Newsletter of the Division, Northeastern Region, National Model Railroad Association

Volume 16, Issue 3 September 2015 - November 2015

Your portal to more fun in model Railroading

To promote Model Railroading and help educate modelers in the skills of Model Railroading

Volume 16, issue 4 of THE FLYER will be scheduled for publication by November 30, 2015.

If anyone has an article, story or anything else that they would like to have published in the next issue of THE FLYER please send it to Ron Pelletier at [email protected] as soon as possible.

Please visit our website at


From the Desk of the Superintendent and Treasurer, James Mayo Page 2

From the Desk of the Clinic Chairperson Peter Luchini Page 3

From the Desk of the Layout Tour Coordinator Greg Lane Page 3

From Communication Manager / Editor / Membership Promotion Manager Ronald Pelletier Page 4

Articles / Stories / Letters Page 4 Introducing Layout Command Control Looking for Kit Plans The Lincoln Funeral Train Is Coming to Troy Ohio Call for Clinicians and Vendors Revised Substitute Bus Schedules How to Perform a Saw Move For Fun B & M Eastern Route Activity Little Rhody Train Show Scheduled for October 2015 CNY Division Train Watch Fall New Jersey MER/NER Regional Convention Hopefully You Heard it Here First A Message from Mike Brestel – NMRA At Large World Wide Director I Want You to Volunteer for the Amherst Railway Society 2016 Railroad Hobby Show New Members / Re-rail Members Page 17

Achievement Program – Certificates Awarded Page 17 -1- Birthday Announcements Page 17

Listing of organizations in the Nutmeg Division and the Bordering Sister Divisions Page 18

Calendar of Local Events for the Nutmeg Division and its Bordering Sister Divisions Page 19

National / Regional Convention Events Page 23

General Information of the Nutmeg Division and the Other Divisions of the Northeastern Region Page 30

New Address for the NMRA Page 36

From the Desk of the Superintendent, James Mayo: [email protected]

August 2015

I’ll start off this column with a new subject. The Nutmeg Division has an opportunity to promote the hobby, promote our brand and eventually make some money (the first two are in our mission statement as a not for profit).

The Amherst Railway Society has been putting on modeling clinics before and during the Amherst Railway Society Railroad Hobby Show in West Springfield. These clinics have been growing at a rapid pace and are beginning to strain the resources of the Amherst Railway Society. The show director has asked us (the Nutmeg Division) if we would be interested in helping out.

This will start out by us providing a few volunteers to assist in the running of the clinics. If the growth of the extra fare clinics continues on pace, The Amherst Railway Society will not be able to continue this well received show item. So the proposition is, if growth in the extra fare clinics continue, the Amherst Railway Society would be very grateful to co-present the clinics with the Nutmeg Division. Eventually the Nutmeg Division would grow into the headline host, with the abundant resources of the Amherst Railway Society to help us along.

The board has heard this pitch and is eager to follow up, now it is up to the membership to decide if this is something we want to pursue. We will need volunteers willing to help with support services (roadies) at next years (2016) show. So when I go around at the next meeting, I will be asking everybody, do you want to go to the best railroad hobby show for free? So do you want to go to the best railroad hobby show for free?

We (the board) could use some help with clinic and layout suggestions for next year. So if you have a clinic idea, see Peter Luchini [email protected] or if you have a layout to show and share see Greg Lane [email protected] .

I will be taking picture submissions for the new Nutmeg Division promotional banner. The board would like pictures of “us” doing Nutmeg Division “stuff” and pictures from member’s layouts.

If you have a project that you have worked on or are planning, bring them along. Get some feedback and give the rest of us some ideas and incentive to move that project that has been sitting on the desk.

If you have an event that you deem noteworthy, forward the information to myself or Ron to be included into the announcements.

If you have not renewed your NMRA membership, please do so!

And remember to support your local hobby shop.

James Mayo Superintendent Nutmeg Division

From the Treasurer: Balance as of 7/31/15: $1751.16

-2- From the Desk of Clinic Chairperson Peter Luchini [email protected]

Clinic Details for the OCT 10th and DEC 12th 2015 membership events of the Nutmeg Division


Clinic #1: “SCRATCH BUILDING 101 WITH Ron Poidomani

Basic techniques for scratch building structures, including necessary tools, available resources, using mockups, types of building materials and work bench considerations will be covered. Focus will be on scratch building craftsman style structures.

Clinic #2: JMRI Sudro Brown

How to find and get JMRI / Decoder Pro / Panel Pro onto your computer; use of Decoder Pro to program a non-sound locomotive; if time permits Sudro will delve into the complexities of sound decoders.


Clinic #1: “NYCS Brick Signal Towers” with David Mackay from the NYCSHS will describe modeling these towers.

He will also describe the search for these NYC Lines East Brick Towers. This includes looking for prototype photos, the search for dimensions, itemizing the details, and then finding a manufacturer. Dave is on the Board of the NYCSHS and is in charge of the models they make for the membership.

Clinic #2: “Home Layouts” with Carl Liba, Carl Liba will present and discuss his collection of layout photos from several Metro North and Albany Layouts.

Carl Liba was a member, and a former Superintendent, of the Metro North Division and had the opportunity to visit a number of their layouts. In addition, he was on the planning committee of the 2009 NMRA Annual Meeting. He visited several layouts in the Albany area as they planned the home visits for that meeting. There is always something to be learned by looking at another modeler’s layout. ______

From the desk of the Layout Tour Coordinator Greg Lane: [email protected] or at 203-245-0240.

Dear Nutmeggers, One of the highlights of our bi-monthly meetings is the opportunity to view, admire and assess other members’ layouts. Through the generosity of many members and non-members, we have had a steady stream of great layouts in 2015, thanks to Bob Murphy, Mike Wlochowski, Fran Richard, Chris Greaves, and Jonathan Harger.

Just finished at our August meeting was Chris Adams’s “The Valley Local” and that of our “exhausted ruler” James Mayo’s “Shreveport & Central Mississippi”. Reports have been that both layouts were well-received. Thanks go out to Chris and James! I am pleased to advise that we are “fully covered” for layouts in the remaining months of 2015, including those of Bob Davis and Pete Luchini (October) and for December, the S and G scale layouts of Charles Bettinger and Jim Covell, both in Vernon.

Maybe it is a bit early, but this is a first call for fellow Nutmeggers to volunteer their layouts for the 2016 year. Having guests is about the biggest motivator to action I can think of so if interested, let me know.

Note that we are looking for a wide variety of layouts, small or large, finished or unfinished. Unfinished layouts can be highly instructional for approaches to design, benchwork, roadbed, trackwork, wiring, structures and scenery. Smaller layouts or modules can inspire those among us who have not even started to build! Ready to volunteer or need more information see me at our meetings, or you can contact me at the above. Greg Lane // Layout Tour Coordinator -3- From Communication Manager, Newsletter Editor, Membership Manager, Ronald Pelletier [email protected]

I would like to thank everyone that supplied an article / story / or letter. It is greatly appreciated.

I apologize for not publishing this newsletter any sooner.

