[email protected] 0131 467 2489 ScottishTargetShooting @ScotTargetShoot Scottish Target Shooting Caledonia House 1 Redheughs Rigg Edinburgh EH12 9DQ Annual General Meeting of Scottish Target Shooting Date: Saturday 27th April 2019, 12.15pm Venue: Caledonia House, 1 Redheughs Rigg, Edinburgh, EH12 9DQ ATTENDANCE Angus Loudon, Chair (Director) Colin McEachran, Fullbore Rifle Oliver Barsby, Company Secretary, COO (Director) Bruce McIntosh, Smallbore Rifle Ian Thomson, Sport Vice Chair, Smallbore (Director) Jim McIntosh, Smallbore Rifle Mike Barlow, Business Vice Chair, Fullbore (Director) David Owen, Pistol Cait McLaughlin, Communications & Marketing (Director) David Richards, Fullbore Rifle Tim Kidner, Fullbore AMG Chair (Director) Donald Robertson, Pistol Martin Sinclair, Smallbore AMG Chair (Director) Bryden Ritchie, Fullbore Tim Liddon, Pistol & Gallery Rifle AMG Chair (Director) Alan Thomson, Air Rifle and Air Pistol Keith Shields, Clay AMG Chair (Director) Robert Thomson, Smallbore Rifle Graham Ellis, Air Pistol & Air Rifle AMG Chair (Director) Richard Townsend, Air Rifle and Air Lara Bestwick, Gallery Rifle AMG Chair (Director) Pistol Ann Brown, Pistol William Vaughan, Smallbore Rifle Mike Buchanan, Fullbore Gavin Walker, Smallbore Rifle Rhona Dove, Smallbore Aberdeen Fullbore Club Hugh Hunter, Pistol CSSC (Rosyth) Morag Liddon, Pistol DFH Club Kathleen Male, Air Rifle and Air Pistol Tayside Airgun Club William McAulay, Smallbore Rifle ALSO ATTENDING Office Manager Jacqui Dunlop Office Manager Frances Lochtie sportscotland