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Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

4-10-1900 Albuquerque Daily Citizen, 04-10-1900 Hughes & McCreight

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This Newspaper is brought to you for and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOLUME 14. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, TUESDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 10, 1900. NUMBER 138.

ter of fact the Boer practically again ! and not the owner of a homestead, an hold the Free Btate eastward of the exemption of tV0 In addition to the HEAVY ' I Alb OROIM fiiji ran railroad and are greatly encouraged FFJDFuULOOi amount ot chattel property otherwise PUERTO RICO by successes at Hedderaberg and Korn by law exempted, and thus not dis- Oil MOST r ROM FT spruit. criminating between the holder of a AMD Hoer. I'a.hed Hark. homestead and a mere wags earner. OAKKnit. THE Iladen-Powe- On argument the case ot the Terri- AT1BNTIO. PHOENIX!!! Iluluwayo, March 11. Col. ll tory vs. Henry as- Battle in Progress at wires from Mafeking under Texas Rivers are Rag- Carroll, indicted for Island to be Created date of March confirming report sault with intent to kill, was this a II the morning disposed of by the court the Doers had been pushed k Wepener. that bat quashing the indictment. The defen- so town is comparatively ing Torrents. Territory. far that the was charged with having mads out of range musketry. con- dant of He such an assault on ons Charles iirandt cludes: "All promises well for even- Ladies' Shirt "Waists. tually on the 11th day of February, 1900. We are sole agents here for the Stanley Shirt !Waist Co. White this popular brand Heavy Losses Reported on cutting off this force of the case terrrltory vs. W. enemy we Texas Town Swept by an The of the J. General Lee to Command will need no introduction to most of the ladies in Albuquerque, we wish call If can hold Hnyman here." Hay, charged murder, is now oc to your attention with to the handsome line we are this season. Our Both Sides. Awful Tornado. cupying the attention of the court and at Havana. showing Spring Waists are all here and aow Ksfflra fight Ikiers. Jury. , is the time to make your selections. In Colored Waiits we have a great mtoy with lace 1'retorla, April 7. Advices from which will be Mafeking say that a band of armed Canal Matters. yokts, very popular for hot weather wear. In Black we caa show you most Boers Make Determined Kaffirs Mafeking The piling timber work on the any style Wfi there is nude. In bayhif one of the Stanley Waists Assault on left through the Government Surplus About Seventy and Several Italians Injured in a Riot you know the style and burghers lines during the night of canal at ban Felipe is complete, and Tit is perfect, aud the price is as low as other stores will ask you for an inferior Waist. Be sure Garrison at Mafeking. April 6, were some twenty-fiv- e teams busy In and surrounded In the Million Dollars this Year. ars in Nw York State. the word Stanley is on e tch Waist and buy no other, and you will always have bush and shelled by Maxim-Nordenfe- lt handling stone from the west slds of the very best. guns. The lloers then stormed the the river for filling. The flumes over FIGHTING Kalllr position, killing II. The Kaffirs the acequlas botween ttan Felipe and Goods Department. GENTS' FURNISHING NEAR LADYSMITH. CLARK TO BE UNSEATED. CASE Wah DEPARTMENT. fought stubbornly. Hklrmlshes are re- Angostura are completed and the Of SENATOR QUAY. Ws HsadWrtsfS (or Everything ta ported lllggarsberg twenty-seve- n will be com- See the beautiful Silk art Gcati' at and Free State, foot cut Organdies, Peau Ksndsbbifs. mostly between patrols. menced st the north end of Angostura. Allnsl, North, April . An engage-mtn- t de soi, Silk Striped Batiste, Japanese Krin-kle- s Dallas, Texas, April 9. The flood s The ten foot cut above Algodones Is Washington, April 10. At a special lien's Fins Hats, Un's Work Shirts, took pUtce yesterday Wepener. y CraxQ at Ilewey Withdraw. remained practically the nearly finished. Excavation la pro- meeting of ths ways and means com- and Silk Ginghams we are Isn't Hats. Men's Work Shirts, The Huera did consi- showing. Ms Uaps, New York, April 10. A Washington same as yesterday. Most of the liver gressing over the Santa Ana lands. mittee, It was decided by a is Men'sStlkBosotnSMrta derable Ule Hrit-In- n Ne ver before have Men's Overall Men's execution at flint, but special to the Evening World says: appear to be at a stand, but more rain vote of ( to to report the Puerto the styles been so pretty dolt Bhlrts, cum soon gut the range. fighting Men's Jackets, Men's Hwita tars-- "It la asserted this afternoon that Ad- is feared as the weather is threaten- TIIK OFFICIAL t (H NT. Rico bill as It passed the senate, with nor have we bcea able to show so great a Mn'ft lusted all day. The lloera received a Dewey ing. The Buipftidera, Men's Host Anpporttrs miral has decided to withdraw outlook in the Indian terri out amendmont and move concurrence Mud's Naot Ties, Men's theck. Casualties were rather heavy tory la - variety of these lovely goods. In the Handkerchiefs, as candidate for the presidency and serious. A bulletin from Tenni- ntr of Hecent City F.leetlon CanvsMed in the senate amendments. This Men's Collars, Men's Orl ring HloTts, on both sides. Another commando is an- son says - within a few days will formaly the river there Is slowly ris hy Proper OHIrlnls. means acceputnes of a form advancing- toward Wepener from territorial cheaper Wash Goods we have a big stock. Men s utins, Men's Msht Bhlrta, nounce his decision. Ills brother-in-la- ing. The Canadian river Is nearly up The vote of the recent city election of government or Puerto Itlco as add Men's Half Host, Men's Underwear. John R. McLean, Is alleged to be to the tracks of the Missouri. Kansas has been canvassed, In accordance with ed to ths bill by senate and oth- 50 pes Dimity, per yard Heavy righting contlnueU Wepe- ths 05 at responsible for this latest move." Texas railway. law, by City Clerk Medler and Justice er lesser changes in tariff and oth- Special Sale of Men's ner this morning. The result Is un- ths 50 pes Dimity, per yard 07 Ha's. of the Peace Crawford, and the result er features. The vote was on party Ont of largest In known. Three of the Hoer command-ler- a Mwept by a 25 pes Dimity, per yard 10 ths waoletslt hat hunset ths Hnnw Mtorm In Kana. Tornado. Is as follows: lines sxcept McCall (Mass.) republi- east has shipping of samples ot their NKW are attacking' the town. 10. pes Dimity, allot Kansas City, April 10. Star specials Austin, Texas. April Reports First ward For mayor: Qrunafcld. cs n( voted with ths democrats. An 25 per yard , BPKIMJ 8TO JK. which will go at thi following say the worst snow storm and wind from La Qrande and Fayette count" s 14u; Marmn, 94; for clerk: Moore, 13d; attempt will be made to pass ths bill 50 pes Batiste per yard low prloes: MOVr V1KNT Of TKOOl'M. y 10 storm of season Is show that the Colorado r.ver 103. Chamber-lin- , A the raging over Medler, For treasurer: 25 pes Colored Dotted Swiss, per yd regular $3 80 hat for only 11.78 western Kansas. continues to rise. The lower part of 150; Mcltae, 89. For alderman: .ia A regular I.OO for only 1.60 no hat Ilrltl.h ontrlsl. tilts Out Information La Orange is Inundated. It Is rumored Wright. 167; MeMillen, For COMMAKIIKH AT HAVANA. 15 pes Petcales, per yard o8 A regular 2 60 for only 1,88 or their Itr.tliialliin 7. school bat leath of Jos. I'llller. that Lebanon, Uee county, was swept Itankln, 150. 15 pes Percales, per yard Z7. A regular t.00 hat for only 1.00 10. trustee: 10 London, April Mysterious move- Jos. Pinter, son of U. Pinter, the by a tornado early y wreck- (lea. C A regular for only 00 and Second ward For mayor: Matron, Will llavs Charge af the iban pes Percales, 1 10 hat ments of troops avenue Ie 50 per yard ' A at llloeinfontein are Ilallroad tailor, died ed. From Wharton county comes the 227; Orunsfeld, 121. For clerk: Med- City. jj " regular 1.60 hat for only 76 proceeding'. Newspaper aged 20 years. young correspondents about The man report that everything Is under water, ler, 240; Moore, 109. For treasurer: New York, April 10. A special to are not alllowed to telegraph their des- had been an Invalid for many years. although no loss of life is reported. Mrllae, 1; Chamberlln, 1C9. For al- ths Herald from Washington says tinations and the presumption is that The funeral will be from the family The Ilraios river Is rising rapdly to- derman: Heaven, 240; Crlsty, 110. For Formal orders will bs Issued by Secre- Lord Koberts Is making disposition to residence at No. 617 Fruit avenue at t day, inundating a vast acreage. school trustee, long term: Lamb, 18; tary Root on Tuesday directing the de- off B. cut the raiding Uoer forecs when o'colck atfernoon. Friends & Brig. CO. recti, K9. school trustee, tachment of Gen. Ludlow from ILFELD Ha For short they try to withdraw of the family arelnvlted to t l.AHK ASK. northward from attend. term: Isherwood. 222; 8t Ingle, 121. command of the city of Havana, en- TELEPHONE NO. 209. pursuing the Itritinh column. The ap- mayor: Matron, slaving Ilrig. Gen. Lee to pearance Clairvoyant. Third ward For command AND of the Doers In the occupied Henate Committee I' In t' 173; Orunsfeld, 115. For clerk: Med- the new department of Havana and 307 309 WKST RAILROAD AVENUE. country has caused a revival of war- Mrs. Dr. Kussell, clairvoyant and of spelling lllm. will your ler. 175; Moore, 112. For treasurer, Plnar del Rio. Ludlow will receive like feeling among the Free Btatera in palmist, be In city for a Washington, April The senate short time only. Over postofflce. Mcltae. 150; Chamberlln, 137. For Instructions to report for duty is pres. the Faurcsmlth and Phlloppolia dis- committee on privileges and elections school trustee, long term: Hamsdell, Went of the srmy wsr college board. tricts. Uritish residents have boen told Kleven men belonging to the United decided unanimously in favor of un 279. For school trustee, short term: Lee snd Wilson will remain In Cuba zxxx: steps for will seating xoc that their defense be States navy passed through Albuquer-qu- e Chirk of Montana. 174; Ktrster, 105. Mr. Glover until after municipal elections, s00! Immediately Olover. ths taken. lost night on their way to Ma- Harris, of Kansas, Indicated the moat also received S votes for the long term, which will determine whether ths mill- - The lloers are to ven- retried have nilla. They have formerly been on the pronounced leaning toward leniency for w hich could not be counted. tarw fores In ths island can bs further 5 tured south of Diggursberg and to be Indiana and Massachusetts and part of Clark. He did not express sny doubt Fourth ward For mayor: .Matron, reduced. Major Gen. Wesley guns Money posting heavy four miles north of them on the recruiting Ver- that there had been a lavish expendi- 201; 180. Well steamer Orunsfeld, For clerk: Medler, will bs Spent. detached from command of ths Klandslaagte. They are also said to mont. They are going ture of money in Clark's behalf, but Mc- to Ban Fran- 211; Moore, 149. For treasurer: department of the east before June 1, You would have fortified In the vicinity of Wea- cisco, where they expect to go aboard spoke In terms of strong condemnation ltae, 1S4; Chamberlln, 175. For alder when he reaches the retiring age. never expect to buy as good a suit for $15 as we sell. sel's Nek. of the tactics pursued by some of the Wisconsin. There were twelve man: Hurkhart. 200. For school trus Gen. Brooke will succeed Murritt. We mike it a The war office proposes to land at others who should have come, but got Clark's opponents, i'ettus practically tee: Hopkins. ?60. In this ward for point to give you a little more for your money in every case Cape Town beforetheend of May Xil.wto left by the train at Jersey City and ugreed with Harris. These two sena- Hpits received I Injured In a Hint. alderman Kdward han you get elsewhere. special horses, which will be conveyed there will be along Nine of them tors also expressed doubt of the Justi- vot.-- s and L. II. Shoemaker I vote. New York. April 10. There was s These $15 suits are famous. Best made, in twenty-thre- e steamers, suiting are electricians, one fication of the conclusion drawn by the boiler maker, one These gentlemen were not candidates. riot st Mamaroneck, Westchester well finished, from New Orleans, Iluenoa Ayrea and coppersmith and one yoeman. They majority of the committee that Clark's To the successful candidates certifi- county, bet wen striking laborers and perfect fitting. Step in and take a at them. Australian ports. seemed to take great Interest In the candidacy for the senate began In Aug- cates of election have been Issued by men hired to takethelr places on local country as they passed along. ust, lHiis, when he returned to liuue City Clerk Medler. Improvements, one striker, sn Ital- And the finer suits at $18, $20 and $22 are wonders of the tailor's HiMr I'enee I'niiilnlMlonrr. from New York. The effect of this The new city council will meet snd ian, was probably fatally wounded; Naples, 10. April The Doer peace Dr. n. C. Caldwell, of Danville, Ky., conclusion was to charge up the entire organlie next Tuesday night. another was shot In the knee, and sev- art, and include Fancy Flannel" wish skeleton finish, also the stylish commissioners, Fischer, Wolinarns passed through Albuquerque laat night 1139.000, which Clark confessed to have eral others received lesser Injuries. and Wesseta arrived with his son James, for Las Cruces. expended In his campaign fur the sen- J. 8. ftchaffer, formerly county Jail- Several rioters were arrested. EnglUh Walking Suits made of dark grey Oxfords. They go there for the son's health. The ate. Chandler and Turley were direct- or, night for his old Meaty left last home at ( Firing Ncur v.nilth. doctor has never been In this portion ed to prepare the report. Clark was La Porte, Ind., where he will reside In , The Quay .. Ladysmith, April 10. Heavy firing of New Mexico before Vnd was delight- surprised at tho action of the commit- ap- April 10. Ths SenaIs the future. Sheriff Hubbell has agreed Seasonable Underwear. was heard this morning in the direc- ed with Uie ride between Las Vegas tee but refused to make a statement pointed as Jailor Nicholas Lucero, and to vote on ths Quay case, April tion of Bunduy's river. It continued a and Albuquerque. The doctor Is a man until after consultation with his the later's deputy is Crlapeniano. Lu- 24. Men's silk striped, ribbed underwear $1 few hours. : attorneys. of great Intelligence and kept gentle- friends and cero, his son. Sweet Dickies. 1 bottles l&a 8 men in the adjacent to on The report Is to declare the seat va- Men's silk finished balbriggan ItOKK ATT At K. seats his J. P. Good lander, the popular drug Pickled onions S bottles XSo underwear...... 1 OO per suit the train In good humor, manifest- cant and not expel. a tourist for a St. Louis house, Is again l nderwood clam chowder S5o ing great Interest In the country as the among the locul drug merchants. Mr. sugar Men's fancy cotton underwear 1 per suit Make t'.norl. to C apture Harri (internment Niirplna, Beat cured ham .'