Offshoring Domestic Jobs Hartmut Egger Udo Kreickemeier Jens Wrona CESIFO WORKING PAPER NO. 4083 CATEGORY 8: TRADE POLICY JANUARY 2013 An electronic version of the paper may be downloaded • from the SSRN website: • from the RePEc website: • from the CESifo website: www.CESifoT T CESifo Working Paper No. 4083 Offshoring Domestic Jobs Abstract We set up a two-country general equilibrium model, in which heterogeneous firms from one country (the source country) can offshore routine tasks to a low-wage host country. The most productive firms self-select into offshoring, and the impact on welfare in the source country can be positive or negative, depending on the share of firms engaged in offshoring. Each firm is run by an entrepreneur, and inequality between entrepreneurs and workers as well as intra- group inequality among entrepreneurs is higher with offshoring than in autarky. All results hold in a model extension with firm-level rent sharing, which results in aggregate unemployment. In this extended model, offshoring furthermore has non-monotonic effects on unemployment and intra-group inequality among workers. The paper also offers a calibration exercise to quantify the effects of offshoring. JEL-Code: F120, F160, F230. Keywords: offshoring, heterogeneous firms, income inequality. Hartmut Egger University of Bayreuth Department of Law and Economics Universitätsstr. 30 Germany – 95447 Bayreuth
[email protected] Udo Kreickemeier Jens Wrona University of Tübingen University of Tübingen Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences Mohlstr. 36 Mohlstr. 36 Germany - 72074 Tübingen Germany - 72074 Tübingen
[email protected] [email protected] January 8, 2013 We are grateful to Eric Bond, Jonathan Eaton, Gino Gancia, Gene Grossman, James Harrigan, Samuel Kortum, Marc Muendler, IanWooton, and to participants at the European Trade Study Group Meeting in Leuven, the Midwest International Trade Meetings in St.