goto? to leave :bo iti surroundings. Ha la ohdrtly to ba honored (oa 26th - - ¦ ..;: e! tod Kl£> Ool:--aa'a Crovs Iarariil Iav&lid Ctont, ud Oolosua't 1 j 1 . uben tpcardt the Ond Of , t>io wccoo »boy foncd that anlArtanatt^dxellcra OovJin perfect darktocs of tola mentb) by a presentation of tn " Iiloralnat-d Orums lofcti&l Ihviuia Cbiua^fne, wluci b c-.roc-tj tie claoU we' re bidJji jligbted : they would rut aar LiD(rerndon at wbioh Sir ArohtfcaldGalkl» (»b. f books r>n ptdwiro oa tbqit j»r«ntt to 50 Mr Peooensy—It eonH poi bo expeated that thsso C-:r COLEMAN'S WIN0AHM8 Is ctKnSly ijoftanV fc^ lnBtaor«, -"hef« tbo ttrects o»rv lighted, ooiuide tbe area of chargo codld (jet pnblio lighting, Geolony T7n all know co poll aS ettadurd norho) is tu ccaatnoiidod tj msdicd men in ,ci::3 of Inflaoaxi : tit0t8 ip 0 iparr, Bad prNate bithi to 1 ouppocayoa ttoon jwhero' tbo bbundary cudsf . preside. The dinner an<3 ' prc:ont»tlon Is giten to Diiire the? bcd Profossor HnghM by tho ara who bovs bof n under Ma licliig mi Hifffaig " ' hear). He cos ri;ort K« if' tbBy«o «»l»bKl (ne«. A Voioe—At the corner of the Oove. | lnttrnctlon o> LUQ. Poacral If the la of/Tfacnord joined in rln.-inB bis lerti of iduo , th.. Uolvenitj. WTLEY'S Maaxczz CrtaVloO'^d Ithst pwp Ciooa Toppln—Ooold you giv» a rough sketot of an il s most pl«aa»nt , szr>;e bi« plioi-d flctofi thn cucetinic, goes along and tuktj In jth ponhd , but not rrilfibltca from the Bala Bodq, 'ICM, thn towotand of ^tudy^ and can produco FITS d'U'I t^i * Qnilhv ; ( ; dt'livefed & m'bVrlnb rif aod' oonrfocliR addrtas (tie homo at tho corner of the Prient'j Bond, i ue flildi md siioiif i'i >li say ' (tho quatturl journnl of th» Gaobiitoal booltt/ 1837}.' il MiibaetSta Watertowl. tbat.he i.til btoo or kcl b^ Gslitty fmC lw ybrallei with t»e road takiB ji m «|1 tbe bo nit / , , j i . ' " & HANDBOOK TO XHI3 (HadtO OX , Of OllIBBIDiin.'1 IE^J' We have received several Lettera of Commendation ftcia biid toin filled aiay t-j C. r« nuori important b;ni« apd tnu ByuiBD OuLolin C'nuon | bore ltoro:3-i»[tbe ' Cfr.?, bot tbat , •>. «• v;»9 to lj.V'iur of tlo u a ter b hn^ read and go. 11 along; at tbp bickof jibe .Convent, Mr Coirpor E«od'o nrc iboofc jnts publistiodr 1897 feMLMfiiiy r EILIIWlm gentlemen who have been supplied by us. ' . Crfib.Vnpor|jhpB>'P>fdnf tju«'d:«n»,wbosr moetiou «?• pneaes out again 06 . tbo road ju«t oppattto tba (Inr Ibo nee of •indents'. Ii m'abeg tho oeolorrf ot the EcrADiioncP 1051. 7WE GRAND OLD REMEDY FOR hOi-cdjiob"! abl^to alt ^nil^D Widno-daj. CoDtiodlog (ihrlntiao Brotberi' '¦ 8ohoolj, and takca iolllr nM gh'Onrhoo rl of farabrldje! Tory omv, w it pitei O'.ci:}/|»l4.'' t' ¦ «nco*£-ilorj. fn hl« prefaon, lio tarn 1—" The earliest '^3)^^pf p ¦ RAM FT

