7 X 11 Long.P65
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-56108-2 - Quark-Gluon Plasma: From Big Bang to Little Bang Kohsuke Yagi, Tetsuo Hatsuda and Yasuo Miake Index More information Index adjoint representation, 18, 399 Big Bang, 1, 6, 193 AGS, 338 binary collisions, 279 Alternating Gradient Synchrotron, see AGS Bjorken flow, 270, 335 analytic continuation, 68, 89 Bjorken formula, 275, 340, anisotropic lattice, 110 348, 360 anisotropy parameter, 110 Bjorken picture, 250 anomalous dimension, 152 Bjorken’s x, 303 anti-hyperons, 315 black body radiation, 60 anti-screening, 2, 30 black hole, 228 aperiodic gauge transformation, 111 blue shift, 297, 310 area law, 100, 102 Bohr radius, 174 asymptotic freedom, 2, 24 Boltzmann entropy, 282 IR, 149 Boltzmann equation, 280 UV, 150 Boltzmann H-theorem, 283 asymptotic scaling, 104 boost invariance, 271 asymptotic series, 79 Bose–Einstein distribution, 44 AU (astronomical unit), 395 bottomonium (), 107, 108, 170 auxiliary field method, 166 BRST transformation, 21 average transverse momentum, 314 bulk viscosity, 269 axial anomaly, 29 azimuthal angular correlations, 372 azimuthal anisotropies, 366 canonical dimensions, 148 azimuthal distribution of particle emission, 319 Carlson’s theorem, 68, 89 Casimir operator, 70, 398 -function, 157 Centauro event, 325 background subtraction, 386 center-of-mass frame, 259 bag constant, 30, 32, 48 center symmetry, 54, 112 bag EOS, 212 central collisions, 247, 256, 358, 375 bag model, 32, 46 central plateau, 253 Baker–Campbell–Hausdorff formula, 94 central rapidity region, 253 balance
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