Students Urged to Use Escort Service
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Some 100 students came lace to face with YSU President John Coffelt Wednesday when protestors in Kilcawley took their concerns over parking security to Tod Bali. Coffelt, left, attempted to placate students at the impromtu meeting after the students were urged by Tony Merolla, council vice-cbaopeison, right, and Ray Nakley, student government president, far right, to take their concerns to the top. (Photos by Timothy Fitzpatrick) youngstown state university youngstown, Ohio friday, march 13, 1981 vol. 62- 39 •ill. ft 'St VMHJ • ' „„„„ •jug1- ;::s* ^ i-ti^' by Lynn Alexander condition of the parking lots in flared as they questioned whether Coffelt. have been let and it is in the hands Fueled by anger over the Smoky Hollow which will be adequate security would be For the next hour and a half of the general contractor." sexual assault of a student near pressed into use as lots near cam- provided in the Hollow lots, students voiced their concern, Because of economic loss the campus, about half of the some pus are closed in April to make Merolla and Student Govern- anger, fear and frustration over construction cannot be put back," 200 persons at a student govern• way for stadium construction. ment President Ray Nakley called security and parking. he added. ment forum on parking in Kil• Merolla called the lots in the on students to sign petitions pro- The questions and comments (cont, on page 2) cawley Center stormed YSU Hollow "unsafe" and a ''filth testing the condition of the lots, touched on many topics. Several President John Coffelt's office trap" and commented on the "Don't just sit on your rear students questioned why the lots Students urged to Wednesday. many rats and the windows shot ends and let this happen!" Merolla • near campus had to be closed at use escort service The students had gathered in out by guns. urged. "How many of you are all. the Kilcawley arcade at 1 p.m. to Already concerned about the ready to go over there [Tod Hall] Judy Davis, freshman, business, Students wanting an escort to hear Tony Merolla, student coun• abduction and assault which occurred, right now?" was one of-these. "I don't like a car, building on campus or cil vice chakpeisort, speak on the Tuesday night, students' tempers - Led by Nakley and Merolla, walking around in the dark. I residence off campus should call some 100 students walked from am scared to death down here. the Campus Escort Service, Kilcawley over to Coffelt's office Who is it around here that plays according to Jeff Laret, vice in Tod Hall. Coffelt met with the God and makes all the decisions?" president of Student Governmen:. group hi the Board of Trustees she asked. Laret said that extra students A female YSU student was weapon and forced her to get in meetinSroom' Coffelt answered decisions have been added to escort and thr abducted from the Lincoln Ave• her car and drive to Mill Creek Nakley addressed Coffelt by are made ultimately by the Board will continue as long as there is nue parking deck Tuesday night, Park along Glacier Lake saying that students were of T™stees. He explained that need for it. driven to Mill Creek Park, and The student told police the extremely concerned about what lots behind the physical plant Though the escort service sexually assaulted. man made her remove her cloth- wouid ^P**" when ^ ParkinS ?m "ot continue to be used officially ends at 10 p.m., "w lotS b ehind the will go beyond that time ii The student told police that ing. At one point he made" her u ^ ^ u* f ? T J T. COme the of Bryson and needed " Laret said. she left class shortly before 7 p.m. put on her coat, pushed her out f . c \ fhe condition tha When she arrived at her car parked of the car and made her walk Spring Streets cbse. it be developed for educational Students needing an escort on the third level, she found a toward the lake Instead of bringing your peti- purposes. during the day or night should man sitting in it. tions, I brought you the students He said construction could not call 742-3591, 3592 or 3593, He appeared to be holding a (cont.on page 2) who.signed them," Nakley told ., be delayed.because ".the.contracts page 2 the jambar much 13,1981 THE MADCAP PLAYING Parking protestors carry concerns to Coffelt MUSICAL FOR WEEKENDS ADULTS—ON THROUGH STAGE NOW! MARCH 28! . (coht. from page 1) inadequate they should look into where they live and could be Students questioned the the possibility of private lots or matched up with others from the amount of space available for car-pooling. area, he suggested. parking. He also mentioned; that sale Coffelt said that this had "If the University provided a of parking permits could be been attempted without success parking space for every indi• limited, though he added, **l in the past and that he was willing, vidual, there would be no room don't think that's fair to those to try it again if there .was an for any buildings" Coffelt re• who would want to park in the interest in it. plied. He said that the Trustees, Smoky Hollow lots." The idea of a shuttle bus from have tried to provide parking As for solutions, Coffelt said, outlying lots was also raised. to the extent they could with the "the basic solution is not to park (Coffelt said this, too, had been amount of space they had. down there (Smoky Hollow) at attempted in 1975-76 and Another major issue among the night." had been discontinued because of students was whether Salata stated that the'two lack of student interest. improvements would be made in parking' decks are not filled at Nakley said he would include the Hollow lots. night. He said M-l (Wick Ave.) a request for a shutte bus in the, Coffelt explained that the lots at 25% capacity and M-2 student government proposed are not all located near each (Lincoln) is at . 60% capacity. budget for next year. other. "There is a lot here a lot Both Coffelt and Salata urged Students also questioned YSU Student Tickets Only $2!?^Z*U there," we said. "It would' be students to make use of the es• whether the athletic budget could cost prohibitive to try to improve cort service. be cut and money from that used them one at a time," he added. Nakley agreed with this and for increased security. Coffelt He also said that "lighting urged students, "don't make said that athletics are budgeted doesn't solve the problem" and yourself a target by walking as part of the general fee and claimed it may in fact add a alone." security is not. He also said that, sense of false security. Several alternatives were money from the general fee could Coffelt and Edmund Salata, brought up at the gathering. go toward security if students dean of Administrative Services, Coffelt said that the academic wanted it to. answered questions about the departments are being encouraged Questioned afterwards on amount of security which will be to spread the courses out so that whether he though the meeting provided in the Hollow lots. all are not offered around the with Coffelt was successful, Salata said that one security same time, in an attempt to Nakley responded: "from the officer and one parking officer alleviate the mid-morning parking point of view of students ex• will be patrolling. -There will problem. pressing themselves and going also be increased student pa- Bob Capp, sophomore, CAST, right to the top, it was. A8 to trollers. The student patrol will raised the possibilty of students . alternatives being offered, there start at the begining of spring being matched into car-pools by are none. .We will have to hope quarter, he said. computer. Students could indi• that whatever is existing - escorts, YSU police patrol the lots as cate on their registration forms stepped-up security - is enough." part of their rounds, he added. ...Keepsake diamonds come with the famous One female student question• Keepsake Certificate, ed: "You say security patrols Police seek attacker which permanently the lots regularly. What am I registers your ring SHEENA supposed to do if X am being She was taken to St. Eliza• and guarantees a cen• attacked say 'wait a minute - (cont from page 1) ter diamond of perfect beth Hospital Medical Center and clarity, fine white don't rape me - I want to call She said she tried to run but later released. color and precise a full-time security guard first." the man grabbed her, knocked Detective John Lynch of the modern cut (or replace• "If they aren't there when I her down, and brutalized her Youngstown Police Department ment assured). The need them, what good are they " Certificate also guar• with a stick. said the description of the attack• antees protection .she said. Police said at one point a car er resembles that of a man with against loss of the pulled into the parking area and known psychiatric problems and center diamond from Salata responded by saying the attacker walked away. When a record of sexual assaults dating the mounting, that students should call campus • to 1961. through no fault of the student tried to run back to HENOON the wearer for one police or the escort service if her car the man intercepted her. The student told police that year, to be replaced they have to walk to their cars He forced her to drive back to she felt she had been followed for without charge.