Patrice Pike Neighborhoods Can’t help Band and unite for falling in love Moonshine “National with “All play Niles Night Out” Shook Up” Town Plaza Page 16 Page 21 Page 35 The newspaper for the new millennium 510-494-1999
[email protected] July 30, 2013 Vol. 12 No. 31 SUBMITTED BY THE FREMONT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PHOTOS COURTESY OF THE FREMONT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Do you come for the hand- crafted art, free concerts or festi- val fare? Do you spend most of your time at the Wine Garden, Business Alley or Kid City? Per- haps you will be lured by the car show, a new addition this year. Most likely it’s all of the above, because you won’t find any event that offers more to enjoy for a better price than the “Fremont Festival of the Arts.” continued on page 5 BY MEDHA RAMAN primarily seniors, who are interested in dis- playing their classic cars. Although focused On Saturday, August 3, the City of mainly on older cars, any type of vehicle will Union City, Leisure Services Department, be accepted. Prizes for winning cars range and Ralph & Mary Ruggieri Senior Center from gift cards from Texas Roadhouse to car will host its annual car show in honor of for- care supplies. Car owners can register at $20 mer recreation supervisor Larry Orozco. a vehicle in advance or sign up on the day of Once known as “Senior Hot August Day the show. Car Show,” the event was renamed the In addition to the car show, the event “Larry O Car Show” this year to commemo- includes many other forms of entertain- rate all that Orozco has done for Union City ment.