THI EVENING WORLD, TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 1919. 11 WIFE OF 16 IS WOUNDED AND SAYS HUSBAND DID IT. Quit It! y& rvjpTi tnimiiiii 8ht Had Left Him and Use of Re- volver Followed Refusal to Swissco Stops It SUBWAY STORED THECIMBEL mWrnW i" v. Return, It's Said. aaeeked Into LARGE BOTTLE . A mm the hall of TRIAL t4 the Has 75 sections filled with just what is wanted nv economical shoppers for this busy Easter week. t at No. tn Kest Tenth 1 at tmT.W laat ni t. Soon a Uri I he .subway More is eaailv ami quickly reached bv 10 broad stairways and 36 tR7 y 3aMtfjm. tha street. Ha atoppau sesTSBBSaT WM te from la ssSSV Ninety Feet of Buttons! elevators. Its service is prompt and helpful. A good place to do Easter shopping. fMV cm tha second floor and aaked: "Ara )PM saaSjf to owns Home with ma nowT" Spring Display "Maw" aba answered, aa triad to put A Remarkable Probably it is not news to you that Buttons Men's and Young Men's New Suits and Overcoats Tw rerswtvar ahota aaundad. The man the trinming for dresses this season. raa ta tha around floor and escaped are accepted of far better than usual style and quality at these moderate price. SB) u ash a rear court. Tha wai Paris, as usual, set the fashion -- one of the model hand unconactoua on tha steea. She Serious, thoughtful men and young men will, we are sure, decide to purchase that now suit and overcoat in our Subway was Mra. Marcaret Oaudise. alxtean. gowns which came over is veraciously reported to ( 'lothin Store, after even a hasty inspection of the many styles offered f his Faster week. And with good reason, for the style Wife of Alfred OaudhM, who married whole gross 144 of - down the have been selected by experts, accustomed to handling the finest grades of clothing. The tailoring is done by --ciaea hjto laat November. The couple Quar- nave had a then first relled (aw daya after the weddmr and front! workmen. The materials are thoroughly dependable. We know of no other place in New York where men and young men aha returned to her mother. Mra Anna Daadraff la Maddealaa. Qimbel display Trimming Buttons is so comprehen- may secure clothing of as fine quality, and receive as satisfactory service, at these moderate prices. fciartone, who Uvea on the fourth floor Itwlssrn stops dandruff nulckly. crews The of ef the Tooth street houae. new hair and reaiorse fray and reded sive that we have given them greatly increased space at the All-Wo- ol Silk-Line- d hair ta lie natural healthful color. Men's Suits and Overcoats at $15 Patrolman Alfred Hughes called Dr. gwuwpo stops bauinsee. bal spots, fall expense of some of the other trimmings. Smaller sizes are Stkr from Bellerue. He quickly ra-- ln hair, scabby srlp. sore eeala. brittle Well-Tailor- Suits oi all wool, and brown worsteds and wMsaOfds, silk and worsted mixtures, and thn always favorite blue eargat; light buttons, in white M hand-felle- any new crystal soft-ro- tared tha girl to conaoloueoeee. Her hair or hair or aealo trouble. most popular, among them the and diirk patterns, conservative and those more pronounced; young men's suit, the last word of style, with ll lapels, and d heavy To prove that oar clalma are true, we some sew coat had caused one of the bul- will send you s Urn trial bottle trse tf and a full range of colors, in ball effects, or to edges, all for 916. lets ea off. yon two-tone- (lance Tho other made a win eond 10c. in silver er stamps to through. Then there are china buttons in d effects, 3prtng Overcoats that almost any well dressed man will admire. Hcautifully tailored, of black and gray unfinished wo rated and Vicuna Beah wound in her neck. She aald the help per cost of peetass and jMoalna to clot!:, well for any and with n i itair Hemsdy Co.. 4SS1 P. o. novelty m black and white ivory, as well as in colors. silk tilled, and silk faced to the edge if desired. I' outs that all invasions. The favorite for tha Kaator parade, ail the shooter waa her husband. A general Square. Cincinnati. O. buttons earmarks of hiEl.i r priced coats, at onlv 916. alarm waa sent out for him. ga waa Mwlasro will be found on eale at all Crochet buttons of all sorts, black-and-whi- and colors, e. druaalsts and departments every- seat ta BeH drua All-Wo- ol where at Hoc. and 11.00 a bottle. and every imaginable kind of pearl butttons. Men's Blue Serge Suits, Usually $10 & $12, at $8.50 m Trimming Buttons, Two Dozen for 25c Will tnilnrecl. in the best new Spring models, XX to 40 inch chest measurement ; also oi worsted; gray, slute-colur- and tan mixtures. A variety of good patterns, including worsteds, stripes and Trim- All-Wo- ol in mixtures. A special offering of 2500 dozen Colored Novelty e: Men's Trousers, $3.95 also blue i,.