
• History of the p. 3 • Grandmother’s chocolate p. 5 • Swiss = Zopf p. 7

• Blechkuchen p. 9 • Marmorgugelhopf p.11 • Tiroler cake p.15

• Princess cake p.17 • Lemon cake p.21 • p.23

• English Zopf p.25 • Linzertorte p.27 • About us p.29


History of the oven

The earliest were found in central Europe. The date is around 29,000 BC. They were roasting and boiling pits inside yurts to cook mammoth.in Ukraine from 20,000 BC they used pits with hot coals covered in ashes. The food was in leaves and set on top and then covered with earth. Ovens were used by cultures who lived in the Indus Valley and in pre-dynastic Egypt. By 32,000 BC, each mud-brick house had an oven. They were used to make food and bricks. Culinary historians credit the Greeks for developing bread significantly. The frontloaded bread ovens were developed in ancient Greece. During the Middle Age, Europeans used earth and ceramic ovens instead of fireplaces in conjunction with large cauldrons. They are similar to Dutch ovens. The oven changed much during the middle age. Each design had its own motivation and purpose. The first cast-iron stove oven was first used around the early 1700’s. These ovens had its own chimney. In the early part of the 19th century, the coal ovens were developed. Its shape was cylindrical and was made of heavy cast-iron. The gas oven was first used in the beginning of the 19th century as well. The gas stoves became very common. James Sharp patented on of the first gas stoves in 1826. The first electric ovens were invented in the late 19th century.


Now ovens have become slightly more high-tech in terms of cooking strategy. The microwave was discovered by Percy Spencer in 1946 and with the help from engineers, the microwave oven was patented.



150g 300g sugar 1 pack vanilla sugar 3 eggs until fluffy

75g ground hazelnuts 125g chocolate powder 1 ½ dl milk inflict, mix

300g ½ pack baking powder 1 pinch salt mix, sieving into the dough, fill in into a greased form

Back the cake for 45-50 minutes at 200 degrees



Swiss bred = Zopf

1kg flour 1 SSP salt mix, crater forms

40g yeast in crater yeast crumble 1 SSP sugar scatter on the yeast

60g butter 3 dl milk 2 dl water heat up, pour over the sugar 50g quark knead it to a smooth dough, cover it up, and let it rise to double. Form the Zopf (like pictures below) 1 egg yolk anoint it

Back the Zopf for 45-50 minutes at 200 degrees





6 eggs 2 cup sugar 1 pack vanilla sugar 4 dl cream 1 cup cacao powder 1 pack baking powder 4 cup flour Process everything into a dough.

Than bake the cake for 20 minutes in the preheated oven at 180°c.

Glazing: 50g melted butter 1 cup powder sugar 3 SSP cold water 3 SSP cacao powder 2 TSP vanilla sugar

Glaze emphasize on the still warm cake and sprinkle with coconut flakes.




250g soft butter 250g sugar 1 pack vanilla sugar Stir butter, sugar and vanilla sugar until it is fluffy. 4-5 eggs 2 SSP rum 1pinch salt Add gradually the eggs, rum flavour and the salt. 500g flour 1 pack baking powder Mix the flour and baking powder and add spoonful. ½ cup milk Add milk until the dough fall difficult of the spoon.

Fat the form and put a bit flour inside, pour the half dough into the form.



3SSP sugar 3SSP cacao powder 2SSP milk Mix sugar, cacao powder and the milk into the rest of the dough. When the dark dough is finish pour it on the white.

To recrove a marble pattern, move with a fork through the dough.

Lead time: 20 – 30 minutes Baking time: 50 – 65 minutes

Baking temperature: Electro 180 – 200°C gas 3 -4



Tiroler cake

125g butter 4 eggs yolk 1 pinch salt until fluffy

200g sugar mix

250g ground hazelnuts add

120g flour ½ pack baking powder mix, sieving in

150g chocolate cut into cubes, add

4 egg white whip, pull under

Bake the cake for 50-55 minutes at 180 degrees



Princess cake

120g sugar 4 eggs 1 pinch salt mix for 5 min

1 bio lemon grate

60g flour 60g corn starch ½ TSP baking powder sieving in and pull under

Bake it for 30 minutes at 180 degrees. Cut the cake in half. Put one half in a bowl.