    0 L^ U>"1°; \~ Lv. ; ls> Z^ li^ , IB OAJH C» advantanisi a( . baTing Dujldton'o bouce, aod " moro ¦ th« CbBirnian fe>;a'dicBJlbrt tbroac¦ h tbo Csldi to tbo 'ond tb&a a hundred years arjo.jhnt tho ' impnrtant geBOral !' Bontbacptca BBlldlD^ Cbtaccjy La&j, ! , COUGHS, RECENT OR OHRONIO. ' 'd/ to «i cinch 'otj tbo ' cnbjtot DOVT ifa w»IL ! ; TiAtoore llijbtf . y |*ry V> of tlho docorl ptioa wao c've n 'a HSl In tbo lecture by Pro- .. : ¦ ¦ Lcadca/Vi'.G. i ! bad le^n rcqutated B (nrtvor , bat cs i'« B''" to be Canbrldae and : r^;5Ti?awlib tt!i csUdaoand yes tin tir£j»ia r-> »-2 ID o .nncctioa with the propcbal, erected. ¦ ' the JTonOof tbo Bedford-Lorol."1 ;;... 000,000. ¦ lopotUJitfdfiiils , , . , j IXnvc3toa2aafla -- '^33 . C:a[ti rcllorod, led tha tiroectilil tym(it<>mi to iittmar. , Quay, • ' bo nonH illiox iy do hl^besi (hcar, beir). Aojtbe Mr Fenhccoy—That bes cat been dcsldol yet 1 it ocoaaAPnr 07 THB ooDtrrT CAinjninon. Jn Cut rery dlrtrwdnj ilia**, to tanttl*, espocillT to tj pao, til ti a PeBTS-iAnTB o? O ta tpoitn ccuij ' w -^L as^' ^- -i> , .;; ,. ; cot—that1 rJationa of aomoof the fdrmallot.i. (1) The Chal k SATING8 DEPAKEZIEITT. o:.aRL- • tnat public laopj coald la»o beoa ereotfd bnt be laid it wonld ojst I a pad equivalent nnd (2), Tbe Ot lpast, ' ¦ ¦ to Od in Hills and Pinteiulntio So^ West 1 high ' Haa pler.3ure in^ calling the attention of hia^Customera and th6 Tiambro; Bat owing to tbe nay tbeca ¦ ¦ , ¦ ' ; Small deposits recatvel, end Intoic:! ollorrcJ AND COMFORTING AND Poblfa dzi Uablcd in ta e A . I i i ; , . frroandin tho West ; (8;, jTno Meohhn Valley of tbo WARM ' he corhs had bsen niannQod it wes oat of tbe question Mr Hacty— Bat !nc havo bcon told tbat tbo rato Bbos and tho Cam | and (Si. the Ptaland ia tbo Nortn, monthly on each completed £1, .; VERY PLEASANT. to tho very favourable j report ^hich has " received firom ra or «wo of WIT ef Me^sg, toflftso. Wb»D, last jdir, Ur EBld' left lrameto re, woold be only 611 at the v>ry worot. 'A crcit espanca of iovel ground ctrotoaci froa Cam- ; Tho BIIU3E0K ALMANACS, vrith prt!oukr3 ft'-^j a r»n hop «r«r li\tSs ol:=3^>. had : ¦ ¦ OONOEirvCS DAUIAUIO ELtXin csy t» fcifl ei Cl WaterhoufQ CJ "Wagner, of London, the mosjb hltncelf ^Mr lfenoe;3y) lo- Mr Meaner— Well, : 1 bridna io tha Booth to y end ' Mr Gtllwoy h one of tbe ¦ VtSi±i» \hlch:thoy aito indebted to ; Mr Bcnnaf—Of coorcanot, batitaay beorrcaired THE COUNTY MEETING i i • , High Sfcroct, Wttgrford. i . tbo Mayor—that he mentioned tbe lowest poinible oBobiQhercaale. If you aro gelajto loprovo and vdll v/e guarantee, < DCAR Bin— Wo nota thejcontenta of your letter o^ tio 18th todispoie of the worka , instsut, eod irritg ta . ram for ttbtch bo tra f »UaS curry on tbe gas norks do it on comnoroUl lines, ILLUEGD OP THE tiEDtOAL OPFIOEE OP wy tbat we do not zst d if Uitat from lundi of tbo Board of Guardians, lam raud np to : ; StOBt." ¦ :&&fo> & fs11 'c*:lho C3aro nmtipned¦ , £300 a year, and o»cry timp I looked it your CO gas (XroKl Our ifcpsrfer.) . • Yoar obedient Servant, : , -/.. - . tdb&i&S * 1 \ end proSede«tonay thai o a'tot o«oy of the noopU Iampi I would know tbat each oae nea ocatln'" me lit John Deo. D.V.C, presided ond tho othor j AETH. OOlNNfiSS, EON & (X)., v:.