Keeping The Niles Music California Unexpected Festival Guest returns golden Coastal Cleanup Day Page 14 Page 32 Page 12 The newspaper for the new millennium 510-494-1999
[email protected] September 16, 2014 Vol. 13 No. 37 BY JESSE PETERS PHOTOS BY CASSANDRA BROADWIN alking leisurely through the rolling Whills of golden grass at Coyote Hills Regional Park with the Bay’s green water quietly rest- ing against the shore, you might wonder if before the rise of path- ways, asphalt roads, and smart- phones, you could make it out here on your own. The opportu- nity to discover if you possess the abilities necessary to thrive in the Stone Age is closer than you think. You may eat Paleo but this competition isn’t CrossFit, its Coyote Hills’ 5th annual “Stone Age Olympics and Knap-In.” At the park’s Dairy Glen campground, you’ll travel back thousands of years to watch and learn the skills early humans per- fected in order to survive. The spectrum of activities includes the atlatl, a spear-like weapon found throughout the world and precur- continued on page 20 SAVE hosts its 12th annual breakfast fundraiser BY ROBBIE FINLEY Stopping domestic violence is a community effort, and it is in that spirit that Safe Alter- natives to Violent Environments (SAVE) will stage its 12th annual “Breakfast Eye Opener” fundraiser event on Friday, September 26 at the Double Tree by Hilton in Newark. “This is our biggest fundraiser of the year,” said Nina Clymer, SAVE’s executive director/CEO. This year’s theme is “Cele- brating Community” – the relationships between different community organiza- tions and supporters that enable a victim and their families to receive the support that they need.