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EVERYTHING EPPING FOREST MAGAZINE Click on the links for the latest e-editions

Epping, Ongar, North Weald, Theydon Bois and Abridge edition - July 2013 Loughton edition - July 2013 Buckhurst Hill and Chigwell edition - July 2013 Woodford edition - July 2013

M11 delays after vehicle and trailer overturns 1.55pm - 31st July 2013

DRIVERS on the M11 near Loughton have faced delays after a vehicle and trailer overturned. The incident happened between junction 5 (Loughton) and junction 6 (M25). Three propane gas cylinders were left in a precarious position following the crash. Fire crews from Loughton and Harlow took about 25 minutes to make the area safe.

Council to seek Tour de France benefits 9.41pm - 30th July 2013

EPPING Forest District Council is set to do "everything" it can to gain maximum benefits when the Tour de France passes through the district next July. Leisure and wellbeing portfolio holder Liz Webster, in reply to a question from councillor Jon Whitehouse, told tonight's district council meeting: "Obviously we want to do everything to benefit the public and the whole of Epping Forest." She added the council had not yet been informed of the exact route but added: "We have a good idea of it." The route is set to include Epping New Road as the cyclists make their way from Cambridge to London via Woodford and the Olympic Stadium on July 7 - the same date that the Olympic torch relay passed through the district - in Waltham Abbey - last year.

Concern over empty Loughton shops 9.39pm - 30th July 2013

CONCERN has been expressed about the number of empty shops in Loughton High Road. The issue was raised at tonight's district council meeting by councillor John Markham who said there were some 15 empty shops in the town. He asked council leader Chris Whitbread if there was anything - such as approaching the Government - that the council could do to help. Mr Whitbread said: "As a council we have always been on the side of traders. As a council we are business friendly. We can't make private landlords reduce their rents." He added: "I think our high streets have handled the recession very well. Our traders are working harder than ever before - we should applaud them."

Pleas made over Limes Farm Estate 9.38pm - 30th July 2013

ADDITIONAL CCTV cameras have been installed on the Limes Farm Estate, Chigwell.

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Councillor Alan Lion told tonight's district council meeting that a 250-name petition has been presented to the district council expressing concern over an increase in burglaries in the area with calls for additional CCTV. Safer, Greener and Highways portfolio holder Gary Waller said two additional cameras had been put in, before the petition was received, and there were now more than 30 cameras on the estate - "an extremely intensive number", he said. Mr Waller added: "The council's Safer Communities Team will be working very closely with the local police and spend a lot of time there - it's one of their high priorities."

Changes to Epping car park coming soon 9.36pm - 30th July 2013

PUBLIC consultation on long-awaited plans for changes to parking arrangements in Epping will begin tomorrow (Wednesday). Traders and local shoppers have called for something to be done following the influx of all-day parkers into the town's two pay-and-display car parks following the increase in parking fees at Epping Station. Under the new arrangements the Cottis Lane car park (behind Marks and Spencer) will become short-stay only with parking for a maximum of five hours, with tickets costing from 10p for 30 minutes parking. Safer, Greener and Highways portfolio holder Gary Waller told tonight's council meeting that he did not expect opposition to the changes which are expected to come into force around the August bank holiday weekend. He said: "This change will be welcomed by many local retailers." Mr Waller has met with local councillors, Epping Town Council, Epping Town Partnership and Epping Forest Chamber of Commerce. The public consultation will last 21 days.

MP loses 12lbs in sponsored diet 9.15am - 30th July 2013

NAZEING, Roydon and Sheering MP Robert Halfon has lost almost a stone during the first month of his sponsored diet to support Harlow Community Chest. Mr Halfon is looking to lose two stone in three months after his GP recommended he lost some weight to improve the condition of his legs. Turning the diet into a fundraising initiative for the Harlow Community Chest was the best way Mr Halfon could think of to keep himself motivated and achieve his weight loss target. Speaking at his first 'weigh-in', Mr Halfon said: "I'm delighted to have lost 12lbs since I started. I haven't starved - I've had fish but no alcohol - not a drop - no chocolate or sweets and low carbs." Witnessing the 'weigh-in' was Harlow Community Chest committee member and trustee Erica Bromage. She said: "It's a fantastic effort and one that's really appreciated by Harlow Community Chest." Mr Halfon - who can be sponsored via a dedicated www.everyclick.com/robhalfonsponsoreddiet - said: "I thought the best way to lose weight was to do something for a charity and then that puts pressure on me to lose weight. "I'm doing the sponsored diet for Harlow Community Chest which is an amazing charity which was set up in 1967 and has helped many hundreds of people in need. "I hope to raise £1,000 to support this incredible charity which is run by volunteers. "I would encourage people to sponsor me and support the charity by donating at www.everyclick.com/robhalfonsponsoreddiet - to help the Harlow Community Chest help the people of Harlow."

Parish council prepares for consultation 8.56am - 30th July 2013

MORETON, Bobbingworth and The Lavers Parish Council is counting down to launch a massive consultation among residents and businesses in the parish. The survey is being conducted during August in response to new legislation which gives local communities the power to help plan the future of where they live. The council has set up a steering group, whose members are local people offering time and expertise on a voluntary basis. The team will produce a Neighbourhood Development Plan guiding the development the parish for at least 15 years. Council chairman Angela Busch said: "This is a great opportunity for our parish. The survey will encourage people to think about what our local plan should contain. What is their vision for the future? What will help residents of all ages enjoy a more sustainable community, with opportunities for all to live, work and play?" The steering group will hold public meetings for local residents and businesses to find out more and ask questions at Moreton village hall on Monday, August 12 (7.30pm) and at Magdalen Laver village hall on Tuesday, August 13 (7.30pm). Within days of the public meetings, more than 1 000 copies of the survey will be hand-delivered to every door in the parish by local volunteers. It can be completed by households, or individuals including children. An online version will be available. The steering group will also contact more than 100 businesses and farms in the parish, securing their input to the process - with a particular focus on growth opportunities and broadband services. The responses will be analysed during the autumn, and will be highly influential on the parish council's Neighbourhood Planning document to be published early next year. Subject to a supportive public vote, the plan will have legal standing and will be considered as part of all future planning applications submitted in the parish. A Facebook page - www.facebook/moretonbobbingworthlavers - provides information and allows residents and businesses to share views. Mrs Busch said: "This isn't just a process, it's a major discussion. We want to use all possible ways to engage the local community and the face-to-face meetings and social media campaign are a key part of that."

Investigation into caravan park blaze 7.52am - 30th July 2013

A FIRE and police investigation is underway into the cause of a fire in a temporary office at Breach Barns Park, Waltham Abbey. Fire crews from Waltham Abbey and Loughton were called to the caravan park, off Galley Hill, shortly before 5am today. An Essex Fire and Rescue Service spokesman said the fire was out by the time crews arrived but firefighters inspected the building to ensure it was safe.

Man charged over death crash 7.16pm - 29th July 2013

A MAN from Romford has been charged with causing death by careless driving in connection with a collision in Buckhurst Hill which resulted in the death of 26-year-old Ricky Cauchi-Lechmere. Meriman Rexhmati, 33, of Bengeo Gardens, was charged today (Monday) after answering his bail.

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Mr Cauchi-Lechmere from Bow, east London, died following the collision in Buckhurst Way on February 1. Mr Rexhmati will appear before Chelmsford magistrates on August 14.

PICTURES: Radio programmes depicted in flowers 3.01pm - 27th July 2013

FLOWER arrangements at the St Mary's Church flower festival, Stapleford Abbotts, are on the theme of radio programmes. Twenty arrangements - on the theme of 'I Heard it on the Radio' - are on show in the church today, and between 11am and 3pm tomorrow. There are also various stalls and refreshments, including ploughman's lunches, are on sale. Admission is free with donations to the church welcomed. Among those supporting the event are Abridge Florists, Bennetts Funeral Directors, T Cribb and Sons (Willows) Funeral Directors, Beryl Hughes - J D Hughes and Son, James Hawes Funeral Directors, D C Poulton and Sons Funeral Directors and Daniel Robinson Funeral Directors.

To see a slideshow of pictures click here

For information on how to order mounted prints of any of the pictures featured click here , ring David Jackman on 07710 447868 or email [email protected]

Council to support Alzheimer's Society 9.45am - 27th July 2013

BUCKHURST Hill Parish Council has voted to adopt the Alzheimer's Society as the chairman's charity for 2013-14. The charity was suggested by chairman Aniket Patel. He said: "Through my line of work (caring for the elderly) I experience first-hand the effects of dementia not just to the individual but also the effect that it has on their loved ones. I also live with my 85-year-old grandfather and therefore have a natural empathy towards the elderly." He added: "The thought of losing ones most cherished memories and the confusion caused by memory loss can affect ones mood and ones ability to communicate effectively and is quite disheartening when you see it in action. "Recent research in dementia has significantly improved knowledge and understanding of Alzheimer's disease however research in this field remains desperately underfunded when compared to cancer and cardiovascular disease. "Dementia can effect any one of us at any stage in our life." He added: "The Alzheimer's Society is the only UK research charity funding research in the cause, cure, care and prevention of all types of dementia. "They aim to improve the way people are cared for today and to search for a cure tomorrow and hence my reason for wanting to support this charity."

Parish council to work with businesses 9.44am - 27th July 2013

BUCKHURST Hill Parish Council intends to engage and consult with local businesses to see how it can help increase footfall in its four shopping areas - the top of Queens Road, the bottom of Queens Road, Station Way and Loughton Way, Buckhurst Hill. The council intends to work with the Town Centre Partnership to help come up with ideas which could support local traders. Buckhurst Hill Parish Council chairman Aniket Patel said: "Thriving, vibrant high streets are an essential part of a local community. "The parish council wants to help ensure the future of Buckhurst Hill's shopping centres and will work with the Town Centre Partnership to offer practical support."

Council to hold older peoples' forum 9.42am - 27th July 2013

BUCKHURST Hill Parish Council is to hold a forum for older peoples' service providers so that local older people can find out more about the services available to them in the local area. The forum, to be held in Buckhurst Hill Library in late autumn/early winter, will aim to help raise the profile of local service providers and inform potential service users and their carers about various support services which operate locally. Supporting and helping to raise the profile of older peoples' services is close to the heart of council chairman Aniket Patel, who put forward the idea for the forum. He said: "The forum will provide benefits to both local residents and to local service providers. It is motivated by the fact that levels of volunteering for older peoples' services has diminished, as have the numbers of people using them in some cases, which I believe is because these services are not supported in their promotion.' "Councilor Share-Bernia also has a passion for elderly care and we will be leading the co-ordination of this forum together." Any residents or organisations who want to participate in the Forum are asked to contact the Parish Office to register an interest.

Council supports cycle route study 9.40am - 27th July 2013

BUCKHURST Hill Parish Council has agreed to give £500 towards the £10,000 needed for a feasibility study to be carried out into a possible Roding Valley Cycle Route. The proposal, dubbed the Roding Hub, would develop a safe, off-road cycle network connecting the communities of Chigwell, Buckhurst Hill and Loughton with places such as schools, centres of employment, London Underground stations, colleges, and public spaces such as the Roding Valley Meadows Nature Reserve. The parish council has been approached by the proposers of the scheme, Chris Lord and Nicky Fuller, for its support. Loughton Town Council has also agreed to contribute £500. A similar financial contribution to help meet the cost of the study, which would be undertaken by Sustrans, is being sought from Chigwell Parish Council. Buckhurst Hill Parish Council chairman Aniket Patel said: "This is a great initiative and it would be pertinent to support such a scheme especially when you consider how many of our local residents do cycle locally."

Injured soldier thanks charity for gifts

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8.23am - 27th July 2013

A SOLDIER who lost his legs while serving in Afghanistan has thanked The Dream Factory charity for replacing several items, including a laptop, which were stolen from his car while he was undergoing rehabilitation. Private Mark Allen, 22, was serving with 1 Royal Anglian in Afghanistan in 2010 when he was badly injured by an IED (improvised explosive device). A double amputee above the knee, Mark has undergone extensive rehabilitation and treatment, including skin grafts. It was while he was in London during the course of his treatment and rehab that Mark was left devastated when his car was broken into and his PS3 games console, television and laptop - which had many photographs, including images from his childhood and his time in the Army and in Afghanistan - were stolen while he attended an event hosted by a skin specialist surgeon. The Dream Factory patron and 'Allo 'Allo actress Vicki Michelle was also at the party and learnt of the theft and decided to see if The Dream Factory could do anything help. Yesterday (Friday) - at Mooro's Restaurant in Abridge Road, Chigwell - Mark met Vicki, The Dream Factory founder Avril Mills and dream co-ordinator Martin Bye to be presented with a laptop, television and PS3 games console. Vicki said: "I think it's fantastic to be able to help and we have been able to replace quite a few of the items that had been stolen. "The Dream Factory has been fantastic and wanted to help from the beginning." She added: "Mark must have been mortified to lose everything. The terrible thing is that Mark has lost all his photos and things like that." In an appeal to the thief or anyone who knows where the stolen laptop is now, Vicki added: "If anyone is out there who did take it or has recently acquired a Sony laptop, can we have the hard drive back." Mark, who lives in Kings Lynn, Norfolk, said: "I'd like to thank everyone for what's happened. I couldn't believe it. "It has been amazing. I'm very thankful. It's brilliant the work that the charity does." Avril Mills, who set up The Dream Factory to make dreams come true for children and young adults, said: "It was a pleasure to meet Mark and to be able to present him with the items. "Mark has been through so much in such a short space of time that the charity is delighted to be able to help him rebuild his life. "Mark is an inspiration to everyone. Despite what he has been through he has managed to rebuild his life with the support of his girlfriend Hayley, and still has a smile on his face. "We hope our gifts will bring him many hours of pleasure as he continues his rehabilitation following his horrific injuries."

