Eastern News: June 25, 2001 Eastern Illinois University

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Eastern News: June 25, 2001 Eastern Illinois University Eastern Illinois University The Keep June 2001 6-25-2001 Daily Eastern News: June 25, 2001 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2001_jun Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: June 25, 2001" (2001). June. 5. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2001_jun/5 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the 2001 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in June by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Daily Monday Vol. 85 No. 151 June 25, 2001 Eastern News www.thedailyeasternnews.com “Tell the truth and don’t be afraid.” News News Sports Eastern to be host to world- ROTC gets top honors at New recruit signed to girls renown soccer camp. competitions. basketball team. Story on Page 3 Story on Page 5 Story on Page 8 Lt. Gov. Wood makes third visit to Girls State Rachel Lading Campus/Activities Editor Illinois Lt. Gov. Corrine Wood spoke Thursday night at Dvorak Concert Hall during a meeting of Girls State. Wood was elected the first female lieutenant governor in Illinois in 1998 as George Ryan’s running mate. As the state’s second highest ranking official, she has become a well-known advocate for women and children. This year marked Wood’s third appearance at Girls State, a pro- Kate Mitchell / Photo editor gram that she called great for lead- A member of the audience at the 61st session of the American Legion Auxillary ership, citizenship, and individual Illini Girls State holds up a sign that says “Go Girl” in support of the new officers growth. Thursday evening at the Doudna Fine Arts Building. Wood told the audience of young girls that no one is born a family to graduate from high because it won’t be a straight and leader. Instead, people attain lead- school, to go to college, and to con- narrow road,” she said. ership through hard work. tinue on in law school. Wood also offered the girls “Your optimism and willingness Although she knows education some statistics. to serve will go a long way,” Wood has changed since she was in “Women have only been elect- said. school, Wood’s three school-aged ed to state-wide offices in the last As the lieutenant governor children keep her up-to-date. In 10 years. While women now make proudly stated that she was the first fact, she cites them as the reason up 12 percent of federal officials, female elected to her position in the she ran for office. we make up 52 percent of the pop- Kate Mitchell / Photo editor entire 180 years in the history of “My decision to run was as ulation. If we continue to elect Lt. Gov. Corinne Wood gave a speech for the 61st session of the American Illinois, the audience responded easy as A,B,C, - Ashley, Brandon women at this rate, women will not Legion Auxillary of Illini Girls State Thursday evening in the Doudna Fine Arts with thunderous applause. Wood and Courtney. I wanted the best for be proportionally represented until building at Eastern Illinois University.Wood swore in the new girls state officers flashed a thumbs-up to the girls, my three children,” Wood said. the year 2300.” along with commending them for their efforts. but insisted that she still works hard Wood said she realizes the pres- Wood does not come from a at being a leader. sure on students in this generation, political family and she didn’t nice girl like herself got into a going to be the first female presi- Smiling warmly, Wood encour- but urged the girls to follow Ralph major in political science in col- business like politics. In dent. aged the members of Girls State to Waldo Emerson’s advice to find lege. Growing up, she thought response, she tells a story about “So, for all of the Courtney’s, continue to challenge themselves their own path in life. She took this politicians were people who sat in her daughter. Several years ago, a and for all of the girls out there, I to fulfill each of their unique skills advice many years ago, and has the back rooms, smoked cigars, gentleman remarked to Wood that do this so that I can open doors for and talents. never looked back. and told jokes. if she got elected lieutenant gov- other women,” Wood said. While noting that parents, “The most important advice I “I didn’t want to be that kind of ernor, she just might become the She congratulated the girls on teachers, and friends all influence can give you, is to be true to your a person. But I did want to change first female president. This state- their accomplishments and gave one’s life, Wood strongly believes convictions, and to be aware of lives,” Wood said. ment made Wood stop and think, her final advice: “Follow your that education holds the key to suc- twists and turns in your life, People often ask Wood how a until her youngest daughter trail, blaze that path, and you go, cess. She became the first in her Courtney exclaimed that she was girl.” WEIU interviews begin Memorial being today for director and built in slain general manager student’s memory Staff report ation. Multiple lacerations also were found on McNamara’s body. Police Joshua Niziolkiewicz the position are Robert Armstrong, tion manager, program planner and A memorial for slain Eastern are awaiting the results of a toxicol- News editor Dennis J. Malloy, Richard is currently the Director of student, Shannon E. McNamara, is ogy report, which would determine Kurlander and John M. Kasdan. Community Relations and being built in her hometown