Entinel 5En Nel 10 10' ^ % \- • • {Columbus
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THE. OHIO g "THITHE OHIO g JENTINEL 5EN NEL 10 10' ^ % \- • • {COLUMBUS. OHIO VOL. 3, No. 31 ^^coiuMaus, OHtO VOta. Z, No. 30 SATURDAY, JANUARY S, 1&S2 SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1952 Thief Removes Nan's Shoes During Christmas Spirit LILLIAN ALLEN'S Abounds Af Beatty Slumber In Nt. Vernon Av. Tavern The staff at Beatty Cothmu- i rnty Center last Monday hclncd VIEWPOINT A abort nap in a Mt Vernon a v. Uvern proved to be tb extend to the community the Files egpenstve to a Hlldreth av. man who awakened and found spirit of an old-fashioned Chrhtv- his shoes and boots missing from his feet. • n,M brilliant Yule setUng*». elnaraajmf^ at tlr* watnW and a. a-st. holly, garlands of greenery with Jefferson Ellis. 40. 1184 Hit- ted bows, banners, Christmas dretb ev., reported to police Sat- on ML Vernon av. scenes on windows, two frosted arday thai be/fell asleep at 9 .SO NASHVILLE, Tenn. — It has He valued the shoes at $18 an I thrittmju trees and bright col always been a great privilege to a. m. in the Torch club; 941 M.. ored decorations. Vernon a v., and when he awoke the boots at $4. begin each New Year in this fair "The Coming of the Messiah." city, called the Athens of the • man;, known to hiro. had re A description of the suspevt a Yuletlde play written and pre moved his footwear and ran west south. Nashville, as roost of you **** was given to the police. sented by Mrs. Leone Brav. know, acquired this title mainly Illllll • • brought to the center the real because of Its many, up-to-data Christmas spirit of 1951. schools and colleges. The play. In which BO boys and girls participated for the enjoy My mission, however, was far ment of more than 300 adui»s removed from the realm of schooi- BEAT HE and-children, was given In toe dom—R was to pay homage to my , center's main auditorium. tarcnta. the ones responsible for whatever success, whatever hap piness, this writer has had thi To Be A Negro' liberty to experience and enjoy. UMoNCREST Yet there is never a time a Tbe death machioe WM *f nitroglycerine or eon.* such ma person can return to any honie- larial, and th. I»ul» planted it under tb* front bedroom where tba tdwn without noticing and being man aad hi. wif* were asleep. Thev ms.iil to kill bim, and tbay Eugene Seabuijf concerned over the changes that did, h«t they did much "snore, too. Tb* bomb tor* away tb* wbot* have taken place since the last front »f tbe boa**, bat Its offset carried much farther. Because of visit. the snaa'a death America will be condemned ia tba 12 corner, of Retires From . PROGRESS IN HOUSING tlsa e.rth. One of the first noticeable CLAIMS Tb* man*, nam* wa* Harry T. Moor*. H« headed ap th* things is the progress being made NAACP activitie. ha Florida. Ha waa Willed far only oa* reason. Schooi Board LILLIAN ALLEN Ho was a black man aad b* bad dar*d to figbt for bis right ta live in the field of housing. ba Amorica- a.aa, in Florid*—a* other Americans tree. By RUTH M. BLAIR According to the I960 census, 260,500 dwelling places in nine * e e e After 12 metropolitan areas of the south were in a dilapidated condition, and Wa ar* a people alow to anger, bat p*.»ion*t* ia oar wrath, years 0 f most of these had no running water. lav* fxcmmsnl of Haagary ha, found this oat in tb* case of tb* faithful ser . Nashville led in percentage, Nashville, in fact, has always topped flier, bold for ren.cm. Wherj will tb* pea-pie of America turn vice, Eugene the sojifh in dilapidated homes, followed in proper order by^Atlanta, their gas* homeward to acta *Ven mora inhuman than tbe impris S e a b u r v. Memphis, Birmingham, New Orleans, Dallas, Houston, Louisville, onment of tb* airmen? Aad WJajen will a wav* af wrath sweep 2853 Harm Tampa and St, Petersburg, Fla. • away tb* puny bate m«v*m*ate tbat now t**m to infest Florida a. bur** pikt. One such new housing unit, to be called tbe John H. Hale proj tbay in fast other states? ' has reti r e d ect, is quit* well underway. This rental, low cost unit Is to ba dedi aaaV aaana 1 from the Ur- cated to the memory of a local Negro surgeon, who has decisively b a n c r e s t helped pave a way Tor others la the field of surgery at Meharry Medi Doe, anyone ear* to He* and aay tbat tbis nrae a casual or a* .school board, l.nlated killing ? Moor* was activ* in tb* NAACP. defense af tb* cal college. as mem b e r Among this and other things, th« late Dr. John Hal* was noted Story On Page 2 Negro bay* accu.ed la tb* Croveland "Little ScotUboro" ca.