THE. OHIO g "THITHE OHIO g JENTINEL 5EN NEL 10 10' ^ % \- • • {COLUMBUS. OHIO VOL. 3, No. 31 ^^coiuMaus, OHtO VOta. Z, No. 30 SATURDAY, JANUARY S, 1&S2 SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1952 Thief Removes Nan's Shoes During Christmas Spirit LILLIAN ALLEN'S Abounds Af Beatty Slumber In Nt. Vernon Av. Tavern The staff at Beatty Cothmu- i rnty Center last Monday hclncd VIEWPOINT A abort nap in a Mt Vernon a v. Uvern proved to be tb extend to the community the Files egpenstve to a Hlldreth av. man who awakened and found spirit of an old-fashioned Chrhtv- his shoes and boots missing from his feet. • n,M brilliant Yule setUng*». elnaraajmf^ at tlr* watnW and a. a-st. holly, garlands of greenery with Jefferson Ellis. 40. 1184 Hit- ted bows, banners, Christmas dretb ev., reported to police Sat- on ML Vernon av. scenes on windows, two frosted arday thai be/fell asleep at 9 .SO NASHVILLE, Tenn. — It has He valued the shoes at $18 an I thrittmju trees and bright col­ always been a great privilege to a. m. in the Torch club; 941 M.. ored decorations. Vernon a v., and when he awoke the boots at $4. begin each New Year in this fair "The Coming of the Messiah." city, called the Athens of the • man;, known to hiro. had re­ A description of the suspevt a Yuletlde play written and pre­ moved his footwear and ran west south. Nashville, as roost of you **** was given to the police. sented by Mrs. Leone Brav. know, acquired this title mainly Illllll • • brought to the center the real because of Its many, up-to-data Christmas spirit of 1951. schools and colleges. The play. In which BO boys and girls participated for the enjoy­ My mission, however, was far ment of more than 300 adui»s removed from the realm of schooi- BEAT HE and-children, was given In toe dom—R was to pay homage to my , center's main auditorium. tarcnta. the ones responsible for whatever success, whatever hap­ piness, this writer has had thi To Be A Negro' liberty to experience and enjoy. UMoNCREST Yet there is never a time a Tbe death machioe WM *f nitroglycerine or eon.* such ma­ person can return to any honie- larial, and th. I»ul» planted it under tb* front bedroom where tba tdwn without noticing and being man aad hi. wif* were asleep. Thev ms.iil to kill bim, and tbay Eugene Seabuijf concerned over the changes that did, h«t they did much "snore, too. Tb* bomb tor* away tb* wbot* have taken place since the last front »f tbe boa**, bat Its offset carried much farther. Because of visit. the snaa'a death America will be condemned ia tba 12 corner, of Retires From . PROGRESS IN HOUSING tlsa e.rth. One of the first noticeable CLAIMS Tb* man*, nam* wa* Harry T. Moor*. H« headed ap th* things is the progress being made NAACP activitie. ha Florida. Ha waa Willed far only oa* reason. Schooi Board LILLIAN ALLEN Ho was a black man aad b* bad dar*d to figbt for bis right ta live in the field of housing. ba Amorica- a.aa, in Florid*—a* other Americans tree. By RUTH M. BLAIR According to the I960 census, 260,500 dwelling places in nine * e e e After 12 metropolitan areas of the south were in a dilapidated condition, and Wa ar* a people alow to anger, bat p*.»ion*t* ia oar wrath, years 0 f most of these had no running water. lav* fxcmmsnl of Haagary ha, found this oat in tb* case of tb* faithful ser . Nashville led in percentage, Nashville, in fact, has always topped flier, bold for ren.cm. Wherj will tb* pea-pie of America turn vice, Eugene the sojifh in dilapidated homes, followed in proper order by^Atlanta, their gas* homeward to acta *Ven mora inhuman than tbe impris­ S e a b u r v. Memphis, Birmingham, New Orleans, Dallas, Houston, Louisville, onment of tb* airmen? Aad WJajen will a wav* af wrath sweep 2853 Harm Tampa and St, Petersburg, Fla. • away tb* puny bate m«v*m*ate tbat now t**m to infest Florida a. bur** pikt. One such new housing unit, to be called tbe John H. Hale proj­ tbay in fast other states? ' has reti r e d ect, is quit* well underway. This rental, low cost unit Is to ba dedi­ aaaV aaana 1 from the Ur- cated to the memory of a local Negro surgeon, who has decisively b a n c r e s t helped pave a way Tor others la the field of surgery at Meharry Medi­ Doe, anyone ear* to He* and aay tbat tbis nrae a casual or a* .school board, l.nlated killing ? Moor* was activ* in tb* NAACP. defense af tb* cal college. as mem b e r Among this and other things, th« late Dr. John Hal* was noted Story On Page 2 Negro bay* accu.ed la tb* Croveland "Little ScotUboro" ca.