For those of you who don’t receive the NMRA Magazine you may not know of another benefit that supporting the NMRA provides. Below you will find an article about another New Standard that the NMRA has set. “Introducing Layout Command Control”

The Nutmeg Division has a total of three voting members of the Board of Directors. Each director serves for a three year term. In April of each year, one of the three directors term will expire, so there will be a vote in April of each year to either select a new director for a three year term or to re-elect the outgoing director if that person has so decided to stay on for another term of three years.

James Mayo was re-elected as Director and Superintendent in April 2015.

James Mayo’s (second) term as director ends in April 2017 Greg Lang (first official) term as director ends in April 2018 Douglas Henley’s (second) term as director will end in April 2016

There will be another election for a director’s position in April 2016. If you are interested in being an officer of the Nutmeg Division or to volunteer for the Nutmeg Division, please contact Ron Pelletier at [email protected] ______

Articles / Stories /Letters

-4- (EDITOR) This is a follow-up about an e-mail that I had sent out back in July 2015, a friend of Mike Tylick of the Little Rhody Division was:

Looking for Kit Plans

A friend is looking to find the scale drawings for a kit he is starting to build. We are hoping one of you may be able to help. I will paste his request in below. Thanks.

I am beginning an old kit of Rutherford B. Hayes Coach Works by Master Creations. I find that it is missing the upper building walls which are clapboard and easy enough to replicate IF I knew the dimensions. Unfortunately the kit is also missing the scale elevation drawings as well. This makes the directions, such as they are, almost impossible to follow.

Would you mind checking to see if anyone in your network has a set of elevations and would sell, rent, loan or copy them for me? The company that bought out MC has thrown out all old plans of structures that they do not plan on issuing.

Mike Tylick RailDesign Services

Just to let you know he has received the information that he was looking for. Thank you!!!!!

I have received a few messages in regards to the above and if you have similar type of questions you may want to try the following website for information: . The person did not receive the information from this website but it did have a section in regards to what he was looking for. If you have some old information and it is not already on this website you may want to forward it to website so that they can include it for future reference for other members. EDITOR ______

THE LINCOLN FUNERAL TRAIN IS COMING TO TROY, OHIO September 10 thru 13, 2015 PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 25, 2015 Contact: Diana Thompson 937-339-1044 Troy, Ohio…On April 21, 1865, a train carrying the coffin of assassinated President Abraham Lincoln leaves Washington D.C., on its way to Springfield, Illinois, where he would be buried on May 4. The train carrying Lincoln’s body traveled through 180 cities and seven states on its way to Lincoln’s home state. In 1911, a prairie fire near Minneapolis, Minnesota, destroyed the train car that had so famously carried the 16th President’s body to its final resting place.

On September 10-13, 2015, 150 years after President Lincoln’s final journey, Troy Main Street and The Troy Foundation will showcase The Lincoln Funeral Train exhibit in downtown Troy.

The Funeral Train consists of a full-size reproduction of a 1860s era steam railroad locomotive, Number 63, named LEVIATHAN and tender. It was built about five years ago from plans provided by the National Park Service. It is a faithful reproduction to locomotives of the Civil War era as would have been used on the actual funeral train. Over 24 known locomotives pulled the original train. The funeral car, UNITED STATES, is a full- size reproduction of the original funeral car, built in 1864 for use by the president of the United States. President Lincoln’s only use of the car was to carry his remains from Washington D. C. to Springfield for burial.

The reproduction UNITED STATES was completed in April, 2015 and used at Springfield, Illinois on May 2 and 3, 2015, to start the 150th anniversary procession and reenactment of the original Lincoln burial activities including the coffin in the car. The original car was destroyed in a fire in 1911. -5- This remarkable exhibit will take place over a four day period, Thursday, September 10th through Sunday, September 13th and will be located on Short Street, alongside “Return Visit”, a 30 ft. sculpture of Abraham Lincoln and Modern Day Man, that has captured the attention of thousands of people as they visit our courthouse square and historic downtown.

The fee to view the inside of the train will be $5.00 per person, young children and kids in grades K through 12 will be admitted free. There will not be a charge to view the exhibit from the outside. School groups are encouraged to tour this extraordinary display on September 10th or 11th from 8:00am to Noon.

Exhibit hours for the general public will run from Noon to 8:00pm Thursday and Friday and 10:00am to 8:00pm on Saturday and Sunday.

As with any large exhibit, volunteers are needed to help with the planning and implementation. If you or your community group would like to volunteer, please contact Diana Thompson at 937-339-1044.

For further information regarding the history of the Lincoln Funeral Train, contact renowned local author, Scott Trostel at 937- 368-2489 or. For assistance with all other questions, contact Troy Main Street Executive Director, Katherine Hayes at 937-339-5455

The above information was provided by the author Scott Trostel. ______




The Technology Student Association at Conard High School in West Hartford Ct is hosting their annual Train Show on November 7 2015. Cathy Lukas who is the chairperson for the Technology Student Association is STILL LOOKING for anyone who could give a clinic directed toward high school students. This is great opportunity to get the youth introduced to the NMRA.

Any organization that would be interested in displaying their model train layout, Cathy would love to hear from you. She could use another layout or two.

Cathy is also looking for vendors. Please note that vendor tables are only $15.00

If you are interested in either being a clinician or a vendor please contact Cathy at [email protected]

To view the flyer for the train please click on the following link. OW_FLYER.docx

Please note: It might say downloading, but you should see the flyer in about 5 - 15 seconds.


Revised Substitute Bus Schedules for New Haven-Hartford-Springfield Amtrak Line

Changes effective Monday, August 24

In order to improve customer service and ensure better connections on the New Haven-Hartford-Springfield rail line, Amtrak has revised the schedules for substitute bus service that has been implemented to accommodate construction along the rail corridor, effective Monday, August 24, 2015.

The busing of Amtrak shuttles will occur Monday through Friday and continue through July 2016. The following Amtrak shuttle trains will be bused to and from New Haven Union Station and Springfield Station:  Shuttles from New Haven, Connecticut to Springfield, Massachusetts: #490 (8:40 a.m.), #470 (10:30 a.m.) and #476 (5:20 p.m.).  Shuttles from Springfield, Massachusetts to New Haven, Connecticut: #495 (7:10 a.m.), #493 (10:30 a.m.) and #479 (7:25 p.m.).  Buses will depart from Lyman Street.

Buses destined for New Haven will depart Berlin, Meriden and Wallingford 30 minutes earlier than the respective train schedules. Otherwise, there will be no change in schedule, stops or connections. Amtrak passengers will board the bus at their respective stations and proper busing signage will be placed on buses and Hartford Line Stations. Additional Amtrak station service personnel will be on site in New Haven and Springfield to answer questions, as well as to direct passengers to their appropriate bus during this transition. In addition, announcements will be made on Amtrak trains traveling north from New York City to Hartford Line stations.

Reservation and train status information is available on, their free mobile apps and at 1-800-USA-RAIL (1-800-872-7245).

Read the complete CTDOT press release here. ______


Text and pictures By James Mayo

Recently the “Tuesday Operators” descended on my layout for a shakedown op session. I found myself trying to explain how to perform a saw move, unsuccessfully. So here is my attempt to clear this up in words and pictures.