-,r- U to 4 In. waist measurement; reg. 96, at 93.96. Subway ming Buttons, small size, newly imported this season, in all Iter the smart s. In most instances two dozen for the usual price of one, and sold only by the card of two New Whipcord & Serge Suits New Derbies & Soft Hats, $1.50 Lord & Taylor dozen, for 25c. floor for Women, Second and Broken Line of $3 Grade $16.50 well-know- n Fmudtd 1826 A of offered The Derbies are from a prominent, house, .similar model the same fine materials when making The the Spanish Senorita about week ago sold out in few days. nothing lest than $3 Hats, and the imperfections are Lace Scarf of a a scarcely noticeable; black or brown, the new low crown Of excellent two-tone- d gray whipcord; a decidedly smart short coat, the and Been Copied to Sell $3 inlaid with black fastening with three smoked pearl wide brim models, and conservative styles. All sizes, 91.60. WU1 To-Morro- Has at wide revers satin, law at Offer Wednesday. buttons, the big diagonal button holes faced with satin; girdle skirt, ami English Soft Hats, some of them waterproof, with stitched crowns and But We Shall Have a Limited Number back and front. brim, also t lie ahagicy ieltsand other styles; brow n, tana, grays and greens; A Number of Another model, of serge, in ton, white, navy and hlack, him an inlaid col- all in t he collection, at 91-6- of Scarfs lar of block satin, very wide deep lapels, fastening with three silk frogs; t he 66c of coat, cuffs an- - effectively trimmed with braid and Boys' Felt Hats at back the and skirt cotora; 9s Tomorrow at $1.50 buttons; sizes 34 to 44; these fine suits at 916.60. The (avnritr Teib.y and Telescope shapes, in a variety of good IVomen EolienneDresses How any machine has succeeded in imitating the lovely usually 1 1. this group at 66c. Subway Star, Balesny designs of real Spanish lace is quite marvelous but a fact ! A Group of Women's Suits at $10.50 in various styles and colors Such scarfs, which, by the way, are all silk usually sell for $:, Thai formerly told at $15.75 to $1.76. A number of styles, iully hall "f them plain tailored models, the others effectively trimmed; of medium and Men's Shirts, Neckwear. Socks but we procured a surplus at a concession, which enables us to light weight serges, cheviots, worsteds, homespuns and broadcloth; navy, Of far better than the usual styles, patterns and workmanship, sell them at $1.50 each. Black and white, two yards long. black, brown, grays and mixtures, all sixes for small, me Ihim and large at these popular prices: n Balcony At $25.00 An Importation of Real Hand-ru- Spanish Lace women in the group, all at 910.60. Subway Store, Men's Fine White Shirts, . Men's Now Neckwear, 60c. Scarfs and Fichus has just arrived. These also in black Of white nmdras, plaited, coat styles, Folded s, with flowing Values $35.00 and $40.00 ends; now designs. with cuffs the widest variety of and white and in many Women's Glace Gloves, 75c Pair attached. shades and weaves; will tie gracefully is wo-cla- The desirability of any of these Scarfs for Easter gifts The styles and shades most wanted, t white, lan, Men's New Negllgett Shirts, into medium size knots. Dainty Summer Dresses quite obvious, for this is a season of much lace. Main Floor black and gray -- half of them white -- as fashion favors White 91.16. The kind usually sold at Men's Black Silk Soaks, Me Well-mad- g, of 60c grade. Gloves this season. e, perfect-fittin- and will wear 1.M plaited or plain bosoms, in a Pair. Second Men's Half Hose, plain and fancy In Plain and Satin Striped Voile. Made in the well. A offering, 76c. Subwsy Balcony wide variety of .splendid Hew light Jot This Down in Your Notebook remarkable at Store, nut terns; 18c. or 3 for 60c. Cossack model, with the new Pierrot collar and anil dark patterns. Boys' Black Stockings, better