-XTTh*M ths eirioloa' rthatit ooold bi tbo ICJ O ycir (laujbUr). | ; . I ' ' Rnardtana present T7or6:—I'r John ' thdkS. ^ : f 1 Woloh. Mr E : 'i: «w b-Otwaif If thoffciirdlatlspafciacsd tha poflt», Ur Fconneiy—It was oa Bttarday taorolnff that Dnnpby. IJr R Hcarne,jlir U Foloy, Mr P Doylo fl[]D -0tGEPLGC3 []I0Q7C. COMOtDCrB, dDd cattiM COt IrccalKd Mr Donaldcon' , ¦ r-v cime to tba cowlutlon oa tbo! (par . THC PIWA:IOIAX ictA.7ioi;3—jnn cotnmf ci lho momeat that the Mto mlgbl ba 'prdtty IIUETIKO. 1 dpl hl^b— SOiOP OUQ QPIGTACi eQ p«iwJ.^EaeMtt B Ccal ofinfciootiw bid toy Oi tea tbe & Bat I tbipb it lo hardly fair ft r Ur Tho C!ork bavins !*oad tbe mlntstc3 of hzt lj ' ; ' -/ ¦ ¦ I Coo4Dx,r.onnD lOld I'-aennbliei? O to corraoptloo nf £?» now-tbet , B:aoer to eptl=3 1 a rtitomcsi ot ttdt kindoj tbe ECStlOfJ. - . OEacnvn-rlO,. NAE3AU CTBELT/ DtrBLW | acittaa Gontiticrioqihtt lit 0*llwoy ;b co5prci;cut. Mr John Walsh taiiJ thot bf tar? lest trcsli by l ! I tolgcJ tbO EO« reUatle : llr Benoer—T7by do yon soy it la ca; fair ? Tnn WATcr.yoED Ncrro. that J?rom Into lio;t f ieri,tit. O BniEJ71 Bfobop of aATDirocD OAvruccj nzLnn, rSgT Apd U C<» rc iolntlons wore Waterforf.) . . I ; II btac:n>t]o:t<> obU^tpo oDiaO»loa A Voice—It Is ctotty fair I tblnk. | p izzii by tbo Wctcrfotd ond Dunjjarvon Boards . wooinmLL BTUVZT. : ^Ut^^oas tfca B ' Foancuy nld tbat tb» gab»Q»ki woo'1 'bo of Gnardlana calltnft on tho Hi 1 :" I biva oo3 Ulr, COLOCCOS' Cpectsoln with ct»4 cd- of llr DlnaWcoo, tbe Kawrjor °f ^"torford .Mr , . gh fciherlffof tho VBD C tl5h»,thci conltaBaEdcoTnfora"j» County Capt. H. V, »» 9 to oy pTOt3rtl:3 : Cratin bth fl ov» 1C94, /niy.^i C:. 12. ! ' Company, tt oa wbosi onthori'iif* patten of ttii tsaasyed by ft coomlttoi! tho .ocoeci tbo nctfritorka ' Stuart, to COOVODO a publlo nrottairrsott ejroaUt tad tcnt-iM, tCoiU Wulohluevc Is Q jolly: girl, tj healthy girl, and;!a bright irL fco ««3e,batt«r. (8e*crsl »c!ia~ tire, end be woold bi- vo>la. . g Sha kee^fe ;tlna thi«o:oold ¦ ¦ ¦ yo OTruresj r2airnn*Walrife»t. OP'JU DVRRY IIOJJDAT AtTD TEIDA? W.I, Ui DoaatpVn had «oa8 ?tHpuR b to osiist io tV st aabc-iouips^, aod he tbooicb^ that tlon tho report of the Boyol Corarulsslon on tho : in tv;::tij tst7, her). : " 1B« Emao? or stLUtox b&a i'^scnis ihzi O fn.ni 11 to Hojf.psst 2 o'Clcsl'. her lungs Bhrongy and her blood ^red" <^3C0?