2 dl milk 1 vanilla rod 4 SSP sugar 1 pinch salt 1 SSP corn starch 2 eggs mix well with a whisk, stirring constantly at medium heat bring it to boil. As soon as the mass binds, take it away from the hob.



3 foliage gelatine insert in cold water for ca. 5 min, gelatine stir into the hot cream, ca. 2 minutes continue stirring, sift the cream in a bowl. Lay a foil directly on the cream. Refrigerate until the cream is fixed on the edge (ca. 30 min)

3 ½ dl double cream beat cream stiff and fold into the cream. Fill the cream into the bowl with the half cake. Put the other half on top of the cream. For 4 hours put it into the fridge.

120g apricot jam invert cake, anoint the cake with jam

320g to form roll out marzipan with icing sugar. Lay marzipan over the cake. Cut off edge.



Lemon cake

250g butter 250g sugar 1 pinch salt 4 eggs stir until it is light

2 bio lemon just rub the peel pure

250g flour 1 TSP baking powder fold into the mass

Back the cake for ca. 60 minutes at 180 degrees

2 lemon 100g icing sugar mix and pour over the cake



Carrot cake

250g sugar 5 egg yolk 2 SSP hot water stir for 5 min, until fluffy

250g finely grated carrots 250g grounded mix

1 bio lemon grated peel and juice, mix

2 SSP cherry booze 80g flour 2 TSP baking powder add and mix

5 egg whites 1 pinch salt stir until it is stiff then fold into the mass

Bake the cake in the underpart in the180 °c preheated oven for 55 minutes.

2 SSP lemon juice or cherry booze 300g powder sugar 2 SSP water mix good and pour it on the cake. 12 marzipan carrots lay them on the wet glazing



English Zopf

350g white flour 20g yeast prepare a yeast dough, let it rest 1 TSP sugar 50g butter 1 ¼ dl milk 1 egg 3 SSP sugar ½ TSP salt

Filling: 300g jam 2-3SSP sultana 3 SSP chopped almonds

Roll out the dough to ½ cm thick square, divide lengthwise the dough into 3 equalsized fields. Spread the field in the middle with any jam, then sprinkle almonds and sultanas over. Cut the fields on the outside into 2 cm wide strips, then take turns them loose on the field in the middle. Lift the Swiss bread carefully into the greased cake form and then let him rest again. Before you bake the cake brush an egg over the cake. Bake the bread with good medium heat (200°c) for ca. 30 minutes. Before the pastry is almost brown, drop with your hand some water and sprinkle some sugar over it. Bake the glazing with strong top heat, my move the pastry up in the oven.




250g butter 200g sugar 1 pinch salt 2 eggs stir until it is light

1 bio lemon just rub the peel pure

200g ground almonds 200g flour ¼ TSP cinnamon 1 pinch clove powder mix, ¾ press into the mold 200g raspberry jam spread over the dough, 2 cm edge blank 4 SSP flour remaining dough mix with flour, 4 mm thick roll, stripe width in 1cm, laying a lattice on the jam, press at edge

Back the cake for ca.40 minutes at 180 degrees



About us

My name is Julianne Holpp. Normally I live in but for the moment I live in Eastbourne because I am in a school to learn English.

My name is Nadine Looser. Normally I live in Switzerland but I decided to study English. So I live now in Eastbourne and study English.

In our school we had to do a project about an invention. Because both of us like baking we decided to make the project about baking and the invention of the oven.

We had lot of fun during this project and we learned quite a lot. We often had not the same opinion, but finally we were able to find a compromise which we both agreed to.