cuffs in net and lace effects. and Plaiits Splendid WAISTS Men's Negligee Shirts, 76c. Us- t ha: i usual quality, at 33c pair. Order Flowers New ually ? the workmanship and put-ter- Boys' Stockings, black and col- bear out every inch of their $1 ors; very desirable; at 19a pair. For Easter at GIMBELS at 50c, $1 and $2 quulity. . Subway Store, Baleany $17.50 Perhaps you have already seen our Easter Exhibit. If so Waists that should be judged by the reliable materials, you will, we believt, wish to see it again. If you have not visited good workmanship and fine styles, rather than the little prices. Very Special this charming Flower Show it began Monday by all means Many are copies of imported models, selling at many times tnese Boys' $5 All Wool Suits do so today, tomorrow or the following days this week the prices, and we are confident you will admit that the copies are Reefers. earlier the better. The many, many lovely Flowers, in all shades almost as striking as the originals. and $3.50 and hues of Springtime, are far too beautiful to be appreciated The bov must have a new suit for Kaater. even thouath Eight Styles of Waists at 50c goes without. This makes Easter week busy time visit Exhibition, low Father a in any other way than by a to this Easter Of lawn, prettily trimmed with tucks and embroidery, high and ( com-pare- our Subway Hoys lot lung Store, especially when and incidentally, the price are very low, especially when d neck, long and short sleeves; sizes 34 to 44. in with usual prices for Flowers during Easter week. olfer such economies as these for tomorrow; the Eighteen Styles of Waists at $1 lioya blue Saras Suiis Uut are oil wool, fast color, twa CUT FLOWERS, are here in full array; roses, violets, carna- Of net, voile and fine lawn, and a limited number of tailored waists. points in blue largo, cut (ull jize and thoroughly well made in every way; Special Sale PVaists tions, tulips, sweet peas and others, all at our About half are the new peplum models, strikingly trimmed with cotton cluny Norfolk, double breasted, .u lor and Uussian styles; 2'j to 17 years; usually of usual low prices. . nd other laces; sizes 34 to 46. 96, at 93.6O. To-morro- el For w, A SPECIAL will be a large box of fresh Cut Flowers Styles of $2 Boys' All Wool Reefers of blue serge, covert cloth, Shepherd Wednesday. OFFER Ten Waists at and gray and brown mixtures; newest models for boys of ly to IV nil-ov- cluny laces, lin- at $2, including roses, carnations and other seasonable flowers. Of embroidery, voiles trimmed with cotton usually IS. S3.60. gerie Many peplum other splendid models, largely at STRONG, HEALTHY PLANTS in bud and bloom, in a and net waists. new nnd Boys' All Wool Suits, w ith an extra pair of knickerbockers. Plaited squall neck, with kimono or three-quart- er sleeves; sixes 34 to 44. Subwsy Chiffon Cloth over fancy net, and shadow lace far greater variety than one is often privileged to m$ at one Norfolk and double breasUni models; new tan and gray mill urea and fancy time, among them: blue serges; trousers are lined throughout; sizes H to 17 years; at 94-6- . yoke, collar and cuffs. Boys' Spring Suits, all the wanted styles; 2! 1 to 17 years; at 99. cool grown, in bud and Cut Flowers will be delivered by Girls' White Dresses Subway Stare, Balcony blossoms, at 680 to $9.96. special messenger, without extra Far too pretty and too large a variety of dainty new $J95t value $6.00 charge, to any part of Manhattan Crimson Rambler, fine, bushy styles to do justice to in this brief announcement. Little girls Rosaries and Prayer Books island. To other points by special will be delighted with the fine dresses and mothers will admire Chiffon Cloth Tucked Model, deep shadow lace plants, at SJe to $7.06. Hydrangeas arrangement. Plants wiU be do- - And other religious articles, at less than the usual prices. at $1 to tS.M. llvered, extra charge, in them because of the fine materials, careful workmanship, pretty yoke, collar and cuffs. without Rosaries of earl und jet beads Prayer Books and Rosaries, many Spire, at 68c to 92.91. our regular delivery sones. styles and because they fit so nicely. at 36c. styles, at 36c to 99. Hyacinths, in pots and pans, at 18c Of silovSf ombroidcry, lace and Of embroidered lawn, Dutrh wck Also a