Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 55 / Thursday, March 21, 2019 / Notices 10499 An agency may not conduct or sponsor impose radionuclide dose and/or ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION and a person is not required to respond emission limits, respectively, to AGENCY to a collection of information unless it underground uranium mines, elemental [EPA–HQ–OPPT–2018–0408; FRL 9990–07] displays a currently valid OMB control phosphorous plants, phosphogypsum number. stacks, and uranium mill tailings Certain New Chemical Substances; DATES: Additional comments may be impoundments. Facilities must measure Receipt and Status Information for submitted on or before April 22, 2019. their radionuclide emissions, perform September 2018 ADDRESSES: Submit your comments, analysis or calculations per EPA referencing Docket ID Number EPA– procedure, and report the results to the AGENCY: Environmental Protection HQ–OAR–2003–0085–0014, to (1) EPA EPA. Agency (EPA). online using www.regulations.gov (our Information collected is used by the ACTION: Notice. preferred method), by email to a-and-r- EPA to ensure that public health SUMMARY: EPA is required under the
[email protected] or by mail to: EPA continues to be protected from the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), Docket Center, Environmental hazards of airborne radionuclides by as amended by the Frank R. Lautenberg Protection Agency, Mail Code 28221T, compliance with these standards. Chemical Safety for the 21st Century 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Compliance is demonstrated through Act, to make information publicly Washington, DC 20460, and (2) OMB via emissions testing and dose calculation _ available and to publish information in email to oira
[email protected].