Volume 32, Number 07 (July 1914) James Francis Cooke

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Volume 32, Number 07 (July 1914) James Francis Cooke Gardner-Webb University Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 John R. Dover Memorial Library 7-1-1914 Volume 32, Number 07 (July 1914) James Francis Cooke Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude Part of the Composition Commons, Ethnomusicology Commons, Fine Arts Commons, History Commons, Liturgy and Worship Commons, Music Education Commons, Musicology Commons, Music Pedagogy Commons, Music Performance Commons, Music Practice Commons, and the Music Theory Commons Recommended Citation Cooke, James Francis. "Volume 32, Number 07 (July 1914)." , (1914). https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude/604 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the John R. Dover Memorial Library at Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Presser’s Musical Magazixie JULY 1914 Constant Growth in Music Study HENRY T. FINCH The Noble Contempt for Melody PROF. OSCAR BERINCER Music Section of 21 Pieces Including Selected Prize Compositions PRICE 15 <F $ 1.50 PER YEAR 481 Combs Broad Street Conservatory THE ETUDE Special Subscription Coming Issues of THE SELECTION OF THE RIGHT MUSIC Offers for July The Etude Valuable Albums of Music Mrs. MacDowell on Her Husband’s with Renewal. SCHOOL IS THE ALL IMPORTANT STEP Teaching Methods. Send renewal during the month of July, After at least two years of waiting Individual attention, high ideals, breadth of culture, personal care and moderate adding IS cents to your remittance for Mrs. MacDowell has at last found time the year’s subscription ($1.65 in all), and to put on paper some of the main teach¬ cost of education at the COMBS BROAD ST. CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC should interest you we will forward, postpaid, any one of Editor, James Francis Cooke ing principles employed by her husband, the Albums of Music listed below. If a RiCoUMCripti05Pri“’Ii.-.!0peryearinUrlited States, Alaska, Cuba, Porto the most renowned of American compos¬ club of magazines is ordered, add 15 cents Rico, Mexico, Hawaii, Philippines, Panama, Guam, Tutuila, and the City Three Decades of Success Teachers of World Wide Fame r1' In fa?.ada' $17S Per year- In England and Colonies, 9 Shil- I ers, Edward MacDowell. Since Mr. Mac- to the price of the club. U FranC6! ^ Germa"y’ 9 Ma'k»’ A11 Dowell’s death, his devoted wife has GILBERT RAYNOLDS COMBS, Piano. First Parlor Pieces, piano, 34 pieces. worked day and night to further the plan HENRY SCHRADIECK, Violin. Album of Lyric Pieces piano, 26 pieces. of a residence for artists at the Mac¬ HUGH A. CLARKE, Mus. Doc., Theory Popular Parlor Album, 23 pieces. Chartered by State of Pennsylvania Modern Dance Album, Piano, 18 pieces. Music is the manifestation of the inner essential Dowell home at Peterborough, New power to confer degrees. and seventy artist teachers—graduates of the Hampshire. As is well known, a great CONSERVATORY—trained in the scientific, 18 pieces. °8' 10“S’ P‘a”0’ ”8' m“n’ nature of all that is.”—Beethoven. Teaches All Branches of Music: Normal Students’ Popular Album, piano and violin, 22 pieces. pageant is held every summer to assist Training Course for Teachers, Public School psychological, musical, methods which have in this plan. In addition to this, Mrs. brought the Conservatory permanent success. School and Home Marches, piano, 20 pieces. Music Supervision, Piano Tuning, Player Piano Four-hand Parlor Pieces, 17 piece!. MacDowell has done a great amount of Regulating, etc. Complete Waltzes of Chopin, 14 pieces. lecturing to raise necessary funds. Since Daily Supervised Practice. Special Systems Operatic Fou'r-haS Album!* 22 Duets!” V°‘Ce' she was a pupil of her husband in Ger¬ The Standard Vocalist, 40 songs, medium voice. CONTENTS—JULY, 1914 ■ Four Pupils’ Recitals ayypek.- insuring constant supervision of details, elim¬ Popular Home Collection, 46 piano pieces. many before their marriage, and since Complete Pupils' Symfihtiny Orchestra. inating'waste; time, emphasizing tile individual ' The Standard Organist, 46 pieces for pipe organ. she watched his work as a teacher daily talents of the pupil and at the same time re¬ Editorial .^g] during many years, this article, which will European Notes .a. Elson 481 appear shortly in The Etude, is one of Dormitories for Young Women ducing cost, result in a high standard of Keeping the Interest of the Pupil Putting the Thumb Under.Mrs. J. M. BUssard 481 scientific management .- applied , to practical Alive During the Summer The Noble Contempt for Melody.H. T. Finch 48' broad interest and great practical value. Mus. Doc. Safe, comfortable and homelike. Gilbert Reynolds Col musical, educa t ion. Can there be any New Music?. 43* Months. Concert Pitch .'