* it* and clerk. Florida. H* orgaaiaod .tate effort* to help tbe N*gro*« ia tb* for his many philosophical expressions, witty sayings, which moat Ms As clerk of the board he ren­ harry students still carry with them, no matter where they are lo- i..utti to vole without being terrorised, to send their children to dered efficient and valuable sea- ' *•>*•> cated. One of thcae ran something like this: the same schools a* whit* children, to be convicted of th* .am* vice to the community. The vil­ gailt an*| accjuitted of th* .am* innocence aa tb* whites. In an attempt to acquaint his students with the bare facta of* lage of Urban-crest is deepr, life to be experienced at the end of surgical training, he would con­ There have been three murder, now as a result of tb* Grove- grateful to .Mr. Scabury for his land ease. On* boy wa* tilled oa tbe .pot by a mob. A .econd Lntiriug efforts as a public •sot- stantly remind them by patting his left back hip pocket, which, of was shot by a cewnry eberiff. Now Moor* i» tb* third victim. vant. course, held his wallet—that this area on his person carried the "keys tc the kingdom"—that this area made a man the president, secretary, How much longer will we wait to discover that there i. a pat- New Year's finds us with our torn of violence bar*? Thro* time* o» thi. case th* Negro*, of treasurer of any organization, medical, surgical, dental, personal or share of sickness and accidents. otherwise. How true! Money, money, money. Who'll have soma Florida have foond tbat tb* badge of color can mean death. How Car] Quails. 3316 1st av., is Much lonerr roust tb* procession of death* stretch oat? very ill in University hospita.. money? ... Mrs. Georgia Wallace of Harrit- " Secondly, the progress mad© on the political scene during recent years is quite worthy of comment and praise. Nashville boasts of two It la a bard thing to bo a Ne.ro ia America. I do not go for burjr pike continues ill. Mis. Georgia Toles of Main st fell on Negro city councllraen—Att'ys 2. Alexander Ldoby and'Robert E William I-. Patterson, on* of tb* few remaining Nagro spokesmen Lillard. Both were elected within their cooncilmanic districts. for Communism, who aay* tbat America I. engaged in "g«nocid*" the ice Christmas day and broke Columbu*, wake apt ——that I* to say, in * planned rna»» extermination ef Negroe.. Tbe Jier arm. Mrs. Marlah Hurt. 3381 2nd av., is also 111. Listening to WSOK, a new Negro-owned radio station, located Kremlin would of court, like to place thi. brand of Cain ** in the lower lobby of the Boray building in Nashville, was also a new America, FORGOT TO MENTION Last week we forgot to men experience, a definite step toward better relations. Tb* genocide charge ie a li*. but even what is trn* I* hitter tion as promised whether or not Just a* tb* city of NaabviU* i« changing, .lowly but surely, in •aottrrh. J. Sannd*r* Redding* recent little book "On Being Ne Santa Claus returned after pat**- these and other instances, ,o the time ha* com*, bnt rapidly, an ln America*' .Low. tbat even an intellectual like Redding find* inp by Urbancrest the week b-**- change from one year to another. n, hard thing ta bo a Negro in America. lore. Ring out the old, ring in the new, so the saying goes. And witn When Redding trie, to remember about the pi-ogre** tbat Santa Claus did return as prom this thought in mind, it might be well and proper for a lot of us. no America i. making, how it i. moving- along ea tbe long road to ised by the promotion depart­ matter in what vicinity, state or country wo claim kin, to start tha freedom, suddenly hi. mind goes back to tba scene where a white ment of the Columbus Dispatch, New Year, the clcsn slste, so to 8p**ak, with decisions, actions, which boy tells Redding'* .on tbat he no longer can play with him. which sponsored the project. Rea­ will be not only beneficial to us but to the things we represent as •'Why?" ask, th* Negro bey. "Becaese you're a Nigger, that'. son for the disappointment was why," i* tba- .udder., brutal answer. he was unable to find the schoo!. Nineteen-fifty-two. j«*t a* tbe • year* preceding it, wilt be Redding, tb* intellect***!, tried to reason witb bis boy after­ The children enjoyed his visit sni eaactly what w* mak* it, nothing more, nothing lee*.
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