This is the train in question on the siding. We need to change direction and the siding is not long enough to run around the train in one move. Some of the cars have numbers on them to help explain the moves. First we need to cut the train in two, so pull forward so car seven can be cut from the train clear of the turnout. -7-

Cut the train between cars six and seven, pull the front (cars one to six) of the train clear of the other side of the turnout.

Cut the engines from the front of the train, run around that section of the train and couple on to car six.

Reverse direction and couple onto car seven.

Now pull the second half (cars seven to eleven) of the train and put them where the front of the train was on the siding.

Cut the engines from the front car seven, run around that section of the train and couple car one on to the caboose.


Cut the caboose from car 11 and set aside on the mainline.

Now couple the two halves of the train together.

Last move is to put the caboose on the rear end of the train.

So now I will print out a copy and save it for the next time I have to explain a saw move.


Text and Pictures By Tim Garner HUB Division

Hello folks,

I can’t say I’ve had much time for modeling this summer and I am still trying to finish my first module. However, I did get to spend a day chasing trains in the Wasatch Mountains east of Ogden, Utah while I was visiting my son in Salt Lake City in June, and about five days later an afternoon on the Virginia & Truckee in Virginia City, Nevada after a business conference in Tahoe City, California.

Here are two of my favorite pictures from the trip. The UP photo is of a westbound in Echo Canyon, Utah. This was where the 8500 HP GE gas turbines used to run.

The Virginia & Truckee shot is from a train heading into Virginia City on the original right of way. The railroad was abandoned during the Depression when the price of silver dropped and the Comstock Lode became more expensive to mine.

The engine terminal is on the original spot. The right of way used to go through a tunnel in front of the brick church in the distance into the middle of town. It stops short of that now. The silver mined under this town just east of the Sierra Nevada Mountains helped Nevada become a state and San Francisco become rich.

In the last millennium, Nevada state funds helped rebuild the V&T from Virginia City to Carson City as a tourist attraction on the original right of way. Several of their original locomotives exist in museums from Pennsylvania to California after movie careers.

A side note – one of the first HO-scale locomotives I coveted and purchased when I was a teenager was AHM’s imported model of the V&T 4-4-0 “Genoa”. The boiler was so small the motor had to be in the tender. It pulled a Roundhouse Overton combine and coach my dad gave me as a gift on my 4x8 layout.



-10- B & M Eastern Route Activity

By James VanBokkelen

Here's a link to the most recent page of my main thread on the Eastern Route.

I started using RR-Line back in 2008, though the Bexley area of the current layout had most of its track completed a few years earlier.

I've recently been working on a home brew signal system which has some pieces Hub members might find useful:

Building good-looking searchlight dwarf signals from styrene following John Purbrick's design:

A dedicated +/- 1.9 VDC power supply for LEDs to avoid a separate resistor or current limiter for each LED on the layout:

The overall signal system (the first interlocking is working, but I won't do more till I've got work complete for a couple of AP certificates:

I've begun a write-up on building farm fences and gates in HO (a side effect of working on the Scenery AP certificate):

I hope you're all having pleasant summers. jbvb



Save the date: October 18, 2015. The place: Pawtucket Armory (same as last year). The October show was highly successful: 1100 in attendance, $4,000 raised for the Division. We aim to do better this year. To do that, we need all your help.

The committee is hard at work, but we need more volunteers. To volunteer: contact Justin Maguire at [email protected]

We have already circulated over 400 flyers at the Amherst Train Show, so the word is getting out. This is a great way to help the Division while having a great time. Everyone involved last year found it to be fun. ______


This year we are gathering Sunday, September 13th near the Syracuse yard behind Tractor Supply for the annual train watch. You can arrive any time, but early afternoon, say about 2:00pm is a good time to arrive. The Division will supply the hamburgers and hot dogs for the picnic. You bring a drink, chair, and umbrella. A dish or snacks to share is optional. If you have grill that is transportable let either Bill Brown or Bernie Messenger know. Same as last year! See you there.

Regards, Bernie Messenger: [email protected] -11- Fall New Jersey MER/NER Regional Convention

We are now less than 2 months away from Delaware Valley Turn, the 2015 MER Convention! We can’t wait to see you here and enjoy all we have to offer.

Be sure to check out the web site for the latest, up-to-date information. The current clinic schedule is there along with a listing of the open layouts with dates and times. And the prototype tours and Ops Callboard are also up-to-date with availability. This will help you plan your activities for the weekend.

The registration form on the web site also reflects all the current available activities. If you have not registered, you can print a copy and mail it in today! If you have registered and want to add any new activities, just send in a new form with the new activities, and indicate your current registration number.

We’ve also added additional information regarding the Silent Auction. Please note the request to a-mail in advance items you plan to register if possible in order to expedite the process and save YOUR time during the convention!

We also have info for the area around the hotel, for getting around, nearby eateries, gas and convenience stores. We’ll expand this soon to cover the nearby Moorestown Mall area, just minutes away.

As we get closer, we’ll continue to add and update information to make your convention the best experience possible.

If you have any questions whatsoever, about the convention, the layouts or the convention hotel and area, just post it here on this email list and we’ll do our best get you answers.




Aug. 21, 2015

Greetings all:

We've got some big news about the 14th NERPM, which is scheduled for June 3-4, 2016. (Memorial Day is late this year.)

We are moving the meet to the Holiday Inn at 1 Bright Meadow Blvd. in Enfield, Conn., just off exit 49 of I-91.

As many of you know, we have struggled the past several years with several issues at the Canton Community Center. Among them: limited space in the facility for our growing meet, the lack of nearby lodging, lack of parking in the community center lot, the inability to use the space downstairs on Friday and climate control issues in several rooms.

We think the move to the Holiday Inn will resolve these issues. We understand that many who attend the meet have great affection for Collinsville. We do too. But our hope is the move to the new facility will allow us to put together an even better meet.

-12- Several factors aided us in making the decision. First was the survey that so many meet attendees took the time to complete. The overwhelming preference was for a location north of Hartford along the I-91 corridor. Enfield fits that. The Holiday Inn also has enough room to allow us to expand clinic offerings and to expand moderately the manufacturer and vendor space while also maintaining a large space for model display. The hotel also has a restaurant for those who don't want to travel during meal breaks, and a lounge that will open after we wrap for the evening each night. (A place to gather each night has been something I’ve pined for since the meet began!)

A new partnership with the Amherst Railway Society has helped us transition the meet to Enfield from Collinsville. We’re grateful for the society s assistance and look forward to assisting the society in its mission of sharing and promoting the hobby.

The hotel is offering a special rate for meet attendees of $104 a night that includes breakfast. We hope people who need lodging will stay at the hotel because we get credit for each room and it helps us control the cost of using the hotel.

There are several dining spots nearby, and over the next months we'll create a list of restaurants that includes chain and non-chain offerings in the area.

Also, railfanning is available nearby on the CSX (former CR, PC, NYC, B&A) Boston line. Amtrak's Springfield line is also nearby, although rail service will be reduced over the next year as a second track is installed. Connecticut Southern and Pan Am Railways operate nearby too.