...120 35 train passed along. Goodlander states his orders have son si mireaiiiit. Washington, April L'4. In response that THBJ MAZE. Mr. Hlgfrled Wiederberg, Lamm & increased considerably over those of Men's French balbriggan underwear, white, $2.00 OO per suit Mafeking, March 27. News was re-- 1 to of Inquiry, Hecretary You will see some "lis" and to...... 3 Co.'s coast representative, In a resolution year. "ru. reived yesterday of the advance of the' arrived Qage sent a state- last time" steps night town yesterday Is displaying has to the house at ths southern relief column. The liners and iin ment of receipts expen- Golf shirts from 50c upwards st Man- - theatre that you never Imagined exist Immense line of spring samples In estimated and this morning opened tire ut sunrise the ditures, showing a probable surplus dell ft Grunsfeld's. ed. large piece at Blmon Stern's. As usual, of with seven guns, including one l'K). $;o,0ou,000 for the fiscal year ending Wt art r ioIuhIvs Union-Mad- e All goods art this Kcmon they have the largest as- Sweet, Orr & Co. punder. This has been the most vlg- -' June 20 next anil IH'.ooo.tKio for the Krit warTSX-B"T- sortment ever exhibited. This house Is In this olty for tbs r orous bombardment of the season. ' year ending 30. esti- the greatest Its In Chicago June ltsil. He Pants, Overalls The Hoer siege ulone has already fired of kind and Shirts and a perfect fit la always guaranteed. Mr. mates that the Interna revenue taxes over sixty rounds. 1'nder cover of fire under the war revenue act of the fis- Wiederberger haa abandoned the snap Leading-Jewelr- y House S3. he Hoer advanced to the northern1 year 111 0 shot Idea for this house, as a perfect cal of ItMtand nine months of U TPfsY face works, but retired prev pllately at t'9.000,000. H III and excellent tullorlng Is a cer- on coming within rifle range. They j tainty. To-da- y and only. Chicago (.rain Market. Sold to Railroad Men U tilso advanced to the southwestern I t3?".Vatches on but were repulsed. There was one' It was learned y that the Oruns-fe- lj Chicago, April 10. Wheat April, 7c; easy monthly payments. X flandell & Orunsfeld, May. April, May, 'casualty. horse, which disappeared mysteri- 6T','. Corn 3c; Succstort to The Doers under the command of, ously from the "Ited Darn" on Sunday 3!toc. oats April, :ivc; May, V E. L. WASHBURN & CO. riin Leading: Clothiers of New Mexico. X Jan. Cronje are evidently fallng bark night, was taken by an employe of the 24c. Fine Watch Hepuiriner a stable known as "Tex," and the thief Specialty. before the advance of the southern, Money Market. and horse were seen at Camp Whlt-com- b 8xxx xxx: w soo: relief column, concentrating tli the New York. April S Money on call xxxR yesterday morning 7 o'clock, two commnndoi'S, who are retirng be., at per mercan- Fine Engraving and Stone when the thief, with a Winchester, atetuly at 3' cent. Prime Setting. fore Col. I'lumer, In order to make flu- -' tile paper at 4'i'u; per cent. H Iver, awayuslIS al effort to reduce the town. A.I the' called for breakfast. Sheriff Hubbell is working case, $:,. L.M.I, 14.45. forts and outlying positions ni now, on the and he stated AftnU for icy manned, the troops standing to arms y that he has two men In hot C toll Ktl.KI ( AMI NAI.Kt pursuit. McCALL BAZAAR HAIL ORDERS ann everybody under cover. All are PATTERNS. convinced thut this Is the Doer lust Mr. II. D. Hetnken, the leading mer- (iilng Out Kale of Muple slid Talir) FiltsJ Subs attempt. chant In Watrous, and wife, who are (irorerle., All Pattcnu 10 ana lit THE now cxpi-- t Tleginnlng Monday, April 9th and HIGHER EGOHIST Dar as Rcecfrci. In Kurope, to start home Novelties .NONE Hoer. Hold Tree Mute. April 1.1. They do not care to go to continuing for exactly ten days we will Charming Spring Detbulle Orange Free Hlate. April the Paris exposition. They are now In sell everything In the staple and fancy 204 Railroad Awuae, Albuquerque, N. M 9. It .h ex pit ted that the Doers will Germany with Mr. Heinken's brother. grocery line at exact cost to us, for I in Carpets endeavor to retake the destroyed They went from New York by the way spot cash only. Kcmember this la to s 'YiiR! in all the new Ijlilited lrx m MUTUAL AUTOMATICStore tlxe Olty." bridge over the Orange liver. Conse- of Olbr.iltar and Home. This Is the the b.ggest bargain sale ever known In weaves, colon and patterns we TELEPHONE NO. 44. Albuquerque. We quently extraordinary pi autions fifth vlHlt Mr. Heinken haa made to his mean exactly what $7T Hi will show have been taken. A force of Hot rs in old home since coming to the United we say that everything will be sold ut you when you think it- - exact cost we you of selecting new located twelve miles east. As ii m States. and to your Carpet We lay in a large supply of groceries, for Spring houecleaning time. Want Four Easter Dry Goods Tradel when you ahev the chance to get thctn Our Slock, of Rugs, Carpets, at wholesale prices. Kcmember the And have made preparations to obtain it by offerinc inducements that should win place ir-- Oil Cloths, Minings, Lace vnnr .late and Albuquerque Fish M patronage. We have a of Easter t, Lamb ft Stone, proprietors, 206 Curtains and Draperies em- series Sales in GlovesNeckwear. Belts f ! and 208 south Second street. brace everything in this line Parasols, Suits, Jackets and Silks. (See our window display.) EVERITT LOAN OFFICIO. in the latest creations of the K'd G'ove SiM Infants' and Children's Blmpson for loans on all kinds of designer and weaver, at prices r colateral security. The fnHhlonablt Hats nd Bonnets..... Also for grsat bar- that are inducements. shailtta, tli p irrect gains In unredeemed 109 Our wag watches. styles, AU sizes la stock never so south Second street, nsar the poatofflus. Ku-t- complete Leading Just received au immense line of Lace and Ruffled Edge Cot- Kill UIovkh, as at present, con- Jeweler! likH In sisting- of nut. TO 1IIK I. A III I s. Ueiloan Sombreros, tage Curtains, Draperies, Couch Covers, Rope Portieres. tw'i cUhvi only. Mr. Ilrunn, French ladies' tailor, has Infants' Lawn, Silk, Organdy 1 4 n r rr,(uur (I U0 Established 183. opened his dressmaking department irluvs. Kititttr gale Cap, Bonnets of Lawn, 811k and Is prepared to receive any orders, & xumcIi'I ralr and Straw. Sun Bonnets of which will be made up In short order. R. F. HELLWEG CO. 73 wi ll. every di'Hor'ptton, K.ilroal Avenue. Albuquerque, N. M. se- not neglect opportunity -- ? Io this of Our bi'Unr KM Our lock tuurit seen to be curing the services an cut- NEW PHONE NEXT TO POSTOFFICE. QloveH, bt of artistic 194. cvHrr pilr apiir't'iated. ter. If you desire, a first-cla- tailor-mad- e guarantee it fur costume perfect In style fit r a iiul I.' wear snd Lf in guaranteed ,or same In any kind of silk Ism iiMst and a.'Hiiixt m urn- - I uV fltlert garments, at my dressmaking parlors fnPtur li.iiirfptl insj are tfnre yoi letve Uih w Easter rinrinnn(ifLwAayAL Htnrn, We liuve every Ne Parasols! In the Arinljo building over Mrs. Oaks' culnr iLaile, lu lace or elaep; all A . H few Norellr farawls just received millinery store. s te-- from t1 to ,n for Raster Two rla-- p IL rinun KM G!ovph 25 J!' a"?. iwo ta nw1, ' Ladles' MOM V Coming 1 Plm Silk PuraN. Ludie' Strips TO LOAN. Two rlsHp Kri'itch (ilovs 7." !'. 8uin Persian Kil I'srasolH. On Tw til 1 nt a Ladl,' eoutrastlnfr border Taflitta Hllk Para. diamonds, watches, etc., or any .Np Kren h Kl anil Move (0 suIm, MU-tt- plain, and good security; also on household goods I A fu'l "'oi'lt f i KM Wove', I erdd chiniteable Taffala 811k Parasols I in Footwear is wa'k-i- n gmrn''"t Id at CO, 00 7 to Yours Will stored with me; strictly V ii ta.5o $5 and each. Soon Need confidential. t if La lies' Inch Gloria Silk Highest cash, paid for housahod our shoes. Some Ladies' Driving Glows ani Gsuot'ctJ a Umbrellas, natural wood bandies 00 goods. T. A. I 'IIh-,- ' two-rlni- p M ii'lm, tl WHITTEN, things can't be improved. That's 'M all colon.. l 25 Ladiei'2 Inch Gloria Hllk Cmbre'las.'natoral Snadina..s. ty . 114 Oold avenue. I.H'II. V i)M rl iip Kl I Hail'rt'-- t 75 wood handles, sterling sliver trimming 1 SS the case with our p Kl I (Jn'iiii 110 Y The vines need Laillti' et I Lalles' t'ulon Hllk aud All 8tlk Huu trimminir. t two-l'lss- p Umbrella, nivi mi r ot ir. Li.dlin' rtueile (ia'illtlet 1 2 In natural handles and sliver trlmmlnss y and fence and everything out H00, 3 ! KRIPPENDORF SHOE at 00 and 4 00 J of doors require to be put in latere. ling (jiie.llon r Lsdi-s- ' Silk Gloves and Mittrl Court Sen.. For Ladies, and The rwlxtirttlwl ilnnhle tipped fln((nr silk gloveulu order for the jrlorious sprinj: An Interesting Silk Department Special! question was disposed Illicit, ro'ors at d white, every pulr g UHrui: tnefl . floo time at hand. You will prob- of In the case of the Albuquerque Gro- Clillilfeii's Colored unil Rlai k 811k Mlttti, per pr. Soo KlghtesQ pieces corded checked and striped JTIOXSX-ZII- l Wash ably netd new tools epades, cery company vs. Michael II. Carman SHOES Ladleh' HI Ik (Jlovee, I. luck snl oclored io Bilks, l'J luohes wide, special Kaeter prlot.. (Ofl and A. T. & S. F. H'y Co., garnishee, Ladles' Hllk blHCk SOo rakes, shears, pruning knives, For Men. Praise is the only criticism Mltls. and colored, up from. . which was tiled this morning. The de- Ladtee' bilk Mltti, loan, black aud Ne Foulards! trowels, flower pots, etc., then fendant as they have received. colors, only plea.!.! against the claim 500 The lateet creations call on of plaintiff he wag to Ladleh' Silk M!ttn, 2u iuch long, black In Fonlard came to us us and get the best that the that entitled and by express. All the colorings tor an exemption of his wages due from Uicycle Hoots, in black and tan oolom, only tSCo spring and is made. We have a beautiful $3. J5 ' summer and the prettleet effects Off V- - Srt the railway company from the effect of Ladl Hllk Witts, h lou, black aud manufactured art here. Prices, per yard. 11.00 and 1 sn line of hammocks at colors, only 755 ' 1 I I SJSV few. "restful" in execution Issued out of the Jus- Agents for Julia Murlowe Bhoea. IMI prices. tice of the peace court In the sum of Lsdiei' U!lk Mitte, 30 li en lonir, black and ouly 1 OO five hundred dollars, In lieu of a home-ste- color, 1 New Waist Sillttl exemption in addition to the New Brits! New Belts! Hemetttohed Bilks, Corded Crept Silks, A. B. MeGAFFEY & CO., amount of chattel property otherwise THEO. MUENSTERMAN, Corded PIIbhs Silks In all tht leading shades of exempted. The court sustained the All the pe'et erintli m In ellk, metel, bluee, greys, hello's, rose, castors and llaoks, all H$ 1 West Kail road Avenue plea, of exemption, the effect of the THE HHOEMAN. leather snd elastic pulley bMt, at 50o, 76c and f 00 new patterns, per yard, ll.Oo and 1 50 . . - decision being to grant to the wage - ...... ,, IT, mm,.m rrrn TTVW tl U U1TU U earner who Is the head of a family 203 RAILROAD AVENUE. SOLO. wreck, Albuquerque, waa CITY COUNCIL. Thong No. 147. Old Tbooc No. 7S 4 he Fhlllpplne will ttrt bs fsvoreil. DC VARGAS GRANT railroad at New THE DAILY CITIZEN accompanied to Los Angeles by his sis lone tha Iraa ftiumirUvr will And Kitty Doomis, on Sunday Ware from IS to 51 Cento ter. Miss Urge Number of Bills Allowed it Meeting work In all varieties of ellmate. There Th Price Realised afternoon. There fce will be cared IIUOBKHTt MogftEtOHT,;' rirMlsher f ?; 1 Higto. MYODP rill tw iho work of enumeration In tha Per Acre. for by a married alster. His spine is Lt O. STRONG ThoV UC0HK8 ...... tor S.0O0 so badly injured that h is unable to The city council met laat titght In an W. .efcdi rYmien north of Alaska where dof The sale of about acre of the help himself, and the doctor regard djourned regular being PROFESSIONAL - W. Ti McCrkiqht, Mgr. srxl Chy Ed Wmi and oanoot and anow ahoe Rcbaetlnn 4e Vargas grant under a de- session, there - - wa made Saturday hi case a hopeless. New Mvtlcan. present a full board. PUBII8HC0 DallY AND WEEKLY. will be used, every little etream Vielng cree of court morning by Hon. Amado Cnavee, refe- A large number of bills were read, every rrgl,.n axne over. Angnat penetrated and ree at Santa Fe. The land was sold In Flower udlted by the proper committee, and Embalmer and Funeral Director I fact," say Prof, Jodertaker. There will b 1he work of the Sand to purchasers, from SO to "It a surprising warranta drawn for the respective tracts suit my In all wich lalanda In the heat of the tropica (40 acres, and the bidding waa quite tlouton, "that In travel mounts. These bills aggregata about part of th world, for tba laat ten 4,e0, while bills to the amount of voor Poise LADY ASSISTANT. Associated IYe Afternoon Telegram among many Islands, boata ana otner spirited, though prices were low. Th having was 30 year, I hav met more people $1,600 Were referred to various Largest City and County Circulation of conveyance being used. No average prices realised about any WILL GO TO ANY PART OF THE TERRITORY. meana being 11 used Green's August Flower than r- Maw Mexico Circulation - rente an acre, the lowest - Th Largest undue haste la to be permitted In gMh- -- other remedy for dyspepsia, deranged Th bill ordered pad are as follow: Arizona Circulation rent and the trtirheat M rent pee Vn. fesl .k. blood rotblng i Largest fforth hu- liver and stomach, ar.d for constipa- It. U. Putney, trees $24 60 II If erlng facta, but every devlca of acre. II. B. Cartwrlght Mro. were ; . . . i tion. 1 find lor urleta r salaam, or 'olo. Telephone Co 1.7S lon.. CnDtsa nf Ihii nirnf Ruff be found oa tile St man brain and energy, employing me the largeat purchasers, obtaining over .But wllf kind of Mod 10 01 out for person filling olTloe psttkBS, L. C. Wardwell.... 1.00 wasnissnqo in oiuce iKiu ciirn' I.&00 of which adjoins oth- That fbs aassrton. i poodeat. K.U. stagers,! w chanism cf all klnda. will be uaad In acrv. molt where heaflache and general bad foal- U. S. Beaven 10 00 li WvblMton, u. er property of theirs. Telesofro Itivera Is H bar blood or Impur Monuments. c Washington In making the compila ing from Irregular bablta exist, that B, Donahue $5.0 blood? over acre aaid to be Va- rem- tx.tuht U recti s Augutt Flower Is a grand Slmun Stern t.00 blood I A Large Supply on Hand and ALBUVtL'KUgUK. . - AVHIL JO. 1U00 tion. All poselbl etpeSitlon will ta luable mineral. W. M. Berger ob- If tb Impur then for edy, It does not injure tha system by Mrs. Mary Uoff.. H.00 yon are weak languid; Every- need there, but Director Marriam fe which Is considered and am Prepared to Furnish tained the tract frequent use, and Is excellent for sour Mann Saddlery .'. ., 1.7 your appetite I poor snd your Thl M democratic) Hk la New f tkn-sale- s Co, in "Win toalwo year aft best for agriculture. Inocenclo Sampl I thing the Marble Line. Also ' That it stomachs and Indigestion." lirockmeler A Cox., ., dhjntrlon weak. You can- ; secured hie own ranch, on the Lit June next before the flrat Volumea of bottle free at J. H. U Klelly at Co. a K. Itesrdon 14 W not deep well and the morn- Iron Fences. south roird. Among ttrs other purchas- ing you unprepared for tha ceneua, dealing with population, Temple Lodge No. .. .. 45.00 Oris Real estate deal r ectlv li this ers were iM. J. Nagla, 1 B. . J. LOCAL PARAGRAPH. the wort of tbe dir. Your Mul-le- Donahoe Hardware Co t i I wllf ba rady for aitrlrJutltft. - H.'Bnln, 'Atanaaio llomero, Fred r cheek pale your com- - city. per A McAlee 11.00 are end C. J. Wood. The prlcea real- 00 plexion I sallow. Too sr and Sylvester M. Lovell, of WhM Oaks, Whitney Co 1 15 A Complete Line in Every Particular AHM AM.MAL VALflL. ised were low, but considering tbe troubled with pimple, boll. Now th tlm to eretBjnsntcally f ha had hi pension Increased from l Democrat Publishing Co $0 00 have nol yet forgotten how of mountain land included in or om ruptlos of th si In. Especial to Telegraphic advert! Farmer amount to $8 a month. Hot ton Moore.. 