Greater Manchester Police, Fire and Crime Panel Agenda
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Public Document GREATER MANCHESTER POLICE, FIRE AND CRIME PANEL DATE: Monday, 20th July, 2020 TIME: 10.00 am. VENUE: This meeting will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams and will be live-streamed for public viewing. The link to watch the meeting is available on the meetings page of the GMCA website. AGENDA 1. APOLOGIES 2. CHAIRS ANNOUNCEMENTS AND URGENT BUSINESS 3. DECLARATION OF INTEREST 1 - 4 To receive declarations of interest in any item for discussion at the meeting. A blank form for declaring interests has been circulated with the agenda; please ensure that this is returned to the Governance & Scrutiny Officer at the start of the meeting. 4. MINUTES 5 - 10 To consider the approval of the minute of the meetings held on 30 June, 2020 5. GREATER MANCHESTER POLICE, FIRE AND CRIME PANEL 11 - 20 ARRANGEMENTS Report of Liz Treacy, GMCA Solicitor and Monitoring Officer 6. GM POLICE, FIRE AND CRIME PANEL RULES OF PROCEDURE 21 - 52 BOLTON MANCHESTER ROCHDALE STOCKPORT TRAFFORD BURY OLDHAM SALFORD TAMESIDE WIGAN Please note that this meeting will be livestreamed via, please speak to a Governance Officer before the meeting should you not wish to consent to being included in this recording. Report of Liz Treacy, GMCA Solicitor and Monitoring Officer 7. GM CHIEF FIRE OFFICER - APPOINTMENT 53 - 58 Report of Andy Burnham, Greater Manchester Mayor and Eamonn Boylan, GMCA Chief Executive For copies of papers and further information on this meeting please refer to the website Alternatively, contact the following Governance & Scrutiny Officer: Steve Annette [email protected] This agenda was issued on 10 July 2020 on behalf of Julie Connor, Secretary to the Greater Manchester Combined Authority, Churchgate House, 56 Oxford Street, Manchester M1 6EU 2 POLICE AND CRIME PANEL – 20 JULY 2020 Declaration of Councillors’ Interests in Items Appearing on the Agenda NAME: ______________________________ DATE: _______________________________ Minute Item No. / Agenda Item No. Nature of Interest Type of Interest Personal / Prejudicial / Disclosable Pecuniary Personal / Prejudicial / Page 1 Disclosable Pecuniary Personal / Prejudicial / Disclosable Pecuniary Personal / Prejudicial / Disclosable Pecuniary Personal / Prejudicial / Agenda Item 3 Disclosable Pecuniary Personal / Prejudicial / Disclosable Pecuniary Please see overleaf for a quick guide to declaring interests at meetings. 1 QUICK GUIDE TO DECLARING INTERESTS AT MEETINGS This is a summary of the rules around declaring interests at meetings. It does not replace the Member’s Code of Conduct, the full description can be found in the GMCA’s constitution Part 7A. Your personal interests must be registered on the GMCA’s Annual Register within 28 days of your appointment onto a GMCA committee and any changes to these interests must notified within 28 days. Personal interests that should be on the register include: Bodies to which you have been appointed by the GMCA Your membership of bodies exercising functions of a public nature, including charities, societies, political parties or trade unions. You are also legally bound to disclose the following information called DISCLOSABLE PERSONAL INTERESTS which includes: You, and your partner’s business interests (eg employment, trade, profession, contracts, or any company with which you are associated) You and your partner’s wider financial interests (eg trust funds, investments, and assets including land and property). Page 2 Any sponsorship you receive. FAILURE TO DISCLOSE THIS INFORMATION IS A CRIMINAL OFFENCE STEP ONE: ESTABLISH WHETHER YOU HAVE AN INTEREST IN THE BUSINESS OF THE AGENDA If the answer to that question is ‘No’ – then that is the end of the matter. If the answer is ‘Yes’ or Very Likely’ then you must go on to consider if that personal interest can be construed as being a prejudicial interest. STEP TWO: DETERMINING IF YOUR INTEREST PREJUDICIAL? A personal interest becomes a prejudicial interest: where the well being, or financial position of you, your partner, members of your family, or people with whom you have a close association (people who are more than just an acquaintance) are likely to be affected by the business of the meeting more than it would affect most people in the area. the interest is one which a member of the public with knowledge of the relevant facts would reasonably regard as so significant that it is likely to prejudice your judgement of the public interest. FOR A NON PREJUDICIAL INTEREST FOR PREJUDICIAL INTERESTS YOU MUST YOU MUST Notify the governance officer for the meeting as soon as you realise you Notify the governance officer for the meeting as soon as you realise you 2 have an interest have a prejudicial interest (before or during the meeting) Inform the meeting that you have a personal interest and the nature of Inform the meeting that you have a prejudicial interest and the nature of the interest the interest Fill in the declarations of interest form Fill in the declarations of interest form TO NOTE: Leave the meeting while that item of business is discussed You may remain in the room and speak and vote on the matter Make sure the interest is recorded on your annual register of interests If your interest relates to a body to which the GMCA has appointed you form if it relates to you or your partner’s business or financial affairs. If it to you only have to inform the meeting of that interest if you speak on is not on the Register update it within 28 days of the interest becoming the matter. apparent. YOU MUST NOT: participate in any discussion of the business at the meeting, or if you Page 3 become aware of your disclosable pecuniary interest during the meeting participate further in any discussion of the business, participate in any vote or further vote taken on the matter at the meeting 3 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 4 MINUTES OF THE GM POLICE AND CRIME PANEL HELD ON TUESDAY 30 JUNE 2020 VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS PRESENT: Councillor Nadim Muslim Bolton Council Councillor Nigel Murphy Manchester City Council – (In the Chair) Councillor Steve Williams Oldham Council Councillor Janet Emsley Rochdale Council Councillor David Lancaster Salford City Council Councillor Amanda Peers Stockport Council Councillor Warren Bray Tameside Council Councillor Mike Freeman Trafford Council (Guest) Councillor Graham Whitham Trafford Council Councillor Kevin Anderson Wigan Council Majid Hussain Independent Member ALSO PRESENT: Baroness Beverley Hughes GM Deputy Mayor OFFICERS: Chris Sykes Assistant Chief Constable, GMP Clare Monaghan Director Policing, Crime and Fire, GMCA Jeanette Staley Salford City Council & GM Police and Crime Policy Lead Gwynne Williams Deputy Monitoring Officer, GMCA Sylvia Welsh Head of Governance & Scrutiny, GMCA Sarah Keaveny Head of Comms, GMCA Sarah Barnes Principal Researcher, GM Peter Langmead-Jones Head of External Relations & Performance, GMP Lisa Lees Strategic Manager, GMCA Lee Teasdale GMCA Governance and Scrutiny, Steve Annette GMCA Governance and Scrutiny PCP/15/20 APPOINTMENT OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR Councillor Nigel Murphy having been nominated as Chair and Councillor Janet Emsley having been nominated as Vice Chair, and members then voting separately thereon, it was - Page 5 RESOLVED/- That Councillor Nigel Murphy be appointed as Chair and Councillor Janet Emsley as Vice- Chair of the Police and Crime Panel for the ensuing Municipal Year. PCP/16/20 MEMBERSHIP 2020/21 The Membership of the Panel for the ensuing Municipal Year was noted. The Chair thanked Councillor Sharon Briggs (Bury) and Councillor Mike Freeman (Trafford) for their contributions to the work of the Panel, and the Chair would write to each to convey those thanks. He then welcomed Councillor David Jones (Bury) and Councillor Graham Whitman (Trafford) as new members and hoped that they would find the work of the Panel interesting and re- warding. PCP/17/20 APOLOGIES An apology for absence was received from Angela Lawrence (Independent Member). PCP/18/20 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest made. PCP/19/20 MINUTES RESOLVED/- That the Minutes of the meetings held on 28th and 31st January 2020 be approved as correct records, subject to a declaration of interest from Councillor Freeman being recorded in the minutes of 31st January 2020. PCP/20/20 POLICE AND CRIME TEAM UPDATE In opening the item, the Chair immediately placed on record his appreciation of the work of the team during the current emergency and the many instances where innovative working arrangements and sensitivity had ensured the maintenance and continuity of services to the public at a time of unparalleled difficulty. The Deputy Mayor then presented her report that provided an overview of the work of the GMCA police and crime team across a range of functions and key issues, including the specific responses to the Covid-19 emergency, and she shared the generous appreciation already expressed by the Chair to all involved. Selecting highlights from the report, she emphasised the importance in the context of homeworking during the period of Covid-19 lockdown, of having robust arrangements in place by which the Deputy Mayor was enabled to continue to exercise her functions to hold the Chief Constable to account and to scrutinise decisions and actions by GMP during the crisis. Daily performance reports were provided to the Deputy Mayor and these were supplemented by regular GOLD meetings, and a careful overview