STORIES INSIDE Bishop reflects on national role - p. 3 Colleagues bring worship adventures - p. 7 Church supports AIDS project in Kenya - p. 8 Idaho women feed January 2008
[email protected] Micah 4:4 - p. 12 Volume 25, Number 1 Ugandan children (509) 535-1813 • 323-4037 Monthly newspaper covering faith in action throughout the Inland Northwest Pain of discrimination stirs empathy By Mary Stamp another bachelor’s and two mas- When Shahrokh Nikfar came ter’s degrees in business. to the United States at the age of He worked in corporate manage- 16, images he saw in Hollywood ment for a medical software com- movies meant he expected to see pany, the World Trade Center in cowboys with guns and trucks. Tacoma, a corporation in Southern Because he went to Texas to at- California and a consulting firm. tend high school, his expectation “I was not happy working for was confirmed, but he found it was corporations. I was bothered by not true everywhere. the corporate culture,” Shahrokh Since then he has experienced said. “The corporate world does how media shape prejudices di- not care about human beings. It’s rected at others and him. about profit and productivity. I was His parents wanted him to study at odds with it.” abroad to expand his understand- Six years ago, he decided to ing. He went earlier than expected, volunteer. Elected to the Spokane because the revolution started in Human Rights Commission, he Iran and they thought he would be learned of fair housing law, civil safer in the United States.