50.00 Attention lOrders atock depreciat- sale, were perhaps all that could Why not partlY yew Mood P v the value of their five the H. N. Jaffa, of th Jaffa Orocery O. N. Marron 21.76 icity when Urover Cleveland be expected at this time. 18.80 F. n. BTJiONG, Assistant. Toll Ill maa a calf million ed in .value Washing announce company, la slowly recovering from an Simon Stern loae being mora A dispatch from H. J. Maloy L76 dollar wortl) vt Improvement this waa prealdent, the I prepar- attack of ths grip. Graduate U. S. School of Embalming, New York City; Massachu that the Indian department AV. (.71 two.0d0.0u0 during hie laat term new Dulce, Hon. F. A. Hubbell enjoyed Satur- C. Medler er. than ing plan for the chool at 100 setts College ol Embalming, Uoston; champion College Apach reservation, in day last with Santa F politician. Hs 8. Hubbell of office. on the Jlcarilla Trimble Co 1.75 of Embalming, Springfield, Ohio. KtUM City baa already subscribed Harrleon, Itio Arriba county. The aama dlapatch returned to th city that evetilng. Under President la the O. 11. Mataon Co 4 t 5 ISO,0" announcea Senator Tillman, th past week Dr. Crossan has for tat rebuilding of convention two yearn from Jahuary 1, IttM, to Jan- also that For John 8. Beaven 6.00 commute of mine and min- muscularrheumaturm. ball. ; I atock from the suffered with lis Fanny Traney 48.44 uary 1, the value of all live bill providing the y was hla office. 1J. ing, reported the for better and at Water Supply Co 1255.57 on American farma Increased by of a part of tbe proceed of Albu- At least on tbouasod on will b utilisation "King" Bailey, formerly an C. IL Hudson 1.00 The publlo land In support of school for I now fire- employed In building operation In tiila querque baa ball player, K. J. Post Co $8 41 During the four yeara following, un mining in the public land states. It man In paid department of Shreveport, Trimble at Co 15.50 city Ibis luimnir, provide for appropriation of der Prealdent Cleveland, tha farmara ths La. K. J. Post A Co 700.00 annually for the present in each recently vacated by 17.00 of Commerce Th residence Klectrlo Light Co Bank Tba delegation from bia territory loat upwarda of I820.0oo.000 through the gradual of case, and the Increase ths Jay and family on aouth Wal- Pit Roes 15.00 liv atock. 120,00. liubb to tba Kansas City convention will ba mailer value of their amount to ter Is now occupied by ltev. Hopping Vorhea 1.75 street. will If. tt few Instructed for Bryan. But under McKlnley proepeiity tha Uruce Kinney and family. E. J. Post Co 11.57 do Ttl s days The Meet Mood Pari Iter. put your finger on Albuquerque. benefited. Placing waa Whitney Co 18.80 and then farmer have again Tha blood la constantly being puri- District Attorney Flnlcsl show vour You Tola city baa la tie treasury, hog night to an old erry Manohan I.H pule again. can the market valu of all American fied by ths lung, liver and kidneys. ing courtesies laat I e, feci tb dilUrcne. If for school bouaea A. Wettendorf, from Boone-vlll- it. Shult 14.15 and ita bonded debt on the farma, at tha beginning of this Keep these organa In a healthy con friend, J. stronger snd your circulation par you Mo., who la her In a visit. E. J. Post A Co 45.55 - - and aewar system draw only four year, only on the aame baala aa on Jan dition an dtha bowels regular and better. Send for our book on Capital $100,000.00 will hav no need of a blood purifier. Miss Betty Wllley, th Belen school W. Palmer 417.00 cent Inlereet. department of 16 0 Impure Blood. uary 1, 18W, then the For this purpose there is nothing equal teacher, visited her mother and aiater Wm. Archer J. C. Baldrldg 11.01 If you ars blUons, tsk agriculture flgurea abow a total gain to Chamberlain' Stomach and Diver In this ctly Sunday. Hbe returned DIRECTORS. Dewey baa riven convincing proof John A. Lee 17.14 Aver' Pill. They greatly 000,000 In value of all farm Tablet, on do of them will do you south to Helen yesterday morning. M. S. W. S. STRICKLER. ha la unfit for tha presidency. He f is;, the Dodd & Lembke 41.00 aid the SsreaperUla, Tky OTERO. that nlmal during the three yeara tnai more good than a dollar bottle of the took sick Na President. Vice President sad Cashlsr. Miss Dennlson, who a 11.76 cur consrlpatian 4- -. aaya ha would bava votsd for Cleve- McKlnley been prealdent. best blood purifier. Price it cants. Korber Co also. William ha vajo girl to her parent at Defiance, 11.00 W. J. JOHNSON, land If ha bad been on anora at tba Samples free at all druggist. Electric Light Co ha returned to ber dutle a assistant Electric Light Co 430.50 Atttiant Cswblcr. time. It waa a level-beade- d man who made matron th local government Indian Wnm mm (My Ml ike islets . 111LDRDORO MINGS. at A. Henry 135.00 tm yw sms, irne, mili't a A. M. BLACKWELL. SOLOMON LUNA. the following observation: "Did you school. report City .Western ore will aea to it that Th of Treasurer Put C. C. F. WAUGH. farm ever notice that It is the fellow who Dr. W. 8. Brayton and wife, accom ney show a balanc on hand April 1 ZnWCkW J. BALDRIDGE. tba high price of wool la maintained From th Advocate. panled by II. 8. Munson, have never go down into tneir jenne mo Happy Jack miner are working upon Mr. of I17.1V0.18. WILLIAM McINTOSH. W. A. MAXWELL. for another four year by voting for purposes, and irons to the seaside resorts of southern City Clerk Medler reported total col dig up for charitable a big chute of 2M ore. they remain for McKlnley and electing only republican, Opportunity California, where will lections of licenses, etc., of 1487.60 for seldom drop cent of money In their Th leaser are turning sometime. flret-cla- the month of March. A La Crnees Msn's Heed. Depository for Atchison, Topeka & Pe Railway. congreaamen. town, scarcely aver able out twelve tons of ore per Santa home and are day. R. P. Hall, of the Albuquerque Foun On Wednesday evening of last week are Rev. W. B3. Sltser, W. Caton, N. T. to rub two nickles together, that dry and Machine works, la arranging a n Bryan will ba defeated In November, Ths Frlcke miner are now drifting had dyspepela over twenty Juan Ascarate, cattle work laws and on to leave thl evening for southern Cal writes: "I man Las Cruces, accidentally --BSX-B-ES H may ba tha laat time ha will the lada who their the vein and will soon begin years, tried doctors remedies of shot SHOE and Ifornla, on a visit to his wife and and and Mexico, siring their tongues tno hoisting. was persuaded to himself at Cosns Grande In wing around tha circle. Therefore, daughter. without benefit. I pistol be in of publlo Improvements? If you The Mary C extension of the Rich us Kodol Dyspepsia Cur and It halo He dropped his from his pocket should the newest shape pome Albuquerque next Saturday against ni of waa discharged, wounding him to mond Is already producing 100 worth Ivan Orunafeld, th outsl.le rustler and It hav not, Just keep your eye peeled ed m from th start. I bsllsv It to toe and general contour, and be and aea him. of ore per week. the wholesale dry good house of Indiges- In the right leg Just about the nnkl. as gospel." be a panacea for all form of foot for awhile. If aa true Th Golden Era company la making arunsfeld Bros., wss out west last tion." It digests what you sat. J. C. He was taken to the Hotel Dleu at El made on a last that will fit the February export of American manu- preparations to renew mining opera week. II haa returned and report Bsrrj and Cosmopolitan drag stores. I'aso. The wound I not a serious ons. erected Ui perfectly and comfortably. Our factured goods exceeded l,e00,vu every Colossal crosses are to be on tig scale. buelnctt very good. peaks Leaser on Webster A fa Mlaa FLAGSTAFF. Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, MUeeburg, of Styles iu Shoes em- day of tba month. Tbl waa this yer on nineteen mountain Parker' Saturday afternoon Bessie stock Spring business mo us Lookout mine earned 1975 to Mr. and Pa., aya, "Aa a pedy curs for of Italy to commemorate the nine the Telfer, the pretty daughter of croup sore brace everything that is handsome, an increase f 100.00" day over the man during the month of March. Mrs. T. W. Telfer. entertained a few From the San. cough, cold, and throat. century of the Christian era. A Cou-- h Cure 1 unsqualsd. value of almllar exporta In the pre' teenth The average dally earning of the of her young friend at her horn No. The residence of Joe. Fisher, three One Minute swell and natty in footwear, and we religious society will have charge of leasers on Snake and Richmond It la plsaaant for children to taks. I ceding February. the 1011 north Third street miles north of town, was burned on heartily mothers." from the matter. mines during March was 15.734 to recommend tt to It have such a variety to choose th Mrs. D. L. Russell, of La Vega, I Monday. th only harmless remery that pro man. on pocket-boo- lt or f Ex porta of gold and allver from New la now com In the territorial metropolis The school election Saturday last duce Immediate rssulta. ours that any taste, 07t Ths Santa Fa railroad la rumored C. sold 884 It (or laat week ag' It that T. Barr ha T. E. Derbyshire and wife, register waa lively contested. There were lung diseases. will pre- all countries pleted to San Francisco, and tbe road hi Carpenter lead sine 1(5 throat and It can be suited. district and ing from Pinos Altos, ars stopping for votee cast. M. J. Rlordan received consumption. Berry snd NT gregated allver bars and coin $30, vent J. C ""I t?,U will be able to handle freight over ths mines to a Chicago ayndicat for a few days ths Grand Central. and Dr. W. 8. Robinson 218. 7 to at cosmopolitan drug stnorea. and 2i,7U gold, a total of tail. by May 1. 000. The pipe line from the Anderson new line illarney Marney employ H. D. C. Rlcharda and wife come In 112 Railroad Ate. against! a total of $1.2tt.7H7 gold and continue to night registered well to the reservoir was finished Kdgewoud Hottled Ooods. WM. UHAPLIN. - i from ths west laat and k-- iiuifuwi will he aoent ! """-- Thursday, and water waa pumped Sllva Helniann, Edgswood silver as tha aam week laat year. AIVMfc a.wv.wwv . ni.inh I i"1" " Hotel Highland. Mr. Richards Is of th work on hla Blaine and McKlnley.'. at the 22,000 gallons per day. interested In mining In New Mexico, the rate of Distilling company, Cincinnati, Ohio, on public improvements in rmrw mine. Last year at this Itme there was pent day here closed con El Paso has a candidats for vice appro- - and this morning went up to Cerrillos. the and a Rico from ths 12,000,000 recently We are willing to go on record a about 118,000 In certificates of Indent Bachechl sk Qloml for too M. MOORE, 1 tract with JOHN rpreaideat. Ula name Mill and ha la superintendent of the prlated. saying that the Hlllaboro camp can A. A. Trimble, ednesa Against the county. Now the cases of Edgewood spring nlnsty-thr- ss noted ea tha advocate of Kl Paso aa produce 100,000 ton of smelting or per street railway, la busily engaged these county has all certificates paid and whisky, bottled In bond, 100 cases to RE Ai, ESTATE, danv,aita. By differently spelling It la evident that lists of closed fac day on a week'a notice. day In breaking broncho. He Is do money In the treasury. be shipped every thirty day. Th a good will soon new tories will not form a part of demo A party of Cleveland, Ohio, men hav ing a Job and have a A party of Santa Fe Pacific railroad whisky is mads by T. W. Paxton, pres dam he CoL Mllla' chances can ba first-cla- ss bought a group of four silver lead and stock for street railway engineers making survey be ident of Edgewood Distilling com Loans fully eapreased. cratic campaign literature thia yar. are a the Fire Insurance, clalma In the Tanks district and pro. service. tween thia place and Oak Creek to de pany, In Lincoln county, Kentucky, pose to sink to the second contact. Prof. Oeorge Coghlll, of the New termine the cost of a pip line between dlatillery No. 7. Anybody wanting MANAGER ALBUQUERQUE ABSTRACT JZO. Tha employee of machine ahop A syndicate has been formed In - tba Foreman Tressell hs th Wick mint Mexico university, haa accepted th po those points. If the coat I not too bottle of pure whisky, ask for Edge- Next Door to First National Bank, (will take a half holiday next Saturday New York to construct a railroad ths In splendid productive shape, and It, 1 sition of assistant professor of biology ureat the railroad will construct the wood. to sear Bryan. Tbey took a six entire length of Cuba, 800 mile. estimated that 25 tons a day will Boon at the Brown university, his alma line within the next three month. New Telephone No. 222. be going out from the mine. mater. He will enter upon his duties Dr. Walter Fewke and wife oame STORAGE Furniture, &c, months holiday when the laat demo fsaslug r lelloweloue Park, on portion The lime boh the southern In the fall. In from. the Moqul reservation Tues may be stored over Ilelweg & FOR SALK-- A eery desirable horns on 9. FOR 9ALK A few good home, on ths In. era tic prealdent waa elected, and when Is slated upon good authority that f the Hlllsboro range I again receiv reserva Srd.St. room, and bath, with all convenlen. sullment plan, with S percent .merest oa ed It Mrs. M. Thompson and children, who day. They have been at the paymenta they went to work It waa on less pay geysers which hav mads Yellow- - ing the attention of several of our big making Co.'s store. For terms apply to ce. rrtce very low. aim two oeuraois res Rail, tha havs friends In this city, havs return tlon since October laat, exes idence lota on the corner 01 ura ana Atlantis KOK sALK-- A buslneea pro. en r on atone Park famous ars declining. Spots conpanles, and extensive development In prehistoric burial ground Whitney Co., south street. eacrltlcs. mad avenue, betwe.n decor I and Third and shorter hour. ed after a ehort visit to Tucaon, Art vatlona the first Ave., at a any dejirlng a ood one the scene of extraordinary phe work Is going on there. they KOK 9 residence with batb streets; schtncefur ons sona, and will remain for a few weeks for relic of the former race, and , ALK Investment or bn.ineu chance. nomena are now covered by buildings visitor going through vast un and clH-t- cellar anl furnace, windmill with KKNT-- ranch, with haa In A ths after which they will continue to their have been amply rewarded for their gallon feet, stable, KOK A small Th demand that arisen th showing work haa be derground workings of Trlppe mine 10,000 tank; lot 47'Joo adobe hiiuws, trait, alfalfa, near Old Town: that nature's the home In Chicago. labor. carnage bouse and all eonvenlencea; good will (or one year; good esat for th minting of a half cent come exhausted. Tourists who have the other day remarked that they re lawn, enaue ana iruuueeej ue.irauieiocauoui price reawinablei real The three children of Rev. and Mr, ltUinsreks Iron Nerve. pi will be sold st s bargain, chicken ranch. flee cannot be understood her In th ntver visited the park are advised to minded him of the description of the mine mm BAKOAINS FOR BUYBR1 Ws have A. A. Hyde Pearl, Bruce and Haxel Was tha result of hi plndld health, KOK