R E V I S I O N R E C O R D I S S U E R E C O R D Public Consultation Strategy Report 53-55 Yonge Street Quadrangle Architects Limited 901 King Street West, Suite 701 Toronto, ON M5V 3H5 CITY OF TORONTO t 416 598 1240 www.bdpquadrangle.com 55 YONGE STREET PREPARED FOR Toronto, ON 53 Yonge Portfolio Inc. and for 55 Yonge Portfolio Inc. H&R REIT www.55yonge.ca 18060 N/A N/A March 2021 P R O J E C T S C A L E D R A W N R E V I E W E D
[email protected] Renderings A472.S 1 A472.S - View of Lobby from Yonge Street & Melinda Street A472.S Note: This drawing is the property of the Architect and may not be reproduced or used without the expressed consent of the Architect. The Contractor is responsible for checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report all discrepancies to the Architect and obtain clarification prior to commencing work. 2021-01-21 10:38:09 AM C:\Users\DGawel\Documents\QAL_AR_18060_55 Yonge_R2020_dgawel.rvt BOUSFIELDS INC. Job Number 18239 WWW.BOUSFIELDS.CA TORONTO OFFICE HAMILTON OFFICE URBAN PLANNING 3 CHURCH STREET, SUITE 200 1 MAIN STREET EAST, SUITE 200 URBAN DESIGN TORONTO, ON HAMILTON, ON COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT M5E 1M2 L8N 1E7 T. 416.947.9744 T. 905.549.3005 F. 416.947.0781 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Introduction 1 2 What are the goals and outcomes? 2 3 What is the project? 4 4 Where are we engaging? 7 5 Who are you engaging? 9 6 What have we heard? 12 7 What will we be discussing? 13 8 How are we engaging? 16 9 How will we share feedback? 17 10 Conclusion 21 Appendix A: Full Demographic Chart 22 1 Introduction This Public Consultation Strategy Report has been prepared to describe the proposed consultation approach for the rezoning application by 53 Yonge Portfolio Inc.