Private Mark Allen 'Allo 'Allo actress and The Dream Factory patron Vicki Michelle and The Dream Factory founder Avril Mills click here

Church prepares for flower festival 4.11pm - 26th July 2013

GREEN-fingered local flower arrangers will draw inspiration from the Bible for floral displays at St Mary's Church, Theydon Bois. The displays of flowers will transform the church for the August Bank Holiday weekend - Friday, August 23 (7pm-9pm) ticket-only reception and preview; Saturday, August 24 (10.30am-4.30pm); Sunday, August 25 (12.30pm-4.30pm) and Monday, August 26 (10.30am-4.30pm). The flower festival will tell some of the great stories in the Bible that have a connection with water, the theme being 'Water of Life'. There will also be a display of local history and a performance by Davenant Community Choir in the churchyard at 2pm on the Sunday. On the Saturday there will a variety of stalls at the church hall, including a chance to buy garden plants. On Bank Holiday Monday there will be an opportunity to visit the stalls and for families to enjoy a family fun day with children's activities including a bouncy castle at the church hall. Refreshments will be served throughout the festival. Entry is by programme (minimum donation £1). Among those who have contributed and sponsored the event areDaniel Robinson & Sons, Hetherington's Estate Agents, James Sear Estate Agents, Theydon Pharmacy and FGS Accountancy and Taxation Limited. Tickets for the preview evening, priced £10 including a glass of wine and refreshments, are available by ringing 01992 813956.

Extreme rafting for chairman's charities 4.09pm - 26th July 2013

EPPING Forest District Council staff took part in a sponsored white water rafting event at the Lee Valley White Water Centre in aid of the chairman's chosen charities. Their efforts raised money for St Clare Hospice and the Alzheimer's Society. Chairman Mary Sartin organised the event for staff to experience the Olympic facility. For more information on the chairman's charities visit www.chairmanofcouncil.com

Hospice films Christmas e-card 11.30am - 26th July 2013

CHRISTMAS came early to St Clare Hospice as staff, volunteers and patients leant their support and artistic flair to the charity's festive video. As the sun shone on one of the hottest days of the year it was on with the furry Santa hats and novelty jumpers as everyone played their part in the Yuletide film. Patients even tucked into a mini Christmas dinner, with all the trimmings, as crackers were pulled and paper hats worn to get everyone into the festive mood. The full video - featuring nurses, cooks, fundraisers, gardeners, Santa and hospice mascot Clare Bear - will be made into a Christmas e-card which individuals and businesses can download for a donation to St Clare from November. Corporate fundraiser Brooke Stacey, who directed the action with Chris Buck from Harlow firm CB Sound Video Light as cameraman and editor, said next year's video would be done when the temperatures were a little more seasonal. Brooke said: "It's been hot but so much fun and everyone involved in the hospice has embraced their six seconds of fame as we shoot each scene. "We can't wait to see the finished product and hope people and businesses will choose to buy our festive message in lieu - or as well as - Christmas cards this year."

CCTV improvement work completed 10.38am - 26th July 2013

IMPROVEMENT work has been carried out to Ongar Town Council's CCTV systems.

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Additional cameras have been installed overlooking the Pleasance car park, the new Cerizay play area (behind Chipping Ongar Library) and the outdoor gym equipment at the Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee play area (Love Lane). Town clerk Aimi Middlehurst said "The council is very pleased with the improvements made to the CCTV systems. "All the cameras are connected to the council office via broadband which enables the staff to view them on a daily basis if necessary."

Winning hospice lottery numbers 10.36am - 26th July 2013

THE winner of this week's £1,000 jackpot in the St Clare Hospice lottery lives in Harlow. The winning number is 409296. The £100 prize goes to number 643216. The winner also lives in Harlow. For information about how to join the lottery, visit www.stclarehospice.org.uk or ring 01279 773730 (Monday- Friday 9.30am-1.30pm).

Homes set to feature in airfield's future 3.28pm - 25th July 2013

AN option which could have seen up to 3,400 homes built on North Weald airfield has been dismissed by councilors who instead favour a mixed use scheme. Three options were prepared by council consultants Deloittes. These were an intensification of aviation, a non-aviation solution based on residential or commercial development; and a mixed aviation/development-based option. Councillors are to consult over a mixture of development and continued general aviation. The decision to continue with aviation and explore additional uses at the council-owned airfield was taken at Monday's cabinet meeting. Residents will be able to have their say as part of 'Preferred Options', the next round of Local Plan consultation scheduled for next year. Asset management and economic development portfolio holder Anne Grigg introduced the Deloittes report which provided a detailed assessment of the options, each of which had been assessed in terms of technical feasibility (including planning and infrastructure), financial feasibility, mMarket attractiveness, risk; and community value. Consultation with residents and tenants recognised that the council could not continue to manage the airfield indefinitely in the current way. Without non-aviation activities, the cost of the airfield to the council and its residents could be as much as £900,000 a year. Viable long-term sustainability means some form of change at North Weald is therefore essential, the council said. Deloitte presented an overview of the potential risks and rate of investment return required from aviation intensification to make it sustainable. There are significant barriers to intensification such as the proximity of Stansted Airport, the overall commercial outlook and considerable capital investment is required. Councillors also considered the community benefits of this option including protection of the heritage of the airfield, which was founded in 1916, before coming to prominence in the Battle of Britain, and the local support for aviation. Option two looked at residential development of up to 3,400 homes and associated facilities or alternatively a focus on commerce and employment, with less housing and community facilities. These approaches would see the end of aviation, the biggest investment costs in terms of the necessary infrastructure, but also the biggest return and lower levels of financial risk. Improvements to surrounding road networks would require significant investments. In particular, attention would need to be given to the A414 and M11 access. Finally Deloitte presented a mixed aviation and residential option with some employment, open space and community facilities. Mixed use offers many of the advantages of the earlier options but on a lower scale, the council said. Ensuring compatibility between residential development and retaining existing aviation is perhaps the biggest challenge. Careful management of the airfield would still be necessary to ensure aviation moved to a sound financial footing and did not continue to require ongoing levels of subsidy. More work will be needed to investigate the feasibility of this option. The cabinet voted on each option in turn before agreeing to take forward option three for a mixed aviation and development approach for integration into the next round of public consultation on the Local Plan Preferred Options in May next year.

Hospice holds birthday party 9.45am - 25th July 2013

HAVEN House Hospice marked ten years in the local community with a celebratory tea party on the hospice lawns. The event was intended as a thank you to all those who have supported the organisation and helped it to grow over the past decade. Guests included the hospice’s children and families, donors, local commissioners, patrons, volunteers and staff past and present. The event was also attended by four local mayors (Redbridge, Waltham Forest, Havering and Haringey), EastEnders actor and Haven House patron Gary Lucy and the parents of the late singer Amy Winehouse. Guests enjoyed music, tea and refreshments. A sponge cake - a replica of the hospice - was cut by Sir Terence Mallinson who was born in the historic building, which was once his family home, before the family bequeathed it to the borough of Waltham Forest. Haven House chief executive Mike Palfreman said: "The tenth birthday party was a wonderful day and it was heartening to see so many of our children, families and supporters coming out to celebrate with us. "It was also good to see so many local dignitaries coming out in support of their local hospice and helping us to mark this milestone."

Students perform Shakespeare play 9.45am - 25th July 2013

STUDENTS from the Pauline Quirke Academy, Woodford Green, performed their first open air performance with a production of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The students, aged six to 14, had worked with drama teacher Nicola Weston for the term and their hard work paid off with three performances to parents on the day. The students were greeted with laughter from the audience and received rapturous applause for their efforts. Many parents commented on how easily the children portrayed the piece despite the obvious challenges of performing Shakespeare at such a young age. Their next challenge will be performing on the West End stage at Her Majesty’s Theatre next February when

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they will share the stage with four other PQA academies from around the UK for a production of Fright Night! written by Simon James Green and Sarah Counsell

AUDIO AND PICTURES: Multi-millionaire Lotto jackpot winners set for new life after scooping £5.8m rollover 1.28pm - 24th July 2013

AN Epping couple who won the £5.8m Lotto rollover jackpot are looking forward to a new life - just weeks after wondering how they were going to pay the bills. Tracy Tyler, 37, and her partner Adam Young, 30, were settling down to watch the BBC drama Casualty when they experienced a drama of their own. They had just held an early birthday party for their five-year-old son when they checked their Lucky Dip numbers, and realised they had all six. "And there they were, all in a little row," Tracy told Everything Epping Forest at a press conference at the Kings Oak, High Beach when they were revealed as the National Lottery's latest multi-millionaires. Tracy recalled the feeling of "disbelief" when they checked their ticket, and checked it again. Tracy, who kept the winning ticket in her purse and repeatedly checked it was there when she took her children swimming on Sunday, said: "You looked a million times and said 'is it real, is it real? "And then you work out that it is real and it's just weird." Tracy, who works as a childminder, added: "It hasn't sunk in yet - you go from one extreme to the other in two seconds flat. "You go from trying to make ends meet to not having to worry about it. It's just weird, good weird though." Now with no worries about paying their rent and any other bills, the couple - who have been together for nine years and have two children - are looking at buying a five-bedroom house in Epping while Adam has his eyes set on a top-of-the-range white Range Rover Vogue. He is also considering having a fishing lake in the garden of his new family home and is set to experience an overseas holiday for the first time. Adam told Everything Epping Forest: "We've never had the money to get our own house so that will be a novel experience." The win comes just weeks after Adam was made redundant from an electrical wholesaler. He said: "A man never likes to leave his family without money… and wondering where the next pay cheque is coming from to pay the rent or the electric. "It just makes it a lot easier and has taken the weight off our shoulders." Despite their success, the couple have said that they will continue to play the Lottery - and have already bought a ticket for Saturday's draw. Their winning ticket - with the numbers 1, 3, 17, 19, 39 and 42 - was bought at the Tesco store in Edinburgh Way, Harlow

To hear Everything Epping Forest's interview with Tracy and Adam click here

For a slideshow of pictures from their press conference and photocall click here

Fire crews tackling workshop blaze 8.11am - 24th July 2013

FIVE fire crews are tackling a blaze which broke out in an outbuilding workshop in Weald Hall Lane, Thornwood. The 30m x 30m building was well alight when crews arrived at about 4.15am. An Essex Fire and Rescue Service spokesman said cylinders were involved in the fire and a 46kg propane cylinder exploded flying more than 150 metres into a field. The cylinder did not hurt anyone or cause any more damage. Crews from Epping, Harlow, Ongar and Waltham Abbey are fighting the fire using five hose reel jets and one unmanned jet. A full investigation will be carried out to establish the cause of the fire.

Epping couple scoop £5.8m Lotto rollover jackpot 5.41pm - 23rd July 2013

A YOUNG couple from Epping who were struggling to make ends meet and pay their rent have won almost £6m on the National Lottery. The couple, whose identity will be revealed at a media photocall tomorrow morning, are now making plans to buy a five-bedroom home and a top-of-the-range Range Rover after they scooped the Lotto rollover jackpot on Saturday (July 20) banking a life-changing £5,819,806.

Former local reporter announces Royal birth 8.30am - 23rd July 2013

FOR several years she was a local newspaper reporter covering the Harlow and Epping area but last night Ailsa Anderson, in her role as the Queen's Press Secretary, created news around the globe when she officially announced the birth of the Royal baby. Ailsa McIntyre, as she was in her local newspaper days, worked for the Harlow Citizen and the West Essex Gazette and Waltham Forest and Redbridge Guardian Series of newspapers. She went on to become a press officer at the Ministry of Defence before joining the Cabinet Office and then making the move to Buckingham Palace ten years ago to be Press Secretary to the Queen. Last night Mrs Anderson was seen by millions of television viewers walking with a colleague across the forecourt of Buckingham Palace holding the framed birth announcement and placing it on the gold easel at the gates of the Palace. There were other local links too featured in the national media coverage of the birth of the third in line to the throne last night. Chelmsford-based Town Crier Tony Appleton, who stood against MP Eric Pickles in the 1997 general election alongside former BBC news correspondent Martin Bell hailed the birth outside St Mary's Hospital where close by was former Waltham Abbey man Terry Hutt, a stalwart of Waltham Abbey Pensioners Association, who had camped out for days to ensure he was at the hospital for the birth. He told Sky News he was "pleased for everybody" over the news of the Royal baby.

Einstein talk to Probus club 1.28pm - 22nd July 2013

A TALK on Albert Einstein was given to a recent luncheon meeting of the Epping Probus Club when Professor John Humberston, from the Department of Physics and Astronomy at University College, London, was the guest speaker. The next luncheon meeting is at Lindsey Street Community Association, Frampton Road, Epping, on Wednesday, August 14, when St John's Church vicar Canon Rev'd Geoffrey Connor will be the speaker. Retired or semi-retired men who are interested in joining Probus can ring secretary Peter Francis on 01992 573188. * The club had a stall at the Epping Town Show to publicise itself and invite visitors to place a marker on a

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Hogwarts-type map to indicate where they thought treasure was 'hidden'. The winner was 414 (Epping and North Weald) Air Cadets Squadron member Lauren Elder. The club has a long association with the squadron through its Epping Probus annual best recruit trophy. Publicity leaflets about the Club were distributed and a number of membership enquires were received.