BALK A Una residence near the ikm1 to In crossing do so soon, before they have passed catacombs of Rome. In these workings will some bargain, for thw within iwesu Th cent succeeded Hyde came In from Fe park; modern convenience.; be eold at a In vacant Iota aud Improved prop. This Information brlnga to of the mine there are nearly (.600 tone Santa last Indomitable will and tremendous en' la th reralt sf reseated seats slUeks. T s iota, auaue anu tree.; both Mississippi during ths panic per- forever. night bargain! lawu, iruu .j f Iiwm ii. rail. ths pointedly, fact that of ore blocked out and ready to be and continued to southern Call ergy are not found where atomach, llv liver sb spleta are yrlaalseuy ages tea. wlllbe eold tor nearly half what II would cost LOAN sams to suit oa mind, rather ths where been to baild. MONKY TO la iod, but west of th Missouri Its use Is la law of the world, both mined. fornlo, their mother has er, kidneys and bows' ax out of or They sst ss slereksuaes 1st ths BularUl decline th KOK 9ALK A !brlck hones on rKO-Re- nts collected, Uses 1 for sometime for her health der. If you want thee qualities snd seises aa Iks bloe lakes II Insb Ueav IIOUSKrl KKH limHef and th average man feel geographical and physical. Health South Broadway, near A. A f. hoipiul; city paid and entire charge takeu of property for Iteerne, the success they bring, us Dr. King' Tha pslssa aiesl In abov waiting, for copper chang. the most precious possession In ths ttemarkahle The Mother Superior of the Sister of water, fruit and .fiade tree., all good condl. re.ident.and Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plalnfleld, III., Charity societies of the United Suttees, New Life Pill. They develop every as drives eat el tloni will sell for l,&tio; a bargain .and no VUK 3ALK-1.m- oo. A room houae pa world and too great car cannot bs DU.taae. 1 me on pan a A desirabls secretary, power of brain and body. Only I60. thstrsteat. SIC ueireu. South Arno. near Railroad Ave. two yeras Wilson free trade given to it. In the spring you should makea the statement that she caught with her Slater Evelyn KJrt 8AL brick house, with bouae and cheap. In of th O'Rielly A Co.' tor nf sALH-'j.50- your aireugm ana cold, which settled on her lungs; she came In laat Saturday night from On at J. II. drug TAN wlU sasuwy bath; large barn, fruit and .hade tree, all KOK 0. Sliroom brick with lJaVl bought from renew revitalise a..ty kind.; I J Iota, or half a block; good location; bath, cellar, windmill, ahade, lawn, th ward. tariff. mh best of was treated for a month by her fam clnnatl, Ohio, and will remain her for Iks sstlsa f ta a bargain; ward, near vour blood and nerves with ths 80TBL AJlKITALS. i 1 will be sold at lu fourth KOK SALK SOoo. Vive room tunas with tha United rJ tales merchandise worth Mil niBdlclnes Hoatelter'e Stomach Bit-- liy pnysician, out grew worse, tie 1010. a few daya. They are here on lmpor poises as Svest treei ral way. d,ooo. 6 Iota; 100 fruit trees, windmill, outhouses, SALH-- A paying mercantile Du.ineee Sth 1.101, 000.000. 18K8-18- her she wss hopeless victim of con tant business. run wrd. In two yean, of ters. It also cures stomach disorders. HIOHUND. aaUyrtstta Ina.plendid localloui nothing better In the KOK KKNT-S1- 3. Firs room houas. near sumption and that no medicine could last sarUcls at II way of a bu.lnea. proposition lu Albuquerque. ahop.. th Dlngiey protective tariff, Europe Try It. Dr. II. P. Merrlman, wife and two A. B. Fitch, Magdalena, N. M.; J. F, . , . cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr, Mary Irsai Iks syslsav capital reouirea aouui e.ow, r,jK Kiifli -f- 'Kii bis room, iqi ub, Iwught from us to sxtent of say daughters. Misses and Faith Lelghton, St. Louis; W. B. Fraxer, KOK 8ALK-- A tine brick residence, with. ,. Haptut church ths AJ vice from Jerome. Arlxona, King's New Discovery for Consump stable, and pipe, for Irrigating trees IlkVT-l- who were In southern California ths Needles; W. W. Judy, Wlnslow; Mrs. windmill h'HM ll. Three rnnmi fnrnllhed There was aa increase un- that the gold discovery eight miles Hon; she bought a bottle and to ber past few month, are stopping at th ana garan; Hearing iruu uee. oi an ainn., for light housekeeping, South broidway. E. Price. Denver; C. M. Robert ratter lb grape, and small frulta, acre, nf ground, KOK SALK 14.00 u. The Midvale prop, protection of 6609,000,000 In two from that camp on the United Verde delight found herself benefitted from Highland. They Chi Mr. will der . Hotel are from son. C. E. Swartal. Toronto, C'a Isst syyeMss. II WltulQ tue city inniu, auu uupioiieu. erty on Mountain Koad. A bargain. Desira- railroad, Is developing richer than waa the first dose. She continued Its use Mr. 'JRO. . or home. years' sales of our good to Europe. cago and will remain her a few daya UI KOK SA1.K- -'J A beautiful bnuae In ble an inve.tmeul first anticipated. The excitement taking six nada; 8. A. Plumb, North Adams kail SS tt the Herea Addition; t) room houae with trees, KOK SALK A corner on South Secnnd at and after bottle, found her before continuing homeward. syslsav building.. Always rented. Will baa not abated in tha least, and min self sound and well; now doea her own Mass.; George B. Spark, Salt Lake; S. vesicas hedge, lawn, .lota IMirgain. street. Oood "What Lincoln wa to hi country in Rev. P. A. Simpkln, the Oallup Con L. Larkln, UDTAM wUl BALn viiiu. i man ibiii.ii uu be sold at a bargain. flocking to the new field a Is well ever D. Neamlth, Boston; Edgar run KOK SALK-i- 5. A Steam Laundry la a era are housework, and aa aa ahe gregatlonal minister, cams In from mass ssw kiss Mountain Koad: 8 room modern adobe; fruit. hi day, McKinley is to th country to- they can equip themselves. was. bottle of Great Bosque Vista, Col.; F. 8. Tlndhoff, alfara. good town. Doing a paying business. fast a Free trial this the west laat night and continued north as new Sash. Th la Ik beset wUI Discovery O'Reilly A Co.'e Chicago; Philip P. Cairn, New York, sala day; and th nation which expressed at J. H. to Fe. While Rev. Allen, of sluppsar. HOOT AN has eared stksrs as WUfcN THAVS.I.INU Santa ths CENTRAL. drug store. Only 60 cents and II, GRAND 11 lis endorsement of Lincoln by on bent or business local Congregational church, is at To- - II vi asra tso. Ws easrlss Us tywstsa AM EK I CAN Whether pleasure Every bottle guaranteed. J. W. Hanson. Mexico; W. A. earelally. They ars years, be him to the presidency will set a take on every trip a bottle of Syrup peka, Kan., Rev. Simpkln will be trans- tsy tkea ferred from Gallup to this city. Armstrong, New Mexico; D. G. Boyd, s sley leaser, est lake ODYAJI SOW SILVER B. RUPPE. similar mark of approbation on th of Figs, aa It acts most pleasantly and t'lagMla feleetlon. Vegas; O. Hutchison, Los night Laa Thos. sa yea will ss sure. latest of hi distinguished successors." effectually on ths kidneys, liver and The following officials were elected at Hon. F. A. Hubbell elated last Angeles; O. J, Gray, Chicago; Harry F, L fevers, that he would do his lambing this TRU08. So aaya American Commerce and In- bowels, preventing headache. the recent town election of Flagstaff Skinner, Loa Angeles. HERE ARE TOUR SYMPTOMS and other forms of sickness. Fur sal E. 8. Gosney, E. E. Ellinwood, David spring in the Mogollon mountains. dustries, organ BTl'ROKd' EUROPEAN. ths of tha commercial In 60 cent bottles by ail leading drug T. E. Pollock, Aubim-a- about 160 mlli-- from this city. He Is I. OOItSTAWT IliSiOHS AHB PRESCRIPTIOHS Babbitt. Julius Lessynsky, traveler of tha United Statea. gists. Manufactured by the California councilmen L. W. Qulnlan clerk; W, now collecting together about 100 men James W. New York TKOUBLBD BHAIN. Taks HUOTAM Slg. E. 11 will ataaspeer. awaassw- - Fig Syrup company only. C. Baylesa, marshal; John Oitrrett, to do the work, and expects to leavs Nlederberger, Chicago; sa yeat kseAseks LIGHT. Peterael, -- Increases in wagea continue to be street supervisor. L. W. Qulnlan and Ith them for his lambing' pens to Morse, San Francisco; J. a. TALI OB TKLLOWiaH 00 COOL. well- - Gallup; Lewis B. Fleischer, Mexico will eetabllak a Ire Basyts Wsaf, fashionable. Ths National Tubs com- Hon. Manuel R. Otero, the A. S. tied for town clerk with morrow. FLUXION. HUDYAN BIILBOUD 8SC0ID STREET. llobetrs George Morgan, Los Angeles; W. U s pure kleod sad seuas Iks skeeks s HsBvsa.srssa miUB IID known register of the United Slates G. M. Hanna an uncomfortably cl Hugh Murray, tha extenslvs property ttroulatloa pany haa Just glvsn Its second advance s Osborne, New York; E. D. Harper, tketr aaiaral eeler. Seven Y HIpssrBaoa. land office at Santa Fe, came in from second. The tie waa decided by the owner of ths Jemes hot springs, who Is seisms ' within six months, of 10 per cent to Gallup: Manuel R. Otero, Santa Fe; 8, a. Hersis I Mo sadsr.ii.ya. the capital laat night, while bis flipping up of a half dollar whlnh re-- 1 was here past few days, purohaa-sulte- d Losaov awdowaw IfltDtl lilipboii 1U, Ubffl.DirqM, the Lunaa; 8. D. Sim' BTOSIAOH.. HUOYAN .wltkCai Never SMvea. I mor than 10,000 employe. Another Solomon Luna and in Mr. Quintan's favor. Tlirejllng good and transferring his bank- - Luna and wife, Loa ntO IN THEaftit t HI bo, Bernalillo; aad Iks igesUes si come York Cotton wife, returned to the city hundred ten votes were cast. ling account from capt mons, St. Louis; Jos. will restore Ike epietlle Instance from th and the territorial Matt, leo will esceae perfect. from the south. Mr. Luna has uring your Job book bind- - tal to the metropolis, F. D. Wetherby, Boston; mills of Yorkvllle, 8. C. where 1 per work and territorial left C. H. made extenslvs preparations to begin Ing to The Cltlsen. Most complete on his return to the springs yesterday. St. Joseph, Mo.; . FBSLINOOF WBIOKTOVaBTHB stock- A. F, l"otter, la lb cent ha seen taken from the the lambing of his Hocks of sheep at outfit for such work in ths territory. He oamped last night at Los Corrales, Lincoln, Neb.j LIYBB. Tklt due ts salanemesl ELK St. T. liver. It la ailed with the seises si sis THE holders' dividend and glvsn to ths ones. ad- - Johns, A. Ik and price reasonable cons.dering and from there will make th drive to YAM will drive eul ths potass ss I y. larla. I B ons ot the nloeet resort In th operatives "Open ths mills," said vances in all kinds of materials. the springs For Over fifty Years. hud TO (I KE A COLD IN ONE BAY. ssjs tha erf in to shuibs lu natural alsa X olty and la supplied with the 0)10110 Mr. McKlnley In 16H The sequel la Quinine An Olh and Well Tried Remedy. HEAVINESS IN THE BKOION beat and fluent liquors. Taks Laxative Bromo Tab "TSe Batter Part absolutely per- S. good ws-s.- " Slok hsadach and Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothing Syrup has aPLBBM. The tpleea eeesmea "Oood work snd lets. All druggist refund the money Of valor 1 discretion," OB THE and th better manently cured by using Mold Tea. A over fifty year by mil- enlarged. will lewes Ik HEISCH A BETZLER, Proprietors. If It fail to cur. E. W. Grove'o sig pre- been used for (reatlr HUOYAN Cure part of th treatment of disease la pleasant herb drink. Cures constipa- esuas ve ump Dyspepsia Tuberculosis, it is said, haa increas- nature 1 on each box. I60. lion of mothera for their chlliren eonfMlloa snd tne Beaviaue vention. Disease originates in Impuri tion and ttidlgestkin ; --makes ymt sat, whll teething, perfect success. Patrons and friend are cordially ed mor than M per cent in certain ties of th blood. Hood' Saraapahlla with ...... you eleep work and happy. Batlafactlon It soothes the child, softens the guma, You" ere ausnriDS...imm nrooio iananv Digests what eat. H. (JUT urn lnrlted to visit "Ths Klk." districts of Norway within the last II. KM purifies lbs blood. People who taks It guaranteed or money back. J. IL curea colic, mi uriil. Hllil.,1 will reuv.v toui ItartiUclally digests tbe food sod aids say allay all pain, wind snd svery symptom ami mane yon sell. HI l in- Pays th highest pries for second at tbl season they ars kept O'Reilly 1 .,, and recou thirty years,, snd thl despite the CO; th beat remedy for diarrhea. It lam gu urn omnium i, w, w. SO West Railroad ATsnns. Nature In utreiiuthenlnfr band furniture. If you hav real SS' healthy the yesr round. 11 is because by drug- nn ,a, k,i(i'i lor u. ii yum tlie exhausted dlKestlve or vigorating cold Norwegian clime la pleasant to tbe lasts. Sold kK,or '! d to structlna of th to sell want a hurry-u- p sale, this medicine expels impurities and W hav received several nsw line riK'tmi W nnt keep it, reel the 1 1 U discovered digest-an- t tale and gists In every part of the world. AX nKMKHV l a Krxa Bans. tlie latest physique the Norws- - health-gi- v HI IU OHriNl, W.L.TKLMBLE& CO., and the hardy of list it with me. it you want to buy, makee the blood nch and of boy' and children clothing, which Twenty-fiv- e cents a bottle. It value ralilornli Rt.tiiHiiiiHr thni yeu ens and tonic. Wo other preparation glan people. also show a I have Just what you ars looking for. ing. we consider sxtra good valuea. An for enlitull the IDVM IHH TOHH PHKBC Second street, between Eallroad and can approach It In efficiency. It ln Statistics la Incalculable, B ur ani ask n1 Ilie do. Von uav call ass Have for sale special bargain In a inspection 1 solicited. Simon Stern, Call Im. suintly relieves and permanently curea steady gain in ths number of deaths Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothing Byrup and ea them, or wrlle, aa you autre. ow Copper srenues, Heartburo, lag llo and transfer outfit, at San All liver ills are cured by Hood's th Railroad avenu clothlsr. taks no other kind. DyspetiBla, Indigestion, from consumption in Sweden, Russia N. M. near shops; mils. ii&o. HUOYAN REMEDY COMPANY. Flatulence, Sour btmnach, Nauees, Muiclal, Fine horns Stenography typewriting Th bong-ti- t snd at Bones and Males snd esohaufed. Heartache, UuHtralKla, Cramp and and northern countries generally, large burglar and firs proof safe; Hide CtUses offlc. Matthsw's Jersey milk; try Cer. Steadies, Market Ellis W, Sick press; olllc furnishings; bTORAUK Furniture. It LUery, Sale, Feed and Transfer Stables. ts of Imperfect digestion. whll in mor southern territories th finest &c, frsMUae, Cel. all other rcul dairy In ths country ; Fairbank & large sire contains m time consumption Is seen. con- may be stored over ilelweg I re seldom This warehouse ccale, cspacity in tha Clt luallaue. IkHk all abouldy.oeiwlsuiallsd B. P. FREELOVE. Boat Turnouts Prepared OsWITT CO. Chlsags. dition of affairs eventually may mean show case, stock of toys; CW .tore. For term, apply to j. Mcdonald. llt.VDUf IKTI.llS FOIl by C. C. A. buggy that th northern people will be com- ctd oak rolling top desk and leather 'Vhitney Co,, uouth First strtiet. Leather, heavy work harness, Aidnm U TRIMBLE It Cs, i. C. Berry snd CMinopolltaa drag stores pelled In to preserve back chair; new and complete nature harness, express harness. Alsuauarqus. Nrw Msxka. to migrsts order Is iiaugerous Meglael Cold. for an elegant restaurant, best loca It lu a Baddies, collars, pads, sad- nrsiriN the.r very exleioaoe., Pneumonia la on wt tion In city; horses, buggies, urrya, of th most dan dlery, hardware, eta. phaetons, pianos; two One billiard and geroua and fatal diseases. It always FREELOVE & MeDONALD, A. . WALKEK, .MO COHVRIbHIS Dia- PATEHTS TAaWkU TH ttktlM. pool tables; a complete bowling alley, result from a cold, Cbambarlalu Oak and hemlock cut aulas. ouiaiatu (Ursctor Merriam, in charga of tb Cough Remedy will quickly cur bo nails, So. ADVICE AS T PATCNTAIIL and other article too numerous to s mond Broni Fire Insurance Nolif in i tnHie A,' census that will, b taken ths year,, mention. Have a fine business opening cold and perhaps prevent an attack of O'Bulllvaa' rubber heels, Wbal liCKal"I10WU jblAiU 1'sVUfUa. FREE pneumonia. I espec SitreUvj Intoil Bnlldlal luoeliUoi. haa contributed to Harper' Weakly aa tor party with small capital. I make a It in fact mad grease, coach oil, harness oil, sLo. OWirofc modrrat. NnlVetH ateot it MrurL specialty auction ially for that ailment and baa besom Contractors and uli I a turn atrlctly ronnleiitiBl. AnarmsL of sale. OSIes at O. Baldridgs's Lasaasr TarS extremely entertaining article on how famous for It cure ovsr a large part Buggy whips, lOo to II. W. t. fi IIOGERti. Patent Lir, ttath.nfltoii. 