Selecting Desert Shade Trees
Your one-stop guide to a variety of shade trees that grow well in the dry Arizona ARIZONA DESERT SHADE TREES Sonoran Desert environment. Frost Potential Growth Water Possible Tree Benefits Height Shape Spread Toler- Planting Rate Usage Problems Type ance Areas orked, P=Pyramidal, N=Narrow, Mature Specimens at Desert Botanical Garden? Thorny: V=Very, M=Moderate, S=Slightly, N=No Thorns Hardiness: Degrees Fahrenheit S=Semi-Hardy, H=Hardy E=Evergreen, S=Semi- deciduous, D=Deciduous D=Desert T=Turf, Native Arizona Shade Tree Beneficial to Native Wildlife Heaviest Bloom Season: SP=Spring, SU=Summer, F=Fall, W=Winter Flower Color: C=Cream, W=White, R=Red Prp=Purple, P=Pink, Y=Yellow, Okay to Grow Near Electric Lines? Y = Yes, N = No S=<25', M=25-40', L=>40' S-Spreading, M=Multi/Trunked/Low- f C=Conical S=<25', M=25-40', L=>40' S=Slow, M=Medium, F=Fast L=Low, M=Medium Rot, Root T=Texas Chlorosis, I=Iron D=Other Diseases, P=Pests, L=Litter, W=Wind Damage, In=Invasive Roots Aleppo Pine N/A N L S LMMD,P N H E T Pinus halepensis Blue Palo Verde SP Y N M S/M M ML L MHD D Parkinsonia florida Cascalote WY Y SS S F L P,L V 28/S S T/D Parkinsonia caesalpinia Chinese Elm SU/F N LS L M M T,L N HS T Ulmus parvifolia Chinese Pistache SU N LS L M M T,L N HD T Pistacia chinensis Coolibah SP P N MS M MMI,L,W,P N HE T Eucalyptus microtheca Coral Gum N/A R,Y Y SS S M L T,D,P,L N HE D Eucalyptus torquata Desert Fern SP C N S/M S S/M ML L NSE D Lysiloma thornberi Desert Willow SP/SU P/Prp Y S N/M S ML L NHD D Chilopsis linearis Eldarica Pine N/A N LS L FM P NHE T Pinus eldarica Foothills Palo Verde SP C Y S S/M S ML L SHD D Parkinsonia microphylla Hybrid Mesquite SU C N MS M FL L V H S T/D Prosopis spp.
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