The hotel is also convenient to Bradley International Airport (BDL) in Windsor Locks, and the hotel offers free shuttle service to and from the airport. The hotel is also not far from the Windsor Locks, Conn. and Springfield, Mass. Amtrak stations.

Here’s a link to the hotel s website:

The meet registration form will soon be available on our website:

Friday and Saturday will feature full days of clinics. We’ll also have layout open houses on Sunday and plan programs for the Thursday night before the meet. Check our website and Facebook page for updates.

If anyone has any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.

And as always, please let me know if you'd be interested in doing a clinic or other program. We are always on the hunt for new programs.

Vendors and manufacturers who would like to attend should also contact me.


Dave Owens Home 860-233-0303 [email protected]

-13- A message from Mike Brestel, NMRA At Large Worldwide Director

The three strikes policy: What is it and what does it mean?

We’ve been getting a lot of questions about the Visitor Policy that the NMRA Board adopted and publicized in February of this year, limiting visitors to NMRA meetings to three visits during their lifetime.

This isn’t really a new policy, since it was first adopted in 2007 and explained in the “President’s Car” column in the November, 2007 issue of Scale Rails. Then, as now, the needs of our insurance provider played a large part in the adoption of this policy, but there are also issues of basic fairness, as well as tax issues in the U.S.

Here’s the policy: Visitors are allowed three visits to an NMRA meeting IN THEIR LIFETIME. If they don’t join by their third visit, they cannot attend any more meetings.

A lot of the questions we’ve been getting are from members trying to over-complicate the policy, worrying about this or that exception and making up complicated what-ifs. The policy does not apply to spouses who come along to the meetings so that they can go to dinner afterwards. It does not apply to non-member caregivers who aren’t modelers, but who provide a ride to a member who cannot drive himself. It does not apply to events that are organized for the general public, like mall shows, swap meets, beginner clinic series, and the like, nor does it apply to things like joint meetings with another group or family picnics or outings.

Allowing freeloaders to participate as if they were members is unfair because it takes advantage of our members who HAVE paid up. We’re all paying to keep the organization going – what are the freeloaders doing, besides getting a free ride on our backs? And tolerating permanent freeloaders can give our insurance providers a reason to cancel your coverage if you have an incident, leaving individual officers and members responsible for paying the claim. The IRS has rules about giving benefits of membership to non-members, too – they say don’t do it, and there are tax consequences if you do.

Now, if your Division and Region are already following the rules (which would be a really good idea if you want the protection of our NMRA Liability Insurance policy), this is not the big deal you might think it is. We all know that if someone comes and tries us out three times and still don’t join, they’re not going to join. So after the third turn-down, don’t worry about it – just move on to the next prospect.

If you’re still wondering whether your group is in compliance, just ask yourself: are you allowing people who aren’t members to come to your meetings month after month, year after year, and participate as if they’d paid their dues? If the answer is no, then fine, just keep doing what you’re doing. If the answer is yes, then you have some changes to make.

If you have additional questions about this policy or how to implement it, please feel free to contact an NMRA officer, director, or NMRA HQ. We’ll get your question to the right person.

Mike Brestel - At Large Worldwide Director

If you have any questions or comments about any of the above, please send them directly to a Director or Officer. You will find those addresses at or in the NMRA Magazine


Tom Draper – HLM, DSA, FA, MSA, PA Director – Support Services



-16- New Members: Christopher Adams Matthew Sawyer John Stonesifer Re-Rail Members: No re-rail members this last quarter

Achievement Program: Certificates Awarded in the last three months.

ASSOCIATION VOLUNTEER Van Fehr Nutmeg Division David Dekonski Little Rhody Division Scott Russell Metro-North Division

GOLDEN SPIKE David Kiley Little Rhody Division

MASTER BUILDER – SCENERY Susan Osberg Little Rhody Division Brian Osberg Little Rhody Division

MASTER BUILDER – STRUCTURES Susan Osberg Little Rhody Division Brian Osberg Little Rhody Division

MODEL RAILROAD AUTHOR Justin Maguire Little Rhody Division

MODEL RAILROAD ENGINEER - CIVIL Justin Maguire Little Rhody Division

MODEL RAILROAD ENGINEER – ELECTRICAL David Dekonski Little Rhody Division

Birthday Announcements

September Sudro Brown Raymond Chappell William Duffe James Duffy Thomas Elwell Jeff Hanke Ken Harstine Kenneth Koval Roger Lowlicht Mark Panzera Andrew Porter Howard Targonsky Peter Tierinni Joseph Vecchione

October George Adamo Robert Bardoorian George Coyle Henry Curtis Larry Giesman Bruce Hoffman Kenneth Howland Douglas Kelley Jerry Lentner Bernice Liba Peter Luchini Steven Meyer Howard Miller George Morris Charles Sabia Lynn Scull David Ware Fred Wintsch

November Arthur Castagno Patricia Chappell Frank Grano Franklin Hurwitz John Koella Howard Neuschaefer Martin Piech Robert Quimby Frank Rossano William Schwettmann George Sebastian Michael Trick Michael Wlocowski


Please check for the latest information.

The following organizations listed below have so many activities and special events during the course of the year, that to list them all here would essentially be impossible. These activities and events are subject to change (and they do often). I strongly suggest that you click on any of the following links to get a wealth of possible activities for you to enjoy.

I would check on the individual links at least once a month to be kept up to date with their activities. They are listed in alphabetical order.

Amherst Railway Society in Amherst MA and for their latest Newsletter click on the following link New ON-LINE STORE INFORMATION, click on the following link.

Future meetings: OCT 20 2015 World Premier Showing of the “Tour of Railroad Heritage of Holyoke” Starring Richard Joyce South Hadley’s Tower Theaters 7:30 PM 19 College Street South Hadley Massachusetts

Connecticut Eastern Railroad Museum in Willimantic CT

Connecticut Trolley Museum in East Windsor CT For special events click on the following link

Danbury Railway Museum in Danbury CT . For special events click on the following link

Essex Steam Train & Riverboat in Essex CT

Massachusetts Bay Railroad Enthusiasts Whether your interest in railroading centers, on rail travel, photography, history, models or just a love of trains, Mass Bay RRE may be for you! for train excursions such as Zoo trip, Fall Foliage shoppers special, Polar express and so much more

Mystic Valley Railway Society we are a non-profit educational corporation that is dedicated to educating the public about transportation with an emphasis on railroads. Incorporated in 1970 with ten members, it has grown to have thousands of members. -18- The Naugatuck Railroad operated by the Railroad Museum of Connecticut in Thomaston CT

Providence & Worcester Railroad Excursions

Shelburne Falls Trolley Museum in Shelburne Falls MA

The Shore Line Trolley Museum in East Haven CT


The listings are in ascending order by date only locations are not in any order.