0. C th aumaratloa and the gathering of Voluenle Empties. of tb civilised world. It counteracts Uevoe ready paint, cheap paints WISUllGTOii HOUSE IID oiLOOI. information will kw eondaetad. Ths Are grand, but ku eruptions rob any tsndency of s cold toward pnsu Builders cover 200 BQuar teL D.vos e oovers ' you neglect any BHANllK A PARRNTI, Prop. svhol of ta Ing will lifs of Joy. Bucklene Arnica Salv nionia. Can afford to tot eiiuare (est under condition, work assart fasts fe- cures themi also old, tunning and your cold when so reliable a remedy Architect. Plans and Eit mate Furnished. two ooata. -B- HBSLBSS sxtsnd ovsr a period of not axsssd J. MeDONALD. STAIL - C,,ni union. Iilmd oiMn, Blsbl Imiaee. aarwiej t ver sores, ulcers, bolls, felons, corn, can bs had for trills t. For sale by Our rjrloe ars lowest market veto. d.Mliir and allied truuhln. treated nndar s la.rU twesty days la say locality. vaie warts, cuts, brulaas, burns, scalds, all druggists. Our motto. "W will not b under. Wincs, Liquors, Ggn ani Tobacco vu.raDtfM,. Correftpondaors atrlcslr Mivaia F. KJBLEHER, B,'warsnf Imitators whs ars epruS aavsr as. ta ths srdinaje view, the saly teirltory chapped beads, chilblains; beat pile old." THOS. FINR LODGING H0U8B lWrllslorgiw.iloBllit.) pain Irs Looatfa' aertoea Injary. 4M Railroad avsnus. Coiv. acquired bg republts within cure on earth. Drive out and t'PSTAIUS iftii Cum. St., rvee. th to ache. Only II cent a box. Cur Ira Looinis, who ha been at St. OFFICE AND SHOP, 1007 N. SECOND STREET, two years la wklek tb nu will Vinaent'e hospital for over a year, uf- - This msan you t want your real sa-- last guaranteed. Sold by J. H. O Rlslly MEXICO. 109 SOUTH FIRST ST. iLBOQOEEQOI, 1. 1. be taken, la Hawaii. Pusits Moo and Co., dmglsts. renng from injuries sustained in a ALBUQUERQUE, NEW tat business. J. B. BalnL JOSES IN TINE FORM. A KIND NErOHBOtt U. CrPOJITCRT. THE DAILY CITIZEN ; I. - f The kindest and most THIRD STREET Pit Tebeau lays the Albuquerque Pitcher neighborly thing one wom- First an can do for another in BARGAIN COLUMN Will do Good Work. case of sicknesa is to tell MEAT herself was bmntjht Him Pat Tebeau, the St. Louis manager how she UAU. Depot! tor? tor tha Baata in speaking of Bert Jones, who is well-kno- out or trrmnle and niatrem; National ft w and urge her neighbor All ktocU of Fresh and Salt ant.t.a raelfle the ItoUaxm, to Albuquerque baaa ball ad- r sraiaa ciiakist iirrn OBRTLBBIBMI aal to seek the same rem An you a Jodgs of butter T, iToom wbo Read This. We bavs over 1,000 sam- mirers, says: 531 edy. Meats. u SaUwaf ever to ana. Hundreds of art eonstdered tlie beet Judges proclaim ples for sprlDf wear to make your selee "June looks better tbaa thousands of mothers oar Bells Spring Creamer Butter to be Compudot, U to wonderful form Steam Sausage Factory. tions from. A perfect fit guaranteed. Bank, haa returned the hava cauae to bless t. ttuppxwa yon try ue hi It tod Our tailoring Is uoeioellsd. Kvery gar he displayed in the Western leaf MmAl ust this asms s Judgment on Wieir judgment. Ha waa working under Connie T I MASONIC TEMPLE, ment made strictly to order, aud AJLBUQUX&QaX, N. M. ls8. lind, neigh MaUrir'a ttUOCIHT. Our goods eomprtse all the Mack then and Connie told me that borly spirit T11I11D 118 wast Railroad Ave. AJfD greatest STREET. latest styles, and finest uaterlata. Wa 0ITI0IB8 oi&jrroRS. Bert had the making of the which actuat- drew the most fastidious; our ipriees do er aaw. the iimi ever Mack ed Mrs. Wm. EMIL KLE1NW0RT, Prop. a tbe Selling. flSTTLBTON TalLOHlile Aathodsed Capital. ...M,S44).M J08HTJA B. RATJT0LD8 Prasldanl la aood Judse of pitcher and I 8. Vollmef, urroHTuaitf oraLiratiaia M. W. FLOUKN01 T1M Praatdeat a mouey AttiNci, soutb Beooud street. Paid-up- , aa Connie tipped off. of Concord, To set teal value for roai Is at il Capital, Bnrploa FRANK UcKH landed bint the ever; night auctions of our complete ....Casuist He did unusually well for ma back Cabarrus Atiantio Beer Hall! and Proflts A. A. ttKAAX A. B. UaMWUa. Co., North line of watches, clocks, diamonds and AS IN A UrUSIIIS si LAM tm.a. in but lait aeaaon he waa out of - Carolina. 8CHMJDKB ALU. Props. silverware, You will surely Hud some- We produoo blgb class photographic lluck',and form and left ua In the mid Ihlug you want. Come fray. He told ma be "We moved Cool Ksg Best on drsogbli tha Bneet Native work of everr aeHorlptiou and llnisn. dle ot the that hare to Co AHTHL'H BVBHITT. Wine sad tba vary best ot Bret-cla- Novelties of all kinds. Our prioes and would never return to ma unleaa ha r s month eeri." ah aava. In her Jeweler. waa aaaured of hia ability to hold hla eommurttcarlon to lr R. V. Merc, of Buffalo, Ugoara. Olva ass call Railroad Arenas. work will meet with rour approval. NY "A little tlrl her waa In rtrrthll health. Wbitflb, Pbotograpber, - "FiT i3NCO own. Thia spring he bobbed up, after We toM err I Mka about Dr. pierce a medicine. SOB ST- west Railroad avenue. conditioning himself at hie Colorado I anew whit thev had don for tie. Her parenta 1UK LAWK; ars requested to caU at AND CLUB ROOfJ. boiijrhl S Utttle hla ' Golden Medical Inacov. 1' theSAMPLS homeatead, and In of 1HK HAL hK la certainly rare of Fav.iHte Prearrltition ' and one of M. ACTSC-EMTl- V trr'and and look over new apriog Bi Ullnr ON THE feUla." ' Pelleta ' The patient haa Improved wonder- DKAG0IE, that 91 Q AMD vr fully after takins then medicines I wtah every Dealer In Just received. Msoausave yon at least Finest Whiskies, Brandies, Uiies, Etc., The Ifeat la the World. body th BTa virtu of Dr. Ifere S oue-baif- on tba millinery kow tana-- nnjltitug in only (or Telour Covered Couobes and medicine I hav bees vatns them In my n 1 line. Ladies' bog KiDNri;, Liver We believe Chamberlain's Cough lly tor three years and alwaya with aocceas. Cellar and fulls; Hemedy ta Bella, soo and koo Pompadour the beat In the world. A I will he pleaaed to have my letter rmbllahed. mil faun. Bed Lounges, Just received at few weeka ago wa suffered with a se- If wiihlng lo know mor about the bentirai Mefcnanaise Cunt bs, lbs, Son, toe, ado aud duo each ironebenerlta we nave received trnen satnff s Boo, AND BOWELS vere cold and a troubleaome cough. great Ir. Children Aew Caps, 'ibe, W. V. rOTRKLLK. J0S1TH Bl&NETT. f0rSIIT0l; rlerce's medicine will writ, cacloslng atamp, 8ROCKRIK9, CI0AB3, TOBiCCO. 400 and oue each, 11. BuAfHlUUi. and having read their advertisements I will gladly asawer." i. 15 B0GTU FIRST 8IRKHT. System In paper w pur- Cleanses the our own and other of children to IT MA BS THEM SSflLB. chased a bottle ta see how It would Every mother oneht No. 800 Broadway, for. Washington Art Was EFFECTUALLY noaaeia Dr. Pierce's grand hook, the bid you ever notice a lady's face when 110 Railroad ATaaa. Albaraa. r,e affect ua. It la the beat medicina out Ad- Albuquerque, N. II. you to tub roruLAua. People's Common Sense Medical bnu ber a pouud ot ttuuther's eaiidy. I am prepared to do all kinds ot for colds and coughs. Th Herald, thouannd-png- e artistic viser, s magnificent illus- IBs sweet, sallaUed saureasiOD la ber fane sign painting and paper banging and keep Andersonvilla, Ind. for aala by all trated volume. It teaches mothers how fc IS Is enough lo eouviuoe jou that the qual- druggists. MEL1ISI AKIN iu stock ins most oompieta line of the to care for their children and themselves. ity Is right, It not lbs quantity. Iwo newest designs In paper, best doctor to In the house Wholesale wall paints oils, dBalias ia "bXnta fkT" It is tha have pounds will make ber smile last longer. mouldings, door plates and numbers. My in case of emergency. Over half a mil- D. ftgWOOMatt, liquors and Orart. A. prioes ars reasonaoie ana I warrant you From the New Mtxjoan. lion Copies were sold at fl.50 each, hut We handle everything Btatloner aud Uuieetioner. satisfaction. W.J.Tsat. 1 1 VHW one free copy In paper covers will be In our Una, GBOCERIE0 and LIQUOBO DIAUlMfifTIV Julius Huffmayer and niece, left San' -- 110 south Beeond street. sent on of 11 one cent stamps ta Fa this morning for Bepanola, to receipt Distillers' Agents, FLOUR FBBD. PROYI8IOH8 to pay tilt cost of wailing only ; or Special Distributors Taylor A WlU'anu, 1 he Boot Caah Miore. Soa a. First trwet. hu take possession of the Twltchell fruK senn stamps if you prefer a heavier, Mrs. Oaks Is now In the east selecting 11 daya in the week for Bpevial Prices, aud Hoff-maye- Jl Louisville, Kentucky. AMD ranch, recently purchased by Mr. r. handsome cloth - bound ropy. Address goods for ber hauler opening. Ladles any old day will eall lu cuitunnni HAT are requested to wait (or ber return and IS Ibe wraoulaled Knsar fur Sl-0- the publishers. World's Diacnnry Med- Ill Booth first Ht. Albuquerque. N. M 7 lbs Aruucale Cottee fur t.oo FRES DELIVKRY TO ALL PARTS OF THf CITY, Mrs. 8. O. Cartwtight and daughter ical Association, No. 66 Main Street, the latest enecM In spring milliner S paekasea lrlrnd Data for aft popular Kunra' 1'ork snd licaua, patcan 10 Miriam returned home from Loa An- Buffalo, N. Y. al prioes. Coo4fs.-aaaMssBBB- Tomatoes, per can 10 Imports) French ani Itallaa geles last night, both very much Im- P10NEEK BAKEHY! Hears, in a Sib rana, S can fur aft proved In by sojourn In REAL ESTATE t,old ateOaJ Cmu, iercaii M,, lo SOUS AGENTS FOR SAN ANTONIO LIM&. tin..t? health their TRAHSt'KR. rtaST STBSBT. 1 out' rn California. No. Mackerel, cacti ,10 B KOb., PboPEI . nilaaoeiriee. Per cau IS BALLIU BTOHS ic b. booth, anapa, per Mr. Lucas Hsvmora, wife and daugh- Building and Loan as tub tailob, lb M 10 Trmaof MubwrrlpUon. ter from , Valencia county, la turning out some shapely looking suits Crackers, 8 lbs for so New Telephone 217. 213 216 aa l 217 NORril THIRD BT tlly, by mall, on yew 00 sociation to Marcus C. de Baca, lots I Wedding Cakes a Specialty! these dajs. The new spring fabrics ars I mauy oilier llilnsa st same ratio. We will 4a are In the city visiting relatives. Mr. 10 In IX In addition; aave yuu niouav un muat all ail clea. lilva ua tily, by mail, ail monthtt 00 and block Ferea extremely pretty and K B. Booth has a a tly, by mail, three monifca. 1 60 8a mora la a well known and respected 11200. Wt Deslie Patronaff. and ire call. tally, ty mat), one month .a... t0 cltlsen of eastern Valencia county, who splendidly oouiplete Hue of them, lie )ai) , by on month , 70 It. M. Merrltt to Wm. Kleke, lots 14 rirt-Cl- does WANTBD. canirr, possesses some line ranches In sec Snarantee r Baking. also pressing and repairing. mail, prr yew . 9 00 that and 15 In block N, in A. St P. addition; Agents to rsonwent Daily will bm dellvrmt In tlon. 07 8. "Mm St., Albnqnerqne, N If . sverrwhera Tha Thi Citiism 1300. New Bleam Laundry, Bachechi & Giomi, the rtty at the low rate of 9i centa per wrra, ot Charles Hansel, who arrived In thia Wa Have a gall Lias wbloh, by virtue of fin 7ft cent per mimth, when paid munthly. George Hofhelns et al to Mrs. M. L. rRUrbttlUNAX CARDS. their experience, are producing what par- - These ratrs are leaa than Uioee of any otiiet lly from California about four weeka Cole, kits U and I In block In Eagle 0( lUmmocka, Baseball and Tennis (ESTABLI9HBD 1SBS.) daily raper In the tf rrllory- ago stages It tiouisr people eau perieet Uuudry work, In the laat of consumption. Townslte company'a addition to tlland; raiMiuLaaa, (roods. Croquet Bets, Kaxtmaa Kodaks ttood commission to bustlers. Address led the hotel laat night and supplies. Developing at Palace tl. sr. a, Hopn. sj. o, and printing or ealL WHOLKSALI AND BRAIL DIALtKt IN about 11 o'clock. Ha waa about 85 for amateurs, r ree use of dais room. Juan Samora and wife to Lulsa S. R HOOKH-U- ntll a. m. from Thi Niw Steam Ladndri. TIMETABLED years old. Olfyit t and Lowney'a Candles. Out-o- f town orders O'Bannon, a tract of land In Old Albu- to S :80 and from 7 to S p. m. Onica 113 W. Bllver Avenue. LIQUORS, CIGARS AND TOBACCOS. Parke, Bruce and Haset Hyde, chll querque; and residence, 10 weat Gold avsnos, Alba, aollolled. H. B. llnnson, Prop. WINES, fl. qaerqae, N. M. 0. A. WATSON & CO, Atchison, Topek. & Fe. ren of Rev. A. A. Hyde, pastor of the Hercu-la- n Santa Madalona Montoya et al to tub West Hallroad Aveuue. Arrives local Mthodlst church, left for Santa Lurero, piece of land In the town AMKKIItl A KtriTSKDAT. TO OLOBB OPT. 1 -- ,. Glassware and Bar Supplies. Caliliimla hiprees 7:r6m Ana, Cal this afternoon to Join their 420 $100. and rraidrnce. No. 411 West Hold An elegant and comolste Una of Iron Bo. prr. , pm of Bernalillo, 6S4 varss; Vyf wa wash BaroRB wa iron. B:M mother, who la there for the benefit of avenue. Telephone No. UN. Olllce hours beds, ranging la orloe from t:itf5 to UOINtl ROUTS Leave Thomas F. Abbott to George Marsh, S to a. m.l i:so to no aud 7 tort p. m. Then give jour lluen that rhh gloss 107 and 100 SOUTH FIRST STREET. S Allantlr .11:01 pm her health. haeterday. M.L). . M. All styles, Ko. Kfreaa one-sixt- h Interest In the "W. J. B." U. S. J S. Kaaterday, L. nnisn mat roaracterSHS perreoi laundry (ls.6. shapes, etc tret our aa H . 7:80 am Loral J. W. Akers. alderman elect from the TV prioes before buying. ' runsrtiir..TH eCOTM Arrives lode In Cochllt district; tl. UBMItSSS. work. a are sure that a trial will con The largest wholesale house la the southwest. csl third ward of the city of Santa Fe, re you UIDBON'8, No. Kitrww. ,. 