Proceed i ngs of the Wesley Historical Society Volume 58 Part 3 October 2011 THE WESLEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY was founded in 1893 to promote the study of the history and literature of early Methodism. Over the years the range of its interests has been enlarged to include the history of all sections of the Methodist Church which were united in 1932, other Wesleyan and Methodist Connexions and United Churches which include former Wesleyan or Methodist denominations. Registered Charity (No. 283012). Web site OFFICERS President: PROF. EDW ARD ROYLE,77 Heworth Green, York, Y031 7TL. e-mail
[email protected] President Emeritus: REV. DR JOHN A NEWTON General Secretary: DR JOHN A HARGREA VES, MA, FR HistS. FHA, FSA, 7 Haugh Shaw Road, Halifax HXl 3AH. Tel: 01422 250780. e-mail:
[email protected] Registrar (who receives subscriptions): REV. DONALD H R Y AN MTh , 15 Foxlands Drive, Lloyds Hill, Penn, Wolverhampton, WV4 5NB. Tel: 01902335556. e-mail:
[email protected] Administrator: REV. DONALD H RYAN MTh, address as above. Treasurer MR KEITH ROTHER Y, ACMA, I I Hazelmere Drive, Chasetown, Burntwood, WS7 4YP. Tel 01543682768
[email protected]. Librarian: DR JOHN H LENTON, M.A., M Phil., 21 Vineyard Road, Wellington, Telford, Shropshire, TFI IHB. Tel: 01952 251792 e-mail: jandclenton@ Editors: DR DA VID CERI JONES, Aberystwyth University, Department of History & Welsh History, Hugh Owen Building, Aberystwyth SY23 3DY, e-mail:
[email protected]. DEACON DR RONALD AITCHISON 11 Kestrel Mews, Normanton, WF6 lZU email:
[email protected].