-», oftd carefully ezamloed ettry detail « it » t-a moro ppl>> wonld do l kool:s tbo wnrki Financial Kolatlona between Great Britain aud flci'troni' EtertirlM'tioti^ToubiaTorf rrrat titicftciloo | and clear by daily rides pponcd, tbe traics ex- tinld ba oafd'd oh pjaits 0.0 Cmfully (bca', be|r). Ireland Ho (Ur Walob » Ujou-bt that thelCilmac- i jDd iilMdeO hie ttsgU eojrfort,—isb'Jcs,X anu. , CbK3- S« bid tbo cirstta '¦ " | ttct? of Jctcrtst allowed—£D DntoeVVcsdia /ac* «pcrcd D&c3o7tVii t« erfl«e ct an ¦ Ur J J Unrpby tUd bo bad been tjwakin* ro Mj thomoa Board should alco matio a similar appli- (I'rutu tht> loto Most Hen Dr. DD3i^D,Iford Ca. par Cast. i o^ ^r . Bicycle^ She/is laying ; b tpfeow dndertaains etindt tbfs »obj;ot nod his oitcafaclooi did not cation to tbs Hlub Ohorlff ot tho County. i : Biehup pf OloDfcrt.) ! ! Aijy psrtoa tuay d*p*Mt Money to tbo outsat of ^^SVH - C3n"rt'c?J^>^oa ao . Qallnoy 00 ¦ £'0 In a year, and health which laafc a^ to either 7dJ 03, or 1B, ; • Tho Clorls— That vrodld ba a very propar I , •'• 1 bavo to rsciws lay estlrs etZitsamVUh iij Cp:> is eddliloa rnnaayy i?Cc^cFf2rpo:!>po:! enj life. Ho CilTsc&zzisI bsd red [ Iron Ur Oosatduso 0 oooc^ | | ¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ tbloxl VA^^^M of ¦ ' to do. . -I , . \ . . tides strppUtd by Ur. Colraors, rpd wbtehJ bivo nc:i 033 fJm withdrawn CurCurliaajjj tho ycy,scy, untiuntil (hj will her aU her %¦ rcnort ohlca Ka' CD klloaoi-i- - ! y : : Llr Joba All, ; .1 ' ! >Ga Werls, T7et«rford, . Uclt ba Urfiwnd Inblci wo bave ¦ ti^w wwcrlttoearcdorijU^ A can, bis wife, ¦ l^OjrrJ. CCBriscsy'o aed Ur poneldsja's Hits* Balfonr la aftor introUnclns n nood Bill buy I ! t PA»irtDio»A»1 nisUop«fClrretort,l*»5nicx" \ end obildrcti Bay cash b . . ' I . . . ; £3£i ircbroaiy,.lC50. I ' A»cs»inior of Toassto fiMlrcs to rtcorl thi hlrb cicsrata deposit eccaant, ¦ ¦:¦ '¦ Worc 'csjcad Ur Gallnej'a ii not (bear, bs\lavo bi is. only la favour of civJnjj nn about p TJis ; ••'Jt^a Pt^KSy, E#q. ! - . . - menU *T3 htUtaotlon be has dartre! fron rataytu ycaiV era of ITr. Tbo OtriciKt Bccrcay is ot^7vcd olth of third of wb;t VTO aro l on titled to. However I ' UpeoUolti ThM c^jht l tL:o tun ooU K3 The PatMider ; «• DcE^SE-rHii Wcnhip tto Uoyci Woterford Solooos* ¦ ¦ ¦ pro Drnoaltorti Accounts. rid® eaafly, sad ' ^MrBcnnpr—Ur Giii^0 '0 8fa'2nieot CM taodo to thlDt tbra board shonLi pica 0 resolution calling tSTYedV—TOTonto, . i ; ! . . ^b CZl soSedt l wero cecd csocjh ,ta consalt cd oitb ¦ * ' on Capt Stuart to cosveno Rev. Sylvester Malonc) j Mo obarg^ b caada for PC;J E'.xiia. Ga» w orta, . I tnp. and [ tblnk toy stat«raoi.