.BenVenuto 48( New Phases of Piano Touch. Teachers will find The Etude of valu¬ Modern French Music.Edward B. Hill 481 The distinguished composer, teacher University Advantages Postal Request Brings You Our Illustrated Year Book able assistance in bridging over the sum¬ Piano Technique .;.Oscar Bcringer 49- and pianist, Henry Holden Huss, has Ear Training for Young Pianists. 49* given a considerable amount of his valu¬ Reciprocal relations' with the University of Penn¬ mer months by having pupils take advan¬ Outlining all the practical phases of our conservatory, work. This book has been tage of our Special Three Months’ Trial * S*1'!...■/. F. Cooke 49i able time to the discussion of the sub¬ sylvania enable pupils to take special courses in the deciding point in many musical careers. Let us mail it to. you with our compli¬ The Stiff Wrist.Hazel V. Goodwin 49i Subscription—any three issues for 25 The Eight Instruction Book.T. L Riclcaby 49^ ject of Touch for The Etude. Mr. Huss Ertglish, French, German, etc., without extra charge. ments. It is well worth the investigation of any ambitious student. cents. This is just about half the regu¬ Constant Growth in Music Study. Katharine Goodson 49E is, without doubt, one of the foremost of lar subscription price. Any numbers from Marking Pupils’ Music.Mary C. Carrinyton 49( American composers. His works have June to October can be selected. A Garden of Composers. 49; been performed by most of the big GILBERT RAYNOLDS COMBS, Director Thousands of teachers take advantage The Joy of Being Systematic.Thomas Tapper 498 American orchestras, and he has played of this special offer. Some donate the Practical Concentration .C. F. S. Koehler 49S repeatedly with our foremost organiza- 1327-29-31 SOUTH BROAD STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. subscription to their pupils; others order Getting Through.Arthur Schuckai 498 tions such as the Boston Symphony and Teachers' Round Table.,V. J. Corey 49C the issues sent and add the amount of 25 New Music Issues by Leading Publishers. 50c the Knetsel Quartet. During many years cents to the regular instruction charges. Master Study Page : Rossini. " ' 592 of teaching he has given a great amount That teachers may acquaint pupils with A Home Music Culture Hour.Clara A. 'Korn 503 of attention to the subject of touch and this offer we have prepared special cou¬ Results of Etude Prize Contest. 504 m the article which he has promised us pons for distribution. A quantity will Study Notes on Etude Music.p. w. Orem 504 for the next issue of The Etude there gladly be sent upon request. Details of The New Social Status.E. H. Pierce 529 will be much that will represent long Most Universally Adopted Educational Music Works this offer given on page 532. How Beethoven Composed. 530 Years of study and reflection at the key- A Fnmous Music Critic's Mistake." 530 “It is Wel1-”.Dorothy M. Latchem 530 Our Most Popular Premium. Department for Singers. 534 Selected “Czerny” Studies The Chief Musical Forces of the Standard Graded Course of Touch and Technic Any subscriber sending three subscrip¬ Department for Organists.E. II. Pierce 534 Revised, edited and fingered, with copious How Chopin Taught. 539 Nineteenth Century. annotations By DR. WM. MASON tions at $1.50 each is entitled to an ad¬ An Aspect of Widor. 539 Studies for the Pianoforte ditional year’s subscription to The Etude Prof. Frederick Niecks, professor of Department for Violinists.'.R. Braine 537 music at the University of Edinburgh, By EMIL LIEBLING Compiled i IN FOUR BOOKS at no cost. Department for Children.j. 8. Watson 540 PART Jrnf Tr-,F,ngoY E.*er.cis,1s (Sch°o1 of Touch). Publishers’ Notes.' k41 Scotland, is one of the most highly gifted In Three Books Price, 90 Cents Each W. S. B. MATHEWS PART Pa7sahe ^Ca es Rh3rth®»c*l*y Treated (School of Order Other Magazines The World of Music. 544 writers upon musical subjects of the A noteworthy addition to the technicailiterature Questions and Answers.Louis C. Elson 547 present time. For a considerable length 10 Grades 10 Volumes $1.00 Each Volume pa& of Octave and Bravura Flaying"***.<* When Renewing. ot time he has been engaged in the pre¬ ... - works will be found ’_ e_ ..... A complete course of the best studies selected for every Price of Each, $1.00 Subscribers when' renewing their sub¬ MUSIC. paration of an article . for The Etude i Liebling’s selection and editorial work are masterly. purpose. The Graded Course idea is original with the An original system for the development of a com¬ scriptions to The Etude can save con¬ Triumphal March.B'R. Kroeger. 505 entitled, “The Chief Musical Forces of ; All the popular Opus numbers and many less known Presser house, but imitated more than any other system or work plete technic from the beginning to virtuosity siderable by adding one or more other Shepherds Dance.Archie A.
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