

Chemistry : Organic Chemistry

Akhrem, A. A. Birch Reduction of Aromatic Compounds

Birch reduction (see reviews [1-5]) is the name given to the reaction of unsaturated organic compounds with alkali metals and in liquid am• monia. This method was first used for aromatic compounds in 1937 by Wooster [6J, who showed that and its derivatives are reduced by in liq• uid in the presence of an , while this reaction does not take place in the absence of an alcohol. However, the general recognition and broad application of this reaction was achieved only after a series of investigations by Birch published from 1944 onwards [7J. Since the presence of an alcohol in the reaction medium is not indispen• sable for pOlycyclic aromatic systems, the present review includes only deriv• atives of the simplest aromatic compounds - benzene and . 1 Reaction Mechanism The most probable mechanism of Birch reduction, adopted by the major• ity of workers in this field Springer [4, 8 -12] can be represented by the following stages: 'v\ I NH -'" ,. - i T 1 3 +--"'( a) , , ,e (NHa) NH 3) + ROH ----+ () ll. . (NHa) A H H 4) H H 5) ')', ",,\\+ + RO" ~ Q + 110M,,,,,, / (NHa) . Softcover reprint of the 1st (NH:,) Q H H Ii Ij H H H H H+ X/~H M,l original 1st ed. 1972, VI, edition 126 p. Order online at springer.com/booksellers Springer Nature Customer Service Center GmbH Printed book Customer Service Softcover Tiergartenstrasse 15-17 69121 Heidelberg Printed book Germany Softcover T: +49 (0)6221 345-4301 ISBN 978-1-4757-0431-0 [email protected] £ 89,99 | CHF 118,00 | 99,99 € | 109,99 € (A) | 106,99 € (D) Available Discount group Science (SC) Product category Contributed volume Other renditions Softcover ISBN 978-1-4757-0430-3

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