Charity to hold jazz picnic 1.13pm - 22nd July 2013

MUSIC from Barry Tyler's Original Dixieland Jazz Band will be helping to raise money for the Hastingwood- based charity Accuro. The charity is holding its summer jazz picnic at Bridge End Gardens, Bridge End, Saffron Walden, CB10 1HR, between 2pm and 6pm on Saturday, August 31st. Tickets for the event, sponsored by Bidwells, cost £6 (adults) and £2 (for 16-year-olds and under - under- threes free). Accuro's events co-ordinator Ruth Davies said: "We are hoping families, friends and jazz lovers will come along to not only enjoy the gardens and Barry Tyler's Jazz band but also to help raise funds for Accuro's Under-19's scheme. "We will have a bar with real ale, wines and fizz. Refreshments will also be available with plenty of homemade cakes! "There will be tables and chairs arranged in the kitchen gardens or just bring along blankets with your picnic!" Accuro operates throughout west Essex (Epping Forest, Harlow and Uttlesford) supporting people of all ages with a disability and providing short breaks for their families and carers. Tickets are available from the Tourist Information Centre, Saffron Walden, on 01799 524002 or Ruth Davies on 01279 433667 or 07799 411623, email [email protected]

Couple's wedding anniversary raises £1.020 12.15pm - 22nd July 2013

AN Epping Green couple celebrating their silver wedding anniversary asked party guests to donate to St Clare Hospice instead of giving presents raising £1,020 for the charity. Mike and Hilary Allen celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary with friends and family at the Travellers Friend pub in the village last month. The donations received from the 95 guests were topped up with a £250 donation from the Harlow-based Freemasons Lodge, The Lodge of Borrowed Light, of which Mike is a member. Mike said: "We didn't want presents, just an evening with people around us and we thought this was a lovely way for friends and family to help mark the anniversary but also help a local charity. "Hilary and I are pleased to know the money donated will contribute to the running of the Hospice that provides such a valuable local service. "Many of the donations were also Gift Aided which should boost the amount further." Hilary said: "We had such a lovely evening. Our actual anniversary was in December but the weather is so much better in June! "We had lots of reminiscing, much about the events of 1987, such as the great storms that year and how people were still allowed to smoke on trains!" Thanking the Allens, Anna Baldwin, the hospice's fundraising manager, said the money would help fund around 12 home visits by its specialist palliative care nurses, allowing them to visit patients with terminal or life- limiting illnesses in their own homes. St Clare Hospice can support Celebration Giving by providing special envelopes, which can be posted to guests along with invitations to an event, or left on tables on the night. It gives details of the services provide to people living in west Essex and the east Herts border and contributors who pay income tax can Gift Aid their donation, meaning the hospice can claim back an extra 25p for every £1 donated. For more details, contact the Fundraising team on 01279 773750.

Hospice fayre raises over £13,000 8.23am - 22nd July 2013

MORE than 1,000 people, including 'Allo 'Allo actress Vicki Michelle, attended the Haven House Hospice summer fayre which raised £13,000. Activities included miniature ponies, a penalty shoot-out, fun fair, crafts and bouncy castle. Meanwhile Woodford Fire Brigade went along with a fire engine and the Metropolitan Police offered fun finger print tests for children. Hospice chief executive Mike Palfreman said: "It was wonderful to see so many of our children and families and the local community enjoying the glorious sunshine and supporting Haven House, particularly in this our tenth birthday year. "A big thank you to Barclays Corporate for helping with preparation and to Barclays in the Community for all its volunteering support and for generously match-funding monies raised."

MP welcomes fall in crime 8.20am - 22nd July 2013

NAZEING, Roydon and Sheering MP Robert Halfon has welcomed latest figures which show that crime in Essex has fallen by five per cent in the year to March. The latest figures from the Office for National Statistics show that recorded crime is down by more than ten per cent under the current Government. The independent survey also shows that the public's experience of crime is at its lowest level since records began. Mr Halfon said: "These statistics show that our police reforms are continuing to deliver results across the country with falls in crime in every police force in England and Wales. "I am particularly pleased with the reduction in Essex and wish to thank all the officers who serve the people of Harlow and the surrounding villages for their efforts in bringing about this reduction." Mr Halfon added: "This government has played its part by slashing red tape and scrapping targets to enable the police to focus on crime fighting. "We have encouraged Chief Constables to make savings in back offices to give renewed focus on the frontline and we are seeing the benefits of those efficiencies."

Street cleaner cleans up with £150 prize 8.08am - 21st July 2013

STREET cleaner Sean Watson scooped a £150 prize after he filled nearly 500 bags of recycling on his Waltham Abbey round between January and April. He was congratulated by officials at Epping Forest District Council and his bosses from Sita Municipal when environment portfolio holder Will Breare-Hall, Environment and Sita general manager Nick Browning presented him with a cheque and certificate. Epping Forest has one of the best recycling records in the country with more than 60 per cent of its domestic

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refuse recycled. Council bosses and contract managers at Sita decided to see how much they could achieve if they also tried to recycle as much waste as possible from the street sweeping and public waste bin service. Sita's workforce was set the challenge with a promise to reward the best performing operative with a cheque equivalent to the savings on disposal costs. Sean recycled 497 sacks of waste picked from the streets and waste bins of Waltham Abbey. Almost 1,500 sacks were recycled across the district diverting nearly five tonnes of plastic, tin cans, glass, paper and cardboard from landfill to recycling in just three months. Sean is putting his money towards a holiday.

Car and jewellery stolen 8.07am - 21st July 2013

A CAR and jewellery were stolen in a burglary at a property in Tysea Hill, Stapleford Abbotts. Police are appealing for witnesses after the front door of the property was forced. Jewellery and the keys to a black Mercedes E340 were stolen. The car was then stolen from the drive at about 6.10pm on Tuesday (July 16). A police spokesman said two cyclists were seen at the front of the house who told the victim they may have seen the suspects leave, but did not leave their details. Police want like to speak to them as they may be able to help with the investigation. Anyone with information should ring PC Jody Greenfield at Loughton CID on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Winning hospice lottery numbers 8.05am - 21st July 2013

THE winner of this week's £1,000 jackpot in the St Clare Hospice lottery lives in Woodford Green. The winning number is 160888. The winner of the £100 prize lives in Harlow. The winning number is 482708. For further information about how to join the lottery visit www.stclarehospice.org.uk or ring 01279 773730 (Monday-Friday 9.30am-1.30pm).

Landmark for forest visitor centre 8.55am - 20th July 2013

EPPING Forest's visitor centre, 'The View', in Rangers Road, Chingford, has notched up 50,000 visits in its first year since it was officially opened by HRH the Duke of Gloucester. Tony Fenwick, the City Corporation's Head of Visitor Services at Epping Forest, said: "We are delighted to celebrate the first anniversary of The View - the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive with most mentioning the friendly and informative staff, enjoyable exhibition and of course the spectacular views as being their favourite experiences. "We look forward to seeing even more visitors enjoy this fantastic building over the coming years." The View is a contemporary building by architects Freeland Rees Roberts. Its glass façade links the former Victorian coach house and stables, inviting visitors upstairs to enjoy the new views of the forest from the external timber walkway, as royalty once did from the adjacent Queen Elizabeth's Hunting Lodge. It is a fully accessible building with a new learning and community room featuring sustainable solar panels and a rain water harvester, as well as the use of traditional materials to harmonise with its setting. There is also a shop offering forest-related items and a community room available for hire. The centre is open daily (except Christmas Day) with staff and volunteers on hand to help visitors make the most of their visit. In April The View was awarded a 'gold' accreditation by the Green Tourism Business Scheme for its environmental design and visitor experience.

Davenant Foundation School launches email media service 11.26am - 19th July 2013

DAVENANT Foundation School has launched an email media service to keep people informed about its news and events. Anyone can now register to receive the school's media releases and pictures to keep up-to-date with the school's achievements in the classroom, on the sports field and in the community. Headteacher Chris Seward said: "There is so much 'good news' being created by the pupils and staff at Davenant that we are keen to ensure that this is made available to as wide an audience as possible." He added: "We hope many people, including our parents and our pupils themselves, will make use of the service and register to receive our press releases and other information which will be sent to them at the same time as it is circulated to the local media." The service is available free of charge and anyone subscribing can ask to have their email address removed at any time. No email addresses are passed to a third party. To register for the service - provided by Everything Local News, part of Everything Epping Forest and Everything Harlow - simply send an email with 'subscribe' in the subject line to [email protected]

Town sign to be refurbished 8.14am - 19th July 2013

ONGAR'S town sign is set to be refurbished with Ongar Town Council budgeting up to £850 for the work. The council has received one quote and will approach Epping Town Council for advice over the maintenance and costs relating to its two signs. Environment and planning committee chairman Brian Surtees told last night's meeting: "With the thrust for tourism and everything else we need to do to the town it seems a shame that it is not in a state worthy of the town. "If we leave it much longer we will either have a much larger bill or lose the sign altogether." The planned work will see the sign removed, repainted and cracks repaired.

Top marks again for Hereward Primary School 6.07pm - 18th July 2013

OFSTED inspectors have graded Hereward Primary School in Loughton as 'Outstanding' for the second successive time. he school scored the highest grading in each inspected area of school activity. The school says the ranking reinforces the huge efforts of the leadership team, governors, teaching and non- teaching staff and pupils, to maintain the rating from the last inspection in 2009. The rating was achieved under Ofsted's new tougher, more challenging inspection framework under which, it

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has become very rare for schools to maintain a previous 'outstanding' grade. Ofsted found that thanks to the outstanding teaching and learning, all groups of pupils "make excellent progress in reading, writing and mathematics" and they acquire "very good personal skills". The inspectors also said that behaviour and safety are excellent and that pupils "support each other very well in their learning" as well as contributing "enthusiastically to the school through their school council and the varied posts of responsibility they fulfil". Headteacher Geraldine Blair said: "I am so of proud of all the staff and pupils in the school for achieving this excellent result." Deputy headteacher Matt Woolard said: "This is a wonderful achievement, particularly under the new, more challenging framework, but it is one that everyone in our entire school community thoroughly deserves. "This grading recognises the hard work and commitment of all who work in the school and particularly the pupils, who day-in, day-out, come to school ready to learn and thrive." The Colebrook Lane school is currently undergoing a £1m expansion due to high demand for places..

Seven charged after police operation in Toot Hill 6.05pm - 18th July 2013

SIX men and a 17-year-old boy have been charged with offences including those relating to firearms, drugs and stolen goods following a police operation in Toot Hill. Three men and the teenager appeared in court yesterday (Wednesday). Their arrests, along with those of three other men, happened after a warrant was executed at an industrial unit in Toot Hill on July 20 last year. A number of stolen vehicles were recovered as well as illegal firearms, ammunition and drugs. Following an 11-month investigation by the Kent and Essex Serious Crime Directorate, the seven, all from east London, were charged with various offences. Walid Habib, also known as Massimo Mohamed, 35, of Sevenoaks Close, Romford, is charged with possessing a firearm without a certificate, possession with intent to supply a class A drug, being concerned in the production of cannabis, possessing a prohibited smooth-bore revolver, two counts of possessing a prohibited weapon, possessing prohibited ammunition, possessing ammunition for a firearm without a certificate, two counts of handling stolen goods and conspiring to receive stolen goods. Anthony Hames, 34, of Braintree Road, Dagenham, is charged with producing cannabis and conspiring to receive stolen goods. Amir Naim, also known as Amir Naeem-Noor, 23, of Clacton Road, London, E6, is charged with possessing a firearm without a certificate. A 17-year-old boy, from Ilford, is charged with possessing a firearm without a certificate, possession with intent to supply a class A drug, possessing a prohibited smooth-bore revolver, two counts of possessing a prohibited weapon, possessing prohibited ammunition and possessing ammunition for a firearm without a certificate. They appeared before magistrates in Chelmsford yesterday and were committed to crown court for a plea and case management hearing on September 23. The three other men will appear at Chelmsford Magistrates Court on Friday, July 26. Hasham Syed, 24, of Kielder Close, Ilford, is charged with conspiring to receive stolen goods. Kurt Amooty, 21, of Second Avenue, Dagenham, is charged with conspiring to receive stolen goods and two counts of handling stolen goods. Muhammed Nadeem, 28, of Harold Road, London, E11, is charged with two counts of handling stolen goods.