* is O CJi> v3 eo opycsp 0 thoroughly ropre« (Prom Vtry remd ti tbe purchaso of tbo Traooro : ¦ ¦ . cantatlvo tncotinR, : I bite t3c4 llr, IMoisoai' fipesteetej for, Mrer»| ycaro, j Cntas op io Ma way ba withdrawn at cay and durable. It is one of ' ' I ; . ¦ tf¦ ie I j ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' - ' thea elsa a. . ; j: ! • ¦ / ¦ •¦ ¦ aod inspected j . . ; i oojtsatUfaotorj. ' - . i vfci'.jd Tramore tbo oHxa -day, ; Chafrraan-I think ti tea. ; rjdbaTSlousathfO to bo , withoat Botlco, . . ^A epferal The lliyor— W B don't donbt your ! " . BjtTttnoi ltu/>3B, P.P.; V.a, EUrnsV ¦C7otk«. 11 also, caw tia',street raiina epsntd la I \rotd at all, - Tho rt—I am prc;Urlurf a r«olution, : Tbo catlro foods axa Invested la Government perfect Ladiea' h' tb to be tc:i« W, and far etip^or 'yciw ew bctatwa for ths p»ct twclto : The Mayor eald be did cot thick, »lnt It n«i a fair t»jcrla>c«a tl)« IttUia* «oo/ort ou» tu/m ¦ ' to Icro dooo tjraty ford and DaDf;irvon ft3oirdrt from two or r.'.uro ii4 lia«, tr . any other maohine iat the price. i > b> foaWiso yert tha dtakjciaiial b2» bt» w bsd tb.it osllmtto (0 co on the wsy thty tier.) woiked at ' only. I mlgbt prcitnf , 0 citMS If blmcalf tber« thongbt pnbllc bodlci frorn othar nirla Of tbO couot)', i tu«iA,«» aud mort ealcuUMU to prvasn* o/ ai|bt. : I r»- >ia:rr»v» op i fcarnioi naet .™ c|! the prrsenl Mr Dnnpby-He is V7J>)(i» ir'U-o tbst Jjjp Do njority ^tJiai the onabtr contoBStt Um» UIR «ort« wer« tob^otrr'o Ion wllbout Improromo-H Uo»Aii»«,'V.O, U43 u«n\»a « tt-' eotliln^ nh»t«*« t)d.i ni(b th« of Iriuliraou ero cs obo over this njaf top. ; 1 "Ver» E«v, T>C2B ¦ B* M fcro cnlybliUIa uVer oti?»tblrd of Iba noabtr a»me 15 thry woold bar* 1 fMSLt PJB fcj«*uoln? •»«*.««» iur «,„ $vil ServiceSsrvice Appointm8titAppointment!|, Bat thpy btlisved that neder tro pen Tlic following:resolution propwoeU Mr WsUb, t*vP ^ * n)CDaT«m»a^ propoKil. tho Ctlilrmaa tias.pasaed , lib tt?rf»uit«rill)«tWlteCI} B<«>* rrualtiao. lbi priwUWO per tbocpad ayetam ibera ovnld ba doable th3 cOasotaption and cceDndcd by UDOD I- !iit.6olou>ti> ° li a ssudmto thj 15 to £a full p&rtloalara of all eppoietaisa^ aoraptioh If £ RO » bdttcr c«. . ! : |, > pn»eai .a»/r. ai4 *g jUacara in »tetins tui Wojr hov* aubjtcu into consideration the ; report oi tho Buyal Com. Jocueo. W Id*i lffJit nod lo naorattaittt qtraim of exaaiaatloa, &c a» gltca ia JI'Qtiro's, i tsVo'eatimi In tajr cjUi&ta would :miib tit Benner—I pay on 6 volcstloa ot £300, ' ' v"««** ¦ ¦ " 'Wfcii* \ mission oa tba I/lnanclnl Bolntloni b3tvrc3D Groat cujut«rt.-«*U*a I" .- ' ! : ¦: ' : , tzzrr.lzzUon (h.ii4, which «U1 Ba ttat post frco tia ift • • 1 U-^ C:? trert* eoaj&» la «Vsry way, tad UttJo, if »ay addl- aad the propps.l. mtaca e, . j bb UIIOR . , to ; ; : ; • • ¦ ' a»t. CA»O» Joo»»»««unwui, P, ?,, hitajf •a^jtwlso a>pllcatloa. U-atJlBE'8 COLLEOB- • Britain ot Ireland," ¦ ¦ ¦ . »fford* ths tifia Wald to cssdsd fa ncay- ytara. ; -Bat, of coafts, bo, oxd I . don'f: knorr why ! X ihould