A Report on the Japanese Alaskan Pollock Industry
alaska pollock ronment Environnement SH ada Canada eries Service FONT ice des Pêches RESTRICTED Not for Publication A REPORT ON THE JAPANESE ALASKAN POLLOCK ISHERY Marketing Servi ces Branch, I i sheri es Servi ce, ( z, Dept. of the Envi ronment. MARCH 1972 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1. INTRODUCTION l 2. THE BIOLOGY OF ALASKA POLLOCK 3 3. ALASKA POLLOCK FISHING GROUNDS AND CATCHES 6 4. PRODUCTION OF SURIMI, KAMABOKO AND FILLET-BLOCKS 13 5. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 32 A REPORT ON THE JAPANESE ALASKAN PO LOCK FISHERY l. INTRODUCTION A Canadian study team comprising represe tatives drawn from government and industry visited Japan during March 4-15, 1972 o study the Japanese Alaskan Pollock fishery. The members of the team were: Mr. G.L. Grant, Chairman, Fisheries Prices Support Board and Director, Marketing Services Branch, Fisheries Service, Department of the Environment. Mr. A.J. Hemming, Chief, Fisheries Division, Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Products Branch, Depa tment of Industry, Trade & Commerce. Mr. P.P. Russell, General Manager, Bonavista Cold Storage Company Ltd., St. John's, Newfoundland. Mr. H.D. Pyke, General Manager, Highliner Division, National Sea Products Ltd., Lunenburg, N va Scotia. Mr. Joshua John, Manager, Marketing Services Division, Fisheries Service, Department of the Environment. The team visited Tokyo, Sapporo and Kushiro and held discussions with the representatives of the Japanese fishing industry at the primary, secondary and export levels. This report embodies the findings of the study team. It was prepared on behalf of the members of the study team by the Marketing Services Branch of the Fisheries Service.
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