
Royal Air Force

West End Road HA4 6NG Tel: 020 8833 8909 Fax: 020 8833 8903 E-Mail: NOR-SPTMCO@ mod.uk

To: All Attendees Reference: CLG Meeting

Date: 29 Apr 13


Present Stn Cdr Officer Commanding Support Wing – Chairman OC Ops Wg Media & Comms Officer West Ruislip Ward Ward LBH LBH Res Assoc Ickenham Res Assoc Ickenham Res Assoc Oak Farm Res Assoc Oak Farm Res Assoc Pembroke Park Res Assoc Res Assoc Ruislip Gardens Res Assoc Ruislip Gardens Res Assoc Ruislip Gardens Res Assoc Ruislip Res Assoc Ruislip Res Assoc South Ruislip Res Assoc Vine Lane Res Assoc Secretary

Apologies Cllr A Kaufman South Ruislip Ward Cllr E Harris Northolt Mandeville Ward Cllr Chris Summers Northolt Mandeville Ward Cllr J Hensley LBH Cllr J Riley West Ruislip Ward Cllr Philip Corthorne Cllr W Bridges Mrs J Reyner Ickenham Res Assoc Ickenham Res Assoc North Res Assoc South Ruislip Res Assoc


1. The Stn Cdr welcomed everyone to the meeting and explained that this would be his last before departing Northolt.

2. The Stn Cdr explained that the Olympics had helped to show that RAF Northolt had a part to play in Defence and security. The site is to remain military for the foreseeable future.

3. OC Spt Wg introduced OC Ops Wg who gave a brief with regard to the Government raising the limits of commercial aircraft movements from 7,000 to 12,000 over the next 3 years, military movements were expected to remain unchanged.

4. OC Spt Wg suggested that it could mean that more people would be employed in the commercial area with this increase.

5. OC Ops Wg stated that the existing opening times would remain the same. The extra flights would be spread over the day and not all at the same time.

6. Questions were raised with regard to infrastructure to support this and the increase in road traffic. It was explained that RAF Northolt have no control outside the wire. The question was raised that no consultation with the local residents had taken place, but it was explained that RAF Northolt again had no control over the implementation of the decision to increase the flights.

7. OC Ops Wg explained that the revenue raised from the additional flights would go to offset the cost of running RAF Northolt and that the Government had looked at all options including the possibility of selling off Northolt.

8. The MCO stated that a written briefing would be issued following the meeting and he would be willing to attend local Residents’ Association Meetings to answer questions. Email updates would continue to be sent to the local Resident Associations to keep them informed.


9. The date of the next meeting is 26 Sep 13 at 1800.

(Sent electronically)

Sqn Ldr MCO

Media Enquiry

207/09/13 the journalist says that flights are due to increase at RAF Uxbridge from 8K to 12 K. He wants to know if a consultation has been held and if not, why not?

Response 30/09/13 Explained verbally to the journalist that this was a government decision, not a council one and that he should speak to RAF Northolt. From: Jales Tippell Date: 8 May 2013 09:08 Subject: Fwd: RAF Northolt Future Briefing To: Cllr Philip Corthorne Cc: Residents Services Members Enquiries , James Rodger , Jean Palmer

Dear Cllr Corthorne

ME 3038189

I refer t o your que ry about t he pr oposals f or i ncreasing t he num bers o f c ivilian f lights a t Northolt.

You may be aware that the RAF held a meeting with local councillors and residents on 29th April 2013 at which time the RAF explained that the Government has completed a review of various options to exploit the estate at RAF Northolt. The main three options came down to: a) Closure of site as an airport and replacement with an alternative such as housing; b) Closure of the military operation and a change in operation to a full civilian airport; c) Military operation to remain and an increase in the commercial flights as proposed in the letter.

The Government had decided that RAF Northolt should remain an active military airfield and given the other options, the residents at the meeting appeared supportive of c).

This is a ministerial decision and the Council has therefore not been formally consulted on these proposals and there is no requirement for the RAF to do so.

The local impacts are not easy to assess on t he basis of the information that we have been provided and we are looking to work with the RAF to discuss the implications and address any issues that may arise.

Please let me know if you'd like to discuss this further. kind regards


-- Jales Tippell Head of Transportation, Planning Policy and Community Engagement Resident Services Borough of Hillingdon 01895 556763

On 5 May 2013 20:52, Cllr Philip Corthorne wrote:


Has the MOD consulted with the council on this, will they be doing so and are they obliged to do so? Regards.


------Forwarded message ------From: Date: 1 May 2013 23:12 Subject: Fw: RAF Northolt Future Briefing To: Cllr Philip Corthorne ,


A possible discussion point for our upcoming meeting, and maybe an In Touch article. It looks like the decision has already been made to near-double the number of flights, and the attached press-release makes light of the true impact to the local area. Northolt RAF are due to discuss this with local councillors, a tad late in the process in my opinion.

Best regards

From: Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 9:45 AM To: Members ERA Subject: FW: RAF Northolt Future Briefing


Chair Eastcote Residents Association

www.eastcotera.co.uk NB You are receiving this email as a result of subscribing to the ERA, if you no longer wish to receive email communications from us, please send a blank email to [email protected]

From: NOR-SPT MCO mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 29 April 2013 19:34 Subject: RAF Northolt Future Briefing

Dear all,

Following tonight’s Special Community Liaison Group meeting attached is a copy of the briefing note issued at the meeting.

If there are any resulting questions please let me know.


Richard Willis


Sqn Ldr

Media & Communications Officer

& OIC Heritage

RAF Northolt

95233 8909

020 8833 8909


Thank you for your letter dated 10th September re RAF Northolt. We are aware of the proposals to increase the flights and, although this decision is not something within our control as a local authority, we do wish to have a better understanding of any potential impacts this may bring on our residents. We have had an initial meeting with RAF Northolt regarding this to raise our concerns. As your letter has stated, the impacts on the roads, and the resulting pollution, plus the noise impacts from extra flights are the main issues of concern and this has all been brought to their attention.

RAF Northolt do already supply an annual report with the numbers of movements and make us aware of any complaints received. Following our meeting with them we have supplied details of the types of assessments we would normally expect to see when a development seeks increases in operational changes. My officers have asked to meet with the RAF Northolt Environment Officer to take this forward.

We have a council-owned air quality monitoring station on West End Road so we do have a baseline in regard to local pollution levels. In addition, RAF Northolt have asked the borough to work with them in regard to traffic management issues which could improve the flow along the surrounding road network.

We will continue to seek meetings and request information from which we will be able to assess any impacts on the local communities.

Yours sincerely