good assortment of crucifl.vr. Special edged of caver, in at $500 to 91-9- Farmogerm insertion, run with ribbon at the bell, and short kimono sleeves, with "Key If black plxster figures, and other religious Tulips, in pans, at 68c to $2.45. Is a scientific wonder from the Dutch neck and short sleeves, C to 14 Vulcnciennes lace, full kilted skirt, whit leather bilndnugs, at 'JSC articles. Subway Store, Baleony Chiffon Cloth over deep band of Cluny lace, years, at G. and ribbon girdle, ti to M years, Lily-of- -t in pots and celebrated bacteriolgist, Dr. 0. Earp-Thoma- Of lino white lawn, trimmed with . Brussels yoke, cuffs. H. s, fur enriching at fine net collar and pans, 680 to 92.96. Easter Lilies, of New Ribbons, 10c, 14c, 18c a Yard at the soil, by depositing nitrogen on wide bands embroidery, lace and Of lawn, Dutrh neck and short value ft8,00 at 28o to 92.96. the roots of plants. A collection fine tucks, kilted skirt, C to 14 years, sleeves, elaborately trimmed with All-sil- k Ribbons, taffeta and Dresden warp prints; $5 95 9 American Beauty and Magna of specimens, showing the action at 91.60. deep vAde bands of embroidery, out- for children's hats and huirbuws, 3 to 4 inches wide; at 10c yd. Of white lawn, elaborately trim- of this new discovery, may lx lined with Valenciennes lace edges; All-sil- k Charts Ross Bushes, 66c to 91.46. med with embroidery arid tucks, All silk Ribbons, in ull the new Taffeta Ribbons. Cloth seen this week in our Cut Flower lace, embroidered sizes 0 to Odd Cbiffon Waists Daisies, large, bushy plants, at 68c high necks and sleeves, ribbon pretty skirt, shades u:i well as black. Mescaline ally fine for trimming natu; Store. Garden size bottler for lone years, 93.96. many (lowering belt ami full kilted skirt, sizes 6 to U ribbons, Human ctripe Dresden warp new shades, including. Of In to 98.96. And other sale, at 60c. and favorite pinks and blues; several models and combinations. decorative plants in our great 14, at 91.06. Subway Store, Balcony print; plain taffeta taffetu the SM and ribbon with corded edge, AJaJ to inches wide; usually 26c, 19a yd. display, at our usual low prices. SUBWAY STORE, BALCONY at '9 valu B'j inches wide; usually 22c, at MOWS TIKI) KRKE OK CHARGE. $875 Caps, Coats and Dresses for Children 140 yd. Subway Stare, Lower fleer An Offering A Variety of New Stylea at These Moderate Pricea Easter of W cl'i.i'-.-I- . hile lawn waist dresses, several .New it inK cups anil iuainl Women's Handkerchiefs, 6 for 35c High-Grad-e new styles, with trimmings of lace little lawn lionnets, many styles; Of pure linen, with block initials; of sheer Shamrock linen, Lingerie JVaists - Trunks embroidery and tucks, niK and prettily trimmed with ribbon, ut with dainty colored rolled edues and initials; or with colored People who come to GIMBELS to buy a Trunk are aston- i hitch necks; 2 to i year sfaws, atSli ;;oc to 91.60. ). : rib- embroidered corners; also white, with initials; usually 6 for In a large assortment of Voile and Batiste, lace ished at the unusual variety from which they can choose. New b oats, SSTgS ami oth Straw and lingerie hats, with " fins fabrics, plain tailored model.! Of bon trimming; 1 to 6 year sizes, at 50c. at 6 for 35c. and embroidery trimmed. High and Low neck Beginning with the famous INNOVATION " Wardrobe Finished with luce and silk collars; JOc to 92.9u. Women's ian'iruidered Handkerchiefs, one corner designs, usually 10c, models, including a number of Peplum effects. Trunks, which we have in good supply at $45 and $65, the 1 to 5 years, at 99.96. Subway Store, Balcony at 6c cacti. ouoway tore, swany collection provides Trunks for every purpose, down to the lowly Shoe Trunks. 