of if she also had been raped. Interviews for candidates to fill Armstrong, Vice President and Development with Iowa Public Rolling Meadows. Arrested for the alleged homi- the Director and General Manager General Manager of KBRW AM Television. The memorial will be placed in cide is Anthony B. Mertz, 25, of of WEIU Radio/TV Center position and FM in Barrow, AK., will inter- He received his Master of Kimball Hill Park and will include 1128 Fourth St. Apt. 3B. Mertz, a begin today. view today. Armstrong has worked Science in Journalism and Mass a park bench, a tree and a bronze junior history major at Eastern, Jill Nilsen, Interim Vice as experience as a professor, station Communication at Iowa State memory plaque placed on a memo- remains in custody in the Coles President for External Relations, manager, general manager and tele- University in Ames, Iowa in 1978 rial rock. County Jail without bond. A court has been handling the responsibili- vision center director. and a Bachelor of Arts in Speech at News of the memorial spread at hearing for Mertz is set for 9 a.m. ties of the director and general He received a Ph. D. in Coe College in Cedar Rapids Iowa McNamara’s funeral held on June July 2. manager position since former International Communication at in 1975. 18 at the St. Colette Church in Anyone wishing to contribute to director and general manager John Ohio University in Athens, Ohio in Kasdan’s interview will take Rolling Meadows. the memorial can send donations to Beabout’s resignation last July. 1994, a Master of Liberal Studies at place Friday. He has worked as an Friends at the funeral respond- The Shannon E. McNamara The search committee will be Bradley University in Peoria in assistant to the Executive Director ed to the idea of the memorial by Memorial Fund, in care of the looking at four candidates, three of 1989, and a Bachelor of Science in of Promotion, assistant general saying it is something much want- Platinum Community Bank of whom will be interviewing at Communication at Ohio University manager, general manager and ed to remember her by. Rolling Meadows, 2915 W. Eastern today and Tuesday and in 1982. Executive Director of Public McNamara, 21, was found dead Kirchoff Road, Rolling Meadows, Friday of this week. The fourth can- Malloy will meet with the Television Outreach Alliance. around 7 a.m. on June 12 in her res- 60008. didate will be interviewed on search committee on Tuesday. idence at 1125 Fourth St. Apt. 1 by Additional information regard- Tuesday, July 3. Malloy has worked as an account her roommate. Investigators con- ing the memorial can be obtained The candidates interviewing for executive, local sales manager, sta- See WEIU Page 2 cluded that she died due to asphyxi- by calling (847)-253-1688. 2 Monday, June 25, 2001 Campus/NationThe Daily Eastern News The Daily Eastern four-day News Same-sex marriages begin forecast The Daily Eastern News is published daily, Monday through Friday, in Charleston, Ill., dur- ing fall and spring semesters and twice weekly New York’s gay pride parade during the summer term except during school vacations or examinations, by today the students of Eastern Illinois NEW YORK (AP) — Three patrons of a gay bar in Greenwich parades in the city. University. Subscription price: $38 per semester, $16 for summer only, $68 all dozen gay couples celebrated their Village fought back against a “It’s once a year that we can get year. The Daily Eastern News is a member of same-sex partnerships Sunday to police raid. out and be happy,” said Greg Trent, The Associated Press, which is entitled to kick off New York City’s 32nd The parade to mark the event 32, of Joliet, a community south- 84° exclusive use of all articles appearing Sunny in this paper.
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    GUÍA-ANUARIO DEL BOXEO ESPAÑOL 2018 EMILIO MARQUIEGUI EMILIO MARQUIEGUI Es el autor de la Guía ESPABOX, que este año cumple sus bodas de plata, su 25ª Edición, quinta en formato digital. Licenciado en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, posee el título de entrenador nacional de boxeo expedido por la FEB. Apasionado del deporte, y en especial del boxeo y los deportes de combate, comenzó en el mundo del periodismo a principios de los 90 codirigiendo la revista de boxeo Cuadrilátero. Tras su paso por diversos medios de comunicación y cadenas de televisión, entre ellas Marca TV, en la actualidad es comentarista de distintos deportes en las cadenas GOL y Eurosport, columnista del Diario Marca y Marca.com, director y presentador en Radio Marca del programa semanal “El Boxeo tiene Música” y director de la prestigiosa web Espabox.com COLABORADORES: JORGE LERA, JULIO GONZÁLEZ, MANUEL VALERO Y JAIME LERA. VISITA LA WEB Nº 1 DE ESPAÑA WWW.ESPABOX.COM LA WEB DE LOS PROFESIONALES EDITA: ESPABOX- [email protected] – @EmilMarquiegui FOTOS PORTADA: Las 24 portadas de la historia de la Guía ESPABOX junto a la 25ª. BODAS DE PLATA · Copyright 2018. Prohibida la reproducción total o parcial sin permiso escrito del autor. EDITORIAL Hace 25 años comenzábamos con optimismo este proyecto ESPABOX. En octubre de 1993 ideábamos la Guía, algo original en España a semejanza de otros libros de récords, como el Fight Fax norteamericano o la gran Biblia del Pugilato italiana. Pero queríamos ser más completos y añadimos resúmenes del año, fotos de todos los boxeadores y con el paso del tiempo fuimos dando pasos para hacerla a todo color e ir incorporando mejoras y mayor información.
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