Minimal Classical and Control Operators

Zena M. Ariola Hugo Herbelin University of Oregon INRIA-Futurs USA France

ICALP - 3 July 2003 Outline

Introduction • – Minimal, Intuitionistic and

– λ-calculus control operators

Minimal Classical Logic • Computational interpretation of A • ⊥ → A new variant of Felleisen λ calculus • C Minimal Logic and λ-calculus

A ::= X A A | → t, u ::= x λx.t tu | |

Γ, x : A x : A `

Γ, x : A t : B Γ t : A B Γ u : A ` Γ λx.t : A B ` Γ → tu : B ` ` → ` Control Operators

(callcc): λx. (λk.1 + (if x = 0 then k2 else 3)) + 8 • K K k is bound to the continuation which adds 8:

acc := 1 + if x=0 then {acc:=2;goto k} else 3 label k : acc := acc+8 return acc returns 2 + 8 if x = 0 and (1 + 3) + 8 otherwise

: λx. (λk.1 + (if x = 0 then k2 else 3)) + 8 • C C Additional “ bort” to “toplevel” in case of non exceptional result A acc := 1 + if x=0 then {acc:=2;goto k} else 3 goto top label k : acc := acc+8 label top: return acc returns 2 + 8 if x = 0 and 1 + 3 otherwise Intuitionistic - Classical Logic and Control Operators (Griffin ’90)

Intuitionistic: Minimal Logic + Ex Falso Quodlibet ( A) • ⊥ →

Γ t : Γ ` bort⊥ (t) : A ` A Classical: Intuitionistic + Double ( A A) • ¬¬ →

Γ t : A Γ ` (t¬¬) : A ` C Logic and Computation

Equivalent formulations of Classical Logic in • Excluded Middle A A ∨ ¬ Pierce law ((A B) A) A → → → A A ¬¬ → Felleisen: is more expressive than ( can’t be defined from • C K C ) K (λk.M) = (λk.kM) K C (λk.M) = (λk. bort(M)) C K A Are those axioms really equivalent?

= We study them in the context of Minimal Logic ⇒ A A ¬¬ → ⇓ 6⇑ ((A B) A) A → → → ⇓ 6⇑ A A ∨ ¬

= Minimal Classical Logic ⇒ Minimal Classical Logic

Minimal Classical Logic: • Minimal Logic + Pierce law λ-calculus + (callcc) K

Classical Logic: • = A A Minimal Logic + Peircez law¬¬ +}| → ( A){ ⊥ → λ-calculus + + bort K| A{z } = C Minimal Classical and Parigot λµ-calculus

   Γ A; ∆ t, u ::= x λx.t tu µα.c (terms)  Sequents:  ` | | |   Γ ; ∆ c ::= [α]t (commands)   `

Γ, x : A x : A; ∆ `MC Γ, x : A t : B; ∆ Γ t : A B, ∆ Γ u : A, ∆ `MC `MC → `MC Γ λx.t : A B; ∆ Γ tu : B, ∆ `MC → `MC c : (Γ ; Aα, ∆) Γ t : A; Aα, ∆ `MC Activate `MC Passivate Γ µα.c : A; ∆ [α]t : (Γ ; A, ∆) `MC `MC Properties of Minimal Classical Natural Deduction

Prop: Γ A iff Γ,PL A `MC ` Prop: there is no t of type A A ¬¬ →

But we can derive λy.µα.[γ](y λx.µδ.[α]x) : A A; γ `MC ¬¬ → ⊥ where a free continuation variable γ of type is needed. ⊥ Possible solution (Parigot, de Groote, Ong) : hide the variables of type in the typing system. ⊥ Our interpretation: this free variable denotes abortion to the “toplevel”. Classical Natural Deduction and Parigot λµ-top-calculus

Γ, x : A x : A; ∆ `C Γ, x : A t : B; ∆ Γ t : A B, ∆ Γ u : A, ∆ `C `C → `C Γ λx.t : A B; ∆ Γ tu : B, ∆ `C → `C c : (Γ ; Aα, ∆) Γ t : A; Aα, ∆ `C Activate `C Passivate Γ µα.c : A; ∆ [α]t : (Γ ; A, ∆) `C `C

Γ t : ; ∆ `C ⊥ [top]t : (Γ ; ∆) `MC bort, , and the toplevel A ⊥ Our analysis puts in the light the existence of an implicit continuation variable of type ⊥ its logical interpretation is the false formula • its computational interpretation is the type of the toplevel •

It allows to precisely decompose Felleisen’s bort operator as a “throw” to the toplevel: A bort = λx.µd.[top]x : A for d fresh A ⊥ → It pushes also to identify the logical formula with the toplevel type of a program (as done by Griffin). This conforms with the standard A-translation⊥ trick where is precisely replaced by the top of a proof. ⊥ From λµ-calculus to a variant of λ -calculus C Parigot λµ-calculus:

not needed to express minimal classical logic • ⊥ interpreted as an abstract type (which may be empty like in the standard logical interpreta- • tion,⊥ or inhabited as is the toplevel type in the standard computational interpretation).

One-conclusion classical logic needs another kind of to mimic the role of multiple conclusions. Let’s call it c. This leads to a refinement of classical⊥ logic obtained by constraining the axiom ⊥ scheme A A to be of the form c cA A. ¬¬ → ¬ ¬ →

The formal formula c is naturally interpreted as an empty type. ⊥ Prawitz Natural Deduction revisited

(an introduction to λ- -top calculus) C−

Γ, x : A x : A `RAA

Γ, x : A RAA t : B Γ t : A B Γ u : A ` `RAA → `RAA Γ λx.t : A B Γ tu : B `RAA → `RAA c c Γ, k : cA RAA c : Γ RAA t : ¬ ` ⊥ RAAc ` ⊥ RAAc0 Γ (λk.c) : A Γ (λd.c) : A `RAA C− `RAA C− Γ t : ` RAA ⊥ Γ top t : c ` RAA ⊥ The λ- -top calculus C− t, u ::= x λx.t tu (λk.c) | | | C− c ::= kt top t |

Felleisen’s operators in λ- -top calculus C− = λx. (λk.k(xk)) K C− = λx. (λ (xk)) C C− bort = λx. (λ x) A C− Call-by-value reduction in λ- and λ- -top calculi C− C−

(v ::= x λx.t) |

β : (λx.t)v t[x := v] → : (λk.kt) t k FV (t) Celim− C− → 6∈ : (λk.t)u (λk.t[k (wu)/k w]) CL− C− → C− : v (λk.t) (λk.t[k (vw)/k w]) CR− C− → C− : (λk.k (λq.u)) (λk.u[k /q]) Cidem− C− 0C− → C− 0

Prop: The reduction rules are typable and enjoy subject reduction. They are confluent. Similarly for call-by-name.