Plaque honours translator 8.12am - 18th July 2013

LOUGHTON Town Council's latest blue heritage plaque honours Ralph Russell (1918-2008) who is widely considered the most eminent western scholar and translator of Urdu literature. He is best known for his translations of Urdu's most famous poet, , (19th century), who is to Urdu speakers what Shakespeare is to the English. His books are valued wherever there is an interest in Urdu. Mr Russell lived at Roseley, 6 Queens Road, Loughton, from 1925 (aged seven) to 1940 and attended Staples Road School. He was awarded scholarships first to Chigwell School and then went to Cambridge in 1937. His first contact with was during the war when he was sent there by the Army. A classics scholar, he learnt Urdu proficiently because he wanted to be able to talk to the sepoys in his unit, not just to issue orders. This experience was formative, and he decided after the war to study Urdu at SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies, ). For more than 30 years he headed the Urdu department at SOAS, influencing generations of students. The plaque was unveiled by Loughton mayor Jill Angold-Stephens. Also present were town councillors Caroline and Chris Pond (chairman and vice chairman of the environment and heritage committee, which has responsibility for installing the heritage plaques in the town, together with deputy mayor Sharon Weston and councillors Phil Abraham, Ken Angold-Stephens, Jill Bostock, John Mahoney and David Wixley. Mr Russell's family revisited his former family home, including his daughter Sarah Russell, grandchildren Amelia and Sam Steptoe, and Alice Russell, niece Georgina Donaldson and nephew Jeremy Russell along with their families. The opening was also attended by Marion Molteno, Mr Russell's close friend, colleague and his literary executor, as well as former colleagues and friends, Musseret Anwar and Kari Shah. The town council is grateful to the owners of 6 Queens Road, Toby and Lisa Scrutton for supporting the scheme and hosting the ceremony. To view a video of the speech by Mrs Angold-Stephens at the unveiling ceremony, which was filmed by Charles Donaldson, go to www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1rT5dKtMI8 . Since 1999 Loughton Town Council has installed a series of blue heritage plaques around the town to commemorate eminent people, historic events and/or significant buildings.

Two people cut free after crash 7.40pm - 16th July 2013

TWO people have been cut free following a three-vehicle collision in Stapleford Abbotts. Two Brentwood fire crews were called to Stapleford Road at about 4.25pm today. Crews used cutting equipment and took about half-an-hour to free the victims who were left in the care of the ambulance service. Their injuries are not known.

Crews tackle woodchippings blaze 8.09am - 16th July 2013

FIRE crews spent more than two hours tackling a blaze involving woodchippings in a yard near All Saints Church, Coopersale Lane, Theydon Garnon. Two Loughton crews were called out at 1.30pm yesterday. Ten gas cylinders were also involved in the fire which led to the evacuation of several nearby properties. An Essex Fire and Rescue spokesman said the cause of the fire was accidental.

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Winning hospice lottery numbers 9.12am - 15th July 2013

THE winner of this week's £1,000 jackpot in the St Clare Hospice lottery lives in Harlow. The winning number is 808058. The winner of the £100 prize lives in Epping, The lucky number is 668090. For information about how to join the lottery visit www.stclarehospice.org.uk or ring 01279 773730 (Monday- Friday 9.30am-1.30pm).

Society appeals for show entries 8.59am - 15th July 2013

THIS year's Epping Horticultural Society show will be held at St John's Church, Epping, on Saturday, August 24. The event will be a showcase for local talent, both from the garden and the kitchen. Visitors will be able to admire competition displays of vegetables, flowers and home baking. There will be a snack bar, stalls hosted by local suppliers and the opportunity to meet and chat to fellow gardeners and bakers. Admission is £1. Organisers are appealing for people to enter a vegetable, flower display or home baking to the show competition (beginners welcome), host a stall, become a sponsor or help on the day. Society chairman Christine Burgess said: "Building on the success of last year's show, we are delighted that the Epping Horticultural Show is now an annual event. "Showcasing the talents of local gardeners and bakers of all levels and helping to build strong links with businesses and experts in the community is important to our society and we hope our show will encourage the gardeners of Epping to get growing and give it a go!" For more information, ring show secretary David Buckle on 01992 890591.

Theatre project for youngsters 8.20am - 15th July 2013

A SUMMER project, 'Twisted', is being launched by Off the Shelf Theatre in collaboration with Epping Forest Community Theatre at Grosvenor Hall, Loughton (August 11-16 and 19-23). The project gives young people the chance to collaborate with professional theatrical practitioners in devising and performing a show based on the original Grimms fairytales. Participants will develop their confidence and skills in acting, singing and movement whilst using their creativity and imagination to create a show. The project will run from August 11-16 for Years 3 to 6 and August 19-23 for Years 7 to 11 (all school years are as at September 2013). The project will take place in Grosvenor Hall from 10.30am-3pm with a performance at 2.30pm on the Friday afternoon open to all family and friends. The practitioners at Off The Shelf have extensive experience working with young people having worked on the Loughton Youth Theatre project collectively for six years. They are all Enhanced CRB checked and trained in child safety and protection procedures. The summer project costs £75 for the week (subsidies available for young people who receive free school meals and a sibling discount is also available). To book or for more details, visit www.efctheatre.org.uk or www.offtheshelftheatre.co.uk

Fire crews tackle garage and house blaze 8.08pm - 13th July 2013

FOUR fire crews have tackled a blaze which broke out in a garage in Middle Street, Nazeing, and spread to the roof of a two-storey house. Firefighters from Harlow and Waltham Abbey were called out shortly after 6pm. The first crews to arrive reported that the garage was 100 per cent alight and that the flames had spread to the roof of the house. The roof was reported to be "well alight". There are no casualties reported. Initially three appliances were sent but the incident commander requested the attendance of an aerial ladder to assist in fire-fighting operations. A joint police and fire service investigation will be carried out to establish the cause.

PICTURES: Musicians prepare for Italy tour 8.04pm - 13th July 2013

MUSICIANS at Davenant Foundation School, Loughton, have taken to the open air to perform a fundraising concert to raise money for their forthcoming tour to Italy. Dozens of musicians, who make up the school's choirs, bands and orchestra, will set off from Loughton for a 26-hour coach trip to Italy. During their visit they will perform at a variety of venues, including a cathedral. To help raise money for the tour the school has held an open-air concert in the grounds of Debden House camp site, Loughton, with several hundred parents and friends enjoying the weather to watch and listen while enjoying picnics and drinks.

For a slideshow of pictures click here

PICTURES: MP visits flower festival 7.58pm - 13th July 2013

MP Eric Pickles was among the visitors at St Mary and All Saints Church, Lambourne, for its flower festival. Floral arrangements are on the theme of Heroes and Heroines, ranging from Lady Diana and Sir Winston Churchill to Superman and Nelson Mandela. Visitors could try their hand at a number of games and browse a book stall and also have a go on the raffle and bottle tombola.

For a slideshow of pictures click here

PICTURES: Green-fingered gardeners put efforts on show 7.55pm - 13th July 2013

THE green-fingered efforts of Buckhurst Hill Horticultural Society members have gone on show at the summer show. Visitors to the Centenary Hall at St John's Church this afternoon could admire an array of flowers as well as

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fruit and vegetables, floral arrangements and home baking. There were also handicraft entries and children's categories.

For a slideshow of pictures click here

Scouts sleep out for charity 2.09pm - 12th July 2013

THIRTEEN members of Waltham Abbey (Bulls) Scout Troop have spent a night outdoors sleeping 'rough' in cardboard make-shift shelters. The scouts and their leaders were sponsored by friends and family to raise money for the charity St Mungo's. Sponsors included parishioners of Waltham Abbey Baptist Church and local business Advance Insurance Services. Scout leader Nick Harvey sadi: "Altogether we raised £600. Our scouts thoroughly enjoyed the event and have been educated into an awareness of the lives of those less fortunate in society."

Waltham Abbey (Bulls) Scout Troop present their sponsorship money to St Mungo's click here (Photo: Michael Bird Photography)

Men jailed over county's largest cocaine haul 8.24am - 12th July 2013

FOUR men - including one from Chigwell and another from Epping - have been jailed for a combined total of 47 years following the seizure of the largest ever amount of cocaine in Essex. Officers from the Kent and Essex Serious Crime Directorate dismantled an organised crime group operating across both counties. Luke Shubert, 31, of Glenwood, Bowers Gifford; Toby Jones, 29, of Brook End, Epping; Richard Gamon, 30, of Link Road, Canvey; and Michael Enever, 44, of Brook Parade, Chigwell, appeared at Chelmsford Crown Court for sentencing yesterday (Thursday). All four had previously pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy to supply a class A controlled drug. The court heard that between June and October last year, officers from the SCD investigated the activities of a south Essex-based organised crime group and subsequently seized 25kg of cocaine valued at £2m and over £375,000 in cash. The drugs were set to be distributed across Essex, Kent and Merseyside, secreted within commercial vehicles. Senior investigating officer DCI Stuart Smith said: "A six-month long investigation led to the four men being arrested and overwhelming evidence meant their only choice was to plead guilty in court. "This was an operation whereby every strand of the SCD was used from forensic experts to analysts. Everyone involved showed a huge commitment to bringing these men to justice." Shubert, the head of the group, was jailed for 15 years, Jones for 11 years, Gamon for 11 years and Enever for ten years. Assistant Chief Constable Gary Beautridge, head of the SCD, said: "This investigation represents the biggest cocaine seizure by officers in Essex to date and with the assistance of Nick Staite and the East of England complex case unit at the CPS the Kent and Essex SCD has successfully dismantled an organised crime group trafficking high purity cocaine. "The significant sentences handed down, even on guilty pleas, are welcomed by law enforcement and the public alike. "My message to anyone considering such criminal activity is that we are watching you and will leave no stone unturned in arresting you and bringing you to justice." Judge Ball in his sentencing remarks highlighted the misery that drug trafficking causes to both users and the wider public and that sentencing should reflect this. The judge also commended the SCD investigation team for their professionalism and commitment in bringing this matter to a successful conclusion.

Olympic athlete at speech day 8.09am - 12th July 2013

GREAT Britain triple jumper Phillips Idowu was the guest at Coopersale Hall School's speech day. He addressed the children in particular by explaining how hard he had to work at school in Hackney to achieve such a high level of success as an international athlete in the Olympic and Commonwealth Games and European and World Championships. He had kind words to say to all the prize winners and was particularly interested in the athletics report by athletics captain Joe Penman. In addition to the many academic, sports and performance cups and shields, Neil and Gaye Sjoberg, of Epping Golf Club, bestowed the prize of an annual golf club membership to the best boy and girl golfers in the school - won by Alice Holland and Jonathan Billington. Headmistress Kaye Lovejoy said: "We are very fortunate that Mr Idowu agreed to be our guest of honour. He inspired the children. "At Coopersale Hall we place a high value on the outdoors, whether through sport or by learning in the new outside classroom and nature reserve. "We excel in a number of sports and our facilities are enjoyed by numerous local schools when they participate in our annual cross country events." A traditional speech Day and prize giving ceremonies also marked the end of the academic year at the two other Oak-Tree schools. A marquee was erected in the grounds of Oaklands School, Loughton, with Normanhurst School using the large Chingford Assembly Hall for its evening speech day that incorporated an art exhibition.

Jubilee Lodge celebrates 50th birthday 4.44pm - 11th July 2013

THE charity Vitalise celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Jubilee Lodge centre at Grange Farm, Chigwell, with a garden party. Vitalise chief executive Chris Simmonds and chairman of trustees Mindy Sawhney joined specially invited visitors and Jubilee Lodge guests, volunteers and staff to commemorate the occasion. Those attending enjoyed an afternoon of live music and entertainment, a barbecue, drinks and refreshments. The garden party was part of a special 'Happy Birthday' week at the respite break centre organised to celebrate the foundation of the charity at Grange Farm on July 8, 1963. The current centre was built on the same site in 1978. After a keynote speech by Vitalise trustee Linda Beaney, guests enjoyed a celebratory birthday cake and joined in a rendition of Happy Birthday. Paying tribute to Vitalise's founding trustee, the late Joan Brander MBE, Vitalise Trustee Linda Beaney said: "It all started on this very spot five decades ago. "Joan Brander had a dream of a place where people with disabilities could enjoy a much-needed change of scene and their carers could take vital time out from caring. "It was through the efforts of Joan and her fellow funding trustees that Vitalise's first centre came into being

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here at Grange Farm. "This open day is a celebration of five decades of achievement but it's also a thank you to all the pioneering individuals past and present who helped transform this charity from its humblest beginnings into the Vitalise we know and love today. Long may it continue!" Vitalise chief executive Chris Simmonds said: "The spirit of Vitalise is sustained by the passion, commitment and generosity of our staff, volunteers, supporters and friends. You are the people who carry us forward to bigger and better things. We would not be the charity we are today without you. "Over the last five decades we have achieved so much and made so many friends along the way. "We are now looking forward to our next half century with the same optimism and determination as we did all those years ago. "Vitalise was founded exactly 50 years ago to help restore hope and dignity. We hope the people of the UK will join us in our Golden Jubilee celebrations and support us for 50 more years to come."

Crews tackle Nazeing field fires 4.24pm - 11th July 2013

FOUR fire crews have dealt with two fires which broke out in fields off Middle Street, Nazeing. Firefighters from Waltham Abbey, Harlow, Loughton and Hoddesdon were called to a hay field at about 12.15pm. About 40 minutes later they were called to another fire in the same road. Crews used four hose reel jets, water backpacks and beaters to tackle the fires which were out by 1.40pm.

