CHESS MOVES The newsle• er of the English Chess Federa• on | November 2016 World Youth Chess Championships 2015 ECF News New ECF Publicity Manager We are pleased to announce the appointment of Mark Jordan as our new Publicity Manager. Mark is an ac! ve club and county player, and a regular contributor to BCM. Mark will try to increase awareness of the game by placing items of chess news in the media on a regular basis. He will work closely with the organisers of junior, league, county and congress events. In ! me we hope to increase the coverage of our interna! onal events … Mark can be contacted at
[email protected] Direct members’ representa! ves The current state of play in respect of direct members’ representa! ves for 2015/16 is as follows (NB these appointments take eff ect immediately following the conclusion of the 2015 AGM, which the 2014/15 representa! ves are eligible to a# end). For four of the fi ve categories there were two or fewer nomina! ons, and the following appointments can therefore be confi rmed: (a) Honorary Life Vice Presidents, Vice Presidents, Corporate Vice Presidents, Honorary Life Members and Life Members: Stewart Reuben and John Wickham. (b) Gold Members and Gold Concessionary Members: William Armstrong and Robert Thompson. (c) Silver Members and Silver Concessionary Members: Michael Farthing and John Reyes. (d) Bronze Members and Bronze Concessionary Members: Angus French. In the case of the Pla! num Members representa! ves there were more than two nomina! ons, and a ballot among the Pla! num Members is currently in progress.