1,008 Leather Hand Bass. 50c $195 to $6.95 To make selection the more convenient, we have arranged Reliable New Shoes Exceptionally Hood-lookin- g, and a great variety; of goat a special space where customers can be comfortably sealed For Men, Women & Children Low Priced seal Krftin leather, with ilt or French gray frames, round or and have the "INNOVATION" Trunks demonstrated to The variety is large, and of belter than usual quality, at broken bottoms, fitted with inside change purse; 6 to 8 inch their satisfaction. these moderate prices: sizes, all 50c each. Subway Stare, Balcony Shoes, $1.95 For the benefit of Easter travelers, we offer at actual price-reduction- s, Women's Men's Shoes, $2.95 Low White Shoes, of canvas, with from our regular stock, splendid group of brand-ne- Tan calfskin, gun inetul and patent 9x 1 2 ft. Domestic Rugs, a uiid-turnc- d soles, covered heels, in $8.50 desirable Trunks, from the best makers, including leather Moots, button and lace styles, iiniis and Btuehar style Oxfords, and Hlucher Oxi'urds, in ull leathers, Formerly Sold at $14 to $27 Each Likly, Drucker and others. Arranged following .lv; linen color canvas pumps. all-wo- at the price: with medium weight welted soles. '25 heavy, reversible rugs, and 5 wool and fiber Millinery At $12.60, Trunks Usually $14 to $16 Women's Shoes, $2.50 in a variety of good colors and designs; rugs in solid At $16, Usually $17 to $22 The fashionable White NuOUOh Children's Shoes, $1.60 colors, wilh plain Homers, its well as medallion and allover Trunks High or low cut, oi Mark viei kid At $17.60, Usually $23 itjtton Boots, also tan calfskin boots, designs. We lo not MIMCl these 30 rugs to last long Trunks to $27 tea and button models, with medium and white canvas, all from H1 , after the At $20, Trunks Usually $28 to $33 A'inht soles. ta 3, Subway Store, Balcony doors oen, a i $8.50. ubwsy Stare, Lower fleer. Dress Hats At every price, there are Dress Trunks, Steamer Trunks, designs Men's Trunks, Skirt Trunks and Hat Trunks, Riveted in the latest throughout, bound with leather, vulcanized fibre oi rawhide, 3,000 Silk Petticoats, $1.95, $2.50 and $2.95 lmen-line- d, with finest locks and other hardware, and Indud We are confident that nearly every woman desiring a silk petticoat to complete the BssttW costume will decide upon one or sizes from 32 to 40 in ing all inches, one style or another. more of these f ine petticoats. We are especially .sure for four reasons: $24.50 Fifth Floor 1. The quality Of the ilk is far Letter than usual. 8. Except tonally well made nnd ierfcrt fitting. ''. The variety of Is unUSUSUy laffS and desirable. i, The prices are much lews than usual. Tailored Flower Trimmed Pictures for Easter Giving At $105 of m63atlin6 or taffeta, with plsited or sectional flounce and deep underlay of percsline. and Hats At S2.60 of or taffeta, with Dlaited or flounce, also one model with a fringe trimming. Easter-lik- e subjects in attractive variety and framed messaline sectional At S2.96 of messaline or taffeta, also silk Jersey ton petticoats. The majority of them with a silk underlay, also $16.50 in nost artistic manner offer charming suggestion in extra sizes in black. Subway Store, Baleany the Picture Store, for Easter remembrances. Delightful reproductions in color of Fra Angelieo Angels. Madonnas by Ready-to-We- ar Hats Raphael, Murillo, Correggio as well as favorite modern artists, In circular and Pretty Gingham House or Morning Dresses, $1.60 Gothic metal frames, at 75c to 98.76. Imported reproductions in color of "Santa Barbara," "Aurora, rhc Which is not much more than the usual cost of the materials alone, to say nothing of the making. i i 1 igham, values up to $14.00 Muses, and various Madonnas and Angels, in exquisite band-car- ve l fran i idel, that v. ry attra"t,i e, Uvend r, ulai' or blue and whit cat has a neck with collar, cuffs, belt and band at in antique 'mtsh, at 91.30 to S3. i li.- hot mm 1. t(i skirti of plain colored gingham: the collar and cuffs arc sci Hoped; fsstatal in front new kimono sleeves, panel back and of soMri $9-7- An artistic collection Carbon (runt sl.irl, at . 5 Photographs and Photogravures, in- The other model, in eimally attractive patterns, blue, lavender and cluding Easter Dawn." The Return "lack neniK the prevailing colors, has a low round flat collar of plain ma Ma- from Calvary," "The Sistine terial, also fin' is; a hand and loops oi plain material run diagonally across the donna," and other subjects, in Circas- ; la.-'- . G1MBEL font :it the Hide Iront. I lie waist ts tucked back and front sian walnut, mahogany and brown BROTHERS n new set-i- kimono shaves, plain panel back skirt. All sixes from 34 to 44. & wood frames, at 76c to 910. BROADWAY THIRTY-THIR-D ST. a at Broadway 20th St.; 5th Ave.; 10th St. Sixth Floor NEW VOftK romarkame oiienng si.ou. subway stare, naieeny.