Students take part in 'murder investigation' 8.51am - 11th July 2013

FORTY Year 10 Triple Science students at Roding Valley High School, Loughton, took part in a Forensic Science day. With the expert guidance of retired Scotland Yard Detective Chief Inspector Steve Gaskin (from Right Angle Events) they undertook a 'murder' investigation, performing scientific tests on 'evidence' found at the 'crime scene'. They compared fingerprints, teeth marks and 'blood spatter' to identify the real culprit from a number of suspects. As well as learning about the work of forensic scientists, students also heard a wealth of inspiring behind-the- scenes stories from Steve's police career. The students were praised for their attention to detail and their excellent teamwork. Steve said: "It has been a pleasure to work with such high calibre students. it is clear that triple science students are being taught and nurtured to a very high standard and their future looks very bright." Student Luke Jones said: "I've enjoyed the Forensics day. We got to wear paper forensics clothing and we made blood spatter, finger printing and dental moulds. It's definitely worth doing." Pavanir Singh said: "This was a really enjoyable and practical day." Aimee Selling said: "I really enjoyed the day especially getting to play dress up. It's been great fun learning about fingerprints and dental impressions. I like that it is linked to a crime scene, making the scenario realistic." Georgia Cahill added: "The day was generally great. Steve was very enthusiastic, making it so much better. It has given us a new light into Maths and Science skills showing us how they can be applied into the real world." Eve Dennehy said: Forensics day was a very interesting day with lots of new experiences. We got the opportunity to make dental imprints, finger print analysis and blood spatter." Jenna Norman said: "We found the experience really useful and it helped us to realise opportunities for the future. The speaker was very enthusiastic and we found him to be a great teacher with fantastic knowledge of his background." The winning team were Aimee Selling, Georgia Cahill, Sharaf Sheikha, Radia Mustafa, Tiegan Hummerston and Jess Thompson.

Woman robbed in street 8.15am - 11th July 2013

POLICE are appealing for witnesses after a woman was robbed in Waltham Abbey. The woman was in the Haywood Court area at about 4.05pm on Monday (July 8) when a man grabbed her by the shoulder. He ripped a gold chain with a heart-shaped pendant from her neck and made off towards Shernbroke Road. The man was about 5ft 9ins tall and wearing baseball cap, blue and white striped T-shirt and light-coloured shorts. Anyone with any information should ring DC Darren Coote or his colleagues at Loughton CID on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

PICTURES: Chaplaincy volunteers commissioned 9.01pm - 10th July 2013

CHAPLAINCY volunteers who will visit patients on the wards at St Margaret's Hospital, Epping, were officially commissioned at a certificate presentation evening. The volunteers had completed an eight-week course led by Rev'd Paul Walker, lead chaplain at the Epping hospital site. The certificates were presented to the South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust chaplaincy volunteers by Sheila Jackman, a governor of the North Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust.

For a slideshow of pictures click here

Next stage in St John's Road redevelopment 12.26pm - 10th July 2013

DEVELOPERS are being asked to submit proposals for the redevelopment of the St John's Road area of Epping. An 'Expressions of Interest' exercise has been launched jointly by Lambert Smith Hampton (LSH) on behalf of Essex County Council and Savills for Epping Forest District Council with both consultancies also supporting Epping Town Council. Councillor Anne Grigg, portfolio holder for asset management at Epping Forest District Council, said: "I am very pleased to announce the start of the search for a St John's Road development partner. "We undertook extensive consultation with local residents and businesses last year to produce a Development Brief to benefit both local residents and businesses. "The Expressions of Interest exercise takes us to the next stage where we invite developers to think about proposals as close to the aspirations of the brief as possible." The land under consideration includes the former school site, council depot and town council offices. As the main land owners in St John's Road, the councils worked together with St John's Church to produce the

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Development Brief. The whole site will be marketed by Savills and LSH on a joint sole agency basis with complete transparency between the two teams. Developers will get their first look at the potential of the site from a specially produced website. The website - http://www.stjohnsepping.com - include a location plan, site plan, communications and transport information, details of existing buildings and uses, local amenities, development opportunities, current ownership details, photographs of the area and contacts for more information and viewing arrangements. A brochure available in hard copy and as a download also identifies the site, location and local context as well as outlining the adopted planning brief and development potential of the site. Each expression of interest will be evaluated by LSH and Savills in consultation with the district, town and county councils before selected parties are invited to prepare bids. Mrs Grigg added: "There is a great deal of public interest in achieving a successful outcome for the St John's Road development area. "The site has many complexities, not least of which is the ownership split between the different land owners. However by co-ordinating our approach and making the Expressions of Interest exercise as open and transparent as possible I hope we can reassure local people that the process is being handled properly." County council transformation and corporate services cabinet member Derrick Louis said: "This is a great example of all tiers of local government working together to sensitively achieve ambitions for the rejuvenation of this part of Epping." Epping mayor Will Breare-Hall, speaking on behalf of Epping Town Council, said: "The site offers a rare opportunity for an exciting town centre development and the town council remains very interested to see what proposals come forward as a result of this exercise." The Expressions of Interest exercise and the selection of a preferred development partner is not expected to be completed for several months. Mrs Grigg said: "We hope to have bids evaluated by the end of the autumn but a great deal will depend on the range and quality of the Expressions of Interest followed by the bids we receive. "Residents and local business people will be kept informed throughout." For links to www.stjohnsepping.com and downloads of the brochure pdf click here

What would you like to see as part of the redevelopment? Email [email protected] , comment via Twitter @eefnews or text 07710 447868.

Beverly (@BeverlyLeLong on Twitter) - Community and public space. Something like @GatehouseArts in Harlow, galleries and workshops

Children raise £750 for hospice 8.30am - 10th July 2013

PUPILS at St Aubyns Nursery, Woodford Green, raised £750 for Haven House Hospice when their held various fundraising activities, including a cake sale and fun day. Nursery head Karen Storrs said: "We are delighted that we are able to support such a brilliant local charity, especially in its tenth birthday year and of course our children loved meeting Henry the Hound." Hospice chief executive Mike Palfreman said: 'We rely heavily on local fundraising support, particularly from local schools and nurseries. "There is something particularly inspiring about local children helping other less fortunate children and families in the area."

Cash stolen from Loughton Methodist Church 8.09am - 10th July 2013

POLICE are appealing for information following the theft of a three-figure sum of cash from Loughton Methodist Church. The money was stolen from a room on the first floor of the High Road church between 2pm and 6pm on Saturday (July 6). Anyone with any information should ring PC Andrew Elvin or his colleagues at Loughton Police Station on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Stars turn out for Epping charity 3.05pm - 9th July 2013

THE Epping-based Rhys Daniels Trust raised £35,000 from its annual golf event and Butterfly Ball. The golf event, hosted by charity patron Max Clifford, began with a welcome dinner at La Cala Resort on Spain's Costa del Sol. Steve Sheen, husband of the charity's other patron, actress Pauline Quirke, was MC for the evening and entertained guests with singer Tee Green. The fundraiser also featured a poolside barbecue with Costa del Sol's Talk Radio Europe's Bill Padley in charge of proceedings. Marbella's Golden Mile was the setting for the Butterfly Ball which attracted almost 200 guests and was hosted by Mike Osman. Gareth Gates had the dance floor filled to capacity, comedian Stan Boardman had the audience in hysterics and Masquerade and Motown Dru completed the line-up of entertainment. The golf competition was played over two days on La Cala Resort's Asia and America courses. The event was sponsored by Euro Weekly News, HiFX, CF Capital, Harley Street Skin Clinic and Knowles & Associates Ltd. The Rhys Daniels Trust provides 'Home from Home' accommodation for families of very sick children who are receiving treatment many miles from home. Homes are already established in Bristol, London, Cardiff, Birmingham, Liverpool and at the Royal Marsden in Sutton, Surrey. The accommodation is self-contained and free of charge. The focus is on keeping families together at a stressful time and providing a sense of normality when life is anything but 'normal'. For more about the charity, ring 01992 570550 or visit www.rhysdanielstrust.org

Tottenham Hotspur footballer Ledley King with partner Amy click here

James Hewitt takes part in the golf competition click here

Rhys Daniels Trust founder Barry Daniels (right) with publicist Max Clifford and Liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers click here

PICTURES: Town celebrates Hillyfields Open Space 2.37pm - 9th July 2013

LOUGHTON mayor Jill Angold-Stephens assisted by pupils from Staples Road Primary School dedicated Hillyfields open space as a QEII playing field for the people of Loughton. Along with pupils Charlotte Davis, eight, and Beth MacDonald, eight, Mrs Angold-Stephens unveiled the

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ceremonial plaque to confirm the new status of the site now protected from development in perpetuity. Hillyfields had previously been the location for the celebrations of Her Majesty the Queen's Diamond Jubilee in June last year when more than 400 residents watched the lighting of the Jubilee beacon. The site also boasts the Millennium Remembrance Grove - trees from across the world donated by loved ones as a memorial to Loughton residents killed in conflicts abroad, planted to stand as a living testament to the future as the town celebrated the turn of the century. It is also a popular venue for tobogganing in the snow. Epping Forest District Council chairman Mary Sartin helped Mrs Angold-Stevens undertake the ceremonial planting of the six English Oak trees to celebrate the 60 years of Her Majesty's reign, one for each decade. Guests included district and town councillors and former councillors, representatives from the City of London - which owns the lower section of Hillyfields (part of Epping Forest) - Epping Forest District Council's parks department (who maintain the land for the town council), and the Essex Playing Fields Association. The children from Staples Road Primary School, led by teacher Jan Smithers, entertained the guests with two songs, 'If you can walk, you can dance' and 'I have a song to sing'. Loughton Methodist Church minister Rev'd Tony Morling led the guests in thanksgiving and prayer, this being one of his last public duties in Loughton before he and his family leave for a new ministry in Jersey later this month. After the formal ceremony, everyone enjoyed a picnic on the grass including a special cake decorated with a gold crown and oak leaves.

For a slideshow of pictures click here

For information on how to order prints of the pictures email [email protected] or ring David Jackman on 07710 447868.

Cyclists wanted for London-Brighton ride 9.45am - 9th July 2013

CYCLISTS are being sought to support the local breast cancer clinical trials charity on the London to Brighton bike ride. The research unit at St Margaret's Hospital in Epping and Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow needs cyclists to take part the 54-mile ride to the coast on Sunday, September 8. Ashraf Patel, associate specialist in breast surgery, said: "You don't have to be a seasoned cyclist to take part in this ride, joining more than 1,000 people riding through rolling countryside all the way to the sea, boosting your fitness and a good cause at the same time. "We have some spaces left and would love to hear from you. All you need is a £35 deposit to secure your place and sponsorship or a suggested donation of at least £100." To book a place, ring the breast clinical trials office on 01279 827857.

Theatre company to perform Oliver! 2.03pm - 8th July 2013

AWARD-winning Loughton-based group Forest Musical Theatre Company is preparing to stage its debut full- scale musical at Lopping Hall, Loughton. Forest Musical Theatre Company will perform Oliver at the High Road venue from October 1-5. Tickets are available, priced £13 (£11 concessions) at www.ticketsource.co.uk/forestmusical or by ringing 01279 851897. There is a Early Bird offer until July 31 for children's tickets. For each full ticket purchased pay £9 for a child's ticket. The group was joint third in the Best Musical category for the NODA London Region for its production of 'Seussical The Musical' at the Kenneth More Theatre, Ilford. Richard Sheepwash, who plays Mr Bumble in 'Oliver!', was nominated for best actor for his role of The Cat in The Hat in the same show. For more details, visit http://www.forestmusical.co.uk/

Students present sleepover cheque 1.32pm - 8th July 2013

FOUR of the 14 Chigwell School Lower Fifth pupils who slept in a churchyard to raise money for the Harlow- based Streets2Homes have found out more about the charity. Barney Walsh, Matthew Barrett, Ethan Rose and Taylor Marcelis, who had taken part in the fundraising event in May, were keen to see what the charity does. Streets2Homes centre manager Kerrie Eastman gave them a tour and explained the many aspects of the charity's work. The pupils then presented Kerrie with a cheque for £2,361.50, which will fund some good quality projects. Housemaster Robert Ogle, who accompanied the pupils to the sleepover and to the visit, said: "All the pupils behaved impeccably and asked some very perceptive and intelligent questions. "We hope Kerrie will be able to come to speak to the whole school during an assembly next term and we look forward to running the sleepout again next year."

Witness appeal over arson attack 1.30pm - 8th July 2013

POLICE are appealing for witnesses following a fire at an unoccupied house in Buckhurst Hill. Officers were called to Cascade Road at about 4.10pm on Wednesday, July 3, with a report of a fire. No one was injured. A 15-year-old boy, from the Buckhurst Hill area, was later arrested on suspicion of arson. He has been released on police bail until September 7 pending further enquiries. Anyone with information is urged to contact PC Brian Eagling or his colleagues at Loughton CID on 101, extension 313406, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Thrill-seekers take on challenges for hospice 1.11pm - 8th July 2013

A SKYDIVING mum and a 71-year-old bungee jumper raised money for Haven House Children's Hospice. Maxine Davies, from Hainault, whose six-year-old son Kai uses the hospice, completed a skydive challenge, which raised almost £500, while Arthur Wilkins took part in a bungee jump in the car park of the Clydesdale pub, Loughton. Maxine, whose son has cerebral palsy and epilepsy, said: "I wanted to do something to say thank you to the team at Haven House for all the support and care they have given to Kai and our family. "I've always wanted to jump out of a plane so this year I decided to go for it and what better than to do it to celebrate Haven House's tenth anniversary. "If you're looking for a great experience or an interesting way to raise money I would really recommend this." Arthur, of Rochford Avenue, Loughton, said: "I do this event every year and wanted to support Haven House in its tenth birthday year.

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"The jump was a lot of fun and will help to support a really worthwhile local cause." Hospice chief executive Mike Palfreman said: "We're extremely grateful to all who fundraise in our local community, but it's particularly inspiring when one of our parents decides to raise money for us, so a big thank you to Maxine. "As for our bungee jumper, what a fantastic way to raise money for the charity, thanks to Arthur and the Clydesdale pub for hosting the event."

