[ How to get malaks robes in kotor 2 influence ]

User rating: you must be lvl 50 to get the robes, not 40 - anyhting between lvl 42 - 49 will give you other special robes, but not malak's armor. Chuck Norris and Kyle Katarn walked into a bar. The bar was instantly destroyed, as that level of awesome cannot be contained in one building. Mandalorian brings us a mod that gives you the option to be either of those Malaks by wearing a robe for Knights of the Old Republic II: The Lords. In this mod, the author used Arca Jeth's Robe icon as its texture for the robe that will turn you into any of the Malaks. You can't get Darth Malak's robes on kotor but you can get 's robes. You get them if you give 20 computer spikes to computer terminal on the last alired.ru for a start I don't even think. Feb 09, · AHH, Revan's true robes. All yearn for them but they remain lost forever. You can, to my knowledge, only get Revan's robes in KOTOR I, and even then you don't get the hood or the mask. May 25, · After a couple of times of reloading the save, you may receive Malak's robes. If it appears that you seem to be getting the same robes every time, leaving the docks then re-entering seems to reset the item generation and provide you with new sets of robes. i get that info from a forum about alired.ru help you #1. Mar 02, · Jolee's robes have regenerate force points 1 and a 30 defense bonus, however they are only for "neutral" Jedi. Malak's robes have a defense bonus of 7 and maxdexterity of 5, doesnt restrict force powers, str + 2, wis +1, and regen FP 1 I believe. The best way to gain influence with this warrior is to make statements that praise the act of combat and war. Also, any time you see , approach them with this character to reunite his. Aug 28, · There are plenty of guides for KOTOR II's influence system, but many of them focus on the best possible path to gain positive influence with certain party members. This makes it difficult to, for example, get Atton to Influence to be trained in the opposite alignment, or just to look over the various triggers a character has to better. Sep 15, · One of the key components in ": Knights of the Old Republic II" is the Influence system, where players may gain sway over other characters and, in some cases, train them to become powerful Jedi warriors. The Handmaiden is one of the more elusive characters to work with.