ba i ¦ ¦ ¦ laaoii alsaMirfott ttd aiaiof eiiM ttoa etaac (limb bit moil thoroDja pnpsistlon, onlltr : M nntvttueJMov. i ta»oltBJ«aaBtt:la MaUatttakkD9W, froa to« un vt lit, ud by pott, let tis ll'tab'telcey oapsaiJed ta ccsa ca extsnttbst tba hoooded dewo (ertcjiof " CO, BO } bceaso l ofjpot ' Ciill Benlca, Bank*, aad Prfrt«sioB«, ted i) : tts «a csponil«o ccntjas,. V7b»t, l esf. will it cost to Tho Local Govt. Biard wrote oxpncalno tholf BolcnvuU' C«lst»U4 fe*crUola», t» eaa«sJo> Kaaiai a6(f »fo tjrMBT*' tad' to, pwVJda nera nessy latsrpt lota CBActlop to the propiucd paymoot of Its to Ed« ibUBf W* Mi itSjVupfSiawiais Us fiuwif aa«t:H 'Si reoosolnd u tba FIJJDX estibUiboBsk ct tea klsd UL poald cat ba 0 pnblio lamps for tbe liirbtl.ap;of Traoors ? b U eoald ba tatt oaiclt svsau, csd¦ ¦ provide£0 . lelvins oCJcsr Power for hla earTicca in aotldoR siavuabstswnarbi doB Bit &ttMat eapartBaoo, that IrQla&d. 1 . ; of 7d la tba fi I «m U tMtnrt to tiii afoLwStioo a ¦ ta ca <*3ratspajta.-|i-..: ! ; - . fjI it runs w 6 r»tp deoid*dlIi y object raj ' hts Miat ^i- ¦ —;¦• h£T» » (boat eta{? of tho ^tien flgaid tro yoa enure thst lit very 16 vaccination default! ] HoiomWBa ilor b6»vtaelrt^fia»tofc*iftnfer Cork. ' i LATEBT BVCCE8BE3:- I r; , :. t—*-. v*:tsj " I t*srt swd dcil tS« bsd lo it Tho Clerk oald that ho nayo Ttry BOT. Gswass BO***f,t, tu* toad i£r Botoncai' rsslca l» tracoTB^bat UP them ' biok » filii.Dj{ concern to Ut Power a list of Tba Ots , EXCIBB, Uay, 1197 :-H«us "P*!&c* (Plii . {-tq^ , from what I of card tbloif -to trlpj tbo defaaltcro. 1 , ' U Msteola* lor aJwnt XUyeoiaAateal o^wiaased a«uuj cy t» thiAtHoy tira u goodaa tbs day they ncro ' ¦' .! . . j ! ¦ • ; dynntste SP4 comiert t>om Uvui-lfasMMixra. : iBui PtA0»), Ktvwigb, Amtittoag. BEST Bssnkr. i* CJ4 ^^ t ' ero»pstWy f \ iLLiizzs a? ba vrAwn. ; ' : ; l~'A. Ilia deabt tsesi cur irm itrfmtl« Intntx. nf a Hayor-N-s • I ao cot arcro of it At lre« iin L jtou*P?'8 Rwgfeois* tt»t» beat us»4:fcr jy» ! CH3BK8H1|>3 (eaeapd Dlvliloo), Daaatfj, bi I Tbe lira Dr Waieho wrtWendpsIng thafollowlott :: F*po algbt craciid/ba» But wold bo ca:H/ db- ebaoeotloQ dib ga«< . ' > : - ; leSD t—llttsrate &soa (Fits? Iwia Ptica), £»ff8, " ^ tot in Medical Cortlflcato and popj of mlnntcs of Plo. K " BIOS 1 Feaoejjy ,cbia refePfcl to tha cstlm&ro oa 1 Balsad, Eastrsca. . . M4 Mr f 'ca&astt 'nsrdusa ' panearyj Cosunltto (irbicn ejj* asicd to biro Is toy t*f s ootoy,tea to isako tb« Btv Pita wblob flhb*<4 «¦ jp»c3t of £113•« t I ASSISTANT CLBBK3, IT»rci, I(J7. r«_, tto «m« «3jjwte« «*» »}»y aaoaUU»«, th» waoU U ¦ kindly laid baforo tb« Boerd (~ John Das, la taa b^V»UtSjTutriiciitgfefe8«f. s!i©3lslDr. »v»«rK«lM?ei : : ba uo tolth tbe 3D »trcet ljtinps f'Of, ;J -| • , ? j T P Walsbs BcoretAry, «i % | UU boat Bs«. Dt*ttt»raWiUaactn