SEP 12 – 13 2015 White River Junction Vermont 23rd Annual Glory Days Festival White River Junction Station 102 Railroad Row

SEP 20 2015 Charlton Massachusetts PWRFC 25TH Annual Train Show Overlook Hotel & Reception Room

SEP 26 2015 Rutland Vermont Rutland Railroad Historical Society Train Show

SEP 27 2015 Old Greenwich CT Southern Connecticut Model Train Show Greenwich Civic Center For more information e-mail [email protected] 914-967-7541

SEP 27 2015 Taunton Massachusetts The old Colony Model Railroad Club’s 15th Annual Train Show Taunton Holiday Inn

OCT 4 2015 Rowe Massachusetts Railfan III The Hoosac Tunnel Special Presentation by Noted Hoosac Tunnel Expert & Author Clifford J. Schexnayder “THE HOOSAC TUNNEL – BIRTHPLACE OF MODERN TUNNELING” AND Hoosac Tunnel Experts Jerry Kelley “Around the East Portal” and videographer Tim Lawrence “The Haupt Tunnel” Rowe Historical Society -19- OCT 4 2015 Pepperell Massachusetts The Pepperell Siding Model Railroad Club Celebrating its 30th Anniversary at its annual Train Show and Open House Varnum Brook Elementary School 10 Hollis Street

OCT 10 – 11 2015 Wakefield Massachusetts The North Shore Model Railroad Club’s 35th Annual Train Show

OCT 11 2015 Orange Connecticut New Haven & Derby Model RR Club Train Show

OCT 17 2015 Greenfield New Hampshire Greenfield New Hampshire 5th Annual Train Show

OCT 18 2015 Pawtucket Rhode Island Little Rhody Second Annual Model Train Show Pawtucket Armory Contact Justin Maguire at [email protected].

OCT 20 2015 South Hadley Massachusetts World Premier Showing of the “Tour of Railroad Heritage of Holyoke” Starring Richard Joyce South Hadley’s Tower Theaters 7:30 PM 19 College Street

OCT 22 - 25 2015 Mount Laurel New Jersey Mid-Eastern Region (MER) fall 2015 Convention in conjunction with the NER ML Hotel and Conference Center

OCT 24 - 25 2015 Hingham Massachusetts The South Shore Model Railway Club's annual Fall Model Railroad Show & Open House South Shore Model Railway Club

NOV 1 2015 Dudley Massachusetts The Worcester Model Railroaders Open House

NOV 1 2015 Randolph Massachusetts 24th Annual Metro South Train Show (formerly Brockton Train Show)

NOV 7, 2015 West Hartford Connecticut Conard High School Technology Student Association is hosting their annual train show. Displays &Demonstrations, Train Simulator, Snack & Bake Sale 110 Beechwood Road OW_FLYER.docx

NOV 7 2015 Weston Massachusetts HUB Modular Railroad Display Wellesley Community Center

NOV 7 – 8 2015 Syracuse New York 41st Annual Great New York Model Train Fair Sponsored by CNY Chapter National Railway Historical Society State Fairgrounds -20- NOV 7 2015 Auburn Maine Fall Model Railroad Show Auburn Middle School

NOV 8 2015 Wallingford Connecticut Zandri’s Stillwood Inn Train and Toy Show

NOV 14 2015 Stamford Connecticut 53rd Annual NHRHTA Reunion St John’s Episcopal Church home of the Stamford O-Scale Railroad Club 628 Main Street

NOV 15 2015 Torrington Connecticut Torrington Area Model Railroaders Open House 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM 58 Lewis Street In conjunction with National Model Month The Torrington Area Model Railroaders is a group of railroad enthusiasts who travel throughout the region to watch real trains, and who maintain three layouts in their building in Torrington s south end. One of the group’s primary missions is to share what we think is a great hobby with others. We always welcome new members. Our custom-run Conrail boxcar and Guilford/D&H sand cars in HO scale will also be available. For more information contact Dave Owens [email protected] 860-233-0303

NOV 21 – 22 2015 Wilmington Massachusetts HUB Modular Railroad Display Greenberg’s Toy & Train Show Shriner’s Auditorium

NOV 22 2015 Cheshire Connecticut The Cheshire High School Band Parent Association Fall Train Show Cheshire High School 525 South Main Street Route 10

NOV 27 – 29 2015 Northeastern Massachusetts, Southern New Hampshire 21st Annual Tour de Chooch layout tour

DEC 5 – 6 2015 Marlborough Massachusetts New England Model Train Expo

DEC 5 – 6 2015 Roslindale Massachusetts Bay State Model Railroad Museum Holiday Open House

DEC 12 - 13 2015 Lexington Massachusetts HUB Modular Railroad Display National Heritage Museum 33 Marrett Road

DEC 12 2015 Warwick Rhode Island The Providence Northern Model Railroad Club Open House

JAN 3 2016 Trumbull Connecticut Trumbull Marriott Train and Toy Show -21- JAN 8 2016 Hingham Massachusetts The South Shore Model Railway Club's annual Model Railroad Show Family Open House and Scout Night South Shore Model Railway Club

JAN 16 – 18 2016 Wenham Massachusetts HUB Modular Railroad Display Wenham Museum

JAN 28 – 29 2016 West Springfield Massachusetts Amherst Railway Society Railroad Hobby Modeling Clinics

JAN 30 – 31 2016 West Springfield Massachusetts Amherst Railway Society Railroad Hobby Show

FEB 7 2016 Wallingford Connecticut Zandri’s Stillwood Inn Train and Toy Show

FEB 21 2016 Auburn Massachusetts Worcester Model Railroad Club Train Show

MAR 12 - 13 2016 Hingham Massachusetts The South Shore Model Railway Club's annual Spring Model Railroad Show & Open House South Shore Model Railway Club

MAR 19 - 20 2016 Wilmington Massachusetts HUB Modular Railroad Display Greenberg’s Toy & Train Show Shriner’s Auditorium

MAR 20 2016 Trumbull Connecticut Trumbull Marriott Train and Toy Show

MAR 31 – Apr 2 2016 Danvers Massachusetts Fine Scale Model Railroader Expo

APR 2, 2016 Shirley Massachusetts Nashua Valley Railroad Association Rail Fair

APR 3 2016 Waltham Massachusetts HUB-sponsored Spring TRAINing Show Embassy Suites Winter Street

APR 20 2016 Hookset New Hampshire HUB Modular Railroad Display Lions Club 20th Annual Model Train Show Hookset Cawley Middle School 89 Whitehall Rd

JUN 3 – 4 2016 Enfield Connecticut (New Location) 14th Annual New England/Northeast Railroad Prototype Modelers Meet In Association with the Amherst Railway Society See article on page 12 -22- AUG 6 2016 Hingham Massachusetts The South Shore Model Railway Club's annual Summer Model Railroad Show South Shore Model Railway Club

SEP 7 – 10 2016 Augusta Maine Seacoast Division Co-hosting 36th National Narrow Gauge Convention

SEP 15 – 18 2016 Albany New York NER Convention “The Pacemaker” A Taste of the Division and a Toast to the Region Desmond Hotel and Convention Center Hudson Berkshire Division will be hosting the 2016 NER Convention

OCT 29 – 30 2016 Hingham Massachusetts The South Shore Model Railway Club's annual Fall Model Railroad Show & Open House South Shore Model Railway Club

JAN 6 2017 Hingham Massachusetts The South Shore Model Railway Club's annual Model Railroad Show Family Open House and Scout Night South Shore Model Railway Club

MAR 11 - 12 2017 Hingham Massachusetts The South Shore Model Railway Club's annual Spring Model Railroad Show & Open House South Shore Model Railway Club


SEP 3 – 10 2015 Skagway Alaska White Pass & Yukon Railroad Photo Freights White Pass & Yukon Railroad

SEP 11 – 12 2015 Indianapolis Indiana 2015 National O Scale Convention

SEP 11 – 12 2015 South Bend Indiana NMRA Michiana Division Education and Training Conference Comfort Suites University Area

SEP 11 – 13 2015 Scranton Pennsylvania The Anthracite Railroads Historical Society 40th Anniversary Convention. Barbecue and night photo shoot at Steamtown on Friday

SEP 11 – 13 2015 Nicholson Pennsylvania Nicholson Bridge (Tunkhannock Creek Viaduct) 100th Anniversary Celebration Built by the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad (DL&W), construction on the massive bridge began in 1912 with its completion, dedication, and ready for use on Nov. 6, 1915.

