141°0'E 144°0'E 147°0'E 150°0'E 153°0'E


Tweed Byron LALC NSD876/2020 Tweed River (NC2020/002) The Githabul People Bundjalung People of QUD851/2018 Wongkumara People (QC2008/003) NSD1213/2018 Western Widjabul Wia-bal People Bundjalung People (NC2013/005)


Bandjalang People

Lightning MO REE NSD526/2021 Ridge LALC !( Part B Native Yaegl Title Claim Group People (NC2021/002) GRAFTON !( S S ' ' 0 0 ° ° 0 0 3 BOURKE 3 !( NSD525/2021 Malyangapa Part A Native Title Claim Group (NC2021/001) NSD37/2019 Gomeroi People (NC2011/006) ARMIDALE !( Nambucca Heads LALC

Gumbaynggirr People ,

GUNNEDAH !( Australian Capital Territory TAMWORTH KEMPSEY !( !( & Territory

NSD38/2019 Native Title Claimant Applications and Ngemba, , and Determination Areas as per the Federal Court Wayilwan native title determination application Dunghutti (NC2012/001) People (30 June 2021)

Determined area (NNTT name shown) External boundary of determination NSD925/2020 Barkandji Malyangapa People External boundary of native title claimant (NP2020/001) applications coloured (Federal Court TAREE number, NNTT name and NNTT number !( !( shown) National Park

BarkandjiTraditional Owners #8 0 50 100 Forster LALC Kilometres NSD1786/2016 Geocentric Datum of 2020 Warrabinga #6 (NC2016/005) LALC Prepared by: Geospatial Services, National Native Title Tribunal A LALC 27/07/2021 NSD857/2017 I Data Sources Warrabinga-Wiradjuri #7 CESSNOCK !( Claimant application boundary data compiled by the (NC2018/002) NEWCASTLE National Native Title Tribunal normally from: L !( S S ' LALC - Finance, Services & Innovation (NSW) ' 0 0 ° ° 3 3

3 - Dept of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy (Qld) 3 A PARKES Bahtabah LALC - Dept of Environment and Primary Industries (Vic). !( Coastline/state borders, Localities sourced from and used with the permission of Geoscience Australia R ORANG E !( People (2006). BATHURST Topographic vector data is © Commonwealth of T !( LITHGO W Australia (Geoscience Australia) 2006. !( NSD543/2013 LALC Conservation data sourced from Finance, Services &

S Wendy Lewis, Mavis Agnew & Innovation (NSW), 2020. Martin de Launey on behalf of Warrabinga-Wiradjuri #2 Barkandji (NC2013/001) Deerubbin U () LALC Metropolitan As part of the transitional provisions of the amended LALC People #11 Native Title Act in 1998, all applications were taken to !( !( S Y D N E Y have been filed in the Federal Court. Any changes to A WEST WYALONG !( West Wyalong these applications and the filing of new applications LALC happen through the Federal Court. The Tribunal LALC La Perouse LALC records information on these matters in the Schedule of Applications (Federal Court). The map depicts the

H boundaries of claimant applications (these can be GRIFFITH external boundaries with areas excluded or discrete Griffith LALC !( boundaries of areas being claimed) as they have been T WOLLONGONG recognised by the Federal Court process. Where the !( HAY boundary of an application has been amended in the !( Illawarra LALC U Federal Court, the map shows this boundary rather Leeton and District LALC than the boundary as per the Register of Native Title Claims (RNTC), if a registered application. O The applications shown on the map comprise: YASS - claimant and compensation applications, !( S LALC - registered applications (i.e. those that have complied Nowra LALC with the registration test), - new and/or amended applications where the NSD1331/2017 registration test is being applied, South Coast People !( - unregistered applications (i.e. those that have not (NC2017/003) been accepted for registration). C A N B E R R A !( Determinations shown on the map include: - registered determinations as per the National Native Title Register (NNTR), LALC Ulladulla LALC A C T - determinations where registration is conditional on Deniliquin LALC other matters being finalised. Currency is based on the information as held by the NNTT and may not reflect all decisions of the Federal Court. To determine whether any areas fall within the external Yorta boundary of an application or determination, a search Yorta of the Tribunal's registers and databases is required. S S ' '

0 Further information is available from the Tribunals 0 ° ° 6 6

3 website at www.nntt.gov.au or by calling 1800 640 501 3 © Commonwealth of Australia 2021 COOMA !( Wagonga LALC While the National Native Title Tribunal (NNTT) and the Native Title Registrar (Registrar) have exercised due care in ensuring the accuracy of the information provided, it is provided for general information only and on the understanding that neither the NNTT, the Registrar nor the Commonwealth of Australia is BEGA providing professional advice. Appropriate professional !( advice relevant to your circumstances should be sought rather than relying on the information provided. In addition, you must exercise your own judgment and carefully evaluate the information provided for V I C T O R I A accuracy, currency, completeness and relevance for Eden the purpose for which it is to be used. The information LALC provided is often supplied by, or based on, data and information from external sources, therefore the NNTT and Registrar cannot guarantee that the information is accurate or up-to-date. The NNTT and Registrar expressly disclaim any liability arising from the use of this information. This information should not be relied upon in relation to any matters associated with cultural heritage.

With the exception of the Commonwealth Coat of Arms and where otherwise noted, this map is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia licence: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/au/

141°0'E 144°0'E 147°0'E 150°0'E 153°0'E Filepath: V:\NSW\State Maps\20210630_NSW_State_Map_A1L.mxd Geotrack Number: GT2021/0819