New Mineral Names

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New Mineral Names -------- American Mineralogist, Volume 81, pages 1282-1286, 1996 NEW MINERAL NAMES. JOHN L. JAMBOR,l VLADIMIR A. KOVALENKER,2 JACEK PuZIEWICZ,3 ANDANDREW C. ROBERTS4 lDepartment of Earth Sciences, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3Gl, Canada 21GREM RAN, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow 10917, Staromonetnii 35, Russia 'Institute of Geological Sciences, University of Wroc1aw, Cybulskiego 30, 50-205 Wroc1aw, Poland 4Geological Survey of Canada, 601 Booth Street, Ottawa KIA OE8, Canada Clinoatacamite* mineral from the Clear Creek claim, San Benito Coun- ty, California: Description and crystal structure. Pow- J.L. Jambor, J.E. Dutrizac, AC. Roberts, J.D. Grice, J.T. Szymanski (1996) Clinoatacamite, a new polymorph of der Diffraction, 11(1), 45-50. Cu2(OH)3C1,and its relationship to paratacamite and The mineral occurs sparingly with calomel, native mer- "anarakite." Can. Mineral., 34, 61-72. cury, cinnabar, montroydite, and quartz in a single spec- J.D. Grice, J.T. Szymanski, J.L. Jambor (1996) The crys- imen of float near a prospect pit at the former Clear Creek tal structure of clinoatacamite, a new polymorph of mercury mine in the new Idria district of California. The Cu2(OH)3Cl. Can. Mineral., 34, 73-78. specimen contains subhedral to anhedral crystals, typi- Electron microprobe analysis gave CuO 74.7 (73.4- cally bladed to platy, maximum size 0.3 x 0.3 mm, stri- 76.0), C1l6.5 (15.7-17.2), H20 (calc.) 13.5, sum 104.7, ated [001], black to dark brown-black color, dark red- less 0 == Cl 3.7, total 101.0 wt%, corresponding to brown to black streak, opaque to translucent on thin CU1.9603.o3H3.l1Clo.97, ideally Cu2(OH)3C1. The morphol- edges, metallic luster, brittle, uneven fracture, good {001} ogy is variable, from simple twinned pseudorhombo- cleavage, H = <5, nonfluorescent, Deale= 9.51 g/cm3 for hedral grains up to 1 mm across, to complicated inter- Z = 4, decrepitates on exposure to sunlight. Electron mi- growths of euhedra. Varicolored from green to dark croprobe analysis gave HgO 96.2, C1 3.3, 0 == C1 0.75, greenish black, less commonly greenish blue; vitreous to sum 98.79 wt%; the recalculated empirical formula on adamantine luster, transparent to translucent, brittle with the basis of the crystal-structure determination is HgUJo- an even fracture, non fluorescent, cleavage {012} perfect, Hgt:to[Cl1.43(OH)o.d~2.oo03.oo'Bright bluish white to duller twinned on {l00}, H = 3, Deale(idealized) = 3.77 g/cm3 grayish white in reflected light, bireflectant and slightly for Z = 4. Optically biaxial negative, nonpleochroic, 2 Vmeas pleochroic, straight extinction; reflectance percentages in = 75(5), 2 ~alc = 69(3)°; strong dispersion, r < v; orien- air and in oil are given in 20 nm steps from 400 to 700 tation X = b, Y:a = 10° in obtuse angle (3.Single-crystal nm. Single-crystal X-ray structure study (R = 0.152) in- X-ray structure study (R = 0.052) indicated monoclinic dicated orthorhombic symmetry, space group Pbma, a = symmetry, space group P2/n, a = 6.157(2), b = 6.814(3), 11.790(3), b = 13.881(4), c = 6.450(2) A as refined from c = 9.104(5) A, (3= 99.65(4)° as refined from 114 mm a 114 mm Debye-Scherrer powder pattern (Cu radiation, Debye-Scherrer (CoKaj) powder data; strongest lines are 55 lines listed) with strongest lines of 5.25(80,111), 5.47(100,101,011), 2.767(60,Lll), 2.742(70,013,102), 3.164(60,231), 3.053(100,041), 2.954(70,141), 2.681- 2.266(60,220), 2.243(50,004), and 1.704(50,L24,040). (50,401), and 2.411(50,232,341). Reliably distinguished from paratacamite only by optical The new name is for J.D. Hanawalt (1903-1987), a or X-ray study. pioneer in the field of X-ray powder diffraction. Type The mineral has been found on specimens from several material is in the Systematic Reference Series of the Na- localities worldwide. On the type specimen, from Chu- tional Mineral Collection at the Geological Survey of quicamata, Chile, the mineral is associated with atacam- Canada, Ottawa. J .L.J. ite, paratacamite, gypsum, and alunite on a quartzose matrix. The new name alludes to the monoclinic sym- metry and polymorphic relationship to atacamite. Type Jensenite* material is in the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto. A.C.R. AC. Roberts, J.D. Grice, L.A Groat, AJ. Criddle, R.A Gault, R.C. Erd, E.A. Moffatt (1996) Jensenite, Hanawaltite* CU3Te6+06. 