November 2020 1 2 “Give Them Bread Tattler Staff and Circuses and They Will Editors-In-Chief Juliana Capizzi Anna Hoover Never Revolt.” Sam Momeni Mia Romano
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November 2020 1 2 “Give them bread Tattler Staff and circuses and they will Editors-in-Chief Juliana Capizzi Anna Hoover never revolt.” Sam Momeni Mia Romano Bread and circuses is a phrase attributed Managing Editors Raemi Charles to Juvenal, a Roman poet (1st Century Sonali Hettipola AD), describing politicians and a public Evan Warner Art Editor that seek and give approval based not on Kelsea Petersen excellent public service or public policy, Diversity/Inclusion Editors but on superficial diversion or distraction. Sammer Hajhamad Nene Keita Business Managers Alex Jones Neva Jane Maldonado Have you seen style on pg. Opinion Editors 29?? Eli Glickman Sammy Schuchman Sports Editors Tobias Berlinski Drew Nealis Feature Editors Devlin Orlin Election articles on page Courtney Wilks 3... Style Editors Sol Davila Gehring Frannie Rosen Feature on pg. 13! News Editors Anna-Louise Cobau Laura Julia Fleischmann Nikki Mirala International Editor Liza Cichy Backpage Editor Jackson Hermes COVER AND INSIDE COVER BY Sponsor KELSEA PETERSEN David Lopilato 3 EDITORIAL A New Era of Participation in Politics For teenagers, taking part in elections hasn’t al seen many people, including those in positions teenerages are just at the cutoff of the voting age. ways been something of great desire. Recently, of power, consider write-in nominations for the Some teenagers are months, maybe weeks, possi- this has changed. What are we supposed to do? presidential election. These write-ins have in- bly even days away from being able to vote. These Watch this madness unfold around us? Allow cluded the likes of fictional and deceased people. teens have to wait another four years to be able to the world and government to stray even further If adults, who are not only permitted but expect- vote, meanwhile this current election is vital in away from morality and sanity? These are revised ed to vote, choose to throw away their opportuni- deciding the future of climate change, healthcare, times, and what we say and do as a group, espe- ties to exert their rights and duties as American wealth disparity, and much more. Teenagers will cially a younger generation with such influence, citizens, it’s unreasonable to say that teens are be turning into adults during the time that these actually matters. But how far can our efforts go if too far removed from politics or irresponsible decisions are implemented and in full effect. we can’t actually vote or literally make an impact to vote. We believe that teenagers, specifically For teens right at the cut off of the voting age, on the government? 16 and 17 year olds, are fully capable and willing this is beyond disheartening. While they live in At 16, most teenagers have enough maturity and to take that responsibility. Teenagers should be a time defined by helplessness and despair, it’s capacity to understand politics. And, we want to given the right to vote. At 16, you’re able to start important to look long and hard, both forward understand and participate in it. We want to play driving, working, and even get married in some and backwards, at the systems of electorate we’ve a meaningful part in government; we want to states. With these rights and responsibilities, put in place here in the United States of America. influence the major decisions that could impact shouldn’t voting be one of them? our lives. In this most recent election, we have This is even more significant of an issue when -The Editorial Staff GRAPHIC BY KELSEA PETERSEN ELECTION 4 Amy Coney Barrett’s Potential Impact on the Supreme Court BY LANG HANLEY that for married women, their “head” is their Court would impact abortion rights and she an- On September 26th, President Donald Trump husband, which is an idea that many would argue swered that while she did not think Roe v. Wade nominated U.S. Appeals Court Judge Amy Coney goes against modern gender roles and notions of would be overturned, “the question of whether Barrett to the Supreme Court. If Barrett is con- equality. Barrett received her undergraduate de- people can get very late-term abortions, how firmed, she will replace a historic figure in liberal gree from Rhodes College in Memphis before at- many restrictions can be put on clinics – I think justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who passed away tending Notre Dame Law School. After that, she that would change.” Of course, these comments at age 87 on September 18th. served as a clerk for several appeals court judges align with her faith and the Catholic churches Barrett’s nomination has brought plenty of before eventually working for Justice Scalia. opposition to abortions but just like any other controversy to the Supreme Court as her se- It is highly likely that Barrett will be confirmed, legal