rintr PiiAcncad all »k» ippotaftssaa !. . . $ijs*Cto .. y WT»T«dj 6p» ii^5««Jd h««farthi gaar- ¦ chair end Mr Tho followfajj ft.Utlord uSu , Cicrtd, j - ] ^^ Cdl > Tte«3i£cut3ion h'tinu proaoeaed to rauob grcs¦ ttr certificatewhich wat read was jiigoed'by Doctors stutt Ke«, ut ttoBediassa.. jusovp d . XiUaipa i i LAND ¦Clii U 'terffoo', iSJ/»«^' An W«^*» tBtorcBgcal 1 ¦ ¦ ¦: " ' Is to T OotUtt, Bitaoj oi /iswra,to, j£T OOMMM^QJT CI^BKBHIPB, Marlb, ? linitlb, - •¦ . :. . ; •¦ i :• i| : ! £>hsnahan end Frld^'' Thin certify tbat J4w# E« . Di VJ ¦» wltli ples«?iir;Xo«:» oW»kflJ. . . De ,•« f trwta u> tb» ouuatrn am H «up^ jiui¦ •» Bi^taUts, lft87-H«sM i»J»gtB, ltt Hftly. aad ; food. Srd. UI ri ' be Meyer anooaoced tbat be wdcla tako a poll u Wolshs Is etllleaffeHog from oonslderabla 1 !>.'«fjBh!»i»> OoH»tB!;oa." ! 1 ' debility f fiMSkfi BwtrtT. ; Oat UsdldUea took Aili tb« no uluttor tbey OdfH RO on «itb (be eobeus or DO I , end 1n oar opinion ' it would bs unvriso for blm ta - 'Jw^W ;tt«a :rtb. all cigbt ^poiniotau offtrcd, exotpt oca. ' . I "-Eav rigitiafl' ibi^^. .to !. itpot Uey «iiold tje'»r«o^liogtber« and resume duty for anotbw fortnight At leatt- nijjted two ^ ejtimatoi frpim .MMJ pilT'?^ fooiae lo nriatfini;i»ionclualOB. ! i . V '• ' ! "Vhe¦•ADe Commltteauuujui.Lvco recominendediottfiuuiouBBU thatMJoi. l)riip Walahi.«aiano ] J'EMALIJ TELEQBAPH L&A&HEB8, 0.PJO. ^¦ . ; M oiUTlOM Ia MSMviaaeaott «aI •maunuaod ttUiatt* tb iIay, CofinoU first, tia isferenw to . tijl .wtliaated. ooitT; - "*? ! Altai torn* remtikt (torn ,Mr (4 J Uatphy, wboi ba allowedllowed,14, 14 days. ]. Dr KlrtKir tran to do hla duty l^pottU^it U BacwBaryto awtit addms 1897-Mrs* y, Ut | Mias Hallett, 2nd. ¦ ¦ :¦ , ¦ ' udk Bant B«IBI(, Norj)»reo»otb er tiwoiitw at Bank ponhass of 4a» 'woras es: ;it no^r, standio! and the ' ' **tfl ¦ tbst etea •t MtyMr'si ccbiauipllun arid for that time.tlrpo." : i'' | ' . . ,. .1 .' . . Qbsarv«-Oiui to ba bad from Ux. & Boiuu&jrs, Ot>Uelia PPJ?i«lon!teaa'^rt«njlon mains - ' j • • « ' ooujd 1V_ TTT^lah V/hnn A$A imn vAMnlTtM »li>t A ¦ JJx»*lo»lion», Boy CopyUlf, 8orten, O.P O., GqlD. nmsiBrfof' ! and ?"* . .t cot io bs iBereaied ¦ «:» M«l rate ¦ ¦ ¦; - CMa • ' ¦ ?opp«)ng ¦ - ' ¦: " Braw«ry Clarkihlpi, 4o. M-QUtfiE'S ; • ' .. COL- ¦ : with tehrices 9t . . ! ! ¦ ¦!•!¦ - ¦> ;• ' lamps! asd cons, UiB •: '! '¦<' thirty pbbllo fitting! j^in j f' •*¦":«¦ / ¦! :- : • . ; : , v ^. i . B 1 Thsjoinoipal items to this estimate were B tl 0 Bssdasat ^pS m^s^mim. liKOB (* onrqnalltd for tnoroogbtuition , np-to-d»ta piste, 1— l ^»5l £ " - '-* !''»i l . ^toa Mto "bother pr, not, M AmoniHof parelJMe,!«00; new Sln and 8in matasy fflVf 1 ayitfcm, »nd cXMBtUoU maltc A copy of Tha JSIM i bew ruattr*, X80 ; thirty new lamp colnmns l^ht^^ : w<^ «f»ff l^>rf«M« tosootrre.tBewotks Gu^ ?" Mr ColllDBW-WnO P»7« "I* «OWMkutO fop tba «•M«»»«i*» JMI|t|AH* t6.0o;.iin,?rfi;' ^-: -- ! Cad J*t ternsoomple w, £9310f with .etcetcaU.And 'MdUt'Ughi thfltobn.