Orthopedic Follow-Up Evaluations: Identifying Complications Duane A
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PEER REVIEWED RECOVERY & REHAB ORTHOPEDIC FOLLOW-UP EVALUATIONS: IDENTIFYING CoMPLICATIONS Duane A. Robinson, DVM, PhD University of California–Davis rthopedic procedures, whether BONE HEALING tions, immediately after fracture occur- performed on an elective or In veterinary medicine, the majority of rence, bone union begins by: Ourgent/emergent basis, are fractures heal via stabilization of frac- • Accumulation of blood from perios- common in small animal veterinary ture fragments by development of a teal, endosteal, and marrow sources, patients. In many instances, definitive callus, followed by endochondral ossi- which forms a fracture hematoma treatment occurs at a referral center, fication, which results in formation of • Development of a soft tissue envelope, with postoperative follow-up taking new bone. More specifically, healing of which surrounds the fracture site and place at the primary care clinic. bone can occur via direct (primary)— delivers the needed blood supply to During the recovery period, the pri- divided into gap or contact healing— the healing bone until the endosteal, mary care veterinarian needs to be able or indirect (secondary) bone healing.1,2 periosteal, and marrow blood sup- to identify complications in order to in- ply sources are reestablished. tervene as soon as possible. This article Direct Bone Healing The phase described above is the reviews basic guidelines and provides Clinically, direct (primary) healing oc- tools regarding identification of com- curs via a combination of contact and plications that may occur in adult pa- gap healing,1 and requires rigid inter- tients recovering from orthopedic pro- nal fixation. cedures. Contact direct healing describes sit- uations in which: COMMON ORTHOPEDIC • Fracture/osteotomy surfaces are in PROCEDURES direct contact Stabilization techniques for rupture of • Interfragmentary motion is not pres- the cranial cruciate ligament are un- ent doubtedly one of the most common • Fragments are usually under com- orthopedic procedures performed on pression. an elective basis; these procedures in- Gap direct bone healing occurs clude: when an interfragmentary gap of < 1 • Tibial plateau leveling osteotomy mm is present. (TPLO) • Tibial tuberosity advancement (TTA) Indirect Bone Healing • Lateral imbrication suture (lateral Indirect (secondary) bone healing is femoral fabellotibial suture). common in patients with nonrecon- The TPLO and TTA procedures re- structable fracture configurations, in quire an osteotomy and normal bone which biologic fixation (biological os- healing for a successful outcome. teosynthesis) methods are used. These Fracture repairs are a group of ortho- methods minimize the extent to which Figure 1. Radiograph of comminuted pedic procedures that are particularly the fracture site/callus and its blood radius and ulna fracture at time of injury challenging because normal healing is supply are approached and disturbed (A) and approximately 8 weeks later, dependent on a multitude of factors. (Figure 1). Examples of biologic fixa- after removal of failed external fixator (B). For example: tion methods include the use of mini- This fracture is an example of a delayed • What was the fracture configuration? mally traumatic surgical approaches union; note extensive callus formation. • What repair method was used? (eg, closed alignment using an intra- While fracture is not healed, it also • What is the patient’s signalment? medullary pin), external fixator sys- provides an excellent example of indirect • Are any comorbidities present and, if tems, and cancellous bone grafting. (secondary) bone healing. Courtesy UC– so, will they affect fracture healing? Under indirect bone-healing condi- Davis VMTH tvpjournal.com September/October 2014 Today’s Veterinary Practice 71 | RECOVERY & REHAB reactive phase, which includes the inflammatory and gran- body reduces strain is to increase the original gap length ulation phases, and it is followed by the reparative and re- by osteoclastic resorption.1,2 Therefore, during an early (ie, modeling phases. While the initial phases are relatively 6–8 weeks after repair) follow-up radiograph, the fracture short lived, the remodeling phase may continue for years.1 Interfragmentary Strain Bone healing is also influenced by interfragmentary strain—a measure of the deformation that occurs in the area between fracture ends (Figure 2). The smaller the gap between the fragments, the greater the amount of strain that will occur with a given degree of deformation. Bone formation requires low strain levels. Orthopedic implants (ie, plate and screw, interlocking nail) are designed to decrease the amount of deformation at the fracture ends. Limiting the amount