-23- SEP 12 2015 Lancaster Pennsylvania Susquehanna Division Clinic Day Grandview Methodist Church Rich Wurst [email protected]

SEP 12 – 13 2015 White River Junction Vermont 23rd Annual Glory Days Festival White River Junction Station 102 Railroad Row

SEP 16 – 20 2015 Scottsdale Arizona Scottsdale Express PSR 2015 The McCormick Scottsdale at Scottsdale McCormick Ranch

SEP 18 – 19 2015 Kennesaw Georgia Atlanta Railroads Prototype Modelers Meet Southern Museum of Civil War and Locomotive History 2829 Cherokee Street

SEP 18 – 20 2015 North Platte Nebraska Rail Fest 2015 Rail Fest is an annual event that brings together the best aspects of North Platte, Nebraska, and the Union Pacific Railroad – their people – into a united spirit of appreciation coupled with a focus on our continued progress together.

SEP 18 – 21 2015 Australasian Region Ettalong Diggers Ettalong Beach NSW

SEP 19 2015 St. Paul Minnesota Fall Train Show sponsored by Twin City Model Railroad Museum

SEP 19 – 20 2015 Maine Maine Model Railroad Tour self-guided layout tour

SEP 19 – 20 2015 Virginia Beach Virginia Tidewater Division 26th Annual Train Show and Sale Virginia Beach Convention Center

SEP 19 – 20 2015 Mineral Bluff Georgia 11th Annual “Ride the Rails Festival” Historic Mineral Bluff Depot 150 Railroad Avenue Info 828-361-2210 or 706-455-8903

SEP 19 – 20 2015 Rush New York Rochester & Genesee Valley Railroad Museum Rochester Gas & Electric and Eastman Kodak depended on the railroad to produce goods and service the community. See and ride our RG&E and Kodak equipment on this special weekend. Tour the largest collection of historic trains in New York State. All trains depart Industry Depot on Route 251.

-24- SEP 25 – 26 2015 Fredericksburg Virginia 3rd Annual Mid-Atlantic RPM Meet Wingate by Wyndham Fredericksburg 20 Sanford Drive

SEP 26 2015 Kirkwood Missouri Museum of Transportation Go By Train – Smithsonian Museum Days Family friendly day of rail activities & displays, includes equipment displays, speeder and trolley rides, swap meet, model trains, children’s activities, & more. Sponsored by St Louis Chapter NRHS and Museum of Transport

SEP 26 2015 Albuquerque New Mexico Tour the AT&SF 2926 4-8-4 restoration.

OCT 2 – 3 2015 Harrisburg / Lancaster Pennsylvania NMRA Susquehanna Division and OP SIG sponsors the Annual LSOP7 Lehigh & Susquehanna OPerations Weekend 7 Wayne Betty [email protected]

OCT 3 2015 St. Catharines Ontario Canada NMRA & Canadian RR Historical Association Joint Fall Event Niagara Division Lock 3 Museum 1932 Welland Canal Parkway

OCT 3 – 4 2015 Brampton Ontario Canada Brampton Model Railway Show Brampton Fairgrounds 12942 Heart Lake Road

OCT 3 – 4 2015 Berea Ohio The Great Berea Train Show Cuyahoga County Fairgrounds

OCT 4 2015 Leesport Pennsylvania The Reading Company Technical & Historical Society Train Meet Leesport Market Banquet Hall Tom Brown [email protected]

OCT 4 2015 Griffith Indiana Fall Railroad Swap Meet and Slide Program

OCT 9 – 11 Louisville Kentucky The Kentucky & Indiana Model Railroad Club portable layout railroad themed clinics Support the LaGrange Railroad and Bluegrass Festival

OCT 10 – 11 2015 West Chester Ohio 48th Cincinnati Model Train & Trade Show Division 7 Mid Central Region Lakota West High School

-25- OCT 10 – 11 2015 Chehalis Washington Lewis County Museum Lewis County Model Railroad Club Annual Fall Train Show & Swap Meet

OCT 11 2015 Spokane Washington Spokane Train Show Sponsored by Inland Northwest Rail Museum and River City Modelers Spokane County Fair & Expo Center Shirley Sample [email protected]

OCT 16 – 17 2015 Fort Worth Texas Southwest O Scale Meet

OCT 17 2015 Charlotte North Carolina OPEN TO NMRA MEMBERS ONLY (NO FEE) Carolina Southern Division Sponsoring tour of the Lionel’s Corporate Offices Archive room, Engineering department, New Product Development, Graphics department Company Store

OCT 17 2015 Greenfield New Hampshire Greenfield New Hampshire 5th Annual Train Show

OCT 17 2015 Painesville Ohio Rail Fanning Day at Painesville Depot

OCT 17 2015 Massapequa Park New York Sunrise Trail Division Fall Convention St David’s Lutheran Church

OCT 22 – 24 2015 Naperville Illinois 22nd Annual Naperville RPM Conference hosted by Proto Power West, A-LINE Sheraton Lisle-Chicago Hotel

OCT 22 - 25 2015 Mount Laurel New Jersey Mid-Eastern Region (MER) fall 2015 Convention ML Hotel and Conference Center

OCT 22 – 25 2015 Jacksonville Florida Sunshine Region NMRA Gateway to Florida Regional Convention Jacksonville Marriott 4670 Salisbury Road GatewaytoJacksonville.aspx

OCT 23 – 25 2015 British Region The Derby Convention 2015 NMRA BR Convention

OCT 24 2015 Simi Valley California Swap Meet Santa Susanna Railroad Historical Society Santa Susanna Park 6503 Katherine Rd [email protected] -26- OCT 24 2015 Scranton Pennsylvania European Train Show & Sale Electric City Trolley Museum

OCT 25 2015 Kalamazoo Michigan Southwest Michigan Train Show & Sale Kalamazoo County Expo Center Sponsored by the Kalamazoo Historical Society

OCT 29 – Nov 1 2015 Ft Wayne Indiana Ft Wayne Rails 2015

OCT 31 – NOV 1 2015 Omaha Nebraska Western Heritage Division Ramada inn & Convention Center

OCT 31 – NOV 1 2015 New Braunfels Texas Annual Fall Train Show Sponsored by the New Braunfels Railroad Museum

NOV 1 2015 Akron Ohio Division 1 NMRA Model Railroad Flea Market

NOV 6 – 8 2015 Vancouver British Columbia Canada Vancouver Train Expo Forum Building Pacific National Exhibition 33rd Annual Train Show and 7th Division Meet

NOV 7 – 8 2015 Dayton Ohio Division 3, MCR, NMRA 40th Annual Dayton Train Show

NOV 7 2015 Hamilton Ontario Canada Hamilton & District Layout Tour Enjoy 21 great layouts open to view throughout the Hamilton-Niagara Peninsula area, including 4 clubs. The Mt Albert Scale Lumber factory will also be open and running demos.

