1 COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Graphs in this file are copyright protected by Joseph C. Keating, Jr., Ph.D., and may not be reproduced without permission; all rights reserved. Most, but not all, text materials are in the public domain. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Chronology of the Eastern Chiropractic Institute (and other NY schools: New York, Standard, Carver, Columbia; 1944 and earlier; see also CINY/Chrono) word count: 89,820 filename: ECI/Chrono 11/13/97 Joseph C. Keating, Jr., Ph.D. Color Code: 1350 W. Lambert Rd., Apt. 110, La Habra CA 90631 USA Red & Magenta: questionable or uncertain information (310) 690-6499; E-mail:
[email protected] Green: for emphasis Messages at LACC: (310) 947-8755, ext. 633 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Name, date of founding or re-organization, and owner or status of Snyder, Martin, DC; CliniCorp, 31255 Cedar Valley Drive, Westlake several of the ancestor institutions of the: Village CA 91362 (friend of Ed Kimmel, CINY alumnus); (W: 818- 707-7244) Chiropractic Institute of New York Vincent, Richard E. Vincent, DC (CINY '50), F.I.C.C., President, Practice Resource Group, 27 Cambridge Street #100, Burlington MA 01803-4616, (800-545-5241) _____________________________________________ NY Brochures & Journals ordered from the Palmer Archives (items in blue not yet received): Annual Announcement, Columbia Institute [BJ LD 1211 .C7 C65 193-?] Annual Announcement, Standard School of Chiropractic,