of deformation decreases interfragmentary strain, which is important be- cause, in order for bone formation to occur via gap direct Figure 2. Strain is the change in gap length divided by bone healing, the strain in the fracture gap must be less than original gap length. This graphical depiction of strain 2% (Figure 2).1 demonstrates how osteoclastic resorption increases The clinical manifestation of this concept is somewhat the initial fracture gap and, as a result, decreases counterintuitive. For example, one method by which the interfragmentary strain to a point where bone will form. TABLE 1. Failure to Achieve Clinical Union of Fragments: Definition, Clinical Signs, & Approach DEFINITION CLINICAL SIGNS APPROACH DELAYED Fracture in which healing is 8- to 12-weeks postrepair: Every 4 to 6 weeks: UNION prolonged, but is anticipated • No instability at fracture site • Physical examination to eventually occur • Minimal to no pain on palpation of • Radiographic evaluation fracture site • Minimal lameness; any lameness present should be improving NONUNION Fracture that fails to heal regardless of time since repair Viable Fracture typically affected by • Clinical instability may be noted at • Rigid fixation (required) motion and/or lack of ade- fracture site; with loose implants, • Removal of fibrous tissue at fracture quate mechanical stability; may be gross instability site following are present: • Significant pain on palpation, or • Restoration of medullary cavity • Adequate biologic with use of limb • Implant removala environment • Worsening lameness • Bone graft • Healing response • Migrating broken implants may • Culture of bone/implants; treatment • Excessive callus formation protrude through skin based on results around fracture site • Muscle atrophy and/or stiffness Nonviable Fracture that fails to heal • Instability may be noted at the • Prevention often easier than repair accompanied by cessation fracture site • Surgery to remove any fibrous/other of osteogenic activity; • Pain on palpation of surgery site tissue present within fracture; minimal fracture site is avascular and and with limb use soft tissue damage, graft, and rigid biologically inactive • Static nonweight-bearing lame- fixation are keyb ness typical • Culture of bone and implants; • Fistula/draining tract may be pres- treatment directed by culture results ent (necrotic cases) • If infected, consider sterile • Severe muscle atrophy antimicrobial impregnated material • Significant loss of joint mobility/ (ie, polymethylmethacrylate, plaster of range of motion Paris beads) MALUNION Fracture that heals but normal • Mild cases: May be difficult to Goal of treatment is to restore limb to form and function of limb is detect any abnormality clinically normal angular and torsional anatomy; not restored • Severe cases: Angular or torsional new bone formation that occurs during deformity apparent and originates healing can distort normal anatomy; thus, at fracture site thorough planning and, in some cases, 3-dimensional planning via CT imaging necessary a. For example, if converting from external fixator to plate, remove all fixator components b. Surgery involves (1) opening medullary cavity; (2) en bloc removal of affected bone ends, compression of ends using plate and screw fixa- tion (optimal); (3) autologous and/or allogeneic bone graft (essential); (4) if available, consider rhBMP-2 72 Today’s Veterinary Practice September/October 2014 tvpjournal.com RECOVERY & REHAB | NS O TI gap may be wider than it was initially, but this is considered COMPLICATIONS OF BONE HEALING CA normal (Figure 3). However, if such a gap is noted during Despite veterinarians’ best efforts, complications occur in LI subsequent radiographic evaluations, it is considered a com- bone healing, resulting in increased morbidity for patients plication in healing. and increased economic burden for clients.3 Examples of OMP As it heals, an unstabilized fracture or a fracture that is such complications include: being addressed using indirect (secondary) bone healing can • Failure to achieve functional clinical union of fragments YING C decrease strain by both formation of a fracture callus (which (Tables 1 and 2) F stabilizes the fracture and, therefore, decreases deformation) • Osteomyelitis 1,2 and osteoclastic resorption. • Bone-implant construct failure (construct can fail due to ENTI problems with the implant or bone, or implant attach- ID ment to the bone) NS: • O A B Fracture disease (eg, atrophy, stiffness, adhesions). For most orthopedic cases, follow-up clinical evaluations TI with radiographs are generally recommended 6 to 8 weeks UA after surgery; further follow-up depends on the specific L needs of the patient. However, in situations with precarious EVA fixations or concern regarding client compliance after sur- P gery, radiographs