NOV 7 2015 Auburn Maine Fall Model Railroad Show Auburn Middle School

NOV 7 2015 Boone Iowa 24th Annual Kate Shelley Division Train Show

-27- NOV 7 – 8 2015 Syracuse New York 41st Annual Great New York Model Train Fair Sponsored by CNY Chapter National Railway Historical Society State Fairgrounds

NOV 7 – 8 2015 Benton Kansas 7th Annual Benton Kansas Railroad Prototype Modelers Meet

NOV 7 – 8 2015 South Central Pennsylvania NMRA Susquehanna Division Layout Open Houses More than a dozen home and club layouts in south central Pennsylvania will be open for visits as part of Model Railroad Month. Please visit our web site for details.

NOV 14 2015 South Central Pennsylvania NMRA Susquehanna Division Layout Open Houses Eight home and club layouts in central Pennsylvania will be open for visits as part of Model Railroad Month. Please visit our web site for details.

NOV 14 2015 Scotch Plains New Jersey 3rd Annual Garden State Railroad Prototype Modelers Meet Formerly known as the NJ LDSIG/OPSIG RPM

NOV 15 2015 Batavia New York The Great Batavia Train Show Genesee Society of Model Engineers

NOV 21 2015 Louisville Kentucky Division 8 Train show Moose Lodge #5 4615 Fegenbush Lane

NOV 21 2015 Danville Indiana Danville Train Show Central Indiana Division NMRA

NOV 21 2015 Northampton Pennsylvania Second Annual Fall Railroad Symposium Sponsored by the Railroad Historians of the Lehigh Valley

NOV 22 2015 Monaca Pennsylvania Beaver County Fall Model Train Sale Sponsored by the Beaver County Model Railroad & Historical Society

-28- NOV 21 – 28 2015 Auburn Maine ExTRAINaganza Five days of family fun! Kids can win trains, play games, decorate gingerbread men, run trains on either our HO, G, or N layouts. See our web site for detail

NOV 27 – 29 2015 Northeastern Massachusetts, Southern New Hampshire 21st Annual Tour de Chooch layout tour

DEC 12 2015 Auburn Maine Surplus Inventory Sale Model railroad equipment in all scales, railroad memorabilia, timetables, and books, and more for sale. See web site for details.

DEC 12, 2015 Rochester New York 10th Annual Tiger Tracks Train Show & Sale RIT Gordon Field House

DEC 19 2015 Lima Ohio 3 Train Town Train Show and Swap Meet Sponsored by Division 3 NCR Merchants Building, Allen County Fairgrounds St Rt 309 East 2750 Harding Highway Chuck White [email protected]

APR 20 – 24 2016 Modesto California Pacific Coast Region Modesto Taking it To Streets 2016

JUN 15 – 19 2016 Salmon Arm British Columbia 2016 PNR Regional Convention – Selkirk Express 2016

JUN 29 – JUL 29 2016 Kansas City Kansas National N Scale Convention Presented by the N Scale Enthusiast (NSE)

JUL 3 – 10 2016 Indianapolis Indiana HIGHBALL to INDY NMRA National Convention and Train Show

JUL 19 – 24 2016 Denver Colorado The NRHS 2016 Convention Holiday Inn in the Stapleton area of suburban Denver

SEP 7 – 10 2016 Augusta Maine Seacoast Division Co-hosting 36th National Narrow Gauge Convention

-29- SEP 15 – 18 2016 Albany New York “The Pacemaker” A Taste of the Division and a Toast to the Region Desmond Hotel and Convention Center Hudson Berkshire Division will be hosting the 2016 NER Convention

JUL 30 – Aug 6 2017 Orlando Florida NMRA 2017 Orlando The Rosen Plaza Hotel International Drive

JUL 2019 Salt Lake City Utah NMRA National Convention and National Train Show


Newsletter for the Northeast Region “The Coupler”

Nutmeg Division

Our membership events will generally be held on the second Saturday of every other month. These Saturday meetings will usually also include clinics, a layout visit or two, or other some other activity.

These events will normally be held at the following location but always check the website to verify the location and time.

After the membership event and before the layout tour(s) there will be a BOD meeting and everyone is invited to attend. The location of the BOD meeting will be determined at the membership meeting but usually at the Wethersfield Police Department’s Community Room.

Wethersfield Police Department Community Room 250 Silas Deane Highway Wethersfield, Connecticut This facility is wheel chair accessible Non-members are welcome to attend.

The schedule for future General Membership gathering events is as follows:


Clinic #1: “SCRATCH BUILDING 101 WITH Ron Poidomani

Basic techniques for scratch building structures, including necessary tools, available resources, using mockups, types of building materials and work bench considerations will be covered. Focus will be on scratch building craftsman style structures.

Clinic #2: JMRI Sudro Brown

How to find and get JMRI / Decoder Pro / Panel Pro onto your computer; use of Decoder Pro to program a non-sound locomotive; if time permits Sudro will delve into the complexities of sound decoders.


Clinic #1: “NYCS Brick Signal Towers” with David Mackay from the NYCSHS will describe modeling these towers.

He will also describe the search for these NYC Lines East Brick Towers. This includes looking for prototype photos, the search for dimensions, itemizing the details, and then finding a manufacturer. Dave is on the Board of the NYCSHS and is in charge of the models they make for the membership.

Clinic #2: “Home Layouts” with Carl Liba, Carl Liba will present and discuss his collection of layout photos from several Metro North and Albany Layouts.

He was a member, and a former Superintendent, of the Metro North Division and had the opportunity to visit a number of their layouts. In addition, he was on the planning committee of the 2009 NMRA Annual Meeting. He visited several layouts in the Albany area as they planned the home visits for that meeting. There is always something to be learned by looking at another modeler’s layout.

Upcoming events have not been scheduled yet.