* it* and clerk. Florida. H* orgaaiaod .tate effort* to help tbe N*gro*« ia tb* for his many philosophical expressions, witty sayings, which moat Ms As clerk of the board he ren harry students still carry with them, no matter where they are lo- i..utti to vole without being terrorised, to send their children to dered efficient and valuable sea- ' *•>*•> cated. One of thcae ran something like this: the same schools a* whit* children, to be convicted of th* .am* vice to the community. The vil gailt an*| accjuitted of th* .am* innocence aa tb* whites. In an attempt to acquaint his students with the bare facta of* lage of Urban-crest is deepr, life to be experienced at the end of surgical training, he would con There have been three murder, now as a result of tb* Grove- grateful to .Mr. Scabury for his land ease. On* boy wa* tilled oa tbe .pot by a mob. A .econd Lntiriug efforts as a public •sot- stantly remind them by patting his left back hip pocket, which, of was shot by a cewnry eberiff. Now Moor* i» tb* third victim. vant. course, held his wallet—that this area on his person carried the "keys tc the kingdom"—that this area made a man the president, secretary, How much longer will we wait to discover that there i. a pat- New Year's finds us with our torn of violence bar*? Thro* time* o» thi. case th* Negro*, of treasurer of any organization, medical, surgical, dental, personal or share of sickness and accidents. otherwise. How true! Money, money, money. Who'll have soma Florida have foond tbat tb* badge of color can mean death. How Car] Quails. 3316 1st av., is Much lonerr roust tb* procession of death* stretch oat? very ill in University hospita.. money? ... Mrs. Georgia Wallace of Harrit- " Secondly, the progress mad© on the political scene during recent years is quite worthy of comment and praise. Nashville boasts of two It la a bard thing to bo a Ne.ro ia America. I do not go for burjr pike continues ill. Mis. Georgia Toles of Main st fell on Negro city councllraen—Att'ys 2. Alexander Ldoby and'Robert E William I-. Patterson, on* of tb* few remaining Nagro spokesmen Lillard. Both were elected within their cooncilmanic districts. for Communism, who aay* tbat America I. engaged in "g«nocid*" the ice Christmas day and broke Columbu*, wake apt ——that I* to say, in * planned rna»» extermination ef Negroe.. Tbe Jier arm. Mrs. Marlah Hurt. 3381 2nd av., is also 111. Listening to WSOK, a new Negro-owned radio station, located Kremlin would of court, like to place thi. brand of Cain ** in the lower lobby of the Boray building in Nashville, was also a new America, FORGOT TO MENTION Last week we forgot to men experience, a definite step toward better relations. Tb* genocide charge ie a li*. but even what is trn* I* hitter tion as promised whether or not Just a* tb* city of NaabviU* i« changing, .lowly but surely, in •aottrrh. J. Sannd*r* Redding* recent little book "On Being Ne Santa Claus returned after pat**- these and other instances, ,o the time ha* com*, bnt rapidly, an ln America*' .Low. tbat even an intellectual like Redding find* inp by Urbancrest the week b-**- change from one year to another. n, hard thing ta bo a Negro in America. lore. Ring out the old, ring in the new, so the saying goes. And witn When Redding trie, to remember about the pi-ogre** tbat Santa Claus did return as prom this thought in mind, it might be well and proper for a lot of us. no America i. making, how it i. moving- along ea tbe long road to ised by the promotion depart matter in what vicinity, state or country wo claim kin, to start tha freedom, suddenly hi. mind goes back to tba scene where a white ment of the Columbus Dispatch, New Year, the clcsn slste, so to 8p**ak, with decisions, actions, which boy tells Redding'* .on tbat he no longer can play with him. which sponsored the project. Rea will be not only beneficial to us but to the things we represent as •'Why?" ask, th* Negro bey. "Becaese you're a Nigger, that'. son for the disappointment was why," i* tba- .udder., brutal answer. he was unable to find the schoo!. Nineteen-fifty-two. j«*t a* tbe • year* preceding it, wilt be Redding, tb* intellect***!, tried to reason witb bis boy after The children enjoyed his visit sni eaactly what w* mak* it, nothing more, nothing lee*.