Ickenham Calling ….. The Newsletter of the Ickenham Residents’ Association Spring 2018 Affiliated to the Hillingdon Alliance of Residents’ Associations. Member of Herts. & Middx. Wildlife Trust, and London Green Belt Council. The Community Voice—monitoring the NHS in NW London and SW Herts. INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Ickenham Residents’ Association: E-Mail Address
[email protected] CHAIRMAN’S WebSite www.ickenhamresidents.co.uk COMMENTS Twitter Acc. www.twitter.com/IckenhamRA AGM 2018 CHAIRMAN’S COMMENTS and community inclusive”. We very much HS2 welcome such suggestions, and indeed My last Chairman’s Comments referred to the often ask for opinions and suggestions on quarterly Residents Planning Forum organ- what we do. Sadly, this latest letter was PLANNING ised by LBH. The January meeting attended anonymous — we would welcome the INFORMATVES by committee members focussed on the new opportunity to discuss the issues raised in draft “London Plan” written by the Mayor’s person, and perhaps invite help from GOSPEL OAK 2018 Greater London Authority, out for consultation villagers to further some of the proposals. until 2nd March. The Plan aims for many ICKENHAM NATURE more affordable homes whilst creating a saf- We look forward to seeing as many of you RESERVES er, greener city that supports the health and as possible at our 2018 AGM on Friday, well-being of all Londoners. 20th April in the Village Hall. HEALTH MATTERS Jill Dalton In recent years the inner London Boroughs have delivered most of the capital’s housing POLICE MATTERS growth. With 66,000 new homes each year needed to meet demand, the new draft Lon- AGM of the ICKENHAM ICKENHAM don Plan aims to distribute new homes more RESIDENTS’ ASSOCIATION FESTIVAL 2018 evenly around the capital.