6:80 am E. C. Hall and wife to J. O. Mcintosh vince tbal we know our business. It Agents for Lemp's Beer. aniNOaiil'TH Leave turned from a business trip to Bland S J. Algar, D, D, B. will phone, tbe wagon 305 south First street St. Louis No kipree .11 06 m lot t In block In Hunlng's Highland too will eall. last evening. He reports that, pend Ml JO BLOCK, opposite Ilfeld Bros.' The Albuquerque Hleaui Laundry, addition; AS S a. m. 11 :S0 p. 1 Agents for Paloma Vineyard Wine Co. of California, Ing the erection of the projected cya Orhce hour! to m. 10 AT 1I0UH8 Santa F Pacific Kittle May Hope and husband to p. m. to s p, m. Automatic telepbons No, A. a to,, MAROA1N HVNTBRe nide plant ot the Navajo Gold Mining 10 23 tes Appointment mad by mall. Coal aveutie and betcnl street. Agents for the Celebrated Mt. Vernon and Edgewood Whiskies. PROM TNR WIST Arrive Levi It. Thompson, lot In block Will dad many things to Interest them -- company, Ulnnd la comparatively dull No. 9 Atlanta hit-res- t 10:81) pm In New Mexico Town Co s addition; It. law yaaa. In choice, allghtly usMtl.up-to-dnt- a house- Finest goods, lowest prices and satisfaction guaranteed. uoinii west Leave Fe I'wclflc Railroad company BBTTBB TBAM UOUTtllU' BILLS. hold furniture, carpet, mattings, stoves No. 1 -- PsclUc Kiprrea B:06pm Beware at Olataaeaas tot uatarra Co Santa ilRRMARU a. that to Wm. Crowley, lota 26 and 24 and tha RODBT, To have your borne oroorirlr euulnned and nearly everything Imaginable. You Bar stocked with best goods and served by polite attendants , Alboqnerqoe, N. east 12H of lot 27 In block B, In ATTUKNKY-AT-LAW- with aanltary plumbing. will save know wa buy, aell aud eiohanga LimitTTl Trains. As mercury will surely destroy tha feet aitantion Riven lo all baal-e- a It aver' town of Gallup; 162.50. pertalnlns 10 tue profession. Will prac you time, money aud misery. Wa atteud thing. Bargains galore. No. 8, the California Limited, arrives Mon. sense of smell and completely derange uc In all couna ol Uie territory and Thurailaye, Krldaya and Paturclay Hildegard Grunsfeld et al to Abra belors lbs to all branches of plumulng In the atkTCAIjr A BTI1XIRM. daya, at tha whola system when entering It United Stale lane dues. 117 1 1 :00 a. m., and leavea Uie weal at 1 1 :10 a. 11 12 16 proper tuauner at ptoper prices. Both Sold avenue. lur ham Staab, lots and In block ...... u. m. through tha mucous surfaces. Such I. BE, BUND. yuvurs.k or. trtja,1.. Limited. Sundays, town of Albuquerque; 1x000. DniftaaBiaa No. S.thrChlcarn arrives articles should never be used except on TTOKNKY.AT LAW, V Flumbera, Th Best Wltaoat Boaej Dan Be Obtained Mondays, Wednradaya T daya. Qeorge W. Wert to Cochltl Oold Min 43 street N. W., fraollcal and at 10:6 prescriptions reputable physi- a u. Al very few place In this properoua p. m., and leavre lor tl.e north at 11 i0o p. m. from ing company, the "General Wheeler" a waaniniiton, 1. renaiooa. lauue, 210 souib Beoond street. land, cians, as damaga they will do is Umere paleut, uade but when you waul watcliea hied up good ss QUICKEL & BOTIiE, Proprietor. tha mining claim, Cochltl district; 11. rnarka, claima. new Noa. I and 9. 1 .rifle and Atlantic Kxpreaa ten fold to tha good you can possibly BOB THAT gBBLINU. Just take them to aforrte oo Oold avenne, tour-la- t George Weat to Cochltl Gold Mining HlaUlt have Pullman palace drawing room cara, W. at, ma price are lowrat uie work I t lis o derlva from them. Hall's Catarrh aiLLkl, Try ot aleeplne cara and chair cars between company the "General Uiwton lode; one our regula 25 cent din I aay Una quite aerloua, not lu a leat. bl, and Loa Ansvle and San hntnclco. Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney Attorney ners. will give you A gives BAR ROOMS Horiirro. New aleaico. It Intense relief. lie ealiatacllon lo each, and lo all. and CLUB Noa. VI and M. Meilro and Local hapreaa. tl. Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, Prompt attention given to collection and meal ticket Is a perumueut cure. Twenty So when you are abopplnii.juM give him s call have Pullman palace rare and ctialr csra (lorn Raymond B. Ilipley to Cochltl Oold tie haa watches aud jewelry st prices quite ki Paso to KaneatC'lty. and Is taken Internally, acting dlreetly Mining company, "The Cuba Girl," pateuia inr mine. oue meal ticket 10. Uood borne cooking rational. Finest WMsUes, imported and Domestic Wines and Ccgiucs A. I. ens Hall, Joist Agent on the blood and mucous surfaces of Mining claim, and the "Hough Rider" WILLIAM 1. LBB, Short order breakfast If desired. The store is three doors west Iron, tbe First system. buying national. tha In Hall's Catarrh lode In Cochltl district; 12. 4 TTOKNKT.AT-LAW- . Omra. room 1. Pi COOLEST HIGHEST ot SERVED you IV T. Anullo bulliifns. WU1 all Oold aveuue. Tha ana GRADE LAGER SUMPfcSS LUCALv Curs be sura get tha genuine. It Sucan G. Stoer and husband to W. S. uracllta la tU UOLU AVISt a HOTEL. m Internally me coons 01 iu termor?. taken and Is mads In To Strlckler, lot 14 In block 60 In New Our meal ticket Is S4.75 (or Co, tl meals. Domestic Plumbing and gas fitting. Whlti. ledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney A Tes Mexico Town Co. 'a addition; tl. riMKJAL, 0R0( KUlKd We also serve me Us on tbe Kuropean Finest and Best imported and Cigars. free-- TTOKNhYS. AT-L- W; Albnqnerqne, N. AT Co. timonials Susan G. Stoverand husband to W. S. plan. food aooouitno-datlu- o druggists, per iV M. Uthce, rooma Band a flral National EX AC I' ( Tlead IloeenwaJd's new advertise. Sold by price 7tc bottle. M. Merrltt, lots 24. 25 and 2 In block nana uauaiijg. OJT all tnrougb. Kree battis (or jruests. ESTABLISHED It7t 60 addi- K0R 1HS DAld ONLY. Jotin Cornetto, Prop. ment. in New Mexico Town Co.'a M. Territorial Fund. W. U. HHVAM, . tion; $300. Gold Are. and Third Bi. Old papers for sals at Tba Cltlsen Territorial Treasurer Vaughn hua A TT3HNKY.AT.LAW. Albnaaerans. ft LAMB St BT0NK, office. W. S. Strlckler et al to R. M. Mer M. unice, rlret National Sank building. received the following remittances: i IT'S L. B. rltt, lot 23 In block 50 In New Mexico rVH to PART THBsl. PUTNEY, If you want to sell real estata sea J. From A. E. Burnam, collector of Col g HA W. 4JLAMVT, a06 AND 208 B. 8KC0ND BT. Town C'o.'s addition; tl. Bat But more (un to eat tba cheese straws, E. Saint. county, 40 1H9S taxes, 115.1)7 T LAW, rooma S, N fax cents of Reyes Sandoval and wife to Bias ATTOKNKY-A- Sand are dainty and appetising; great thlng 1898 taxes, I.IXN.18 1X99 taxes, balldlng, Albuquerque, N. M IOII WANT "Old Reliable" aas mantles, shades and chimneys of of of Sandoval, piece of land In precinct 4; WHtl for lunon. In packages, '&o. Tbe will 1171.10 la purpna.-- s turn-ou- Whitney Co. which for territorial $40. K. W. UUBeUBI, A fashionable t of anr dlscrlo- - please jou. . fsD.M territorial TTOHNKYAT-LAW- . Mob- - Plumbing In all Us branches. Every and for Institutions. Ellseo Clutter rex and wife to Emilia- - O flics over tlon a cloaed carriage a good saddle Clodthikr a McRak, Margarito Itomern, collector of t nnaon eroeervatfir. Alhnonernne. M U14 Job guaranteed. Whitney Co. From no u. Gutierres, piece or in tne Dorse at rearouahie charges, and 'Phone us. north Railroad avenue. Miguel $423.4 189'J lana Groeerl Hnn county. of prompt, courteons or Wholesale Coyote water will cure all liver, kid town of Candelarla, 45x400 yards; $50. attention, eall taxes, which I1SS.0I is for terrllorlnl ., .v ney and stomach troubles. Depot, of H. Escherlch and wife to John C. aiiiuua n ii.itiaa aim, Carets Ba lawgas sav purposes, $97.18 In- t I H t I I it Tbe First Street Livery. 116 North Second street and for territorial Calhoun et al, piece of land lying north ll GRAIN & saaa aassaalea BSuB sat stitutions. From B. Marlines, 115 norm First street. Mahe tha Ohlldrea Happy FLOUIt, 106 Broadway, Juan city of Albuquerque, 6,12 acres; rf.rti(ifi, or ftiif iTMianium C. A. Grande, North of the f or collector of Mora county. 18 centa of mt'i. itfu, rrtlatioii ulrt By bujlDK tbem a basket of Home-Mad- e STAFIaB t GROCERIES. fine liquors and cigars. Fresh lima for $100. rsretu eWBitatltssa, tl'u 4t murno nifin PROVISIONS. 1895 1S96 - taxes, ( cents of taxes, and Crt. tNoti MlriUtffUt IT'S RKD HOT STUFF Cream Kaster Kkk and a- Rabbit sale. Furnished rooms for rent. David Weinman and wife to M. W, rtltnOrtlkl",il at Car Lots a Specialty. $:i:.07 1899 taxes. L s4B)l my WrsBeTVavftW, Ts be Seitavast. lodge with of Flournoy, trustee, lots 11 and 12 In ClMQimtATlaC And will give you tbe best satlsfae Hist When In Bland eat and r aftil In Dlstn wrkBPor bKLANKY'B CAMJY K1TCBKN. 11 ad- 43i prstpAid, tot tlon tor your mouey as cheap In' Myers & Smith. Tbey ars the wall' Htory of a ttlave. block In New Mexico Town Co.'a lif prn. as $100. 11,Qn, or 1 DOIIIM, 92 7S. (erlor gra lea delivered with prompt known hotel and restaurant keepars of To be bound hand and foot for years dition; iitksv ot) simmm Honing and wife to Judaon ness and dispatch. Clarkrllle coal has Farm and Freight Wagons tha Cocbltl district by the chains of disease 1a the worst Frans walking came In Winston, lot In block A, In A. & P. DKMOCHAT1C TKKKITOHIAL CON hw DI yiiuuo, TURK M1UHT INTO DAT Our ladies' hats form of slavery. George D. Williams, VK.NTION. John B. Bxatin, RAILROAD AVENUE, i i i ALBUOUERQUE, N. M. last Saturday new sailors, new T'ni of Manchester, Mich., tells how such a addition; IMO. By twluf the standard gas lamp. It wife to Minnie M. IltfiidquBrtrra, Democratic Territorial) 818 south First street. gives O'Shanters, new Leghorns, In great slave was made free. He aaya: "My Jose Lucero and CriiUjsi CummtUee, Mntle, N. M., a ll(tit equal to oue buudred oandle aV piece north or the power, varieties. B. 1 Ifeld Co. wife haa been so helpless for five years Crammer, a of land MttaU 17, iWuo. ) aud eoets jou but one cent a 30x3:15 feet; TUB BSAXU RXCKLLBMVB ulgbl - X your gloves now. over In old town of Albuquerijue, Hv dlrectlnn of the Dcttkk Trrntoriil Ol to operate It. The wont satlsfao- T. O. Tt Buy Easter Wt that she could not turn bed CritUNl Coiiimitttc. if New Mciico, Initio Goes TiPRIPOia. $175. with every can ot Club House torj and sooiiomloal light In ths wc:'d have JUHt received a full assortment In alone. After using two bottles of Elec crattic Tern tonal lev ate L'tinvriition G. to Castiba M. Ie ti goods. It never disappoints you. Their Oomplete for to. "Let there be light." all the Kpular shades. One dollar t tric Bitters she is wonderfully Improv llenlgno de Montano Lrrrby called, in iw UelU in thr City i NatlT and Sui, Doort, ile Lucero, piece of land In Loa Kan- - New Mefticu. on Friday , tlte lath day trulls, jams, vegetable, pickles, olives A. a UcSAirirKT A Co.. SHERWIN-WILLIAM- S PAINT pair and every piar guaranteed. Hoi ed and able to do her own work." This April, t Iw k a. Chlearjo 4. 76x90 varus; S75. tt luuo, uVltn in. un aaid day sua oils r) selected slock, aud tue prioes Bit) Railroad avenne. PluUr enwald Bros. supreme remedy for female diseases chos In precinct (tir the of aelecuiiK all delciiatea and lUidi, K. M. Fen- - 11 are the same an other brauiK Try them. Lumbar Coven Moral Looks Basil Tsar LoogssU quickly cures nervousness, sleepless J. W. Miller and wife to altt'iiiatea to represent the Territory ol New wash goods In the finer quali ton, west half of northwest New Meiau in the Uvinttcratic lNatunial con sIauiy, Tbe Urooer BKAL BAKUAIHS Lias, Crant peau ness, melancholy, headache, backache, the the veiitiou to be held uu July 4th, iwoo, at Kan Is I Building Paper Most Fronomlratl FuQ MsasursI ties allk org indies, silk striped of the west half of the south- 118 west Railroad Ave. what am offering tbe public. I have ginghams. only n fainting and dlsxy spells. This miracle quarter MlaMuUri. a large asaortment tit watches with Always Li Stock llili relate, III de sol. silk Just in west quarter of seotlon 10, township IK, I tit.he followiiiBi la the rebreaentatton to which from limited quantity, mostly ons patter i working medicine la a godsend to h county lu aaiu Uemocrattc 7 to 17 Jewels, In due solid gold, gold D Il north, range 2 east, 160 acres; tl. eai laeiutUed lee HUataBi.KHS 4J A Ust I AO as First St. and Lead Ave., Albuquerque. In each piece. B. llteld aV Co. weak, sickly, run down people. Every nto'ial couveiilioui ea, stiver sua other cases. Also drop-bea- Wm. Fournler and wife to Ada A. licrnaiiilo 81 0( the newrvit destctus. IuhI received, , bottle guaranteed. Only 60 cents. Sold sua otner Dinger sewing macmues, bicj-ules- C. May. the popular priced shoe deal Leekn, piece of land lying mirth of the L havea - 4 You must see them, ttiej are great, arerj er, 'it)H west Hallroad avenue, haa Juat by J. H. O Beilly Co. Coital IS revolvers, aud an upright t'hicker city of Albuoueruue and west of Uona Ana lo modern convenience; rubber tires; Bleep- received a shipment of ladles tan and ing large ing piano. Loans promptly made on all ELIZABETHTOWN MINES. Fourth street, If extended: $450. hdtly attachments; variety of styles aiutis ot good collateral security. Albuquerque Wool Scouring Company, black bicycle boots. Tbey are made Fe Pacific R. R. Co. to Mrs. t.rant U and prioes the babies will enjoy them. company, Santa tuaUiupe a. .. sutf south becond st. H. Himpson. by the famous Hich Shoe are Cella Kennedy, weat 12V feet of kit 27 almoin Papa can be tbe motive power. Prioes 11 From the Miner. raugs (rum JAMR3 WILKINSON, laanager. cut Inches rlgh, and are Just what of lots 2H and 2 In block B In town Mora 11 fd to I J5. THBKB IB MO DOUBT. your be up all Olero tl you want to enjoy an outing on The Confidence will started Gallup; $62.60. a....M R. K. Ukllwku a Co., or of Uui Arriba 11 In ths minds of wheelmen that The wheel. Don't neglect to call and In aoon. Ore by the hundreda tons an Juan 4 buuth Ueoond street. Racyole In ths best constructed wheel spect piled up mines In the vi Many Llvea haved. San Miiiuel 9'J BEARRUP & EDIE, them. are at the e mails. It has every modern aDDllauoe. cinity mill, awaiting the event. Santa 14 of thia In almost every neighborhood there Merra t For Beet FAMILY 0K0CKRIE3 call ia oeauwui in appearance, easr running, LESSEES, OPERATORS AND FORWARDING AGENTS Itrmarkalilx 4'ure of Rheumatiara. Work was commenced Monday on Is some oue whose life has buea saved SoCtllTO. seas 1 1 high geared, and made of the fluent tested latM 1U Kenna, Jackson Co., W. Va. About the Black Home. The mill Is being by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and on F. e. Pratt & Co. Try oar Utllsboro material. Come aud see the 1UUU model. years ago my wife had an at I n ion Liberal advances made on consignments. three completely remodeled and renovated Diarrhoea Remedy or wbo haa been Vtlenrta , It will Interest you. of rhematlsm which confined her use All I frmocratic.coniiervative. reform clt iicni Creamery Butter, the Best on earth. ALblyl'KUyUk CYCLE A ARMH CO., ta:k and the mine is being put into shupe cured of choroic dturrhoea by the political bed for over a month and ren ol New MeittJo. irreitH.t've ol baat 1 15 ALBUQUERQUE. N. M to her for systematic working. of medicine, buu persons make OHi west Oold avenue. that asmikciationa ana vrentea, who can unite CO., dered her unable to walk a step without DurlnaT the lust ten days quite a a point of tlllng it whenever opportu with ua in the effort lor pure, economical and F. 0. PRATT X Grocers. limbs being swollen to couatitutiotiai government, and who tavur the assistance, her number of minors from Colorado ha nily offers, hoping that It may be the Wa are receipt of SAMPLE ROOM. CLUB ROOMS double their nomal slse. Mr. S. Mad' republic and oppoae the empne, ana who are Jutt lu a ear of come to the camp. All are at work means of saving other lives. For sale oppo ed to the Kepubilcan policy ol erect inn MBW vehicles f rum tbs Columbus baggy Co. on my using Chamber' ll TUB UKK tAHU fOLICK dox insisted and still the demand for good prac- by all druggists. a tan wall aaain.l the tcrntonea and denyinn Call on us and ws will sbow yuu the Iain's Pain Balm. I purchased a 60 their product trte accrsMi to the inaiketa of the Ride tbe Rambler, because tbey are Is greater than the sup Mati-- are J ua or latent, pike it according to tical miners Lnt tea cordially invited to in ntrong, fatt, durable aud have proved to uuesi line stria buggies, cent bottle and used ply. (lolden Ituls It.Mimlug llue. iu aeudiiitf deletjatea to aiid couveiitim. wagons, phut one, aurrles, etc, that ever next morning CUAM. K. feABLlY, be more aatlnfautory than other high the directions and the R. C. Clean, airy rooms. Rooms for