NMRA Nutmeg Division Brass Hats:

Superintendent, James Mayo [email protected] Director, Douglas Henley [email protected] Director, Greg Lane [email protected] Achievement Program Mgr. Ken May [email protected] Secretary, Steve Doughty [email protected] Treasurer, James Mayo [email protected] Communications Mgr. Ronald J Pelletier [email protected] Newsletter Editor, Ronald J Pelletier [email protected] Web Master / Administrator, David Abrames [email protected] Membership Promotion Mgr. Ronald J Pelletier [email protected] Layout Visit Chairperson, Greg Lane [email protected] Module System Chairperson, OPEN Clinic Chairperson, Peter Luchini [email protected] Clinic Assistant Carl Liba Sr. [email protected] Past Superintendent, Fred Wintsch [email protected]

HUB Division

All meetings are on the third Friday of the month at 8:00 PM, at the Cambridge School of Weston, Weston MA unless otherwise noted

The newsletter for the Hub Division is HUB HEADLIGHT and is available at Information about the following items can be found in the HUB HEADLIGHT

SEP 18 2015 Weston Massachusetts HUB Railfun Meeting Digital Command Control (DCC) 101 & 201 Presented by David “Shack” Haralambou & Dick Johannes Cambridge School of Weston

-31- OCT 4 2015 Pepperell Massachusetts HUB Modular Railroad Display The Pepperell Siding Model Railroad Club Celebrating its 30th Anniversary at its annual Train Show and Open House Varnum Brook Elementary School 10 Hollis Street

OCT 16 2015 Weston Massachusetts NY Harbor Rail-Marine Operations II Presented by Sam Berlinger III Cambridge School of Weston

OCT 22 – 25 2015 Mount Laurel New Jersey Joint MER and NER Convention

NOV 7 2015 Weston Massachusetts HUB Modular Railroad Display Wellesley Community Center

NOV 20 2015 Weston Massachusetts HUB RAILFUN meeting Cambridge School of Weston

NOV 21 – 22 2015 Wilmington Massachusetts HUB Modular Railroad Display Greenberg’s Toy & Train Show Shriner’s Auditorium

DEC 5 – 6 2015 Marlborough Massachusetts New England Model Train Expo

DEC 12 - 13 2015 Lexington Massachusetts HUB Modular Railroad Display National Heritage Museum 33 Marrett Road

JAN 9 2016 Norwood Massachusetts HUB Holiday Party OLDE Colonial Café 171 Nahatan Street

JAN 15 2016 Weston Massachusetts HUB RAILFUN meeting Cambridge School of Weston

JAN 16 – 18 2016 Wenham Massachusetts HUB Modular Railroad Display Wenham Museum

JAN 30 – 31 2016 West Springfield Massachusetts Amherst Railway Society Railroad Hobby Modeling Clinics HUB Modular Railroad Display

FEB 19 2016 Weston Massachusetts HUB RAILFUN meeting Cambridge School of Weston

MAR 18 2016 Weston Massachusetts HUB RAILFUN meeting Cambridge School of Weston

-32- MAR 19 - 20 2016 Wilmington Massachusetts HUB Modular Railroad Display Greenberg’s Toy & Train Show Shriner’s Auditorium

APR 3 2016 Waltham Massachusetts HUB-sponsored Spring TRAINing Show Embassy Suites Winter Street

APR 15 2016 Weston Massachusetts HUB RAILFUN meeting Cambridge School of Weston

APR 20 2016 Hookset New Hampshire HUB Modular Railroad Display Lions Club 20th Annual Model Train Show Hookset Cawley Middle School 89 Whitehall Rd

MAY 20 2016 Weston Massachusetts HUB RAILFUN meeting Cambridge School of Weston

JUN 17 2016 Weston Massachusetts HUB RAILFUN meeting Cambridge School of Weston

JUL 3 – 10 2016 Indianapolis Indiana NMRA National Convention and Train Show

JUL ? 2016 Holliston Massachusetts HUB Summer Picnic Waushakum Live Steamers

Little Rhody Division For the latest issue of the newsletter of the Little Rhody Division click on the following link

All meetings are on the first Saturday of the month at the United Methodist Church East Greenwich, RI Doors open at 9:30 AM Social time with coffee and refreshments beforehand Followed by two presentations and lunch The T Trak and any other specialty groups will meet after lunch All are welcome.


SEP 12 2015 Second Saturday Welcome back from summer, show and tell, and an exciting new program!

OCT 3 2015 Bring your T Track modules if you want to be in the show. We will be making final plans

OCT 18 2015 Pawtucket Rhode Island Little Rhody Second Annual Model Train Show Pawtucket Armory Contact Justin Maguire at [email protected].

-33- NOV 7 2015

DEC 12 2015 Second Saturday to avoid the HUB Show Holiday extravaganza and pot luck – gifts, raffles, and surprises. Be sure to bring your significant other.

JAN 2 2016

FEB 6 2016

MAR 5 2016

APR 2 2016

MAY 7 2016

JUN 8 2016 Wednesday evening Annual Dinner and Special Fiftieth Anniversary If you have any questions please contact Linda Bergemann Membership Chair Little Rhody Division 401-322-9946 [email protected]

Hudson-Berkshire Division

SEP 18 2015 Clifton Park New York Static Grass Clinic and Modeler’s Showcase with Bob Hamm Saratoga National Community Room

The newsletter for the Hudson-Berkshire Division is FORM 19 and is available at

Website for the 2016 Convention

Hudson Valley Division

-34- Metro-North Division

All meetings will be at 9:30 AM art the New Canaan Historical Society 13 Oenoke Ridge Road (Rt. 124) New Canaan CT. 203-966-1776 For more information contact Division Superintendent Jeff Zeleny [email protected]


SEP 12 2015 Trumbull Public Library Modeling New Britain on the Highland Division with Randy Hamill Push Button Control for a Hidden Reverse Loop & Staging Area with Chuck Thomas Decoder Installation for Beginners with Bob Collett

NOV 14 2015 Union Savings Bank Danbury Derby & New Haven RR with Bob Belletzkie “Double Pickle” with Vin Gallogy Benchwork & Roadbed with Don Mitchell

JAN 16 2016 New Canaan Historical Society Rapido’s FL-9 &8600 Passenger Cars with Bill Schneider Inner Workings of the Modeler’s Expo with Bob Seckler Mini Clinic - TBA

MAR 12 2016 New Canaan Historical Society

MAY 14 2016 New Canaan Historical Society



For the current version of the newsletter “RED MARKERS” click on the following link: and go to the bottom of the list.

September 20th, 2015 Oswego Valley Railway Museum

November 1st, 2015 Gary Frost Model Showcase

December 12th, Auction at the Camillus Senior Center

January 9th, 2016 Division Banquet, Rusty Rail, Canastota, New York


To get the latest copy of the newsletter “THE WHISTLE POST, once you have clicked on the above link you will then need to click on the “OUR NEWSLETTER” tab and then scroll to the very bottom of the page. You will also be able to see previous versions.


This link http://greenmountainnmra.us5.list- will get you to their request page for their newsletter “THE GREEN MOUNTAIN PASS”.



To get the latest copy of the newsletter “THE SWTCH TOWER”, click on the following link:


New Address for the NMRA

National Model Railroad Association, Inc P.O. Box 1328 Soddy Daisy TN 37384-1328 Phone: (423) 892-2846 Fax: (423) 899-4869 [email protected]

Respectfully submitted,

Ronald J. Pelletier [email protected] Communication Manager / Membership Promotion Manager / Newsletter Editor

Please call 860-977-5573 any evening between 7:30 PM and 11:00 PM. This is the time period that I am usually near my computer. If you are unable to call during this time period please send me an e-mail so that we can arrange some other form of communication.

Nutmeg Division Northeastern Region NMRA