Crime-fighting award for farmer 1.08pm - 8th July 2013

MAGDALEN Laver farmer Rosemary Padfield has been named runner-up in the Country Crime Fighter Awards for her impact on crime in the Epping Forest district. The awards, established by rural insurer NFU Mutual, are designed to celebrate and reward great examples of crime prevention taking place in Britain's countryside. Judges, including NFU Mutual chairman Richard Percy, deemed Rosemary runner-up in the Individual Crime Fighter/ Innovation category after learning of her creation and commitment to the local Neighbourhood Action Panel. The panel allows farmers to set the priorities for action and is a fantastic forum for sharing information about stolen machinery as well as preventative advice. At these meeting, local farmers also offer up their land to allow specialist police training. The judges were also impressed with how Rosemary chaired meetings with the new Police and Crime Commissioner for Essex, Nick Alston, contributed to consultations and hosted meetings with Communities and Local Government Secretary Eric Pickles to highlight the menace of fly tipping in the forest. Mr Percy said: "As the mutual rural insurer we understand the needs of those who live and work in the countryside. In all too many cases, crime in rural areas has a devastating impact on the victims and the wider community too. "Rosemary's work to tackle rural crime has not only earned her the respect of her local community but contributed to Epping Forest being a much safer place." Rosemary said: "I truly believe that everybody can and should try to make a difference to crime in their local area. "My involvement in the panel has not only allowed me to address important issues with the relevant authorities but improved communication between local people."

Oakwood Hill residents enjoy community day 1.05pm - 8th July 2013

RESIDENTS of Oakwood Hill, Loughton, attended a community event with free activities and the chance to help shape future events by sharing ideas on what they would like to see. Activities ranged from arts and crafts and face painting to clay modelling and colouring and drawing. Painted faces included monsters, Minnie Mouse and even pirates and residents could also find out about recycling and joining their local residents' association. Other organisations taking part included the NHS with tips on healthy eating and health checks, Loughton Voluntary Care, Loughton Town Council, Epping Forest College, Essex County Fire and Rescue Service while nail painting was done by Nailtastix. Epping Forest District Council's community development officer Gill Wallis said: "Lots of residents came along to see us and we received some excellent ideas as to the type of activities people would like to see in their local community. Anyone unable to attend can still get in touch with any ideas they have by calling 01992 564556." A similar event - Love Ninefields - is being held at Ninefields Community Centre, Hill House, Waltham Abbey, on Wednesday (July 10).

PICTURES: Crowds flock to Epping Town Show UPDATED 8.27am - 9th July 2013 4.10pm - 7th July 2013

CROWDS turned out on the hottest day of the year for a fun-packed Epping Town Show - a year after the event had to be cancelled because of torrential rain. Dozens of local organisations manned stalls at Stonards Hill recreation ground while the arena hosted an array of entertainment. There was also a fun fair and bouncy slides, sports demonstrations from Upper Clapton Rugby Club and the Te-Ashi Do Karate Club and displays from Illusions Dance Academy, Academy Performing Arts and Rascals Theatre School. There was music from the Epping Forest Band and a series of arena races, and a tug-of-war challenge, involving Epping Brownies and Cubs. Eighteen teams entered the charity wheelbarrow race, sponsored by DJ Hunt Property and with wheelbarrows provided by Travis Perkins, which raised over £1,300 for Chigwell Riding Trust for Special Needs. The winners were Nicholsons estate agents, with Spokes cycle shop second and Toni and Guy hair salon third. All three donated their winnings to the charity. The event, organised by Epping Town Council and Epping Town Partnership, was officially opened by Epping mayor Will Breare-Hall.

For a slideshow of pictures click here

For information on how to order prints of the pictures email [email protected] or ring David Jackman on 07710 447868.

PICTURES: Hundreds turn out for St Clare Hospice Midnight Walk 12.13am - 7th July 2013

MORE than 800 people turned out for the St Clare Hospice Midnight Walk which organisers hope will raise about £75,000. Walkers, dressed in pink and many wearing fancy dress, set off from the Water Gardens car park in Harlow at 10.30pm tonight to complete either a 5km or 10km walk.

For a slideshow of pictures click here

Among those taking part were:

PHOTO 1 - (left to right) Alison Battley (Harlow), Alison Lawrence (Theydon Bois) and Dilys Jack (Loughton). Alison, who was taking part for the first time, said: "I just thought it was a really nice thing to do for the hospice."

PHOTO 2 - Elaine and Glenn Bates, from Coopersale, were walking in memory of friend Pam Hoskin. Elaine said: "It's a brilliant atmosphere and nice that everyone gets together for one main cause."

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PHOTO 6 - Horse and rider Kirsty Lincoln (left) and Emma Dewson, both from Harlow, raised over £250 between them. Kirsty said: "I just love the atmosphere. It's for a good cause and good fun."

PHOTO 7 - Michelle Newby (front right), from Harlow walked with friends in memory of her cousin, Alison King, who died from cancer, and her father's friend Derek White who is fighting cancer. Michelle said: "It's a brilliant night but emotional as well."

PHOTO 8 - (left to right) Sandra McDonnell, Denise Westwood, Chelsea Stammers and Chris Stammers. Chris said: "The atmosphere is just brilliant. We did it last year and just had a fantastic time. It's a great cause and every penny counts." Chris's granddaughter Chelsea said: "I'm walking because I get to wear pink!"

PHOTO 9 - Janet Lankester (left) and Sarah Warman, both from Harlow. Janet, who was taking part for the fifth year, said: "It's well organised and the atmosphere is really fantastic." They were walking in memory of Terry Bakewell, who was cared for at St Clare, and his wife Christine, who died suddenly recently having just started as a volunteer at the hospice. Janet, who had worked with Christine who was a volunteer helper at Broadfield School, said: "They did such a good job (caring for Terry) that Christine wanted to volunteer but unfortunately we have now lost her too."

For information on how to order prints of the pictures email [email protected] or ring David Jackman on 07710 447868.

PICTURES: Crowds turn out to say Farewell to St John's 3.11pm - 6th July 2013

AN estimated 3,000-plus crowd was expected at St John's School in Epping to say farewell to the school which will be replaced by the new Epping St John's School in September. The summer fete farewell organised by the school's PTA saw hundreds of former students return to see their classrooms for one last time before the school closes - to re-open on its new neighbouring site in September. Many former students took the opportunity to spray their name and school years on a graffiti wall. There were tours of the old school and a chance for former pupils to reminisce over their school days. The event was officially opened by Epping Forest MP Eleanor Laing before former St John's teacher Barbara Kelly, who appeared in the recent series of the BBC One talent show The Voice, sang 'Time to Say Goodbye'.

For a slideshow of pictures click here

For information about how to order prints of any of the pictures featured email [email protected] or ring David Jackman on 07710 447868.

Young people call for voting age to be lowered 9.11am - 6th July 2013

YOUNG people from schools across the district have called for the lowering of the voting age to 16. Eighty young people packed the chamber at the Civic Offices for the Epping Forest Youth Council-organised Youth Conference 2013. Schools taking part were Davenant, Chigwell, West Hatch, Braeside, St John's, Roding Valley and Woodford County High. Proceedings were opened by youth councillor Natasha Miller and council chairman Mary Sartin before the morning session got into full swing with Q&As to a panel of councillors and senior council managers. Senior democratic services officer Simon Hill asked why the students thought younger people did not vote and how they felt about older people making decisions for them. Delegates split into focus groups to discuss the priorities for the youth council next year. Each group prepared a set of top-topics for debate. After a feedback session to the conference, delegates used electronic voting to establish the youth council's top three priorities - stereotyping, substance misuse and bullying. Living in a beautiful area was seen as a definite plus along with easy access to London but public transport and fear of crime were some of the other problems identified by delegates. Bus services come in for criticism. Delegates put forward potential solutions including better education, more trust in young people, combating negative media stereotypes and giving young people more constructive opportunities through activities and volunteering. Youth councillor Evie Dolan, who chaired the debate on lowering the voting age to 16, said: "Countries as diverse as Austria, Argentina and now Scotland have given the vote to 16 year olds." Youth councillor Jaymey McIvor proposed the motion which youth councillor Edward Gokmen opposed. The motion was carried with 55 per cent in favour. Youth councillors felt the conference was a great success with some unexpected outcomes. Youth councillor Victoria Armitage felt the day had brought better connections between young people. Natasha Miller added the issues of school group rivalries needed to be addressed. Youth councillor Ella Foster said: "It was really good and some key issues came out such as speed limits, discrimination against young people and the way adults see us. "It was a great insight for the youth councillors about the issues facing young people now."

Youth councillor spends day in Parliament 8.18am - 6th July 2013

EPPING Forest MP Eleanor Laing welcomed Epping Forest youth councillor Jaymey McIvor for a day behind- the-scenes at Westminster. Jaymey, a pupil at St John's School in Epping and a member of the Essex Youth Assembly, was given a tour of the Houses of Parliament and watched Prime Minister's Questions before meeting Mrs Laing for lunch and sitting in on a committee session on immigration. Jaymey said: "I had a fantastic tour of the iconic Houses of Parliament which was both interesting and inspiring. "For Prime Minister's Questions I was in the Special Side Gallery where I was so close and so near the debate it felt like I was actually taking part!" He added: "The committee meeting was a very eye-opening experience on how smaller committees contribute to the overall running of the country." Jaymey, who is the current Epping Forest District Council Young Citizen of the Year, then visited Portcullis House. "I was amazed by the transition from an historic building (the Houses of Parliament) to a state-of-the-art office facility (Portcullis House) which in my opinion is what makes the democracy of Great Britain so brilliant. "I finished the day with a coffee with Eleanor's Graduate Researcher before saying goodbye to Eleanor and her team to make my way back home after what was a day I enjoyed immensely. "Thank you Eleanor Laing MP for a fantastic day and experience!" Mrs Laing said: "It was a pleasure to welcome Jaymey to the House of Commons and to show him all that we cram into a typical day here.

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"I have always been very impressed by Jaymey's involvement in our local community and in the Young Essex Assembly. "I am now even more impressed by his knowledge of and enthusiasm for politics. "I think he might end up with a seat in the House of Commons himself one day!"

Student's work on show 2.32pm - 5th July 2013

ASPIRING graphic design artist Tamara Citroen she showcased her art exhibits at DLD College London's final year show. Tamara, 19, of Albion Hill, Loughton, an A-level student at the Marylebone-based college, has a passion for cityscapes, specialising in using graphic design to produce contracting pieces. She is aspiring to develop her graphic design skills further by continuing her study this September at either London College of Contemporary Art or Birmingham Metropolitan College. Tamara said: "It was amazing to see my work on display. The feedback on the night was incredible and I can't thank the art department at DLD College London enough for all their support and encouragement in challenging me to develop my skills further. With DLD College London you get to explore your imagination. "I'm really excited about going onto a top art college, and moving one step closer to fulfilling my dream of becoming a professional graphic designer." DLD College London principal Rachel Borland said: "Tamara is very talented and it has been a great pleasure for the teaching team to see her flourish during her time with us. "We would like to wish her all the very best in her chosen career of graphic design."

Tamara Citroen with some of her work click here

Winning hospice lottery numbers 2.30pm - 5th July 2013

THE winner of this week's £1,000 jackpot in the St Clare Hospice lottery lives in Loughton. The winning number is 434500. The £100 prize goes to number 333828. The holder lives in Sawbridgeworth. For information about how to join the lottery visit www.stclarehospice.org.uk or ring 01279 773730 (Monday- Friday 9.30am-1.30pm).

Haslers staff raise £1,000 for hospice 10.10am - 5th July 2013

ACCOUNTANTS from Loughton-based Haslers raised £1,000 for Havens Hospices after taking part in the charity's 5km Baton of Life run in Southend. Havens Hospices, which provides end of life care for adults and children with terminal illnesses, is the Haslers Foundation chosen charity of the year. A team of seven - Gill McKever, Christine Inch, Jon O'Shea, Laurence Gane, Peter Cross, Nancy Jones and Joanna Fry - took part in the race. Christine was the first team member home in 20 minutes, followed closely by Gill in 24 minutes. HR manager Christine said: "The day was a great success, enjoyed by all in beautiful weather. "We all came home in respectable times but the most important thing was raising money for such a deserving local cause. "We're already thinking ahead to next year and are keen to participate again, but this time in fancy dress."

Holocaust victim visits Palace 10.10am - 5th July 2013

A BUCKHURST Hill man who survived the Auschwitz extermination camp visited Buckingham Palace for a Royal Garden Party. Ivor Perl has devoted huge efforts to speaking to as many people as possible about his experiences, to raise awareness of the horrors of the Holocaust. The Holocaust Memorial Day Trust, which supports the national commemoration of Holocaust Memorial Day on January 27 each year, nominated Ivor to attend in recognition of his extensive work helping the charity. Ivor was deported to Auschwitz in 1944. His parents and seven of his siblings died in the Holocaust. Holocaust Memorial Day Trust chief executive Olivia Marks-Woldman said: "Ivor has worked hard recounting his life story, ensuring that thousands of people have a better understanding of the events of the Holocaust. "Her Majesty the Queen is Patron of HMDT and so we were delighted to be able to offer Ivor the opportunity to attend Buckingham Palace in recognition of his work." Ivor said: "I'm delighted to have been invited, it was an honour. I've had two lucky things happen to me in my life, surviving the camps and coming to England."

