The Journal of Social Media in Society Spring 2019, Vol. 8, No. 1, Page 146-177 ‘Thanks, but it is more about interacting with fans for us’: Twitter Communication between BBC’s Sherlock and NBC’s Hannibal Fans and Producers Lauren A. Ebanks, Shirley Beresford, and Martina Topić* Leeds Business School, Leeds Beckett University, Leeds, UK, LS1 3HB *Corresponding Author:
[email protected] This paper looked at online communication between and Commitment) were used to analyse producers of BBC’s show Sherlock and NBC’s show communication. The results show that two shows Hannibal with their fans. The main aim was to share many similarities but the main differences in investigate engagement of producers with fans on approach to communication come from the business social media and the use of accounts on social media, structure of two broadcasters, public versus e.g. whether TV shows interact with fans through commercial. Both shows also showed evidence of the use of the official network, a production company dialogic PR techniques, but BBC’s Sherlock also affiliated accounts or people involved with the show utilised elements of publicity. use their own accounts to communicate with fans. Kent and Taylor’s five features of dialogic public Keywords: BBC, NBC, Sherlock Holmes, relations (Mutuality, Propinquity, Empathy, Risk Hannibal, fandom, public relations andom is not new, as the first fan communities began to form during the 1960s and the first series to attract such activity was Star Trek (Bury, 2016). Booth (2010) thus defined a fan as “a person who invests time and energy into F thinking about or interacting with a media text: in other words, one who is enraptured by a particular extant media object” (p.