Midhurst to Petsworth – 7 miles

The Diamond Way begins at SU887218.

Take the path running east at the side of the carpark towards Cowdray ruins.

Cross bridge over River Rother and go left onto road noting tower in field on right.

Fork right onto a gravel track and continue forward through gates, passing polo grounds on right.

After 500 yards track changes to tarmac. Go through double gates, continue for 20 yards and take path to right, through gap in fence.

Pass to right of lone tree to take path fenced on both sides.

Pass through a series of five gates and cross field diagonally to left, (or walk round perimeter of field), and exit field where double gates give access to road verge, A272.

Turn right and continue on grass verge for 120 yards up to woods and then cross A272 with care.

Follow path on left of wooden posts and find footpath sign on golf course after 60 yards.

Follow direction of sign across fairway to clump of trees with another direction sign, then continue up left hand side of fairway to tarmac path and wooden hut to right of path.

Pass in front of hut and find footpath marker, cross fairway with bunker on left to path into trees.

After 100 yards, bear right onto path.

In 300 yards take kissing gate on left and follow the sign diagonally across field, passing Steward's Pond on left with wooden rail.

At the end of rail pass isolated tree and go uphill along avenue of trees planted in 2012 to commemorate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.

At stile follow path to left edge of the field up to boundary.

Turn right at sign continuing along the side of field and through gap in hedge at far corner.

Turn left into bridleway and fork right after 100 yards.

At Heath End Farm turn left along road and at Lodsworth village sign bear right down Gills Lane and pass ‘Hollist Arms’ pub on left, SU927231.

From ‘Hollist Arms’ pub at Lodsworth, SU927231, take The Street south (signed to parish church) and go left into Vicarage Lane after 200 yards.

After 200 yards the road turns sharp right, take path on left. Note seat and well attributed to St Peter, SU931229.

After 70 yards, turn right across the field and under the power lines.

On reaching the bottom of the field continue straight ahead onto bridle way and cross Eel Bridge over River Lod.

After 50 yards bear left onto footpath, then after 200 yards bear left onto wider track.

At end of path go over stile and go left onto road.

Take footpath on right to the side of Brew House.

Walk up hill with stone steps through woods and cross the sunken lane, continue carefully as the ground falls away sharply on left.

After about ¾ mile path meets a driveway with gates to Pittshill Estate on the right.

Cross the driveway and take footpath to the right following railings around the estate boundary.

Continue with hedges either side of path with Pittshill Estate on your right.

Keep straight on with fence to your right and views to Pittshill House, home of the Mitford family from 1760.

Pass through gate, cross drive and continue on path and through kissing gate.

Upon reaching a tarmac drive turn left following the drive.

At T-junction take path opposite you and slightly to right. The path takes you through Nyetimber Vineyard.

After approximately 200 yards, keep on path which goes through gate ahead of you.

Cross the sunken lane and tarmac drive and continue ahead into into Upperton English Vineyard.

At end of vineyard continue through gate and bear right onto footpath.

On reaching a tarmac road, cross road into Cemetery. Follow the path through the Cemetery, exiting onto road ahead leading to Tillington.

On reaching T-junction in Tillington, turn left past ‘Horse Guards’ pub, post office and general stores.

Cross road and enter the churchyard. (If time permits look at church, with Scots crown on tower, unique in Sussex; painted by Constable and Turner. Inside the church stone pillars and Mitford memorial are worth seeing.)

Follow the path along the side of the Church and exit churchyard by wall of Park.

Go down steps on right and follow path down to main A272 road, turn left onto road following footway in direction of Petworth for approximately 1 mile.

At the junction (mini roundabout) of A272 and A285 cross the A285 and pass to side of shop opposite.

Turn left behind shop through car park, with Savills Estate Agents on your right.

When you reach the public toilets turn immediately right down the side of the gardens and through to Rosemary Lane. (Continuing straight ahead at public toilets will take you to Petworth Town Centre where pubs, cafes etc. can be found.)

At end of Rosemary Lane turn left into Grove Street.

When you reach Stone House on your left there is a passageway on right around the side of a brown metal gate which takes you through to Sheepdown Drive.

Turn left down Sheepdown Drive to the T-junction with Angel Street A283.

Turn right and after 100 yards take the path on left, SU981216.