light was Koubkh & Co. Metropole," William Conant, Elwood and A. li. MiNAUAif, CUaumia. grade bicycles; they are good Judges. You niaue. J. "The she walked to breakfast without assist housekeeping, $7 per month. Corner of Secreury. ance In any manner, and shehas no several other miners of this distrirt. bad better take the tip. We also sell the The Dest and Finest Liquors and Cigars, Imported and Domestic, who went to Copper Hill some weeks Fourth and Railroad avenue. Crwtonnt, Imperial aud Idxal. Bundrles a similar attack since. A. B. Par AM had ago of the week. If troubled wltn rheumatism, glvs aud repairing. BrB OfKNBK served to all sons. For sule by all druggists. returned the first I of patrons. appear to be work enough hers Wm. Orr, Newark. O., says: "We Chamberlain's Pain-Bal- m a trial. It ALHI'OLKUUL'I ftOVKLTY n OHKfl. would like some voiir folks that There likes good ootTrte to try Vlaurilellng's Evans, Hinsdale, 111., for all, hence their return. never feel safe without One Minute will not cost you a cent If It does no t2i south beooud Nt. V. B. Uul'PINU. Mrs. Harriet saved tlooa aud Java blend. It certainly eau't writes: "I never fall to relieve my W. 8. Scott, one of the owners of Cough Cure In the house. It good. Una application will relieve the Late ol the my little boy's Ufa when he bad tba palo. also cures sprains and brulaes be equaled. We also have Curtis blue JOHN WICKSTUOM, children of choup at onca by using Ons the Paragon mine, was In town severa It Label can goods; money can buy no bet- St. Elmo. pneumonia. Ws think It Is the beat one-thir- d required bjr any Minute Cough Cure. I would not feel days the fore of the week. Mr In tbe time ter, Wa irt made." It cures coughs treatment. Cuts, burns, (mat are reasonable aud courteous. PBOPBHTOB. safe without It." Quickly cures coughs, Scott Is getting out large quantities medicine aid other F. U. KKNT J. A. bgiNNKH. Grocer. and all and lung of high grade ore from thia property all lung diseases. Pleasant to kc, bites, quinsy, pains In ths sids and colds, grippe throat swslllna--s FOR C. Berry and Coamopoii and developing the Paragon into harmless snd gives Immediate reaulte. chest, alandular and other flllHTV, 1US AMU STHBMOTU diseases. J. drug IU BARQAIN3 IN ItKAL K3TATH. drug stores. most valuable mine. J. C. Berry and cosmopolitan ars quickly cured by applying Price tan s tot os. drusgleia. Are ths three graces of our Pilsner Works Another good vein of ore has been It and W cents. All you Albuquerque Foundry and Machine Itev. W. D. Clayton, who has charge dottled beer. It will build un: In found in shaft No. 1 of the Senate- - your appetite make you the Methodist congregation at a TAOS COUNTY. (srpltal tarprUI tarpvta! crease aud feel of Ilolitall group, belong. ng to the Smith it is oi a nt si Mass like a new man. by tbe case for family trous, up north, to clt Carpetal carpvts! carpeul ees our To dtripense health-givin- g presorlO' R. P. HALL, Propribtoiu returned the field company. General Mannger Frank use. A houie product. lust night. new spring Hue. We can aava you lions In the right way. ll Is a business Birar is doing the right thing In the From the Creaaet. munty. Albert Faher, u5 Hallroaui HOUTHWIriTKKN bKKVYINO & Its CO. Iron and Braaa Castings; Ore, Coal and Lumber Cars; Shafting, Pulleys, end development prop Albert Singer, of Albuquerque, spent which we have not learned In a day. but "I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure In my extensive of this aveuue. only after years or nurd, steady, persist Ban, Babbit Metal; Columns and Iron Fronts for Buildings; Bepalrs y . a couple days In this city this week Trustworthy peraou lo take family with wonderful results. It ert of work and study. e uie pure drugs, WANTM) on kilning and Mill Maonluery a Specialty. Is of Monte Mias Hull, of Tulsa, I. T., has securs original witch basal eit "War In Sut)i Africa and the gives Immediate relief. plaaaant to The operating forces the late To tbs oo ai pouud accurately and charge an bun liark Contitirut Inifn Savaserv lu Civilua- - take and la truly tba dyspeptic's best xiima company have been laki-- charge of the Presbyterian salve ask for l Wilts Witch liasal V .VATTUKw CO., tluu, by Willum Harding, lite fainima travel- VOCNDBY: BIDR RAILROAD TRACK. ALB0Q0KRQCB. M. est price, y S. says E. d.a Mlaalon Halve; well curs i. er, cole editor ami autlmr. I'rea ya "wuo-dertiill- friend," Hartgerlnk, Overlsel, ed, the superintendent has been school at Arroyo Hondo. known aa a certain The Prescription Druggists co;niilrte," "sraphtc drvcriuttona," Mich. Digest what you saL Cannot pensed with and general manager C. J J. W. Harry, lumberman, of Amlxet tor plies and skin diseases, beware of "oiilliantly written. " " ulu.trut-eil;- " fall to cure. J. C. Berry and cosrao-polltla- n Iodd Is suporlntendmg a little on hi Is delivering lumber 10 this city for worthless counterfeits. They ars dun- KI Akl BMOAOKII IN A UOUU (JAUSB demand remarkable; aalea unprecedent drug stores. ro us. C. Uerry and cosmopolitan ed; price low. we hu dtatntiuu eloo,uoo own account, and with a boas on ea h the Improvement of several buildings. it! J. Of putting down drink of choice lu suld among our aalea peoplei be Urati GROSS BLACKWELL & CO. the work teems to glide along A consignment of tools and farm drug stores. brand only, come in and neip ui along, dun I mla tin chance ; elau higheat cuiiiiiua-.lon- shift bcika un so day' credit: freluht aud Sample Una of hats fcr gentlemen, very well. Implements was made to the Indian If you want a stylish spring suit Wet dellcanles of all kinds. Agents for duty paid; aainple (ree. (INCORPORATED.) to ciue Addreas 1 lie bought at cents on the dollar. Will farmer at this point last week, for use celebrated Yellowstone whlxky bottled In Uoiululon uumpany, Uepu V , vhlcaM'u. way. made to order call at our store Tues- sell the sams New and stylish I'layed Out, at the Iueblo. day or Wednesday and see tl.e bi?t bond. Ths A. B. 0. beer bottled for 76 cents and up. B. Ilfeld s In AlrKNTB anted fur "l.ileol l. L. Moudy,' hats fro Dull headache, pains various The time Is not far distant when line for the money ever exhibited In family ose. W. K. MoimIv. and Ira U. ban Co. parts of tbe body, sinking at ths pit county will take her place aa ths Mei.ini X Kakin. key. t.arweNl, richest and be.t. Largest prodte WHOLESALE GROCERS Taos town. Simon btern, tbe Itallroad eve. ,ure(l of stomach, loss of appetlts. fever- - In the terrl-lahnea- a. eojith street. paid It la tlie only uilicial, authenuc. ths jing mineral producer nua clothier. Ill First liti A uthorlled bv the laimlv lieware of troubled by a weak digestion. losa - Cop-tlv- If plmplea or sorts, ars all posl- tory. xhs large milling plants at s lake and trauda. Until! lire. Kreisht paid, of appetite, or constipation, try a few evidences of Impure blood. No frT j(m anj Hiver. now nearly Experience Is best teacher. TJas Ot'HUAILI HHBAU Cre'lit giveu. Drop all uaah and Ucai Sloo s WOOL, HIDES AND PELTS. doses of Chambsrlaln's Stomach and how so, must be ths liuilith with the uthcial. reliable 111. Our let matter It became it r,a,ly to begin operations, and the mill Acker's English Itemed y In any case Is always I ght. fresh and la full of ereuce, any lu auy luwii, The Tablets. Every box warranted. , bank Addrea. Liver punned in oraer to ooiaia gooa osaun. for group at Amai-tt- aoon croup. Bnould It healthful nourishment. Baked from iaiiuiuiuu L,uinpany, LJL'pi. a v uicarfuw We handle K. C. Bakinf Powder, Wool Sulphur, For sals by all druggists. the Trisr of coughs, colds, or Sacks. Acksr's Ulood Kllxir has never failed to be erectel, will turn ths tide this fall to glvs Immediate relief money ehoine Hour In a sanitary baksrv. bv ex Curtice Canned Goods. Colorado Lard and to curs syphlllllo poisons, Dyspepsia be cured by using scrofulus or way. refunded. S&o loo. J, U. O'KleUy pert baker. All kinds of bread, pies aud ran When In want of Job printing, book or sny blood Is and Meatr, and Friends' Oats. othsr diseases. It car. at Co. fancy uaiing is our epecuity, uome- - Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little binding, ate, remember The Cltlsen talnly a wonderful remedy, and ws Klelnworl's Is ths place to get your made oa tidies. Tablet will give Immediate relief or has Us most oomplata outfit In tha aell every bottle on a positive nice fresh steak. All kinds ot nloe Cupper, tin galvanised Iron work Tus N'kw Knolano Bakibt. money refunded. Sold la baadsuus tin territory. and mvats. of every osaorlptioa, Whitney Co. tJO south beooud street at centa. , yml tiatsaS Houses at Albuquerque, East Las Vegas and Glorieta, New Mexico. i mm A. J. MALOY, 4 iCTlISS! "All G)cd Thing Come to All! WAIT Those Who, Wsir DEALER IN Is the standard by which to select FEMININE HEADWEAR. It is not the hat which is trimmed in the most profuse and extrava- -- FROM- gant manner that will be your choice, but rather that one that Staple and Fancy Groceries. through its chic and nobby style, through its unique and novel trim-ming- s, LAMM & COMPANY'S allures your good taste. If the Proof The latter is what we claim for our lice of HATS. We do EXPERT CUTTER not ask you to take our word for this, but solicit your inspection. AGENT FOR Oi the pudding it in the eating, the proof of the S1IQU in in the He'wUrbe wi'h us continued call for it. Judged by which test OUR SHOES are CLUB BELL'S evidently Good Shoes, and Our Prices a Little Lower than you We also call your attention to our line of have to pay somewhere else. Tuesday and Wednesday, HOUSE SPRINGS Men's Shoes, tan, black and chocolate, heavy or light weight, ArKIL 10, AINU II, CANNED OltEAMEUY from 1 1.40 to S5.00 Children's Mull Hats, With Large Sample Patterns of G00DSI Ladies' Shoes chocolate or black for dress or street wear BUTTER. N0NK TO KQ0AL. THE FAMOUS. from $1.50 to 3 50 which range from 35c to $3.75. SPRING SUMMER Ladies' Dicycle Boots, rim high, tan or black 3.50 and 118 Railroad Ave., Albuquerque, N. M. Boys' and Children's Shoes, all styles and sizes, from 50c to 2.40 To Start the Season, we offer for One Week Only SUITINGS, Your Easter Eggs TROUSERINGS and E. J. POST & CO., Should be choice and fresh laid LADIES' SAILOR HATS for breakfast, and your Easter In Plain and Hough Straws, In Fanny and Solid Colors, .FANCY VESTINGS. HARDWARE. dinner be provided with all the In All Popular Shades, in Black and White, tSPThe Largest and4Mot Attractive tempting relishes and delicacies that SPADES, made to sell at 75c, Assortment Ever Exhibited.... the appetite craves after its Ienten HOES, fast, and at noplace in the city will Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed. you secure thee with so much SHOVELS, certainty of their purity, superiority, NOT MORE THAN TWO TO ONE CUSTOMER. RAKES, freshness and high-grad- e excellence PLANET JR. GARDEN TOOLS and at as low a price as at the SIMON STERN, store of Best Grades of Rubber and Cotton UT?T T JP tTI Not. US and 120 The Railroad AvenueClothier Covered Garden Hose. JT BEilJXJ K JJt SOUTH SECOND STREET. Rosenwald Bros same .lock, eamt ahape, earn fit, cap LARGEST STOCK IN NEW MEXICO. THE DAILY CITIZEN able of the same er, then It would matter little to you at what ahoe atore LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. canon neighborhood. W. A. II. J. Arm- ALBUQUKBQCK. APRIL 10. 1100 you uurchaaed. Hut thy a' not. strong, who is here also from La Porte, Our ahova will aliow their superiority states that the Badgers proved them- n all these point the more decidedly Mrs. E. Trice, who ha. number of selves little in all jltuinclai transac- Y. WIUl too eager T. CLOUItiJEft & HcRAE...... when brought into sharp contrast friend, here, is in the city from Den tions and entirely to secure flAYNARD, thus ot our competitor.. C. May, the ver. "grub" in a very peculiar manner popular priced ahoe dealer, 20S weat Joseph lllbo, the Hernallllo general from olliera. They had a trunk stored y away Pro- Fanov Grocer Kailroad avenue. merchant, is in the city to-da- on bus-- at the Uraud Central, and "Wafcclies, We muat reduce our Block of gro- - nesa. prietor Owen elates that the trunk disappeared cere, and in order to do o we will Queen evening has and not a Badger 2U Railrotf Aveaot. Other rehearsal this to Clocks, everything culled on him thank him for the safe lor fur the next ten day. sell at at ( o'clock. All are requested to be exact coat to ua for .pot cash. Give present. keeping of the trunk. Chase & Sanborn's ua call and be convinced. Lamb Ed. 11. llarsoh, of soda water fume, Diamonds, a It la announced on next Thurs 2U SOS aouih Becond street. that is in bad luck theae days. On elovtion Fine Coffees and Teas, Stone, and day C. M. Klaesen Miss Nancy Iii.00 and duy, drumming up A guud aet of .Ingle harness Love will In while out voters Jewelry, be united marriage. ao5R.MiR?ADArV. Fine Monarch Canned Goods, cage. 65 to 1 00 to the Second ward polls, he was Grant Building Bird ct. Company O, Regular axes Mo attention! thrown from the hack and sustained 119 S. Second Adirondack Maple Syrup, and lhinJled weekly drill Let mem Street, Albuquerque tiuggy whip. 10 OVo all Injuries that prevented him from fur- ct. to L. T1L12 MAZK. bets attend. H. Chamberlln, cap ther work and laid him up fur a few Imperial Patent Flour (the best) tain. tSTMuil Orders Solicited. New 'Phone 523. In order to see the luteal novelU a In days. Vcsterduy, while tampering Prompt Itco to oiU orders. '. II. ngent re- sttentloo f waiala, you ses our line. Klmendorf, business for with a bottle, the bottle broke and Headquarters for Carpets, Matting, Linoleum and allk must T. II. Catron, Is In O. They compriae auoh waists aa have sel the city on business sulted in the left hand of Mr. llursch W. STRONG. leading connected with the American Valley being budly cut. It will be aeveral Curtains and House Furnishing Goods. B. A. SLEYSTEH, dom been ahown ouLmdu of the company. eaatern citiva. Itosenwald iiros. weeks befure the injured hand can be The Wise The Male continue, doing a aplendld Conrad Stumpf, In a letter to The used. The Only Exclusive House in This Line in the Territory. Fire Insurance Citlxen from hue bus.ness. A good assortment to Canon Diablo, states that Juun Moya, residing in the Chihua- Housekeeper pick can be du he and family will soon remove to this hua district of north Broadway on the Aooident Insurance form at price, that nut Ity, plicated in the city, 1. the magnet that and remain here permanently. Highlands, was up befure his honor, Beal Estate draw, the trade. "The Ilurglar" company paused Judge Crawford, this morning. Moya On Easter Sunday Is always on the look- through city morning was purloining har- New percale., . 