^^^ I \:. \ i •4tnjSjt» . .. • ,. ' . ; . ; ,; i-$p»^ »^^l»MUh«i B0«j :»AV ll(l.ua8 ,' oo D tbft ' " ' ¦: ' ' •»h . ' W ¦ ¦ ' ' : 11 L ¦ > *brw : , , t^ /fit ' " ' I**! ' . 6 ' ' "- ' ' . . . . v*>*.u fc^^. —i . ..-., .-- . ui ,--* '* ,. 1 I f I 111! Mr Dot aldsoa»ppendw N UI twtlaaato the following rOf dTr'.^-£rS ; cxeoptioM, ^ - i Icfore»tloD »d»l»te»t»d»at»fr»* ; 8hooJd thfl gauiiMOtakei tp tba works M^M*/™* fl«oUr^ propout: 6uaidian». ' : i Bid HUB&A k>^ ^rH1 rl^'1u ^ ;The 0t8r»-J^ i v | ! ^IKTAKTEU, « UDlES^CyJirtA to iM. ioi and, m 1*. tb» otttuy a» listed ftbere, tbe concern . r^il? •JWi °* W^eniblirreotloiiMm.• | noM fn iMlsnd Jor ft pnaDplaos. _ CordUl ^wttf Ur tbaSte .mall f omi to Mr ^ thought only half wpnia go 1 ^ Mll b* aoonato be Union.. out of PeonessyandthBmyoT Ch»lrn»n-I v. ] V «H»(, Ulnto, ••^ w* eonld b.t exhibit pur«slin at Tba'ii: waal'j eniba li^onld aone revenas, .WMT wblihr ' < i \ ^f SSJmiof f4« Hussion ilr Dunph^ ffl'GUIEE'S COLLEGE, ' ; ¦ • Bii ^9 ^l ^^^j g ^ ' '"f irfflffim ¦¦¦• • ' de»liiig wtth the flflrpci&l 69, LOWBB OABDlitTE aTttBET, m i' lte'1 gmwy-BMBf oddreseiog ldrOolllnai iB «td-Sou bwBothbS ; *«•^ "JF iSffi o? nT , mHhMM t» tbe rioftwf,or ^>op wW- wdR ' ' Vu^Mtfaf'tlia fMJnied -COtthatwMthetOaoev CHE! WAMM0|gpl ljgl78UEM. to «ay toH( ;Mr Cnliloi£i, po)r those Iwho l ri !*»$*; ^Lx ^ls !£& ¦ I ¦ ¦ ,;. *VVrnVCS r:<:x »9^Mfpc(b«Tw ow -Wftterworia borrowed on the west of tHe BoyUrlauBbteri. i \8*™<«4*J>** 12t&±$ *JP W^d&£: i: ¦;, 1 !¦ . ! ' ; , . ,. y\ • . Mr \?ilsli-He*». til tr Jlr Dunpbyj i F«™ * ^J^^'i« *^S*«hlb«t f fltiK thwlSiom ¦ bc. jpM^M^H^pS^^ ¦ ¦ i ¦ - ¦:•;; ;¦ ¦;; - ' : fitahtBorfitertv *t » ' . ¦: . ¦*:; i . AWIU Q ^3. : :;. i: .; i- . ::; i Thet Cont»etor for tb 1 eupp?y ot pb&to ««dj 1 ^^'^^ *JSS ^/ ff Ji*^• ¦ 'T ijj v BS ..s9^ft i)DC^^H^^^kt^t » ii vVVV^^r^Kv^r* 'nii8iB' ^BIII BUHBS ^ fil BMCI I ^S^M^Lzd ^^^^ Mr -«I ••eTu^BM U ^ A Dsetiss ; of j tho Cojnmft*- ifcoTtoaaberiof the , f * VfiUh , wrote b«i'to «dwU tlut f !.^*JffiSSjK*J ;JSn r . «r»iVl(»t of wia poll tW tbit it, 109 bsM^of i •?»« oa «pprjb«|o«. < AlW|VA))T«p f MQQp VittrUhi ,Ma»ean;wUJIMMii«4tt>iy«tba; Pabliq fw«Xftary, l^UWpbl terraai. Mr i N WhitaJ P/oeoopWU*a t4|r.;«:!rb#w;*» 4 *lm proesi i*j{1 I7*)tQtw vjW»«£eO«dl&,J* < Ht>at« ressnrer(Mr rj Hoii Wntwfordl tn» «w» tot bi ¦ ' * areo'* 6Or»&T»rtl»» ! li »<•«•> •*»^**« a*km A *B Wmel Tbo C!ark-Tb»y w n |DipM(^ kb' Bt\tt« U v ^MtutM^^ l«< bMlfb^fi '^MWMr' (:»r^WM( nmf wr8lM«i.»». itfuj Qo ^M^f^nrSii 4 W^«cv • i 1 «W# ff f : M ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ " ¦ ¦ " ^^^t. 'f" ¦ - - ' ^^ . ¦u - :¦ "::; I- ' 'i'Tf iiv :. '