Olympians inspire Bancroft's girls 10.06am - 5th July 2013

YEAR 7 and 8 girls at Bancroft's School, Woodford Green, took part in the Sky Sports Living for Sport initiative. This programme for secondary schools, which is run in association with the Youth Sports Trust, uses sports stars and sports skills to inspire and encourage young people aged between 11 and 16 to reach their full potential. The girls' mentors for the day were GB sprinter Jeanette Kwakye (who trained with Essex Ladies in Woodford) and paralympian Tim Prendergast. Jeanette represented GB at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, where she was the first British runner for 24 years, and the only European, to qualify for the 100m final in which she was sixth. Tim, who only has five per cent vision, won Gold in Beijing as well as representing New Zealand at both the Athens and London games. Individual schools devise their own targets for the day. Bancroft's aim was to inspire some of its younger girls and encourage them to reconnect with sport. Jeanette and Tim spoke about their careers, how they recovered from any setbacks and disappointments (such as Jeanette's at not being selected for London 2012) as well as the highlights, like Tim's Olympic gold medal. Later the girls were in the gym as the group was joined by some Year 10 girls, who are among the school's top athletes, for a session of team building games. Sports' teacher Danni Haynes, who organised the day, said: "We want to encourage as many of our girls to get into sport as possible. These sessions were about building enthusiasm and confidence, getting the girls wanting to be active."

Award for North Weald Airfield 12.27pm - 4th July 2013

NORTH Weald Airfield has received an award from The National Air Traffic Service (NATS) for raising

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awareness amongst its flying community to keep within the correct flight zone. NATS representatives Jonathan Smith and Jonathan Bolton presented the NATS Infringement Prevention Award to Epping Forest District Council chairman Mary Sartin and airfield operations officer Trevor Jago. The award was introduced in recognition of flying clubs, groups and airfields that have made special efforts to prevent and mitigate against airspace infringements. North Weald is only the second airfield to receive the award. As part of the campaign, a special TMZ leaflet has been produced to increase awareness amongst home- based and visiting pilots to the airfield. TMZ - Transponder Mandatory Zone - is the controlled airspace around Stansted Airport. Aerial photographs of local landmarks to help improve situational awareness have been included. Mrs Sartin said: "I am delighted to receive this award on behalf of North Weald Airfield. "Air traffic safety is very important and I know our operational staff at the airfield have put a lot of effort in to producing as much detailed information as possible for the pilots who use it."

Planning documents offline on Monday 12.25pm - 4th July 2013

PLANNING and licensing application documents will not be available on Epping Forest District Council's website on Monday due to essential upgrade works. Work will start at 8am and should be completed by 2pm. No other part of the council website will be affected. It will not be possible to search for documents such as floor plans and application forms but details of applications will still be available. The upgrade will improve the usability of the page and will remove issues experienced by some users with pop-up blockers.

Students create Theatreland posters 9.42am - 4th July 2013

THE artwork of five Chigwell School Lower Fifth students was selected by London's leading theatre ticket agency www.theatrepeople.com for an outdoor mural space in Charing Cross Road, London. Senior School art and graphic design teacher Sharon Wales was asked by the company to submit some of the graphic designs created by pupils on the theme of theatre and street art to decorate one of the entrances to one of their ticketing outlets in the heart of the West End. The building is highly visible to both road users and pedestrians and attracts over 100,000 visitors each year. The five winning street murals were unveiled when the winners were also taken to see a top West End show. Miss Wales said: "This has been an exciting opportunity for my GCSE students to work on a real world art project in the heart of London's West End. "They definitely had to meet Chigwell's school motto of 'Find a way, make a way' to realise their winning designs. "The winning designs were selected for their strong visual imagery and understanding of the highly creative and competitive nature of London's West End theatre market which were selected by Theatrepeople.com marketing director Mat Hart and John Wales, CEO Encoretickets.co.uk." The brief for the pupils was to create a bold design in the style of Banksy depicting a theatre show or themes around tourism in London. Miss Wales added: "The end work was highly commended by the company for strong original ideas that met the brief. Indeed it was very pleasing for me to hear a passer-by on the day of the opening commenting how they thought 'Banksy' had been at work at the venue. "Well done to some highly talented graphic design students who I very much believe can go on to do more great work in the future and the art department at Chigwell School has really helped focus their creative talents."

Boy, 15, arrested over blaze 8.28am - 4th July 2013

A 15-YEAR-OLD boy has been arrested on suspicion of arson in connection with yesterday's fire at a bungalow in Cascade Road, Buckhurst Hill. A police spokesman has told Everything Epping Forest that the boy, who is from the Buckhurst Hill area, remains in police custody this morning (Thursday). Three fire crews - two from Loughton and one from Woodford - were called out shortly after 4pm. About an hour later the incident commander reported that the building was "well alight. Crews had dealt with the incident by 6.40pm. A fire and police investigation is underway into the cause of the blaze. No-one was injured. Buckhurst Hill councillor Gavin Chambers, who witnessed the blaze, said: "The street was closed off and the fumes were thick with black smoke. It was frightening to watch."

Woman trapped between two cars 7.37am - 4th July 2013

A WOMAN had to be freed by firefighters after becoming trapped between two vehicles in Oak Tree Close, Loughton. Two Loughton fire crews were called out at 6.40pm last night following a collision involving two cars where a woman was trapped between the two vehicles. Crews used a winch and strops to lift the vehicles and free the woman who was trapped by her leg. She was free after about 20 minutes.

MP starts sponsored diet 7.16am - 4th July 2013

NAZEING, Roydon and Sheering MP Robert Halfon is helping himself and others by undertaking a sponsored diet to support Harlow Community Chest. The idea of a diet came after Mr Halfon's GP recommended he loses some weight to improve the condition of his legs. Turning the diet into a fundraising initiative for the Harlow Community Chest is the best way Mr Halfon can think of to keep himself motivated and achieve his weight loss target. He has set himself the target of losing two stone over three months. Mr Halfon said: "I have long supported the Harlow Community Chest and the amazing work they do within our community. "They do a lot for people who are struggling financially and yet they rely on such a small budget. "Through this sponsored diet I hope to raise funds that will help this fantastic charity to do even more for the people of Harlow." For three months starting on Saturday (June 29), Mr Halfon will be on a low-carb diet, staying away from sweets and chocolate. He will only be allowed to relax the rules only once a month. Alcohol will also be off limits during the challenge.

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The sponsored diet was launched on Friday (June 28) with a 'Man vs. Food' style challenge at the Maypole in London Road, Harlow. On Monday morning Erica Bromage, a trustee of Harlow Community Chest, carried out the first of regular monthly weight checks. Erica said: "Harlow Community Chest is a local charity which has awarded many thousands of pounds to hundreds of local residents since the organisation was formed in 1967. "The charity is very appreciative of Rob's offer to raise much needed funds by taking part in a sponsored diet." To support Robert, go to www.everyclick.com/robhalfonsponsoreddiet

Fire crews tackling building blaze 5.41pm - 3rd July 2013

THREE fire crews are tackling a blaze in a derelict building in Cascade Road, Buckhurst Hill. Essex Fire and Rescue Service say two crews from Loughton and one from Woodford were called out shortly after 4pm. About an hour later (5.10pm) the incident commander reported that the single-storey building was "well alight".

Go-ahead for Community Memorial Garden 5.24pm - 3rd July 2013

FUNDING has been secured for a Community Memorial Garden in Roding Road, Loughton. The SITA Trust has approved £19,970 for the project which is also being supported by Epping Forest District Council, Essex County Council, Loughton Town Council and the Grange Farm Trust. The project will see the creation of an attractive public memorial garden, at the old rose garden next to St Michael's Church, which will replace a declining open space which is currently completely overshadowed by huge leylandii, a tangle of saplings and broken fencing, unfriendly to visitors and an eyesore. The leylandii and saplings will be removed creating two levels on the sloping ground separated by railings, formal flower beds on the upper level which will have wheelchair access, a more natural lower level bordered with native shrubs selected for being wildlife friendly, colourful and scented and seating will be provided for visitors in various parts of the garden. Project leader Ken Angold-Stephens said: "I have lived in the area for almost 50 years and remember the garden as a beautiful area, highly valued by local residents. "It was sad to see it decline but we now have a chance to not only restore it to its former glory but improve on it as well, thanks to our generous donors and the SITA Trust in particular." SITA chief executive and SITA Trust chairman Marek Gordon said: "We are delighted to have been able to support this project thorough the Landfill Communities Fund. "This important source of funding has been available since 1997 and has provided such worthy projects with more than £1.2 billion."

Prime Minister's wife visits Jubilee Lodge 12.36pm - 3rd July 2013

THE Prime Minister's wife Samantha Cameron and paralympic medal winners David Smith and Dan Bentley visited disability charity Vitalise at Jubilee Lodge in Chigwell. They joined guests and volunteers for a game of the paralympic sport Boccia. The visit came as Mrs Cameron was named as the charity's new patron. The charity provides holiday-style breaks with care for people with disabilities and carers at its three UK centres. Mrs Cameron said: "I was thrilled to visit Jubilee Lodge and to see for myself the incredible work carried out by the staff and volunteers that makes such a difference to the lives of people with disabilities and their carers. "I am honoured to become a patron of Vitalise and to support this innovative charity." Boccia is an accessible ball sport, similar to bowls, designed to be played by people with disabilities affecting motor skills. Boccia was added to Vitalise's range of inclusive social, recreational and sporting activities in the wake of the London Paralympics. Team GB's David Smith said: "It was awesome to be able to demonstrate Boccia to Samantha Cameron and the other guests at Jubilee Lodge. We had a great game too. "The Paralympics did such a lot of good in raising awareness about disability issues and as a Paralympian myself I really want that amazing wave of enthusiasm to continue. So I was overjoyed when Vitalise took up Boccia at their centres. We need to keep the flame burning!" Mrs Cameron's support comes at a significant time for Vitalise, as it celebrates the 50th anniversary of its foundation in July 1963. The charity is planning an extensive programme of events to mark its golden jubilee, including special Birthday Weeks at its centres (from July 6), the release of a commemorative book and celebratory videos, and culminating in a gala reception at City Hall in September. Vitalise's chairman of trustees, Mindy Sawhney, said: "We feel privileged to receive the support of Samantha Cameron as our new patron in our 50th anniversary year. "Vitalise provides breaks with care for thousands of people with disabilities and carers each year, but there are many thousands more in need of our support. "As we launch a major new fundraising campaign to build more centres and reach out to more people in need of respite than ever before, we are pleased that we can count on Mrs Cameron's support." Vitalise is a national charity providing essential respite breaks for people with disabilities - including Alzheimer's and dementia - and carers at Jubilee Lodge and two other accessible centres in Southampton and Southport, with 24-hour nursing care on-call, personal support and a range of accessible excursions, activities and entertainment.

Samantha Cameron with paralympians David Smith and Dan Bentley playing Boccia during her visit to Vitalise's Jubilee Lodge holiday centre in Chigwell click here (Photo by Adam Holt)

Woman warns of bogus callers after she withdrew £3,000 11.49am - 3rd July 2013

A NORTH Weald woman has urging people not to fall victim to a telephone call from a bogus police officer after she was almost persuaded to part with £3,000 in savings. The 79-year-old woman received a telephone call from a man who said he was a police officer from Hammersmith Police Station. He claimed he had two men, aged 24 and 26, in custody who had told him they lived with the woman - which was not true. His story also mentioned credit cards and a 'cloned' passport and the caller then asked the woman to withdraw £3,000 from her bank account. The conversation ended when the woman said she would only hand over the money if she was accompanied by a police officer from Epping. Numerous similar incidents have been reported across the district in recent months. The woman told Everything Epping Forest: "He had quite a pleasant sounding voice. He was very familiar, 'okay darling', 'you go and get the money'."

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She said anyone who receives such a telephone call should simply hang up. "I was really lucky," she said. "If they say 'I'm a police officer from Hammersmith Police Station put the phone down straight away,"

District is second best in Essex for recycling 11.47am - 3rd July 2013

EPPING Forest has the second best recycling rate in the county, latest figures show. Between April 2012 and March this year, Epping Forest District Council recycled or composted 58.9 per cent of its waste - a figure bettered only by Rochford District Council with 66.7 per cent. Across Essex the recycling rate for household waste recycled, composted or reused totaled 52.6 per cent.

Creative students show off their work 8.50am - 3rd July 2013

STUDENTS at Roding Valley High School exhibited their Key Stage 3 Extended Research Project work. The Years 7, 8 and 9 students, aged between 11 and 14, had to visit a museum or art gallery of their choice and find a 'source of inspiration' either as an artefact, exhibit or painting. Students could choose to either present their 'source of information' in an informative way or recreate it and produce something original. There were at least 40 entries and the overall quality and standard made the judging of the projects a gruelling task. The prizes awarded were an Ipod Touch for the top prize, Amazon Kindles for the category winners and £20 Amazon vouchers for the runner-up.

Most Informative and Engaging Winner Toby Parsons - recreated the Hoa Hakananai'a Easter Island statue and a short story about them Runners-Up Matthew Tinker - created a monologue about Alan Turing (cracked the Enigma code) and Bletchley Park Kevin Turner - created a 2D animation about Ecology and Climate Change Joe Roberts - built a steam engine from Lego blocks Joshua Tebbutt - created an attaché case with a secret dossier about WWII double agents

Most Innovative and Imaginative Winner Chloe and Lauren Humphries - created a 3D self-portrait in the style of Roy Lichtenstein and wrote a poem Runners-Up Olivia Tinker - inspired by Aztec art, created a 3D Pound sign in the style of a double-headed serpent Thisbe Barnett - inspired by Ziggy Stardust make up, she created a sleek collage layered mannequin head and included photographs she had taken from the Royal Opera House.