2H20, a new mineral species from the Cen- tennial Eureka mine, Tintic district, Juab County, Utah. AC. Roberts, J.D. Grice, R.A Gault, AJ. Criddle, R.C. Can. Mineral., 34, 49-54. Erd (1996) Hanawaltite, Hg~+Hg2+[Cl,(OH)]203-A new J.D. Grice, L.A Groat, AC. Roberts (1996) Jensenite, a cupric tellurate framework structure with two coordi- nations of copper. Can. Mineral., 34, 55-59. * Before publication, minerals marked with an asterisk were approved by the Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Electron microprobe analysis gave CuO 50.91, ZnO Names, International Mineralogical Association. 0.31, Te03 38.91, H20 (calc.) 8.00, sum 98.13 wt%, cor- 0003-004X/96/09l0-1282$05.00 1282 JAMBOR ET AL.: NEW MINERAL NAMES 1283 responding to (Cu2.92ZnO.02)1;2.94Tetbl05.97' 2.03H20. An IR Discussion. For reports of AgFeS2as an unnamed min- spectrum confirmed the presence of structurally bound eral, see Am. Mineral., 73, p. 1497 (1988); 75, p. 435 H20, and the formula was obtained by X-ray crystal- (1990); 80, p. 186 (1995). V.A.K. structure analysis (Rw = 0.025). The mineral occurs as emerald-green, transparent, single crystals (up to 0.4 mm long) and groups of crystals on white to colorless quartz. Magnesiocoulsonite* Green streak, fair {TOI} cleavage, brittle, H = 3-4, un- L.Z. Reznitskii, E.V. Sklyarov, Z.F. Ushchapovskaya even fracture, adamantine luster, nonfluorescent, Deale= (1995) Magnesiocoulsonite-A new mineral species in 4.78 glcm3 for Z = 4. Crystals are mainly simple rhombs, the spinel group. Zapiski Vseross. Mineral. Obshch., some slightly elongate [101], showing {TOI}, {l1O}, mi- 124(4),91-97 (in Russian). nor {100}, and several smaller forms. Weakly bireflectant Electron microprobe analyses (extremes of ten listed) and nonpleochroic in reflected light; gray in plane-polar- gave Ti02 0.12, 0.16, Al2030.35, 0.41, V20346.68,55.88, ized light in air; anisotropy not detectable. Single-crystal Cr203 31.72, 21.49, FeO 0.07, 0.61, MnO 0.19, 0.19, X-ray study indicated monoclinic symmetry, space group MgO 20.94, 21.03, sum 99.87, 99.77 wt%, corresponding P2/n, a = 9.204(2), b = 9.170(2), c = 7.584(1) A, (3= to Mg(V,Cr)204' with 59-72 mol% MgV204. Occurs as 102.32(3)°,as refined from a powder pattern (114 mm black, irregular grains up to 0.25 mm; black streak, me- Debye-Scherrer, Cu radiation) with strongest lines of tallic luster, uneven fracture, brittle, HlOO= 969 (873- 6.428(100,101,110), 3.217(70,102), 2.60(60,202), 1080) kglmm2 (Mohs 6.5), insoluble in HCl and HN03. 2.530(50,230),2.144(35,131), and 1.750(35,432). Light gray in reflected light, isotropic, no internal reflec- The mineral is associated with mcalpineite, xocome- tion. Reflectance measurements for grains containing catlite, and several unnamed Cu- and Te-bearing min- 50.2-51.9 wt% V203gave (nm, R%): 400, 14.3; 420, 14.2; erals that occur in dumps at the Centennial Eureka mine. 440,14.1; 460,14.0; 480,13.9; 500,13.8; 520,13.8; 540, The new name is for M.C. Jensen (b. 1959), who first 13.7; 560, 13.7; 580, 13.7; 600, 13.7; 620, 13.7; 640, recognized the mineral. Type material is in the National 13.7; 660, 13.8; 680, 13.8; 700, 13.7. The X-ray powder Mineral Collection at the Geological Survey of Canada, pattern of a grain containing 48.7 wt% V203 was indexed Ottawa. J.L.J. by analogy with magnesiochromite and MgV204. Iso- metric symmetry, space group Fd3m, a = 8.385 A, Deale Lenaite* = 4.31 glcm3 for Z = 8. Strongest lines of the powder pattern are 4.84(90,111),2.52(100,311),2.093(80,400), V.A. Amuzinsky, YU.Ya. Zhadov, N.V. Zayakina, N.V. 1.612(80,511), and 1.582(90,440). Leskova (1995) Lenaite AgFeS2-A new mineral spe- The mineral occurs in quartz-diopside rocks of the cies. Zapiski Vseross. Mineral. Obshch., 124(5),85-91 (in Russian, English abs.). Slyudyanka complex, southern Baikal region, Siberia, Russia, in association with Cr- and V-bearing tremolite, The mineral occurs as xenomorphic or equant grains, diopside, chlorite, and muscovite, and with calcite, quartz, to 0.2 mm, in goethite pseudomorphs after magnesian goldmanite, pyrite, karelianite and chromian karelianite, siderite. Electron microprobe analysis of 22 grains gave Cr-V spinels, and unnamed Mg(Cr'V)409' The name al- an average and range of Ag 46.58 (44.9-47.3), Fe 24.08 ludes to the composition and the relationship to coulson- (23.7-24.5), S 28.86 (28.0-30.6), Hg 0.3 (0.0-0.4), sum ite, FeV204. Type material is at the Fersman Mineral- 99.8 (98.8-101.5) wt%, corresponding to A&.9SFeO.9SS2.04,ogical Museum, Moscow, Russia. J.P. ideally AgFeS2.
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