10 and 12M cent, the .this from accused of a set of Notary Public the south for Vegas, where ness and tapping lightly with his list per yard ,latoa be K.ohJ. Wac 1 . .caa La. the out for something to BOOUB II A U CBOMWKLL BLOCK per yard. Alao the pretlieat of company will give another perform- un the cheek of a Mexican lady. Both You'll want every room in Autoaiatle T (tab Loos No. 174 Japaneae krinkle. In tba city. B. llfeld ance. are serious charges, but as the testi- make A Co. Wm. Traser, the Chlllll sheep raiser, mony preeented was of a circumstan- brightest array the entire the home pret- Why pay more? When you can gut is In the city on buainea. He report. tial nature, not positive, the Judge con- L.H. SHOEMAKER. to Moya county house in tip-to- p condition. a flrat-clua- a suit to order fur $14 or the ranges east of the city In fine con cluded send to the Jail tier, neater and more 205 Vat CaU Arrant nut to Fir $16. We guarantee everything. Blnion dltlnn; the sheep fat and lambing first for thirty days, Adds pleasure to your East, National Bank, Stern, the Kallroad avenue clothier. claaa. Albuquerque will soon have a new comfortable. We have The regular monthly meeting of the Dr. E. D. Harper, the Gallup physi- brass band. The musicians of the er enjoyment, if you feel lew and Second Hand Furniture, Uenevulent association will be held In cian and surgeon, was a passenger to Italian colony have organised them- everything you need. to-d- twenty-t- this received Mr. Clancy', olllce after the city lust night, and Is mlng selves Into a band, consisting of that feature has STOTts an aousMOL ooods. noon at 2:30 o'clock. ling with the members of the local wo members, and they expect to profession. first-clas- s attention. Ktptlrlof a Bpscliity. If you want the II. 8. & M. ready furnish music in a few ne months. I'rof. DiMauro is the leader The I made auita cheapeat and beet fitter. i i'udiic i.iurary nas received a Plenty of pleasure in your buying here, foi in every por- Best Goods and ehlp-men- t. , an A practice meeting Furniture stored and packed for In America call on Mandell A Urans- - contribution of $5 from J. E. Haver-stick- dteacher. waa Highest price paid (or held II. A. M. of Carpets, second feld. an easterner, who, with his wife, at 1'alludlno's last tion our stock Newest Ideas are ready. Pretty the most reasonable hand hoiwliold good. came here a few days ago to enjoy the night. . Most or' Our display of curtain. I. unexcelled. Stylish Curtains, Elegant Designs and Used Ideas, but fine climate of the Itlo valley. Miss Martinet, slHter of M. We have them from 60 centa to $16.00 a Urande Juan prices JiANKiN & CO., Martlnei, of llarelas, where he con- The Little Prices make their purchase easy makes it impor- in the west. I pair. Albert Faber, 305 Itallroud ave John A. Moss, superintendent of en nue. gines on this division of the Santa Ke ducts a small general merchandise tant, well,' that you buy them here. Our In Car- store, died last night at 10:30 o'clock astf stock BR1TISU AMERICAN Mrn. A. A. Trimble, wife of lh at road, passed up the road for Las Vegas reel this morning. was after a lingering Illness. The deceas- pets,' Mtftttng, Linoleum, Curtains, Portieres, FURNITURE railway superintendent, haa re- He duwn south on CROCKERY GLASSWAR E a business trip over the Hllver City ed was 27 years of age. Her funeral is the Largest and Assurance Co. covered from a long and .were and burial will take place Upholstery and Drapery Goods V 5 branch. at Iiarelus morning at 9 o'clock. Finest in the citv, CaU and be REAL ESTATE AND LOANS Esquipulo llomero, the n Our Prices the Lowest. If you want genuine Imimrted guoda Fleming, sheep raiser of the Nacemlctito moun fapt. Jack the coal mine convinced. Old-Tim- er ROOMS 20 and 22. in cUHtom talliirlng give Mandell & Inspector for New Mexico, came in An Urunafeld the order for yuur ault. tains, is In the city He reports with a New Stock of N. T ARM1JO BUILDING. the country of the Nuccmlentos In line from a professional visit to Capltan, Misses JlrUBoe & Mr A tee have open- condition and suys sheep in the Alumogurdo neighborhood, this ed dressmaking that the could A. J. RICHARDS, a establishment in not be better. morning. The captain says that the room 2, over the poalutllce. coal mines of Capitan are shipping 600 DBAUta IN f'apt. A. ti. Fitch, the popular and CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS All of the new "coon songs" ton. of coal dully, He will leave for that n Magdulenu mine and are out will be heard at the Nashville Gallup t. Theater ll clktMitied adveniwmrntt, or CIGAIiS, TOBACCOS. smelter operator, came In from the Albuquerque NUTK-A- er "lliiere," one cent a word for each Students night. HIImiu llron. south this morning, and I. here y Lute yesterday afternoon A. Hlmpler, Inaertton Miuun irn charge fur any rlaaitJrd Th. "Il.i," IW.I School SMOKERS' SUPPLIES. Just received A full line of Manhat- the undertaker, received a telegram advrrttarment 1ft crnta. In order U in an re I on business. He expect, to return to C F. R1GGS. FRANK LEE, tropr tlHMiiUcauon, all "Mnrra" ahodld be left iulrftr. ll.SO. tan flannel overshlrta. Mandell Mugdulena morning. from Manuel Armljo, of I'ena Ulanca, at tliia ottice not later than U o'clock p. m. A abate of the patronage of the puMIe Is Urunsfeld. asking thut a casket be once ship Manag r. Treas. M. I at BOUC1UK1. Mra. C. Holier son and Mrs. C. E. ped to b.ll.K. Moimri-- Mil Ms, Th "CompoalU," lli'.t (Jo to Mrs. Wilson's for KaKr-- hat., flwartal. with children, him via Thornton. The casket toil NET STORE! NET STOCK! their came In waa sent to night. 6 Or to fl.AO III ti.&o Hhon for Mowers, chiffons, etc. 218 south Becond last night from the north and regis- I'ena Illanca last WEDNESDAY, APiilL 11 h IH'SKHOLO khh1 lor tule cheap. Uul 11 avenue. Wuuivs. 113 Railroad Arcnue. street. tered at the Hotel Highland from To- It Is feared thut the frost and cold Wfl iau Hemember the special bargain sale ronto, Canada. The btdlcs are con- snap of lost night dumuged the fruit SALh One borne apring eipreat id F.I. V I'Mrr'a crop blUK beginning April 9, at Lamb & atones. templating a visit of a few weeks In materially In the Itlo Urande val A return iHto rf the Succemful order. No. 443 Ninth ttteet. fcniii lta for The I'ltrs," LMdlng J. A. SKINNER. ley, and very little early Mcil'i MilU "The Richelieu," Albuquerque. that fruit Colored Orgtinlz Ion, SALL-Hu- re and bungy at eou Ace itrtlitr. Mhos for of the finest flour In can be expected from it 1;oH iu Ladl. Dealer In the market, L. tk ti. H. Ho. Icy. attorney, the orchards of at. Horae will drive tu aaddle or $S.Ati. at J. liell Co.'.. was a passen the valley this summer. harneaa. Aiurl for ger for Holornonvllle, Arliona, last if Another Invoice of pattern Just hat. Put in evening solid Students, OW young freaii Jersey cowa, Mn Staple and Fancy in night. Dan l'lpkln, the alleged train an of fun and The Nashville L SALK Two Kllr'a in !! at Mr. Wilson's. cheoli; alao gentle aud broncho borne, fur C'UBtoiu Tin. Men's "Ksfsnt" robber who recently take In the Nashville Htudents at the HltlrU. BO If you want to buy see escaped convic- cheap. I'lehty oi green kiumm for patufne. (3. NluMt.. real eetate J. new theatre night. 1'rlces, L- E. Saint, tion In the district court of this city, a. faitemou. Groceries, Is to be O0c, 70c and $1. Heats on sule at Mat- - NKW 80NG3 AND NKW BI'K ;l LTIK tried this week at Holomonvllle SAl.K-Kre- aU 'K-i- Ask your grocer for Millar'. I'enang UK lime )ut received at K. W. C'ulUra Tim " Msa's Shoe for horse stealing, and Mr. Hodey,, who kins. TUBOUOHO'T. I; tfy-fc- j centa a buitliel, deliverer to any West Kullroad Avenue spires. mul C'umi. for J.50. 200 represvntud l'lpkln here, will also fight C. A. Make Is still In the oity. He tart of city. Leave ordera at Tartatlia liroa.. Jersey s 1 aoutu Secoud aireet" LUUUUkKUUK. N. M. Matthew'. milk; try it. his legul battles at Holomonvllle. the western representative of E. B. & Co., The Nashville Nightingale. siALh The a Thr "Vt lor" Mhos for J. Peternel. a n Oallupite, Millar of Chicago, wholesale L'UU content ot th Sl.AU. The Jaffa 4irorrrjr fu, Bhhh rootitUcl(lut( bouM. completely f ununited, IVrrlo't ilo'. Mm st came In from the west night dealers in coffees, teas, spices, sic. The Mod 1 b. pkg. It llgn ...15c last and lucludiutf two bath rouiua. two ttniel room, put up at the Mturges European. t is desired that there be a full at The Bhoutti'g T nnr. gaaand electric light. Low rem, EU per 2 lb. L. M. raisins ...2!lc He month. ( W. Strong states that the people of Oallup re- tendance of the Guards at the Armory The Great Double Q inrtottH. 1 cans Ktigllsh . ,.35c HALh-kielg- "' A, SIMPIER walnuts ceived ian hares Sir Kuyal Strum, 2 the news yesterday, before his this evening, aa important buxlnesa The Two Kunnj Couiiu "dUns. F'OK r "j- cans :onip. rolled out a ...3Dc which tre Una of l will If it 2 cana sliced leparture for Albuquerque, Informing be transacted. Sir Koyai tiie. Shipped C O. l to any ad mi pea'hti ...bic dreoa m the L tilted L. tiodebrake, ISo tt 1 them that the nutional oongress would W. bute Undertaker. pkg. II.iked rice ...10c Hon. II. Chllders. I'nlted Htatea Trices, - - and $1.00 a Itinple atreel. Loa Angelea, Calif. 1 can fine C. undo the work of the last territorial attorney for New Mexico, left 50c, 75c THE STANDARD LADIES' TAILORIHA COMPANY. Bxqalslt Is SOt FloUb extra berries..., ...20c legislature this nt 2 pkgs. in creating McKlnley coun morning for Los Cruces on court mat- BKAT3 AT MATRON'S. itfr.M'. Ksssonsbl la frlos. blackberries ty, ton 3 Hootch oats ...25c and that the people of Uallup were ters. H. A. MONTFORT, correspondingly happy. i;UK KKST-- Uy the year only; the Kor. 3 cana oysters .. .25c Thos. Dye, Br., the boot and shoe v rester place Inquire ui li. J. hmerauu- E. L. AVASIIBUKN, 122 South Second Street. Emb aimer IDd Funeral Din ctor. 2 likga. Haratoga chips ...25c Il Is almost a foregone conclusion repairer, who sojourned In Demlng the THOS. HALL. for t In the Annuo Huihlina. 2 pkgs. gelatine ...20c that the lewd women occupying the punt few weeks, 1ms returned tu the iOOUS I Luqulre at liuiradatle A CoV l"ultrcet. Bgh La AiA B B A A A A m A a4V Ma m m m A ASA 111 N. Second SU 6 boxes Knamoline 2uc brick houses south of the new theater city. i on Third street, LfTOK KKNT Two eWyunt store room In the Open day and Night, Our line of stuple and fancy grocer- will either be com 11. Toti, gen- Piano and Organ Tuning, pelled to remove or keep a North Third street opera house block, particulars call on T both Telepbon ies are second to none In the city. Our themselves eral mcrchunt, is slousy or K. Nehcr. Th srgut Hardware House In Nw Maxleo. behind the on recovering wmeloUeo. prices as low as the lowest. We guar- curtains theater nights. after a few duys" Illness. ALBUOUERQUE, N. M. ' antee satisfaction in quality and price. This will prevent the women, some of KOK KKNT The hall at the opera tmue Hear Miss Grades In some fun- ltellnlHlilDg. hus been neatly arranged lor aocial gath- New telephone 144. Colorado telephone whom are ugly In face and haggard in of her Repairing, PolUhlng ami ering and dances. See Ueoige K. Nehcr tor 1882 J1100 St. appearance, niest pieces night at the particulars. from making exhibitions of themselves, Nashville Htudenls. KiriMINCKS Strunir A UH inert, Chkkcrmg Whitney Company, especially while people llrua., C. li. demons Co.. lUllct-Unv- n Co., The .ret ArroiiiniiHlalluu hale Is In are going to and from the theater. U. Gloml is suffering with grip. He CUiumo; KW. Haunter Co.. Wueeling.W.V. WHOLESALE AND KKTAIL force Now. Mrs. is reported belter AN'l OihkI Htrl E. llenner, the estimable moth tl lor weuersl. bousr. FIPrMoJT We are ottering 2uo uncalled for suits er of Mrs. C. A. W wois. si woctmelei glore. Hudson and Miss your choice of any in tln $12. F. D. DEALERS IN house for Edith itenner, accompanied by her MAliSii ALL. WAN l'hl Usy work sy coinueirnl G They were originally sold for from 120 grandson. Harry Davis, left this morn To AUKNT mmuu. Ailreas Commercial HARDWARApperUlnlog Thereto. Morrow Kuom . and Krerjthlng tu ISO. Come tu l'lnter's Tailoring ing for Ht. Louis. liolel. STAPLE aad FANCY GROCERIES After a short vis KevUtfy flowers. house 210 itallroud avenue and got first it there among relatives and friends, Fancy Struwberrlea A word to wise Crescent Coal Cool your bower, 6. Becond btreet. choice. the aiu. they will visit New Albany, Ind.. and 3 boxes Yard, 2U 210 JSC. 1.IIAN --aow.uo . only at rimer's, luiiroad from will go 'O in suina tu suit. John Ami (reHbea jour thirsty lawa. Order there to Milwaukee, Wis., 143 Eul KallroaU Avenue, U. simglc, Kooin w. C'touiwell building. CreetintrfV liutler. bolicitcd. avenue. where some Babber Hone, Delivery. time will be spent also Our iitM on r.urth. tree among relatives Asparagus, BK8T DOUK3T10 COAL IN L'dK. KKAUY I'lAMIM,, and friends. They White Right under yoar nose, Kilt will be absent from city J. E. SAINT, llahlla. fauna, Tuberuae anil llnilliliia the for several ioc per pound. Au'omsUcTuune. It) I. Hell Thmie, 68. Kor all who chooxe CITY seeiU, months. WEWS. liulbsi aweet I'ea anil Nasturtium Real To iprtukls from mora till t'holtHi Itoftrs, llolieyvucttles anil ltul A. M. Ilergere, clerk of the Flrts Ju- Estate and Investments. dawu. Milk Ixiukeia, uy Matthews' Jersey becklalolilell tilnw. Ilrlile, Itrlileanialil dicial district, came In from the south Pie Plant, TKUNKS! TltUNKS! Indnpendent of weather, Will a milk. ami M imiIiiii Hum, si s Inch poU, only HA this morning and continued on to Sell Anything, from Lot to I l.uml Yoa are careUat of whether 8c a pound. NEW BEAUTIES limn, lempuritry Uilice, Keur Kuom Mu- 4-- See our new silks and silk waists. 11. racli. bN, 1 lit r'l.oUlnT. Hanta Fe. The Han Juan county court tual Life UllKe. (Mnllils lnw.r nr o&thup llfeld Co. opens at Altec on hetwwta Bhuwers not ry liall the lath nd Mr. ALUL'UL'KKUL'K, N. M. lt't High patented flour, "The Klulie-iltu,- " Ilergere, aa clerk, has to be In Hunch Ejfifs, lonsr. I am prepared to maks all kinds of attend at J. L. Bell at Co. a ance. He has just returned from his BOHRAD E & CO. Our ftoraT N'onlea of br&w. handsome and stylish dresses, ss well aoc a dozen, AIL Deceive flowers grass, Everything goes at exact cuat for Wu sheep ranch, where lambing la now In RUSSELL BROS., and aa tullor-ma- d gowns, and would be progress, BUUni K1K8T BTUKKT. When Hprars through It days at Lamb at Btone'a. and he reports the sheep in tl'J CUN TKACTOKS UK put. pleased to receive the patronage of the fine condition and It'a a good thing, so push It Look into Kllenwort'e market on ladlue of this city and community. states that the Eggn, lambing will produce first-cla- ss Kansas 4 aiong. street, MADAM C. QKUNUR, a aver North Third lie boa the nicest age this season. a dozen. B. J. PARKER, Plastering and Ceme:t Work We are the only houie tn New Mexico that carry a stock of freak meals la the city. 112 St. John street, second door from 15c George L. Badger son, received a shipment of E. B. Highland Hotel. and Harry of All Kinds. All Work Uusrsuteed Just Radger, have returned to home Millar at Co. a choice coffees fresh from their at Dairy Real Estate. Rubber and Leather Belting. Japauee and 4 Illness Matting. La Torte, Ind., and from what The llutter, Keuletue-3- 1s 8. Prosilmay. Old Huons lstl. J J J. A. bkinner. the roaster. Japanese Cltlsen 3 Bargains In bouisn and China matting Our learna about them without a pounds, 45c. on Contrast I. the rule by which we stock Is the most complete, largest, up very good reputation. The XUdgera pojnieuU. blacker and Happo lor lis. 3-- 8-- tneasure valuee. Hlack la low-es- in patterns and prices the t. came out here for the health of the 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 S. First Street. white is whiter when the two are put 30) ar- 215 South Second Albert t'aber, Hallroad father and a short tlms after their St. I eloef together. U all snore were alike, rival located IVFS, Till': l.oillsr, themselves la the Hell San Jose Market ALBUQUkUUUK, N. M. 1'aliut, r't'ru sut Cut IIumvis.