Most Insightful and Enriching Winner Alex Hall-Cassidy - created a model Mt Vesuvius, extensive research on Pompeii and a poem based on the tragedy Runners-Up Lorelei Booth - inspired by the Huguenot silk weavers, she wrote a series of love letters in the style of the period and hand stitched a silk handkerchief for each letter. All of this was placed in a lovely briefcase Jamie Richards and Georgie Curran - wrote a 5,000-word dual narrative account of the events of The Battle of Pelelieu from both American and Japanese perspectives.

The People's Choice Winner Amber Wigley - created a video story of the life of a Steiff bear prior to it being placed in The Museum of Childhood

Judge's Par Excellence Winner Natasha Meunier-McVey - painted a self-portrait in the pop art style of Roy Lichtensetein and provided a learning journal entitled A Journey through Dots.

Grant to help revitalise High Street 8.48am - 3rd July 2013

AN initiative by Epping Forest District Council has awarded Ongar Town Forum a grant of £6,000 towards a series of ideas and measures to reinvigorate the High Street for Ongar traders. The money will be matched by funds, as well as voluntary work, by forum members to boost the award for Ongar traders. Forum chairman Martyn Pattie said: "The grant is a very generous amount awarded to Ongar to support the ideas for regeneration of the High Street. "The money has been awarded for a two pronged approach to revitalise the High Street. Firstly to encourage tourism, particularly in association with the Ongar Steam Railway, with some funds going towards tourist information leaflets, fingerposts and signboards to encourage people from outside the area to visit the tourist and historical sites in Ongar. "The second part of the award is to provide retailers with an internet type of trading to enhance the trading, rather than relying on footfall traffic. This will mean Ongar will create a virtual shopping street via the internet whereby residents and other individuals can shop in Ongar's High Street without leaving their armchair. "There will also be an Ongar App for smartphone devices to again highlight Ongar and encourage shopping in Ongar. "This is a very exciting project for Ongar and will help to reinforce Ongar as an exciting town centre for tourism and for trade." Mr Pattie added: "Ongar has historically relied on passing trade, but this can no longer be assumed, and with these measures Ongar traders will have different ways of selling to the public."

All set for Midnight Walk 7.47am - 3rd July 2013

WITH the St Clare Hospice Midnight Walk just three days away the bright pink theme is infiltrating everything staff and supporters do as they count down the hours to the start on Saturday. First it was the directors team sporting pink fluffy ears, then hospice shop staff donned bright pink T shirts. Soon after, Midnight Walk mania had spread to St Clare's van drivers and it was not long before the in-patient unit nurses sprouted their very own angel wings. Now the hospice's volunteer gardeners are getting in on the act. Tomorrow (Thursday) and Friday every spare piece of space at the Hastingwood hospice will be festooned in

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pinkness as staff and volunteers - including a corporate team from Merck - get the long-awaited goodie bags together which will be handed to hundreds of participants on the night. Director of fundraising Elizabeth Palfreman said: "Everyone registered on the night will receive one of our fabulous pink T shirts, there will be a snack and a bottle of water provided by The Water Gardens, Harlow, a Heart FM sticker or pen and there will be a 20 per cent off Nando's voucher. But we've also managed to incorporate some gorgeous toiletries from Bayliss & Harding as well as Fairtrade soaps, thanks to the generous sponsorship of the Visionary Soap Company." The number of participants signed up for the 5km and 10km walks has increased by 20 per cent in the last two weeks as the on-line deadline of end of June approached. You can still take part as walkers can register on the night for £20. Everyone taking part is encouraged to fundraise to boost the amount raised on the night. The overall target is £75,000 - enough to fund the eight-bed in-patient unit for 19 days. If everyone raised £170, everyone would have done enough to fund the unit for an hour. Earlier this week Nando's staff were also in Midnight Walk mood as they, like many Harlow companies, are fielding a team of walkers on the night. Those taking part walk should start arriving from 8.30pm, particularly if signing up on the night. Heart FM's Matt Mackay will be on the mic playing hits and warming up the crowds before a mini-Zumba exercise class by Andrea Rigg to limber everyone up before the walkers are sent on their way at 10.30pm by Harlow MP Robert Halfon. There will also be face-painting and an opportunity to buy last-minute flashing bunny ears , glo-sticks, angel wings and other pink-related goodies.

Optician shortlisted for national award 6.53pm - 2nd July 2013

EPPING optician Polly Dulley is one of the final three candidates from a shortlist of 60 nominees for the national Optometrist of the Year award. The winner will be decided by public vote and presented at the UK Association of Optometrists national conference in November. Polly's husband Tim, who also works at Aves Optometrists in Epping High Street, is encouraging everyone who knows her to visit www.optometry.co.uk/awards and vote. Voting closes at midnight on September 6. The award will go to "the optometrist who has gone above and beyond the sight test routine in order to deliver excellent patient care, combining clinical expertise with outstanding people skills". Polly said: "I was stunned to discover that I'd been nominated and shortlisted and feel incredibly proud. "Over the years, I've come to know many optometrists whom I admire greatly, so to be chosen by my professional peers is a great honour." Polly has worked with Tim as director of Aves Optometrists since March 2000. She has been nominated, not just for her work in the high street practice, but for her outstanding contributions to her profession over the course of her distinguished career. In conjunction with the Epping Breast Cancer Unit, she conducted the world's largest study into the adverse effects of Tamoxifen (a major breast cancer drug) on the eye, for which she was awarded an MPhil degree from City University. In more recent years she has devoted much of her time and energy to heading the Children's Eyecare campaign on behalf of the UK Optical Confederation. The national campaign has been raising awareness amongst parents, teachers and carers of the importance of eye examinations for pre-school and early school age children, as undetected eye problems can lead to developmental, educational and behavioural problems. Last year Polly endured high altitude and freezing temperatures to complete a challenging trek along the Inca Trail in Peru to reach the ancient city of Macchu Piccu. In doing so Polly raised £10 000 for the Epping Breast Cancer Unit.

Pupils hold Design Technology Day 6.50pm - 2nd July 2013

PUPILS at West Hatch High School - and the Design Technology department - celebrated the annual Design Technology Day by undertaking tasks with industry professionals. The theme involved celebrations, festivals and cultures. This was chosen as a way of celebrating the diverse backgrounds of the school's pupils. Activities were undertaken in textiles, food and resistant materials. In textiles, Emma Nissim, a sustainable fashion designer based in Greenwich, worked with pupils to design and make personalised gifts using the decoupage technique. This consisted of collecting fashion images which were then organised and decorated onto products such as photo frames, boxes and baskets using a number of layers of glue. This taught pupils how to make gifts that are personal while celebrating occasions. Pupils used a wide range of images that were personal to them and worked individually to produce some very stylish pieces. Pupil Elza Bejtullahu said: "I didn't realise how such a simple technique could make a gift so much more interesting." In resistant materials Robert Earl-Ocran, an established toy designer, taught pupils how to make a tennis game to celebrate the current Wimbledon tournament. Pupils worked with plastic, card and high impact plastic. They then practised playing the game against each other. In food technology, David Lloyd Chigwell's head chef Graeme Holmes worked with pupils in teams to produce food that would be suitable to serve at a selection of events. He demonstrated food skills with certain ingredients. The focus was on presentation as well as taste. Pupils first watched a demonstration then went on to make pancakes, pretzels, mince pies and spring rolls. Pupils were interested to know about foods that were eaten during celebrations, and fascinated to develop skills using ingredients they would not normally come across in their day-to-day lives.

Refurbished play area opened 7.58am - 2nd July 2013

LOUGHTON Town Council has officially opened its refurbished Monksgrove play area at Oakwood Hill. Mayor Jill Angold-Stephens and several other councillors were joined by more than 30 children from the Noah's Ark toddler group to celebrate the refurbishment. Once the formal ribbon cutting ceremony had been completed the children and their parents and carers were entertained by Papalarny, the magic man, who created flowers, animals, swords and a motorbike from balloons. Council staff served drinks, cakes and biscuits. The play area had been refurbished by the town council at a total cost of £15,600 and now includes a multi- play unit, interactive play panels and a double springer. Existing railings and bench were repainted. The council has a rolling programme of improvements at its eight play areas and this work follows the installation of new equipment at the Colebrook Lane site. The Noah's Art toddler group is run by Restore Church and meets in the Oakwood Hill Estate Community Centre. Its families had helped choose the equipment. A representative from the contractors, Safe and Sounds Playgrounds of Buckinghamshire, also joined in the celebrations.

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Three new bus shelters for village 7.33am - 2nd July 2013

THREE replacement bus shelters are to be installed in High Road, North Weald. The wooden shelters - at Emberson Way, outside the Kings Head pub and opposite School Green Lane - are being funded by planning condition funding relating to the development of Lysander Court, on the site of the Queens Head pub.

Council opposes extra hour for floodlights 7.31am - 2nd July 2013

NORTH Weald Parish Council is opposing plans to extend the use of floodlights at Upper Clapton Rugby Football Club by an hour, until 10pm. The current planning approval is for the lights on a new all-weather pitch at the Upland Road club, Thornwood, to be used until 9pm. Now the applicants want the additional hour saying the pitch has been relocated further away from nearby homes and will not impact on residents. Councillors at Monday's parish council planning committee said the key issue was not the operating time for the lights but the time the venue would be vacated. Councillor Graeme McCormack said: "People will be going back to their cars, doors will be slammed." Council chairman Cyril Hawkins said: "They are pushing and pushing and pushing. By the time it gets built it will be totally different to what we agreed seven to eight months ago."

Rubbish and manure on fire 8.13am - 1st July 2013

THREE fire crews were called to deal with rubbish and manure on fire off Lindsey Street, Epping. Firefighters from Epping, Loughton and Waltham Abbey were called out at 7.20pm last night and took about two hours to deal with the incident. A fire service spokesman said the rubbish and manure was on fire in a field and covered an area 30 metres x 20 metres.

PICTURES: Thornwood Village Festival 7.30am - 1st July 2013

THIS year's Thornwood Village Festival marked the 21st anniversary of the event and the 60th anniversary of the Queen's Coronation. The event, at Thornwood Village Hall and field, began with a parade featuring The Uplanders (residents of Upland Road, Thornwood) wearing their Royal crowns as well as majorettes and classic vehicles. Numerous stalls surrounded the field while the arena hosted the St John's School Band, children's and adults races and a display from the Little Heath Dog Training Club.

For a slideshow of pictures click here

For details about ordering prints of the pictures featured email [email protected] or ring David Jackman on 07710 447868.

MP hosts business reception 7.28am - 1st July 2013

EPPING Forest MP Eleanor Laing hosted a business reception sponsored by Loughton chartered accountants Haslers at the House of Commons. The event raised £9,000 for the Teenage Cancer Trust. Mrs Laing said: "I was very pleased to be able to host a reception for a large number of our local businesses, sponsored by Haslers. "It was an excellent opportunity for people to talk to each other about what is happening in our local business community and I greatly valued hearing directly from my constituents about the messages that they want to send to Government. "The event was also a great success in raising nearly £9,000 for the Teenage Cancer Trust which is a brilliant charity. "I would like to pay tribute to everyone who was involved with the organisation of the evening."

PICTURES: Church holds flower festival 7.26am - 1st July 2013

SOME 18 arrangements filled St Alban's Church, Coopersale, for a three-day flower festival. Visitors could admire the arrangements on the theme of 'High Days, Holy Days'.

For a slideshow of pictures click here

For details about ordering prints of the pictures featured email [email protected] or ring David Jackman on 07710 447868.

PICTURES: Hollyoaks star opens school fete 7.26am - 1st July 2013

HOLLYOAKS star Carli Norris officially opened the West Hatch High School summer fete on Saturday. The event, at the Chigwell High Road school, featured various stalls and sporting competitions, and a visit by a collection of owls. There was also a raffle and face painting.

Hollyoaks star Carli Norris (centre) with West Hatch High School headteacher Frances Howarth and Louise Sach at Louise's Missy Cupcakes stall click here

The 'pink ladies' of West Hatch High School served refreshments click here

PICTURES: Sun shines for Epping Festival launch 7.25am - 1st July 2013

A YEAR after heavy rain put a dampener on the Epping Festival, this year's longer nine-day event was greeted

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by sunshine and plenty of visitors. Various local organisations and businesses had stalls in the town on Saturday. Among them were The Dream Factory charity, the Epping Society, Three Valleys Male Voice Choir, Home Instead Senior Care and The Copped Hall Trust. Various musical entertainment was staged outside Barclays Bank, with the Epping Green-based Community Gospel Choir getting the event underway after it was officially opened by Epping mayor Will Breare-Hall. Mr Breare-Hall 'toasted' the festival by sampling the specially-brewed Olde Epping cask ale at The Black Lion pub. Visitors could browse a history stall organised by the Epping and District branch of the Royal British Legion while those with a head for heights could climb to the top of the St John's Church tower for views of the surrounding area, to Copped Hall and Epping Green, and as as far as the Queen Elizabeth II bridge at Dartford. Epping Fire Station held its open day and various businesses throughout the town held special p[romotions as part of the 'I Love Epping' day. Festival events continue throughout the week with the festival culminating with the Epping Town Show at Stonards Hill recreation ground from noon next Sunday (July 7).

For a slideshow of pictures from today's Epping event click here

For details about ordering prints of the pictures featured email [email protected] or ring David Jackman on 07710 447868.