figure there is not really a sure way to tell lection comes just over 5 weeks before election given the 53-47 majority Republican senate. the extent to which her religious views effect her day, and according to her granddaughter, Clara What does this mean for the Court? Barrett has legal standpoints. Besides a 2019 dissent where Spera, Justice Ginsburg’s dying wish was that she been very public in her fondness for the late Sca- Barrett wrote that felons should have access to did not want a new justice confirmed until a new lia, and is an “originalist” just as he was. As an guns, she has never actually made a decision on president is elected. In addition, many have also originalist, Barrett attempts to interpret the Con- gun control. However, as an originalist it would pointed out that in 2016, Republicans blocked stitution as it was understood when it was origi- not be surprising if Barrett sought to expand gun President Obama’s nomination to replace Justice nally ratified. She is a staunch conservative and rights as much as possible. In addition to these Antonin Scalia with the reasoning that it was too the current balance of the Court would be shifted two issues, Obama Care, or the Affordable Care close to the election. even to the right were she appointed. Act, has also been a widely discussed topic since Besides the controversy, who exactly is Amy Two issues that have been widely discussed as Barrett’s nomination given that the Supreme Coney Barrett? She is a mother of 7 and lives potentially being impacted by Barrett are abor- Court will hold oral arguments on its constitu- in South Bend, Indiana near the University of tion rights and gun control restrictions. Her le- tionality on November 10th. Notre Dame where she teaches law. She is a de- gal views on abortion are not entirely clear from While Barrett is yet to be confirmed, what de- vout Catholic and a member of People of Praise, her previous rulings, but her statements made cisions she could take as a justice, given her rel- a small Christian group that involves a lifetime in the public eye as well as her deeply held reli- atively young age of 48 for a Supreme Court ap- oath and a system of leadership where each gious conviction give some indication. Before the pointee, means that her impact will be a lasting member is given a head to help them with “prac- 2016 election at a Jacksonville University event, one. tical and spiritual advice.” It has been reported Barrett was asked about how a Trump Supreme Students Across the DMV Push for Universal High School Voter Registration BY RACHEL LONKER AND DEVLIN ORLIN registration drive with the County Board of Elec- “We’re going to register every single eligible tions and Montgomery County Regional SGA and high school Senior in Montgomery County to those have been super successful. We worked to vote,” says B-CC Senior Nora Fairbanks, the Vot- create MoCo to 100 because this election is so im- er Registration Coordinator for the B-CC branch portant for so many reasons and the youth vote GRAPHICS BY KELSEA PETERSEN of the county student advocacy organization Mo- has historically low turnout in elections--we even improving civic education. Through her syn- Co4Change (MC4C). saw low turnout in the Maryland primaries.” agogue and high school, Feldman has “organized MoCo4Change has launched a project called MC4C is joined in organizing this effort by the non-partisan programming that unites high MoCo to 100, which has a branch in each MCPS Youth Activism Project, a student-led non-profit school students across the DMV to fight disen- high school, along with many area private supporting democratic youth organizing. Anika franchisement in the tri-state area and in key schools, to register every senior (who is a US citi- Manzoor, Executive Director of the organization, swing states.” She believes it is vital to vote, as zen, and therefore able to register) to vote, even if says the importance of the lofty goal is proving “the ballot box is the easiest way to make change they cannot cast a ballot in this election. They’re the power of young activists, explaining, “if we’re and represent your opinion.” using mass data organization techniques, and the able to show that youth organizers are capable Lindsay Kramer, a senior at Bethesda Chevy- effort is completely student driven. of registering all eligible high school voters, that Chase High school echoes this sentiment, saying Anand Chitnis, a Richard Montgomery Senior, could mean a lot for youth voting efforts in the “every vote matters. It’s especially important to and member of MoCo4Change’s executive board, future.” vote if you’re young because these are the issues explained the inspiration behind this year’s goal, B-CC’s Fairbanks added that this was possible that affect your future.” saying, “[MC4C] has been doing an annual voter through the creation of a mass spreadsheet, en- Chitnis of MC4C concludes his argument for suring that efforts do reach every senior.